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Zodiac Awakening

Page 30

by Drew Smith

  (“They have started to build Lumus’ house. The people really do care for him.”) He turned and picked up his sword, strapped it to his waist and sighed. He turned to the door, then in a hurry turned back to the window. He saw Frostear straight down the main road carrying Lumus over his shoulder.

  “Lumus!” His eyes opened wide.

  He ran to the door and down the hall to the palace doors. Scarlette was waiting outside, staring at the steps. At first she didn’t hear him, having left the door open behind her. He looked down to Scarlette. She turned to him to see the worry in his eyes. Without a word he ran off into the street. She stood up with her hands covering her face in panic. She didn’t follow Orson as he took off down toward the main gate.

  “Frostear is he okay!” He yelled out.

  “I wouldn’t worry, I patched him up on the road.” Frostear walked past him without stopping. “Are you sure? There is a lot of blood on both of you.” Frostear didn’t stop walking. He tried to keep up beside them.

  “Lumus got clawed by Zuul.” Frostear announced. Orson stopped walking, utterly shocked by the idea.

  “What happened, Frostear?” Scarlette shouted out. He stopped at the steps in front of her and rested Lumus on the bottom step. He looked up to see Scarlette crying.

  “We went to stop the dark energy falling from the sky. Lumus jumped into the orb of energy, then he dragged Zuul into it with him. My father was dragged into the energy by Zuul, and I fell from his back. Lumus will have to explain the rest of that, but I wouldn’t worry. Lumus may have been clawed, but it’s already healing. I think he just used too much power.” Frostear turned to head for Neutral City. Scarlette dropped to her knees beside Lumus. She held his hand as she cried.

  “You may want to think about how many people Zuul would have killed if he wasn’t stopped. Maybe you will realize what we are all fighting for when you hear it from Lumus.” Frostear paused for a moment, then continued walking away.

  Orson crossed his arms, and watched him walk away.

  (“I hate to admit it but he is right.”) Orson thought to himself. He turned to Scarlette.

  “Look Scarlette, you need to think about this; all this time we have been searching for Lears, and his Lords. What did you think would happen when we finally met face to face? Shake hands and just say ‘sorry for the trouble’?” Orson asked. He walked over to Lumus, picked him up and carried him up the palace stairs in both arms.

  (“Maybe Frostear rubbed off on me, I was a little harsh on her too.”) He thought, and turned back to Scarlette to apologize, but when he turned around he was shocked to see Ged standing in her spot and holding her over his shoulder.

  “Don’t be sad, golden warrior. She has had this coming for a long time now. I will treat her with the attention she deserves. Oh, and tell that Drayhelm that he is next.” Ged said with a laugh. He opened a portal within a shadow on the ground and jumped into it. He quickly dropped Lumus and jumped to the bottom of the stairs and slid into the portal after Ged and Scarlette. Lumus rolled down the steps, still unconscious. As he hit the ground the shadow portal disappeared.

  (“Ah, where am I? It’s cold and this ringing in my ears won’t stop.”) Orson thought to himself as he wiped his eyes.

  He stood up and opened his eyes to see a solid white ground that seemed endless in every direction. He looked to the sky, but it was pitch black. He wasn’t on Twilight anymore he thought to himself.

  “Welcome to my world, Sir Orson.” Ged announced. Orson turned around to see Ged and Scarlette. She was unconscious near his feet. Orson looked at Scarlette closely.

  “Don’t worry Orson; she is still breathing.” Ged kicked her across the flat white surface.

  “Hey, you bastard leave her alone!” Orson yelled out. Ged smiled. Then he threw his arms up into the air. He clenched his fists and dropped his arms toward her. Multiple transparent shadows came racing down from the sky encasing her in a small cage of bars with a solid black roof on top.

  “Don’t want her waking up and interfering now do we? You see, this is my world. I call it the Realm of Shadows. In this world I can manipulate the shadows above to create whatever I see fit. For example, this small prison for Lady Scarlette. Oh and this!” Ged raised his arms once more and clenched his fist like before. This time he dropped his arms beside himself. A large shadow came crashing down on himself. Orson took a step back, and covered his face against the gust of wind from the shadow landing on Ged.

  “What kind of trick is this?” He blurted out. Ged began to laugh. As the shadow faded it revealed a bald man with a goatee. His armour almost matching Orson’s in style, but dark red rather than gold. Even his sword sheathed around his waist was very similar. Ged smiled. Then drew his sword and pointed it at Orson.

  “In this world I am everything. In this world I am anything…in this world I am God.” Ged shouted with a devious smile. Orson drew his sword.

  “This is it Ged, we are ending this now.” Orson smiled.

  “You can try, but remember I was the golden hero over one hundred years ago. You can’t match me with a sword, Sir Orson.” Orson unbuckled his sheath, letting it fall to the ground.

  “Things change, Ged. I am the new and improved version of you.” Orson’s smile faded.

  Ged and Orson ran at each other at full speed. Their swords clashed with sparks. Ged pushed Orson away, throwing him off balance. He slashed again, but Orson let himself fall. He turned his sword, and thrusted it at Orson as he rolled out of the way and jumped to his feet. He smiled as he thrust his sword forward at Orson once more, but he quickly dodged just to be punched by Ged. Orson regained his balance, and rubbed his face as they circled each other.

  “Ah, not bad. Using the thrust as a distraction for that punch.” Orson spit off to the side. Ged’s smile faded.

  “I am no fool, Orson. You are holding back.” He raised his sword. Orson could tell he was after a real fight.

  “Try this, Ged” He tightened his grip on his sword and yelled out before he dashed at him.

  (“He knows how to channel his star energy into an attack?”) Ged thought to himself as Orson jumped into the air with his sword above his head. He locked eyes with Orson for only a second, then Orson disappeared. A moment went by and Orson reappeared in front of him, unleashing a devastating slash to his chest. He flew through the air, then slammed into the ground. He rolled for a while unable to move.

  “It is over, Ged. Like I told you before; I am the new and improved knight.” Ged rose to his feet slowly.

  “Don’t mistake carelessness as weakness. You may have surprised me with that attack but I too have been able channel my strength into an attack. I am impressed though. Very few people can do this. Remember, star energy is the very life that we are, that we breathe. As we age, we build more and more star energy. You can use as much energy as you can without dying, but it will take time to rebuild that energy.” Ged explained. Orson sighed.

  (“Why does it seem like he is trying to teach me. This is a fight to the death, right?”) Orson thought to himself.

  “Well? Are you ready to go again?” Ged asked with a grin.

  “I used a lot of energy on that attack, is that what you’re telling me? That may be true Ged, but look at you. You are barely able to stand.” Orson added. Ged gripped his sword.

  “That may be true as well, but here is another fact for you. Your physical energy and your star energy are separate. Though you may have lowered my physical stamina, I can still perform an attack worthy of winning the fight.” Ged raised his sword above his head, then let go. His sword slowly flew up into the air.

  “I can’t see the swords, they are moving too fast. How was he able to do that?” Orson held his sword in front of his face.

  “Your mistake is thinking you could defeat me.” Ged announced from within the wind tunnel with his glowing eyes fading into the heavy winds. Orson stood strong, trying to keep his balance against the strong winds.

  Ged smiled and pointed his ha
nds toward Orson. The wind picked up as the sword hurricane jumped into the air and sprang toward him. His sword blocking his face, he watched Ged, and not the attack. As the swords made their way to Orson, he readied his footing to try to avoid them. Just as they were in front of him, he noticed Ged couldn’t see him over the wind. He leaped to the left, then dashed past the attack at Ged. He made his way past the hurricane, then caught Ged off guard. Ged had no choice but to release his hands. Orson quickly slashed him across his chest, but his crimson armour took most of the attack. He jumped back as the hurricane of swords faded. His sword was thrown by the dissipating wind, and it landed behind Orson.

  “Well planned, Sir Orson. You were able to see the weakness of the attack so quickly, and now my sword is out of reach.... I did not foresee you would maneuver in such a way.” He boasted with a smiled. Orson held his sword pointed at him just out of striking distance.

  “It’s over Ged; you are unarmed and low on energy. I have won.” Orson announced. Ged reached to his back and grabbed the strap holding his armour over his shoulders.

  “I am not finished yet Sir Orson. You have only managed to slay my armour.” He laughed. His armour fell to his feet revealing a light chainmail underneath.

  “The fight has just begun!” He yelled out. Orson smiled.

  “So it has, Sir Ged.” Orson reached to his back still holding his sword at Ged. He unclipped the straps, letting his armour fall to the ground too.

  Ged raised his hands to the sky as he grinned with his eyes closed. Two large shadows came crashing down to his hands. After a moment they made shapes then color appeared revealing a sword in one hand, and a shield in another.

  “Let us keep this a traditional fight. A knight’s fight.” Orson bent down to his armour, and picked up his chest plate. He took the center of the armour out which turned out to be a shield built into the armour.

  “Okay Ged, let us begin.” Orson smiled with his sword and shield ready.

  Ged ran at him with his shield out in front, and with his sword behind him. Orson ran with his sword out front and his shield at his side. He swung, clashing with Ged’s shield as Ged swung his sword around. Orson pulled his shield up to block then brought his sword back, his elbow bent. Ged dropped his shield to block Orson’s lower attack. He stepped back as Orson did the same. They circled each other while staring into each other’s eyes. Orson took a step forward, but Ged mimicked the opposite. Orson raised his sword as Ged did the same.

  “It seems we are equal with the sword, Orson. I have to say I am interested to see how this plays out.” Ged smiled. Orson didn’t say a word. He was looking over his shoulder at Scarlette. After a moment he looked back at Ged. Orson dashed at him, their swords clashed again and again. Sparks flew from each hit as they matched attack after attack. Sweat dripped off the pair, but as they moved so fast it almost appeared to fall in slow motion. Finally the battle stopped. Again they stepped back, and circled each other. They panted with exhaustion. Sweat dripped down both their faces as they silently planned their next moves. Ged jumped into the air, and pointed his sword toward Orson. He moved, and rolled to avoid his attack, Orson now on one knee turned to see Ged’s fist coming for his face. The roll had left Orson disoriented and the fist struck his face. Orson slide across the ground. The punch seemed to have more strength behind it, then he had thought. He slowly made his way to his feet. Ged was just standing in dead silence. His breathing returned to normal.

  (“How, he didn’t have enough time to recover, not even close.”) Orson threw his shield away and gripped his sword with both hands.

  “This is it, Sir Ged. I have had enough.” Orson stood strong. Ged’s face was calm, but inside he knew he was thrashed. His body was tired, and his star energy had been drained from his last attack.

  Orson ran at Ged with his sword raised high in the air as he built up speed. Ged raised his shield, and stood his ground. Orson swung hard downward at him hitting his shield with such force that the attack forced Ged to his knees. The tip of Orson’s sword pierced the edge of Ged’s shield just above his head. Slowly his strength gave, and the shield lowered until the it was pushed onto his lap. He, surprisingly released one hand from his shield, and reached out to Orson. As Ged sprang up, Orson’s sword pierced through Ged’s chest. Orson pulled his sword from Ged and took a step back.

  “You may have won Orson, but as they say you have only won the battle, not the war.” Ged smiled.

  “Ged what have you done?” Orson asked. He laid spread out on the ground, blood started to form a puddle beside his body.

  “It is simple; I have lost. I may not have been able to kill Scarlette myself, but I will return one day.” Orson turned to look at Scarlette. The shadow cage slowly faded. Orson looked back at Ged. His clothing and flesh turned into a liquid, and started to turn black. The liquid turned back into shadows then returned to the sky. He had returned to his shadow form.

  “Remember this: A knight’s honor is only measured by the loyalty with which he devotes himself to his cause. In the end nothing else matters. Whether you’re with someone or you always die alone. It is the curse every knight is burdened with.”

  The shadow from Ged’s body rose into the air to reveal only a skeleton. Orson stood up, in awe, and turned to Scarlette. After a bright flash Orson was relieved to find himself back in Capaz just outside the palace. He noticed Zelkem and Zephry helping Lumus to his feet. Scarlette was regaining consciousness just behind him. He quickly rushed to Scarlette to make sure she was okay. Scarlette smiled as she stood up.

  “Ged is finally gone. That is one less thing to worry about.” Scarlette said with a sigh of relief.

  “I believe we haven’t seen the last of Ged. He is a shadow, and wherever you go there is always a shadow behind you.” Orson said with a cheerless smile. He turned toward the palace and went inside. Scarlette walked towards Lumus with a faint smile on her face.

  “Are you okay Lumus?” She asked. Lumus had a smirk on his face.

  “It will take more than Orson dropping me down some stairs to keep me down.” Lumus said with a laugh. Scarlette sighed then burst out in laughter. Zelkem put his arms up with his hands behind his head.

  “Well he is concussed, might want to have that looked at Lumus.” Zelkem walked off toward Penelope’s shop with Zephry.

  Lumus shook his head. After a moment he turned to Penelope’s shop and watched Zelkem and Zephry enter with the door shutting behind them. Scarlette took a minute to look at Lumus then at Penelope’s shop, then back at Lumus. She thought Lumus was daydreaming, but the moment the door shut he turned to the palace.

  “Scarlette will you wait for me in Neutral City?” Lumus didn’t wait for a response, he made his way up the palace steps. Scarlette took a breath as she watched Lumus walk away from her.

  (“What is he up to? Going to the palace would only mean he wants something from Orson or the council.”) Scarlette headed toward Penelope’s shop. She made her way to the door, and she turned once more to see Orson walking down the palace steps with a man dressed like a messenger.

  “We have only just returned from a fight with Ged, who is that man? That badge? He must be a messenger. Scarlette wondered for a moment.

  “Sir Orson, again I must say it is an honor to have met you. My kids will never believe me, and thank you for meeting with me, especially in your condition.” Orson smiled, almost embarrassed.

  “I am happy to be of service, thank you again for delivering this parcel all the way from Librine. You must have great courage to have traveled alone.” Orson added. The messenger paused while looking at his next parcel.

  “Not at all. I have guards that travel with me and my caravan.” He looked over his shoulder toward the city gates, he couldn’t quite see them, but assumed they were there.

  “In any case I must go. Good day, Sir Orson.”

  “And to you.” He replied.

  Orson opened the parcel to find a pendant. For a moment he paused. Suddenly a tear rolled
down his cheek. He dropped the packaging, but clenched the pendant with both hands. After a moment with his eyes closed he made his way back into the palace. Scarlette watched from the window of Penelope’s shop almost in tears, watching him. He entered the palace, and made his way to his room where Lumus had been waiting for him.

  “Orson, is everything okay?” Lumus asked.

  “I just got something by messenger, it seems I have to leave for a while.” Orson announced. He moved to the dresser and grabbed some things. He began wrapping some of them, and tied it to his chest.

  “Leave? What is the matter?” Lumus asked. Orson didn’t stop, he opened a drawer beside Lumus and took out a small coin purse.

  “Someone I used to know died some time ago. A pendant I gave her was given back to me before I left. After that I met some young kids that I spent some time with, and I trained them and helped them get by before I left South Twilight. I gave the pendant to a small girl as a memento, and told her if she ever needed me to send the pendant, and I would return. So I must go.” Orson finished gathering everything then turned to the door. Lumus stood in the way.

  “You know I can’t let you leave without offering to come with you.” Lumus smiled.

  “I’m sorry Lumus, I have no choice but to do this alone. I will be back in a week. Until then, stay here and take some time to learn more about Twilight. Everyone deserves a break, and maybe some downtime will help everyone get their morale back. You can also use this time to focus on Neutral City. We are going to need it if Lears plans on attacking any more cities.” Orson announced as he looked around to see if he forgot anything.

  “I suppose we could use this time to build and expand.” Lumus added. Orson looked back at Lumus.


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