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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 29

by Kelly, D.

  “I’m going to come already...fuck… come with me, I need you now.”

  “I’m right here, baby, just let go.” She comes instantaneously, hard and fast, screaming my name over and over again. I love knowing I can make her lose control like that. I collapse on top of her and roll us both on our sides, facing each other.


  I answer her with a slow, sweet kiss. “Hi yourself, have I told you today how much I love you?” A blush slowly creeps up her face.

  “Ummm, maybe, but I always love to hear it. I love you, too, even if you’re going to make us late to Maryanne’s. Actually, we aren’t too far away, maybe twenty minutes or so. I didn’t realize how close you lived to us. Just think, growing up, going to neighboring schools and we never met or had any mutual friends in common. How strange.”

  “Maybe not so strange; you guys were pretty sheltered, right? Going to private schools and such you probably didn’t do much with public school kids or their parties.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Unfortunately, I really wasn’t into the party scene; that was Jess. She would drag me along for company, but always ended up ditching me when she found some random guy to flirt with. I also had a lot of charity events and dinner parties to attend with my dad. I learned early on how to do great phony party etiquette. It’s easy to get along with anyone once you slip into the mindset of just not giving a fuck and biding your time until it’s over. Sometimes, I would get so lost in thought I would barely even remember talking to anyone and would find myself surprised when the night was over. Jess really hated those nights; she always thought she was losing me to some deep psychological illness. She says it isn’t normal for people to be able to suck themselves deep down into their inner psyche like I can.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Jess is a little over the top about things sometimes; I’m beginning to see that more and more. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with disassociating yourself for a while so you don’t have to deal with a boring situation. I wish we could disassociate from the world this weekend and just stay here. As much as it kills me, we have to get up and head out if we’re going to make it to Connor’s for dinner tonight. Be forewarned, I think I heard about an after dinner karaoke battle. It’s always boys against girls; with you and Jess there I know we’re going to lose.”

  She looks up at me with an intrigued look on her face. “Do you guys ever actually win? I mean, I’ve heard Connor sing and he’s a little… off key?” I chuckle and help her up so we can get cleaned up and ready to go.

  “We often use the swoon factor to our advantage. Mike and Jake are the best out of the guys. April, God love her, is worse than Connor; hopefully, her kids will get their singing abilities from Jake. Our moms are tone deaf so there’s no luck there. I think tonight we’re going to be a little unevenly balanced since you and Jess sing like angels.”

  Before she replies, my cell phone rings at the exact same time her does. It has to be Connor and Jess. I grab my phone. “What’s up and why are you calling both phones?”

  “I’m not calling both phones. I called you and Jess is calling Kate.”

  “Well, tell Jess that Kate is indisposed and isn’t going to pick up right now.” Kate’s stifling a laugh, her eyes glimmering bright green.

  “Yeah, we figured you were both indisposed which is why we called at the same time. Look, we just wanted to give you a head’s up not to come to Maryanne’s. Her boyfriend just surprised her with a trip to Maui for her birthday and they’re already gone. She said to tell Kate to hold on to the gift and they’ll do a girls’ weekend when she gets back. We’ll just see you out at my parents’ house when you get there.”

  “Okay, man, sounds good. We’ll see you there.”

  I repeat the conversation to Kate who screams and stomps her feet excitedly. “I bet he’s going to propose to her while they’re gone. Oh my god! She can finally get married and have the family she has always wanted and I can be an auntie!”

  “You want to be an auntie, huh?”

  She looks at me shyly. “Yeah, I really do. I’m definitely not ready for my own kids, but being an auntie would be great—I can babysit, spoil them rotten, and then give them back. Someday, kids will definitely be a part of our lives; I want at least three of them.”

  I love the way she says our lives. Three kids sounds pretty good to me, but if she wanted to just have one or twelve I probably wouldn’t disagree with her; I just want to see her happy.

  “Three is a good number. Since we have some time, why don’t we shower and practice so that when we’re ready to try we’ll have the technique down pat. Maybe I can give you triplets on the first try and you’ll only have to go through one labor.” Kate looks horrified and I wink at her.

  “That sounds good, but if you ever curse me with even a tease of a triplet pregnancy you won’t be able to walk for a week. I will personally castrate you, capiche?”

  “I guess I’ll just have to try for twins.” I laugh all the way to the shower as she throws pillows at me.

  After we’re showered and dressed again, I show Kate around. “Sorry, it’s kind of a disaster. It usually looks more together, and there were actually pictures on the wall, but I needed to repaint and this seemed as good of time as any to do it before an extended stay with Connor.” I watch her take in the layout of the house, walking through the kitchen and back into the living area. It’s not a big house—just two bedrooms and two bathrooms—but you can’t beat the location.

  “Can we go outside? I would love to see your view and the deck.”

  I nod my head, grab her hand, and pop my iPod into the dock. I have a really nice speaker system that runs inside and out. It’s my favorite part of the house besides the location. Once we step out onto the deck, Kate takes a deep breath, inhaling the ocean air. Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran is on—it’s perfect; there’s no other song that reminds me as much of Kate as this one does.

  “Dance with me, gumdrop.”


  I pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her. When I’m with her, my whole world comes into focus. I’m a much better man with her than I could ever be without her. These past few weeks have been the best of my life and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. I’m all in; Kate owns my heart and soul. I’m so in love with her and would be lost if she ever left me.

  “I love you, Daniel. I love being here with you in your home and I love the things Ed Sheeran’s voice can do to my body. I’ve got a playlist with all his music; he’s amazing.”

  “As long as it’s just his voice affecting your body, I’ll let it slide. I do have to agree that the man has pipes. I’m glad you like it here. Maybe when you’re done with school you might want to stay the summer with me?”

  I feel very shy all of a sudden. That wasn’t exactly a planned question, but I would love for her to stay with me.

  “Hmmm, a summer in a gorgeous beach house with my sexy, extra fuckable boyfriend. How could I resist? Besides, I don’t think I like you living on the beach where all the hot girls can just walk up to your deck and flirt with you while you’re barbecuing and hanging out with the guys.”

  My heart just dove to the pit of my stomach. I know she’s joking, but that really happens—a lot, actually. She needs to know that would never affect us.

  “Kate I. LOVE. YOU. If you haven’t noticed yet, I only have eyes for you. I’m not the kind of guy that ogles other girls when I have one of my own. Yes, I’ll notice if someone is attractive or not; I’m only human. We’re not the kind of guys who cheat. Meeting a girl that has a complete disregard for your relationship status is the biggest turn off there is. A real woman backs off immediately. Those are the kind of women I would date if I wasn’t already with the girl of my dreams. Remember, Kate, you own me—my heart is yours, my ring is on your finger, and your watch is on my wrist, always. My ring on your finger is the sexiest damn thing I have ever seen, a wedding band on your finger is going to set me on fire. What y
ou should really be worried about are the guys I’ll be setting straight when they walk by and see you out on my deck. I have no problem letting them know you’re mine. If you feel the need to tell a few girls to back off I’m cool with that, too. It’s kind of hot thinking about how you might want to protect what’s yours.” She busts up laughing, her eyes shining with unshed tears, and I can’t help but laugh with her.

  “Are you ready to go now?”

  “Yeah, let’s get going. I can’t wait to meet everyone.”


  Stubborn-ass woman. I understand her reasons, but I hate taking two cars; it’s less time I get to spend with her. I made her agree to talk to me the whole way there. She points out that it’s only a forty-five minute drive, but I insist. I’m being an ass and I know it, so I try and calm down.

  “Daniel, don’t be mad. You know this isn’t about you, it’s about respect.”

  “I know. I just want to be a part of this with you. You’ve carried it by yourself for a long time and it would truly be an honor to be able to pay my respects to your daughter; it’s important to me.”

  That’s the reason we’re taking two cars—she wants to see Lila Hope on her way home on Sunday and she threw in some stuff about maybe me needing to be around for family stuff. I know the main reason is because she feels it would be unfair for me to meet her daughter before her ex even knows about her. I agree that it’s wrong for me to go first, but it doesn’t make me happy to know that he will grieve with her and I won’t be there. What if they reconcile over their mutual loss? “So, are we okay?” She sounds so sad and just ten minutes ago we were happy as can be. I’m such an ass.

  “Of course, sweetheart. I don’t want to ever make you do something uncomfortable, but I hope he gets his sorry head out of his ass soon so we can move past all of this.”

  “Me, too, but you know this is just the beginning, right? I’m going to talk to him, and if I have my way we will be friends again. It’s more than that now; he’s going to be my step brother. He’s always going to be in my life. You and I both have to come to terms with that and agree not to ever let it come between us. I love us and I’m not giving that up for Michael or anyone.”

  “I agree, we’ll deal with it when the time comes. I don’t plan on letting anyone ever come between me and my gumdrop.” With those words the fight is over.

  “Okay, things you should know about Connor’s family. Their house is ginormous. This isn’t the house Connor grew up in; his parents moved after high school. Linda and Bryan are two of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. They’re high school sweethearts and love their kids immensely. The house is fancy because of Bryan’s business, but they aren’t one bit pretentious. They’re excited to meet you and Jess, so expect a lot of attention and a lot of pictures. They take pictures of everything. The four of us will be staying in the guest house tonight; Mike will join us there tomorrow. There’s more than enough space, it’s bigger than my house. April, Jake, and her family are staying in the main house with the parents for the weekend. Tomorrow, the guys will all get ready in the main house and the girls in the guest house. Linda loves the element of surprise when men see their women for the first time. Trust me, there will be cameras flashing like you just got hit by a flash mob of paparazzi. Any questions?”

  “No, I think I’ve got it. Tomorrow we’re going to the spa with April, so I won’t see you until the party.”

  “Nope. After breakfast and up until the party you’re with the girls. Once the party starts you won’t be leaving my side. I want everyone to know that the second prettiest girl is there with me.” I hear her giggle.

  “Second prettiest, huh? That’s a confidence booster.” I chuckle at her because I know she’s joking with me.

  “Kate, you’ll always be the most beautiful girl in the world to me but tomorrow, on her wedding day, April gets to be the prettiest. It’s just the law or something.”

  She doesn’t say anything for a minute and I hear her sniffing. “Sweetheart, are you crying again?”

  “Shut up, I can cry if I want to. That was beautiful. April is going to be the most beautiful girl in the world tomorrow because it’s her day. Even if it wasn’t, that dress she bought makes me want to fuck her, and I’m not one bit bi, but she’s one sexy bitch in that dress.”

  “Well, if you and April wanted to act on any sexual feelings you two may have I’m sure Jake and I would be happy to observe for the night.”

  “I’m sure you would, but unless you want to mess around with Jake so we can watch, you’re shit out of luck, buddy.”

  “Uh no, that’s not going to happen; Jake’s not my type, gumdrop. We’re here. Turn in this driveway; I need to enter the code so we can get in.”

  After we park, I grab our bags. Thank god she’s not an over packer like most girls. I’m sure Jess is, and it probably makes it easy for Kate to pack light because anything she needs, Jess will probably have.

  “Daniel, this estate is gorgeous; they should just have the wedding here, too.”

  “I agree, but April really wanted to keep it separate so she doesn’t feel so overwhelmed by the Houstons’ wealth. It’s hard for her to accept she’s marrying into money she’s so independent. She put her whole savings down as a deposit for the wedding. Jake was pissed at her, but he knows how important it is to her. In Jake’s eyes, it’s also sort of a non-issue. Once they’re married she’ll have to get used to being wealthy. He already has a black American Express in her name that he’s giving her on their honeymoon. He would give it to her now, but knows it will start a fight.

  “Come this way. We’ll walk out to the guest house now and put our stuff away, and then we can go meet everyone up at the main house.” I love watching Kate’s expressions as she takes in the grounds. She looks genuinely amazed at the view from up here. Their grounds are amazing; they have every amenity imaginable and an ocean view.

  “You know, I grew up not too far from here in a huge house. This estate makes my house look more like my condo.” I laugh because I know exactly how she feels.

  “I know. The houses Connor and I grew up in are probably a little more modest than yours and we feel the exact same way. This house is beautiful, though. I can see why they like living here. The view alone is priceless.”

  “This is the guest house? It looks like a regular house; no wonder you guys don’t mind coming and staying up here.” I hear talking and laughing coming from the patio area. Everyone must be outside.

  “Come on, I’ll show you around the house later, but this is our room so you know where to go in case you need anything. Let’s go check in with everyone; I bet they’re waiting for us. I can hear them out on the patio.” She gets up on her tip toes and gives me a light kiss.

  “Anything you want, this weekend is for you.” Clutching her hands in mine, I give her a more passionate kiss.

  “No, this weekend is about us. I can’t wait for everyone to meet you.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  We walk hand in hand across the grounds. Once we reach the covered patio where the outdoor kitchen is I see that Connor, Jess, Jake, April, and Connor’s parents are all here. Linda and Bryan have their backs to us, making drinks. Jess hops up, engulfing Kate in a big hug.

  Connor greets us first, “Hey, you guys finally made it. Kate, let me introduce you to my parents.” As we head over to the bar Connor begins the introductions, “Mom, Dad, I would like you to meet…” Before Connor finishes his sentence, Linda turns white as a ghost and drops the glass she’s holding. As the glass shatters into a million tiny pieces the only thing she says is, “My god…Lila”

  Chapter 18 – Kate

  Lila? Did she just call me Lila? It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop and everyone’s staring at us. Linda blinks rapidly, grasps the bar, and starts rapidly apologizing, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so very sorry. It’s just stunning; you look exactly like your mother, Katherine.”

  Connor and I e
xchange puzzled glances and I manage to whisper out, “You knew my mother?” I see tears forming in Linda’s eyes as she nods in affirmation.

  “Very well, in fact. Why don’t we all sit down? Connor, can you be a doll and grab the broom and get that mess cleaned up? Bryan how about you get us some drinks so we can all get up to speed, I think I need something to calm my nerves. Kate, come sit with me over here on the couch. I need to look at you, darling, just for a moment and then I’ll explain everything.” I do as Linda asks and follow her to the couch, Daniel sits next to me and grabs my hand. I cling tightly to his.

  “Who would have thought that my son’s new sister would be my best friend’s daughter? Daniel, from what Connor has told me about Kate, I already know that she’s her mother’s daughter through and through. What a lucky pair you two are to have found each other again. Lila was the other half of my soul and I miss her every single day. It’s not easy to lose your best friend and have to stay in the shadows.”

  Wow, I’m so confused. If Linda knew my mom, how come I don’t know her? And what does she mean we ‘found each other again’?

  “Jake, will you do me a favor? Go inside to my desk and bring me the photo album in the bottom drawer, please.” Jake hops up and rushes inside. I think he’s just as curious as the rest of us to find out what’s going on. Bryan brings both Linda and me a vodka tonic. She drinks hers pretty quickly and I follow suit. I guess Bryan was prepared because he hands us both another one immediately. Everyone continues to sit in silence just watching the two of us. I know whatever Linda is about to say is pretty significant based on her reactions.

  Jake comes back with the photo album and hands it to Linda and she clutches it with both hands. Bryan sits next to her and pats her hand, encouraging her to speak.

  “Kate, I’m not sure where to start. The last time we saw you, other than the funeral, must have been when you were about five years old. You were running around the pool in a bathing suit and pigtails. It’s truly funny how fate works; you and Connor were best friends back then, too. On this day in particular, though, the older boys had decided to tease you both. Daniel, Jake, I can see why Connor and Kate don’t remember—they were so young, not even in kindergarten yet—but do you two remember the day I’m talking about?”


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