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Page 102

by A. Scott Berg

  WW EAGER TO MARRY AMID INTERNATIONAL TURMOIL: J. W. Gerard to RL, July 8, 1915, quoted in WW to RL, July 13, 1915, 33: 500n1; JD, Life, 255; WW to EBW, May 28 and 29, June 1, 3, 17, 18, and Sep. 11, 1915, 33: 278 and 284–5, 301–2, 334, 417, 421, and 34: 453; EMH to WW (including Lincoln Steffens to EMH, Aug. 7, 1915), Aug. 9 and Oct. 1, 1915, 34: 146–8 and 35: 3–4; RL to WW, Aug. 14, 21, and Nov. 20, 1915, 34: 196–7, 34: 280, and 35: 227–8; WW to WJB, June 2, 1915, 33: 304; Morris Sheppard to WW, July 22, 1915, 34: 13; WW to L. M. Garrison, July 21, 1915, 34: 4; L. M Garrison to WW, Sep. 17, 1915, 34: 482–5; L. M. Garrison to JPT, Nov. 1, 1915, 35: 149–50; Louis Wiley to WW, Sep. 30, 1915, 34: 452; O. G. Villard to WW, Oct. 28, 1915, 35: 120; EBW to WW, May 28, June 3, 17, 21, 29, 1915, 33: 278–9, 335, 418, 434, 458; Helen Bones to WW, May 29, 1915, 33: 285; Helen Bones to MAH (T), May 29, 1915, 33: 286; Hulbert, 244–8, 257–8; WW to MAH, May 6 and July 7, 1915, 33: 120 and 482; MAH to WW, c. June 10, 16, and 20, 1915, 33: 382, 412, 424; EMH (D), June 24, 1915, 33: 448–53; EBW, 70–4.

  WW-EBW SECRET ENGAGEMENT: WW to EBW, July 20 (two letters), Aug. 6, 24, 25, 27, 28, Sep. 10 (two letters), 11, 18, 19 (7:20 a.m. and 9:10 a.m.), 1915, 33: 537–9 and 539–42, 34: 102, 301, 327–8, 346–7, 352–3, 440 and 441, 453, 489, 491–2 and 492; EBW to WW, Aug. 13, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, Sep. 3, 18, 19, 20 (7:45 p.m.), 1915, 34: 194–5, 213, 327–8, 338, 347–9, 357, 415, 489–90, 495–6; WW to JD, July 2, 1915, 33: 465; EBW, 75–6; Margaret W. Wilson to EBW, Aug. 16, 1915, 34: 268–9; WW to Sallie White Bolling, Aug. 29, 1915, 34: 363; WW to Bertha Bolling, c. Aug. 29, 1915, 34: 364; JD, Wilson Era, 454; Weinstein, 290; EMH (D), Sep. 22, Dec. 15, 1915, 34: 506–8, 35: 357–60; WW to Samuel Gompers, Sep. 24, 1915, 34: 512; SA, 246–7; SA, draft of announcement, c. Oct. 2, 1915, 35: 16–7; Freud, 157–8; I. Hoover, 66–7, 70; Starling, 51–2.

  WW-EBW ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED; INTERNATIONAL PRESSURE MOUNTS: WW, statement on suffrage, Oct. 6, 1915, 35: 28; EMH (D), Dec. 15, 1915, 35: 355–61; “W Watches Red Sox Win,” NYT, Oct. 10, 1915, 18; EBW, 81–3; CTG to A. G. Gordon, c. Oct. 19, 1915 [WWPL]; WW to MAH, Oct. 4, 1915, 35: 23–4; MAH to WW, c. Oct. 11, 1915, 35: 53; Starling, 55–7; EBW to WW, Nov. 28, 1915, 35: 262–3n; WW to EBW (T), Dec. 1, 1915, 35: 281; W. H. Page to WW, Oct. 16, 1915, 35: 74–9; EMH to WW (enclosed: Sir Edward Grey letter, Sep. 22, 1915), Nov. 10, Dec. 1 and 16 (with Enclosure II), 1915, 35: 186–7, 279n1 and 363; WW to Haigazoun H. Topakyan, Oct. 28, 1915, 35: 119; RL to WW, Nov. 20, 1915, 35: 227–30; WW (S), Dec. 7, 1915, 35: 293–310; TR to Archibald Roosevelt, May 19, 1915, and TR to Kermit Roosevelt, Aug. 28, 1915, TR, Letters, 695–8; “Ford Abdicates; Sails for Home” and “Mr. Ford’s Family Amazed,” NYT, Dec. 25, 1915, 1–2; Ford, quoted in Vansittart, 87. For more on the Peace Ship, see: Burnet Hershey, The Odyssey of Henry Ford and the Great Peace Ship (New York: Taplinger, 1967).

  WW-EBW WEDDING: EBW, 84–6; I. Hoover, 70–5; WW to EBW, Dec. 18, 1915, 35: 370; “President W Weds Mrs. Galt,” Dec. 19, 1915, 1–2; Starling, 61–2.


  HONEYMOON: EBW, 86–8; Starling, 66; WW to L. M. Smith and M. R. Smith, Dec. 27, 1915, 35: 399; RL to WW (T), Jan. 3, 1916, 35: 422.

  SUBMARINE ATTACKS; PANCHO VILLA; PREPAREDNESS POLICY: JPT, 249–50; JPT (M), Jan. 4, 1916, 35: 424; W. H. Page to WW, Jan. 15, 1916, 35: 435; EMH to WW, Jan. 15, 1916, 35: 484–6; RL to WW, Jan. 27, 1916, 35: 531; B. R. Tillman to WW, Feb. 14, 1916, 36: 173; EMH to WW, Aug. 8, 1915, and Feb. 15, 1916, 34: 133–4n and 36: 180n1–2; EMH to Edward Grey, Mar. 10, 1916, EMH, II: 220; EMH (D), Mar. 6, 1916, 36: 212; CD to WW, Jan. 14, 1916, 35: 478n1; L. M. Garrison to RSB, Nov. 12, 1928 [RSB Papers: PUL]; EBW, 93; RSB, VI: 13.

  PREPAREDNESS TOUR: WW, (two S) Jan. 27, (two S) 29, 31, (two S) Feb. 3, 1916, 36: 5 and 7–16, 26–7 and 35–41, 63–73, 114–21 and 110–4; “Table 1—Urban and Rural Population: 1900 to 1990” (U.S. Census Bureau, Oct. 1995— accessed Oct. 13, 2010; Lawrence, 158–61; assassination attempt, in G. A. Gordon to CTG, Jan. 31, 1916 [WWPL].

  WW-EBW DOMESTIC ROUTINE: CTG, 52; Jaffray, cited in RSB VI: 176; EBW, 89–92.

  GARRISON RESIGNATION; MEXICAN EXPEDITION: Reid, 185; L. M. Garrison to RSB, Nov. 12 and 18, 1928 [RSB Papers: PUL]; L. M. Garrison to WW, Feb. 10, 1916, 36: 164; WW to L. M. Garrison, Feb. 10, 1916, 36: 164; WW to N. D. Baker (T), Mar. 5, 6, 1916, 36: 251, 259; N. D. Baker to WW (T), Mar. 6 and 31 (with enclosure J. J. Pershing to N. D. Baker, Mar. 31), 1916, 36: 259 and 397; RSB, VI: 38; WW (S), Feb. 2, 1916, 26: 104; “Night Attack on Border,” NYT, Mar. 10, 1916, 1–2; F. Funston to N. D. Baker, Mar. 10, 1916, 36: 283; EMH (D), Mar. 17 and Apr. 6, 1916, 36: 335–6n1 and 424–5; N. D. Baker to Chief of Staff (M), Mar. 10, 1916, 36: 285; H. L. Scott to Adjutant General, Mar. 19, 1916, 36: 285–6; N. D. Baker to WW (M), Mar. 10 and 15 (with enclosure), 1916, 36: 286–7 and 313–4n1; WW, press release, Mar. 10, 1916, 36: 287; F. L. Polk to Associated Press (T), Mar. 17, 1916, 36: 332; D. Lawrence to WW, Mar. 14 and June 2, 1916, 36: 309n1 and 152–5; JPT to WW, Mar. 15 and June 24, 1916, 36: 317n1 and 37: 291–2; WW to RL, Mar. 30 and June 21, 1916, 36: 382n2 and 37: 277–8n; F. L. Polk to WW, Mar. 20, 1916, 36: 342–3n1; F. K. Lane to RSB, Apr. 13, 1916, cited in RSB, VI: 72; WW to EMH, June 22, 1916, 37: 281; JPT, 157–9; WW, draft of (A), June 26, 1916, 37: 302; “Cardenas’s Family Saw Him Die at Bay,” NYT, May 23, 1916, 5.

  ARGUING INTERVENTION: German statement in WGM, 366; Billington, 70; W. J. Stone to WW, Feb. 24, 1916, 36: 209–11; WW to W. J. Stone, Feb. 24, 1916, 36: 213–4; WW to E. W. Pou, Feb. 29, 1916, 36: 231–2; WW, draft of (N), Apr. 10, 1916, 36: 452–6; H. A. Garfield to WW, Apr. 24, 1916, 36: 545n1; TR to Archibald Roosevelt, May 19, 1915, TR, Letters, 696; RL to WW, Mar. 27, 1916, 36: 372–3; EMH (D), Mar. 30, 1916, 36: 388; WW (A), Apr. 19, 1916, 36: 509–10; WW to EMH (T), Apr. 21, 1916, 36: 520; EMH to WW, Apr. 25 and May 6, 1916, EMH, II: 239 and 36: 628–9; G. v. Jagow to J. W. Gerard, May 4, 1916, 36: 621–6; WW, in a colloquy, May 8, 1916, 36: 645; American Union Against Militarism to WW (M), c. May 8, 1916, 36: 632–3.

  WILL ROGERS: Day, Will Rogers, 40–3; “W at Friars’ Frolic,” NYT, May 31, 1916, 11.

  1916 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN BEGINS: WW (S), June 29, 1916, 37: 324–8; Democratic Text-Book: 1912, 3–43; Greg Sarris, “After the Fall,” Outdoors, Los Angeles Times, Apr. 5, 2005, 5; WW to F. K. Lane, May 26, 1916, 37: 111; RSB, VI: 104, 106; Brian E. Gray, “National Park Service Act” (, 2010); United States Census, 1910 and 1920; WW to House of Representatives, Jan. 26, 1915, 32: 142–4; Henry Ford to WW (T), Sep. 1, 1916, 38: 125; W. S. Stone, et al., to WW, Aug. 18, 1916, 38: 48–9; WW, statement, Aug. 19, 1916, 38: 49–50; RSB, VI: 110; WW to JD, July 18, 1916, 37: 431n1.

  BRANDEIS TO SUPREME COURT: WGM, 342–6; Urofsky, 438 (quotes W. H. Taft to Gus Karger, Jan. 31, 1916), 450, 749; WW to C. A. Culberson, May 5, 1916, 36: 609–11; WW to H. Morgenthau, June 5, 1916, 37: 163.

  “AMERICANISM” SUMMER OF 1916: EBW, 100–2; WW, proclamation, May 30, 1916, 37: 122–3; “Hosts in Chicago on Defense Parade,” NYT, June 5, 1916, 1, 14; Rotogravure section, NYT, June, 4, 1916; WW (A), May 27, 30, June 2, 13, and 14, 1916, 37: 115, 126, 147–8, 217, and 221–5; JD, Life, 268; Marshall, 336–7.

  NOMINATING CONVENTIONS: WW, draft of National Democratic Platform, c. June 10, 1916, 37: 190–201; A. M. Palmer to WW, June 14, 1916, 37: 227; WW to H. S. Cummings, June 15, 1916, 37: 229; WW to Carter Glass (T), June 15, 1916, 37: 229; Carter Glass to WW (T), June 15, 1916, 37: 231; Martin H. Glynn, quoted in RSB, VI: 250–2; A. R. Longworth to ASB (I), June 5, 1973.

  POST-CONVENTION, PRE-CAMPAIGN, 1916: “President Sees Dr. Grayson Wed,” NYT, May 25, 1916, 13; EMH (D), May 24, 1916, 37: 106; RSB (I) with WW, May 12, 1916 [RSB Papers: PUL]; Weinstein, 305–6; Freud, 183–4; WW to JWS, Mar. 21, 1916 [WWPL]; WW (R), June 30, 1916, 37: 332–5; WW (A), July 4, 1916, 37: 353–8; H. S. Cummings (M), Aug. 7, 1916, 38: 7–8; EBW, 103–4; WW to Obadiah Gardner, Aug. 19, 1916, 38: 50–1n1; WW (S), Sep. 2, 1916, 38: 126–39.

  WW CAMPAIGN OF 1916: WW (A), Sep. 4 and 8, 1916, 38: 142–5 and 161–4; EBW, 105–6, 113; Annie W. H. Cothran to WW, Mar. 23, 1917, 41: 457–8; WW to Henry Ford, Sep. 20, 1916, 38: 187n1–2; H. C. Wallace to EMH, Aug. 31, 1916, 38: 139–41; EMH (D), Nov. 26, 1916, 40: 85–6; Billington, 80–1; W. E. B. Du Bois to WW, Oct. 10, 1916, 38: 459–60; WW to JPT, Aug. 11, 1916, 38: 24n2; WW to Giles B. Jackson, Sep. 7, 1916, 38: 157n1; W. E. B. Du Bois to JPT, Oct. 24, 1916, 38: 522n1; RSB (M), May 12, 1916, 37: 37; Anna Shaw, quoted in Norman Hapgood to WW, Sep. 16, 1916, 38: 178–9; J. A. O’Leary to WW, Sep. 29, 1916, 38: 285–6; JPT, 214, JD, Life, 238.

  REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN OF 1916: WW (A), July 10 and Oct. 7, 1916, 37: 384 and 364; HCL, 73–4; Marshall, 336; McAdoo, 363–5; TR to Kermit Roosevelt, Aug. 28, 1915, TR, Letters, 698; “Roosevelt Blames W for Raids,” NYT, Oct. 11, 1916, 6; TR (S—speaking “bombastically and carrying a big dishrag”), Oct. 19, 1916, in TR, NRM, 1073; JD, Life, 274–5; WW (I) with H. N. Hall, Oct. 31, 1916, 38: 565.

  FINAL ARGUMENTS IN 1916 ELECTION: EBW to MAH (unsent D), c. Nov. 1, 1916, 38: 589; Emanuel Julius, “Eugene V. Debs, Interviewed for Appeal,” Appeal to Reason, July 1, 1916, 6; Hulbert, 264; RSB VI: 290; Marshall, 336; Steel, 100, 106, and 608n11, citing Walter Lippmann, “The Case for Wilson,” The New Republic, Oct. 14, 1916; Ida Tarbell, “A Talk with the President of the United States,” Collier’s (Oct. 28, 1916), 38: 323–34; W’s resignation plan in EMH (D), Oct. 19 and Nov. 19, 1916, 38: 617–8 and 678–9, and WW to RL, Nov. 5, 1916, 38: 617–8; EBW, 113–8.

  ELECTION DAY 1916 AND AWAITING RESULTS: RSB VI: 297; JPT, 216–24; TR, cited in RSB VI: 296; Reid, 186; EBW, 116; JD, Life, 276; Mark Grossi, “Sierra Area Had Pivotal Role in 1916,” Fresno Bee, Nov. 10, 2000, n.p.; “W Ahead in California by Over 3,100,” NYT, Nov. 10, 1916, 1, 2; William Hard (I) with T. P. Gore, Aug. 18, 1926 [Hard Papers—145: 2/7: PUL]; R. H. Dabney to WW, Nov. 23, 1916, 40: 61–2; C. E. Hughes to WW (T), Nov. 22, 1916, 40: 38; WW to J. R. Wilson, Jr. (T), Nov. 27, 1916, 40: 90.

  WAR ABROAD AND AMERICAN DIPLOMACY: EBW, 120–1; JPT, 253; RSB, VI: 328, 374; WW, History, III: 192–4; WW (U), “Prolegomenon to Peace Note,” c. Nov. 25, 1916, 40: 67–70; J. C. Grew to EMH, Dec. 1, 1916, 40: 160–1; EMH (D), Nov. 20 and 26, Dec. 20, 1916, Jan. 11, 1917, 40: 4–6n and 84, 304–5, 445; WW (R), Nov. 14, 1916, 38: 637–40; WW to W. J. Harris (draft), Feb. 7, 1917, 41: 146–8; WW, Peace Note (draft), c. Nov. 25, 1916, 40: 70–4; WW, “Annual Message,” Dec. 5, 1916, 40: 155–9; WW, “Appeal for Statement of War Aims,” Dec. 18, 1916, 40: 273–6n; Houston, I: 219; RL (S), Dec. 21, 1916, 40: 306; WW to RL, Dec. 21, 1916, 40: 307n–311; “Peace and War Talk Hit Stocks,” NYT, Dec. 22, 1916, 1, 2; “Wall Street Relieved by a Wave of Buying,” NYT, Dec. 23, 1916, 1, 3; “Financial Markets,” NYT, Dec. 23, 1916, 12.

  CHRISTMAS, 1916; W FORMULATES PEACE TERMS: WW to L. M. Smith and M. R. Smith, Dec. 27, 1916, 40: 336; CD to WW, Dec. 27, 1916, 40: 338; EMH (D), Jan. 3, 1917, 40: 403–7; WW (A—“peace without victory”), Jan. 22, 1917, 40: 533–9; “W’s Terms for League of Peace,” NYT, Jan. 23, 1917, 1, 2; “President’s Own Comment,” NYT, Jan. 23, 1917, 1; “Scene in the Senate,” NYT, Jan. 23, 1917, 2; Longworth, 242; CD to WW, Jan. 24, 1917, 41: 7; W. H. Page, (M) #5514, Jan. 20, 1917, 40: 532; EMH (D), Dec. 27, 1916, II: 423–4.

  GERMANY ESCALATES SUBMARINE WARFARE; W RESPONDS: WGM, 367; JPT, 254–5; RSB, VI: 448–9; EMH (D), Feb. 1, 1917, 41: 87–8; RL to WW, Feb. 1, 1917, 41: 99; WW (A), Feb. 3, 1917, 41: 108–12; “Bernstorff Was Not Surprised,” NYT, Feb. 4, 1917, 1, 5; WW (A—draft), Feb. 3, 1917, 41: 112n1; WW, “Bases of Peace” draft, quoted in RSB, VI: 465–6; TR to HCL, Feb. 20, 1917, TR, Letters, 718–9; “A Visit to the President,” Friends’ Intelligencer, Mar. 10, 1917, 41: 302–4n2.

  ZIMMERMANN NOTE AND REPERCUSSIONS: “Germany Seeks an Alliance,” NYT, Mar. 1, 1917, 1; WW (A), Feb. 26, 1917, 41: 283–7.

  SECOND INAUGURATION: EBW, 130; EMH (D), Mar. 3, 1917, 41: 317–8n; WW, statement, Mar. 4, 1917, 41: 318–20; “President Inaugurated,” NYT, Mar. 6, 1917, 1; WW, “Second Inaugural Address,” Mar. 5, 1917, 41: 332–5.


  POST-INAUGURAL EXHILARATION AND EXHAUSTION: “President Reviews a Parade,” NYT, Mar. 6, 1917, 3; EMH (D), Mar. 5, 1917, 41: 340–1; EBW, 130, 116; “Take Motor Ride at Night,” NYT, Mar. 6, 1917, 3.

  WW AND CABINET RESPOND TO GERMANY: JD (D), Mar. 8 and 20, 1917, 41: 364 and 444–5; EBW, 131–2; RL (M), 41: 436–44; Houston, I: 241–4; T. W. Brahany (D), Mar. 20 and 26, 1917, 41: 445 and 473–5; EMH (D), Apr. 29, 1917, 42: 162; Heaton, 268; RSB, VI: 506.

  APRIL 2, 1917—“SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY” SPEECH: T. W. Brahany (D), Apr. 2, 1917, 41: 531; EMH (D), Apr. 2, 1917, 41: 528–30; “President Holds War Conferences,” NYT, Apr. 3, 1917, 3; RSB, VI: 508; Lansing, 238–9; “Armed American Steamship Sunk,” NYT, Apr. 3, 1917; “Lodge Knocks Down Pacific Assailant,” NYT, Apr. 3, 1917, 5; “President at Golf During the Forenoon,” NYT, Apr. 3, 1917, 10; “Must Exert All Our Power,” NYT, Apr. 3, 1917, 1; Starling, 87; Houston, I: 253–6; EBW, 132–3; Lawrence, 208–9; WW (A), Apr. 2, 1917, 41: 519–27; “Lodge Congratulates the President,” NYT, Apr. 3, 1917, 2; JPT, 256–9.

  RESPONSE TO SPEECH; DECLARATION OF WAR: W. Lippmann to WW, Apr. 3, 1917, 41: 537; W. H. Page to WW (T), Apr. 3, 1917; Gerard, quoted in T. W. Brahany (D), Apr. 6, 1917, 41: 558; WGM to WW, Apr. 3, 1917, 41: 541; Lawrence, 210–2; “Seek to Explain Miss Rankin’s ‘No,’” NYT, Apr. 7, 1917, 4; Starling, 89; EBW, 133; Seymour, 117; WW, Last Will and Testament, May 31, 1917, 42: 426.

  MOBILIZATION; BARUCH; HOOVER: “Government Acts Swiftly” and “27 Ships Taken Here,” NYT, Apr. 7, 1917, 1–2; WW (M), Apr. 7, 1917, 42: 3; JD (D), Nov. 26, 1917, 45: 128; Samuel Gompers to WW, Aug. 2, 1917, 43: 352–4; W. G. Sharp to RL, Aug. 2, 1917, 43: 355; WW, “Appeal to American People,” Apr. 15, 1917, 42: 71–5; EBW, 135–6, 160–1; Seymour, 118–29, 160, 162–70; WGM, 454–9, 464, 483–91; JPT to WW, Nov. 18, 1916, 38: 674; EMH (D), Jan. 3 and 12, Mar. 3, 1917, 40: 402 and 463, 41: 318; WW (A), Jan. 4, 1918, 45: 449; Baruch, 17, 23–5, 38–40, 55, 232; N. D. Baker to WW (includes Baruch M), May 28, 1917, 42: 411–7; JPT, 268–70; H. Hoover, 1–5, 8; WW (S), May 19, 1917, 42: 344–5; Houston, I: 256–9; “Hooverize” is defined in Oxford English Dictionary, VII: 374; RSB, VII: 409.

  CONTROL OF IDEAS: PROPAGANDA; SEDITION: Creel, How We Advertised, xiii, xvii–xviii, 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 84–7, 261–6; Stone, 113–7, 147–8, 586n32, 587n39; WW, “Annual Message,” Dec. 7, 1915, 35: 306–7; WW (A), Apr. 2, 1917, 41: 526; Geoffrey Stone, “On Secrecy and Transparency” (which cites H. R. 291, tit. I § 4, 65th Congress, 1st Session, in 55 Congressional Record H1590-1 and 1695, Apr. 30 and May 2, 1917), American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, June, 2008, 4; A. Brisbane to WW, Apr. 20, 1917, 42: 107–8; WW to A. Brisbane, Apr. 25, 1917, 42: 129; “Canvass Forecasts Doom of Censorship,” NYT, May 28, 1917, 4; JPT to WW, May 8, 1917, 42: 245–6; WW to E. Y. Webb, May 22, 1917, 42: 369–70; ASL (N), 42: 247; G. Creel (M), enclosed in JD to WW, Apr. 11, 1917, 42: 39–41; WW to JD, Apr. 12, 1917, 42: 43; Lawrence, 228; H. Hoover, 13; F. C. Barnes to WW, c. Oct. 12, 1917, 44: 364; O. H. Kahn to WW, Apr. 6, 1917, 42: 7; WW to JPT, c. Apr. 7, 1917, 42: 8–9; SA (N) [PUL: 440], 314; JD, 281–2; WW to L. C. Dyer, Aug. 1, 1917, 43: 336; Brinkley, 618.

  BUILDING AN ARMY; TR VOLUNTEERS: E. W. Pou to JPT, Apr. 11, 1917, 42: 42; WW to G. T. Helvering, Apr. 19, 1917, 42: 97–8; Longworth, 245–6; Morris, 486–8; JPT, 285–9; TR to WW, May 18, 1917, 42: 324; WW (S), May 18, 1917, 42: 324–6; T. W. Brahany (D), Apr. 10, 1917, 42: 31–2; EMH to WW, Apr. 10, 1917, 42: 29–30n1; JD, 284; “Drawing for Nation’s Draft Army,” NYT, July 21, 1917, 1, 6–8; Coffman, 29–31; Clements, 145–8; Seymour, 125, 129–31, 143–6, 137–40; R. H. Morris to JPT, Aug. 29, 1918, 49: 420; WW to JPT, Sep. 2, 1918, 49: 419; JD, Life, 285; Pershing, I: 26–8; JPT, 295–6; Lawrence, 220–2; WW (A), Aug. 11, 1917, 43: 427–31; EBW, 139–40; WW (A), Dec. 2, 1918, 53: 275.

PAPAL APPEAL; EUROPEAN ASSESSMENT OF THE WAR; WW DISPATCHES PERSHING: Pope Benedict XV’s appeal, enclosed with RL to WW, Aug. 13 and 21 (enclosed with “Comments on the Pope’s Peace Appeal”), 1917, 43: 438–9 and 18–22; W. H. Page to RL, Aug. 15, 1917, 43: 482–5; WW (N), “Reply to Benedict XV,” c. Aug. 16, 1917, 43: 487–8; N. D. Baker to WW, Aug. 20, 1917, with W. Lippmann (M), “Reply to the Pope’s Proposal,” 43: 532–4; RL to W. H. Page, Aug. 27, 1917, 44: 57–9; WW, “State of the Union Address,” Dec. 4, 1917, 45: 194–202; R. H. Campbell to EMH, Jan. 2, 1918, 45: 430–1; Trask, 94–5; Congressional Record, Oct. 21, 1939, vol. 84, 686; Churchill, 692; Coffman, 94–5; W. H. Page to WW (T), Apr. 17, 1917, 42: 82; Nicolson, King George, 55; D. Lloyd George to WW, Sep. 3, 1917, 44: 125–30; Seymour, 147–8; JD, Life, 282; G. Creel to WW, Dec. 8, 1917, 45: 246; WW to G. Creel, Dec. 10, 1917, 45: 257; W. G. Sharp to N. D. Baker, Jan. 31, 1918, attached to WW to N. D. Baker, Feb. 4, 1918, 46: 237; “W Sees End of War Only When Germany Is Beaten,” NYT, Oct. 8, 1917, 44: 325–7; EMH (D), Oct. 24, 1917, 44: 437–9.

  “THE INQUIRY”; PALESTINE: WW to EMH, July 21 and Sep. 19, 1917, 43: 238 and 44: 216–7, enclosing RL (M), 44: 217–9; EMH to WW, Sep. 20, 1917, 44: 226; H. B. Brougham to WW, Sep. 28, 1917, 44: 275–6n; A. J. Balfour to WW, Jan. 31, 1918, 46: 180–1; Lord Reading to A. J. Balfour (T), Mar. 18, 1918, 47: 63–4; Hemingway, 196; A. J. Balfour to Sir William Wiseman, Oct. 16, 1917, 44: 323–4; W. H. Page to RL, Nov. 23, 1917, 45: 148–9n2, which contains the official Declaration of Balfour to L. W. Rothschild, Nov. 2, 1917; RL to WW, Dec. 13, 1917, 45: 286, with 286n1 recording WW’s response; WW (M), ca. Nov. 20, 1917, 45: 86; Pershing, I: 237–8.


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