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by A. Scott Berg

  WW-EAW WEDDING AND HONEYMOON: WW to EAW (confessing “my heart’s . . . deepest secret”), Feb. 24, 1885, and June 21, 1885, 4: 286–8 and 733–5; EAW to WW, Mar. 28, 1885, 4: 424–6; EWM, PG, 147; Margaret Godley, “Cousins Recall Wedding of WW and ‘Miss Ellie Lou’ Here,” Savannah Evening Press, Sep. 4, 194, n.p.; JRW to WW, July 27, 1885, 5: 7; RSB, I: 239.

  BRYN MAWR, SETTLING IN: Addie C. Wildgoss to WW, July 30, 1885, 5: 9–10; WW to EAW, May 9, 1885, May 30, June 7, 1886, Oct. 8, 1887, 4: 574–6, 5: 269–70, 294–5, 612–3; Finch, 164–5; J. E. Rhoads to WW, Feb. 11, 1885, 4: 236; Meigs, 42–7; James E. Rhoades, “Address at the Inauguration of Bryn Mawr College,” Philadelphia: Sherman and Co., 1886; WW (N), c. Sep. 24, Oct. 1, c. Oct. 15–c. Dec. 1, 1885, 5: 18–23, 23–25, 27–35; RSB, I: 260–4, 290; Bragdon, 148–53; WW to J. B. Angell, Nov. 7, 1887, 5: 625–7; WW, “Copy of Bryn Mawr Catalogue,” c. Feb. 1, 1888, 5: 659–63; ASL (N), “W’s Desire for a Literary Life,” 5: 474–5; EWM, PG, 148, 159–60; WW to H. B. Adams, Apr. 2, 1886, 5: 150–1; H. B. Adams to WW, Apr. 7, 1886, 5: 154–5; JRW to WW, Apr. 5, 1886, 5: 152.

  EAW GIVES BIRTH; WW’S PH.D.: WW to EAW, Apr. 1, 16, 24, May 29, 1886, 5: 156–7, 157–8, 169–70, 267; L. C. H. Brown to WW, Apr. 16, 1886, 5: 158–9; WW to Robert Bridges, Apr. 19, 1886, 5: 163–4; A. L. Lowell, “Ministerial Responsibility and the Constitution,” Atlantic Monthly, LVII, Feb. 1886, 180–93; WW, “Responsible Government under the Constitution,” c. Feb. 10, 1886, 5: 107–24; H. W. Bragdon, “WW and Lawrence Lowell,” Harvard Alumni Bulletin, XLV (May 22, 1943), 595; SA, 35–6; Robert Ewing to WW, May 28, 1887, 5: 508; EWM, PG, 159–60; Thomas Dixon, Jr., to WW, June 7, 1887, 5: 515–6; JRW to WW, June 11, 1877, 5: 517; RSB, I: 275; WW to R. H. Dabney, Nov. 7, 1887, 5: 500–1.

  RETURNING TO BRYN MAWR, AND DEPARTING: JRW to WW, Apr. 30, 1887, 5: 500–1; WW to EAW, Apr. 17, 18, 19, 20, 1888, 5: 718–20; WW to R. H. Dabney, May 16, 1888, 5: 726; SA, 58; C. K. Adams to WW, Mar. 12, 1885, Oct. 13 and 22, 1886; 4: 357–8, 5: 351 and 357; WW, “The Study of Administration,” c. Nov. 1, 1886; 5: 359–80; Johns Hopkins University Trustees Minutes, Jan. 17, 1887, 5: 431; H. B. Adams to WW, Jan. 21 and 25, 1887, 5: 431–2 and 435–6; Bragdon, 188; “Agreement Between Trustees of Bryn Mawr College and WW, Ph. D.,” Mar. 14, 1887, 5: 468–9; WW to Robert Bridges, Nov. 30, 1887, and Aug. 26, 1888 (“hungry . . . for a class of men”), 5: 632–3 and 763–5; WW to president and trustees of Bryn Mawr College, June 29, 1888, 5: 743–7; J. E. Rhoads to M. C. Thomas, June 30 and July 6, 1888, 5: 748, 749; ASL (N), “W’s First Failure at Public Speaking,” 5:134–7; ASL (N), “W’s Lectures on Administration at the Johns Hopkins, 1892,” 7: 381; Robert Bridges to WW, Nov. 5, 1889, 6: 410–1.

  WESLEYAN: “Wesleyan’s Gift,” Hartford Evening Post, Dec. 17, 1889, 6: 453–4; WW to Robert Bridges, Nov. 27, 1888, 6: 25; SA, 37–8, 60–4, 65, 259–60n24; WW, “History and Political Economy,” Wesleyan Catalogue: 1888–1889, 6: 26–7; RSB, I: 299–301, 315–7; EAW to WW, May 22, 1886, 5: 249–51; EWM, PG, 164, 171; WW, “Constitution for Wesleyan House of Commons,” c. Jan. 5, 1889, 6: 39–45; “Wesleyan House of Commons,” Wesleyan Argus, Jan. 18, 1889, 6: 45–7; Carl Price, (Wesleyan) Alumnus, Mar. 1924, cited in RSB, I: 305; F. J. Turner to Caroline Mae Sherwood, Jan. 21, 1889, 6: 58; WW, TS, xxxiv, 29, 660; WW to R. H. Dabney, Oct. 31, 1889, 6: 408–9; R. H. Dabney to WW, Mar. 1, 1890, 6: 536–7; F. J. Turner to WW, Jan. 23, 1890, 6: 478–9; D. M. Means, “W’s ‘The State,’” The Nation, Dec. 26, 1889, 6: 458–62; WW to W. W. Thompson, June 28, 1915, cited in RSB, I: 324; JRW to WW, May 9 and Oct. 30, 1889, 6: 217–8 and 408; WW to EAW, Mar. 9, 1889, 6: 139–40; M. W. Kennedy to WW, Oct. 12, 1889, 6: 402; A. B. Hart to WW, Apr. 23 and May 10, 1889, 6: 174–5 and 218–9; WW to A. B. Hart, May 13, 1889, 6: 240; WW to F. J. Turner, Aug. 23, 1889, 6: 368–71.

  PRINCETON OPPORTUNITY: WW to Robert Bridges, July 23, Aug. 9, 1889, and Jan. 27, 1890, 6: 356–7, 363–4, and 480–1; Robert Bridges to WW, July 15 and 30, 1889, 6: 330 and 359–61; RSB, II: 5; F. L. Patton to WW, Feb. 18, 1890, 6: 526–8; WW (D), Feb. 13, 1890, 6: 523; Horace Elisha Scudder to WW, Dec. 20, 1889, 6: 424–5.


  RETURN TO PRINCETON: McCosh, 61–8; Thorp, 46–8; Bragdon, 203–6, 209, 213, 272; Hoeveler, 335–7; Rhinehart, 26–7; “The Favor of a University,” NYT, Feb. 11, 1887, 3; Patton, 17–9, 24, 42–3; Axtell, 42, 65; SA, 222; WW to A. W. Howe, Apr. 21, 1895, 9: 247; ASL, “W’s Teaching at Princeton,” 7: 5–7; WW, anecdote of the town drunk, related in Princeton Alumni Weekly, IV (Apr. 23, 1904), 466–7, 15: 272–3; WW, lecture (N), July 2–10, 1894, 8: 597–608; Raymond Fosdick to RSB, n.d., RSB, II: 10, 12; Myers, 38; WW to R. H. Dabney, July 1, 1891, 7: 233; Princeton Faculty Minutes, Oct. 24, 1890, Apr. 24 and Nov. 6, 1891, Jan. 18, 1893, 7: 51, 195, 322, 8: 79; “Caledonian Games,” The Princetonian, XVI, June 6, 1891, 7: 219; WW to The Princetonian editors, Jan. 8, 1892, 7: 374; C. B. Newton to WW, Nov. 9, 1891, 7: 342; Leitch, 488–9; Bliss Perry to RSB, quoted in RSB, II: 16–7; Mark Bernstein, “Shirt Cuff and Other Artifacts of Student Life,” Princeton Alumni Weekly, Oct. 7, 2009, n.p.

  PERSONAL LIFE—HIBBEN AND FAMILY: Reid, 63; Freud, 103, 130; Bliss Perry to RSB, n.d., in RSB, II: 53; SA, 28–9; EWM, TWW, 13–5; EAW to WW, Feb. 16, 1895, 9: 202; WW to C. W. Kent, June 29, 1893, 8: 273; WW to EAW, Feb. 6, 1894, Feb. 18, 1895, 8: 460, 9: 206.

  WW LITERARY LIFE: ASL (N), “W’s Division and Reunion, 8: 147; WW, DR, x, 299; Frederic Bancroft, review of DR, Political Science Quarterly, VIII (Sep. 1893), 533–5, 8: 345; F. J. Turner to WW, July 16, 1893, and Dec. 24, 1894, 8: 279 and 9: 118; ASL (N), “W’s Short History of the United States,” 8: 279–81; Harper & Bros. to WW, May 5, 1896, 9: 500; WW to Harper & Bros., May 16, 1890, 9: 504–5; WW to EAW, Jan. 29 and 30, July 29 and 30, 1894, 8: 442, 632 and 634.

  LIBRARY PLACE: EMW, TWW, 18; E. S. Child to WW, Jan. 14, 16, May 7, 1895; 9: 121–2, 123, 252; WW to Child & de Goll, Architects, Jan. 19, 1895, 9: 123; EWM, PG, 201; E. S. Child to EAW, Feb. 18, 1895, 9: 207; WW to EAW, Jan. 25, 1895, 9: 126; EAW to F. J. Turner, Dec. 15, 1896, 10: 80.

  CEREBRAL INCIDENT; TRIP TO BRITAIN: WW to A. B. Hart, Aug. 21, 1891, 7: 274; EWM, PG, 201–2; Weinstein, 141; Bragdon, 220; WW to EAW, June 28 and 29, July 9, Aug. 24, 1896, 9: 528, 529, 537–8, 575; Andrew Wilson, 6–7.

  SESQUICENTENNIAL (“Princeton in the Nation’s Service”): Theodore J. Ziolkowski, “Princeton in Whose Service?,” Jan. 23, 1991, appears in J. I. Merritt (ed.), The Best of PAW (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Alumni Weekly, 2000), 53–8; Oberdorfer, 98; Leitch, 438–40, RSB, II: 33–6; NY Tribune, Oct. 22, 1896, 10: 9–11; WW, “Princeton in the Nation’s Service,” Oct. 21, 1896, 10: 11–31; ASL (N), 10: 11–12n1; “Oration by Professor Wilson,” NYT, Oct. 22, 1896, 2; SA, 42–3, 97; EAW to Mary Hoyt, Oct. 27, 1896, 10: 37–8; EWM, PG, 207.

  WW’S POLITICS AND PUBLIC ADDRESSES: SA, 42–3, 73, 264; “University School,” Bridgeport (CT) Evening Post, May 25, 1898, 10: 534; WW, “What Ought We to Do,” c. Aug. 1, 1898, 10: 574–6; “Our Obligations,” Waterbury (CT) American, Dec. 14, 1899, 11: 297–300; “Philadelphian Society,” Daily Princetonian, May 19, 1899, 11: 119; “Liberty and Its Uses,” Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan. 14, 1900, 11: 374–5; WW, “Ideals of America” (S), Dec. 26, 1901, appeared in Atlantic Monthly, XC (Dec. 1902), 721–34, 12: 208–27; WW, “Leaderless Government” (S), Aug. 5, 1897, 10: 288–304; WW, “American Constitutional Law,” Mar. 2, 1894, 8: 563; “Address by WW,” Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, May 3, 1902, 12: 362.

  PRINCETON POLITICS AND WW’S ASCENT: C. E. Green to WW, Mar. 27 and 28, 1897, 10: 195 and 197; WW to F. L. Patton, Mar. 28, 1897, 10: 196; SA, 262; WW (D), Jan. 21, 1897, 10: 120; WW to EAW, Feb. 27, 1896, Jan. 29 and Feb. 16, 1897, 9: 457, 10: 123 and 164; F. L. Patton to C. H. McCormick, Apr. 4, 1898, 10: 497–9; WW to F. J. Turner, Mar. 31, 1897, 10: 201; News item, Princeton Press, Feb. 19, 1898, and Nov. 24, 1900, 10: 402 and 12: 35; WW to Jenny Hibben, June 26, 1899, 11: 136; Bragdon, 225; JRW to WW, Jan. 3, 1897, 10: 95; G. W. Mi
les to WW, Apr. 7, 1898, 10: 501–2; H. M. Alden to WW, Jan. 8, 1901, 12: 69; D. C. Gilman to WW, Mar. 16, 1901, 12: 108; J. E. Webb to WW, Mar. 11, 1901, 12: 106; W. P. Johnston to WW, June 16, 1898, 10: 557; Princeton Alumni Weekly, II (Oct. 26, 1901), 67–8; “Pres. Remsen Is Inaugurated,” Baltimore Sun, Feb. 23, 1902, 12: 282; F. L Patton to C. H. McCormick, Apr. 4, 1898, 10: 496–9; C. C. Cuyler to WW, Mar. 28, May 16, Dec. 23, 1898, 10: 485, 529–30, 11: 91.

  WW RETURNS TO BRITAIN; LITERARY SURGE: Andrew Wilson, 8; WW to EAW, July 2, 7, and Aug. 20, 1899, 11: 142–3, 155, and 234–6; SA, 84–9; WW, ML, 73–4, 197, 201; “Old-Fashioned Democrat” to Editor of Indianapolis News, May 1, 1902, 12: 356–8; WW to R. W. Gilder, Jan. 28, 1901, 12: 84; WW, “Robert E. Lee” (S), Jan. 19, 1909, 18: 639.

  WW BECOMES PRESIDENT OF PRINCETON: M. T. Pyne to A. F. West, Oct. 16, Nov. 27, Dec. 14, 1900, cited in Thorp, 67–8; ASL (N), “The Crisis in Presidential Leadership,” 12: 292; SA, 117–8, 271; C. C. Cuyler to C. H. McCormick, July 2, 1902, 12: 473–4; WW to EAW, June 1, 1902, 12: 390–1; S. B. Dod to WW, June 25, 1902, 12: 457; EWM, PG, 225; J. G. Hibben to RSB, cited in RSB II: 131; Princeton Alumni Weekly, II (June 14, 1902), 133–4, 12: 421–2; “WW,” NYT, June 11, 1902, quoted in RSB II: 131; M. T. Pyne to WW, June 19, 1902, and TR to Grover Cleveland, June 17, 1902, both cited 12: 441; WW to F. J. Turner, Jan. 21, 1902, 12: 240.

  WW’S INSTALLATION; DEATH OF JRW: WW to EAW, July 19, 1902, 14: 27; EWM, TWW, 61–5, 68; EAW to WW, July 24, 1902, 14:43; “WW Installed at Princeton,” NYT, Oct., 26, 1902, 1; “WW Inauguration,” Princeton Alumni Weekly, III (Nov. 1, 1902), 83–6, 14: 191–5; WW, “Princeton for the Nation’s Service” (S), Oct. 25, 1902, 14: 170–85; EWM, PG, 230; RSB, II: 142; “Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D. D.,” Princeton Press, Jan. 24, 1903, 14: 330; “Funeral Services of the Late JRW” and “JRW,” Columbia (SC) State, Jan. 24, 1903, 14: 331 and 331–3.

  WW’S INNOVATIONS: E. G. Reid, 98; WW to Board of Trustees, Oct. 21, 1902, and Dec. 10, 1903, 14: 150–61 and 15: 69–75; Neil Rudenstine, “WW: Ideas and Goals for United States Higher Education,” WW at Princeton: Perspectives from University Presidents, Princeton, NJ: WW School, 2006, 28; WW (M), “Departmental Organization,” c. Nov. 20, 1903, 15: 55–6; WW, “College and Methods of Instruction” (S), 15: 79–98; WW, “Report to Faculty,” Apr. 16, 1904, 15: 252–63; ASL (N), “The New Princeton Course of Study,” 15: 277–92; E. S. Corwin, “Departmental Colleague,” in Myers, 22; WW (S) to Princeton Alumni of NY, Dec. 9, 1902, 14: 273; News items, Princeton Alumni Weekly, III (Nov. 8, 1902, and Mar. 7, 1903), 116 and 355, 14: 203 and 383; Mary Hoyt to RSB, quoted in RSB, II: 152; Axtell, 55; EAW to WW, May, 1903, 14: 440–1; “Faculty Song,” 1903 Campus Songs, n.d., 14: 441; Finance Committee Report, Oct. 14, 1902, 14: 144.

  WW AND EAW TO EUROPE; DEATH OF EDWARD AXSON: WW, “Record of a European Trip,” July 10–Sep. 22, 1903, 14: 521–43; EAW to WW, May 25, 1904, 15: 348; WW to Robert Bridges, Apr. 28, 1905, 16: 86; EWM, PG, 240.

  PRINCETON’S EXPANSION: Weinstein, 162, 163; WW (S), to Princeton Alumni of NY, Dec. 9, 1902, 14: 269; Minutes of Princeton Board, Dec. 8, 1904, 15: 569–70; News item, Princeton Alumni Weekly, IV (June 18, 1904), 600–1 and (Jan. 7, 1905), 213, 15: 390 and 577; WW to J. H. Reed, c. Jan. 13, 1904, 15: 124–6; M. T. Pyne to WW, July 30, 1904, 15: 424–6; C. W. McAlpin to WW, Jan. 13, 1906, 16: 282; Nasaw, 612; WW to Andrew Carnegie, Apr. 17, 1903, 14: 411–5; “Princeton Lake,” Princeton Press, Dec. 5, 1903, 15: 66–7; “Pres. W Convalescing,” Daily Princetonian, Jan. 7, 1905, 15: 577; WW to W. B. Pritchard, July 5, 1990, 11: 553–4; WW, “Baccalaureate Address,” June 11, 1905, 16: 125; RSB II: 153; WW, “Report to Board of Trustees,” Dec. 13, 1906, 16: 516; John DeWitt to WW, Oct. 29, 1904, 15: 531; R. K. Root, “Wilson and the Preceptors,” Edward S. Corwin, “Departmental Colleague,” Luther P. Eisenhart, “The Far-Seeing Wilson,” E. G. Conklin, “As a Scientist Saw Him,” J. Duncan Spaeth, “As I Knew Him and View Him Now,” all in Myers, 13–16, 19 and 28, 64, 55–6 and 59, 87; “Army and Navy Crowd,” Daily Princetonian, Dec. 4, 1905, 16: 242–3; WW (N), Oct. 28, 1905, 16: 208; “Two College Presidents Spoke,” Providence Journal, Feb. 10, 1906, 16: 309–12.

  LOTOS CLUB SPEECH: F. R. Lawrence, quoted in NYT, Feb. 4, 1906, 16: 293; WW (S) at Lotos Club, Feb. 3, 1906, 16: 292–9; G. B. M. Harvey (S), Feb. 3, 1906, 16: 299–301; WW to G. B. M. Harvey, Feb. 3, 1906, 16: 301; SA, 151.


  FIRST POLITICAL FLIRTATION: WW to St. Clair McKelway, Mar. 11, 1906, 16: 330; WW, “Address on Thomas Jefferson,” Apr. 16, 1906, 16: 362–9; “The Jefferson Celebration,” Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr. 17, 1906, 16: 373n3; “Head of Princeton Defines Education,” Cleveland Leader, May 19, 1906, 16: 396–7; James Mathers, “Annual Convention of the Western Association of Princeton Clubs,” Princeton Alumni Weekly, VI (May 26 and June 2, 1906), 632, 651–5, 16: 405–11.

  SUDDEN ILLNESS; RECUPERATION IN ENGLAND: EAW to Mary Hoyt, June 12, 1906, 16: 423; Weinstein, 149, 165–6; SA, 44–6; EWM, TWW, 93, 94–6; ASL (N), 16: 412n1; WW to N. M. Butler, June 1, 1906, 16: 413; WW to C. W. McAlpin, July 19, 1906, 16: 431; Minutes, Princeton Board of Trustees, June 11, 1906, 16: 422; WW to Annie W. Howe, Aug. 2, 1906; 16: 432; WW to EAW, Aug. 27 and Sep. 2, 1906, 16: 441 and 445–6; Andrew Wilson, 19; EWM, PG, 241–2; WW to Robert Bridges, Sep. 6, 1906, 16: 451; EAW to Florence Hoyt, June 27, 1906, 16: 429–30.

  PLANS FOR PRINCETON’S SOCIAL REFORM: WW to CD, Sep. 16, 1906, 16: 453–4; “WW’s Stand,” NY Evening Post, Oct. 2, 1906, 16: 454–5; “WW’s Position,” NY Evening Post, Oct. 15, 1906, 16: 456–7; n.t., Princeton Alumni Weekly, VI (June 9, 1906), 673–4, 16: 419; WW, “Report on Social Coordination of the University,” Princeton Alumni Weekly, VI (June 12, 1907), 606–15, cited in Day, 80; WW to H. B. Brougham, Feb. 1, 1910, 20: 70; WW, “Supplementary Report to Board of Trustees,” c. Dec. 13, 1906, 16: 519–25.

  MINORITIES AT PRINCETON: WW to J. R. Williams, Sep. 2, 1904; 15: 462n; G. M. Sullivan to WW, Nov. 20, 1909, 19: 529; WW to G. M. Sullivan (draft), c. Dec. 3, 1909, 19: 550; C. W. McAlpin to G. W. Sullivan, Dec. 6, 1909, 19: 558; J. C. Hemphill to WW, Jan. 22, 1906, 16: 286; “The Conservatism of the South,” Charleston (SC) News and Courier, Jan. 22, 1906, 16: 286–8; WW to J. C. Hemphill, Jan. 26, 1906, 16: 288; J. F. Jameson to WW, Nov. 18, 1889, 6: 427; WW (N), June 30, 1904, 15: 400; WW, “The Making of the Nation,” Atlantic Monthly, LXXX (July 1897), 1–14, 10: 230; ASL (N), 19: 462n2; WW (N), Feb. 26, 1909, 19: 69; Mary Yates (D), July 31, 1908, 18: 386–7; Karabel, 71; L. M. Levy to WW, c. June 25, 1907, 17: 223; J. R. Wright to WW, Sep. 16, 1904, 15: 471; Konvitz, 17.

  ANDREW FLEMING WEST AND GRADUATE COLLEGE: Andrew Fleming West, Proposed Graduate College of Princeton University, (Princeton: 1903), cited in 16: 414n2; Thorp, 77, 107; W. M. Sloane, et al., to Board of Trustees of Princeton University, Oct. 15, 1906, 16: 458; S. H. Thompson, Jr., to WW, Feb. 7, 1910, 20: 84–5; SA, “Princeton Controversy” (M), Feb. 1925, RSB Papers, cited in Bragdon, 468n10; WW, “A Resolution,” c. Oct. 20, 1906, 16: 467; Thorp, 109.

  WW TO BERMUDA: EWM, PG, 243; WW to EAW, Jan. 14–16, 22, 30, 1907, 17: 3–7, 10–12, 25–7; WW to MAH, Feb. 6 and 20, 1907, 17: 29 and 48; ASL (N), 17: 29–30; Hulbert, 158–63; Bragdon, 220; EAW, quoted in Florence Hoyt to RSB, RSB Papers, cited in Weinstein, 188.

  QUAD FIGHT: NY Evening Post, quoted in EAW to Anne Harris, Feb. 12, 1907, 17: 35; WW to CD, Feb. 20 and July 1, 1907, 17: 47–8 and 240–1; CD to WW, Dec. 19, 1906, July 2 and Aug. 6, 1907, 16: 534–5, 17: 243 and 341; D. B. Jones to WW, May 15, 1907, 17: 147–8, Franklin Murphy, Jr., to WW, June 7 and 18, 1907, 17: 187 and 216; WW, “Baccalaureate,” June 9, 1907, 17: 187–96; WW, “Address to Trustees,” June 10, 1907, 17: 199–206; RSB, II: 231; WW (N), June 11, 1907, 17: 209; Henry van Dyke to WW, July 5, 1907, 17: 260; Henry van Dyke to W. A. White, May 17, 1924, quoted in 17: 260n1; A. F. West to WW, July 10, 1907, 17: 270–1; John Grier Hibben to WW, July 8, 1907, 17: 262–4; WW, “The Author and Signers of the Declaration of Independence
,” July 4, 1907, 17: 248–59; WW to J. G. Hibben, July 10, 1907, 17: 268–9; SA, 204–206; WW, “The Personal Factor in Education,” c. Aug. 1, 1907, 17: 325–33; WW, “Politics,” c. July 31, 1917, 17: 309–25; WW, “Address at Harvard,” June 26, 1907, 17: 226; Elliot, 230; H. B. Thompson to CD, Sep. 10, 1907, 17: 379–81; “Opening Exercises,” Daily Princetonian, Sep. 20, 1907, 17: 394–5; Minutes, Princeton Board meeting, quoted in RSB, II: 256–7; Minutes of Faculty, Sep. 26, 1907, 17: 402; EAW to JWS, Sep. 27, 1907 [PUL: JWS Papers, MC 216, Box 2]; W. S. Myers (D), Sep. 30 and Oct. 7, 1907, 17: 408–9 and 424; “The ‘Quad’ System,” Daily Princetonian, Oct. 2, 1907, 17: 411–13; P. van Dyke to Editor of Princeton Alumni Weekly, Princeton Alumni Weekly, VIII (Oct. 2, 1907), 20–1, 17: 413–4; WW (N), Oct. 7, 1907, 17: 420–1; T. W. Hunt to WW, Oct. 7, 1907, 17: 424–5; WW to D. B. Jones, Sep. 27, 1907, 17: 401; A. H. Joline to editor of Princeton Alumni Weekly, VIII (Oct. 9, 1907), 36–8, 17: 428–31; H. B. Thompson to CD, Oct. 15, 1907, 17: 434–5; H. B. Fine to SA, quoted in RSB, II: 245; Minutes, Board of Trustees of Princeton University, Oct. 17, 1907, 17: 441–3; “Princeton’s Quad,” NY Evening Sun, Oct. 18, 1907, 17: 444–5; WW to Board of Trustees, Oct. 17, 1907 (unsent), 17: 443–4; WW to M. W. Jacobus, Oct. 23, 1907, 17: 450–1; M. T. Pyne to A. C. Imbrie, Oct. 23, 1907, 17: 453–4; WW (N), Oct. 24, 1907, 17: 454; WW to JWS, Oct. 21, 1907 [PUL: JWS Papers, MC216, Box 2].

  WW’S HEALTH; RECUPERATION IN BERMUDA: ASL (N), 17: 550n1; Freud, 130; James Kerney (N), Oct. 29, 1923 [PUL: MC169]; SA, 205–6; Minutes, Princeton Board of Trustees, Jan. 9, 1908, 17: 594; EWM, PG, 256; WW to EAW, Feb. 4, 1908, 17: 611–3; Hulbert, 163–72; Hoffman, 96.

  POLITICS—PRINCETON AND THE NATION: D. B. Jones to WW, Nov. 12, 1907, 17: 496; WW (A) to Princeton Club of Chicago, Mar. 12, 1908, 18: 18–34; WW, “Report and Recommendations Respecting Undergraduate Social Conditions at Princeton University,” Apr. 8, 1908, 18: 238; WW, “The Government and Business” (A), Mar. 14, 1908, 18: 35–51; WW, “Law or Personal Power” (A), Apr. 13, 1908, 18: 263–8; WW, “Baccalaureate Address,” June 7, 1908, 18: 323–33; “Faculty Song,” as appears in Carmina Princetoniana: The Songbook of Princeton University (New York: G. Schirmer, 1968), 35; SA, 153–4; EWM, PG, 246.


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