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The Carver's Magic

Page 15

by B. L. Brooklyn

  The vampire continued, “So with the council’s permission,” she sneered at the old lady, “I have brought you here to be tested."

  Cory’s shoulders are stiff. I don’t know what her expression is, but I can hear her leeriness in tone. "Is that right?"

  The old lady places and empty teacup on the saucer and smiles again like a sweet old grandma. “I tried to tell Patra and the Magical Council that no one who isn’t fairy can do fairy magic. We invited you here –”

  “–More like teleported into my lab and kidnapped me,” Cory pulled up her arm, “and I go to lunch with Beth in one hour and a half so you better get me back before then, or she’s going to flip out.” I saw Cory point at the vampire, “And you know best how easy it is to piss my sister off. It’s in your best interest to return me… soon.”

  Patra defends, "I was ordered to leave you two alive. Trust me, had I been allowed, you both would be dead.” The vampire swirled her glass of wine in front of her smoothly, “and I would have become a glutton on your blood.”

  Cory picked at the sautéed vegetables on her plate, “Perhaps.” She picked up a carrot from her plate and ate it, “Or perhaps not. But I can promise you, when the day comes to find out, it will be eventful.”

  The old lady’s smile was so bright her eyes sparkled, “Are you a vegetarian? You have only eaten the vegetables from your plate.”

  Cory nodded once. Hmm, I guess we shared that dietary preference. I kind of like that.

  Patra narrowed her eyes at Cory and scoffed. She shot up from her seat in an inhuman speed and was gone. I moved closer to the table. The old lady shook her head at the empty seat. “One day I hope to meet someone who believes what I say, when I say it.”

  Cory didn't look affected, "Care to elaborate?”

  The old lady pointed at the plate in front of Cory. It had a large steak on it, "Care to tell me how you made all those potions?"

  I looked at the old lady, and then at Cory. She was contemplating something. Her eyes moved from Duretta, to the glass of red wine in front of her. Cory's mouth curled slightly. "The wine. Vampires drink wine. I saw Patra drinking some at Amber Line, but that’s all she drank. If I had vampire blood in me I would have wanted the wine?"

  What? I’ve never heard of that.

  The glass in front of Duretta was empty. Cory pointed to the cup, "And the tea is for witches. You said you are the seer, right?" Duretta smiles.

  I’ll be damned. That’s her. The seer who told my father that I would end their war. But he told me the seer worked for the Carvers. I let my fire fill me. If my father sent the old lady to get Cory then I was obligated to finally take matters into my own hands.

  Cory peered down to her plate. "The steak. Werewolves prefer meat."

  Duretta was giddy now, "Exactly. Very good Cory."

  Cory on the other hand didn't seem to appreciate the compliment. She was still looking around the table. Her lips were pursed. "I don’t see anything for Carvers.” Her mouth dropped as if the thought just came to her. “Oh,” she rolled her eyes, "clever."

  What did that mean? It took all my mental strength to remain quiet. Did Cory figure out the food or drink that Carvers preferred? If so, then she needed to explain that crap because I was looking at the table and the only thing I would have ate was the vegetables, but she had already ate them.

  Cory looked around again and shrugged, "I get it, I do, but there is nothing here for fairies."

  “You’re right, there is nothing for fairies at this table, anymore. You ate it already.” She stood up and held out her hand. I almost pushed Cory back in her seat when I saw who was headed to their table.

  No Way! Antrom, the fairy’s leader had left his world to come here. Dressed in a crimson red scarf, black wool jacket, dark blue jeans and shiny black shoes, looking like a disturbingly handsome European model.

  Cory was biting the inside of her lip.

  Antrom stopped sharply, bowed slightly, touching his right fingers to his lips. "Young Miss Cory. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." He raised his head and then held out his hand in a formal human gesture.

  Cory’s eyes closed slowly and bowed slightly, not taking his hand but touching her forehead, "It’s my pleasure.”

  This can’t be happening. She couldn’t be. She must have read their formal greeting somewhere.

  Antrom smiled, "Only a fairy would know the proper introduction when meeting another fairy."

  Cory shrugged.

  I flashed back to the day my real father told me who and what I am. I remember feeling scared, excited, and alone. I flexed my fingers at my side and decided to take a page from Beth’s magic and mentally play with the words until I came up with a phrase to feel Cory’s emotions.

  I said the words and was hit hard with a massive weigh on my chest. She was scared.

  "Are you going to take me like Beth’s parents took her?" She asked Antrom, politely.

  Antrom’s smile made me want to pound his face. On top of being the leader of the fairies, he also is a member of the Magical Council. His special skill is knowing what bloodline a fairy is connected to. If Cory is a fairy, he was absolutely going to take her back. If she is a half-breed like I’m guessing, he is going to have to con her to return with him, not because he wasn’t allowed to take her, he was, technically, but like the old lady said earlier, she has two Carvers looking over her.

  Antrom is a purist, so of course he isn’t a fan of mine and he won’t be a fan of Cory’s either. My fire warmed inside of me, as if confirming this is where I am supposed to be.

  "No. I am here to meet you, Miss Cory."

  Cory didn't look disturbed by his decline. Inside she was reeling with anxiety, "And now you have. "

  I smiled, even when she is drenched in fear she still was presenting a strong front. I admired that. "Would you be so kind and help me understand why you think I am a... fairy?"

  Antrom flinched a little, "I suppose it would be difficult to believe that all fae refrain from eating the flesh of animals.” Oh yeah, I forgot he likes to use the term “fae” instead of “fairy.” Must be a testosterone thing. “Have you ever had something that was only yours?” Cory wanted to laugh at him now. Antrom continued, “Something that you didn't let any one see?"

  She remained unmoved.

  "Maybe a diary?" He was throwing rocks in the dark, "Books?" He paused again waiting for some kind of response from her. He smiled like a little boy in front of a puzzle. Fairies love puzzles. They searched tirelessly for knowledge on all topics and especially on other supernatural kind.

  "The fae," Antrom continues, "are very possessive of the things they claim.” He was leaning down, speaking low in her ear. “Some covet knowledge. They search for it and then they never share it." He paused to watch Cory. Her emotions were right in check. He wasn’t unlocking Fort-Knox-Cory.

  The sly fairy with his devilish, aqua-blue eyes looked up and widened for a moment. His mouth opened in an O. "Some fairies don't have much to claim." Cory held her breath and I felt it. Realization. Antrom was on the right track.

  "Those particular fae are very rare. They don't need much…” Antrom waited a second before asking, "Is there a room that only you go? That no one else has ever stepped in? Your lab perhaps? Or bedroom?"

  Cory wouldn’t look at Antrom, and he knew he struck home. I watched, along with everyone else, how his eyes sparkled with glee. Antrom held out his hand to Cory. "Must be a lot to take in, I imagine. Knowing that you weren’t like your sister, but also not like the other humans."

  Oh no. Hell no. Nope. Not gong to happen. He was word slinging all the same lies that my father told me. I made myself visible which took the two scumbags by surprise. Cory, interestingly, seemed to relax. I winked at her and she warmed even more. Oddly, I think I could get used to having that connection to her.

  But priorities first, I need to make one thing very clear, "She stays here."

  Antrom looked ov
er at the witch, as if she had conjured me up. Her brush off was perfect.

  "This is the small problem you mentioned?" Antrom ran his hand through his thick brown mane. Then he laughed sardonically, "What is it with you and chasing every fae in your vicinity?"

  Cory looked at me but, moreover, I felt her warmth fizzle to jealousy and hot damn it if it didn’t slap on a glob of icing on my ego.

  "I like freckles." I smiled, hoping to defuse the tension. Cory's jealousy didn't defuse.

  Antrom held out his hand again, "Cory, would you like to come and see for yourself? A place made especially for those like us?"

  "Cory," I warn, "if you go, he will never let you leave. Fairies aren’t allowed to go anywhere without his permission."

  I scowled. Cory was plotting. I don’t know what she was thinking but I could feel the excitement for revenge. Okay now the connection with her is getting creepy.

  And now her jealousy is moving smoothly into embarrassment, which means she is thinking about what happened yesterday. I will clear that little problem up in a second. So long as I can get her away from these master manipulators.

  Ugh. Cory is bubbling with hope, and I begin to worry she is going to take Antrom up on his offer. I can’t let that happen. It would be like letting her walk into a venus fly trap. "You’re not a full blood, because if you were they would have tracked you long before now. You’re what they call a half-blood. Half human and half fairy, and that’s a very bad thing. It’s against their laws to breed with a human.” I tried to make my tone match my words, “Punishable by death, meaning, whoever breeds with the human and yourself are both in real danger.”

  “All lies,” Antrom said calmly. Playing the gentleman’s card, “If it wasn’t for Duretta and I she would already be punished, or dead. It is because of me that she’s very much alive.”

  Cory crooked her chin as if to say, “See.”

  Royal pain in the ass!

  Antrom cleared his throat and Cory turned to him. Her emotions were solidifying again to stone cold. Just like a fairy.

  Antrom sneered at me, "Shane and I have had years of disagreements. Don't let his prejudice influence you."

  "She’s not going."

  Cory turned to me with fire in her eyes, "I am not an idiot Shane, I would thank you to let me make my own choices." Duretta snickered beside me. She obviously thought this was amusing. I mentally took a note to will deal with her later.

  I had a second to change my game before Cory did exactly what I did when I met my biological parents. "No tricks. If she goes, she comes back," I know the words sound as if I am saying she can go. I still plan on keeping her on this side of the veil if I can manage it, but I figure she is a perfect candidate for reverse psychology. For all her brilliance, she is still a chick.

  Cory narrows her eyes at me. Antrom lifts his hand to her shoulder. Cory side steps him before it touches her, "Only if she wants to come back."

  Cory looks back at Antrom and said, "I appreciate your offer. I will let you know."

  Antrom smiles and bows touching his lips again, "I would expect nothing less." He holds out his hand, "It has been a true pleasure."

  Cory narrows her eye at his hand then back at him, "You have been particularly persistent on taking my hand. Why is that so important to you? It's not a fae formality."

  First, how did she know that? Second, how does she plan on getting in contact with him? Regardless of my two questions, I am pleased to see that Cory stumbled or, rather, acutely observed that something was different about Antrom’s greeting. She probably had no idea that he can feel the magic in someone's blood and pin point it to a specific bloodline when he touches them. No need for DNA tests there.

  Antrom watched her for several seconds before answering, "It will tell me what family you are from."

  Cory nodded and smiled, "Thank you." She must understand how hard it was for him to tell her, "It has been interesting." She bows, touching her forehead with her fingers and walks quickly toward the exit.

  I follow her out, a little miffed that she ignored me all together when she left. I pushed past the front door, didn’t see her, so I pulled the coin from my pocket. She was around the corner texting someone. I teleported to her, forgetting I just did this out in the open where anyone could see. I looked around hoping my accident went unnoticed.

  Cory was the only one looking at me. I knew it and felt it, “You’re mad at me.”

  She opened her mouth and shut it. Then did that again.

  I held up my hand. “You can be mad that I stepped in and told them you weren’t going, but Cory, I know exactly what it’s like to be on this side.”

  “What do you mean this side?” Her eyebrows were furrowed and if I didn’t have a connection to her feelings I would think she was pissed but she wasn’t. She was thinking. Hard.

  “I mean the wrong side. The side where no one likes you, because you are not like them. That’s the side you will be on. You are not a pureblood. You may not like it, but this is the one area I know more than you, and trust me, it’s a place you don’t want to be.”

  She pursed her lips. “You do know that Beth is my sister, right? I know exactly what she has gone through.”

  Contemptuously tilting my head down to her, “No you don’t. Not even a little bit.”

  Her mock surprise was not lost on me, “You don’t know us, you don’t know what she has been through.”

  “You’re right, I don’t know. So tell me, did Beth’s parents come get her at eighteen?”

  I felt her surprise.

  “I will take that as a yes.” I know I sound like an arrogant ass but I also know that if Beth left with her parents, and is currently living with her adopted sister, then maybe Beth and I had similar experiences with our parents, meaning we both saw through a façade. “So you weren’t there with her when she was introduced to what Carvers are and what a lot of Carvers want to do in this world.”

  At her confused expression I step closer, closing the gap, hoping I didn’t totally ruin all my progress from yesterday. I need her to trust me, “Did she tell you about it?”

  Looking down she shook her head slightly.

  “Do you want to hear my story?”

  Her emotions were all over the board, but the strongest was curiosity. I waited for her to answer. At her one curt nod I regurgitate my past in bullet points. She didn’t look at me once. I could feel her sadness. When I was done I put my finger under her chin and lifted it up, “Don’t pity me.”

  “I don’t.” It was a weak sentiment, even though her emotions were wavering. I let her chin go. I leaned down and touched my forehead to hers. I know there were people walking by us and all around but this entire time I have only paid attention to Cory, it was as if we were in our own world.

  I couldn’t take her emotions anymore and I closed off our connection with an addition to the spell, leaving the spell itself in place so if I ever wanted to feel her, I could.

  “Please Cory, please trust me on this.” I lift my head, pleased to know she let me touch her with ease, and yet not happy to see the resolution on her face. “You still want to go, don’t you?” Biting her lip, she averted her eyes.

  My fire flickered inside. I bore my soul to her and she was still interested in going on the other side of the veil. I pulled my arm around her neck and walked her to the alley so I could teleport us to her kitchen, a place I have seen multiple times through the connection in the coins.

  She looks around after I let her go in her very clean kitchen. I wait for her to look at me before I blurt out. "I will miss you," I say softly, feeling the truth in my words, "when you leave."

  Wait! What the hell was I saying? I had no intentions of letting her get caught up in Antrom’s fairy web.

  Cory shook her head and headed up the stairs on the other side of the kitchen wall. I followed.

  The door swung open and Cory walked straight to her bookshelf that was literally the e
ntire south side of the wall. I took a step into the doorway but halted, not sure if I should contaminate her sanctuary. Cory grabbed a book and headed back in my direction. She stopped as if she just remembered something. With a calculating smirk, she wrapped her arms around the book and waited.

  My little minx.

  I took in another step and crossed into Cory land. So much for her sanctuary. I walked to her bed and sat down with my back against the headboard. I folded my arms behind my head and made myself comfortable. "You could always just ask me what it's like there. I have been there a few times."

  Cory huffed, "No thanks. I doubt you spent much time sight seeing." I pulled a pillow from the other side of the bed ignoring her chide, and put it behind my head.

  "I am going to go," her words were there, but the declaration wasn’t. If there was anything I could say to make her stay away from there, I would say the words. Hoping for the best, I grabbed her by the wrist when she got close enough, and slowly brought her to me. The best part is, her eyes are not rejecting this at all.

  I turn her around and pull her back against my chest as she snuggly fit in between my legs. There was nothing more to say. I kiss the back of her head and take a drag of her intoxicating tropical shampoo. She stayed there and I felt content for the first time in my long life, all the while rubbing my mouth back and forth against her shoulders.

  I don’t know how much time passed because I had closed my eyes. I felt her turn and helped her straddle my lap. She whispered, “Come with me.”

  She wanted me there with her? "As long as you come back with me."

  She bowed her head and kissed my lower jaw. My fire was doing something funny. I almost felt light headed.

  "Would you like me to give you a very good reason to come back with me?” I murmured.

  I felt her unease. I didn’t know I opened back up our connection but I was glad for it, this way I could navigate this moment better.

  I kissed her sweet, soft lips lightly. Letting her get used to me. She leaned in for another kiss, but this time I held on to her neck while I kissed her deeply. I pushed up from the spot I was in so I could lay her down. She opened her mouth and I took the invitation greedily.


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