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The Carver's Magic

Page 16

by B. L. Brooklyn

  Laying in between her legs I ran my hand down her thigh and squeezed right under the curve of her pert ass. Cory bowed her back, pushing into my chest, and I rewarded her enthusiasm with a little nip to her neck. If I used my fire, I could warm my mouth, which, when I bite down on the crook of the neck, it sparks a flame, warming her entire body. I’ve been told it feels like a rush of heat running down the body totally relaxing the mind and lingering over the sweet spots. It is a little trick I learned and I’ve had nothing but compliments since.

  I heated my mouth and bit down, not breaking the skin. I felt her nails dig into my back and heard a slow, breathy moan. I pushed my hand from her thigh up her hips and under her shirt. I leaned back to make sure she was still good with this.

  Her eyes were dark, hooded, mirroring my feelings. I pushed her shirt up and saw her navy blue bra with adorable pink polka dots. I ran my thumb over the bra teasing the nipple underneath.

  A loud crash sounded down stairs. “CORY!” Beth screamed. “You have two seconds!”

  Cory stiffened beneath me. I glared at Cory’s bedroom door. I watched as my magic closed and locked.

  “Um. Don’t take this the wrong way, but-”

  I kissed her nose, “I got it. And keep your necklace on, and let me know when you decide to visit Candy Land.” At her scowl I amended, “Fairy Land?”

  She pushed me up so she could rearrange her shirt to cover her soft, light peach, naked belly. I held out my hand and pulled her to my chest. “When you confirm with Antrom, leave my name out of it. It’ll be better that way.”

  * * *

  It was ten in the morning when I dropped by to pick her up. She texted me at the unacceptable time of 5:30 in the morning. I didn’t have to ask if she talked to Beth about it because I knew that had she, Beth would have objected.

  Cory was all business. As soon as she told Antrom that she wanted to go, he set up to meet with her this morning at the butt crack of dawn. To Cory’s redeemable thoughtfulness she told him she would meet him at eleven.

  At the fairy gates, with Cory in hand, I was not surprised when Antrom’s polite demeanor faltered as he approached. He greeted Cory in their silly fashion and I snickered loudly when they finished. Antrom scowled, Cory hit me her best scowl, so I kissed her on her nose. Cory blushed beautifully.

  As a man, Antrom knew what I was doing. I was letting him know she’s mine and he was going to have to go through me to keep her. And he did want to keep her, I just didn’t know why.

  The only way to get into Fairy Land was through the front gates. Or at least that was the only entrance I knew about. Their land wasn’t on a different mystical plane. It was a huge chunk of land that they claimed and put a protective, invisible kind of bubble around it, which is why even the humans have no idea it’s here. When you look at it from the outside it looks like a huge chasm. I don’t understand all the specifics because at one point or another someone must have traveled to the other side, but I didn’t care to investigate it.

  Inside, you will immediately notice the way all men and women are properly dressed. No one really stands out from each other per se. For example, you will not see a punk rocker here, or some emo kids. The streets are clean; the buildings are well maintained. It’s a really nice place if you are a clean freak.

  Antrom decided to take the long route by making us walk though the botanical gardens. I hated every time she warmed inside with another rare flower. Seriously, how did she even know the difference in flowers?

  The first real stop was a specialty potions shop. I rolled my eyes making sure she saw. Fairies and their potions. Cory tried their sugar free passion fruit tea. I declined all drinks and food. I always did. I always had a suspicion that the fairies put a little extra something in their food. I watched Cory like a hawk after she drank her tea. I wanted to make sure that they didn’t put anything in it. I also wanted to hear everything Antrom said to her, so that he was not misleading her.

  Second stop was their farms. I hate to admit that it was pretty interesting. Cory tried some seasonal fruit that I didn’t know the name of, it was yellow though; I declined even though my stomach didn’t agree with that decision. Cory kept her questions to a minimum. All the while, Antrom continued to ask random questions about her adopted family, her career, study habits, reading interests, and hobbies.

  His smile, although it was smooth, didn’t affect her. I checked. Which may be why he wasn’t getting much in the way of good information out of her. She kept her answers brief and to the point. Of course he didn’t look upset, but I knew that even though fairies didn’t show much emotion on their face, you could see it in body language and words.

  “Cory, are you interested in meeting your family?” His tone was light but the question was heavy for Cory.

  I had opened up the spell so I could feel her emotions at the beginning of this trip. His question made her sad because she did, but at the same time she didn’t. I knew exactly how that felt and there was no right answer.

  Cory skirted his question and asked to see the library. Once we were inside, she told him that she wanted to spend some time alone to read. Antrom didn’t leave right away, instead he watched as she flitted around from bookshelf to bookshelf. Whatever he was waiting for, it didn’t happen because 30 minutes later he left, but not before he told her he would return in another hour.

  I took a seat and watched her through the coin or with my natural eyes. I did notice that once Antrom left she immediately walked to the other side of the library and I watched (through the coin) as she ran her finger over the bind of several books. It looked like she was looking for something in particular.

  After she opened and closed her fifth book I let her walk around without shadowing her this time. I put my feet on the chair facing me. A few minutes later, I was being shook awake. Cory pulled out the chair next to me and started flipping through a stack of books.

  I must have dozed off. I rubbed my face and laid my head down on my arm. "Shane," she hissed in a whisper, "Shane."

  I opened my eyes but didn’t move, "Are we done?"

  "I need a cup of tea. Can you get me one?" I blinked, surprised she woke me up to get her tea. Her eyes were pleading.

  I took in a ragged breath and got up. I went to the front of the library and got a cup of hot tea they sold there. When I returned, she sniffed it, then drank most of it and scowled.

  "Gross." She handed me the cup back and said, "Can you get me another one? Add three teaspoons of sugar to this cup." She tapped the rim twice. Her emotions were sky high on anxiety. I am not sure, but it looked like she may have dropped something in the cup, but when I looked in nothing was there but the half drank cup of tea.

  I narrowed my eyes, letting her know I know something is off. She shook her head. I was going to go out on a limb right now and do as she asked, but she was going to explain this.

  This time when I returned she turned the cup three times clockwise and drank all of it and asked for one last one but this time to bring back the sugar with me.

  I brought back another cup of tea. And this time I saw her rub her fingers over the cup and a very small amount of powder fell into the tea, being absorbed quickly.

  She motioned for me to sit down. Hesitantly, I did. Her timid smile didn’t reassure me, in fact, inside she wanted to cry. Cory leaned over and kissed me. I knew she wasn’t feeling affectionate, so I was mildly taken aback. But not enough to not kiss her back. She kissed me harder and I felt a sting. She bit me! Then she used her tongue to collect the blood.

  Hot little minx! Damn it. My fire inside pricked up and began swimming in my chest. As odd as that felt, I focused on Cory as she took another sip. I felt something tingle inside of me, something foreign to my fire.

  What the hell did you do Cory? I asked with my eyes.

  She gave me the cup that had a little red on the side. My blood? Then I saw her lip. It was bleeding. I looked back to the cup. Our blood? Her heart was
pounding, my fire was starting to simmer and I couldn't figure out what she was doing, but it felt like this was going to be one of those moments, the kind you won’t forget and possibly forever regret.

  She was doing magic. Fairy magic. And I knew I should toss the cup. Instead, I took the cup and downed the rest.

  Cory let out a relieved breath. I put down the cup. I felt different. I was unsure what just happened but I was not the same. Not happy about being in the dark about it, I looked down to the book in front of her and the writing was in a language I never have seen before.

  "Young Miss Cory," Antrom called from behind us.

  Perfect timing. We turned around together. My fire was rising. Something wasn’t right. Antrom had his right hand out, “It’s time Cory, to make your choice. You can do this willingly or not.”

  Cory moved to hold out her hand, I pushed her hand to stop her. Was she really going to do this? She moved past me and thrust her hand in his. His face was blank for seconds then stilled. Then slowly, his lips pursed into a tight circle.

  "Bonded? You’re bonded to this Carver?" He hissed. The true Antrom I knew was showing his ugly head.

  Wait. What? "Bonded?" My fire dipped low in my stomach.

  Scumbag’s eyes widened at me, "You didn’t know?" His lips pursed.

  Cory was amazingly blank faced. The disgust in his voice was unmistakable, “You can never be unbonded Cory. That was extremely foolish."

  Bonded to me forever?

  Antrom looked around and found the cup of tea. "You mixed a bonding potion right here? Impossible," His jaw was loose.

  I looked at the deceiving cup and wanted to break it into a million pieces. I felt my stomach drop and a moment later the cup cracked breaking it in two, then into several pieces. Four heartbeats didn’t pass before the cup had turned into sand. My fire was back with vengeance.

  "Consider it child's play," Cory chirped. She sounded confident but the disgusting feelings of doubt, contempt, and regret were soaking inside me. My fire was flickering, unsure what to do with her saturating emotions.

  "I’ll consider this an act of defiance. Interestingly enough, it’s a punishable offense." Antrom looked at the cup and then back at Cory. And his smirk grew, "An affinity for tonics and potions. Hmm. I should have guessed." He raised a finger and behind him several men in all black filtered out of the stacks from around us. We were surrounded.

  Cory held her disguise of disregard but inside she was rioting. Damn her and her ridiculous girly emotions! It’s hard to think with her emotions inside me.

  My fire was starting to do that thing where it was thinking for its self. I could also feel the odd attachment, it didn’t affect my fire, but it felt awkward as if I had an elemental leash that clipped inside me. I said a few words hoping that I could still turn off the emotional connections. I smiled proudly as her fears, doubts, guilt, and shame left. Priorities and all, it was time to get out of here.

  Cory found her voice, "I hate to say this Shane, but, you were right."

  Antrom grabbed Cory by the arm, "You are not leaving. I don't have to use my magic to know whose bloodline you descend from. Only one man in all the world could have made a bonding tonic in less than an hour. The same man who has been sitting in our cellars since he bonded the magical bloodlines."

  Somehow my day keeps getting worse. The Carver Maker. I was bonded to the Carver Maker’s daughter? Grandaughter? Wait how old was the Carver Maker? That would make Cory a descendant of a fairy, not a half-blood per se. I shook my head, pulling at the fire that was starting to attach itself to my skin. I could feel it radiating. Now was not the time to tip the balance of my control. I reminded myself that now was not the time to analyze her heritage. Although, I hate to admit, I do like puzzles.

  I reached between Cory and Antrom, using my leg I wrapped it over his leg and pushed him back. He fell with a thud. I grabbed Cory, she was as stiff as a frozen log. I let my fire surround us, but it was difficult because it wanted to explode out of me.

  Cory still had not moved a muscle, alerting me that someone had used their magic against her. I turned around looking for the culprit and the fairy behind me threw a knife directly at my chest. The iron in the blade was alive, soaring towards me, through my fire. I held out my hand using it so the blade would think it completed its mission once it slide through skin, bone and blood. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been stabbed, so the pain screaming up my arm didn’t cripple me. I pushed my fire out wider, for the space, so I could stand up Tree Trunk Cory and pull out the damn knife.

  The pain grated while I pulled out the knife. My fire was changing colors. Something I had never seen before.

  Thankfully, once the knife was out, all that was left was a small grey line on my palm. Ash. All metal wounds healed instantly once they were removed. Instead of a scab, my body produced ash to heal.

  With a simple thought I took control of the knife and directed it towards the stained glass ceiling, shattering the glass. When the glass descended Cory finally faltered out of the hold one of the guards had on her. The glass distracted them perfectly. I extinguished my ring of fire, and pushed our way towards the doors. I couldn’t teleport in or out of this forsaken place, which was a major problem right now.

  Antrom lunged for Cory trying to snatch her ankle. Cory kicked and I slammed my fist into his jaw. Stunned, he dropped his arm, landing hard with a bright red fist-size mark on his jaw. It looked like a massive burn, and in truth, it was. My fire was too close to my skin. I hoped it served as a very important reminder for him.

  I grabbed Cory’s hand, burning her, on accident. Gah! I carefully pushed her towards the door making sure to only touch her clothes, just in case.

  Escaping the hard way.

  We pushed past the library doors heading towards the gate. Fifty yards out from the gate we saw a long line of centurions. The guardians of the white gates.

  Cory stumbled as she pulled something from her pocket. I had an odd feeling that she was up to something again.

  Ten yards from the guards, Cory stopped to pick up something from the ground. Antrom called out behind us, "Even if you leave, we’ll find you," he said harshly.

  The guards rushed forward. I felt pings all over my skin. My fire pushed harder against my skin and my control. Cory screamed as she dropped into a fetal position.

  My fire won. I roared, incidentally letting my fire free. I felt the sizzle as it broke through my skin. My fire blinded me. All I could see was white spots. It felt as if I was dropped in a pit of feathers. I was light-headed. I tried to get some balance by flinging my arm out to steady me, but it didn’t feel like my arms.

  The white spots receded.

  The guards stopped and then I felt pressure all over me again.

  They were using their magic on me and thankfully it wasn't working. I tried to grab Cory but my arms missed her. Instead I felt my feathers brush over her.

  What the hell?

  I grabbed Cory around the waist with the claws on my feet. I moved my fire around her and then pushed it into her using the attachment she had made. She went limp. Shit.

  I turned to keep all the guards in front of me. I needed to watch for their magic. I extended my wings and kept Cory below me where it was safe. Then I saw something cross my periphery. A blur of bright orange hair was running behind all the centurions attempting to get behind them. When she got within a close distance she paused, with hopeful and pleading eyes.

  I hadn’t formed any long-lasting friends within the fairy courts, I prided myself on it, but Theya was one of those people who inadvertently put a mark on you without even trying. Not love, not misery, but something good. And if my suspicions were right about her magic, she knew exactly what she was doing, and she knew we were getting out.

  I squawked and let my fire fall from me as I flapped my wings, raising me off the ground a short way. The fire dropped like little red fire feathers, as I flapped harder pushing them toward
s the guards.

  The guards dispersed, some patting themselves to stop the fire that was licking at their clothes. Some ran toward the water fountain nearby. No one noticed as Theya walked through the fire feathers, untouched. Interesting.

  Antrom tried to send in some guards and they didn't get far before the fire burned them to ash. I backed up slowly, one step at a time, making the effort not to crush Cory. Theya crossed the gates before me. When I was past the gate I let go of Cory. Theya reached out, pulling her into her arms. I fought with my fire to return inside of me.

  After great effort, I pulled back my fire, somewhat dazed from the morph that I had never known I could do. Cory was blinking at me, ash colored and wide-eyed. I pursed my lips at her absurd reaction. Reaching down, I grab Cory's waist and pull her into me. Not because I need her close, but because I plan to teleport her home. Theya grabbed on to my arm before I had a chance to tell her to hold on.

  The next second all three of us have landed in Cory's living room.

  * * *

  "I am so sorry," Cory says, backing away from me. "I am so, so sorry." She says again and I can feel she deeply regretted what she did. Damn, I’ve got to figure out how that damn spell keeps opening up.

  Ignoring her feelings, "Never trust a fairy. That's what I always say."

  Cory watched me carefully, wiping her hands on her thighs. "I’ll take it back. I have never not figured out a potion."

  “What were you thinking?” I wanted to shake her.

  “Antrom was going to punish my parents or who ever slept with a human. I knew he was going to force me to take his hand at some point. I couldn’t find anything in my collection, so the only other option was in their library. I didn’t know how I was going to stop him, and by the time I found that potion, I only had twenty minutes to get it done before he came back.”

  Disregarding her cleverly crafted excuse I ask, "Are you really my wife?"

  Her shoulders slouched forward. "Technically the bond potion is just that, a bond. The fae use it in their hand-fasting ceremony, which is another form of marriage. We’re not married, we’re linked. I guess you could say, I belong to you."


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