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The Climb

Page 25

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “No way,” Skyler exclaimed. On top of Kalin’s car, in the J-bars of the roof rack, rested a blue and a green kayak.

  “Come on,” Kalin said, giggling.

  “Are we going kayaking?” Skyler asked incredulously.

  “We sure are! We’re gonna paddle out in the lake for a bit, if that’s okay?”

  “I’ve never been kayaking before,” Skyler said.

  “Good, well I’m glad I get to take you before anyone else could.”

  I hope it’s not the only first thing we get to do.

  Skyler smiled and the boys climbed into the car and drove to the lake. Along the way, Kalin explained the do’s and don’ts of kayaking. Do have a life jacket, do wear sunscreen, don’t have to wear the life jacket, don’t flip the kayak over. Kalin explained he would teach Skyler how to jump back into kayak if they went swimming in deep water. It would take some practice, but it wasn’t impossible.

  When they arrived, Kalin parked the car. He reached over and placed his hand on Skyler’s. Once again, Skyler felt a spark shoot through his hand, up his arm, and throughout his body.

  “I’ve wanted to hang out with you alone, Sky. I hope you really enjoy this.”

  Seriously? You’ve been looking forward to seeing me? Skyler melted into the car seat. Kalin’s words, coupled with his touch, made Skyler woozy with joy. The net effect rendered him relatively speechless, but he didn’t care. He shook his head and smiled wider.

  Kalin winked at him and squeezed his hand. “Let’s go then!”

  Other boaters, kayakers, canoers, and beach-goers shared the parking lot, but most were already at the beach or out on the lake. An elderly couple walking through the parking lot watched them as they climbed out of the car and started untying the kayaks. Skyler struggled to untie the one on the passenger side. He saw Kalin lift his kayak off the driver’s side J-bars, but still couldn’t figure out how to release the straps.

  “Here, let me help,” Kalin offered. He stepped close and placed his arms over Skyler’s. Even though he should have watched how Kalin released the straps, his eyes were drawn to the toned arms that rested against his arms. Skyler swallowed hard as the energy of attraction surged in his veins.

  Oh, no, not now, please, not now.

  With a click, the straps released and the kayak was free. Kalin stepped back and said, “Let’s get off.”

  Skyler froze. “What?”

  “Let’s get it off,” Kalin repeated and winked at Skyler. “The kayak, silly, let’s get it off the car. You grab the front and I’ll grab the back.”

  “Oh,” Skyler said, nervously chuckling at the joke. Man, either I’m horny or he’s being super flirty. He stepped to the front of the car and looked down at the front of his swim shorts.

  Shit, not now. Think about something else!

  There wasn’t much he could do to hide his arousal. Kalin stepped to the back of the car and together they lifted the kayak off the J-bars, walked it around to the other kayak, and then set it on the ground.

  Kalin walked back to the rear of the car, opened the trunk, and pulled out two disassembled paddles and life jackets. “Blue or green?” he asked.

  “Uh, blue?” Skyler said.

  “Okay!” Kalin responded, handing him the green life jacket.

  “But…” Skyler paused, confused. But you handed me the wrong one.

  “You’ll take the blue kayak, but wear the green life-jacket. I’ll wear the opposite. It’ll be cute.”

  “Got it,” Skyler said, amused by the arrangement. He stopped thinking about it when Kalin pulled off his tank top.

  His abs are so damn sexy! Shit, this isn’t helping.

  “You got your sunscreen? I think now is the best time to put it on,” Kalin suggested.

  “Oh okay, right.” He reached for his sunscreen and squirted some into his hands. He started rubbing it on his chest and glared at the bulge in his shorts.

  Please go away, I don’t need this right now. Damn, why is it so impossible to control my hormones? If only Kalin wasn’t super-sexy and crazy flirty today. I don’t think I’ve felt this excited since…well…since Cam. Maybe it’s okay? Maybe it’s okay to enjoy this attention for a change? Maybe it’s okay to move on?

  “Mind putting some lotion on my back?” Kalin asked. “If you do mine, I’ll do yours.”

  How could I pass that up? “Yes, of course,” he said quickly, noting his enthusiasm. If it’s as fun as when we did this at the pool, then hell yes, count me in. He squirted sunscreen into his hand and walked toward Kalin, who winked at him and turned around. Skyler’s eyes explored each chord of muscle as he warmed the sunscreen in his hands. At least he can’t see my shorts right now.

  Kalin giggled.

  Did I say that out loud?

  Just as firmly as Kalin had done at the pool, he put his fingers on Kalin’s shoulder muscles and rubbed the muscles under his hands. He felt Kalin relax under his fingers, obviously enjoying his touch. Skyler continued downward and spread sunscreen on Kalin’s upper back. This time, he wasn’t shy and rubbed lotion inside the waistband of Kalin’s swim trunks.

  Neither was Kalin.

  When Kalin finished applying sunscreen to Skyler’s back, they stepped apart to finish applying it to the rest of their bodies. Out of the corner of his eyes, Skyler watched Kalin apply sunscreen to his abs and chest, the fresh lotion making his skin glisten in the bright sun. He suspected Kalin was sneaking glances as well, but neither boy spoke about it. Something caught the corner of his eye and curiosity overloaded his brain. It forced him to sneak a peek at Kalin’s swim trunks.

  Well, I guess I’m not the only one who’s excited today. Interesting…

  When they finished, Kalin taught Skyler how to assemble his paddles. Following Kalin’s lead, he assembled his set of paddles on the first try. Then Kalin showed him how to stow his paddle in the clips mounted on the starboard side of his kayak.

  “So, life jackets. We technically have to wear them because my parents insist, so let me help get yours fitted properly.”

  “Okay,” Skyler said. Kalin handed him the green life jacket and Skyler slipped it on. It was loose.

  Kalin pulled his blue life jacket on. Leaving it unbuckled, he stepped in front of Skyler and began adjusting the straps for him. “These are a little shorter than regular life jackets because you sit lower in the kayak than you would a boat. It makes it a lot easier to paddle, too.”

  Skyler watched as Kalin tugged and pulled at the straps, fitting them to his body. He swallowed nervously as he caught the clean scent of Kalin’s shower soap or cologne.

  Kalin must be nervous, too…his hands are shaking.

  Kalin looked up at Skyler and winked. “So, uh, when your life jacket is fitted right, it’s secure around your torso like this.” He pulled and buckled the front straps together and the life jacket secured itself around Skyler. Then he stepped back and buckled his already fitted life-jacket.

  “Technically, you can tuck your life-jacket behind your seat,” Kalin instructed, pointing as he spoke. “You don’t need to wear it, but it has to be accessible to you on the kayak. That’s the law here. But my parents have spoken, so we’re wearing them for now.”

  “No problem,” Skyler said. You still look sexy in it.

  When it was time to head down to the boat launch, Skyler placed his house keys, wallet, and phone in the watertight box Kalin would carry in his kayak. Kalin did the same and then closed it. Then he shoved it into the bow of his kayak’s cockpit. Kalin stepped out in front, between the bows of the two kayaks. He turned and pointed to the back of the kayaks.

  “I’ll grab the front handles, you grab the back ones,” Kalin said.

  Skyler stepped over the green kayak and stood between the back half of the two kayaks just like Kalin had done in the front. Kalin bent over.

  What a cute butt!

  Kalin grabbed the plastic handles located on the bow of each kayak, then half-turned to look at Skyler and waited.

/>   Oops, he’s noticed I’m a bit distracted. Am I supposed to do something now? Skyler pointed to the matching plastic handles on the aft tip of the kayaks and looked at Kalin.

  “You got it,” he said.

  Skyler grabbed the handles and picked up the back half of the kayaks with ease. “They’re really light,” he said.

  Kalin smiled. “Teamwork,” he said, lifting the bows of the kayaks off the ground. “They actually weigh about fifty pounds apiece.”

  “This is going to be a lot of fun,” Skyler said.

  “Just you wait and see,” Kalin called over his shoulder as the two boys walked the kayaks over to the boat launch. When they arrived, Kalin led them down the ramp and into the cool lake water

  “Climb in like this,” Kalin said, lowering his butt into his kayak seat first. “It’ll feel very wobbly until your butt is in the seat. That’s when your center of gravity is low and in line with the keel. Then slowly swing your legs over.” Kalin swung his legs over and pulled off his flip-flops.

  Keel? What the heck is a keel? I don’t think I care, but I love how much you know about this stuff. You’re very…technical. Skyler looked into his kayak’s cockpit. He saw a seat, but nothing remotely looked like what he thought the keel might be.

  “Uh, what’s the keel again?” he nonchalantly asked.

  “Oh, right, sorry, it’s the centerline of the boat. It runs from the front to the back. You can’t see it because the kayak is made of composite materials, but if it were a wooden kayak, it would basically be the backbone on the underside of the hull. I guess it’s kinda like a seam in your jeans—but it’s the most important seam—the center one that rides up your ass crack.”

  Skyler burst out laughing at Kalin’s example. He looked up and smiled at Kalin. God, you’re beautiful. And funny.

  Kalin smiled back.

  “Okay, got it,” Skyler grabbed the sides of his kayak and slowly maneuvered his butt over the seat. The kayak shifted and Skyler almost landed sideways in the cockpit. He cried out with mock fear but then started laughing.

  “Take your time, you’ll get it right.”

  He’s patient with me, like Cam is…was…shit.

  On the third attempt Skyler successfully planted his butt squarely in the seat. “Finally! My butt found the seat and the keel,” he said, laughing and smiling into Kalin’s brown eyes. He unclipped his paddle and pointed to the lake. “Okay, let’s go, Kal!”

  “All righty then,” Kalin said. He grabbed his paddle and the boys started paddling away from shore.

  The first hour out was incredible for Skyler. He had never experienced the calming freedom of open waters in a non-motorized boat. The fresh air and watery scents were completely different from those of the town, the park, and even the fresh air of his secret spot on the ledges. He immediately fell in love with the serenity of the lake and resolved this would not be his last time in a kayak.

  Bliss. This is pure bliss.

  Every so often, he looked over at Kalin, who paddled next to him. He watched the muscles in Kalin’s arms flex with each stroke. Skyler focused on his paddling technique and felt his core muscles flex with each stroke.

  When they paddled nearer to each other, Skyler openly admired Kalin’s muscles as they flexed with each paddle movement. When they paddled apart and a hundred feet or so separated them, Skyler cursed under his breath because he hadn’t mastered steering yet. Sometimes Kalin pulled ahead and Skyler did his best to keep up. Eventually he’d catch up again, but it was usually because Kalin would stop paddling and give him a chance. If they were racing, Kalin would have won by a long shot.

  After they paddled to the center of the lake, Kalin pulled off his life jacket and pointed down to the water. Skyler looked down and strained to see what Kalin pointed to. A splash brought his attention back to Kalin’s kayak, but he was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, his head popped above water.

  “Jump in,” he called, wiping hair and water from his eyes.

  Skyler smiled.

  “Absolutely!” he yelled back. He clipped his paddle to the side of the kayak and unbuckled his life jacket. He pulled it off and carefully set it behind his seat. Then he grabbed the sides of the cockpit and pushed himself up, holding himself over his seat. The kayak wobbled as the center of gravity shifted upward. He momentarily paused to balance himself and then carefully heaved himself over the edge and splashed into the water.

  Yikes! Cold water!

  Although it was colder than the pool, the lake water was refreshing after paddling for an hour in the hot sun. He surfaced and wiped the water from his eyes. Kalin treaded water nearby, occasionally kicking his toes above the water for fun.

  “Just keep an eye on your kayak. There’s not much wind today, but they’re not anchored either. They blow around with the wind because they’re so light.”

  They swam and playfully splashed around for a few moments before Skyler lazily half-treaded water and half-floated on his back and then started asking questions. Eventually, Skyler asked Kalin where he got the kayaks. He listened as Kalin explained that everyone in his family has a kayak. He learned that Kalin was using his own kayak that day, and Skyler was using the kayak that belonged to Kalin’s brother, Kyle.

  Every summer, Kalin explained, his family vacationed at the family’s waterfront lake house, which was about a mile from the parking lot they had parked in. Kalin pointed it out as they spoke. Kalin’s family had kayaks, jet skis, and a motorboat. He also learned that Kalin’s maternal aunt was a lesbian, and she and her family, including her wife and two kids, lived nearby as well. Though it was hard for Kalin’s grandparents to accept, they eagerly welcomed their grandchildren and modernized as best they could. Within a short time, they came to accept their daughter, her wife, their life, and their children.

  “I suppose they made it easier for my grandparents to accept me when I came out a little over a year ago.”


  Skyler smiled. “Ah. You’re gay?”

  Kalin sent Skyler a look that didn’t hide his surprise. He swam closer to Skyler and treaded water about three feet away. “Yeah, Sky, of course I’m gay. Is there a problem?” His voice conveyed a strange uncertainty.

  Say no! Don’t screw this up. “Uh, no. Not for me. No problem at all.”

  Kalin tilted his head with curiosity.

  Well, shit, this got awkward fast. Tell him. He can handle it…and he wants to know. You want him to know. He won’t disappear on you like…before.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked playfully. Skyler splashed water at nothing. He became nervous when his brain predicted what Kalin would ask him next. He swam back and increased the distance between them. He saw Kalin’s face contort with confusion.

  “Uh, Sky,” Kalin stammered, “aren’t you, uh…”

  “Gay?” Skyler finished the sentence for him. He could feel a strange uneasiness tightening in his throat and constricting around his chest.

  Shit! Wait, stop freaking out already, tell him. It’s Kal, for crying out loud. You like him…a lot.

  “Mmhmmm,” Kalin intoned, but with a guarded tone in his voice.

  Skyler swallowed. “Yeah, but I’m not really out…yet.” Skyler said, trying to sound cool about it. “Except like to my family, uh, I mean the Kelleys,” he clarified.

  A look of relief flashed across Kalin’s face. “Ah, okay. Whew. You had me worried there for a moment. Also, I did hear you whisper to your mom, uh, Liara, that you hadn’t come out yet after Annika’s showdown at your barbecue thing.”

  “Oh, okay. Yeah, sorry, I’m not sure why I freaked out. You’re like the fifth person I’ve told this month since I moved in, but I don’t know if I’m ready to come out yet. I want to, but I don’t know if I’m there yet, you know?”

  “I do,” Kalin said smiling. He swam closer and brushed his hand against Skyler’s. “If there’s anything I can do to help, I want to, Sky.”

  “Thanks.” He met Kalin’s hand with his own and squee
zed it. Skyler’s heart beat powerfully and his stomach felt light.

  Man, do I like you a lot. He smiled at Kalin.

  “You do realize, Skyler, that you are basically already out of the closet at school even though it hasn’t started yet. You can thank Annika for that. And of course, Cody. That kiss was hot! It kind of sealed the deal in people’s minds when you didn’t freak out about it.”

  Oh, right.

  “Well, there’s that, I guess. I hadn’t really thought about it as being a big announcement.” He winced as he remembered Annika’s nastiness and hurtful comments. “Why were you even hanging out with her? I don’t see how you could possibly want to.”

  “Sometimes she can be really nice. She’s been through plenty of struggles in her life. We’re sorta neighbors, but separated by a few houses.”


  “Seriously, I know she comes on strong sometimes.”

  “Comes on strong? She’s an absolute bitch, and the you’ll-do-my-bidding attitude doesn’t help her case.”

  Kalin looked toward land for a moment. “You’re right, she’s spoiled rotten and it’s because her family is loaded. But trust me, she’s been through the wringer.”

  “Like what?”

  “It’s really not my place to tell, you know? Let’s agree she should be the one to tell you her story, not me.”

  “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “You’re probably right. To be honest, I haven’t hung out with her since the barbecue. What she did was incredibly rude.”

  This isn’t exactly the fun conversation I want to have with you. I don’t need her ruining this moment when she’s not even here!

  “But you have to tell me, Sky, what was it like when Cody kissed you?”

  “Well, it was so fast, and I was so stunned, that I didn’t really get a chance to take it all in, but, his lips were soft. He didn’t tongue me or anything, he just, pressed his lips against mine.”

  “Wow. Not gonna lie, Cody’s one hot stud.”


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