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Take Me Now

Page 10

by Sullivan, Faith

  “We’ll pick up where we left off after the gala. I’m looking forward to spending the whole weekend with you, even if we never leave this room.” He licks his lips and I want nothing more than to take him up on his offer.

  “You can count on it. I refuse to let Lauren and Will get in our way.” I give him a quick kiss on those delectable lips and hop to my feet. If I indulge in anything more, we’ll never make it to his truck.

  Just then I hear a giant yawn. Glancing down, I see Shep sprawled on a doggie bed with his head raised.

  “Sorry, Shep. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Strolling over to give him a scratch behind the ears, he licks my hand in gratitude.

  “Are you ready?” Eric looks fondly at me from the doorway.

  “Yep.” Moving by him, I light up inside when I feel his hand settle on the small of my back as he guides me down the hall. This is where I belong, and somehow I intend to make it happen.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It’s the night of the gala, and while Ivy and I have shared marathon phone conversations every night, I haven’t seen her since I dropped her off at her car on Monday. As I watched her wave to me as she got behind the wheel, something twisted inside, urging me to run after her, like I shouldn’t let her go. Why did I have such a premonition of dread? Maybe it was because a light was still on in the office above. We both have to be on the lookout for any mind games Lauren tries to play. I’d feel much better having Ivy by my side rather than run the risk of some misunderstanding orchestrated by Lauren coming between us.

  I receive a text just when I’m about to leave the key to the front door under the mat, in case Ivy beats me here later. My breathing increases as I read the first words.

  Don’t worry. I wanted to warn you that Lauren is making Ryan drive me to the gala. It turns out my car suddenly has a flat tire. We’ll have to meet up at your truck instead. Let me know where you’re parked.

  I don’t like this, not at all. Did that little punk damage her tire on purpose? Did his stepsister put him up to it? Ivy told me what he said to her in the pizzeria and it made me want to throttle him myself. I don’t know what had me more worked up—the fact that he saw her naked or that he abused her trust. She considered him a friend and he betrayed her. I can’t help but wonder what he’s capable of.

  Leaving the gala without anyone tailing us was always going to be difficult; now it’s going to be next to impossible. There’s no way Ivy can stand by my truck and not look conspicuous, especially if I can’t get away and she’s out there for an extended period of time. Someone’s bound to alert Lauren, or Ryan, or any one of her other lackeys. I have to put a stop to this.

  Keep your phone on you. It’s too dangerous to wait in the parking lot. I will text you when I can get away and we will leave together.

  Even if we have to slink through the shadows, I’d rather have her with me. It’s too risky to meet her where I can’t control the environment. Lauren is trying to win me over. She won’t want to displease me. So it shouldn’t be too hard to keep her occupied as we make our escape.

  But there are wildcards involved. Will, for one. It’s possible he’s somehow working with Lauren to keep us apart. He’s probably going to hang on Ivy the entire time. And now Ryan’s been added to the mix, most likely as a spy for his stepsister. He’s pissed that Ivy rejected his advances and he’s liable to do something drastic. He’s running on emotion and that’s usually a lethal ingredient when it comes to revenge.

  Okay. I am putting it on vibrate so no one will hear but I’m nervous, Eric.

  I am too but I can’t tell her that. She’s depending on me to pull this off and I plan on having her in my bed before the night is over. No one’s going to get in the way of that. Not if I can help it. She’s too damn important to me.

  I’ve got everything under control. Just make sure your bag is packed.

  I straighten my tie in the mirror…that dreaded blue tie that Lauren brought to my house. If not for this stupid piece of fabric around my neck, we wouldn’t have to be sneaking around like this. It’s like some kind of restraint shackling me to Lauren. I can’t wait to take it off and burn it.

  It is. I have to…

  The text was sent before Ivy had a chance to finish it. I stare at the screen, willing her to finish her reply, but ten minutes go by and she never does. I hope she didn’t get caught. But she’s smart. She’ll know how to divert any questions about who she was texting. But again, I don’t like it. Something’s going on here that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  Just the thought that some malicious plot might be in the works makes me uneasy. I’d like nothing more than to forget about Ivy’s college plans and tell Lauren and her cronies to go screw themselves. Ivy can take some time off and regroup. She can find somewhere else to complete her internship and finish out her degree next semester. She shouldn’t have to be blackmailed into putting up with this bullshit.

  I’d gladly let her stay with me until she worked everything out. I’d even help her pay for the remaining credits she has left. For me, it’s not about the money. But I know it means a lot to her to stand on her own two feet. She doesn’t want any handouts. She’s come this far and she wants to complete the journey on her terms. I can’t judge her for that but I refuse to stand back and let some manipulative bitch make her doubt what she feels for me.

  There’s one weapon Lauren has in her arsenal that she hasn’t used yet. And it’s the one thing that could drive Ivy away from me if she learns the truth at my expense. In the grand scheme of things it means nothing, but I don’t know how Ivy will perceive it. She’s already devastated by what Ryan confessed to her. This might push her over the edge. And that’s what I’m afraid of.

  I should have told her about it earlier but I thought we’d make it through the gala unscathed. I’m beginning to see how foolish I was, thinking I could outmaneuver Lauren. It’d be bad enough if Lauren made her revelation in private, but knowing her she’s probably going to make some kind of public spectacle at the gala, taking everything away from Ivy in one grand gesture. If this gets out, Ivy will never forgive me.

  I make a drastic move and call Ivy’s phone. Even if she has it turned off, hopefully she’ll be able to listen to her messages before she arrives at the gala. Her phone rings at least seven times, and right when her voice mail should pick up, it clicks off. I try again three more times—same result. It’s like someone is answering each call, then immediately hanging up. And I don’t think it’s Ivy. My initial foreboding is coming true. Someone has confiscated her phone. There’s no way I’ll be able to reach her now, even at the gala.

  Lauren has me right where she wants me, upended and confused. It would give her no greater pleasure than to throw me off my game. I have to stay focused and avert any potential catastrophes in the making. I’m too invested in Ivy to see her humiliated in front of hundreds of people because of what I did. She’ll hate me for sure. But just the fact that it all meant nothing to me makes me simmer with rage.

  I charge out of the house, slamming the door behind me. I hear Shep moan from inside the house before he reclaims his perch by the window. It’s pretty bad when even my dog is worried about me. I can’t do anything drastic. I need to be cool and methodical. Judging by the chain of events, it’s likely that Lauren saw me dropping Ivy off Monday night. She works crazy hours. How could I forget? She was probably peering down on us from above, plotting her next move.

  Lauren’s used to having everyone fall all over her. She comes from a wealthy family, and she had the job at the Gazette waiting for her on a silver platter before she even finished college. Whatever she wants, she gets, and that includes her dealings with men. When she set her sights on me, I knew I was in trouble. She desired nothing more than to be the one who comforted the grieving fiancé in his time of sorrow. It was a public relations dream for her that she could spin any way she liked. All I had to do was shut up and follow her lead. She never thought I’d turn her down. />
  And that’s when her quest to save me from my loneliness turned into an utter seek-and-destroy mission. If she couldn’t have me, nobody could. No man rejects Lauren Price’s advances and gets away with it, especially one the public reputedly adores. She wasn’t about to swallow her pride and walk away. No, she decided to make it personal, upping the ante on the stakes to win me over. She thought by wearing me down I’d give into her in the end, regardless of the means she employed to get there.

  Lauren couldn’t be more wrong. All she succeeded in doing was pushing me even further away from her. She’s the last woman on earth I’d want a serious relationship with. She’s unstable, manipulative, petty, spoiled. I could go on listing her negative attributes, but why bother? She holds the trump card and she knows it. She’s always had me in her pocket since that night when I was weak and vulnerable.

  But I can’t think about it now. I have to get to Ivy. Throwing on my suit jacket, I race to my truck. It’s stifling inside and I blast the air conditioner. I just took a shower but I already feel like I need another. Flying down the dirt road, I catch a fleeting glimpse of the house as I round the bend. This is where I hoped to start a new life with Ivy. Tonight was going to be something special for the two of us under that roof. And now, it all might go up in smoke.

  I’ve already had the same dream shattered with Cassidy. I refuse to have it happen with Ivy too. I’m as flawed as they come but don’t I deserve a shot at happiness? I think I do and I’m going to fight for it with everything I’ve got. Love conquers all, right? I just hope that’s true.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “You know, you really didn’t have to take my phone.” I smooth my dress over my knees as Ryan accelerates through a yellow light in his Jeep. I’m onto him. He’s not fooling me.

  “The tickets say cell phones are prohibited. I just thought it’d be easier if you left it behind at the office, that’s all.” He’s so smooth. It’s scary. Too bad the holes in his argument are big enough to ram an elephant through.

  “I think the warning implied turning them off when the movie starts, not ditching them altogether.” I’m seething inside but I can’t let it show. I can’t believe Ryan’s taking Lauren’s side over mine. I guess you can never discount the pull family loyalty has over friendship.

  And I can see what this is all about. Lauren is utilizing every means at her disposal to draw me back to the office when the gala is over. I don’t have a car so I can’t leave on my own afterwards. I’m dependent on someone to drive me back. I don’t have a phone so I can’t call anyone to come get me. I’m trapped into relying on them if I have any thought of returning to my dorm room. But I have no intention of sleeping in my bed tonight. I’m going home with Eric.

  “Yeah, well I know how you reporters are. You’re always on the phone. It’s like an impulse you can’t resist. And I want you all to myself this evening, no distractions. We need to talk.” For a fraction of a second, I allow myself to get lost in his eyes. He’s my oldest friend. There are so many memories and shared experiences between us that I’m not ready to throw away. But I can’t believe he’s making me choose between him and Eric. So what if he has a little crush on me? It’ll pass. It’s not worth destroying our friendship over.

  “Ryan, you do realize you’re taking me to an event where I’m supposed to be Will’s date, right? Just because you’re my chauffeur doesn’t mean we’re together.” I’m determined to reestablish our boundaries. If it seems rude, then so be it. He despises Will, but based on what Lauren’s told him, I think he feels more threatened by Eric.

  “Jeez, I know that, Ivy. Seriously?” Tension is running through his body as he squeezes the back of his neck.

  “Well, the last time we spoke you were telling me about how you thought about me naked, so I just want to make things clear. We’re not on a date. We’re never going on a date. Got that?” I shake my head and my curls tumble over my shoulders. He looks at me furtively but doesn’t respond. “Did you hear what I said?”

  He slams on the brakes, pulling the Jeep off the road. His mouth is on mine before I even have a chance to blink. His kiss is hungry, desperate. He tangles his hands in my hair, pinning me against him. Nothing about this feels right. It’s fueled by anger. I grip his upper arms, trying to push him away, but his hold is too strong and he won’t budge. He forces his tongue into my mouth as his hands keep my head locked in place. His seatbelt comes undone and he’s on top of me. The soles of his shoes scrape my bare legs as he hoists himself into the passenger seat with me.

  I can hear him unzip his fly as he shoves my dress above my waist. I can’t believe this is happening. He has stopped kissing me but he has one hand over my mouth while the other clumsily attempts to remove my panties. I look down and see him exposed before me. Oh my God. He’s really going to do this. I pound against his chest but it’s no use as he clasps my wrists above my head. I wiggle underneath him, doing everything I can to keep my legs closed, but he inserts his knee between them.

  “I’ve been thinking about doing this for so long. Please stop fighting me, Ivy. You know you’re going to enjoy it once we get started. C’mon, don’t deny me this. You have no idea how much I want you, and if I don’t have you, I’m going to go insane. I need this, Ivy.” He removes his hand from my mouth as he uses it to guide himself into me. I gasp frantically for air as I feel him near my entrance. His body is like a dead weight over me. There’s only one thing I can do.

  I rear back with everything I have and head butt him right in the face. Our skulls crack when they connect, and he staggers off of me writhing in pain. “What the hell did you do that for?” He’s momentarily distracted as he holds his forehead. I’m seeing stars myself but I have to get out of here. Flinging open the door, I kick off my underwear that has fallen around my ankles and roll to the ground. I make a break for it, hauling myself onto the road. A lone car whizzes by. I wave my hands, willing it to stop even though I must look like a raving lunatic.

  “Ivy, get back in the Jeep.” Ryan’s voice is deadly calm as he drives behind me, inching the front bumper closer to my legs. “I won’t touch you. I promise. I thought it’s what you wanted.”

  “I’m not some porn star fantasy that you intend to score with, asshole. I’m your friend. There’s a difference.” I choke back my tears, unwilling to comprehend what he was about to do.

  “I know we like to argue but I thought you were getting off on it. You look damn good in that dress, and we’re all alone out here.” He beats his hand against the side of the door like he’s explaining something that’s obvious.

  “Are you crazy? Especially after I ran away from you at the pizzeria after you told me what you were doing? You repulse me, Ryan! No way in hell would I ever be attracted to you!” I shout the words at him. He’s delusional if he thinks I was sending him come hither vibes. He couldn’t be more mistaken.

  “Well that’s nice coming from the office slut.” He revs the engine behind me as I stop in my tracks.

  “What did you say?” I’m beyond livid at this point.

  “You heard me. You’ll go down on every guy who crosses your path except me. Well, I have needs too, Ivy—needs that have to be met.” I turn around and catch a predatory glint in his eyes as he stares me down.

  “I don’t know what it is you’re talking about but you’re dead wrong.” The tears begin to flow down my cheeks as I struggle to keep my voice steady.

  “Oh yeah? I don’t think so. My stepsister told me about you…all up on that garden center dude that she likes. And she heard about the tongue action Will gave you in the restaurant. So cut the crap, Ivy. You’re not fooling anybody.” His taunts burn like fire on my skin. If he’s seeking to hurt me, he’s succeeding.

  “It’s none of your business what I do or who I do it with. You’re just a boy who knows nothing about women. I’d never give myself to a spoiled brat who only takes what he wants.” It’s still sinking in that I’m walking on the side of the
road because of what he intended to do to me.

  Gunning the engine, he swings up alongside me, throwing me off guard. “Get in the Jeep.”

  “After what you tried to do to me? I don’t think so. I’ll walk to the nearest payphone if I have to. No way am I getting anywhere near you.” I cross my arms across my chest and keep moving.

  “Ivy, quit being so damn stubborn. I promise I won’t lay a hand on you. There, are you satisfied?” It’s hard to reconcile the contempt in his tone with the boy I thought I knew. When did he turn into such a monster? How could I have missed the warning signs?

  He stops the Jeep, and I really don’t know what to do. It’s going to be getting dark soon and there aren’t any streetlights on these back roads. Plus I’ll be at the mercy of every other asshole driving by. Maybe now that Ryan understands he’s not getting anywhere with me, he’ll back off. All I need him to do is drive me to the gala. As soon as I get there I’m running into Eric’s arms and I don’t care who sees me.

  “Fine. But if you even think about…” I point my finger in his face.

  “I won’t. Just get in.” He’s not the least bit contrite but I’m out of options. I’m going to have to trust him.

  Ignoring my instincts, I grip the door handle and reenter the vehicle. My panties are on the floor. Before I can ball them up and stick them in my handbag, he floors it, jerking me back in the seat. He doesn’t even give me a minute as he immediately retakes the road. We sit in silence for the remainder of the journey and that’s fine with me. I don’t think I’ll ever speak to him again after tonight.


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