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The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies

Page 46

by Jonathan Alter

  Mann, Thomas, 57

  manufacturing jobs, 8–9, 296

  Mao Zedong, 48

  Maraniss, David, 231

  March on Washington, 272

  Margolis, Jim, 109, 110, 225, 312, 339

  marriage, 217

  Martin, Jenny Beth, 21, 290

  Martin, Roland, 183

  Martin, Trayvon, 74, 299

  Martinez, Susan, 290

  Massachusetts, 179, 181, 246, 361

  outsourcing by, 261

  MassCare, 212

  Mastromonaco, Alyssa, 142, 263

  Mathis, Brian, 203

  Matthews, Chris, 327, 334

  Meath, Jason Killian, 187

  Meckler, Mark, 21, 290

  Medicaid, 168, 313

  as block-granted to states in Ryan’s budget, 163

  medical malpractice, 160–61

  medical research, x

  Medicare, 8, 24, 57, 168, 236, 291, 313, 314n

  as privatized in Ryan’s budget, 163

  vouchers for, x, 236, 238

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 10, 130n

  Meet the Press, 39, 240, 244, 319

  Mehlman, Ken, 240

  Menendez, Bob, 274

  Merkel, Angela, 11

  Merrill Lynch, 135

  Messina, Jim, 11, 82, 83, 84, 85–86, 90–91, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 245, 268, 293, 326, 327, 338, 346, 356, 366

  campaign budget cuts of, 256

  campaign spending by, 244

  made head of Organizing for Action, 377

  and Republican super PAC spending, 202

  Romney strategy misread by, 283

  and Silver’s prediction of Obama loss, 174

  Messner, Tom, 222

  Mexican Americans, 93

  Mexico, 262

  Miami-Dade College, 150

  Michel, Robert, 187

  Michigan, 3, 26, 79, 191, 208–9, 348

  Microsoft, 99

  microtargeting, 224, 247

  middle class, 283, 287, 305, 306, 361

  Midway, battle of, 145

  Mikulski, Barbara, 166

  military, 168, 313

  Miller, Zell, 283

  Milwaukee, Wis., 75

  minimum wage, 208, 297

  Minnesota, 75, 85, 345, 346, 357

  minorities, 233, 269

  Mishkin, Arnon, 358

  Mississippi, University of, 364

  Missouri, 361

  Mitchell, Emmett “Bucky,” IV, 78

  Mobius Executive Leadership, 101

  Moffatt, Zac, 224, 225

  Mogadishu, 148 partner, Russ Schriefer, ws small

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 147

  Mondale, Walter, 113, 234, 350, 360

  monetary policy, 316

  Moneyball (Lewis), 84

  Montana, 361

  More Emails Test, 258–59

  Morley, Michael, 301

  Mormonism, 207, 220, 263, 324

  Morning in America, 222

  Morris, Dick, 5–6, 345, 375

  mortgages, 200

  Mother Jones, 309, 310, 311

  “Motor Voter” bill, 74

  Mourdock, Richard, 340, 361, 26

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 303, 314n

  MSNBC, 60, 66, 111, 118, 177, 205, 261, 272, 310, 327, 331, 334, 374

  Mullen, Mike, 11, 148, 149, 152–53

  Muñoz, Cecelia, 275

  Munro, Neil, 69

  Murdoch, Rupert, 62–63, 64, 229, 345

  Ailes considered crazy by, 65

  Romney’s meeting with, 178

  Romney’s team insulted by, 229

  Romney supported by, 64

  Murphy, Mike, 220

  Murphy, Patrick, 1

  Murray, Charles, 288

  Murray, Robert, 364

  MyBO, 99

  Myers, Beth, 293, 324

  Myspace, 99

  NAACP, 82, 258, 299

  Nabors, Rob, 166

  Nader, Ralph, 72

  Napolitano, Janet, 276

  Narwhal, 106–8, 265, 349

  National Academy of Sciences, 45

  National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, 57

  National Counterterrorism Center, 149

  national debt, 14, 164, 306

  National Dialogue Monitor, 225, 365

  National Economic Council, 14, 294

  N partner, Russ Schriefer, ol,Paational Journal, 7, 31

  National Labor Relations Board, 136

  National Mall, 112

  national parks, 52

  National Recovery Act, 249

  National Republican Lawyers Association, 80

  National Rifle Association, 23

  National Security Council, 11, 135, 148, 377

  National Urban League, 271

  National Youth Administration, 131

  NATO, 11

  Navy SEALs, 145, 148, 149, 156

  SEAL Team 6, 151–52

  NBC, 230, 279

  NBC News, 181, 267, 356

  negative income tax, 303

  neighborhood team leaders, 266

  Nelson, Ben, 55

  neoconservatives, 18, 47

  Nesbitt, Marty, 6, 15, 137, 138, 154, 200, 329, 348, 349, 356

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 196, 267

  Nevada, 4, 22, 85, 263, 284, 360

  New Apostolic Reformation, 180

  New Black Panther Party, 75

  New Deal, ix, 49, 50, 287, 296, 317, 379

  New Era of Responsibility, A: Renewing America’s Promise, 63

  New Hampshire, 22, 50, 51, 77, 80, 85, 117, 174–75, 209, 218, 239, 300, 321, 346, 352

  New Hampshire primary, 188, 355

  Newhouse, Neil, 225–26, 345, 346, 352, 361

  New Jersey, 257–58

  Newman, Paul, 111

  New Mexico, 75, 85

  New Nationalism, 235

  News Corp., 62, 65, 178–79

  Newsmax, 61, 68, 218

  Newsweek, 242

  Newtown, Conn., shooting in, 111, 372–73, 378

  New York, N.Y., 241, 266

  New Yorker, 111, 306, 325

  New York Times, 31, 35, 63, 173, 193, 209–10, 227, 234, 239, 290, 296, 311, 328

  New York Times Magazine, 174, 366

  NGP Van, 106

  Nicholson, Marvin, 129, 359

  Niskanen, William, 73

  Nixon, Richard, xii, 41, 65, 72, 87, 114, 192, 209, 216, 220, 303, 325n, 366

  adversaries considered enemies by, 144, 195

  North Vietnam bombed by, 168

  resignation of, 347

  No Apology (Romney), 221White House Office of Public Engagement,cv

  No Child Left Behind, 160

  Noonan, Peggy, 50, 100, 262–63

  Norquist, Grover, xii, 47–51, 55–56, 57, 58–59, 70, 76, 89, 159, 180, 211, 375

  deficit deals disdained by, 164–65

  on Romney’s foreign policy plans, 197

  Steele opposed by, 183

  tax pledge of, 50–51, 55–56

  UNITA Army and, 47–48

  North Carolina, 85, 241, 242, 248, 356, 359

  North Dakota, 361

  North Korea, 11

  North Vietnam, 168

  NPR, 60, 188

  Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 292

  nuclear warheads, 10

  Nurses for Obama, 260

  Nutter, Michael, 346

  Obama, Barack:

  as allegedly anti-business, 199, 204

  as allegedly educated in radical madrassa, 33

  as allegedly Muslim, 30, 34 partner, Russ Schriefer, ws small , 37–38, 336

  as allegedly “neocolonialist,” 176

  auto bailouts of, 10

  basketball played by, 335, 355

  Bill Clinton’s complicated relationship with, 13, 119–20, 122, 244

  bipartisanship of, 44

  birth certificate released by, 39–41

  birthplace conspiracy theory against, 30–31, 33–34, 39–41, 176, 177,
211, 231, 242

  Boehner’s relationship with, 160, 369–70

  books opposed to, 35–36

  “bubble” disliked by, 121–33

  business community’s relationship with, 134–43, 204

  as centrist, 160

  Chicago friends in administration of, 138

  communication failure by, 111–20, 173

  complaints about presidency by, 128–29

  considered radical, 34–35

  considered well-intentioned, 95–96

  debt reduction desired by, 164

  defense spending and, 185

  deficit reduction and, 56–58

  economic policy team chosen by, 134

  education of, 307

  and expiration of tax cut, 11–12

  favorite presidents of, 44

  fiftieth birthday of, 159, 172

  first inaugural address of, 111–12, 153

  first inauguration of, 51, 373n

  fiscal cliff negotiated by, 369–71

  Fox News criticism of, 62–63, 67

  as frustrated, 172

  golf played by, 123, 129, 164, 244, 335

  as good for Fox News ratings, 64–65

  at Grand Bargain talks, 165–67

  gratitude disdained by, 126–27, 141

  Hawaiian childhood of, 125

  idealism of, 171

  Illinois Republicans and, 44

  inclusive White House desired by, 1

  insularity of, 121–33

  lack of “narrative” of, 117–18, 247

  liberal media’s criticism of, 117

  miserable third year of, 17

  as moderate, 35

  Murdoch and Ailes’s meeting with, 62–63

  Obamacare victory celebrated by, 252

  Planned Parenthood funding and, 161–62

  plan to kill bin Laden, 145–46 to the outside world.00 d, 147, 149–54, 177, 332

  poker played by, 233, 244

  political phone calls disdained by, 127

  politics disliked by, 9–10

  press conferences disliked by, 113

  public pensions disdained by, 161

  race of, xi, 20, 130–31, 379

  race speech of, 40

  “real” father conspiracy theory against, 33, 336

  redistribution supported by, 318

  reliance on teleprompter, 113–14, 371

  Republican strategy in opposition to, 51–52

  right-wing media followed by, 68

  Romney’s “47 percent” remark criticized by, 313

  Romney’s criticism on terrorism response of, 156

  on same-sex marriage, 13, 240–43, 248, 346

  second inaugural of, 373–74

  self-awareness of, 121–22

  Senate campaign of, 268

  Silver’s prediction of loss for, 174

  smoking quit by, 14

  speech on bin Laden’s killing by, 153–54, 158

  START Treaty signed by, 10–11

  State of the Union Address (2011) by, 96, 117, 153, 164, 314

  State of the Union Address (2012) by, 233, 237, 247

  State of the Union Address (2013) by, 111

  state senate race lost by, xi

  targeted killings sanctioned by, 144–45

  tax amnesty policy of, 136

  in televised debate with Republicans, 54

  in 2008 campaign, 263

  and 2010 elections, 6–7

  2013 budget proposal of, 375–76

  unemployment worries of, 8–9

  voter confidence in handling economy, 83

  Wall Street money raised by, 199

  wealthy opposition to, 194–206

  West’s dispute with, 270–71, 272, 274

  at White House Correspondents Dinner, 150–51

  Obama, Barack, 2012 campaign of, 83–97, 98–110, 132, 136, 221, 227, 242, 243–44, 367

  advertising by, 227, 230, 231, 243, 246–47, 255, 262, 267, 277–78, 279, 283–84, 289, 298

  as allegedly dysfunctional, 261

  Analytics, 87, 99, 100, 107, 110, 237, 257, 263, 328, 337, 355

  Bain attacked by, 215, 238–39, 245

  in battleground states, 263–65

  Benghazi attack and, 319, 330, 331, 332

  Big Data used by, 84–85, 88, 98, 225

  bin Laden’s death and, 155–57, 332

  “Built to Last” slogan of, 237, 247

  Cleveland speech on reelection by, 246

  Clinton considered oracle to, 244–45

  Communications, 110, 260, 261, 326

  convention campaign speech of, 296–97

  corporate marketing and, 246

  Daley excluded from, 142

  Data, 103

  in debt ceiling crisis, 13–14, 127, 158, 170–71, 173, 175, 233, 378

  deficit in, 233, 238

  Digital, 87, 99, 103, 108, 110, 257, 258, 259, 260, 265

  “Dry Runs” of, 266

  Email List of, 87, 89, 106, 258–59, 260

  enthusiasm of, 260–61

  Facebook-targeted sharing used by, 266

  Field, 87, 101, 103, 104, 109, 110, 260, 263, 264, 265

  Finance, 87, 94, 108, 110, 260

  as first data campaign, xi

  first debate performance in, 320–27, 333, 334

  focus groups in, 93, 95, 234, 279

  fundraising for, 94–95, 96–97, 256–57, 258, 259–60, 292, 337, 338

  GOTV in, 89, 98, 106, 265, 266, 353–54

  Hurricane Sandy in, 343–45, 363

  ID calls of, 103–4

  immigration in, 233–34

  kickoff rally for, 224

  lack of central message in, 246

  as largest political mobilization in U.S. history, 266

  Latinos in, see Latinos

  media budget of, 99

  neighborhood team leaders of, 266

  Paid, 87

  persuasion scores of, 105

  pessimism of, 102–3

  “private sector doing fine” gaffe of, 256

  progressive speech in Osawatomie by, 235

  Romney’s “47 percent” remark and, 318, 319, 323

  on Ryan-Biden debate, 330

  slogan of, 96

  spending on commercials for, 94

  strategy of, 83–97, 284–85

  super PACs and, 202

  technological problems at, 108

  Technology, 99, 103, 105–6, 108, 260 partner, Russ Schriefer, office early

  Trump’s challenge on transcripts to, 334–35

  undecided voters in, 247, 263–65

  “You didn’t build that” remark in, 287–89

  youth vote courted by, 269–70

  Obama, Barack, Sr., 34

  Obama, Malia, 123, 242

  Obama, Michelle, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 32, 38, 84, 101, 107, 122, 123, 128, 154, 259, 279, 338, 367

  convention speech of, 297

  education of, 307

  as ignorant of bin Laden raid, 149–50

  Twitter used by, 266

  Obama, Sasha, 123, 152, 242

  Obamacare, x, 1, 22, 24, 37, 217, 257

  advisory board of, 324

  African Americans aided by, 272

  attempts to repeal, 163, 236

  birth control and, 279–80

  contraception coverage in, 38

  as liked by public, 129

  mandate in, 73, 181, 208, 250, 254–55

  and medical malpractice, 160–61

  opportunity costs of, 25

  as originally Republican plan, 35

  progressive disappointment in, 235

  as repealed in Ryan budget, 163

  Republican opposition to, 18, 53, 124, 196, 236, 249–55

  signing of, 143

  Supreme Court battle over, xii, 126, 248, 250–55, 256, 259

  as tax, 250, 251–52, 254

  as unpopular, 10

  White House’s prediction of popularity of, 116

  Obama Derangement Syndrome, xi, 3
0–43, 177, 232, 334–36, 371–72

  Obama for America, 88, 377

  Obama Nation, The (Corsi), 35

  O’Brien, Shannon, 214, 215

  O’Brien, William, 80 not buying health insurance se24

  Occidental College, 199

  Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 45

  Occupy Wall Street, 69, 92, 306

  O’Donnell, Kenny, 138

  Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 160

  Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 132, 160, 162

  Ohio, 22, 26, 77, 79, 85, 101, 175, 190, 191, 209

  in election of 2012, 242, 263, 266, 300–301, 302, 319, 336–37, 340–41, 342, 346, 348, 349, 350, 352, 353, 355, 357–58, 359, 360, 361, 362

  Ohio State University, 265

  oil companies, 296

  O’Keefe, James, 76

  Okrent, Alex, 268

  Olin family, 73

  Olympics, of 2002, 215, 230, 267

  Olympics, of 2012, 207, 213, 229, 267

  Omnicom, 66–67

  O’Neill, Tip, 123, 124, 369

  Oparowski, Pat, 292

  Oparowski, Ted, 292

  Operation Eagle-Eye, 71

  Operation Lemonade, 362

  Operation Vote, 269, 277

  Oprah, 40

  Optimizer, 109–10, 225

  Oregon, 77

  O’Reilly, Bill, 60, 67–68, 116, 363

  O’Reilly Factor, 67

  Organizing for Action, 377–78

  Organizing for America (OFA), 88–89, 98, 101, 107, 109, 110, 256, 263, 264, 265, 270, 299, 306, 319, 337, 338, 339, 342, 346–47, 350

  Orlando Tea Party debate, 228

  Ornstein, Norman, 57

  O’Rourke, P. J., 48

  Orszag, Peter, 28

  Osawatomie, Kans., 235–36

  Our Divided Political Heart (Dionne), xiii

  Ouren, Bill, 81

  Page, Katie Packer, 224

  Pagliuca, Steve, 215

  Pagones, Steve, 271

  Paid Media, 95, 109

  Pakistan, 146, 148

  Palestine, 196, 267, 324

  Palin, Sarah, 17, 36, 38–39, 61, 62, 176, 178, 260, 332n, 371

  Palm Beach Post, 78

  Palmieri, Jen, 246

  Panetta, Leon, 132, 155

  Obama’s meeting on bin Laden with, 145–46

  on proposed defense cuts, 170

  SEAL attack on bin Laden compound desired by, 148, 149

  torture disdained by, 147

  Parker, Sarah Jessica, 258

  partisanship, xi, 44

  in media, 61

  Party’s Over, The (Broder), 60

  Patrick, Deval, 287

  Paul, Rand, 53, 253, 371

  Paul, Ron, 37, 180

  Pawlenty, Tim, 151, 179, 285, 286

  payroll tax, 24, 236, 313, 370

  Payton, Walter, 118–19

  PBS, x, 272

  Pearl Harbor, 38, 145

  Pell grants, 272, 313

  Pelosi, Nancy, 12, 14, 122, 127, 255, 369, 370

  continuing resolution and, 161

  spending cuts and, 169

  Pendleton, Hadiya, 378

  Penn, Mark, 33, 247

  Pennsylvania, 3, 77, 80–81, 85, 87, 190


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