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Zodiac Awakening

Page 31

by Drew Smith

  “Make sure you coordinate with the council to set up the tunnels. Even if Lears attacks we will have those tunnels as a backup. I will return as fast as I can Lumus. Be safe!” Orson gave Lumus a nod.

  Orson left the room and raced down the hall. He made his way to the side entrance to the Zufore stable. He hopped on a Zufore and made his way to the main street though the city gates.

  (“It will take a few days to get to South Twilight, but if I don’t stop I can get there faster. The pendant could only mean she is in trouble. Hold on Zana, I am coming. I have been foolish to have left those kids. I knew I should have brought them back with me. At the time it wouldn’t have worked. Looking for Zelkem, and having Lumus in Dystopia. I haven’t made the best of choices, and I won’t allow this to be one of those mistakes. For Rose…I can’t fail. Those kids were calm and courageous even in the face of so much danger. Zana, Doxas, Noah, and Saxsus. Good kids, just getting by in such a dark time. I took care of them, taught them to hunt, fish, cook, and even fight. Even built a small cabin with them. They always reminded me of Rose, and maybe that is why I cared for them so much.”) Orson had been lost in such deep thought that he hadn’t noticed he had already passed the Canby region. He continued to travel west toward Geminite until he came to the outer mountains that divide Canby and Geminite.

  (“These mountains won’t be any good for the Zufore.) It looks like we must part ways my friend.” He said as he got off his Zufore.

  He took the saddle off the Zufore and he watched as it ran off to the East. He turned back to the mountain after the Zufore ran off. He looked around to find a suitable path, knowing that Geminite was a town normally accessed by boat.

  “I couldn’t imagine Lears making his way to Geminite. It seems this would have been a better location to make a defensive stand.” Orson gave his head a shake then made his way toward the rocky terrain.

  Orson knew it would take the whole night to cross into Geminite, but he knew he couldn’t stop. In the back of his mind he could see images of Zana’s smile looking up at him like a father. He couldn’t let her down. Somehow he mustered enough strength to continue.

  Night slipped by as he climbed through the jagged mountains. Each step was hard to find since the terrain was so unpredictable, and the sky was still covered in red. He carried on though. Finally he noticed over the peak of the mountains; it was Geminite, The biggest trade town of Twilight. He saw a small cave off the slope of the mountain overlooking the city.

  “Must be a mine of some kind. I can use the path to get to the city quicker than I thought. The boat is still docked too. I won’t have to wait if I can get there on time.” He thought to himself. He stood up on the rocky terrain. As he did he noticed a soldier come running through the shadows toward him.

  “You there! Who are you?” The soldier called out. Orson lost his footing and fell down the rocky side of the cliff on to the path.

  “That armor! I recognize the sigil on your chest plate. You are Sir Orson. The golden knight of Twilight!” The soldier sheathed his sword.

  “I need you to hold that boat. It is of great importance that I be aboard when it sets out.” Orson demanded. The soldier put his arm up to his chest, and put his hand over his heart to salute him and then ran down the path toward the docks.

  Orson struggled to his feet. The fall from the cliff along with the climb tired him out, but continued on, slowly making his way down the path under the red sky. The streets stretched out then zig-zagged down a steep series of streets leading down the mountain to the heart of the city. He made his way down to the bottom and saw the ship had not departed.

  (“The soldier made it on time to stop the ship. Good.”) He thought. He made his way through the market district leading to the dock. Normally the vendors would be yelling out to sell to anyone walking by. He found it strange they were silent until one vendor dropped to their knees. Orson continued to walk, and as he did each vendor along the way dropped to their knees to bow their heads to him. A smile struck his face as he passed by. When he arrived at the docks he looked back to see them still kneeling with their heads down.

  “Sir Orson. We have halted the boats for your arrival.” A young soldier announced. Orson turned to the soldier.

  “Thank you. Will the boat be leaving soon then?” The soldier looked up to him with a salute.

  “Sir Orson the boat is ready to leave at your command.” Orson looked over to the boat. The crewmen all held on to ropes looking down at him. After a pause, the men aboard the ship kneeled to give their respect to Orson.

  “You know they admire you. Just like Zana did. We all did.” A familiar voice announced. Orson quickly turned to see a young man in a red cloak, and a black hood. He waited for the man to continue. The hooded man walked over to his side.

  “I sent the necklace.” The man said with a whisper. Orson turned to the man grabbing him, and throwing his weight into the man. He slammed him into a dock support beam. The man’s hood slid down to reveal a familiar face.

  “Doxas!?” Orson said in surprise. He loosened his grip, then backed away with a glare.

  “It has been a long time, Orson. Look at you now. The respect of the people, and fancy armor of the higher classes. You have really made a name for yourself since I last laid eyes on you.” Doxas laughed.

  “Why are you here, Doxas?” Orson stood up straight.

  “Zana is dead. She died two weeks ago.” Doxas announced. Orson fell to his knees. He looked up to the people on the boat. They turned away as he watched them. He looked toward Doxas, his face twisted with anguish.

  “How did she die?” He said with a tear in his eye.

  “After you left, the Don took us in. South Twilight has been fighting over land, and while in need of work we went back to all we knew. At first we refused, but Noah and Saxsus felt we should side with him, because he owns all of South Twilight. Zana didn’t want to split up the four of us. I ended up following her. I found it the only way to protect my sister.” Doxas smirked.

  “I suppose I failed her. I should have been there for her, or told her that I didn’t agree with the way we were living life, but you know Zana. She always did what she thought was right. Trained as assassins, and still she thought it was the right thing to do. She was brainwashed by the Don, and she thought that by taking out the marks assigned to us that somehow we were killing bad men. Men that were murderers and thieves. Zana just wanted it to be true.” Doxas explained.

  “So she died fighting for a false master? I have heard of this Don. I have brought it up many times to the council here in North Twilight. The vote always turned out the same, seven opposed, and five agreed. The council didn’t want to dwell into business they had no part of. The vote was to defend our shores if they were to attack, but I never thought it would come to this. Doxas, I will go to South Twilight, and I will deal with the Don myself.” Orson turned for the boat, but Doxas stood in his way.

  “No, I promised myself that I would avenge her death. You haven’t been in South Twilight in over twenty years. This is no longer your problem. Like you said, North Twilight has no business in the South. I sent you the necklace so you could pay your respects to Zana and Saxsus.” Doxas turned to the boat.

  “Saxsus died as well!?” Orson cried out. Doxas turned to look over his shoulder.

  “Zana killed him. He betrayed us, and he left her no choice. They both died that day. Noah left us for dead, and even now he sits at the side of the Don. I will deal with this. Don’t follow me Orson.” Doxas said as he raised his hood. He walked on to the boat, after a word with a man on board. The men pulled in the bridge, and raised the anchor.

  (“Zana… Saxsus. I should have been there for them. I should have kept them safe. I’m sorry, Rose. I wasn’t able to help at all. If anything, I made things worse. I’m so sorry.”) Orson thought to himself as the boat drifted into the sea.

  He stood up and made his way to the city gates of East Geminite. He found a soldier to give him an escort throug
h the mountains in the North. As he made his way out to the mountains he turned back to Geminite.

  (“I hope you can forgive me Rose.”) Orson tried to smile, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He turned back, and he followed the soldier toward the mountains with a tear rolling down his cheek.

  Chapter Nineteen- Zodiac Awakening

  Lumus stood outside Capaz palace with his head down and his arms crossed in front of him. People of the city were still working on completing his house, but that wasn’t why he was waiting. Scarlette had told him that Orson was going to South Twilight, and Lumus didn’t want to make a move without him. Brinx hid himself in the trees looking out toward the Southwest.

  Zelkem sat on a rock at the entrance in the north end of town. He waited patiently for Orson to return. Most of the time he kept his head down, but once in a while he would look up to the entrance, hoping to see him. Zelkem gave a quick stretch then laid back on the rock for a nap. People of the city walked by staring at him as they crossed, but Zelkem didn’t care. Slowly his eyes closed with a smile on his face.

  Frostear returned to the village with a few animals over his shoulder. He had his head down, and his eyes focused on the ground, but as he passed Zelkem he reached his right arm out and grabbed his foot. Frostear didn’t let go though. He continued to walk dragging Zelkem off the stone.

  “Ah what are you doing? Frostear?” Zelkem cried out. Frostear laughed.

  “Hunting.” Frostear added. Zelkem squirmed on the ground trying to shake free. People started to notice, but when they saw Zelkem scrambling on the ground, unable to shake free of Frostear, they began to laugh.

  Scarlette stood by the window in her room upstairs in the palace. She shook her head when she saw Frostear and Zelkem. Scarlette turned from the window. She reached into her side pocket and pulled out a small hourglass. She frowned with an intense stare.

  “The sands are almost depleted. I need more time. Please hurry, Orson. We don’t have time to wait for you.” Scarlette said to herself.

  She jumped when she heard the knock at her door.

  “Scarlette are you there?” A soft voice enquired.

  “Yes. Just a moment.” Scarlette grabbed her hourglass and quickly put it back in her side pocket. After a pause she walked to the door, but it opened before she could reach for the handle.

  “Hey Scarlette, sorry to just barge in, but Lumus is calling everyone to meet in Neutral City. I still have to find Brinx and Dyne. Luckily I found Frostear dragging Zelkem in the street, and Zynx is already down below waiting with Lumus.” Zephry smiled.

  “No problem Zephry, I will head down now.” Zephry turned to the hall then stopped for a second as she tilted her head and turned back to her.

  “Oh yeah! Sorry, have you seen Brunius anywhere?” Scarlette shook her head.

  “No, I have been in my room for some time now. Why do you need Brunius?” Zephry smiled though she was disappointed.

  “Well Lumus wanted him to meet with us in Neutral City too. I think Brunius and Lumus have been coming up with a new plan of action. Maybe we will finally set out again!” Zephry turned back to the hall. Scarlette waited until she turned the corner at the end of the hall until she shut the door. She sat on her bed and reached into her pocket once more. She looked at her hourglass with sadness in her eyes.

  (“I have no choice. I need to tell the others before…The West Zin told me not to, but Lumus needs to know what is about to happen. “) She stood up then took in a deep breath. She gave her head a shake then left her room for Neutral City.

  Zephry made her way down the palace steps in the main lobby. Brunius was waiting for her by the main doors with his arms crossed, and a small grin to greet her.

  “Hello Zephry. I never got a chance to congratulate you on becoming a third class knight.” Zephry began to blush a bit.

  “Thank you councillor Brunius. I am honored to become a knight of Capaz.” Brunius shook his head.

  “No, not of Capaz, but I’ll have to explain that later. In any case I heard you were looking for me?” Zephry had a look of confusion and worry in her eyes.

  “Yes. I was asked by Lumus to gather all of our friends in Neutral City.” A moment passed with an awkward silence.

  “Yes, well it seems Lumus has come to find the answer he was looking for?” Brunius smiled with his hand on his chin, as if he was deep in thought. Scarlette walked down the stairs to join Zephry’s side.

  “What kind of answer is that?” Zephry blurted out. Brunius laughed.

  “Well if he hasn’t told you maybe I shouldn’t be the one to tell you. You both know Lumus, and if he hasn’t told you something yet, then I imagine it’s only because he wants to tell you himself.” Brunius continued to laugh as he exited the main doors.

  “He is right, Scarlette. Lumus must have a lot on his mind. Maybe he is just waiting for Orson to return until anything is said. Seems strange though. I’m not a knight of Capaz? I wonder if Brunius means I will be a knight of my hometown instead.” Zephry took a minute to ponder the thought.

  “Don’t stress about it too much, Zephry. Either way you are a knight, so it doesn’t matter the place… You will always be one of us.” Scarlette smiled, and she grabbed Zephry’s hand as she gently dragged Zephry with her outside.

  Neutral City was full of people from all over North Twilight. Lumus stood on a platform built for holding weapons, though the platform was currently bare. Scarlette and Zephry made their way through the crowds of people with a surprised look in their eyes.

  How did so many people get down here? I didn’t see too many people enter the city outside.” Zephry spoke with a loud voice to try to speak over the many people talking. Scarlette stopped in front of the platform. She looked Lumus in the eyes. He smiled, then looked to his left. Without a word Scarlette led Zephry to the left of the stage. She was surprised to see the councillors from every city hidden behind a curtain. Even Brunius had arrived already.

  “Zephry can you find the others? I should talk to the council.” Zephry looked at the crowd, then back at her.

  “Yeah, I’ll ask Lumus if he has seen them.” Zephry smiled. She walked through the crowd, but she struggled to get through. Lumus stepped to the center of the platform to address the people.

  “Hello, people of Twilight. As you may already know, I am Lumus. I know many of you have questions. I will try to answer everything I can, but please let me start by telling you my story.” Lumus smiled with his hands raised.

  Scarlette entered the hidden area with the council. Brunius greeted her as she entered.

  “Scarlette I’m glad you are here. We were discussing how we might name you the new Lead Council of North Twilight.” Brunius said with a smile. Scarlette paused.

  “That was sudden. I mean… It would be an honor…” Scarlette looked at her pocket where she kept the hourglass.

  “In these troubled times I would like to take that role. It’s just that Lumus needs me now, and in the coming days we may need to take the fight to Lears. At this time I cannot take the role of lead councillor. I truly am sorry.” She announced. Brunius and Lady Concy whispered to each other for a moment.

  “We understand, Lady Scarlette. When the dust settles perhaps you would reconsider. Scarlette bowed politely then she turned to the platform to see Lumus still talking to everyone.

  “Lears has caused everyone so much pain, and I do understand that he is responsible for so much of your anger. I have made it my mission to take the fight to Lears with your golden hero, Sir Orson, at my side. Together, we will take Twilight back from the darkness. Together, we will fight today to live tomorrow. I have summoned the council of Twilight here as well, and they will go over the rest of our plans with you. I must leave, and take the fight to Lears. FOR TWILIGHT!” Lumus shouted, then bowed to the audience. He went off the stage toward the council.

  “Lumus. Are you sure you don’t want us to…” Concy began to talk, but as soon as Lumus looked at her, she stopped.
/>   “Thank you Lady Concy, but my mind is made up. As we have already talked about this, you must understand my reasons.” Lumus interrupted.

  “Then best of luck to you, Prince of Twilight.” Concy replied.

  The Council members followed Lady Concy out onto the platform. Brunius reached out to Lumus to shake his hand.

  “Good luck, Lumus. We are here if you need anything.” He added. Scarlette watched Brunius follow the other councillors, then she turned back to see Lumus making his way toward the tunnels to Capaz. She moved through the crowd quickly to catch up before she lost sight of him.

  “Lumus!” Scarlette caught his attention. He turned to wait for her.

  “Please keep your voice down. I don’t want people know I’m leaving. I thought Zephry told you?” He added. Scarlette seemed confused.

  “What do you mean? She was supposed to tell me what?” She whispered. He took Scarlette’s hand, and pulled her with him through the crowd toward the tunnels.

  “She was to tell you that after my speech I was going to meet you all outside the North Capaz gates. Don’t worry I will explain everything outside.” He whispered back.

  They made it to the tunnel. Once inside Lumus began to slowly run. He began to pick up speed as he noticed Scarlette was able to keep up. They came to the ladder to Penelope’s shop. Once outside, Scarlette noticed the streets were bare.

  “Scarlette hurry!” Lumus announced. He ran off toward the North Gates.

  (“Why is he in such a hurry? What is going on?”) Scarlette thought. She finally caught up to him. Everyone was waiting, and greeted them with smiles.

  “Orson you’re back!” Scarlette ran up and hugged him.

  “I’m sorry I worried you Scarlette. There was something I just needed to do on my own.” He explained. Scarlette laughed awkwardly.

  “I know, you don’t have to explain anything. You’re back and that is that.” She smiled.

  “I’m sorry too Scarlette. I forgot to tell you about us meeting Lumus out here. I went down to Neutral City. After I left you I had realized everyone was outside, so I went to find them.” Zephry confessed.


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