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The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies

Page 44

by Jonathan Alter

  Social Security privatization plan of, 163–64, 316

  tax cuts of, 11–12, 13, 27, 369–70

  teleprompter used by, 114

  2004 campaign of, 155, 263

  Bush, Jeb, 55, 344

  Bush, Laura, 38

  Bush Derangement Syndrome, 30–31

  Business International, 199

  Butler, Stuart, 73

  BuzzFeed, 344

  By the People, 125

  C-4, 25

  Cain, Herman, 20, 176, 178, 186, 190, 220

  Cairo, 320

  California, 266, 337

  Call Tool, 260

  CALPERS, 203

  Cameron, David, 44–45, 267

  Cameron, William Bruce, 237n

  Camp, Dave, on Simpson-Bowles, 57

  campaign finance reform, 202

  cancer research, 194

  Cantor, Eric, 52, 54, 55, 165, 166 partner, Russ Schriefer, ol,Pa, 170, 266

  cap-and-trade, 181

  Cape May, N.J., 343

  capital gains tax, 45

  capitalism, 188

  carbon emissions, 181, 193

  car loans, 171

  Carlson, Gretchen, 347

  Carney, Dave, 186

  Carney, Jay, 40

  carpet bombing, 336–37

  carried interest, 203–4, 212, 337, 372

  Carson, Jon, 87, 89, 246, 258, 266

  Carter, James, IV, 42, 310

  Carter, Jimmy, x, 4, 42, 88, 94, 95, 114, 155, 158, 217, 220, 221, 310, 320, 346

  and Iran hostage mission, 148

  Reagan’s debate with, 91

  Cartwright, James “Hoss,” 149

  Carville, James, 9, 26, 96, 219White House Office of Public Engagement,cv

  Castellanos, Alex, 180–81, 243

  Castro, Fidel, 145

  Catholic Church, 279–80, 316–17

  Catholic Health Association, 280

  Cato Institute, 73

  Caucus for America, 37

  Cave, xii, 100–110, 222, 236, 257, 264, 265, 327, 328, 355

  Cayman Islands, 212, 228, 261, 262, 267

  CBS, 230, 279

  CBS News, 277

  Cebull, Richard, 38

  Centinello, Dan, 349, 354

  Chamber of Commerce, 23, 72, 199, 372

  Chambliss, Saxby, 166

  Chandler, Ben, 55

  Chaudhary, Arun, 153

  Chávez, Hugo, 279, 374

  Chen, Lanhee, 324

  Cheney, Dick, 45, 46, 147, 240

  Cheney, James, 41

  Chevat, Cary, 258

  Chicago, Ill., debate in, 327–29

  Obama’s campaign headquarters in, see Obama, Barack, 2012 campaign of

  Chicago Board of Trade, 19

  Chicago Planning Commission, 136

  Chicago Stock Exchange, 136

  Chicago Transit Board, 136

  Chicago Tribune, 16

  child care tax credits, 314

  child labor laws, 188

  children’s health programs, 314

  Child Tax Credit, 313

  China, 11, 168, 307–10, 318

  sweatshops in, 307–11

  Christian Coalition, 23, 49

  Christian right wing, 18

  Christie, Chris, 179–80, 285, 286, 290, 343, 344, 345

  Christie, Ron, 273n

  Chrysler, 26, 210

  Churchill, Winston, 4

  CIA, 145–46, 148, 150, 156, 285

  Benghazi attack and, 319, 377

  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, partner, Russ Schriefer, office early23, 193, 202

  civil rights, 208, 294

  Civil War, U.S., 169

  Clapper, James, 319

  Clark, Ed, 194

  Clark, Meghan, 317

  class rhetoric, 199, 202, 213

  class warfare, ix, xi, 305–7

  Claster, Andrew, 100, 103

  Clay, Henry, xiii

  clean air rules, 337

  clean energy, 233

  Cleaver, Emanuel, 171

  Clemente, Mike, 358

  climate change, x, 177, 179, 193, 198, 297

  climate change bill, 1

  Clinton, Bill, x, 5–6, 9, 22, 31, 32, 35, 36, 43, 50, 109, 114, 133, 179, 219, 236, 283, 287, 305White House Office of Public Engagement,cv, 320n, 321, 345, 366, 372

  adversaries considered enemies by, 144

  business community’s relationship with, 135, 204

  campaign of, 88

  convention speech of, 294–95

  Defense of Marriage Act signed by, 240

  early planning for importance by, 125

  first-time voters important to, 74

  forgiveness of voters received by, 221

  George H. W. Bush’s underestimation of, 220

  government shutdown of 1995 and, 161

  as governor, 125

  health care bill of, 5, 48

  as ignorant of bin Laden raid, 149–50

  impeachment of, 65, 205, 364

  informed of death of bin Laden, 152

  lack of voter trust in, 217

  as “New Democrat,” 180

  not considered oracle to Obama, 244–45

  on Obama’s campaign trail, 295–96, 329, 331

  Obama’s complicated relationship with, 13, 119–20, 122, 244

  political backslapping easy for, 122, 125, 127

  politics enjoyed by, 9 everyone plays by the same rulescv

  on possibility of default, 169

  Romney considered extreme conservative by, 244

  scandals of, 220

  Second Inaugural of, 374

  Sister Souljah attacked by, 211

  soft money raised by, 199, 203

  tax increase of, 46

  Tea Party opposed by, 26–27

  teleprompter used by, 113–14

  on voter suppression, 298

  Wall Street courted by, 199

  welfare reform of, 6, 284

  Clinton, Hillary, 93, 102, 117, 119, 122, 128–29, 222, 239, 285, 295, 321, 322, 326, 355, 372, 379

  on difficulty of deciding on bin Laden raid, 149

  in election of 2008, 16, 33, 175–76, 247

  embassy security concerns of, 320

  mandate supported by, 73

  negotiation with Iran opposed by, 185

  Obama criticized for Pakistan missions by, 146

  Obama’s loss in New Hampshire to, 175–76

  Obama’s madrassa educ partner, Russ Schriefer, office earlyation rumor spread by, 33

  resignation as secretary of state of, 376–77

  Romney’s criticism of, 156

  in Situation Room for bin Laden raid, 152

  in 2008 campaign, 325

  Clinton Global Initiative, 245

  Clooney, George, 329

  cloud computing, 99

  Club for Growth, 23, 206

  CNBC, 211

  CNN, 33, 36, 55, 66, 181, 183, 185, 191, 229, 252, 261, 326–27, 345, 356

  coal, 285

  “Coalitions” initiative, 182

  Coburn, Tom, 58–59, 166

  Colbert, Stephen, 34, 335, 366–67

  Colbert Report, The, 60

  Cold War, 48n

  Coleman, Norm, 75

  collective-bargaining rights, 102

  college loans, x, 314, 363

  Collins, Gail, 227

  Collins, Gentry, 183 not buying health insurance se24

  Collins, Jim, 237

  Colorado, 4, 22, 77, 85, 285, 352, 355, 359, 360, 376, 66

  Columbus Dispatch, 300, 364

  Commerce Clause, 249, 250, 251

  Commerce Department, U.S., 132

  Commodities Futures Trading Commission, 136

  Common Cause, 257

  Common Purpose Project, 89

  “Community,” 248

  compromise, 3, 6, 48, 60

  ConAgra, 66

  Conference of Bishops, U.S., 177, 280

  Congress, U.S.:

  Republican victories in 2010 in, 1

  see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

  Congressional Budget Office, 28, 115, 162, 254

  Congressional Research Service, 46

  Connecticut, 361

  Connor, Bull, 342

  Conrad, Kent, 56

  Conrad-Gregg Commission, 56, 58 partner, Russ Schriefer, ws small

  Conservative Caucus of State Legislators, 73

  Conservative Political Action Convention (CPAC), 30, 59, 80, 96, 211, 371

  Conservative Victory Group, 375

  Consovoy, Will, 301

  Constitution, U.S., 13

  Commerce Clause of, 249, 250, 251

  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 53, 201

  Consumer Price Index, 58, 376

  Continetti, Matthew, 48n

  continuing resolution (CR), 161–62

  contraception, 112, 161, 177, 279–81, 331, 363

  Contract with America, 26

  Cook, Charlie, 5

  Cook, Genevieve, 129

  Cool Hand Luke, 111

  Coors family, 73

  Coppins, McKay, 344

  Cordray, Richard, 53

  Corley, Judy, 40

  Corn, David, 309, 310

  corporate donations, 192

  corporations, 23

  Corsi, Jerome, 35, 39, 41, 334, 336

  Corzine, Jon, 147

  Coulter, Ann, 32

  Council of Economic Advisers, 164, 298

  Counter-Terrorism Board of Directors, 145

  Craig, Larry, 62

  Crane, Edward, 73

  Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, 76–77

  credit card fees, 200

  credit cards, 201

  Crist, Charlie, 123

  Cronkite, Walter, 121

  Crossroads GPS, 25, 195, 196, 202, 205, 283, 288, 365

  Crossroads Media, 225

  crowdsourcing, 99

  Crowley, Candy, 331

  Crowley, Monica, 336

  Crown, Jim, 202

  Cruz, Ted, 371

  CSPAN, 118

  Cuban Americans, 93, 360

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 156

  Cuccinelli, Ken, 249

  Cuomo, Andrew, 241

  Cuomo, Mario, 118

  Cutter, Stephanie, 115–16, 216, 230 not buying health insurance se24, 238–39, 261, 284, 326, 340

  “czars,” 63

  Daddy Day Care, 94

  Daily Caller, 61, 69, 183, 285

  Daily Show, The, 60

  Daley, Bill, 16, 93, 142–43, 153, 155, 275, 280

  on possibility of default, 169

  in Situation Room for bin Laden raid, 149, 150

  Daley, Richard J., 10, 12–13, 16–17, 71, 84

  Daley family, 87

  Dalthorp, James, 222

  Daniels, Mitch, 179, 340

  dark money groups, 205

  Darling, Alberta, 300

  Darman, Richard, 50

  Dart, Andrew K., 114

  “Dashboard,” 108, 260

  data arms race, 224

  data campaign, xi

  Davidsen, Carol, 110

  Davis, Frank Marshall, 33, 336

  D-DayNational Youth Administrationdoh2, 156

  Dean, Howard, 84, 87, 99, 346

  death panels, 36

  “death tax,” 46–47, 187, 370

  debt ceiling crisis, 13–14, 127, 158, 169, 170–71, 173, 175, 233, 325–26, 370, 378

  default, on budget, 168–69

  Defense of Marriage Act, 94, 240

  defense spending, x, 185

  cuts to, 170

  deficit reduction, 293

  deficits, 28, 45–46, 50, 254, 282

  Norquist’s disdain for deals on, 164–65

  Obama’s desire to curb, 164

  Republican plans to cut, 53–54, 184

  Ryan budget and, 163–64

  in 2012 election, 233, 238

  see also Simpson-Bowles Commission

  Delaware, 4

  DeLay, Tom, 48–49

  Del Cecato, John, 262

  White House Office of Public Engagement,cvdemocracy, 198

  Democratic National Committee, 15, 88, 100, 192, 322, 327

  Democratic National Convention:

  of 2004, 26, 243

  of 2012, 246, 294–98, 328

  Democratic Party, U.S.:

  Common Purpose Project of, 89

  early voting and, 77

  Latinos in, 274–79

  liberal base of, 257

  wings of, 44

  see also elections, U.S.

  Denver, Colo., 80

  debate in, 320–27, 333, 334, 352

  DeParle, Nancy-Ann, 280, 285

  deregulation, 74, 306

  derivatives, 194, 216

  Desert One, 148, 152

  Detroit News, 210

  “Dialogue Monitor,” 267

  Diana, Princess of Wales, 142

  Diaz-Balart, Jose, 274

  Digital Franking, 225

  Dillard, Kirk, 44

  Dillon, Jen O’Malley, 88

  Dillon Reed, 135

  Dimon, Jamie, 137

  Dionne, E. J., xiii, 280

  DISCLOSE Act, 194

  Dishonorable Discharge, 156

  Dobson, James, 242

  Dodd-Frank financial reform, 126, 201, 216–17, 325

  lobbying against, 137

  Dole, Bob, 6, 44, 45, 46, 50–51, 220, 320n, 372

  Domestic Policy Council, 93, 276

  Donaldson, Sam, 69–70

  Donilon, Tom, 150, 153, 155

  Donovan, Shaun, 132, 241

  Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, 11, 12, 13, 94, 184, 241, 274

  Doocy, Steve, 33, 344, 347

  Dorgan, Byron, 112

  “doubling down,” 233

  Douglass, Frederick, 272

  Dow Jones Industrial Average, 171, 172

  Draper, Robert, 51

  DREAM Act everyone plays by the same rulescv, 13, 131, 185, 196, 218, 274, 277, 331

  Dreams from My Father (Obama), 199

  Dreams from My Real Father (film), 336

  DreamWorks, 99

  Dred Scott, 23

  drones, 146, 147, 157

  bin Laden raid and, 149

  Drudge Report, 60, 61, 160, 285, 318

  D’Souza, Dinesh, 36, 131, 176

  Duberstein, Ken, 14

  Dukakis, Michael, 31, 33, 48, 221, 243

  Duncan, Arne, 271

  Dunham, Stanley Ann, 34, 199, 336

  Dunlap, Albert J., 309

  Dunn, Karen, 332

  du Pont, Pierre “Pete,” 50

  Durbin, Dick, 119, 122, 166, 200

  Dyson, Michael Eric, 272

  Earned Income Tax Credit, 12, 273 partner, Russ Schriefer, office early, 313

  Eastwood, Clint, 292–93, 296

  Eban, Abba, 324

  Ebert, Roger, 293

  economic crisis, 2008, 171, 200, 220, 234

  Economus, Peter, 301–2

  education, 238, 325

  Education Department, U.S., 132

  education reform, 271

  Edwards, George, 111

  Edwards, John, 62

  Egypt, 319, 320

  Einhorn, Steve, 341

  Einstein, Albert, 237

  Eisenberg, Lewis, 242

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 32, 34, 45, 113, 125, 164, 220, 366

  elderly, 24, 363

  elections, Massachusetts, of 1994, 214

  elections, U.S.:

  of 1800, 32

  of 1896, 193

  of 1932, 192

  of 1936, 306

  of 1960, 71, 325n

  of 1964, 83, 208, 220

  of 1968, 209

  of 1972, 192, 303

  of 1976, 88, 224

  of 1980, 91, 94, 95, 208, 217, 269, 346

  of 1984, 28, 234

  of 1988, 33, 50, 221, 243

  of 1994, 5, 70, 92

  of 1996, 119, 1
84, 266, 320n

  of 2000, 46, 74, 80, 219, 263, 332, 359

  of 2006, 2, 183, 197

  of 2014, 376, 378

  of 2016, 379

  elections, U.S., of 1992, 50, 88, 180, 211, 219, 220, 236, 244

  theme of, 217

  white vote in, 269

  elections, U.S., of 2004, 74 everyone plays by the same rulescv, 92, 99, 155, 183, 192, 205, 216, 220, 223, 243, 263, 283

  Obama’s Senate campaign in, 158

  elections, U.S., of 2008, x, 2, 3, 16, 19, 23, 26, 68, 77, 79, 83, 84, 93, 94, 122, 131, 133, 156, 185, 187, 195, 197–98, 200, 202, 207, 236, 239, 242, 247, 263, 264, 275, 321, 322, 346, 349, 354, 355–56

  debates in, 325n

  independents in, 345–46

  Obama’s difficulties in, 102

  race in, 31White House Office of Public Engagement,cv, 40, 42, 93, 120, 270, 347

  voter age in, 10

  white vote in, 269

  elections, U.S., of 2010, 11, 21, 23, 26–28, 53, 77, 80, 159, 164, 175, 183, 264

  activists elected in, 2–3

  Obama’s campaign in, 4–5, 6

  OFA and, 89

  Republican victories in, 1–3, 4

  voter age in, 10

  elections, U.S., of 2012, 3, 10, 15, 370

  battleground states in, 245, 263–65, 357, 359, 360

  as “change” election, 217

  Charles Koch’s fear over, 194

  class in, ix, 198, 201–2, 213, 305–7, 347–48

  as covered by Fox, 63–64

  Democratic primary in, 248

  election day of, 352–67

  Electoral College count in, 359

  exit polls in, 243–44, 355, 356, 360n, 361, 363

  “gifts” as explanation for Obama victory in, 363–64

  importance of, ix–x

  independents in, 234, 248, 346

  lack of Democratic challengers in, 83

  long lines in, 354

  number of voters in, 60

  Obamacare and, 250

  Obama projected winner in, 355–56, 358, 359

  Obama-Romney debates in, 260, 295, 320–33, 352

  Obama’s strategy in, 83–97, 284–85

  polls of, 96, 225, 244, 270, 297, 328–29, 338–39, 342, 346, 349, 352, 361–62, 364

  as “post-crash” election, 220

  predictions of Democratic defeat in, 4–5

  as referendum on Obama, 91

  Republican advertising in, 219–32

  Republican debates in, 177, 181–82, 184–85, 186, 188–89, 190, 207, 228

  Republican Party candidates in, 176–90, 215, 218

  Romney’s early lead in, 158, 191

  Romney’s strategy in, xi, 207–18, 283

  Silver’s prediction of, 174

  stable numbers in, 282

  swing voters in, 210–11, 296

  taxes in, 203–4, 230, 233

  as “trust” election, 217

  unemployment and economy as issue in, 220–21, 223, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 234–35, 239, 256, 334

  see also Obama, Barack, 2012 campaign of; Romney, Mitt, 2012 campaign of

  Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, 250

  Email List, 87, 89, 106, 110, 258–59, 260

  Emanuel, Ezekiel, 114

  Emanuel, Rahm, 13, 14–15, 22, 27, 85, 90, 114, 115, 139, 140, 150, 202, 275, 350–51


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