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Zodiac Awakening

Page 35

by Drew Smith

  “For once I agree. Hold on.” Ged’s arms emerged from Frostear’s back like large dragon wings.

  “Whoa! Ged what’s going on!?” Frostear shouted as they flew into the air.

  “Once I’m in a shadow I can move within it and produce what I choose to, and don’t worry about me dropping you. I have attached your shadow to my shadow realm. It is bound until I choose to release it, and even if light hits me, the attachment will still stick since it is linked with my shadow realm.” Ged explained.

  Frostear’s eyes lit up with excitement. He could feel the air flow through his hair once again. He had forgotten how much he missed that feeling. Ged flapped the shadow wings across the sky as Frostear gazed down at everything around him.

  (“I can’t see Zelkem or Jol at Geminite. I thought they would have been waiting there by now? I didn’t really get a chance to say good bye to Zephry before we all departed. I hope she is okay. Everyone just kind of scattered. She is strong though, with a kind heart like no other I have met.”) He thought.

  “Frostear, ready yourself to land. Don’t want to snap your legs as we fall toward land.” Ged laughed from inside the shadow. Frostear readied himself for impact, but even still they hit the ground harder than Frostear thought they would.

  “Are you crazy, Ged!?” Frostear yelled out.

  “We both know you are a Drayhelm. A fall like that wouldn’t harm you at all.” Ged retracted his wings back into the shadows.

  “That’s true, but another fact about Drayhelms is to not make them angry.” Frostear smiled as he walked around to survey the new area, although Ged couldn’t see his face.

  The water began to bubble in front of Frostear. He took a step back.

  “Ged, it seems we are ready to begin.” Frostear added. Ged pushed out of the shadow realm from Frostear’s back.

  “Perfect timing. Allow me to take this one.” Ged’s face split into a sinister grin as shadows poured out of Frostear’s back onto the ground. Without giving Frostear a second to react, the shadows wrapped around his body encasing him completely in shadows. After a pause, the shadows burst like an eruption causing them to expand to a thin layer of black shadow. They formed into wings as the rest formed a body like a dragon around Frostear’s body. The water from Virphire cove calmed as the shadow dragon stared at Virgo, the Zodiac of Virphire.

  Ged was in complete control. Frostear couldn’t move at all inside. He flapped the shadowy wings to levitate for a moment. After a devious glare, Ged swooped in, and grappled Virgo. He flapped his wings harder to build altitude. Once he was high enough, Ged released Virgo to free-fall toward the ground. He opened the mouth of the shadow dragon and shot out a steady stream of shadows. Virgo was pushed with such might that it burst when it hit the ground. Virgo’s head spun across the dirt. As it came to a stop Ged landed on the ground nearby. The head shook and the energy started pouring out forming it a new body.

  “This thing is able to regenerate? It can’t be immortal! I’ll show you my full power Virgo!” Ged forced the shadows to shoot out like Brinx’s vines. The shadows wrapped around Virgo’s newly formed body, neck and arms. His shadow dragon stood still with its monstrous mouth open wide, pulling Virgo closer and closer. Virgo was right in front of the mouth of the shadowy dragon, but was able to stop itself. Virgo grabbed the shadows on its arms with its hands, and started pulling back. Suddenly Frostear’s large red sword pierced through the shadows, and pierced the head of Virgo. Virgo immediately turned to stone. Frostear pulled his sword back into the shadows, and Ged retracted back into Frostear’s shadow, but as Frostear finally opened his eyes as himself again he fell to his hands and knees.

  “Ah. Why do I feel so weak? Frostear gasped for air as he raised his right hand from the dirt to his chest. He unstrapped the harness that held his sword to his back as he coughed.

  “I didn’t have enough star energy to generate that many shadows. I simply borrowed your power.” Ged smirked as he fell back into the shadow realm.

  “Bastard! To be used by such a thing. When I get my strength back I will kill you for this Ged…” Frostear promised. His vision began to blur. For a moment he tried to stand up, but fell back to the ground falling unconscious.

  Chapter Twenty Six- Libra Zodiac of Librine

  Zephry followed quite a way behind Coldblood. They hadn’t spoken a word at all since partnering up in Capaz. Coldblood didn’t even look back once. He just kept his hand on the hilt of his sword as he walked. When they came to the point between Librine to the south and Librine Delta to the north, Coldblood stopped. Zephry caught up to him, but was too worried to say anything. She waited several minutes until she couldn’t hold her tongue any longer.

  “Why did we stop? Is something wrong? Did you hear something?” Zephry took a few steps forward with her sword drawn.

  (“Stupid girl, she is starting to irritate me. I wonder if I killed her here would anyone really care. I could say the Zodiac got her… There was nothing I could do, I could tell them.”) He thought with a smile on his face.

  “You look like your father, you know? After meeting your mother, I can see you have her eyes too.” Zephry smiled. He turned away to hide his face.

  “Stupid girl. What do you know?” He replied. Zephry shrugged.

  “Your father acts like that when he is embarrassed too. Maybe it’s a Drayhelm trait. Anyway, shouldn’t we continue to Librine?” Zephry sheathed her sword as Coldblood looked back to the Librine Delta.

  “I suggest we split up. You go just south of Librine, and I’ll go to the Delta.” Zephry looked at him in confusion.

  “What is a Delta?” She asked. He shook his head.

  “Really? It is the mouth of a river. It’s where a river opens up to a larger body of water.” He explained. She smiled awkwardly.

  “Oh I see. Well if I head south then how would I be able to let you know if I run into the Zodiac?” She wondered.

  “I guess we will see how it works out.” He started walking north. Zephry didn’t understand what he meant.

  (“See how it works out? What does that even mean? I won’t even be able to see him from that far away. I guess I’ll just head to Librine. Although I’m a little concerned if I end up fighting the Zodiac alone, but I’m stronger now. I can fight any monster that dares to take me on!”) She thought.

  She walked off toward Librine alone with a skip in her step; Coldblood looked back occasionally, but not to see if she was okay. He just wanted to make sure she had left his sight.

  (“That woman is intolerable. I barely spoke, but the moment she started… She just gave me a headache. I don’t think I have ever met someone so annoying since Antsos. Ridiculous creature never shuts up about how much power he has, when in fact he may very well be the weakest of us all. I was surprised to see mother in Capaz of all places, come to think of it. It has been years since I have seen her face. Though I hate her I was still happy… Why? She cares more for the humans than her own race. A traitor to her own kind. Mother or not, that is unforgivable, but look at me. A hypocrite as well! I too have left my kind to fight with Lears. It doesn’t matter, though. In the end Lears will wipe them all out, and I will rule Scorpial the way it should be. With no forgiveness and no mercy for those that even speak of betrayal.”) He smiled as he thought to himself.

  He arrived at the cove north of Librine. The weather seemed oddly calm, even the wild animals gave no sign that they were scared.

  (“I thought a river ran from this cove. I suppose this isn’t a delta after all. Ah well, that girl wouldn’t know the difference anyway. Even after I explained it to her just looked at me with that blank stare.”) He laughed. The water in Librine cove started to bubble as he thought to himself. The Libra Zodiac burst from the water, landing just a few feet away from him. Without looking he drew his sword and sliced at its head. Libra turned to stone as he continued to think to himself.

  (“I find it odd she would show so much interest in my father, and it seemed mother glared at Zephry
when she saw her in Capaz. My father wouldn’t sink as low as partnering with a human girl would he?”) He wiped his sword, completely unfazed by the danger he had just been in, and put it back in his sheath.

  He continued to think to himself as he walked away from Libra. He made his way to Capaz, leaving the fully petrified monster behind him.

  Zephry sat cross-legged on the riverbank just outside Librine.

  (“Oh Frostear, I miss you but I’m not worried about you. You are a Drayhelm, and I know you will be just fine. Lady Concy didn’t seem too happy to see me though. It was almost like she was angry I was part of the meeting outside of Capaz. Strange though, I don’t think I have ever actually talked with her. Maybe she is mad because she is friends with Scarlette, but she and I have barely said hello? When I get back to Capaz I will ask her to join me for a drink. That might be the ice breaker we need!”) She smiled with a simple look on her face.

  She continued to wait alone on the river bank, picking grass and tossing it into the wind. She still lingered on thoughts of Frostear and Concy. Coldblood silently walked by her. He stopped and shook his head as he gazed upon her, then he continued back toward Capaz.

  Chapter Twenty Seven- Scorpio, Zodiac of Scorpial

  Concy and Doxas waited just south of the city of Scorpial. The city was empty with the exception of the Scorpial knights. Concy watched as Doxas paced back and forth in front of her.

  “Are you nervous, Doxas?” She asked with concern in her voice.

  “No…it’s not anything like that. It’s just that I’m worried we may be too late. You were smart to turn around and head back to Capaz. The tunnel from Neutral City was very efficient. Without that shortcut I fear we would still be traveling by foot.” Doxas explained. She smiled.

  “Yes you are right. The plains can be a troublesome place if you are ill-prepared, but I wanted to find out how you know Orson from our earlier chat in Capaz. You don’t wear the mark of any city, and you carry a unique weapon set that I have never seen before.” Concy looked down at Doxas’ shield blades.

  “These are called shield blades. They are weapons Orson helped me design and build. A normal looking shield crafted with knife-like edges. I wear them like gauntlets, but they are actually offensive and defensive weapons.” He explained.

  “I see, so you and Orson are old friends then?” She asked. He looked at his shield blades.

  “Yes you could say that. They are called “Steel Rampart.” Orson named them for me. He saved my sister, myself and two others from a fire. Well, the story is that we lived at an orphanage in south Twilight when Orson stopped for shelter one day. A woman named Rose took care of us there. Over time, Rose and Orson fell in love and were married, and together they watched over us like their own. One day Orson took four of us to a city in the south for supplies. When we returned the orphanage was engulfed in flames. Everyone was trapped inside… Rose too. We lost everyone”. He paused lost in thought.

  “Orson took us to a city called Dongaro. We stayed at an Inn for weeks, but Orson never stayed with us. After some time he came back and took us north, and there it was: A new home Orson had built by himself. Days went by, then weeks. Eventually, years. Orson taught us to fish, grow crops, fight, and build. One day he said he had to go find someone, but being naïve I didn’t ask many questions or try to stop him.” Doxas took a deep breath.

  “What is your sister’s name?” Concy asked. Doxas looked down at his feet.

  “Her name was Zana.” He replied with a whisper. Concy put her hand in front of her mouth embarrassed.

  “Doxas I am sorry. I didn’t know.” Doxas looked up with a smile on his face and a tear in his eye. He wiped his face then looked at Concy.

  “It’s okay I wouldn’t expect you to know. We just met after all.” He said with an optimistic smile.

  “We can talk about something else if you prefer.” Concy added.

  “No, I haven’t been able to say any of this out loud. I have been alone for some time now. It makes me happy to be able to just vent you know?” He sighed in relief and Concy smiled in return.

  “Then please continue with your story, Doxas.” She said.

  “Well, after Orson had left, life was great for a while. Zana, Saxsus, Noah and I all lived a peaceful life in that little house. Noah and I added more rooms to the house. Saxsus tended the garden, Zana fished almost every day. The problem started when men came from Dongaro one day. Unbeknownst to us, the east and west areas of south Twilight had been at war with each other. Noah and Saxsus agreed to join their ranks. Zana…well she wanted to help bring the two nations back together. She talked me into joining too. After all, I couldn’t leave my family alone out there. The war went on for years, and the four of us were promoted quickly through the ranks. I didn’t know at the time, but Don was the cause of the orphanage burning down. He wanted to build a reinforced knight outpost there since it was the only way by land to get to Dongaro. We followed a false savior. We killed for him. We lied for him. In the end we were ordered to assassinate the leader of the east. The four of us went together under the cover of night. Zana froze when she found the mark. I still to this day don’t know why. Saxsus entered after her to finish the job, but he turned on Zana. She killed him, and fled the building. Together we ran with Noah through the night…” Doxas began to tear up.

  “Doxas you can stop if you want to.” Concy blurted out. He wiped his tears.

  “It’s okay. I’ll finish. My sister…Zana was hit with an arrow in front of me as we ran across the fields. I picked her up and I carried her. Noah had left us behind. I ran with her in my arms until I took an arrow in the back by the bridge. Zana and I fell down the slope to the riverside. I crawled to her side, but she was dead. To save my life I rolled into the river and let the current drag me away. That was the last time I saw Zana. I was found and nursed back to health by some fishermen down river. When I was able I returned to Dongaro, and found that Noah had denounced me as a traitor to save his position as Don’s lapdog. He told them I sided with the east. I sent word to Orson of Zana’s death, and we met up in Geminite. I was quite harsh to him there, but he wasn’t angry with me. I planned on returning to south Twilight, but I overheard the Geminite knights talking about Orson and something big happening in Capaz. I had already lost my sister. I couldn’t lose him too. That’s when I ran into you in Capaz.” He explained.

  Doxas sat down with his back against the wall of Scorpial City. Concy looked at him long and hard before she walked over to him and sat down beside him.

  “Everyone has a story, Doxas. It only matters how you use the past to build the future and determine who you will become. Many people don’t think about that. I suggest you take that anger, that sadness, and that inner agony, and convert it into something your sister would be proud of. Let Zana guide you now.” Concy stood up with a smile. She walked a few steps forward to hide her face as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  (“Such a hard life for such a young man. I never knew south Twilight was such a cruel place. Then again, they would surely put on a good show for their guests. As a councillor I wouldn’t see such things. If we survive this ordeal then I shall go back to south Twilight and see it for myself.”) Concy had her head down. Doxas looked upon her with a smile. He knew she was saddened by his story. He decided to let her have a moment alone.

  Just as things began to calm down, the water south of Scorpial began to swirl like a whirlpool. They watched as the vortex grew in size.

  “We are not in the right place. I thought the Zodiacs were supposed to appear near the cities.” Doxas called out.

  “Yes, but maybe we can force it to meet us.” Concy closed her eyes. Doxas looked at her with confusion. Suddenly her eyes opened wide with a solid red glow. Doxas backed up in fear as she began to transform. Her arms formed scales while her head and back began to grow in size. Doxas fell backwards staring as she fully transformed into a Dragon right before his eyes.

  “Lady Concy!?” Doxas cried out. />
  “She can’t respond to you in her dragon state. She can only hear what you say. But don’t fret; Lady Concy has the most control over her dragon form than anyone else ever did.” Doxas turned his attention to the voice.

  “Who are you?” Doxas asked as he got back on his feet. A man in emerald green armor came from the shadows by the city gates.

  “I am Joffree. Captain of Scorpial knights.” Joffree had a serious look in his eyes.

  “If she is one of the Drayhelm of Legend, does that mean you and those knights are also Drayhelm?” He asked. Joffree laughed.

  “No, the Dragon Wars wiped all but a few from Twilight. There are but a handful left. I couldn’t say how many, but we as Scorpial knights know the secrets of the Drayhelm. No one outside of Scorpial knows of Concy and her ties to the Drayhelm.” Joffree explained.

  “I too will protect her secret. Lady Concy is a great person, and I will see no harm come to her.” He added. Joffree put his hand on Doxas’ shoulder.

  “She has monstrous power, but the kindness of a princess. Now watch her unleash her might.” He said with a smile as he watched Concy roar.

  She bellowed a roar as Scorpio raced toward her. Concy flapped her wings, but Scorpio didn’t stagger. It jumped into the air, and slammed its fists of energy hard on her back. She spun around in the air grabbing Scorpio as she spun upright. She squeezed Scorpio tight, but its tentacles of energy stabbed through her hands. She let go and landed as Scorpio did. Scorpio formed a tail of energy from its lower back that looked like a scorpion’s stinger. Concy flapped her wings in rage, but didn’t take to the air. Doxas noticed the tip of the stinger on Scorpio turn purple.

  “Lady Concy!” Doxas raced across the battle field. Joffree reached out to stop him, but just missed him. Scorpio shot the stinger at lightning speed, but Doxas was able to reach her in time. He jumped into the air and took the attack just above his heart with such speed and strength that he flew back, crashing into Concy. He rolled off her chest onto the ground, and lay there without moving. Concy’s eyes lit up with rage. She gripped her claws deep in the dirt below and shot off with a flap of her wings at Scorpio. The monster couldn’t react. She clawed at Scorpio and scratched the Zodiac symbol right off its face. Her rage took over. Even as Scorpio began to petrify, she continued to claw away until Scorpio was just rubble. Her rage subsided and she began to transform back to her human form. Joffree raced to her side with a blanket to cover her. He looked up to the guards at the gate.


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