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The Terminate Code: A gripping, page-turning, action adventure revenge thriller, with a fast pace, and a terrifying twist in its tail ! (Hedge & Cole Book 2)

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by Kevin Bradley

  About the Book

  Imagine coming home one night to find that the person you love most in the world has completely vanished.

  There are no messages, no calls, and no communication of any kind.

  That person has disappeared and you have no idea why.

  How relieved would you be when you discover that your loved one is still alive, only to find out that they have been snatched by a ruthless, cold-blooded killer?

  But the kidnapper isn’t motivated by money, it’s much worse than that. He’s been fuelled by years of hatred and anger. And now he’s come to collect what belongs to him.

  This is the 2nd instalment in the Hedge & Cole thriller series.

  Cole is a tough ex-military man. He’s the sort of person that danger and violence seem to follow, wherever he goes. He can be ruthless when he needs to be. And he often finds the need.

  Hedge is a reluctant hero. He is a victim of circumstance, troubled with anxieties and plagued by flashbacks.

  Together they must track down a dangerous assassin.

  But all is not what it appears to be, and the shocking twist at the end will leave you breathless.

  Kevin Bradley once again shows how to mix fast paced action, with suspense and intrigue. This book will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

  This book would sit well alongside your Lee Child and Jack Higgins favourites!

  The Terminate Code story concludes in this book, but the main characters are set to return in future adventures.

  What people are saying about The Terminate Code

  “A very clever story, with many twists and turns. I was gripped from start to finish. Not one for the faint-hearted.”

  “Oh my goodness, this is a shocker! The author pulls you in every different direction, and then just when you think you’ve worked it out, he hits you again.”

  “This is a great read, one I couldn't put down. Kevin Bradley is up there with the likes of Scott Mariani, Mark Dawson and Stephen Leather. Plenty of drama, suspense, twists and turns. This author comes highly recommended.”

  “Excellent use of facts and the many geographic locations. I totally enjoyed it.”

  “I can definitely recommend this book. I like the fast pace and the interaction between the two main characters. I read this all in one sitting!”

  “I was captivated from the outset. It’s written in an interesting style, and the book goes off at a fast pace. If you like Jack Higgins, then you’ll love this novel.”

  “There’s a touch of Lee Child about this.”

  About the Author

  This is the 2nd book in the Hedge & Cole series by this compelling writer.

  The author has lived and travelled all over the world, and he brings many of his own personal observations into his novels.

  He is passionate about storytelling, and does not shy away from occasionally tackling difficult, real-life issues. His ultimate focus is to deliver an exciting and unforgettable experience to his readers.

  When not writing, Kevin enjoys running, cycling and hiking, although eating cake is probably his favourite activity!

  He is a husband, father of two boys, and lives in Suffolk, England.

  The author is happy to receive correspondence and feedback from his readers, and he can be emailed at

  Books by Kevin Bradley

  The Palindrome Cult

  (Hedge & Cole / Book 1)

  “A cracking good read, fast and furious, unputdownable”

  The Terminate Code

  (Hedge & Cole / Book 2)

  “A fantastic story, breathtaking and full of intrigue, unforgettable”

  The Transamerica Cell

  (Hedge & Cole / Book 3)

  “A gripping, tense thriller, you’ll be on the edge of your seat”

  The Cuba Cage

  (Hedge & Cole / Book 4)

  Due December 2017

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  The Terminate Code

  Kevin Bradley

  Table of Contents

  About the Book

  About the Author

  Books by Kevin Bradley

  Special eBook Low Price Offer!

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Chapter Thirty Six

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty One

  Chapter Forty Two

  Chapter Forty Three

  Chapter Forty Four

  Chapter Forty Five

  Chapter Forty Six



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  Chapter One

  The Iraqi rebel was holding a long-bladed, steel knife.

  He had managed to sneak up behind Oxley without being noticed. Suddenly, he pulled his arm back and lunged forward, aiming the knife at the white man’s head.

  Oxley heard a noise, and turned just in time. He dropped his rifle, and deflected the evil looking blade with his forearm. The Arab pulled his arm back again though, readying himself for a second lunge. Oxley
was momentarily blinded, as the sun’s rays reflected off the razor sharp blade. Then, in a split second, his mind started to focus. He had to disable his attacker. Just one direct hit from the knife was likely to be lethal.

  Oxley fumbled for his weapon, but he couldn’t reach it. The dark, skinned man was bearing down on him again. He was wearing a dirty, black turban, and his face was screwed up in anger. He wore no shirt, so his chest was bare. The man’s left nipple had been pierced, and a large, silver ring had been pushed into the hole under the skin.

  With his right hand, Oxley made a grab for the ring, and pulled as hard as he could. It came away from the Iraqi’s chest with ease, tearing a long piece of skin off at the same time.

  The Arab screamed in pain. The knife was forgotten about for an instant, as his eyes stared in horror at the blood pouring from the hole in his chest. A large flap of skin was hanging loose, and his nipple had completely detached itself.

  That fraction of a second was all the time Oxley needed. He grabbed his rifle, casually aimed it towards his assailant, and fired. The bullet entered the man’s jaw from underneath, and the top of his head disintegrated instantly. Oxley pushed the body to one side, took a few deep breaths, and turned his attention back to where it had been a few moments ago.

  Oxley ducked down just in time. The bullets were close. Several whistled by a few inches over his head, but most of them thumped into the wall in front of him. He was sweating, partly because it was a hot day, but also due to the adrenalin. He was on his own and pinned down. More bullets slammed into the wall.

  He was desperate for a drink. His throat was parched. He had long since used up his last water, so he would have to wait. Where were the rest of his team? They should have been here half an hour ago. He was running out of time.

  More bullets whistled overhead. This was not an unfamiliar situation for him, so he remained calm. He also knew his weapons. What he was being shot at with were RPK light machine guns. He could tell by the sound they made. They were Russian designed, first developed in the 1950’s. They were effective to a point, but in the hands of the Iraqi rebels shooting at him, not very accurate.

  He checked over the M16 rifle he had with him. Not his usual weapon of choice, but all that had been available for this mission. He looked to make sure it was still set to single shot, and took a deep breath. Jumping up straight, he rested his arm on the top of the wall, and levelled his rifle at the house where the rebels were shooting from.

  Holding his breath, his eyes were flashing from left to right. He could feel his heart pounding. This was a dangerous time. If several of the men opposing him shot at once he would be in danger. The same would be true if they had any high quality snipers in the area.

  His eyes were still searching. His heart was beating loudly in his ears. He was still holding his breath. Then there was a movement, the second floor window. A dark shape, followed by a glint of light as the sun’s rays bounced off the barrel of the machine gun. Then there was a flash from the muzzle of the RPK.

  Oxley fired once, aiming at the flash. There was a loud shrieking noise, and the man went down. It was the last thing Oxley saw before he ducked down below the safety of the wall once more.

  He nodded to himself. It would have been disappointing if he’d have missed that shot. It was only about fifty yards. The guy didn’t really stand a chance. Advanced weapons instruction and marksmanship was available to all members of Her Majesty’s intelligence services, and Oxley hadn’t missed a single lesson.

  But right now Agent Oxley was bored.

  The trip to Baghdad had been several weeks ago, and with nothing better to think about, he had been reliving the excitement of it.

  For the last three days though, he had been watching people go in and out of the elevator on the fifth floor of the Mayfair Hotel. Admittedly, they were not just ordinary men and women. No, these were high ranking politicians and businessmen, coming to meet with the Chancellor of the Exchequer – the man who effectively controls the finances of the United Kingdom.

  The Chancellor had good reasons to hold his meetings here rather than his official government residence of number 11 Downing Street. He wanted to keep the meetings secret, and certainly didn’t want the press to be snooping around.

  Agent Oxley had been assigned to protection duties for as long as the meetings went on. He was hoping it wouldn’t be for much longer. It was all pretty mundane. His previous assignment had been as part of a team which had travelled into the heart of Baghdad to extract a well-known BBC correspondent. The man had been kidnapped by a group of relatively unknown Iraqi militants. The operation had been over very quickly, and with complete success, although there had been that brief exchange of gunfire. Luckily, there had been no casualties on the British side.

  Oxley had enjoyed the experience immensely.

  His train of thought was interrupted as he heard a gentle ‘ping’ noise, and the lift door opened.

  A short man, with a light brown complexion walked slowly out of the elevator. He wore a long, black coat, well pressed dark trousers, and elegant, black shoes. Agent Oxley noticed that he had a bad limp. He must have injured his left leg at some point in time.

  ‘Can I help you sir?’ Oxley tried to sound authoritative.

  ‘Good morning. Yes, actually you can. I’m looking for room 412. I believe it’s just down this corridor?’

  The man with the limp pointed with his left hand. His right hand was holding a small tablet computer device. Oxley studied the man, taking in as much detail as he could. He had been trained to do that, of course. He thought the man was probably about sixty years old, his hands were slightly wrinkled, and there was some greyness starting to appear in his hair.

  ‘I’m afraid you have the wrong floor,’ said Oxley. This is the fifth floor, you need to go one down.’

  The man with the limp opened the tablet as he replied. ‘I’m sure it says on my reservation that the room is on the fifth floor. Let me see.’

  ‘I can assure you that you need to go down sir, the room you want is ...’

  ‘Yes, here it is, take a look, Agent Oxley.’

  Oxley was taken aback.

  For one thing, how did this complete stranger know his name? But, more worrying to him was that on the computer tablet in front of him appeared to be a video of his wife and children.

  ‘What the hell is this exactly?’ Oxley had sensed danger and quickly drawn his pistol- a Walther P99. Then he had taken a step back from the older man.

  ‘My name is Solomon. What you are looking at here is a live feed from a camera in your home. You will recognise your wife Elizabeth and your two daughters, Holly and Sarah. Out of camera shot we also have your mother, who I understand always visits your home on a Wednesday. In addition, you will also shortly see my loyal accomplice.’

  At that precise moment a man walked into view on the tablet screen. He was dressed in blue jeans and a black sweatshirt. He looked very casual, and he appeared to be quite relaxed. He had a thin, wiry physique, and some of his front teeth were missing. All in all he looked quite harmless.

  Except for one thing.

  In his right hand he carried a silenced handgun.

  Chapter Two

  ‘I need a code,’ said the man on the tablet screen.

  He was looking directly into the camera.

  ‘Thirty two,’ responded Solomon.

  The man in agent Oxley’s house nodded and moved away, out of camera shot. The headset he was wearing allowed him to listen to what Solomon was saying, although the other people in the room would not be able to hear.

  Oxley raised his pistol and aimed it directly at Solomon’s chest.

  ‘I need to know what this is all about, and I need to know right now.’

  He started to take a small communications device out of his jacket pocket.

  Solomon pulled out a hotel keycard and walked towards a room just down the corridor on his left. He swiped the card and opened the door. Clearly he knew that
this room had been left empty.

  ‘Before you do anything foolish, please step inside and I will explain further. Put your gun and radio away, they are of no help to you. Come.’

  Oxley put the radio back in his pocket, but held on to the Walther.

  ‘You need to explain fast. I can alert my team with one press of a button. What are you doing with my family?’

  He tried to stay calm, but he was angry as hell inside. Who was this guy? What was he doing here? How much danger was his family in?

  Solomon sat down on the side of the bed. He placed the tablet next to him. On the screen the woman and the two girls sat quietly. They had now been joined by an older woman, presumably Oxley’s mother.

  ‘You’re family will be safe, as long as you do as you are told. I have only two requests of you. The first one is fairly straightforward. I need to know the home address of Agent Cole. You will know this of course, as he is a colleague of yours. I understand he works closely with the Prime Minister, which is why it appears his address is so difficult for me to get hold of.’

  He was interrupted by the man wearing the black sweatshirt who had reappeared on the screen.

  ‘I need a code.’


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