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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 27

by Kelly, D.

  “I know, babe. I thought it was funny, too. What was Jess doing in here, though? I’m surprised you let her in. What if I would have walked out naked?” Kate’s expression turns suddenly serious and she points to the desk.

  “She wanted to bring me that. The story’s out—he’s been arrested. For now, they just mention the arrest and the mismanagement of the company. But within the next forty-eight hours, once the media blackout is lifted, shit will hit the fan. After the blackout is lifted and he’s been arraigned, myself and everyone else involved will all be fair game to the media. It’s going to be a media circus. Hopefully, my dad and Claire’s engagement will deflect some of it. You know, eventually they’re going to want to open old wounds and talk to us about Grant. It was pretty high-profile in the business world when he died. I’m sure this will also bring Michael out of hiding. Things are probably going to get really hectic from here on out. Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  “Kate, not only am I up for it, but I want you to make a pact with me. I won’t read any of the papers or turn on the news until next week if you agree to do the same. I want this weekend to be special for you. I want to dance in the moonlight and show everyone I love just how much you mean to me. When we’re alone, I don’t want you distracted thinking about all this crap—I want you concentrating on me and screaming my name. Let’s avoid all this drama for the next few days, and I promise we’ll deal with the fallout together. Everything together from now on… What do you say? Can you wait until Monday to read the papers?”

  “That is a promise I can definitely make. I’m going to go make you some coffee to go while you get dressed.” She wraps her arms around my neck and stands up on her tiptoes to kiss me. “Besides, you standing there in only your towel is way too tempting. Your fuckability rating is off the charts, and if I stay here we’ll both be in trouble.” I watch her sexy ass leave the room. God, is that ass luscious. She was totally right, too. If she wouldn’t have left I would be really late.

  After a long kiss goodbye, my coffee and I are on the 101 freeway heading to work. I really hope I can get this transfer down here sooner rather than later. Waking up with Kate feels too good to constantly be so far away from her. Luckily, there isn’t much traffic which is shocking because there is always traffic on the 101, especially in Woodland Hills. Hotel California by the Eagles is on, which is probably one of the best songs of all time in my opinion. I’m playing the beat on my steering wheel and singing along. My phone rings and the Eagles are no more. I answer the Bluetooth that is routed through my truck’s speaker system.

  “McCormick speaking.” I know it’s a work call, so I’m not worried about saying hello.

  “Hey, it’s Mike, our ten o’clock just cancelled. I guess Lewis’s wife went into labor this morning.” Well, that frees up more of my morning.

  “I wish I would have known earlier, I would have stayed and taken Kate to breakfast.” Michael laughs.

  “Boy, you’ve got it bad. I didn’t know you went to LA after work. You just can’t stay away, huh?”

  “No, man, actually it wasn’t like that. well not ‘til I got there anyway. She’s going through some personal family stuff right now. I just wanted to be there for her when I heard it was all going down. I’m actually making really good time, though, are you still at Jake’s house?”

  “Yeah, he just left for work. We pretty much finished the deck last night and April will be over the moon when she comes home after this weekend.”

  “I know she’s going to be so excited. She’s wanted to do something with that backyard for months; Jake’s going to get the best sex of his life after it’s done. Well, I’m only about thirty minutes from you. Since the meeting’s cancelled, want to hit up Harold’s for breakfast? I could really use an omelet as big as my head right now.” I can hear Mike laughing.

  “Guess you worked up an appetite last night, but waffles sound good right now and they have the best, so I’ll see you there.”

  I find a spot right next to Mike and park. He must already be inside which makes sense—this is one of those places where you take a seat when you can get one. I see him at a table in the corner and head over.

  “Somebody’s got a glow about him today. Did you have fun last night?”

  “Hahaha, aren’t you a funny one? I thought only pregnant women had a glow about them?”

  “Shit no, we all get that just fucked glow, especially when it’s really kinky or really good. So, did you get your kink on last night, Danny boy?” I flick a straw wrapper at him. Before I can reply, the waitress comes and takes our order, and once she leaves I answer him.

  “Not that I would tell you about my kinky sex anyway, but no, it wasn’t like that at all. I just love her, more than I have ever loved anyone, and last night we hit a turning point in our relationship. I felt her open herself up to me completely—she wasn’t holding back at all. It was the most intense feeling I’ve ever felt. Have you ever felt like that?”

  “No, man, sorry. I can’t relate since my ex was my first. I think we both opened to each other right away. After her, you know I just fucked them and left them; I wasn’t interested in any emotional attachments. The only one I want an attachment to is her.” I nod sympathetically. I feel like I just stuck my foot in my mouth big time.

  “I did it, man. I went to her house yesterday and I left the letter. I waited outside for a couple of hours. I saw her roommate leave and her car was in the garage. As soon as the roommate left, I ran up to the door, left the letter, and took off.” He’s really on edge. I should have noticed it before, but I was too busy floating on my Kate cloud.

  “I’m guessing you haven’t heard anything yet?”

  “Nope, nada, zip, zilch, not a damn thing, and honestly I’m not surprised. I’m sure it’s something she’s really going to have to think about. I was just hoping against hope she would read it and call me instantly like the old days. When I moved, I grabbed a box of letters and trinkets she had given me over the years. Of all the things I left behind, even in all of my anger I still grabbed that box. It’s been under my bed this whole time. I finally looked through it the other day; it was one of the most painful things I have ever done in my life. I’m so screwed, Daniel. I’m going to love this girl until the day I die, but deep down inside I don’t think she’s going to love me.”

  Our food arrives and it looks amazing as usual. My dad used to bring me here almost every weekend, and it’s been way too long since I’ve been here. I’m trying to think of what to say to him because he really looks miserable. Maybe we can figure out a way to bring her into our circle somehow and try and help him plead his case.

  “Mike, all I can say is true love is worth fighting for. If you were as much of a dick to her as you say, it’s probably going to take you more than just a letter to get her back, but it’s a starting point. What time frame do you have in your head before you try your next move?”

  “I’m thinking I’ll give it a week. She could be out of town or busy, engaged or married. Maybe she’s trying to figure out what to say or if she wants to talk to me at all. It’s not really fair of me to put it all on her, but since I don’t have a way to contact her I really didn’t have a choice. Next week, I will just park and wait until I see her then try to talk to her. In the meantime, I’m just going to try and keep busy. Helping Jake with the deck is really helping. I’m going to stay at his house tomorrow night instead of heading out to his folks’ house. That way I can do the last minute touch-ups for him so it’s perfect when he brings April home. I’ll drive out Saturday in time for the party, and then Sunday after brunch I think I’m going to go see my mom. She’s been leaving me at least three messages a day. I guess it’s time to fix all my issues, it’s beyond time, actually.” I have never really understood why Mike doesn’t talk to his mom. I can’t even imagine cutting my mom out of my life. I know Mike misses her and feels like he’s lacking family because he blends in so well with mine and Connor’s.

  “Sounds li
ke a good plan. Maybe you’ll get lucky and she’ll call, but in the meantime, keeping yourself busy is a great idea.”

  “Yeah, and once I make it to Saturday I’ll be fine. It seems like it’s been forever since I’ve hung out with all of you guys. Even though all of you will have dates, it will finally be nice to meet the girls that have turned you into pansies. Speaking of, is she still wearing your ring?”

  “Of course she is, did you think she would take it off after three days?” Mike pushes his plate away.

  “God, I’m stuffed. This place is fucking awesome; makes me want to move here just so I can eat here daily. And no, I didn’t think she would take it off. I was just messing with you. It’s fun to see you so serious about someone. I’ve seen you date, but I’ve never seen you in love. Giving some chick a promise ring when your best bud hasn’t even met her yet must mean she’s really something special. I’m happy for you, really. Maybe if things don’t work out for me she can find me someone new.” I groan.

  “Be careful what you wish for. Between her and Connor’s girlfriend, they will have chicks lined up for you. On second thought, it might be just what you need if things don’t work out with your ex.”

  “Yeah, maybe. Speaking of ex-girlfriends, did your dad tell you he thought he saw Vanessa outside of the office a couple of days ago?” My stomach drops. That is the last thing I need right now.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? No, he didn’t say a god damn word about that. What the hell do you think she wants?”

  “Man, I have no idea. He probably didn’t say anything because he wasn’t sure if it was her. He said it looked like her car but she looked a little different—he couldn’t put his finger on what was different, though. Pops kind of brushed it off because she didn’t get out and start any trouble. He said that wasn’t like her, so maybe he just decided it wasn’t worth mentioning.”

  “Mike, the last thing I need right now is for Vanessa to come along and try to screw with my relationship with Kate. She hasn’t called, emailed, texted, or even messaged me on Facebook. What about you?” Shaking his head, he looks just as stressed as I am about this.

  “No, man, like I told you a couple of weeks ago, she called some in the beginning, mostly just begging me to call her and give her a chance to explain. There was no explaining away that shit, though. Her timing couldn’t be worse for either of us. It’s one thing to have to explain all this if she gives me the time of day, but what if she’s willing to work things out and Vanessa starts being nasty and fills her head with lies? That bitch makes me so sick to my stomach. I don’t know what you ever saw in her.”

  “Yeah, me either. Tomorrow, Kate is meeting Pops and he isn’t exactly on her side yet. I hope he isn’t holding it in to bring up in front of her. Maybe I should tell her what’s up.”

  “No way, don’t tell her anything. If he was going to say something he would have told you. Look, don’t tell him I said this, but the old man was practically shitting rainbows yesterday when I went by for dinner. Your mom was going on about what she was going to serve for lunch tomorrow and your dad was just smiling away. He kept talking about how you got one with a head on her shoulders this time and more than enough money that she doesn’t need to steal yours. They were both excited about how much better your mood has gotten, and Pops was saying how glad he was now that the money hungry-whore is out of your life. That’s when he told me he thought he saw her; maybe you should take him and get his eyes checked. I’m sure if that would have been her she would have absolutely made her presence known, right?”

  I suppose he’s right, but something about this whole situation isn’t sitting well with me, and it’s not like my dad to see things that aren’t there.

  “Yeah, she isn’t one to sit idly by, that’s for sure. Hopefully, she went back home to mommy and daddy’s house in Vegas. I would love to never have to bump into or hear from her again.” I throw enough money on the table to cover the bill and leave the waitress a big tip. It reminds me of Misty.

  “Hey, what about Misty? Are you going to call or go by and see her? That girl seemed really into you.” Mike’s shoulders are slumped and he’s kicking at the ground.

  “I know I need to. She’s third on the list, right under my mom. She’s the only one I fucked that I feel bad about.”

  “Have you ever asked yourself why you feel bad? Were there actual feelings there between you two?”

  Leaning back on his truck, he pauses before answering.

  “I don’t know, maybe? I got to know her, but we were friends and I really liked her and wanted to keep it that way. Misty reminded me of a better time in my life. She almost made me want to make amends way back then but not quite. Once I had sex with her, I just couldn’t face her. I knew she wanted a relationship and I wasn’t able to open up, so I shut her out and shut down. It sucked because I lost a friend, but another time in my life, if I was single and my shit was straight, she would have been a good fit for me I think. She’s a great girl, though—funny, compassionate, and not pushy at all. I miss her as my friend which is why she’s on the list.”

  “That makes sense. Sounds like she might be a good prospect for the future; maybe she’s as forgiving as she is compassionate. Let me know if you hear from your girl before I see you on Saturday, and don’t do anything stupid like go wait her out. I can see you wanting to make it happen sooner, but you gotta let her take the lead on this one.”

  “I know, man, I can wait; I’ve waited this long. Thanks for listening to me whine about it so much lately.” Laughing, I pat him on the back.

  “That’s what brothers are for. I’ll see you Saturday.”

  I don’t get home until about eight o’clock and I’m exhausted. As much as I love Kate, I’m relieved that she changed her mind about tonight. I talked to her on my way home and she was having a blast with Lauren. Kate took her after school to get mani-pedis, which just picturing it in my head is fucking adorable. She promised she hasn’t checked any news or papers and that Jess and Connor are staying media free, too. I texted my parents’ address to her earlier, and the plan is for her to drive out and meet me there around eleven thirty tomorrow. I’m a little nervous about her meeting my parents. Not because I don’t think they will get along, but after Vanessa I just feel like my dad will be leery of her. After what Mike told me, I can’t shake the feeling that something is going to go very wrong. Damn Vanessa and her fucking horrible timing. I also haven’t told them that I bought her a promise ring. My parents are romantics at heart, but they’re still my parents and will probably feel like I’m rushing things a bit.

  I’m sitting on the deck, drinking a beer and listening to the ocean; nothing relaxes me more after a long day at work. My mind is sort of jumbled with thoughts that I’m trying to work through, and at the forefront is Mike. I want to help him get his ex-girlfriend back, but I can’t think of anything I can really do to help him since I’ve never even met her. Come to think of it, I think he’s only ever mentioned her name one time—it was something like Kathleen or Catherine or something. I don’t know her, so I obviously have no clue to even really help him fix this.

  Truth be told, I don’t know if he should, but he needs to figure it out. I wonder, if he re-integrates into his past, will it erase him from our future? If he goes back with her will he ditch us? It’s stupid to even think like that, but Mike’s my brother and I would miss our relationship if that happened. I have a bad feeling about this whole thing but I can’t figure out why. Something’s just not right.

  Today, I also got the ‘official’ word that my transfer will be effective in two weeks. I knew it was likely, but it could have taken two months. I haven’t told Kate that it’s official yet. I want to surprise her with the news tomorrow. It’s going to be a busy weekend—lunch tomorrow with the parents, afternoon with Maryanne, dinner with Connor and Jake’s family, and then sweeping my girl away for some alone time.

  The girls don’t know it yet, but we set them all up for a spa day on Saturday.
We managed to get all of the appointments in groups of three so that April, Jess and Kate can get all their stuff done at the same time and not have the stress of the moms and sisters around. April loves her family but they stress her out. Jake wanted to make sure she had as much stress-free time as possible, and since her and the girls really hit it off he figured this would be a nice distraction for her.

  On top of everything else, now I’m thinking about Vanessa—about our relationship and how it ended. Kate knows the whole story, but I don’t know if anyone can truly comprehend how much I dislike her, except Mike; he hates the bitch. I never really took time and processed just what my relationship with Vanessa was or wasn’t until now. I liked her a lot, maybe even thought I loved her, but deep down I don’t really think that was the case. The sex was good but nothing compared to what I have with Kate. I think I was just trying to make something work by any means necessary and didn’t want to let her go. I realize now that all of my moping after the breakup had nothing to do with my love for Vanessa—I felt used. She wanted Mike and spent her time with me to finally get him, and in the process had me spend money on her. They say love is blind and I just ignored all the signs in front of me. Even when my dad and Connor tried to question her character, I ignored them. In the end, what it all really boiled down to was me being upset about another failed relationship.

  I’m twenty-six years old, and I’m ready to settle down. I want the whole package—wife, kids, dogs, the works. I want unconditional love, and I see that with Kate. I know she’s going to want to finish school and get her center opened before even considering starting a family and getting married. I’m okay with waiting, but I wish it would happen sooner. Damn, I would marry her tomorrow if she would say yes. Meeting Kate is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The way she loves me is eye-opening and I am just so grateful that she’s in my life. I hope that she truly realizes how deep my love for her is because if Vanessa shows up it could get ugly. There’s really nothing I can do about Vanessa right now, so I think I’m just going to take Kate’s advice and shower and hit the bed. Maybe thoughts of my beautiful girl can lead me to some interesting dreams.


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