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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 26

by Kelly, D.

  “Goodnight, Kate. Thank you for seeing me. I’ll text you Michael’s number and look forward to talking to you soon. I can’t wait to meet the young man who has stolen your heart. I love you, have a good night.” With a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, she leaves looking both happy and sad.

  “The coast is clear,” I say to the invisible baby monitor, letting Jess and Connor know it’s okay to come down.

  “Oh my god, are you okay? What the hell just happened in here tonight? Is someone playing a joke on you? Seriously, that was some crazy-ass intense fucking shit storm that just ran through here. First, your dad being all loving? What the hell? And then the fucking ice queen herself apologizing? It has to be a sign of the apocalypse. Oh, and you should probably check your cell phone because we just stuck Connor’s phone up to the monitor so that Daniel could listen to everything we were. Hope you don’t mind.” Jess says that last part sheepishly, and I start digging though my purse for my phone.

  “No, I don’t mind; it’s actually better that way. I’m exhausted, and if I would have had to explain that all over again to Daniel I might have actually cried. I don’t know what I’m thinking right now. Honestly, my head is spinning with all sorts of crazy things. Can you believe my dad and Claire are getting married and now Michael, ex love of my life, is going to be my step-brother? I bet Daniel is freaking out, oh god.” I open up my phone to a slew of messages, all from Daniel.

  *It will be okay. I love you*

  *Take a deep breath, it will all work out*

  *I don’t know if I am happy he is going to be your brother or upset he’s going to be back in your life, but we will figure it out. I love you. *

  *Baby, I’m so sorry you are going through all this without me*

  *Dinner with the parents sounds interesting*

  *I’m so proud of you for staying strong. I love you, gumdrop.*

  *You obviously don’t have your phone, call me when you can*

  *You’re the most loving, forgiving, passionate woman I know. I love that you’re mine, you’re amazing.*

  I feel so bad. He must be freaking out right now; I know if the situation was reversed I would be. I send him a quick text back.

  *They’re gone, I’m going to take care of a few things and I will call you in a bit. I love you more than you know.*

  Connor comes downstairs with the leftover food and Jess hands me a vodka tonic. “Drink up, Kate. You need this after tonight. You realize when that article hits tomorrow you have a very limited amount of time before some sleazy reporter starts hounding you for an insider’s view, don’t you?” Taking a large drink to try and calm my nerves doesn’t really seem to help.

  “I hope not. I really don’t have any information, but being the mogul’s daughter, you’re probably right. I’m guessing Michael will probably surface again, too, because the media is relentless and they are going to want answers. Maybe I should skip the engagement party this weekend. I would hate to drag the press along for the ride.”

  Connor speaks up immediately, “No, Kate, that’s not a good idea. If anything, getting away for the weekend will be good for you. If for some reason the reporters stake out the house here they will have no clue where you are. I’m sure for the first few days they will just be around your dad’s house and Claire’s house; that’s where the bulk of the information they want to get is. Don’t let this wreck your weekend. Jake and April are really looking forward to you guys being there, and so are Daniel and I.” Jess plops down in Connor’s lap and kisses him on the cheek.

  “He’s right. Don’t give up your weekend plans because of this mess. Let’s go and relax for the weekend. By next week, you will probably have to give some type of statement, and the sooner the better, because once you speak up they will stop hounding you. Tell your dad to have his company attorney draw something up and just have them release it when necessary. Besides, do you really want to blow off meeting Daniel’s parents when his dad has already taken time off for it?”

  “You guys are right; it’s stupid to think of cancelling. Lauren is spending the night here tomorrow, but just in case, maybe I should stay at her house, instead. I just thought it would be much easier to pack if she was staying here.”

  “No, have her stay here; it will be fun for her. Since Jess and I are driving up on Friday, I can just stay here tomorrow. I don’t really have anything to pack because my tux is up at my parents’ house already. I thought Daniel was coming here tomorrow, though.”

  “He was going to, but Natalie needs someone to watch Lauren because she is finally getting some hours at work. I know they need the money so I figured I would help her out. I haven’t talked to Daniel about it yet, but I can just meet him at his parents’ on Friday. I wanted to visit Lila Hope on Sunday anyway and that’s easier to do if I have my own car. Thanks for offering to stay over, Connor, I appreciate it. You two will have to keep it down, though, I don’t want to have to explain sex to a six year old.” Both of them start laughing.

  “Well, maybe we will just actually sleep and save our energy for the weekend. I know I don’t want to have to look at Lauren and try and explain that, either!” Jess is still laughing but Connor is totally serious.

  “I better go upstairs and call Daniel. I’m sure he’s tired, and I can only imagine the amount of questions he has.”

  “You know Daniel listened in to pretty much all of the conversation, and he was really concerned about you. I know my friend better than most people, and even though he won’t say it to anyone, he’s going to worry about the Michael situation. I don’t want you to rush into anything you’re not ready for, but the sooner you can put this to rest, the better.” I give Connor a kiss on the cheek as I get up to go to bed.

  “Daniel is pretty lucky he’s got a friend like you looking out for him. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle with him. Well, unless he doesn’t want me to be.”

  I feel a little more relaxed after the drink Jess made me. Realizing I’m completely exhausted, I decide to put on my pajamas and get ready for bed. I know Daniel is usually asleep by now, and I feel horrible calling him so late, but I know he wants me to and I can’t leave him hanging. It’s only ten but it feels so much later. Daniel isn’t answering his phone so I leave him a message to call me before he heads out tomorrow because there’s been a change of plans. I try and stay awake but I’m so tired I end up falling asleep.

  I’m having such a nice dream that Daniel is kissing me so gently and tenderly. It’s so real I can even smell him. God, I love his scent; he smells like man and spice. It’s sexy, but it dawns on me that I have never smelled anything in my sleep before. My eyes flutter open and I’m staring up at him. I feel warmth flood through my body as I realize he drove all the way here for me.

  “Hello, sleeping beauty. Sorry I woke you up. I wasn’t going to, but you just looked so kissable I couldn’t resist.” He makes my heart flutter. I glance over at the clock and it’s only ten forty-five.

  “You don’t ever have to feel sorry for waking me, but how did you get here so quickly? Why are you here?” He flashes me the sexiest lopsided grin.

  “I was worried about you, so I pushed my morning meeting back and hopped in the car. Sweetheart, I know tonight couldn’t have been easy for you. I didn’t want you sleeping alone tonight. Would you rather I wouldn’t have come?”

  I pull him down on top of me and run my fingers through his hair, kissing him slowly and enjoying the tingles that are running through my body. I think I’m addicted to him, to these feelings I have when I’m with him. I can’t imagine ever being with anyone again that doesn’t give me this feeling. It’s all consuming and an even bigger turn on that I know he feels it, too. Slowly I break away from him.

  “Never, I always want to see you. It was hard, but I’m okay. I’m so lucky to have you. There’s nothing I want more than to fall asleep with your arms around me. First we need to talk about this weekend, and after that I want to make love to you and fall asleep in your arms. Do you think you ca
n handle that, Mr. McCormick?”

  “Oh, I definitely think I can handle that, Ms. Moore. So what would you like to talk about?” I prop myself up on my elbow and lie on my side to face him

  “I was calling to tell you I’m canceling on you tomorrow to watch Lauren while Natalie works. Now that you’re here I don’t feel so bad about it. I’m concerned about your lack of sleep. Tomorrow, I really want you to just go home and relax over a few beers. Can you do that for me please?”

  Daniel leans in and kisses my forehead. He traces my face with his fingers and is slowly working his way down my arm while I’m talking. His touch is so soft and gentle but leaves me feeling like he left a trail of fire on my skin.

  “Of course. Honestly, it will make my day a lot easier since I’m already pushing back my first meeting. Natalie and Lauren are lucky to have you. Someday you are going to make a great mother. Our kids are going to be the luckiest kids in the world. We’re supposed to be at my parents’ house at noon, will that still be okay?”

  I can feel tears pooling in my eyes, but I’m not going to cry. It’s just been a really emotional day, and to hear him talk about our kids just makes me realize how lucky I am to have found this amazing man.

  “That will be fine. I’m going to pack tomorrow night. Lauren is staying here and then I’m taking her to school in the morning. I have to run a few errands, but nothing that will take too long. Noon should be fine, once we finish at your parents house if we have enough time I would like to pop over to see Maryanne. Her birthday is next week and I want to drop off her present. I think Jess and Connor are going to be there visiting too for a little bit.” Daniel’s hands wrap around my waist and he pulls me in closer.

  In between kisses and slowly peeling off my clothes, he manages to give me an answer. “Sounds. Good. To. Me.”

  I mutter something back that sounds along the lines of “mmmkay” but it might have been a little incoherent due to his delicious assault on my skin. I love him so much. I love how he shows me what he’s feeling, and how he says exactly what’s on his mind and doesn’t hold anything back. I can’t even begin to explain how good it feels to know this man cares about me and puts me first. I know that I would do anything for him if he asked me to. I’ve never been happier or more content. I don’t ever want Daniel to wonder about or have second guesses about my love and desire for him. Maybe if Michael would have known deep in his soul how I felt about him, he would have trusted me and not doubted me. That doesn’t really even matter, though, because knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t change a single thing if it would mean I still end up with Daniel.

  “Daniel?” He kisses his way up from my belly to my mouth, hovering just a breath away from my lips.

  “Yeah, what can I do for you?” Oh my god. The biggest panty-dropping smile I have ever seen is looking right at me. That is a smile filled with pleasure and sin, and it honestly makes me a little wet.

  “I just want you to know that I’m really, really glad you’re here tonight. You have no idea how much this truly means to me. I love you so much I can’t even begin to describe it to you.” I lace the fingers of both of my hands through his and he raises them above my head pinning me down with his incredibly sexy body. “I just want you to know that I would do anything for you; all you ever have to do is ask.” He answers with one slow tantalizing kiss and I melt under his touch.

  “There is something you can do for me right now. Let me make slow, passionate love to you.” I smile up at him and nod my head.

  “Mr. McCormick, there is nothing in the world I want more right now than you inside me.”

  “Well, future Mrs. McCormick, I think that can be arranged.”

  Hearing him say those words doesn’t scare me. Last week when I thought he was proposing? That terrified me. Now something has shifted. With him showing up here tonight, it has sealed our future even more. My heart swells, and together we find an even deeper level to our love. It’s the most incredible feeling. Daniel makes love to me slowly and gently, but it doesn’t last long; my body is so emotionally and physically responsive to him tonight. I have the most incredible, mind numbing, orgasm. It just keeps going and going, multiple orgasms, one after the other. Finally, I feel like I’m going to pass out when Daniel finds his own release. Good god, I think it’s probably the most intense one he’s ever had, too. After a few minutes, he wraps himself around me to spoon me.

  “I love you, Kate.” Turning my head, I kiss him on the cheek.

  “I love you, too, Daniel.”

  Chapter 17 – Daniel

  Waking up with Kate wrapped in my arms has to be the best feeling in the world, besides waking up and making love to her. This morning I have been fortunate enough to have done both. Knowing that I have to get up and get ready to leave in a few minutes puts a serious damper on my happiness. Last night was without a doubt the most amazing sex I’ve ever had. Each time with her just gets better, but last night we had such an intense emotional connection. Kate opened up to me—truly and completely gave her whole self over to me. I felt the shift in her attitude, and also in her responsiveness to me. It took everything I had not to come inside of her as soon as she started having an orgasm. Just feeling her ride out a multiple wave of orgasms was fucking indescribable pleasure. Finally, when I couldn’t hold out anymore, I found my release with her and it was a life-altering experience. I think that moment in time has ruined me for any other woman. Not like I plan on being with anyone else, but that officially put the nail in the coffin for life. I kiss Kate on the back of her head and inhale the sweet scent of her shampoo.

  “What time do you have to be at school today?” Kate rolls over and faces me running her fingers along my lips. I can’t help myself I bite at them and catch one between my teeth.

  “Hey, tiger, easy now—you know what they say about biting the hand that feeds you.” She does have a point, so I grab her hand with mine and slowly suck up and down her finger instead. I can tell by how she starts to squirm that it turns her on, but I let get go and softly kiss the tip of her finger. She gives me a chaste kiss on the lips.

  “That’s better. I have a class at ten, but I’m actually debating skipping class today. I’ve gone to every class this semester, and after last night I think I just want some me time for a while before things get hectic around here.”

  “I can understand that. I think getting out of here this weekend will definitely help. I wish I could stay, but unfortunately, if I don’t leave in the next thirty minutes I’ll never make my ten o’clock meeting.”

  Kate pops out of bed and throws her clothes back on.

  “Hey you just took away my view!” Laughing, she chucks a pillow at me.

  “Get up, Romeo. I don’t want to piss off your dad before I even get to meet him. I already know how much he loved your ex.” I growl at her and throw the pillow right back.

  “The difference, Juliet, is that you’re not a money-hungry whore out for your own agenda. My parents are going to love you. Especially my dad, but even if he doesn’t love you as much as I do it doesn’t matter because I LOVE YOU and nothing will ever change that.”

  “I know, but I love hearing you say it. Now, be a good boy and get in the shower so you’re not late.”

  “Yes ma’am, are you going to join me?”

  “Nope, I already told you I don’t want to piss off your dad and I mean it. You need to hurry and get to work. But if it makes you feel any better, I really, really want to,” she says with such a seductive tone, and I can tell from the sparkle in her eye and the flush of her skin that she means it.

  After my shower, I wrap up in a towel and go to get dressed, but Kate isn’t alone—Jess is there, too. Jess whistles loudly through her fingers.

  “Damn, sexy, if Kate decides she’s through with you my room is just across the hall. Mmmm, you are yummy with your clothes off and downright fuckable with all that water just dripping off your sexy body.” Kate’s blushing, but I’m just laughing even though Jess is giving
me some pretty hardcore ‘fuck me’ eyes. I know she’s just kidding.

  “I’ll be sure to let your boyfriend know my rating on your fuckability scale.” Connor walks up behind her and props himself in the doorway, arms crossed, and wouldn’t you know it, he’s also wrapped in a towel.

  “Don’t bother, I heard every word, so I guess now it’s Kate’s turn to appraise my fuckable rating. I’m totally game for a swap if it will help with all the sexual tension radiating off of these two lovely ladies.”

  Connor is so devious. I see the twinkling in his eyes, but what surprises me is Kate. She gets up and walks over to Connor. Kate interlaces one hand in Connor’s, runs her hand down his chest, and takes her sweet time while she does it. I’m starting to get a little on edge—Jess is, too, but I know she has a plan. Kate leans in really close, and blinking her long eyelashes at him, she pauses and looks him over from head to toe. In a sexy, breathy voice she answers him.

  “Connor, your fuckability rating is about a zero on my scale. Perhaps if you hadn’t drilled into me that I’m the sister you never had, I could give one or maybe even agree to swap, but incest just isn’t my thing.” She kisses him on the cheek, and as she walks away she pulls off his towel. She doesn’t look—she’s watching me the whole time. She throws the towel to Jess even though Connor doesn’t bother to cover himself.

  “Better keep your boyfriend under control or my fuckable man might have to do something about him.”

  Kate stalks up to me and takes me into a very passionate kiss. Connor sounds a little wounded as Jess drags him out.

  “Damn, I would tell you two to get a room, but since you’re already in one, we’ll leave you to fuck each other’s brains out one more time.” I hear the door close and Kate breaks away, cracking up.

  “I’m sorry, Daniel. I hope you aren’t mad, but that was really funny and I needed a good laugh.”


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