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SUMMONING GEORGE WASHINGTON: CTG (D), Apr. 6, 7 (with ASL N), and 15, 1919, 57: 50–1, 62–67 (63n1), and 351; EBW, 249; RSB, American Chronicle, 402; H. Hoover, 199, 202; JPT to CTG (T), Apr. 9, 1919, 57: 177; RSB (D), Apr. 7, 1919, 57: 68–70; H. White to WW, Apr. 12, 1919, 57: 301–2; H. Hoover to WW, Apr. 11, 1919, 67: 273–4.
WW LEAVES SICKBED; MARIE OF ROMANIA: Weinstein, 339; P. Mantoux (N: C4), Apr. 5, 1919, 57: 22; P. Mantoux, cited in Weinstein, 343n; Clements, 182; Park, op. cit., 58: 623; RSB (D), Apr. 8, 1919, 57: 140; Minutes, League of Nations Commission, Apr. 10, 1919, 57: 218–9; EBW, 257–60; CTG (D), Apr. 10, 11, and 17, 1919, 57: 190–3, 238–9, and 426–30; E. Benham (D), Apr. 11, 1919, 57: 241–2; “Clauses Proposed for Insertion in the Treaty of Peace,” attached to H. M. Robinson to WW, Mar. 24, 1919, 56: 236–8 and cf.: ASL (N), 57: 240n5; WW to P. G. Gerry, Apr. 17, 1919, 57: 446; F. P. Walsh and F. F. Dunne to WW, May 31, 1919, 59: 643; EMH (D), May 31, 1919, 59: 645; RSB (D), Apr. 11 and May 31, 1919, 57: 240–1 and 59: 646; CTG to WGM, Apr. 12, 1919, 57: 304.
ITALIAN DEMANDS: Nicolson, Peacemaking, 169–71; RSB (D), Apr. 18, 20, 22, and May 28, 1919, 57: 467–8, 527, 585, and 59: 575; T. N. Page to EMH, Apr. 17, 1919, 57: 434–7; CTG (D), Apr. 19, 20, and 23, 1919, 57: 477–8, 512–3, and 58: 3; Maurice Hankey (N: C4), Apr. 19, 20, and 22, 1919, 57: 482–94, 514–7, and 614; EMH (D), Apr. 20, 1919, 57: 527; N. H. Davis to WW, Apr. 18, 1919, 57: 470; WW to N. H. Davis, Apr. 19, 1919, 57: 445; H. Hoover, 206; EBW, 254–6; T. N. Page to American Mission (T: #260), Apr. 24, 1919, 58: 91–2; “Orlando Makes Protest,” NYT, Apr. 25, 1919, 58: 97–101.
JAPANESE DEMANDS: Nicolson, Peacemaking, 145–7; CTG (D), Mar. 10, Apr. 25 and 30, May 1, 1919, 55: 471, 58: 110–13 and 244–5, 274–7; H. Hoover, 79, 208; Lawrence, 261; RL (M), Apr. 28, 1919, 58: 185; Seymour, 314–7; EMH, IV: 449–52; JPT to WW, Apr. 24, 1919, 58: 105; RSB (D), Apr. 25, 1919, 58: 143; RL (M), Apr. 28, 1919, 58: 185; Tasker Bliss to WW, Apr. 29, 1919, 58: 234; Tasker Bliss to E. A. Bliss, May 1, 1919, 58: 320; EMH (D), Apr. 28, 1919, 58: 185–7; RSB (D), Apr. 30, 1919, 58: 270–1n; EMH to Baron Makino, Apr. 28, 1919, EMH, IV: 453–5, including 453n2; Maurice Hankey and P. Mantoux (N: C4), May 1, 1919, 58: 277–8; Weinstein, 342n50 (N.B.: the term “ludic” was first used by Jean Piaget); Freud, 262–3; Short, 90–4.
PRESENTING THE TREATY: Confucius, The Analects,” XI: 16; Seymour, 317–8; CTG (D), May 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, 1919, 58: 332, 422, 430–1, 499–504, and 535–6; Churchill, “The War Is Won,” Dec. 16, 1918, quoted in W. S. Churchill (ed.), op. cit., 75–7; Churchill to William Griffen (editor of NY Enquirer), Aug. 1936, quoted in Vansittart, 162; RSB, American Chronicle, 416; Freud, 264; EMH (D), May 5, 7, 1919, 58: 443, 520–1; B. Baruch to WW, May 8, 1919, 58: 548–9; RSB (D), May 7, 1919, 58: 529–30; “Rantzau Proclaims Germany Unrepentant,” “Treaty of Peace Is Solemnly Presented,” “1871–1919,” “Germans at Versailles,” “Clemenceau’s Speech,” May 8, 1919, American Daily Mail, 1; Brockdorff-Rantzau (R), May 7, 1919, 58: 514–7; WW, statement, May 6, 1919, 58: 489–90; Sir R. Borden to Sir T. White (T), May 7, 1919, 58: 517–20.
WW’S HEALTH; POSSIBLE STROKE: ASL (N), 58: viii; WW (M), May 8, 1919, 58: 559; WW (R), May 9, 1919, 58: 598–600; RSB (D), May 17, 1919, 59: 245; CTG (D), May 8 and 10, 1919, 58: 536 and 59:3.
GERMANS CONSIDER TREATY: Brockdorff-Rantzau to Clemenceau, May 9, 1919, 59: 13n5; WW to Brockdorff-Rantzau, May 10, 1919, 59: 28n3; Maurice Hankey and P. Mantoux (N: C4), May 10, 1919, 59: 709; J. Smuts to WW, May 14, 1919, 59: 149–50; WW to J. Smuts, May 16, 1919, 59: 187; CTG (D), May 11, 21, and 23, 1919, 59: 39–40, 321–2, and 419–20; D. H. Miller (D), May 13, 1919, 59: 82–3.
REDRAWING MAP OF THE WORLD: E. Benham (D), May 23, 1919, 59: 420; Maurice Hankey (N: C4), June 23, 1919, 61: 88–93; F. Frankfurter to WW, May 8, 1919, 58: 555–6; H. Hoover, 224–6.
RUSSIA AND BULLITT MISSION: RSB, “Russia,” n.d. [RSB Papers, 18/1, 20: PUL]; Francis P. Sempa, “William C. Bullitt: Diplomat and Prophet,” American Diplomacy (Chapel Hill, NC: Americandiplomacy.org, 2003); Kennan, 79–80; WW (R), Feb. 28, 1919, 55: 320; Brownell, 93; W. C. Bullitt to WW, May 17, 1919, 59: 232–3; RL to WW, May 20, 1919, 59: 314; RSB (D), May 19 and 23, 1919, 59: 287 and 447–8; Freud, 253–4; Gay, 559.
ASSESSMENTS OF TREATY: Nicolson, Peacemaking, 198; Keynes, 41, 226–7.
WW AT SURESNES: EBW, 260; CTG (D), May 30, 1919, 59: 605–6; WW (R), May 30, 1919, 59: 606–10; EMH to WW, May 30, 1919, 59: 610; RSB (D), May 30, 1919, 59: 621–2.
REACTION TO TREATY—IN U.S., FRANCE, ENGLAND, AND GERMANY: RSB (D), Apr. 3, May 19, 28, 31, and June 13, 1919, 56: 578, 59: 286, 574, 647, and 60: 532–3; C. Seymour to family, May 31, 1919, 59: 648; JPT, 364–5; “W, the Third Term and the Treaty,” Springfield Republican, May 17, 1919, enclosed with WW to JPT, June 2 and 6 (T), 1919, 60: 41–2 and 247; WW, “Special Message to Congress,” May 20, 1919, 59: 289–97; WW to JPT (T), May 13, 1919, 59: 120; “Suffrage Wins in Senate,” NYT, June 5, 1919, 1; WW (R), Feb. 28, 1919, 55: 309–23; CTG (D), May 22, 29, June 2, and 15, 1919, 59: 370–2, 577, 60: 18–9, and 570; Maurice Hankey (N: C4), June 13, 1919, 60: 498; Brockdorff-Rantzau to G. Clemenceau, May 29, 1919, 59: 579–84; ASL (N), 61: 35n; Maurice Hankey and P. Mantoux (N: C4), June 2, 1919, 60: 27; WW, discussion with American delegation, June 3, 1919, 60: 67; Baruch (reporting WW telling D. Lloyd George: “You make me sick!”), 120–1; G. L. Beer (D), June 1, 1919, 60: 17; V. C. McCormick (D), June 3, 1919, 60: 72; “German Envoys Tell the Cabinet to Reject Allied Peace Treaty,” NYT, June 19, 1919, 1–2; EBW, 26.
WILSONS VISIT BELGIUM: EBW, 261–7; CTG (D), June 18, 1919, 61: 3–8; WW (A), June 19, 1919, 61: 16–20; WW (R), June 19, 1919, 61: 21.
GERMANS READY TO SIGN TREATY; PREPARATIONS: RSB (D), June 20 and 26, 1919, 61: 34–5n1 and 231; G. A. Bauer to G. Clemenceau, June 21, 1919, 61: 72–6; CTG (D), June 23 and 24, 1919, 61: 78–9 and 118–9; RL (M), June 28, 1919, 61: 327; Tasker Bliss to E. A. Bliss, June 24, 1919, 61: 135; JPT to WW (T), June 21, 1919, 61: 66; “Knox Resolution Cannot Be Passed,” NYT, June 21, 1919, 1; WW to T. W. Lamont, June 27, 1919, 61: 290; “Conference Officials Prepare for Signing,” NYT, June 22, 1919, 2; EMH (D), June 21 and 23, 1919, 61: 45 and 112–5; E. Benham (D), June 24 and 26, 1919, 61: 135 and 188–9; WW to J.-J. Jusserand, June 25, 1919, 61: 173; WW (R), June 26, 1919, 61: 238.
ANALYSIS OF TREATY: Keynes, 35, 36, 56, 151; Nicolson, Peacemaking, 43–4; Seymour, 323–5; JD, Life, 312; D. Lloyd George to WW, June 26, 1919, 61: 223–5; financial costs recorded in MacMillan, 480.
SIGNING OF TREATY: CTG (D), June 28, 1919, 61: 302–6; RL (M), June 28, 1919, 61: 321–8; W. L. Westermann, June 28, 1919, 61: 328–32; EMH (D), June 28, 1919, 61: 332–3.
WILSONS LEAVE FRANCE: EMH (D), June 29, 1919, 61: 354–5; EBW, 271.
VOYAGE HOME: WW (A), July 4, 1919, 61: 378; CTG (D), July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, 1919, 61: 360–3, 369–70, 374–6, 377–8, 385, and 396; V. C. McCormick (D), July 4 and 5, 1919, 61: 383 and 385–6; JPT to CTG, July 2, 1919, 61: 372–3; WW to JPT (T—handwritten), July 3, 1919, and ASL (N), 61: 376n.
WW ARRIVES IN NJ; RETURNS TO WHITE HOUSE: CTG (D), July 8, 1919, 61: 400–1; WW (A), July 8, 1919, 61: 401–4; Longworth, 285–6; CTG (D), July 8, 1919, 61: 401; “Capital Greets W Warmly,” NYT, July 9, 1919, 3.
POLITICAL BATTLE FOR TREATY BEGINS: WW, Report of Press Conference, July 10, 1919, 61: 417–24; “W Revises Speech on Treaty for Senate Today,” NYT, July 10, 1919, 1, 3; “Offers Bill to Keep Presidents Home,” NYT, July 10, 1919, 3; “Insist Majority Can Amend Treaty,” NYT, July 11, 1919, 1–2; CTG (D), July 10, 1919, 61: 416–7; “Ovation to the President,” NYT, July 11, 1919, 1–2; WW (A), July 10, 1919, 61: 426–36; H. F. Ashurst (D), July 11, 1919, 61: 445–6; ASL (N), 61: 446n; “W Greets Callers,” NYT, July 11, 1919, 1–2; “Comments Divide on Party Line,” NYT, July 11, 1919, 1, 3; “17,000 Boo and Hiss President W at Sinn Fein Rally,” NYT, July 11, 1919, 1, 7; Houston, II: 5
–6; FDR to RSB, Feb. 20, 1922 [RSB Papers: PUL]; Berkin, 581–2; E. J. Howenstone, Jr., “The High-Cost-of-Living Problem after World War I,” Southern Economic Journal, v. 10, no. 3 (Jan. 1944), 222; “Foods Drop As Everybody Aims Smash at H. C. L.,” Chicago Daily Tribune, Aug. 16, 1919.
“RED SUMMER” OF 1919—STATE OF THE NATION: “Negroes Again Riot in Washington,” NYT, July 23, 1919, 1–2; “Gov. Bilbo Blames French Reception and Negro Press,” Jones County (MS) News, July 8, 1919, 1, cited in McWhirter, 71; Johnson, 658–9; “Urban and Rural Population: 1900–1990” (Washington, D.C.: United States Census Bureau, 1995); Fitzgerald, 304; “U. S. Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions” (Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Aug. 10, 2011).
HCL: Adams, 419–20; HCL, 2–3, 23, 160, 163–5, 224–6; WW, “Cabinet Government,” 1: 505, 509; HCL to TR, Mar. 1, 1915, cited in John A. Garrity, Henry Cabot Lodge (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968), 312; WW, “Constitutional Government,” 18: 60; “Insist Majority Can Amend Treaty,” NYT, July 11, 1919, 1–2.
WW COURTS SENATORS; MEDICAL ISSUES: Sir William Wiseman to A. J. Balfour, July 18, 1919, 61: 541–3; WW to T. W. Lamont, July 19, 1919, 61: 544n; HCL, 56–60; “W Invites Senators,” NYT, July 15, 1919, 1–2; “Committee Finds Treaty Readings,” NYT, July 29, 1919, 1, 3; “W to Consult Congress Members,” NYT, July 14, 1919, 2; “W Frankness Getting Results,” NYT, July 19, 1919, 2; “Wilsons on Cruise Despite the Storm,” Washington Post, July 20, 1919, 61: 562–3; “President W Returns Ill,” NYT, July 21, 1919, 61: 569–70; “W Stays in Bed,” Washington Post, July 22, 1919, 61: 578–9; Park, op. cit., 62: 629; “35 to Block League,” Washington Post, July 20, 1919, 61: 563–5; “W Says He Decided Shantung,” NYT, July 22, 1919, 61: 593–5; “Deny W Power,” Washington Post, July 23, 1919, 61: 596–8; WW to HCL, July 25 and Aug. 14 (draft), 15, 1919, 61: 623 and 62: 278–81, 310; I. Hoover, “Memoir,” 63: 632; EBW, 273; N. H. Davis to WW, July 26, 1919, 62: 7; CTG to A. G. Grayson, July 29 and 30, 1919 [WWPL]; WW (M), Sep. 3, 1919, 62: 621; JPT to WW, Aug. 15, 1919, 62: 309; HCL to WW, Aug. 14, 1919, 62: 275; ASL, “Introduction,” 62: viii; WW (A), Aug. 8, 1919, 62: 209–19 (especially 209n1).
NAMING THE WAR; RECONSIDERATION OF DEBS: N. D. Baker to WW, July 23, 1919, 61: 611; WW to N. D. Baker, July 31, 1919, 62: 69; C. S. Darrow to WW, July 29, 1919, 62: 58–9; WW to John Spargo, Aug. 29, 1919, 62: 559.
LEAGUE FIGHT: HCL HEARINGS; FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE AT WHITE HOUSE: Cooper, 136–7; Congressional Record, 66th Congress, 1st Session, Aug. 12, 1919, 3778–84; “Jovial Luncheon After Conference,” NYT, Aug. 20, 1919, 1–2; JPT, 422–5, 435; Steel, 163; “President Defends Treaty to Senators,” NYT, Aug. 19, 1919, 62: 535–6; Houston, II: 14–7; CTG to A. G. Grayson, Aug. 19 and 22, 1919 [WWPL]; I. Hoover, “Memoir,” 63: 632; WW, “Conference with Foreign Relations Committee” (transcript), Aug. 19, 1919, 62: 339–411; “Offer a Compromise,” Washington Post, Aug. 21, 1919, 62: 429–32n3; Baruch, 135–6; “Itinerary—Tour of the President to the Pacific Coast” (private collection), Sep. 3–30, 191; EBW, 274; CTG, 95–6.
WESTERN TOUR—FIRST PHASE: EBW, 274–5; “W Begins Tour for Treaty,” NYT, Sep. 4, 1919, 1–2; ASL (N), “W’s Speeches on His Western Tour,” 63: 5–6; “W Defends Treaty and League As Tour Begins,” NYT, Sep. 5, 1919, 1–2; WW (A—Columbus), Sep. 4, 1919, 63: 7–18; WW (R), Sep. 4, 1919, 63: 18–9; CTG (D), Sep. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 1919, 63: 3–5, 31–3, 63–6, 93–6, 122–4; WW (A—Indianapolis), 63: 19–29; WW (two A—St. Louis), Sep. 5, 1919, 63: 33–42 and 43–51; WW (A—Kansas City), Sep. 6, 1919, 63: 66–75; “W Likens Treaty Obstructionists to Bolsheviks,” NYT, Sep. 7, 1919, 1–2; WW (A—Des Moines), 63: 76–88; “W Gaining Support,” NYT, Sep. 7, 1919, 1, 2; “Wants Senate Trailers Paid,” NYT, Sep. 4, 1919, 2; WW (A—Omaha), 63: 97–107; WW (A—Sioux Falls), Sep. 8, 1919, 63: 107–17; WW (A—St. Paul), Sep. 9, 1919, 63: 125–31; WW (A—Minneapolis), Sep. 9, 1919, 63: 131–8; WW (A—St. Paul), Sep. 9, 1919, 63: 138–48.
REACHING THE NORTHWEST; NATIONAL CONCERNS; BULLITT TESTIMONY; RL DISLOYALTY: CTG (D), Sep. 25, 1919, 63: 489; Samuel Gompers, et al., to WW (T), Sep. 4, 1919, 63: 30n1; WW (A—Helena), Sep. 11, 1919, 63: 196; W. J. H. Cochran to JPT, Sep. 11, 1919, 63: 198–200n; RL to WW, Sep. 17, 1919, 63: 337–340n; Brownell, 97–8; “Bullitt Asserts Lansing Expected Treaty to Fail,” NYT, Sep. 13, 1919, 1, 2; JPT, 441–3.
MEDICAL CONCERNS AS TOUR CONTINUES: Breckinridge Long, “Memoir” (U), 1924, quoted in 63: 339n4; CTG (D), Sep. 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 1919, 63: 210–11 (211n5 cites Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sep. 13, 1919), 340–1n, 369–70, 396–7, 423–4; WW (A—Helena), Sep. 11, 1919, 63: 195; WW (A—Portland), Sep. 15, 1919, 63: 281; WW (A—Portland Auditorium), Sep. 15, 1919, 63: 284–5; WW, quoted in (I) for Oregon Daily Journal, Sep. 16, 1919, quoted in 63: 277n7; WW to B. Baruch, Sep. 17, 1919, 63: 336; “Labor Conferees Chosen,” NYT, Sep. 18, 1919, 1–2; “Says W Has Socialization Idea,” NYT, Sep. 18, 1919, 1; WW (A—Berkeley), Sep. 18, 1919, 63: 350; CTG, 7–9; WW (A—San Diego), Sep. 19, 1919, 63: 376; “Find W Shy Only in Private,” NYT, Sep. 22, 1919, 1, 3; Elliot, 299; WW to MAH, Sep. 20, 1919, 63: 419; Hulbert, 267–77, EBW, 281.
WESTERN TOUR, TURNING EASTWARD: CTG, Jr., to ASB (I), Oct. 14, 2006; CTG (D), Sep. 22, 23, 24, 25, 1919, 63: 426, 446, 467, 487–90; HCL, 183–5; Guy Mason to JPT (T), Sep. 22, 1919, 63: 445; WW (A—Salt Lake City), Sep. 23, 1919, 63: 449–63; EBW, 281–3; CTG to A. G. Grayson, Sep. 25, 1919 [WWPL].
PUEBLO AND RETURN TO WASHINGTON: Starling, 151–3; Peter Roper, “Remembering W in Pueblo,” Pueblo Chieftain, Sep. 25, 1994, n.p.; WW (A—Pueblo), Sep. 25, 1919, 63: 500–13; EBW, 284–5; JPT, 446–8; CTG (D), Sep. 26, 27, 28, 1919, 63: 518–21, 526–7, 532–3; WW (A—in Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium), Sep. 20, 1919, 63: 413; WW to JWS (T), Sep. 26, 1919; T. W. Brahany (I), Aug. 19, 1926 [Hard Archives, VIII: PUL]; A. S. Burleson to WW, Sep. 29, 1919, 63: 534–5; “W Returns to Washington Worn and Shaken,” NYT, Sep. 29, 1919, 1, 3.
WHITE HOUSE RECUPERATION AND COLLAPSE: EBW, 286–7; “W Sleeping Better and Improving,” NYT, Sep. 30, 1919, 63: 536–7; CTG to H. A. Garfield, Oct. 1, 1919, 63: 538–9; RL to F. L. Polk, Oct. 1, 1919, 63: 539–40; “President Is Again Jaded After Another Restless Night,” NYT, Oct. 2, 1919, 1; CTG 100; I. Hoover, 100–1.
WW’S INVALIDISM: EBW, 288–9; CTG, 100, 109; “‘Very Sick Man,’ Says Grayson,” Washington Post, Oct. 3, 1919, 63: 543–5; F. X. Dercum to CTG, “Dr. Dercum’s Memoranda,” Oct. 20, 1919, 64: 500–7; I. Hoover, 100–3; JD, Life, 339.
GOVERNMENT DURING WW’S ABSENCE: Constitution of the United States, Article 2, Section 1; JPT, 442–5; Houston, II: 36–40; RL (D), Oct. 3, 1919, 63: 547n; “Rumor Busy about W,” NYT, Oct. 13, 1919, 63: 564–7; Thomas, 204, 225–7, 236; “More Encouraging Day,” NYT, Oct. 5, 1919, 63: 550–1; CTG, 108; JD (D), Oct. 5, 6, 7, 1919, 63: 552, 555, 557; “W Has a Good Day,” Washington Post, Oct. 6, 1919, 63: 552–3; Breckinridge Long (D), Oct. 7, 1919, 63: 558–9; CTG (M), Oct. 6, 1919, 64: 496; JD, Wilson Era, II: 511–3; Weinstein, 360; “President Needs Long Rest,” NYT, Oct. 12, 1919, 63: 561; “Reports W Suffered Shock,” NYT, Oct. 11, 1919, 63: 561–4; “W Still Gains,” Washington Post, Oct. 7, 1919, 63: 555–6; EBW to JD (M), Oct. 7, 1919, 63: 556–7; JD to EBW, Oct. 7, 1919, 63: 557; JPT to W. B. Wilson, Oct. 6, 1919, 63: 554; F. K. Lane to WW, Oct. 19, 1919, 63: 582–3; “WW,” statement to industrial conference, Oct. 20, 1919, 63: 584–5; EMH to EBW, Oct. 22, 1919, 63: 587–8; “WW,” veto message, Oct. 27, 1919, 63: 601–2; RL (M), Nov. 5, 1919, 63: 618–9; I. Hoover, 103–4; CTG 101, EBW, 290–2; “Spent Restless Day,” Washington Post, Oct. 15, 1919, 63: 572–3; “President Improves after a Setback,” NYT, Oct. 18, 1919, 63: 577–9; B. E. Park, “WW’s Stroke of Oct. 2, 1919,” 63: 644–6; RSB (D), Nov. 5, 1919, 63: 622; Freud, 291.
EBW, CTG, JPT PERMIT VISITS, INCLUDING TWO ROYAL PARTIES: ASL (N) to JD (D), Nov. 4, 1919, 63: 613n; A. M. Palmer to R. S. Morris, Nov. 3, 1919, 63: 608n; EBW, 292–6; CTG
, misc. (N), n.d., 64: 489; “Belgian Royalties See the President,” NYT, Oct. 30, 1919, 63: 602–6; [N.B.: The Belgian Royals stayed at the home of Breckinridge Long]; EMH (D), Dec. 22, 1919, 64: 217; Levin, 399–401; Smith, 116–7; “President on the Porch in a Wheeled Chair,” NYT, Nov. 15, 1919, 1, 64: 32–3; “Prince Sees Wilson,” Washington Post, Nov. 14, 1919, 64: 31–2.
WW CONDUCTS BUSINESS; HITCHCOCK VISITS, TRIES TO RALLY SENATE SUPPORT: Cooper, 661n17; “Lodge Forces Win Opening Skirmish,” NYT, Nov. 8, 1919, 1–2; CTG (M), Nov. 17, 1919, 64: 43–5; G. M. Hitchcock, “W’s Place in History,” 64: 45n1; William Hard, “Amendments” [PUL: Hard, 145, 3/15, x.3]; Connally, 101; G. M. Hitchcock to EBW, Nov. 15, 1919, 64: 37–8; EBW, 296–7; H. Hoover, 282–3; Bonsal, 274–80, CTG (M), Nov. 17, 1919, 64: 43–5; “President Will Pocket Treaty” and “President Out on the Lawn,” NYT, Nov. 18, 1919, 64: 45–50; “President Outdoors Again,” NYT, Nov. 19, 1919, 64: 57; G. M. Hitchcock to EBW, Nov. 17, 1919, enclosing Hitchcock’s draft of letter for “WW to G. M. Hitchcock,” Nov. 17, 1919, 64: 51.
NOVEMBER 19, 1919, SENATE VOTE; STRANGENESS WITHIN WHITE HOUSE; T. R. MARSHALL: H. F. Ashurst (D), Nov. 19, 1919, 64: 62–4; “Lodge Resolution Beaten,” NYT, Nov. 20, 1919, 1–2; “Lodge Declares for Political Fight on Peace Treaty,” NYT, Nov. 22, 1919, 2; O. W. Underwood to WW, Nov. 21, 1919, 64: 69–70; EBW, 297–8, 300; Smith, 111; I. Hoover, 104–5; Thomas, 211–2, 227–8; “False Telephone Report of President’s Death,” NYT, Nov. 24, 1919, 1.
WW’S ABSENCE AROUSES SUSPICIONS; “SMELLING COMMITTEE”: JPT to EBW, Nov. 17, 1919, 64: 42; “WW,” statement, Nov. 11, 1919, 64: 7; WW, “State of the Union Address,” Dec. 2, 1919, 64: 106–16n; “Congress Comment Divides,” NYT, Dec. 3, 1919, 2; “President’s Health Shows Steady Improvement,” NYT, Dec. 3, 1919, 1; RL (M), Dec. 4, 1919, 64: 123–5; “President Jests on Moses Story,” Dec. 5, 1919, 64: 132–3; CTG (M), Dec. 5, 1919, 64: 135–9; JD, Wilson Era, II: 513; Houston, II: 140–1; “W to See Senators,” NYT, Dec. 5, 1919, 1; EBW, 298–9; Smith, 133; Starling, 155; RL (M), Dec. 5, 1919, 64: 139–40.