Page 106
Adams, John, 292, 293, 405, 453, 455
Adams, John Quincy, 734
Adamson Act (1916), 399, 411
Addams, Jane, 412, 425, 471
Aeneid (Virgil), 85
African Americans, 95, 244–45, 270, 302, 369, 528, 616
in Army, 245, 464, 483–84, 486, 578, 609
in Civil Service jobs, 280, 306–9
federal appointments of, 307–8
higher education for, 69, 87, 138, 155–57
mob violence against, 482, 610. See also Lynchings
Northern migration of, 481, 482
prejudice against, 486, 490. See also Racism; Segregation; White supremacists
during Reconstruction, 41–42, 348
support for and disillusionment with Wilson among, 245–46, 269–70, 345–47
voting rights denied to, 72, 494
on White House staff, 271
Wilson family’s attitudes toward, 31, 33, 35, 39, 42, 87, 104, 157, 484–85
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 269, 307
Agriculture Department, U.S., 263, 663–64 Office of Information, 327
Alabama, University of, 132
Albania, 575
Albert, King of Belgium, 568, 650–51, 707
Alderman, Edwin A., 9, 12, 714, 724
Aldrich, Nelson, 199, 298, 316
Alexander, James Waddel, 140
Alexander, Joshua W., 664–65
Alexandra, Dowager Queen, 22
Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 474–75
Algeria, 537
Alien Act (1798), 455
Allenby, Gen. E. H. H. “Bloody Bull,” 466–67, 562
Alley Dwelling Act (1914), 334
Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, 626
American Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 312–13
American Bar Association, 401
American Civil Liberties Union, 495
American College of Surgeons, 445
American Commission, 543, 545, 557, 559, 563, 583, 591
American Cyclopedia, 62
American Economics Association, 93
American Expeditionary Force (AEF), 4, 15, 21, 460, 480, 494, 500. See also Army, U.S., in World War I
American Federation of Labor, 723
American Historical Association, 734
American Jewish Congress, 588
American Legion, 672, 686
American Museum of Natural History, 118
American Peace Commission, 14, 516, 537, 541, 586, 627
American Protective League, 495, 551
American Railway Union, 236–37
American Revolution, 54, 616
American Truth Society, 409
American Union Against Militarism, 495
American Whig Society, 58, 63–64, 68, 72
American Woolen Company, 296
Amherst College, 93, 157
Amiens, Battle of, 479–80
Anarchists, 260, 453, 546, 669–71, 682
Anatolia, 537
Angell, James Burrill, 56
Anglican Church, 26, 28, 51. See also Episcopalians
Anti-Semitism, 239, 264, 400, 465
Arabia, 535, 537
Areopagitica (Milton), 127
Argentina, 324, 332
Argonne Forest, Battle of the, 480–81
Arkansas Industrial University, 97
Armenia, 528, 537, 561, 575, 696
Armistice, 503–4, 511–14, 516, 521, 522–23, 576, 585, 587, 595, 658, 662, 665, 732
Armistice Day, 715, 724, 731, 732
Army, U.S., 4, 15, 277, 347, 378, 385, 386, 390, 397, 431, 434, 437, 626, 669, 740
3rd Cavalry, 741
6th Cavalry, 464
8th Cavalry, 464
10th Cavalry, 464
13th Cavalry, 391
13th Infantry, 3
24th Infantry, 483
28th Infantry, 479
segregation of, 483–86
Signal Corps, 16, 694
Transport Service, 4
in World War I, 15, 21, 454, 457–60, 461–64, 467, 473, 479–81, 494, 497, 498, 500, 501, 505, 517, 593–94, 610
Army Appropriations Act (1916), 443, 444
Arnold, Benedict, 678
Art Students League, 98
Ashurst, Henry F., 505, 514, 607, 657, 673
Asquith, H. H., 285
Associated Press, 658
Atlanta, 84–88, 90, 97
Battle of, 34
Atlanta Constitution, The, 86
Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad, 45
Atlantic Monthly, The, 106, 121, 727
Atlantic Torpedo Flotilla, 13
Auchincloss, Gordon, 339, 559, 571
Augusta (Georgia), 29–38, 40, 88
Augusta Female Seminary, 30, 80–81
Aurora (newspaper), 28
Australia, 447, 525, 537
Austria, 503, 585, 589, 713. See also Austro-Hungarian Empire
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 11, 260, 269, 333, 527, 559, 575, 586, 598
in World War I, 334, 336, 337, 343, 351, 437–38, 462–63, 466, 468, 470, 472
Axson, Edward, 98, 116, 142, 144
Axson, Ellen Louise. See Wilson, Ellen Axson
Axson, Isaac Stockton Keith, 88, 92, 101–2
Axson, Madge, 164
Axson, Margaret Jane Hoyt, 88, 106
Axson, Samuel Edward, 88–92, 96, 97, 108
Axson, Stockton, 92, 129, 172, 174, 225, 325, 518, 693, 711, 726–27, 731
and Ellen’s death, 338
in England with Woodrow, 133
on House’s role as Wilson’s adviser, 253
mental illness of, 98, 106, 144, 284
at Nell’s wedding, 329
during New Jersey gubernatorial campaign, 195, 198, 199
in Princeton, 116, 135, 147, 151, 163, 165
at Wesleyan University, 109, 110
during World War I, 351, 494
Baden, Prince Max von, 503
Bagehot, Walter, 70–71, 91, 95, 100, 106, 123, 125, 133, 161, 242, 337, 730
Baker, Newton D., 10, 266, 390–92, 446, 450, 459, 463, 467, 483, 500, 517, 575, 610, 616, 618, 647
Baker, Ray Stannard, 328, 451, 528, 552, 706, 708, 714, 718
at Paris Peace Conference, 541, 558, 562, 570, 572, 576, 580, 583, 589–90, 594
during Wilson’s recuperation from stroke, 674–75, 694
Baku, 537
Baldwin, Mary, 81
Baldwin, Roger, 495
Balfour, Arthur James, 385, 466, 468, 526, 530–31, 598
Balfour Declaration, 466–67, 562
Balkans, 464, 470
Baltimore (Maryland), 91–93, 96, 106
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 92, 445
Bancroft, Frederick, 122
Baptists, 15, 410
Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, 56
Barnard College, 137
Barnwell, Charles H., 42
Baruch, Belle, 731
Baruch, Bernard, 444–45, 447, 559, 563, 570, 596, 618–19, 654, 714, 718, 721, 731, 733, 735
Bauer, Gustav, 597
Beach, Sylvester, 317, 328–29, 714, 740–41
Beard, Mary Ritter, 287
Beecher, Henry Ward, 33
Belcher, Jonathan, 52, 53
Belgium, 4, 18, 503, 526, 586, 597, 650, 652
Paris Peace Conference delegation of, 529
restoration of 385, 421, 470, 585, 598
World War I in, 334, 336, 353, 440, 447, 462
Bell, Johannes, 599, 600
Bellamy, John, 49
Belleau Wood, Battle of, 479, 535
Benedict XV, Pope, 462, 521, 707
Benham, Edith, 389, 526, 531, 565, 574, 598
Bergson, Henri, 499
Berle, Adolf, 591
Berlin, Treaty of, 713
Bermuda, 160–61, 167–69, 181, 255–57, 261, 630
Bernays, Edward, 451
Bernstorff, Count Johann-Heinrich von, 395, 396, 423, 424
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von, 333, 418
Bevan, Arthur Dean, 669
Bible, 9, 26, 32–33, 35, 45, 57, 77, 120, 132, 217, 356, 462, 515, 710, 741
Actes, 189
Corinthians, 149, 678
Daniel, 383
Ecclesiastes, 331
Genesis, 51
Isaiah, 511
John, 251, 741
Joshua, 164
Luke, 555
Mark, 3
Matthew, 279, 555, 603, 703
Psalms, 75, 275, 426, 740, 741
Revelation, 429
Romans, 25, 161
Bierce, Ambrose, 9
Bilbo, Theodore, 610
Birth of a Nation, The, 347–50
Bismarck, Otto von, 63, 333, 529, 584
Black Codes, 42
Blacks. See African Americans
Blackstone, William, 76
Blair, Emily Newell, 723
Blair bill (1888), 95
Blease, Coleman Livingston, 483
Bliss, Gen. Tasker, 517, 580, 600, 627
Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar, 93–94
Bolling, Edith. See Wilson, Edith
Bolling, Randolph, 406, 513, 706, 709, 718, 719, 721, 735, 738, 741
Bolling, Sallie White, 356, 374, 381, 413, 435, 513, 731
Bolling, Wilmer, 698
Bolling family, 356, 380, 731
Bolsheviks, 466, 468, 498–99, 512, 532–33, 544, 548, 556, 564, 566, 574, 578, 589–91, 609, 623, 670, 682, 685, 692
Bones, Helen, 117, 271, 318, 339, 355–56, 358–61, 370, 371, 406
Bones, James W., 87–88
Bones, Jessie Woodrow, 39, 43, 83, 88
Bonsal, Stephen, 654, 655
Booth, Edwin, 69
Borah, William E., 454, 608, 617, 626, 653
Borden, Robert, 586
Boston Daily Globe, The, 454
Boswell, James, 26
Boxer Rebellion, 579
Boylston, Mrs. J. Reid, 85
Bradley, William O., 292
Brahany, Thomas, 433, 637
Brandegee, Frank, 549, 608, 677
Brandeis, Louis D., 235, 239–40, 264–65, 299, 326, 400–402, 405, 718, 721
Brazil, 324, 332, 529
Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference, 468, 472
Bride of Lammermoor, The (Scott), 49
Bridgeport, University School of, 130
Bridges, Robert, 68, 69, 77, 80, 82, 87, 91, 95, 108, 109, 113, 152
Briggs, Asa, 59
Bright, John, 59, 62, 78, 81, 326, 337
Brisbane, Arthur, 454
Britain, 4, 18, 53, 161, 163, 242, 409, 534, 587, 595–96, 616, 627, 663
American Ambassadors to, 269, 709
Armistice signed by, 512–14
common law in, 76
governmental system of, 62, 70–71, 104, 227
House of Commons, 59, 64, 70
imperialism of, 260, 285, 324, 578, 579
Ireland and, 395, 574
Palestine and, 466, 526, 589, 723
Peace Conference delegation of, 12, 15, 515, 523–27, 529, 539, 544, 557–62, 564, 575, 576, 582–83, 596–97
Russian intervention of, 532
tariffs on imports from, 231
U.S. treaties with, 324–25, 398
Unknown Soldier monument in, 715
Wilson in, 21–23, 124–25, 133, 142, 152–53, 172–73, 350, 520, 521
Wilson’s youthful fascination with, 43, 44, 58, 60
in World War I, 334, 337, 338, 343, 350, 351, 354, 361, 363, 366, 367, 377, 384–85, 396, 417–19, 423, 425, 443, 447, 456, 461, 463–69, 471, 473, 479, 490, 498–99, 505, 536, 552, 583, 599
Britton, Nan, 729
Brockdorff-Rantzau, Ulrich, Count von, 584–85, 587
Brooke, Francis J., 43–44
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 149
Brooks, Arthur, 271, 280, 359, 620, 700
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, 236
Brower, Abraham T. H., 88
Brownlow, Louis, 489
Brown University, 142, 156
Bruce, William Cabell, 79–80, 82, 114
Brusilov offensive, 417
Bryan, Mary Baird, 260, 261, 368
Bryan, William Jennings, 146, 214–16, 218, 222–24, 259–60, 263, 408, 673, 684
Brandeis and, 264
House’s friendship with, 227
pacifism of, 366, 378, 379, 432
Presidential candidacy of, 129, 171, 172, 214, 261
resignation of, 366–68
as Secretary of State, 261, 281, 287, 289, 299, 300, 316, 321, 324, 343, 350–51, 354–55, 363, 623
and Wilson’s nomination as Democratic Presidential candidate, 229–31, 233, 235
world travels of, 260
Bryant, David, 48
Bryce, James Viscount, 325–26
Bryn Mawr College, 98–100, 102–5, 107, 108, 110, 112
Buchanan, James, 651
Buddhists, 579
Bulgaria, 502, 559, 560, 585
Bullitt, William C., 15, 544, 548, 563–64, 590–92, 627, 667, 682
Bull Moose Party. See Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
Burke, Edmund, 59–61, 62, 106, 123, 125, 128, 133
Burleson, Albert S., 227, 234, 262, 282, 306–7, 325, 392, 431–32, 495, 497, 550, 551, 659, 690
Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 160
Burnquist, Joseph A. A., 625
Burns, Robert, 27, 125
Burr, Aaron, Sr., 52–53
Burr, Aaron, Jr., 53, 54
Burton, Theodore, 342
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 56, 243
“Cabinet Government in the United States” (Wilson), 72
Caesar, Julius, 19
“Calendar of Great Americans, A” (Wilson), 133
Calero, Manuel, 288–89
Calhoun, John C., 62, 94, 316
California, prejudice against Asians in, 290, 306
California, University of, 56
Calvin, John, 26
Calvinism, 49
Cambon, Paul, 533
Cambridge University, 142
Cameroons, 537
Canada, 367, 398, 586
Cannon, Joseph “Uncle Joe,” 204, 439
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 22
Cantigny, Battle of, 479
Caporetto, Battle of, 466
Capper, Arthur, 482
Carleton College, 99
Carlyle, Thomas, 69, 172
Carnegie, Andrew, 143–44, 173
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 222
Carranza, Venustiano, 319, 332, 385, 391–93, 434, 660
Castle, Vernon and Irene, 500
Catholics, 25, 26, 59, 79, 157, 158, 177, 235, 267, 350, 462, 501, 575
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 487, 488, 491, 494
Caucasus, 537
Cecil, Lord, 539, 558, 564
Census Bureau, U.S., 30
Cer, Battle of, 336
Chadbourne, Thomas, 721
Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 439
Chandler, Harry, 630
Chaney, Lon, 452
Chaplin, Charlie, 14, 476, 731
Charles I, King of England, 26
Charlottesville (Virginia), 76, 77, 80, 81, 114, 258
Chase, Salmon P., 475
Château-Thierry, Battle of, 479, 535, 565
Chickamauga, Battle of, 34
Child, E. S., 123
Child labor, 228, 399, 574
Chile, 324, 332
China, 260, 289–90, 338, 350, 361, 447, 500, 536, 537, 574, 582, 663
Shantung, 536, 578–80, 590, 600, 615, 627, 653
Christianity, 9, 32, 43, 48, 54, 113, 260, 322, 346, 350
fundamentalist, 214. See also Catholics; Protestants
“Christian Statesman, A” (Wilson), 62
Christy, Howard Chandler, 134, 452
Churchill, Winston (American writer), 301
Churchill, Winston (British politician), 463, 480, 533, 544, 583
Civil rights, 245, 269, 484, 671
Civil Service, 193, 280, 306, 309–11, 409, 662
Civil Service Commission, 687
Civil War, 58, 110, 121–22, 173, 251, 257, 347, 356, 403, 482, 616, 625
aftermath of, 40–41, 155, 298. See also Reconstruction
British attitudes toward, 59, 71
conscription during, 457
curtailment of rights during, 453
events leading to, 32–33
financing of, 475
Gettysburg as turning point of, 303, 305
income tax during, 297
outbreak of, 33
Princeton during, 55
Wilson’s boyhood during, 11, 34–35, 37–38, 227, 531
Clansman, The (Dixon), 94, 347–48
Clapper, Raymond, 732
Clark, James Beauchamp (Champ), 204, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225, 229, 230, 232, 233, 293, 295, 311, 440
Clarke, John Hessin, 405, 723
Clay, Henry, 62, 242, 316
Clayton, Henry D., 327
Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914), 487
Clemenceau, Georges, 471, 515, 583, 584, 631, 638, 730
assassination attempts against, 532, 546, 557
at Paris Peace Conference, 523–31, 542–45, 552, 557–58, 564, 566–68, 570, 572, 575, 588, 592, 596–97
and signing of Treaty of Versailles, 598–601
Wilsons welcomed to Paris by, 17, 18, 20
Clémentel, Étienne, 559
Cleveland, Grover, 128–29, 134, 136, 137, 146, 151, 159, 162, 166, 171, 172, 223, 238, 246, 352, 738
Cliosophic Society, 72
Coast Guard, U.S., 441
Cobb, Frank I., 433, 675, 705–6, 721
Cohan, George M., 397, 501, 551