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Zodiac Awakening

Page 34

by Drew Smith

  “What are you implying!?” He quickly replied.

  Dyne sat on the beach close to the shoreline.

  “You should calm down. Get angry when the monster of legend we all grew with comes to kill us.” He said with a laugh. Levitz put his fists down.

  “I don’t know how your friends keep you around. I’m shocked they haven’t hung you yet…” Levitz added. Dyne laughed again.

  “Well… Usually Zynx is with me. Maybe they haven’t killed me yet because they don’t want to fight their way through him.”

  “You mean that big cat? It’s funny that we have a giant cat on our team too.” Levitz calmed down.

  “When I was a child I would have thought seeing a giant cat walking around Twilight would be a drunken story or something, but now look at things. Gods, star energy, plant creatures, demons, and the list goes on.” Levitz said with a faint grin. He joined Dyne on the beach.

  “Yeah I agree with you. When Zynx was a little kitten that was when things were simple. The moment he turned into a seven foot cat… That is when everything just went all strange. The day I heard demons attacked Capaz knights in the Aster Mountains was almost like it was expected. I remember thinking that this is just the beginning. That’s why I picked up this rapier at the local blacksmith. Zynx made a spear out of junk he found and boom! We were ready for disaster.” Dyne laughed.

  “Once you get past the stupidity. You aren’t that bad.” Levitz declared.

  “You know, I have heard that before. On more than one occasion. Honestly though, Twilight, Dystopia, gods, and planet cores. None of this interests me. The only reason I fight is because Zynx drags me with him.” Dyne picked up a twig floating in the water and used it to draw in the mud.

  “Why fight at all then? If the cat wants to fight then let him go with Lumus and just live your life.” Levitz asked.

  “It’s funny. We are supposed to be enemies, but here we are talking about quitting the game. Truth be told, Zynx is my only friend. Before I met him I was just a kid alone in a world of orphans from the Dragon Wars. I act like he follows me, but it’s me that follows him. It’s because I am afraid he will die out there all alone. He kept me from dying alone in a river, so I will fight till my last breath so that he won’t die alone either.” Dyne explained.

  Levitz smiled. He found a twig and began to draw in the mud too.

  “The day Lumus came into this world, my wife died. She was killed by demons near Aquoise. I used to work as a fisherman out near Scorpial. These pink clothes were made by her, and she made them as a joke for me because I was such an ass. I was home one night, sleeping, and she threw all of my clothes away. All I had to wear were pink pants, a shirt, these gloves and this vest.” Levitz explained. Dyne looked up at him.

  “I’m sorry I said what I did. If I had known I wouldn’t have been so heartless.” Dyne apologized.

  “You know, if we weren’t enemies because of who we follow I’m sure we would have been friends.” Levitz added.

  “Maybe, we are both asses, so we have that in common. When it comes to the final battle between Lumus and Lears I’ll avoid you on the battlefield.” Dyne said with a grin. Levitz laughed.

  “I guess I’ll extend the same courtesy. We will just kill each other’s friends on the battlefield.” Levitz added, grinning. Dyne stood up and took a step forward toward the water.

  “That’s a bit grim, but yeah either way you look at it. Things don’t end well between us.”

  “Dyne look!” Levitz jumped to his feet.

  “In the middle of the Canby Delta!” He added.

  The Cancer Zodiac emerged from the depths in the distance with a monstrous roar.

  “Well I’m about to fight a legend I grew up drawing pictures of. I use to dream about…” Levitz put his hand over Dynes mouth.

  “Please shut up Dyne. We should back up and draw it to a better terrain. There is too much mud here, and it could cause problems during battle.” Levitz didn’t wait for a response. He turned and ran up the beach toward the forest north of Canby.

  “I guess we are doing your thing then, good. I didn’t have any suggestions…” Dyne took one more look out toward the water.

  (“Well if I die here, I hope you live a good life Zynx.”) Dyne thought with a grin.

  Dyne ran up the beach behind Levitz. Cancer made its way across the water with increasing speed. Levitz reached the small forest. Dyne couldn’t help but notice Levitz crawling on the ground.

  “What are you doing?” Dyne shouted.

  “Focus on the enemy Dyne. Also don’t enter the forest through this path. Run around.” Levitz whispered.

  “What?” He wondered. He checked behind him. Cancer had made it to land.

  “Great…” Dyne ran up the side of the forest. He came to the edge of the sand and scoped some up as he ran by.

  “Okay, here goes.” Levitz walked backwards holding a rope he tied to two trees creating a slingshot. When he released the rope, a small black container flew through the air hitting Cancer’s chest. When it made contact it exploded. The smoke cleared quickly in the ocean breeze. When Dyne was able to see Cancer again, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The monster’s head was gone and part of its chest was missing.

  “No way! You did it, Levitz. All of that panic and secret meetings for that? Some legend. Cancer went down with one attack…Wait what?” The head was scurrying across the sand like a small crab made of star energy.

  “Great, looks like this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought. Tell me you have another bomb, Levitz.” Dyne added.

  “I do, but the rope snapped. You are going to have to buy me some time to fashion another.” Levitz pleaded.

  “Yeah sure, I’ll go fight a zodiac of legend with a rapier sword. Good call…” He laughed sarcastically.

  “Dyne go stall it! We don’t have much time to make this work. Just go!” Levitz yelled.

  Dyne looked at Cancer then Levitz. He turned back to Cancer and started to walk toward it.

  “I swear Levitz, if you blow me up with that bomb I will haunt you until the day you die.” Dyne yelled.

  He started running at Cancer, its head returning to its body and using star energy it reattached itself. Dyne thrusted forward while throwing the sand he picked up earlier in its face. His rapier pierced its chest, but it didn’t flinch.

  “Oh shit, it has no eyes. LEVITZ, IT DOESN’T HAVE A FACE, MAN!” Dyne yelled out. Cancer grabbed him by the throat. It held him up in the air, and began to squeeze tighter as he cried out in pain.

  “Dyne you need to get out of the way!” Levitz shouted.

  (“If I could I would…”) Dyne thought. Cancer threw him backwards into the delta. As he hit the water Levitz released the bomb. This time it hit Cancer on the head. The explosion blew its head to pieces, causing the rest of its body to immediately turn to stone.

  “Stone? I guess that one did it. Two bombs though? Lumus spoke of these things like they were unstoppable killing machines… Dyne where did he go?” Levitz jumped from the woods onto the beach, but he couldn’t see him anywhere. As he ran down the beach toward the delta; Dyne burst through the surface of the water.

  “Ah. Well that sucked… Hey Levitz have you seen my rapier?” Dyne swam back to the shore as Levitz dropped to his knees. They burst into laughter.

  “Yeah I saw it on my way down. You might need to buy another one though.” He replied.

  “What? What do you mean? Did you blow it up?” Levitz continued to laugh as Dyne crawled up the beach. He looked up at Cancer now turned to stone with his rapier sticking out of its chest.

  “Great, it figures. Story of my life.” Dyne added with a sigh. Levitz rose to his feet and offered a hand to him.

  “It could be worst right?” Levitz shrugged.

  “Yeah I guess so. Maybe it’s time I upgraded anyway.” Dyne laughed as he sat on the beach.

  Chapter Twenty Four- Leo Zodiac of Leodot

  Brinx sat on the branch of a tree high in the
sky with his legs stretched out along a narrowing branch. He didn’t pay much attention to Hedree pacing down below. Hedree walked back and forth impatiently. There are few trees in the area, Brinx thought. North of Leodot is mostly mountains with the odd tree placed alone like the one he sat in.

  (“I won’t be able to use the trees to my advantage here. Only one tree in all of this area except the one on the other side of this reservoir. That is too far for even me to jump though. Hedree hasn’t spoken a word in our whole time together. A brute of a man he is, and almost as big as Frostear. It would be wise to go over our skills to see if we complement each other, but on the other hand he doesn’t look like he wants to chat at all. The dark looks he keeps throwing my way give me the creeps.”) Brinx thought.

  He looked down to Hedree once again. He had stopped pacing, and was now watching the fish in the reservoir. He had his arms at his side and made no other movements other than his eyes back and forth as the fish moved.

  (“Strange, but he doesn’t seem to have a thought in his head. The man seems distracted by anything that moves. Can I really rely on him to work together if it comes to that? Maybe I should try speaking with him?”) Brinx thought. He climbed down the tree and walked up behind him.

  “Hedree, may I have a word with you?” Brinx asked, but he didn’t turn around. Instead he scratched the back of his neck like he didn’t hear him at all. Brinx walked around him to face Hedree.

  “I understand, Hedree. Under normal circumstances we would be enemies, but being in this situation maybe we can work together just for now?” Brinx suggested. Hedree finally made eye contact with him.

  “I don’t care for idle chit-chat. Keep your distance, and mind your tongue in my presence.” He explained. He walked around Brinx and continued to look at the fish in the reservoir.

  (“Not the friendliest of people. Blunt, and to the point too. Very well. I will leave him be.”) Brinx thought as he went to turn back to the tree. He paused for a moment.

  “Is something the matter?” Brinx looked Hedree in the eyes as he asked him.

  “I just wondered why you were green with purple eyes. The one we found was black with red eyes.” Hedree seemed confused. Brinx paused with hesitation.

  “What do you mean the ‘one you found’?” Brinx asked. Hedree turned back to the reservoir. “Never mind, I don’t need to know.” He replied. Brinx took a few steps closer to him.

  “Please Hedree, I need to know. Where did you find another Grenton?” Brinx urged. Hedree turned to face him once more.

  “Lord Lears found a creature that looks just like you. He said it will be of great importance one day. It doesn’t move. It doesn’t breath. It just is.” He explained, and walked away from Brinx.

  (“Another Grenton… Could he be telling the truth? I don’t know much about my kind. I’m still too young to know the full extent of the Grenton race… my kind. With no one to teach me, I just learn what I can as I go… but to have another Grenton on Twilight. I must find it.”) Brinx thought.

  Hedree took his large axe off his back. Brinx looked over and noticed the fish had fled down river.

  “It comes!” Hedree shouted. The water burst like a volcano. Brinx shielded his torso and face with his vines.

  “Careful Hedree, back up quickly!” Brinx could see perfectly though the water was coming down still. Hedree had blocked his view with his axe.

  “This is it: Leo, Zodiac of Leodot. I can’t feel its power at all, but it is clearly pure star energy. If only I had rooted on Twilight I would be able to feel what we are up against.” Brinx didn’t hesitate. He shot thorns from his palms as he ran at Leo. Hedree ran from the right toward Leo with his axe above his head. The symbol on its head flashed, sending a shockwave at Hedree as he approached. He flew over Brinx, crashing hard into the ground.

  “A head-on attack doesn’t seem to work!” Brinx shouted as he stopped his advance.

  “I will bind Leo with my vines, and it should allow you to strike.” Brinx yelled out. Hedree nodded.

  Vines flew at lightning speed through the air. One latched on Leo’s left wrist and the other on its right leg.

  “Go Hedree! Now is your chance.” Brinx yelled out. Hedree looked at him briefly, then advanced at Leo with his axe above his head once more. He jumped into the air as he got close to Leo. His axe began to glow, and as it began to glow Leo’s attention followed. Brinx’s vines held tight, but he could see them about to tear. Suddenly they burned off just as Hedree came crashing down. Leo leaped up, catching him by his throat. While in the air Leo brought his arm out with Hedree in its hand. Leo arched its arm then threw him with all of its strength to the ground. Brinx quickly launched vines from his body and wrapped them around a tree on the other side of Hedree. The vines caught his fall, but pulled Brinx closer to him, dragging his feet along the hard earth. Brinx detached the vines and got his footing back once he saw Hedree make his way to his feet.

  “Hedree are you okay?” Brinx called out. Hedree rose to his feet.

  “Thank you for catching me.” He replied. Brinx smiled. Leo landed softly near Brinx, but it was like it didn’t notice him at all. Leo’s symbol on its face began to glow again, but Brinx ran in front of Hedree. As he did a shockwave came from Leo once again. Brinx took the whole attack head on. The energy tore his green protective shell off his body. He stood still for a moment with his arms still up.

  “Is that all you can…” Brinx fainted, and he fell face first onto the ground. Hedree rushed to his side.

  “Brinx, you saved me. Even after I spoke to you the way I did? Why?” He pleaded. Leo charged another shockwave from its head.

  “This thing is too powerful. You need to get out of here! Save yourself.” Brinx whispered. Hedree clenched his fists.

  “Not for me! Not for me!!!” He yelled out. Brinx watched as his rage grew more and more. Brinx began bleeding on the ground, his blood was an oozy green liquid.

  “Hedree, you don’t have to fight. You can’t win head on, don’t do this…” Hedree stood up. His pupils were pure white with rage. He gripped his heavy axe with only his right hand and he threw it with all of his strength. Leo moved its head, following it until the glow faded. When it looked back Hedree was already charging at him. Leo quickly released its shockwave. Hedree staggered for a moment, but the sheer force of his determination and rage pushed him forward. As he got close he reached out at Leo’s head. He grabbed Leo’s Zodiac symbol and squeezed it until it shattered.

  Leo dropped to its knees and slowly turned to stone. Hedree stood panting as he watch Leo petrify before his eyes.

  “Brinx!” Hedree turned as fast as he could then ran to his aid.

  “Brinx, wake up. Wake up, Grenton!” Hedree continued to shout for several minutes before he finally realized. Brinx had begun to wither where he laid. Hedree picked him up in his arms and started walking southeast toward Capaz. He walked until he reached halfway from Leodot to Capaz.

  “This is Dornet region, Brinx. The land of Aquoise. I heard some time ago that it has the best soil of all the regions.” Hedree explained, his voice quaking. He set Brinx down gently, and began to dig with his bare hands.

  “This will be your resting place my friend. I wasn’t the best person to be partnered with. I ignored you most of the time, but you saved my life regardless of how I treated you. I will forever respect you, and I am honored to have fought together with you in battle.” He said as he cleared the tears from his face with his forearm.

  He picked Brinx up and set him in the hole. He stared at him for a moment with a sad looking grin on his face. He slowly covered him with dirt as he sang a song from his childhood.

  “A melody of the spirit a song of strength, peace fight with me to keep the beast restrained. Warrior of people, fighter of legend. Let the life protected now protect you.” Hedree continued to hum as he stood up.

  “Goodbye Brinx.” He said with a soft tone. He walked toward Capaz with his axe over his shoulder and a tear rolling down
his cheek.

  Chapter Twenty Five- Virgo, Zodiac of Virphire

  Frostear waited alone just south of Virphire. He traveled in the front, leaving Ged far behind. When he arrived at his destination to wait for the Virgo Zodiac, he noticed Ged wasn’t with him. It was strange to him, but even with his dragon senses he couldn’t feel Ged’s presence.

  (“I knew better than to trust a pawn of Lears. I guess I will have to face this thing alone. If it even exists. It is laughable to think Ged would have come along anyway. That bastard thought I would fall for his tricks last time we met. Making shadow copies of Aire and Levitz to face me. Though it was impressive to make them seem so much like the originals, and to even trick my senses to think they were real…”) Frostear laughed.

  “Maybe I scared Ged away with how brutally I took down his shadow copies.” Frostear continued to laugh.

  “Don’t get too cocky, dragon. My copies were weak. The real Aire and Levitz would have torn you apart.” Ged announced. His eyes glared at Frostear as he peered out from Frostear’s shadow.

  “If you think I’m scared of my shadow then you are sadly mistaken. I am surprised I couldn’t sense you in my own shadow.” Frostear laughed.

  Ged’s eyes shone brightly from the shadow, while the rest of him remained hidden under the shadows as if he under water.

  “It’s funny, I was going to tell you to watch your back too.” Ged slipped away within Frostear’s shadow.

  “Don’t get too comfortable Ged. If you stay too long I may have to charge you rent.” Frostear laughed to himself, but Ged didn’t reappear. Frostear waited with his arms crossed. Time feels like it is slowing down, he thought. He sat down after a while and started to look out toward Virphire Cove to the southeast, wondering if he was in the right spot.

  “Ged are you still there?” Ged didn’t answer him.

  “Ged we need to move. If these things come up through the water then maybe the cove would be a better location. I doubt Virgo would come through a river. It’s just too shallow here.” Frostear said.


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