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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 28

by Kelly, D.


  “Daniel! I’m so glad you’re here. Where’s Kate, sweetheart?” My mom’s looking all around me like Kate is going to magically appear.

  “She was babysitting last night so we decided it would be best for her to meet me here. She should be here in about fifteen minutes or so. It smells good in here, what did you make?” I hear my dad chuckling from the table.

  “What didn’t she make should be the question. She’s so damn excited and nervous she’s been cooking all morning.” My mom slaps him on the shoulder.

  “That’s enough of that, Rick. Yes, I’m excited to meet the girl who put the smile back on my son’s face, and there’s nothing wrong with making a variety of food; I don’t know what she likes to eat. Daniel, I made blueberry muffins, broccoli and cheese quiche, fresh fruit salad, Belgian waffles, sausage and home style potatoes.”

  “Wow, Mom, that’s some brunch. I’m sure Kate will love it. I’m going to wait out on the porch for her to get here.” I give her a kiss on the cheek and go wait on the swing.

  A few minutes later, she pulls into the driveway and my heart races just knowing she’s here. I meet her at the car and open the door for her. She looks sexy as hell, and I suddenly wish my parents weren’t home. She’s wearing high heeled boots, dark blue jeans, and a deep forest green sweater that brings out the color of her eyes. My body is drawn to hers and I do the only thing I can do at the moment. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her like there’s no tomorrow, but she breaks away pretty quickly.

  “Daniel, stop, your parents are inside! What if they walked out here and saw you with your tongue down my throat? That wouldn’t make the best first impression.” She’s flushed from our kiss but has a cute little irritated look on her face.

  “My parents wouldn’t care if they saw me kissing you. They would just realize I love you so much I couldn’t wait to have you.” She still looks irritated so I flash her the biggest smile I’ve got.

  “Are you sure they wouldn’t think I’m some whore trying to have my way with their son in a very disrespectful way?” Kate’s serious but I’m laughing inside; she is the farthest thing from a whore I could ever imagine.

  “They won’t ever think you’re a whore—nothing could be further from the truth. However, if it will make you feel better, I’ll try and keep my hands off of you while we’re here but no promises.” Finally, she relaxes and smiles. Reaching into the car, she pulls out a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. They’re gorgeous and I’m touched that she brought something for my mom. None of my other girlfriends have done that before. The best thing is my mom adores sunflowers; they make her happy. I grab her free hand and walk her into the house.

  “It’s really sweet that you brought my mom flowers. She loves sunflowers; did I tell you that before?”

  “Nope, but I saw the garden she did at Connor’s and figured she would probably be the kind of woman to appreciate them. Besides, how could you not like sunflowers? Just looking at them makes me happy.” As we walk into the house, she squeezes my hand a little tighter and I can tell she’s nervous.

  “Hey, there’s nothing to be nervous about. They’re going to love you as much as I do.” I give her a quick kiss on the forehead and walk her into the kitchen. My parents both look up at the same time and quickly assess us.

  “Mom, Dad this is Kate. Kate, these are my parents Rick and Beverly McCormick.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you both. Mrs. McCormick, these are for you.” My mom wraps Kate up into a huge hug just like I knew she would.

  “Oh, you sweet girl, you didn’t have to bring me flowers, but they are beautiful. And please call me Bev; Mrs. McCormick makes me feel old. I hope you’re hungry, Kate, I made a ton of food. Please sit down and let’s eat and get to know each other.”

  “Kate, tell us about yourself, and call me Rick; only my business associates call me Mr. McCormick.” My mom hands Kate a glass of lemonade, and as she reaches for it with her left hand my mom sees the ring.

  “Oh my.” I can hear the wonder and question in her tone. I’ve still got Kate’s right hand in mine under the table and I give it a gentle squeeze. My dad clears his throat.

  “Son, is there something you would like to explain to us?”

  “Sure, Pops, we got married last weekend and I wasn’t sure how to tell you guys, so here we are.” Okay, so maybe that wasn’t as funny as I thought. My mom takes a seat, my dad grips the table, and Kate drops my hand like a hot potato and gives me a death stare. If we weren’t with my parents she would totally think this was funny, but before I can correct my statement Kate speaks up after giving me the evil eye.

  “He’s joking, although I can see why you would be concerned. I would never marry anyone without at least meeting his family. I know how important my wedding would have been to my mother, and she would have been devastated if I had eloped without her. I would never deny any parent the privilege of being at their child’s wedding; that would be in very poor taste and bad manners, not to mention extremely selfish.” My mom looks intrigued and my dad looks impressed.

  “So that’s not a wedding ring you’re wearing, dear?” Kate smiles and shakes her head no, and I figure it’s my turn to speak up.

  “No, it’s not a wedding ring, or an engagement ring, but it is a promise ring. If I thought she would let me put a wedding ring on her I would right this second, but I guess she has a stronger will than I do when it comes to waiting.”

  “Do you mind letting me see your hand, Kate?” Mom takes Kate’s hand and looks at the ring. “I see you got your taste in jewelry from me, Daniel. This ring is absolutely stunning.”

  “So what exactly does this promise ring mean to you? Are you two on the same page with the definition?” Leave it to my dad to make things a little uncomfortable. Kate answers him without hesitation as she grabs my hand again under the table.

  “I think we are definitely on the same page. We have promised our love and faithfulness to each other. Daniel and I haven’t known each other long, yet it feels like a lifetime. I’ve had a difficult time the past few years—I lost my mom when I was a young girl and my father and I were never close, but we’re trying to mend that relationship now. I have one more semester of school before graduating with a double major in Psychology and Business, and then I have three more years of school before I can practice. I plan on opening a non-profit organization where children can come free of charge for counseling and mentoring. I envision it will be set up very much like a boys and girls club but with counseling available. I plan to call it Lila’s Place, named after both my mother and my daughter whom I lost before I ever was able to meet her. Sorry, I know I digressed a little bit from the original question, but I love your son very much and this ring promises me to him forever. I just need to finish school before I can be his wife.”

  I want to reach over and kiss the hell out of her. It took guts to open up to my parents like that. I would wait until the end of time if I had to for her. My dad looks impressed and my mom is about to cry. Uh-oh, if she cries I know Kate will, too.

  “Well, I can understand why my son wants to marry you. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders even after the loss and sadness in your life. I wish he would’ve found you sooner; we’ve been enjoying his good mood the past few weeks. Shall we eat now?”

  Score! He likes her. He really fucking likes her! I knew he would love her. I was still a little worried earlier, but my girl won them over. I feel even more in love with her now than before and I’m going to show her just how much when we stop by my house to pick up my stuff for this weekend. I could have easily brought it with me, but I wanted her to see where I live and let her get to know a little bit of me.

  “Bev, these muffins are incredible. Daniel do you know how to make them?” I nod my head.

  “I can show you if you want me to. I know how much you want to learn to cook new things.”

  “I may not have to learn to cook anything else ever again if you s
how me how to make these muffins. I think I could just live off of these forever.” My mom smiles at her.

  “You say that now, but have you had Daniel’s grandmother’s lasagna yet? It’s amazing and probably why I carry an extra twenty pounds on my frame. Just wait until he makes that for you and let me know if you want to live off of muffins or lasagna.” My dad takes his plate to the sink and kisses my mom on the top of her head.

  “Bev, you’re beautiful, and even if you gained another thirty pounds I would think you’re stunning. No man wants to be with a stick figure; curves are sexy.”

  Kate smiles at my parents and blushes a little. I told her how in love they are, but now she can see it for herself. Maybe now she can see the way I will love her. For all their faults, my parents have been amazing role models when it comes to love. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to never find that kind of love.

  “Kate, would you like to come outside with me and see my garden? We can chat over a nice cold glass of lemonade.”

  “Sure, Bev, that sounds nice. I saw the garden you did at Connor’s house—I can’t wait to see what you have here.”

  Dad and I clear the table in silence. He’s obviously thinking about something, I let it go and figure he will speak when he’s ready.

  “Daniel, you know I doubted what kind of man you were becoming when you were wrapped up in Vanessa. I felt like I couldn’t reach you and I didn’t understand how or why you ended up with that girl. I can’t tell you how relieved I was when you got out of that relationship relatively unscathed, even though you seemed like you were having a hell of a time moving on from her. I like Kate—I like her a whole hell of a lot; she’s got some depth to her. She reminds me of your mother a bit at that age—stands her ground, brutally honest, and flushes red when she’s embarrassed, mad, or excited. I can see why you love her. I know you didn’t ask for my approval, but I also know you wouldn’t have brought her here so quickly if you weren’t seeking it. I’m pretty sure that I can speak for your mother, too, when I tell you that she is always welcome in our home. I saw the scandal surrounding her dad in the paper this morning. She’s going to have some media attention soon, are you ready to support her through all of that?”

  “Yeah, Dad, it’s going to get a lot worse, actually. That story that hit this morning is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s not my business to tell since the police are still sorting it out, but she’s going to need my support for a while. I’m ready for it and we’ve already talked about it.”

  Pops gets his ‘I have to tell you something and you’re not going to like it’ look in his eyes, and I instantly know he’s going to tell me he saw Vanessa.

  “Son, I don’t want to make things harder on you, but I think you have the right to know. I’m pretty sure I saw Vanessa driving around by the office the other day. She circled by a few times, either looking for you or Mike. I already told that boy to stay far away from her and I want you to do the same. I’m not quite sure what she’s up to—if she just wanted to be nosy or if she wants to talk to you boys—but I don’t like it one bit. Has she called you at all?”

  “No she hasn’t and I hope she doesn’t. I don’t need her to try and start any drama right now. Kate’s got enough on her plate, but to throw Vanessa’s nasty ass in the mix would just be difficult to say the least.”

  “I agree, Son, I agree. You know, I only got a glimpse of her the few times she drove around, but she didn’t look well. I could tell she didn’t have any makeup on and she looked… I don’t know…a little bloated in the face maybe? She just looked different but maybe it was because of the lack of makeup—you know she wore enough for an entire whorehouse. Just watch yourself. She’s lurking for a reason, and girls like her always have a reason. One more thing and I’ll let you go rescue Kate from your mom. I know I harp a lot about money and about girls who want to take it from you. I can tell that Kate isn’t that girl—she has character—so when you tie the knot, don’t worry about a pre-nup. But with her kind of wealth you may have to sign one to make her dad happy. As a matter a fact, once she gets that center of hers up and running I would like to make McCormick Construction a benefactor and give them a yearly donation. It’s been a long time since I have found a cause I believe in, and I think that pretty girl of yours is on to something with her center.” I wrap him up in a big hug. I haven’t felt this close to him in a long time.

  “Thanks, Pop, you don’t know what that means to me.”

  “Yeah, well let’s not get too worked up over it; let’s go find your mom and Kate so you can get out of here.”

  “How’s the inquisition going out here? Are you holding up okay, Kate? I know my wife can be a nosey busy body when it comes to her only son.” Kate just flashes my dad a brilliant smile while my mom lets him have it.

  “Rick, don’t be an ass! If I want to ask my future daughter-in-law some questions that is my God given right. Now, as much as I would love to stay here and learn all about you I know that you two have places to be today. I’m so happy we got to meet you, Kate. We’ll see you tomorrow night at the engagement party. I can’t wait to introduce you around to our friends; they’re going to be so happy for the two of you.”

  After my parents give us both hugs they let us go on our way. I can tell Kate isn’t exactly comfortable with all the attention they showered on her, but she seems happy.

  “Is it my turn to get to hug and kiss you yet? I’m feeling a little neglected and jealous over here.”

  “Well I’m still sort of pissed at you for putting me on the spot. I can’t believe you didn’t tell your parents you gave me a promise ring! But I really hate the thought of you feeling neglected and jealous when that is a problem so easily fixed.”

  I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. I don’t want to make her self-conscious by shoving my tongue down her throat in my parents’ driveway, even if that’s what I really want to do right now.

  “Can you follow me back to my place? I need to pick up my bag for this weekend, and if we have time I would love to show you my bedroom.” Kate smirks at me.

  “Well, Romeo, since you obviously left your stuff at home on purpose so you could have your wicked way with me, what kind of girl would I be if I turned you down? Let’s go. We don’t have a lot of time if we’re going to still pop by Maryanne’s on the way to Connor’s parents’ house.”

  Kate pulls up next to me in my driveway and hops out of her car.

  “Oh my god. I can’t believe you seriously have a white picket fence around your house! It’s so frickin’ cute I can hardly stand it!” She’s so frickin’ cute. I’m already hard; I need to get her inside now. I grab her hand and pull her into the house. As soon as I shut the door I push her back against it and claim her perfect mouth. Fuck, our sexual chemistry is off the charts—the sparks passing between us only fuels our passion. I pick up her legs, wrap them around my waist, and carry her to my bed.

  She rips my shirt off over my head and throws it on the floor as I peel off her sweater. Unbuttoning my jeans, she slides them down my legs. Every touch of her skin against mine reiterates that she’s mine. I love the sounds of her moaning in ecstasy, knowing that I’m the cause of her pleasure, and it makes me want her that much more. Her hands are tracing all the lines of my chest, wandering down my hips and gripping onto my cock. With one hand she flicks open her front clasping bra. She rubs the head of my dick across her piercing before she rubs my cock over her lips, licking off my pre come, her eyes wide in anticipation. Fuck me.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re killing me here.” She gazes up at me with those beautiful lust filled eyes and smirks. She squeezes my dick between her beautiful breasts and sucks the head into her mouth. For a girl with such limited sexual experience you would never know it—my baby is a fucking sex goddess. I was barely holding on before, but now I can’t hold back. I have to stop her; I need to be inside her NOW.

  “Kate, I need you now, lay back.” Her answer is to suck me deeper into her mou
th while shaking her head no. Other than being inside of her, there’s absolutely no better feeling in the world. I want to be inside her too badly to let her continue. I need to feel her come all over my cock. I need to fill her with my come and claim her as mine. Pulling away from her and watch her pout.

  “No pouting allowed, sweetheart, lay down.” Kate scoots up on the bed and I take off her boots. Damn, her ass looks good in these jeans. I flip her on her stomach and grip onto her ass cheeks as I slide them off of her. I groan loudly—she’s wearing a sexy black lace pair of boy shorts that match her bra perfectly. I slap her ass once and she releases a light moan. I rub soft circles where I just slapped her and then slap her again in a different spot. She lets out a louder cry and my dick gets so hard it hurts. A little more rubbing and one more slap, this one a little harder.

  “Oh god, Daniel, fuck yeah.”

  I slide up her backside, massaging her back as I go. Pushing her hair to the side, I trail kisses from her neck to her ear.

  “Baby, do you like that?”


  Pushing her panties to the side, I slide my fingers into her—she’s so fucking wet. I start a steady rhythm as I nibble on her ear. “I’ve got big plans for you; we’re going to explore some more spanking, maybe get a flogger.” I can feel her getting wetter the more I whisper to her. “Can I tie you up, Kate? Will you let me blindfold you? Do you trust me?” I slide her wetness up to her clit and rub small circles around it as I tease her with kisses along her spine. You’re awfully quiet, baby, say something.”

  “I trust you. I want all of that—tying me up, spanking me, and exploring our sexual fantasies together would be so hot.” Fuck yeah. I remove her panties, pull her up on her knees, and take her from behind. This is going to be quick. I need it hard and fast, and I can tell she does, too. Wrapping my hand around the front of her, I rub her clit in slow circles as I slam into her from behind.


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