The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies
Page 45
Empower America, 315
Energy Department, U.S., 43n, 129
energy independence, 293
Engelbrecht, Catherine, 81
Enron Corporation, 194
entitlements, 163–64, 314
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 186
environmental regulation, x
Erickson, Eric, 225
ESPN, 345
estate tax, 46–47, 187, 370
“ethno-journal” program, 237
European Union, 171
Evangelical Christians, 207, 242
Evans, Don, 138
evolution, 177, 179, 304
Ewald, Marie, 258
executions, 184
executive orders, 96
experiment-informed programs, 236
Exxon-Mobil, 135
Facebook, 86National Youth Administrationdoh2, 94, 99, 106, 107, 108, 109, 118, 266, 269, 288
Fair Deal, 49, 296
Fair Sentencing Act (2010), 273
Faith and Freedom Coalition, 23, 242
Falwell, Jerry, 217, 242
Farah, Joseph, 35
Fast and Furious, 43
Faust, Drew Gilpin, xiii
Favreau, Jon, 40, 246, 297, 377
Federal Election Commission, 75
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 343, 344
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 194
Federalist Society, 73, 75
federal pensions, 163
Federal Reserve, 28, 67, 180, 316
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 136
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 201
Federal Society, 301
Fehrnstrom, Eric, 229
Feingold, Russ, 1
Feller, Ben, 156
Ferguson, Jim, 222–23
Fetcher, Adam, 261, 326
finance, 200
Finkelbinder, Ben, 129
First Hundred Days, 249
fiscal cliff, 369–71
Fischer, Bryan, 37
Five Freedoms, 116
FiveThirtyEight blog, 174
Florida, 3, 22, 77, 79, 85, 123, 190, 191, 208–9, 299
in election of 2000, 74, 80, 359
in election of 2012, 266, 299, 302, 328, 335–36, 337, 341, 342–43, 346, 352, 355, 356, 359, 360, 362
FLS Mafia, 225
Fluke, Sandra, 280
Flynn, Ed, 317
Food and Drug Administration, 285
food stamps, x, 188–89, 273, 314, 318, 323
Forbes, 193
Forbes, Steve, 46, 334
Ford, Gerald, 45, 145, 187, 220, 224
foreclosures, 201
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 197
Fort Hood massacre, 157
Forti, Carl, 196, 225, 365
Foster, Vincent, 35
Fountainhead, The (Rand), 315
Fournier, Ron, 31–32
Fourteenth Amendment, 168, 169
Fox & Friends, 33, 63–64, 66, 217, 347
Fox News, 18, 19, 32, 38–39, 60–70, 111, 188, 217, 252, 261, 285, 301, 331, 336, 344, 345, 346, 347, 352, 355, 357–58, 359, 375
advertising boyco partner, Russ Schriefer, ws small tts of, 66–67
Benghazi attack and, 320
business model of, 66–67
Democratic Convention covered by, 295
ratings of, 60, 66–67, 70, 282
Republican debates on, 182, 184
Trump’s “October Surprise” on, 334
voter fraud reported on, 75–76
Fox Television Stations Group, 65
Frank, Barney, 43, 375
Franken, Al, 75, 364
FreedomWorks, 20, 23, 362
Friedman, Milton, 303
Friedman, Thomas, 173
Friess, Foster, 191, 195, 350
Friess, Lynn, 195
Froman, Michael, 135
Frum, David, 39
Fugate, Craig, 344
Fund, John, 75
Gabrieli, Chris, 214, 215
Gage, Alex, 224, 225, 267, 365
Galapagos Islands, 304, 318
Galifianakis, Zach, 151
Gallup, 225 partner, Russ Schriefer, ws small , 264, 338, 361, 362
Gang of Six, 165–66
Ganz, Marshall, 264
Gaspard, Patrick, 91, 96, 327
gas prices, 158, 336
Gates, Bill, 84, 193
Gates, Bob, 11, 148–49, 152, 155, 156
Gay, Robert, 228
Geffen, David, 329
Geico, 66
Geithner, Tim, 14–15, 135, 168, 201, 377
Geller, Pam, 41
Genachowski, Julius, 130
General Electric, 66, 334, 306
General Motors, 26, 158, 192, 210, 291
Geneva Conventions, 144
Gensler, Gary, 194
George Washington University, 164
Georgia, 75
Gerard, Leo, 374
Gerber, Alan, 98
Germany, 49
Gerry, Elbridge, 3n
gerrymandering, 3, 25
Gessler, Scott, 80, 376
get out the vote (GOTV), 87–88, 89, 98, 106, 183, 192, 265, 266, 353–54
Ghani, Rayid, 107
Gibbs, Robert, 15
GI Bill, 287
Gifford, Kathie Lee, 309
Gifford, Rufus, 94–95
Giffords, Gabrielle, 37, 150, 275, 378
Gigot, Paul, 255
Gilbert, Joel, 336
Gilded Age, 193, 235
Gillespie, Ed, 24, 25, 220
Gingrich, Callista, 186
Gingrich, Maryann, 178n
Gingrich, Newt, 6, 36, 46, 48, 50–51, 60, 185, 192n, 196, 215, 223, 373
Contract with America of, 26White House Office of Public Engagement,cv
departure as speaker, 159
education reform and, 271
Fox News contract of, 176
government shutdown of 1995 and, 161
as leader of freshmen Republicans, 162–63
as leading in 2012 Republican polls, 186–89
Romney attacked by, 187–88, 191–92, 218
Ryan’s budget criticized by, 163
Tea Party support for, 180
Giuliani, Rudy, 188
Global-Tech Appliances, 310
global warming, see climate change
GMMB, 86
Godfather, The (film), 1
Goff, Teddy, 99, 103, 107, 257, 258, 287, 374, 377
Golden Report, 103, 328, 353
Goldman Sachs, 135
Goldwater, Barry, 83, 208, 220, 350
Goodman, Andrew, 41
Good Morning America, 241
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 117, 235
Google, 99, 131, 184
Goolsbee, Austan, 164, 168, 298
Gordon (voter-tracking system), 106, 108, 353, 354
Gore, Al, 31, 33, 208, 214, 263, 332, 359
GOTV (get out the vote), 87–88, 89, 98, 106, 183, 192, 265, 266, 353–54
government credit rating, 171
government shutdown of 1995, 14, 161, 162–63
government spending, 230
Republican desire for, 165
Romney’s plan to cut, x
Tea Party plans to cut, 162
Graham, Billy, 242
Graham, Franklin, 242
Graham, Lindsey, 377
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Budget Control Act (1985), 169
Grand Bargain, 162, 165–67, 169
Granholm, Jennifer, 294
Gray, C. Boyden, 181
Grayson, Trey, 53
Great Depression, 5, 6, 21, 168 partner, Russ Schriefer, office early, 317
Great Recession, 285, 306
see also unemployment
Great Society, xii, 49, 296
Greece, 26
Green, Al, 262
Green, Don, 98
Greenberg, Stan, 95–96
green jobs, 10
p; Greenspan, Alan, 316
Greenstein, Fred, 111
Greer, Jim, 78
Gregg, Judd, 56
Gridiron Club, 190
Grisolano, Larry, 95, 96, 97, 109, 110, 225, 234, 236, 238, 247
Grose, Dean, 38
GST Steel, 215
Guadalcanal, battle of, 145
Guantánamo Bay, 14, 235, 293
Guggenheim, Davis, 156
guns, 36, 37, 52, 111, 372–73, 376, 378
Gutiérrez, Luis, 274–75
Habitat Company, 135
HaitiNational Youth Administrationdoh2, 233
Haldeman, Bob, 227
Ham, Carter, 11
Hamas, 49
Hamburger, Tom, 261
Hamilton, Alexander, xiii, 49–50
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 330
Hangover, The (film), 151
Hanks, Tom, 276
Hanna, Mark, 193
Hannity, Sean, 32, 38, 62–63, 67–68, 183, 331
Hannity and Colmes, 67
Hardest Hit Fund, 248
Harding, Warren G., 125
Harris, Katherine, 80
Hart, Richard, 315
Harvard Crimson, 47
Harvard Law Review, 160
Harvard University, 270
Harwood, John, 186
Hasan, Nidal Malik, 157n
Hastert, Denny, 159
Hatch, Orrin, 21
Hawaii, 33, 41
Haywood, George, 123, 130
Health and Human Services Department, U.S., 132, 250, 284 partner, Russ Schriefer, ws small
health care, 5, 38, 53, 230, 238, 270, 279
“universal coverage” and, 115, 235
see also Obamacare
health care reform, communication over, 114–16
Hebert, Curtis, 194
Helms, Jesse, 74
Help American Vote Act, 74
Hensarling, Jeb, on Simpson-Bowles, 57
Herbalife, 21
Heritage Foundation, 73, 181
Hill, Stephen, 184
historical fundamentalism, 21
History Channel, 371
Hofstadter, Richard, 32
Hofstra University, 330–33
Holbrooke, Richard, 119
Holder, Eric, 72, 75n, 141
Hollister, Gregory, 33
Holtz, Lou, 195
Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), 22
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), 22–23
home equity loans, 200
Homeland Security Department, U.S., 37, 276
home mortgage deduction, 313
home mortgages, 163, 171
everyone plays by the same rulescvHome Owners Loan Corporation, 21
homosexuals, homosexuality, 180, 208, 233, 359
see also Don’t Ask Don’t Tell; same-sex marriage
Hoover, Herbert, x, 4
Horton, Willie, 33, 41, 48, 221
Houdini Project, 106, 108, 353
House of Representatives, U.S., 29, 361
Budget Committee of, 54, 315
climate change bill in, 2
and extension of payroll tax holiday, 236
1994 Republican victory in, 5
Republican Conference of, 159
Republican Conference retreat of, 54
Republican victories in 2010 in, 2
Ryan budget plan passed by, 317
Thirteenth Amendment passed in, 370
Ways and Means Committee of, 165
Housing and Urban Development Department, U.S., 209
housing bubble, 10
HPV vaccine, 177–78
Huckabee, Mike, 131, 174, 289
Hudson, Jennifer, 329
Huffington Post, 60, 70, 311
Hughes, Howard, 53
Huntsman, Jon, 176, 179, 180, 184
Hurricane Katrina, 343, 344
Hurricane Sandy, x, 343–45, 355, 363
Husted, Jon, 79, 301–2, 340
Hyde, Henry, 73
illegal immigrants, 36, 275–77
Illinois, 266
Illinois State Senate, 16, 125, 160, 256
immigration, 177, 183, 184–85, 189, 208, 218, 233–34, 273–77, 279, 283, 297, 331, 336
Tea Party opposition to, 18
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S., 275
independents, 234, 248
Indiana, 361
inflation, 282, 316
Informal Sociology: An Introduction to Sociological Thinking (Cameron), 237n
infrastructure, 15, 26, 28, 132, 288
inheritance tax, 46–47, 187
Inhofe, James, 11
Inside Edition, 67
Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, 309–10
insurance, 200
insurance companies, 115
interest rates, 171, 282, 316
Interior Department, U.S., 261
internal improvements, 45
Internet, 111
interstate highway system, 9
Iowa, 3, 80, 85, 102, 341, 346
Iowa caucuses, 44, 100, 188
Iowa Straw Poll, 144
IPAB, 324
Iran, 11, 177
Hillary Clinton’s opposition to negotiating with, 185
Iran hostage crisis, 148, 152
Iraq War, x, 2n, 19, 91, 107, 115, 170, 184, 208
winding down of, 116 to the outside world.00 d, 146, 162
IRAs, 213
“Irish mafia,” 138
IRS, 205
Isaacson, Walter, 93
Islam, 18
Israel, 196, 267, 324
IT spending, 132
“It Takes One” weekend, 266
Jackson, Andrew, xiii, 348
Jackson, Barry, 161–62, 166
Jackson, Garrett, 359
Jackson, Jesse, 374
Jackson, Samuel L., 327
Jackson, Santita, 374
Jacobs, Steven, 196–97
Janus-Merritt Strategies, 49
Japan, 26, 28, 145, 180
Jarrett, Valerie, 15, 16–17, 123, 135, 138–42, 143, 172, 198, 257, 280, 372, 374
Daleys’ relationship with, 16–17
as defender of first family, 134
as ignorant of bin Laden raid, 149–50
as seen by business community, 135–36, 137, 138
Jay-Z, 276
Jefferson, Thomas, xiii
Jefferson County, Ohio, 31
Jennings, Scott, 359
Jewish Coalition Forum, 156
Jim Crow, 71
Jindal, Bobby, 369
Jobs, Steve, 66
jobs bill, 143, 181, 235, 325
Joe the Plumber, 122–23, 318
John Birch Society, 30, 35, 193
Johnson, Boris, 267
Johnson, Gary, 184
Johnson, Jeh, 11, 145
Johnson, Katie, 1, 2, 151
Johnson, Lyndon, xii, 4, 49, 83, 113, 128, 133, 379
early planning for importance by, 125
health care reform attempted by, 114
King’s meeting with, 272
National Youth Administration run by, 131
“We Shall Overcome” speech of, 117, 241
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 64 not buying health insurance se24, 156
Jones, Alex, 37
Jordan, Michael, 233, 298
Joyner, Tom, 272
JPMorgan Chase, 137, 142
Judicial Watch, 340
Justice Department, U.S., 61, 75, 197, 299, 376
Kagan, Robert, 11
Kagen, Steve, 1, 115–16
Kaine, Tim, 88
Kasich, John, 74, 79, 102, 300
Katrina, Hurricane, 343, 344
Katz, David, 129
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 329
Kaufman, Ron, 220
Kayani, Ashfaq, 152–53
Keehan, Carol, 280
Keisling, Phil, 77
Kelly, Megyn, 32, 252, 358
Kelly, Michael, 38
p; Kemp, Jack, 21, 74, 184, 315
Kennedy, Anthony, 251, 255
Kennedy, Caroline, 35
Kennedy, Jackie, 228–29
Kennedy, John F., xi, xii, 30, 32, 71, 84, 125, 178, 220, 228–29, 325n
assassination of, 145
businessmen excoriated by, 199
Joint Chiefs overruled in Cuban Missile Crisis by, 156
King’s meeting with, 272
as senator, 125
Kennedy, Robert F., 145
Kennedy, Ted, 10, 92, 95, 115, 160, 187, 215, 239, 352–53
Kenya, 69
Kernaghan, Charles, 310
Kerry, John, 31, 34, 35, 77, 88, 91, 92, 156, 192, 197, 205, 214, 239, 240, 243, 263, 322, 323
appointed secretary of state, 377
at Democratic convention, 294
Keyes, Alan, 33–34, 322
Keystone XL pipeline, 217
King, John, 345
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 145, 272
King of Bain: When Mitt Romney Came to Town (film), 187
King Street Patriots, 81
Kinsley, Michael, 210
Kirk, Ron, 130, 141
Kissinger, Henry, 11
Kiwanis Club, 160
KKR, 203
Klain, Ron, 320, 321, 327, 330, 332
Klayman, Larry, 36, 364
Klein, Edward, 35, 231
Klein, Ezra, 111
Know-Nothing Party, 273
Knox, Frank, 145
Kobach, Kris, 376
Koch, Charles, 18–19, 20, 23, 73, 88, 109, 193, 194, 196, 223–24, 339, 365
Koch, David, 18–19, 20, 23, 73, 88, 109,
McCain, John, x, 8, 51, 63, 79, 92, 133, 204, 211, 219, 220, 263, 321, 322, 340, 365, 371, 377
campaign spending of, 256, 346
Conrad-Gregg opposed by, 56
gaffe on economy by, 222
immigration bill of, 274
Obama criticized for Pakistan missions by, 146
remorse card played by, 221
Romney’s support for, 156
torture and, 147
Wall Street money raised by, 199
McCain-Feingold, 23
McCarthy, Kevin, 55
McConnell, Mitch, 2, 24, 26, 51, 53, 320
Benghazi attack and, 320
budget cuts and, 169, 170
Conrad-Gregg opposed by, 56–57
and expiration of tax cut, 12
on fiscal cliff, 370
and Obama as alleged Muslim, 34
Obamacare opposed by, 124, 143
Obama’s defeat in 2012 desired by, 7–8, 127
McCormick, Cyrus, 193
McDonnell, Bob, 281
McDonough, Denis, 130, 150, 154, 377
McFarland, K. T., 64
McGovern, George, 87, 303, 359
McKinley, William, 46, 193
McKinnon, Mark, 219
McLaughlin, Andrew, 131–32
McRaven, William, 150, 152
Maddow, Rachel, 60, 310
“madman theory,” 168
“Mad Men,” 222–24, 229
Maher, Bill, 34, 325
Malcolm X, 33
Malkin, Michelle, 32
Malloy, Dan, 373
Manchurian Candidate, The, 209
Manley, Jim, 8, 143, 246