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Page 105

by A. Scott Berg

  GOVERNMENT IN DISARRAY: William Butler Yeats, “The Second Coming”; JPT to EBW, Dec. 18, 1919, and c. Feb. 3, 1920, 64: 204–5 and 355, including ASL (N), 356–7; Clements, 210–1; McAdoo, 505–9; W. D. Hines to WW, Dec. 15, 1919, 64: 188–9; A. M. Palmer to WW, Dec. 23, 1919 (with enclosures: W. D. Hines to WW, Dec. 23, 1919, and WW proclamation, Dec. 24, 1919), 64: 222–7; JPT, statement, Dec. 24, 1919, 64: 228; RL to JPT, Nov. 26 and Dec. 15, 1919, 64: 95 and 187–8; F. L. Polk to JPT, Dec. 26, 1919, 64: 229–30; RL (D), Dec. 29, 1919, 64: 235; L. S. Rowe to JPT, Jan. 3, 1920, 64: 245; B. F. Chase to N. H. Davis, July 8, 1920, 65: 505–6; B. Colby to WW, July 31, 1920, 65: 571; Houston, II: 60–2; EBW, 301–2; Rudolph Forster to JPT (T), Sep. 5, 1919, 63: 52n4; EMH (D), Dec. 12, 1919, and Mar. 2, 1920, 64: 185 and 65: 41; JD, Wilson Era, 546–8; JD (D), Dec. 5 and 9, 1919, 64: 141 and 166; “President Makes Proposal to Coal Miners,” NYT, Dec. 7, 1919, 64: 142–5; WW to Harry Garfield, Dec. 13, 1919, 64: 185; Harry Garfield to WW, Dec. 13, 1919, 64: 186.

  RL DEPARTURE: RL (M), Dec. 4, 5, 10, 1919, Jan. 7, Feb. 9, 13, 1920, 64: 123–5, 139–40, 179, 255–6, 385–6, 415–9; RSB (D), Jan. 23, 1920, 64: 320; EMH (D), Jan. 3, 1920, 64: 243; N. D. Baker to WW, Feb. 7, 1920, 64: 389–90; RL to WW, Feb. 9 (two letters), 12, 1920, 64: 388–9 and 390–1, 408–10; WW to RL, Feb. 7 and 11, 1920, 64: 383 and 404; JD, Wilson Era, II: 519, 521–3; JPT, 445; EBW, 301; RL (D), Feb. 11 and 14, 1920, 64: 405 and 428; Bert E. Park, “The Aftermath of W’s Stroke,” 64: 527; “Sees President Near Recovery,” NYT, Feb. 11, 1920, 64: 394–6; “President Will Never Recover” and “Doctor Dercum Declares Mind of President W Is Keen,” Philadelphia Press, Feb. 15, 1920, 64: 432–4.

  SEDITION; RED SCARE; PALMER RAIDS: WW to A. M. Palmer, Mar. 12, 1919, 55: 482–3; WW to A. S. Burleson, Feb. 28, 1919, 55: 327; Ackerman, 20, CTG (D), June 4, 1919, 60: 114–5; “200 Caught in New York,” NYT, Nov. 8, 1919, 1, 2; Stone, 223; “Raid from Coast to Coast,” NYT, Jan. 3, 1920, 1, 2; “Raiders Ordered to Make Cleanup Thorough,” NYT, Jan. 3, 1920, 1; “Raids on 13 Centres Here,” NYT, Jan. 3, 1920, 1, 2; “Reds Plotted Country-Wide Strike,” NYT, Jan. 4, 1920, 1, 2; RSB (D), June 23, 1920, 64: 320; “W Walks,” Washington Post, Dec. 14, 1919, 64: 187; “W Reported Much Better,” NYT, Dec. 21, 1919, 64: 211; JPT to WW, Dec. 28, 1919, 64: 233.

  WW PLOTS NEW STRATEGY FOR TREATY PASSAGE: WW, to “My Fellow Countrymen,” c. Dec. 17, 1919, 64: 199–202; A. M. Palmer to WW, Dec. 22, 1919, 64: 214–5; WW, redraft of Jackson Day message, Jan. 7, 1920, 64: 252–5; Houston, II: 47–9; JPT, draft of Jackson Day message, Jan. 6, 1920, 64: 247–250; D. Houston (N), Jan. 7, 1920, 64: 250–2; “Clash at Jackson Dinner,” NYT, Jan. 9, 1920, 1; “W Will Make No Offer,” NYT, Dec. 15, 1919, 1, 2; JPT to EBW, Jan. 15 and 17, 1920, 64: 276–7n and 287; Cooper, 302–10; RSB (D), Jan. 23, 1920, 64: 320–1; CTG to SA, Jan. 24, 1920, 64: 324–6; JPT to WW, Feb. 27, 1920, 64: 479; JPT, 429; H. S. Cummings (D), Feb. 29, 1920, 65: 24; Hurley, 243–5; RSB, American Chronicle, 474; B. Long to JPT, Sep. 22, 1919, 63: 444; EBW to Carter Glass (draft), Feb. 11, 1920, 64: 405; Carter Glass to WW, Feb. 9 and 12, 1920, 64: 387 and 410–1; WGM, 514–5.

  WW’S RENEWED STRENGTH; FINAL ATTEMPT AT TREATY PASSAGE: “W Has a Ride,” NYT, Mar. 4, 1920, 65: 42; I. Hoover, 106; Starling, 156–7; WW to G. M. Hitchcock, Mar. 5 and 8, 1920; 65: 54 and 67–71; newspapers citing gulf between WW and HCL, quoted in ASL (N), 65: 71–2; Watson, 198; G. M. Hitchcock to WW, c. Mar. 11, 1920, 65: 80; Louis Seibold, “Visit to White House,” June 17, 1920, 65: 403; JPT, 455–6; “Senate Adopts Curb by Lodge on Article X,” NYT, Mar. 16, 1920, 1, 3; “Lack 7 Votes to Ratify,” NYT, Mar. 20, 1920, 1–2; JD, Wilson Era, 464; EBW, 303, CTG (D), Mar. 31, 1920, 65: 149.

  WW AS “LAMEST DUCK”: H. S. Cummings (D), May 31, 1920, 65: 348; L. Seibold, op. cit., 65: 401–15; WW to JPT, Oct. 29, 1918, 51: 485; WW to Douglas Fairbanks, Jan. 13, 1919, 54: 53; CTG to CD, May 29, 1920, 65: 341–3; EBW, 304–5; Smith, 157; CTG (M), c. Mar. 22, 1920, 65: 111; “W Hails Colors in a Circus Parade,” NYT, May 18, 1920, 65: 290–1; CTG (M), Apr. 13, 1920, 65: 179–80.

  WW RESUMES CABINET MEETINGS; COLBY: CTG, 112–4; Houston, II: 68–70; JD, Wilson Era, II: 527–8; Smith, 147–8; CTG (M), Apr. 14, 1920, 65: 186; JD (D), Apr. 14, 1920, 65: 186–8; RL (D), Apr. 14 and May 29, 1920, 65: 188 and 343; Freud, 292; CTG, 114; CTG (N), n.d., 64: 490; WW to Joe Cowperthwaite, Sep. 3, 1920, 66: 92.

  WW CONSIDERS RESIGNATION: EMH (D), Jun. 10, 1920, 65: 384; RSB (D), Feb. 4, 1920, 64: 362–3n1; WW (N), c. June 10, 1920, 65: 382; JPT to EBW (asking WW to declare he would not run for third term), Mar. 23, 1920, 65: 117–9; CTG, 116–7; JD, Wilson Era, 557; Marc Peter to Giuseppe Motta, May 28, 1920, 65: 338–40 (N. B.: 338n2); B. Colby to WW, Aug. 9, 1920 (with enclosed N), 66: 19–25; W. W. Hawkins (UI), Sep. 27, 1920, 66: 153–8; JD, Wilson Era, II: 545–6; H. Hoover, 150; Post, 275–7; Norman Hapgood to WW, Nov. 9, 1920, 66: 343; Samuel Gompers, to WW Dec. 15, 1920, 66: 515–6; W. B. Wilson to WW, Dec. 18, 1920, 66: 533; JPT to WW, May 12, 1920, 65: 276; JPT, 505; John Roberts to WW, Sep. 21, 1920, 66: 132; Helen H. Gardener, Mar. 22, 1920, 65: 115–6.

  WW CONSIDERS THIRD TERM; 1920 DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION: Sir Auckland Geddes to D. Lloyd George, June 4, 1920, 65: 369–72; Carter Glass (M), June 16 and 19, 1920, 65: 400 and 435–6; SA, 197; JD, Wilson Era, II: 553, 555–7; Smith, 161–2; “Opening Session Spirited,” NYT, June 29, 1920, 1, 2; H. S. Cummings to WW (T), June 28 and July 3, 1920, 65: 470–1n and 492–3; CTG (D), July 2 and 3, 1920, 65: 488 and 491; JPT to EAW, July 4, 1920, 65: 493–5; WW to H. S. Cummings, July 2, 1920 65: 489; B. Colby to WW, July 2 and 4, 1920, 65: 490 and 496; Charles Swem (D), c. July 6, 1920, 65: 498–9; WW to J. M. Cox (T), July 6, 1920, and ASL (N), 65: 499n1; Starling 157.

  ELECTION OF 1920; COX AND FDR VISIT WW: I. Hoover, 106–7; EBW, 305–7; Cox, 241–4; CTG, 119; JPT, 499–502. W. W. Hawkins (UI), Sep. 27, 1920, 66: 156–7; WW to J. Cox, Oct. 29, 1920; JPT to WW, Sep. 24 and Oct. 10, 1920, 66: 141n and 214–6; WW, statement, Oct. 3, 1920, 66: 181–3; SA, 198–9; RSB, draft of article, Nov. 29, 1920, 66: 440; Charles Swem (D), Nov. 3, 1920, 66: 306–7; RSB 485; SA to JWS, Nov. 4, 1920, 66: 319–20; Starling, 612.

  WW’S FINAL DAYS IN WHITE HOUSE: WW to JWS, Oct. 25, 1920, 66: 266–7; WW to L. C. Woods, Dec. 1, 1920, 66: 447; RSB (D), Nov. 28 and Dec. 1, 1920, 66: 435–6 and 451; RSB, draft of article, Nov. 29, 1920, 66: 438–52; CTG (M), Dec. 6, 1920, 66: 479; WW, “State of the Union Address,” Dec. 7, 1920, 66: 484–90; “W Urges Nation to Lead Democracy,” NYT, Dec. 8, 1920, 1, 2; Eleanor Roosevelt, et al., to WW, c. Feb. 14, 1921; 67: 135–6; “League Assembly Opens, Hails W,” NYT, Nov. 16, 1920, 1, 2; A. G. Schmedeman to WW (re: Nobel Prize) (T), Dec. 4, 1920, 66: 477–8.

  PARTING SHOTS: N. H. Davis to WW, Dec. 8, 1920, 66: 492–3; RSB (D), Jan. 22, 1921, 67: 82; Charles Swem (D), Sep. 9, 1920, Jan. 15, 30, and Feb. 17, 1921, 66: 103, 67: 67–8, 103–4, and 143; Starling, 157; WW to R. B. Fosdick, Oct. 22 and Nov. 28, 1923, 68: 451n2 and 493–4; R. B. Fosdick to RSB, June 23, 1916 [RSB Papers, Box 108: PUL]; WW to J. G. Hibben, Dec. 22, 1919, 64: 213; WW to W. R. Wilder, May 3, 1920, 65: 246; A. M. Palmer to WW (re: Debs pardon), June, 29, 1921, 67: 98–102.

  POST–WHITE HOUSE PLANS: EBW, 307–12, 314–8, 326–7; WW to C. Z. Klauder, Dec. 16, 1920, 66: 518–9n; CD to CTG, Feb. 14, 1921, 67: 136–7n; G. Creel to EBW, Feb. 15, 1921, 67: 141–2; Houston, II: 147–9; WW to C. E. Bacon, Oct. 18, 1920, 66: 242; WW to Curtis Brown, Sep. 17, 1920, 66: 121; J. R. Bolling to Macmillan Co., Apr. 15, 1921, 67: 259n.

  INAUGURATION DAY 1921: CTG, 121; Longworth, 325; EBW, 317–9; “W’s Exit Is Tragic,” NYT, Mar. 5, 1921, 67: 205–14.


  MOVING INTO 2340 S STREET: “W’s Exit Is Tragic,” NYT, Mar. 5, 1921, 5; “WW House—Reduced Copies of Measured Drawings,”, accessed Feb. 19, 2013; Starling, 163–4; EBW, 320–2; WW to CTG, Mar. 2, 1921, 67: 185; “Harding Kept Grayson Within Wilson’s Call,” NYT, Aug. 3, 1923, 68: 398�
��9; “W Kills 4 Bills in Last Day in Office,” NYT, Mar. 5, 1921, 8; W. B. Wilson to WW, Mar. 1, 1921, 67: 178–80; WW, veto message, Mar. 3, 1921; 67: 191–4; J. Smuts, “WW’s Place in History,” syndicated article, Mar. 3–4, 1921, 67: 27n; F. I. Cobb to WW, with “WW—An Interpretation,” Mar. 4, 1921, 67: 216–9; EBW, 322–5; ASL (N) appending RSB (D), Mar. 20, 1921, 67: 236n; J. G. Hibben to WW, Jan. 6, 1920, 64: 246.

  WW’S NEW ROUTINE: RSB (D), Mar. 22, May 25, 1921, 67: 237–8, 288–9; H. S. Cummings (M), Apr. 25, 1921, 67: 268–70; EBW, 324–6; L. C. Probert, “W Stricken 2 Years Ago, Now Puts in Healthy Day,” NY Tribune, Sep. 26, 1921, 67: 395–8; “WW’s Pierce-Arrow,” K. L. Brown (ed.) (Staunton, VA: WW Birthplace Foundation, 1990); “W Attends the Theatre,” NYT, Apr. 23, 1921, 67: 268; Smith, 218, “W Is Cheered by Theatre Crowd,” NYT, Aug. 27, 1921, 67: 380–2; WW to E. G. Reid, Oct. 16, 1921, 67: 423; WW to B. Colby, Oct. 24, 1921, 67: 430.

  WILSON & COLBY: SA to J. G. Hibben, June 11, 1921, 67: 310; EBW, 327–9; B. Colby to WW, Mar. 29, Apr. 18, 1921, 67: 248, 261; “W Goes to Court to Be Admitted to Bar,” NYT, June 26, 1921, 67: 328–9; J. R. Bolling to B. Colby, July 4, 1921, 67: 343–4; RSB (D), July 29, 1921, 67: 361; B. Colby to J. R. Bolling, July 1, 1921, 67: 337–8; “W at His Law Office for First Time,” NYT, Aug. 17, 1921, 1; WW to B. Colby, Feb. 17, May 19, June 10, Aug. 22, and 23 (unsent), 1922, 67: 548, 68: 56–7, 74, 119–20, and 120–1; B. Colby to WW, Dec. 5, 1921, 67: 472–3; J. R. Bolling to B. Colby, Dec. 6, 1921, 67: 475; “W Concentrates on Politics,” Washington Evening Star, Dec. 13, 1922, 68: 235n.

  HARDING ADMINISTRATION: W. B. Wilson to WW, Mar. 1, 1921, 67: 178–80; WW, veto message, Mar. 3, 1921, 67: 191–4; Day, Rogers, 117, 121; F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Early Success,” The Crack-Up (New York: New Directions, 1945), 87.

  INCREASED ADMIRATION FOR WW: RSB (D), Mar. 20 and May 27, 1921, 67: 237 and 295; S. W. Beach to WW (T), May 21, 1921, 67: 287; E. A. Alderman to WW, Dec. 29, 1921, 67: 498–9; J. H. Westcott to WW, Dec. 11, 1921, 67: 482; R. C. Stuart, Jr., to WW (T), Apr. 7 and 28, 1921, 67: 253 and 273–4; ASL (N), [re: WW Foundation], appended to R. C. Stuart, Jr., to J. R. Bolling, Apr. 27, 1921, 67: 272–3; WW to FDR, July 4, 1921, Jan. 5, and Apr. 30, 1922, 67: 341–2, 504, and 68: 39; J. R. Bolling to FDR, Sep. 3, 1921, 67: 386 and ASL (n2—re: FDR’s polio); WW to E. Roosevelt, Nov. 9, 1921, 67: 448–9.

  BURIAL OF UNKNOWN SOLDIER AND REACTION: W. G. Harding to WW, Oct. 4 and Nov. 8, 1921, 67: 400–1 and 445–6; J. R. Bolling to W. Lassiter, Oct. 25, 1921, 67: 432; WW to W. G. Harding, Nov. 8, 1921, 67: 444–5; WW to Louis Seibold, Nov. 12, 1921, 67: 453–4n; “W in Tears As 20,000 Acclaim Him World’s Hero,” NY World, Nov. 12, 1921, 67: 449–53; “Ovation for W in Line and at Home,” NYT, Nov. 12, 1921, 1, 2; EBW, 331; JD, Life, 17; J. S. Williams to WW, Nov. 12, 1921, 67: 454–5; WW to Ida Tarbell, Feb. 26, 1922, 67: 557–8n, includes excerpt of Tarbell, “The Man They Cannot Forget,” Collier’s, LXIX (Feb. 18, 1922), 14; CTG (M), c. Dec. 28, 1922, 68: 251; R. V. Oulahan, “W, Stronger Physically, Turning Again to Politics,” NYT, June 10, 1923, 68: 382.

  JPT, MARGINALIZED: JPT, xii; “Tumulty and W,” NYT, Mar. 16, 1922, 4; RSB, American Chronicle, 495–8, 503, 515; JPT to WW, Apr. 5, 12, and 13, 1922; 67: 602, 68: 14–5, and 20–23; WW to JPT, Apr. 6 and 10, 1922, 67: 602 and 68: 10; B. Colby to WW, Apr. 6, 1922, 67: 602–3; J. R. Bolling to B. Colby, Apr. 7, 1922, 67: 604; EBW, 333–40; J. R. Bolling to Louis Wiley, Apr. 10, 1922, 68: 11; “Doubt Is Cast on W ‘Message’ to the Cox Dinner,” NYT, Apr. 11, 1922, 68: 11–12; WW to editor of NYT, Apr. 12, 1922, 68: 14; Blum, 264; “Tumulty Regrets the Misunderstanding,” NYT, Apr. 14, 1922, 3; CTG (M), May 22, 1922, 68: 60; SA (N) [PUL: 440], 316, 443; WW to James Kerney, Oct. 30, 1923, 68: 592.

  “THE DOCUMENT”: WW to L. D. Brandeis, June 20, 1921, and Apr. 9, 1922 (with enclosed “Confidential Document”), 67: 319–20n and 68: 4–5 (68: 5–9); WW to N. D. Baker, June 20, 1924, 68: 534–5; WW, addition to the Document, Aug. 7, 1922, 68: 105–6.

  MORE TRIBUTES: “1,000 Women Cheer at Wilson’s Home,” NYT, Apr. 29, 1922, 68: 36–9; Cordell Hull to WW, May 27, 1922, 68: 70–1; WW to Calvin Coolidge, June 14, 1922, 68: 76n [quotes Coolidge (R) at American University, June 8, 1922]; WW to Cordell Hull, June 27, 1922, 68: 86; H. S. Cummings (M), June 28, 1922, 68: 90; L. Lipsky to WW (T), July 24, 1922, 68: 100n2; J. H. Clarke to WW, Sep. 9, 1922, 68: 131–2; E. J. N. Blair to WW, Oct. 17, 1922, 68: 156; WW to JWS, Nov. 9, 1922, 68: 180; ASL (N), 68: 180n1, appended to D. C. Roper to WW (T), Nov. 8, 1922, 68: 179; “Gloom at Capital,” NYT, Nov. 8, 1922, 1, 5; WW to D. C. Roper, Nov. 8, 1922, 68: 180; “W Sees Nation Moving Forward,” NYT, Nov. 12, 1922, 68: 185–8; FDR to WW (T), Dec. 27, (10 p.m. and 11:13 p.m.), and 28, 1922 (T), 12:54 a.m., 68: 245–6; RSB (D), Apr. 4, 1922, 67: 585; Family of F. M. Thompson to JD (copy of T), Jan. 14, 1922, 68: 266; EBW, 341–2; “Senate Felicitates W on Birthday,” NYT, Dec. 29, 1922, 68: 247–8.

  WW’S LITERARY EFFORTS: CTG, 131, WW to editor of Washington Post, c. Apr. 15, 1922, 68: 24; RSB (D), Apr. 4, 1922, 67: 585; WW, “Plans and Notes for Books,” c. May 1, 1922, 68: 138–42; WW to J. F. Jameson, May 11, 1922, 68: 52; EBW, 347–8; WW, “The Road Away from Revolution” (draft), c. Apr. 8, 1923, 68: 322–4, final version, c. July 27, 1923, Atlantic Monthly, CXXXII (Aug. 1923), 145–6, 68: 393–5; WW to G. Creel, Apr. 9, 1923, 68: 325–6; G. Creel to EBW, Apr. 19 and 24, May 1, 1923, 68: 342–4 and 347–9n, 353–4; EBW to G. Creel, Apr. 20, 1923, 68: 344–5; WW to Ellery Sedgwick, May 2, 1923, 68: 354; CTG (M), May 22, 1922, 68: 58–9n.

  DEATH OF HARDING: CTG, 136; WW to CD, Aug. 15, 1922, 68: 113; WW to Florence Harding (T), Aug. 3, 1923, 68: 398; Calvin Coolidge to WW, Aug. 4, 1923, 68: 399; “Ordeal for W to Attend Funeral,” NYT, Aug. 9, 1923, 68: 402–3; “Washington Crowd Gives W Ovation,” NYT, Aug. 12, 1923, 68: 404; White House Staff to Calvin Coolidge (M), Feb. 2, 1924, 68: 553.

  EBW HOLIDAY; WW’S DIMINUTION: R. V. Oulahan, op. cit., June 10, 1923, 68: 375–83; EBW, 351–2; WW to EBW, Aug. 29, 1923, 68: 412; EBW to WW, Aug. 31, 1923, 68: 415; CTG, 138–9; WW (N) for third inaugural address, c. Jan. 21, 1924, 68: 542; WW to R. B. Fosdick, Oct. 22 and Nov. 28, 1923, 68: 451n2 and 493–4; R. B. Fosdick to WW, Nov. 27, 1923, 68: 492–3; RSB (D), Jan. 22, 1921, 67: 82; R. B. Fosdick to RSB, June 23, 1926 [PUL: RSB Papers, box 108].

  WW’S LIFE QUIETS: WW to Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agencies, Oct. 13, 1923, 68: 449–50; EBW, 346–7; “Tiger and W Recall Old Times in Cordial Reunion,” NYT, Dec. 7, 1922, 68: 226–8; Williams, 234; “Col. House Calls, W Not at Home,” NYT, Oct. 14, 1921, 67: 419; C. H. McCormick, Jr., to EBW, Jan. 13, 1924, 68: 528–9; EBW to C. H. McCormick, Jr., Jan. 13, 1924, 68: 529–30; SA (N) [PUL: 440], 316; JWS to WW, Apr. 18, 1923, 68: 338; WW to JWS, Apr. 28, 1923, 68: 351–2, Francis B. Sayre, Jr., to ASB (I), Sep. 30, 2001.

  ARMISTICE DAY ADDRESS, 1923: EBW, 352–5; WW, radio address, Nov. 10, 1923, 68: 466–7; Clapper, 312–3; “W Overcome Greeting Pilgrims, Predicts Triumph,” NYT, Nov. 12, 1923, 467–71.

  HOLIDAYS AND BIRTHDAY, 1923; HONORS: Smith, 232–3; Reid, 236; EBW, 357; CD and J. H. Jones to WW, Oct. 1, 1923, 68: 441; CD to WW, Oct. 2, 1923, 68: 441–2; CD to EBW, Oct. 2, 1923 (two letters), 68: 442–3 and 444; WW to CD, Oct. 4 and Dec. 30, 1923, 68: 445 and 513; WW to CD, et al., Jan. 20, 1924, 68: 534; “W Is Honored on 67th Birthday: Friends Give Auto,” NYT, Dec. 29, 1923, 68: 509–10; J. S. Bassett to WW, Dec. 30, 1923, 68: 514; WW to J. S. Bassett, Jan. 2, 1924, 68: 516; Smith, 234–5; “W Receives Party Committee,” NYT, Jan. 17, 1924, 68: 531–2; WW (N) for third inaugural, c. Jan. 21, 1924, 68: 543; J. R. Bolling to J. W. Gerard, Jan. 31, 1924, 68: 551.

  CTG LEAVES FOR HOLIDAY; WW FATALLY ILL: EBW, 358–60; J. R. Bolling (M), n. d., 68: 548–50; CTG, 110, 139; “Ex-President WW Dying,” NYT, Feb. 2, 1924; 68: 553–60; CTG, Jr., to ASB (I), Oct. 14, 2006; Calvin Coolidge to EBW, Feb. 1, 1924, 68: 552; White House Staff to Calvin Coolidge, Feb. 2, 1924, 68: 553; Smith, 240; “WW’s Life Slowly Ebbs As Night Passes,” NYT, Feb. 3, 192
4, 68: 561–6; “Throng in Prayer at W Home,” Feb. 4, 1924, 68: 570–3; “WW Passes Away in Sleep,” NYT, Feb. 4, 1924, 68: 566–70.

  OBSEQUIES: Sayre, 95; Calvin Coolidge, proclamation, Feb. 3, 1924, appears in Alderman, iii; Calvin Coolidge to CTG, Feb. 4, 1924, 68: 573; Margaret Wilson to JWS, Feb. 8, 1924 [WWPL]; EBW to Calvin Coolidge, Feb. 4, 1924, 68: 574; EBW to HCL, Feb. 4, 1924, 68: 574 and 574n; HCL to EBW, n.d., quoted in Smith, 250; Robert Cullinane to ASB (I), Dec. 6, 2007; Smith, 250–1, 253–7; JD, Life, 363–9; “Simplicity Marks Service in the Home,” Feb. 6, 1924, 68: 575–9; “W Buried in Cathedral Crypt with Simple Rites As Nation Mourns,” NYT, Feb. 7, 1924, 68: 579–84.

  POSTSCRIPT: “Artisans at Work on W’s Tomb,” NYT, June 4, 1956, 31; “Diagram of Seating on President’s Platform,” Jan. 20, 1961 [JFK Library]; Photograph AR6280–1M [JFK Library]; Dean F. B. Sayre, Jr., Washington National Cathedral, “Cathedral Staff,”, accessed May 30, 2010; FDR, CD, and Hamilton Holt to WW (T), Apr. 6, 1922, 67: 603.


  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  Adalia, 537

  Adams, Henry, 279, 611

  Adams, Herbert Baxter, 93–95, 98, 105


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