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The Terminate Code: A gripping, page-turning, action adventure revenge thriller, with a fast pace, and a terrifying twist in its tail ! (Hedge & Cole Book 2)

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by Kevin Bradley

  ‘Seventy five,’ replied Solomon, turning his head towards the tablet on the bed.

  He looked back towards Oxley.

  ‘Yes, I had better explain that. Every sixty seconds I have to provide a specific code to my colleague. If I fail to provide the correct code at the exact time, then one member of your family will be killed. This will happen each time we fail to provide the number. Anyone can provide the code, even you. In fact you can do the next one. It’s nineteen. All I need you to do is to fulfil my two requests. So firstly, please provide me with the address that I have requested.’

  Oxley pulled out his small radio and held it up to his ear.

  ‘If you alert your colleagues, then I will not give out any more codes,’ Solomon said calmly.

  Oxley held up the Walther again and aimed directly at Solomon.

  ‘The same applies if you harm me in any way. Of course, you could shoot me and then attempt to rescue your family. However, they would all be dead within the next four minutes. Trust me agent Oxley, you have nowhere to go with this. The man in your house is very highly trained and extremely loyal to our cause. He will not hesitate to carry out his instructions. Just do as I say please.’

  Oxley was confused. He was trying to think logically, but he was struggling. He was an expert in his field, a true professional, who had managed to get himself out of all kinds of dangerous situations. Now though, he was worried, very worried. What were his options? He surely had to comply with this lunatic otherwise his family would be in danger. He knew Cole’s home address, of course. They were good friends and had trained together in the army. That was in another life though, and a long time ago.

  ‘How do I know you won’t harm them, even if I comply with your requests?’

  ‘Agent Oxley, I am a man of my word. You may not like me, but I can guarantee your family’s safety if you fully comply with my requests.’

  ‘I need a code.’

  The man had reappeared on the screen. Time seemed to be ticking away quickly. Solomon looked across at Oxley and nodded.

  Oxley moved towards the screen. He said nothing but just carefully watched the scene before him.

  The man with the sweatshirt turned towards the screen. He spoke calmly and clearly, but with a hint of menace.

  ‘I need a code, final warning.’

  Oxley stayed quiet.

  The man on the screen moved around to stand just behind the older lady. He raised his gun, jerked back the loading mechanism, and aimed it squarely at the back of her head. One of the girls in the room started to scream, just as Oxley’s wife jumped up and shouted out loudly.

  ‘No, get away from her. Help us someone, please help us.’

  She sounded hysterical, her voice turning into a high pitched screech.

  ‘Nineteen,’ shouted Oxley. ‘The code is nineteen.’ He had started to sweat heavily and there was panic in his voice. He wiped his forehead with his sleeve and watched as the man on the screen lowered the gun and moved away from the older lady.

  Oxley raised his Walther P99, cocked it this time, and pointed it directly at Solomon once more.

  ‘Right, you bastard, this is how we are going to play this. You will write down the next thirty codes in sequence and pass them to me. If you don’t then I will shoot you dead right now.’

  He reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a silver plated ballpoint pen. He threw it towards Solomon.

  ‘Start writing.’

  Solomon ignored the pen. He looked back at Oxley.

  ‘Nice try agent Oxley, but you and I know that won’t work. I won’t be giving you any more of the numbers. I certainly will not do so if I’m dead.’

  He laughed at his own small joke.

  ‘No, what we need is for you to comply with my requests. So firstly, what is the address please?’

  Oxley lowered his gun. He felt like a beaten man. He was an expert in problem solving. It was one of his specialities. He was a master in all areas of so-called Game Theory, where seemingly impossible situations can be satisfactorily resolved. He was well used to evaluating his options. He was also an arithmetic genius. He had taken all kinds of abuse from his work colleagues when they had discovered that he had been president of his university mathematics club.

  All of that didn’t matter now. His only option was to do as he was told. He would sort everything out once this man had gone, and his family were safe.

  He reluctantly told Solomon the full address of his friend, agent Cole.

  Solomon nodded, as he made a mental note of the information.

  ‘Now release my family as you promised.’

  ‘Ah, but you forget. I have two requests that need your action.’ A thin smile flashed across Solomon’s face as he spoke.

  ‘So what next?’ said Oxley.

  Solomon stood up and took a step forward. He leaned close to Oxley.

  ‘Next? That’s easy. I just want you to kill yourself. One clean shot to the head should do it.’

  Chapter Three

  Oxley looked like he had seen a ghost.

  ‘You must be fucking nuts if you think I’m going to shoot myself,’ shouted Oxley.

  He pulled out his radio again and pressed the ‘speak’ button. He was about to talk into the device but was interrupted.

  ‘I need a code.’

  ‘Sixty six,’ said Solomon.

  Oxley had now become enraged. He moved close and grabbed hold of Solomon by his throat, thrusting his pistol into the side of his head as he did so.

  ‘You need to release my family, right now, you son of a bitch. I’ve had enough of this. Call off your man or you die in the next few seconds.’

  Solomon said nothing, just stared back at Oxley.

  ‘Release my family, now,’ Oxley screamed.

  Solomon remained inert.

  He let go of the older man and walked slowly away. Oxley was sweating heavily and there was panic in his voice.

  ‘Ok, so you’ve had your fun. You’ve beaten me. You win. Just go now and leave me and my family alone. Please.’

  Solomon sat down on the bed and looked at the terrified MI5 man.

  ‘Agent Oxley, I am so sorry but this has only one way to end. I promise you that your family will be safe. This can be achieved quite quickly as I can simply issue what we call a “release code”. This is a three digit number and once it has been given, my man in your house will simply pack up his things and walk away. Your wife, mother, and children will be fine. I know what I ask is difficult, but if you fail to comply, then I will issue the “terminate code”. This means that your family will be eliminated. I need you out of the way as you can now recognise me, and you will warn Cole of my intentions. So please, sit down in the chair over here and do as I request.’

  Oxley was listening intently. He now looked desperate and, to his horror and embarrassment, he felt quite tearful.

  ‘Please, please, not this. It doesn’t have to be like this. Please. I will keep quiet about you. Let’s forget today ever happened. Just go on your way. Please...’

  ‘I need a code.’

  Solomon had picked up a piece of the hotel notepaper. He looked at the address at the top of the sheet. It read – Hotel Mayfair, 75 Grosvenor Street, London.

  ‘Seventy five,’ said Solomon as he spoke into the screen.

  He allowed himself a small smile. Well he could hardly remember a string of specific two digit numbers. No, he had only memorised the three digit codes. They were the important ones. However, Oxley would never know that any two digit number would be sufficient to keep his family safe for one additional minute.

  Solomon had picked up the silver pen and passed it back to Oxley, along with the piece of hotel notepaper.

  ‘Please write down the following. “Sorry, but I just can’t go on”. Let’s start with that.’

  Oxley picked up the pen. He was shocked and confused. What the hell was he supposed to do? He started writing, but only managed to scribble down the first word.

  He stopped writing and laid the pen down. It suddenly occurred to him that he didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to leave his family. How would they cope?

  ‘Please, not this, please.’ He looked desperately at Solomon.

  ‘I need a code.’

  ‘Ten,’ shouted Solomon quickly. He turned back to Oxley. ‘Agent, that’s the last two digit code I will reveal. The next number will be three digits. You need to decide which it will be. The ‘release code’ or the ‘terminate code.’

  ‘Please, no. I promise I won’t say anything. Please.’ Oxley was now crying. He loved his life. He would do anything to hang on to it.

  ‘Please.’ His voice was now a whisper.

  Solomon just stood and watched him. His face showed no emotion.

  The man in Oxley’s house had come back onto the screen. He looked like he was about to say something.

  The MI5 man sat down. He took a silencer out of his pocket and started to attach it to his weapon. It wasn’t easy. Tears were running down his face and obscuring his vision. Finally he secured it in place. He pushed the pistol up under his chin. He wiped his face with his free hand, and spoke calmly.

  ‘Please don’t harm my family. Keep your word. Tell them I love them.’

  The man on the screen had started to ask for the next code, but he was cut off by a muted bang. The noise reverberated around the small hotel room, but anyone outside the room would be unlikely to have heard very much. The man in Oxley’s house had finished talking. He had obviously heard the silenced shot and knew what had just happened. His face creased into a smile.

  Solomon quickly took in the scene before him. The top part of Oxley’s head was missing, and there was blood and bone splattered all the across the ceiling. The agent’s body had slumped sideways in the chair, and dark, crimson liquid was spilling out onto the clean, white carpet.

  ‘I need a code, final warning,’ said the voice on the screen. Regardless of what he believed had happened, the man in Oxley’s house had clear instructions.

  Solomon needed to make a quick decision. He pondered for a split second. He shook his head slowly from left to right as he reached his conclusion.

  ‘For Christ’s sake, I’m not a bloody monster,’ he mumbled to himself.

  He issued the three digit ‘release code’.

  Immediately the man in Oxley’s house put away his gun, pulled his jacket on, and walked towards the camera. The picture on the screen went blank. Solomon was no longer able to see, but after packing away the camera, the man in the black sweatshirt left the house.

  Solomon looked at the piece of paper that Oxley had written on. It contained the single word ‘Sorry.’ That will have to do, he thought, as he laid it on the floor near the limp body. He looked around the room one more time, picked up the tablet device, and quickly left.

  Chapter Four

  The man known as Solomon returned to his rented flat later that same day. It was around seven o’clock in the evening when he stepped down from the red London bus. From the bus stop, he had a short walk to his temporary home, which was in the Watford area.

  It was a bright, pleasant day, and a gentle breeze was blowing. He walked past the large park area, where young children were playing on the swings, and a group of older lads were busy with a game of football.

  His place was a ground floor two bedroom flat, with a small garden outside the front. Car parking was a nightmare in a road like this, with the neighbours constantly vying for the few places that were available. He had decided it was better to do without a vehicle, and simply use the excellent London bus and tube system.

  He let himself in through the faded blue front door. There was the smell of food cooking in the air – something spicy, possibly a curry dish.

  ‘It’s me. I’m back,’ he shouted.

  ‘I’m in the kitchen. I’ll make a coffee in a minute,’ his girlfriend replied.

  He had only known Elena for around three months, but he liked her. She was considerably younger than him, and quite attractive, so he thought. Most importantly, she was happy to go along with all his unusual habits.

  Some of his ways were a little odd. He went out at strange times of the day, sometimes even in the middle of the night, and he didn’t like anyone asking where he was going or what he was up to. He liked everything to be clean and tidy, and washed himself several times a day, expecting Elena to do the same.

  He had asked her to move in with him quite soon after they had met. He had been surprised when she had agreed, especially given his age. He was a fit guy though, and when it came to working out at the gym, or other things, he could keep up with people half his years, even with the slight disadvantage of his bad leg.

  Elena thought he was a nice man. She had been on her own for a couple of years, and so jumped at the opportunity to share his flat. She did think he was a bit strange at times. She would have liked to have known a little more about him, but understood that he liked his privacy. She had no idea what he did for work, if anything. He just came and went at various times, sometimes returning in a bad mood.

  He had told her that he had only been in London for just over a year. She felt that he may be here looking for something, but she wasn’t sure what it may have been.

  The only thing she didn’t always like was some of his sexual quirks, but she kept an open mind, and so went along with most things.

  He said he was going to take a quick shower, and would be back to eat in a few minutes.

  They chatted while they ate. The food was simple, but good - exactly as he liked it. He praised her for her cooking skills, especially the lovely homemade naan bread.

  It had been a stressful day for him, and he needed to relax. As they drank their coffee, he lowered his voice, almost to a whisper and smiled across at Elena.

  ‘I’ve asked the Siamese twins to call by later. I hope you don’t mind.’ He watched her reaction as he took another sip of his hot drink.

  ‘That’s fine,’ said Elena. She knew exactly what that meant, and she actually quite enjoyed what he had in mind. She knew by now that although he loved to pleasure her, he didn’t always want to do the actual touching.

  ‘I don’t like to do the dirty work,’ he had said to her with a grin after the first time she had met Li and Cho.

  The two girls arrived at exactly nine o’clock as agreed. They were indeed twins, identical in every way, but they were not Siamese. Siam is the old name for the country now known as Thailand, but these girls were from Vietnam.

  ‘Good evening ladies, can I offer you a drink.’ Solomon always believed in being well-mannered. He didn’t like people who didn’t do as he said, or who were not polite and proper.

  The four of them chatted for a while and had several drinks. After thirty minutes, Solomon rose and ushered them all upstairs to the main bedroom.

  Cho moved across to help Solomon undress. She took his clothes off slowly and folded them neatly on a nearby chair. She then guided him to lay down on one of the twin beds in the room.

  Elena was already laying face up on the other bed. Li pulled off her jeans, and helped her to remove her tee shirt. Elena threw her left arm over her head and lay provocatively in just her white underwear. She held her right arm out towards Solomon. The two single beds were separated by only a small gap, just enough distance for them to hold out their arms and entwine their hands together. Solomon took his partners hand and squeezed it gently. She smiled back at him. They would hold hands for the rest of the session. That was how he liked it.

  Li sat on the bed next to Elena and gently pulled off her underwear. She wanted to make sure she was aroused, so the twin girl pulled Elena’s legs apart a little, leant her head down, and softly ran her tongue up and down the sensitive area below her pubic hair.

  Elena groaned quietly and moved her left hand onto the back of Li’s head, pushing it down with more force. Li obliged, and pushed her tongue harder against the sensitive bud between the lips of her vagina.

two Vietnamese girls always brought with them a selection of aromatic massage oils. Li lifted her head up, opened a small, glass bottle, and started to rub strawberry scented oil across Elena’s bare breasts. She stopped close to the centre of each breast and pinched hard on the erect nipples.

  Elena had her eyes closed, and was moaning softly. Her legs had parted wider, quite involuntarily, and Li moved one of her slippery hands down to massage the sensitive parts between them. Elena lifted her head up as she felt Li’s fingers pushing inside her. She drew in a deep breath and bit her lower lip, before resting her head back down on the pillow.

  Cho meanwhile had undressed herself in front of Solomon’s watchful gaze. The twins were small girls, with smooth bodies, and both of them had completely shaven their pubic hair. Solomon was staring at Cho, but listening to the moans of pleasure coming from the other bed. He was very turned on, and his erection stuck up stiffly in front of him.

  Cho was rubbing oil into Solomon’s chest, but he took one of her hands and placed it around his erection. The girl giggled, and placed her other hand in the same area, so that all of her slippery, wet fingers were massaging his erect penis. His mouth was open wide, and he was sucking in large gulps of air. There was a soft, gurgling noise coming from the back of his throat.

  Cho stroked up and down for another minute or so. He started to move his body up and down as she did so. His left hand was still outstretched, holding tight onto his girlfriend’s hand.

  ‘I’m close,’ he suddenly said. ‘It has to be exactly together please.’

  Cho nodded, and looked across at her twin sister.

  Li smiled. The girls had done this a few times before, and so they knew what was expected. There would be a generous tip if both partners achieved their orgasm at the same time. She continued to press two of her fingers hard against Elena’s clitoris, while moving them slowly up and down.

  ‘Yes, yes, that’s it,’ exclaimed Elena. She had pushed her pelvis up from the bed and was holding on to the bed tightly with her free hand.

  Li increased the pace of her strokes, and placed her mouth over one of Elena’s nipples. She bit down hard. Suddenly Elena cried out, bucking her body as she did so. ‘Oh yes,’ she cried out, ‘yes, yes.’


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