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Incubus Makes Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 8

by Tiffany Dawn

  Dorian had tried to explain about demon masters and soul cleansing, but it was overwhelming. Of course, it may have been because he was so shocked about what he’d revealed of Shari’s feelings. Who cared about that weird shit when the girl he’d loved for so long was into him?

  Dorian had told him to stay, but he needed to spend some alone time thinking. They all did.

  He practically jogged the last leg to her little house. He leaned against the doorframe, knocking weakly and breathing heavy. He was in good shape, but the ninety-degree temperatures could suck the energy out of anyone. He pulled his shirt off and wiped his sweat drenched torso and forehead. He knocked again with more force anxious to see her.

  The paint cracked door opened to reveal Shari in a tank top and cutoffs. Her red hair was in a loose bun, tendrils teasing her neck. She looked so beautiful—her long legs on full display. He whipped his damp shirt over his shoulder, forcing his hands to be still. Shari broke the silence first. “Gabriel, I don’t…” She paused and he let all his bottled-up words flow out.

  “I know you said you needed time. We all do but I can’t wait any longer. Wondering what you want is killing me. Please, can we talk?” He fervently prayed she would let him in and end his misery. Shari nodded and stepped aside to let him in. The burst of air conditioning was heaven on earth. He entered the living area and leaned back against the cool wall.

  “I didn’t mean to keep anyone in suspense. I simply don’t know what to do. I have cared about you for a long time and felt terrible for those feelings. The idea that the feeling is mutual—that you want me too—is a lot to take in, that and the whole thing with Dorian. The thing we’ve both been involved in.” She stopped to swipe a loose hair out of her eyes.

  “I have been thinking of you for years now—and feeling like the biggest scumbag. Yesterday, you kissed me back. I want to be a good enough man for you. I want you to see that I am changing. Hell, I’ve changed.” He reached for her and was rewarded with her meeting him halfway. She tucked her head under his chin allowing him to fully embrace her, for a second.

  “Eww. You do need some more changing. You are totally sweaty. How about a shower?” Shari crinkled her nose but then smiled wide, taking the sting out of her teasing. She kissed his jaw and stepped back.

  “Maybe we both need a shower?” Gabriel questioned, pointing at the damp marks he’d left on her tank top.

  “Race you,” Shari dared.

  * * * *

  Shari didn’t even make it out of the living room before Gabriel overtook her. He threw her over his shoulder and bounded down the hall as if she weighed no more than a feather. He pushed the bathroom door open with his foot and put her down next to the walk-in shower. He adjusted the water temperature and slid her tank top and cutoffs off her before stripping out of his pants. She hopped into the steamy water, anxious to get her hands on the object of her affection.

  Gabriel stepped in, murmuring his approval at her nakedness. He was a sight to see. He ducked down to let one of the multiple showerheads soak his hair, running his hands through his long tresses and giving the wet strands a shake. Her mouth watered at the eyeful of gorgeous nude man standing before her. His well-muscled chest and arms flexed teasingly with his every motion. His tattoos screamed out sin in the flesh. He kissed her, pulling her slippery wet body next to his and ran her long red hair under the pulsing water.

  “Turn around,” he commanded.

  She was putty in this man’s hands. He measured out a dollop of shampoo and began massaging it into her scalp and working it through the ends. He grabbed a fluffy white washcloth and squirted a glob of body wash on it to gently clean her. He spent extra time washing her breasts, letting the soft cloth rub her now swollen nipples over and over. She leaned back into his chest and felt his erection prodding her butt cheek. She held her arms up over her head and wrapped them around his neck so that he could bend forward a bit and kiss her ear. He hummed softly against her cheek and resumed washing her with the soapy cloth. Soon he washed between her legs, grasping her leg behind the knee and guiding her foot to rest on a built-in pedestal in the shower wall. He slowly washed her, carefully parting her woman’s folds and rubbing the cloth in little circles over her clitoris. She felt his erection getting bigger, and her breathing hitched. This is what she’d dreamed about all these years.

  She was soaring on passion and adrenalin but wanted more. She wanted to touch him, stroke his…his everything.

  Gabriel rinsed the soap from her hair and guided her to the corner of the shower, seating her on the tub’s edge. He went on bended knee and carefully arranged her legs around his neck. She knew what he was going to do and couldn’t wait.

  Gabriel teased her with soft kisses all around her belly and thighs. He parted her folds again and laved her with long, slow strokes of his tongue. She tipped her head back against the cool tile and tried in vain to stay still. Her calves tightened up against his shoulders, and he chuckled and blew against her sex. He gave a slight pull to her legs, making her slide out a bit more, and she was left perched precariously on the edge, more off the ledge than on. He started to concentrate more on her clitoris, sucking and licking in swirls around the swollen nub. He dipped the pad of his thumb into her, and she let out a moan. He was matching the circling motions of his tongue on her with the strokes of his thumb in her. Shari didn’t know how much more she could take before she screamed.

  He added his index finger to his thumb and stretched her with the wedge of his two digits. Just when she got used to the different sensation, he pulled his index finger out, leaving her with just his rough thumb. She sulked a little bit from the loss of that sensation, but her disappointment was short-lived. He hauled her up and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “I need to study you and learn what you like.”

  “I’ll like everything you do. I’ve been thinking about this for years.” She sucked in a tight breath.

  He let out a low growl before plunging his shaft into her soaked slit. She bucked in his arms, rubbing her clit against his solid abs. He was supporting her with his hands on her cheeks keeping her spread wide. The water rinsed deliciously over their bodies. He slipped one pinky between her cheeks and stroked gently. So much stimulation had her hanging onto her sanity by a thread. She was outmaneuvered and couldn’t hold back any longer. Her orgasm started all the way in her belly, and it vibrated out in stronger and stronger waves. Once she was coming full-on, he slowed his thrusting and let out a jumbled repetition of her name over and over. “Shari, Shari, Shari. Fuck, I’m coming so hard in you.” He kept his eyes locked onto his all during his climax. It was the most intense feeling she’d ever experienced; the pulsing and contracting seemed to radiate throughout her body. He dipped his head to hers, brushing his lips gently across hers. They were coming back down to earth together and it was wonderful. Were those noises all coming from her? Was this what she’d been missing because her imagining hadn’t even come close—Oh crap, she couldn’t think straight.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed watching something more. You are so beautiful,” he said with a husky voice. “Loving you is worth anything.”

  She dropped her legs from his waist and tried to stand up. She slipped back into the shower wall. Her legs felt like they were made of Jell-O, and she feared falling on her face in front of him while trying to exit the shower. She was reprieved from an ungraceful departure as he moved her back under the hot spray. Gabriel chuckled and helped her up, pulling her languid body next to his.

  “Hmm. I feel the same. That was just so…so…”

  “I know.”

  If only one of them knew what to say to Dorian or even what they wanted to say to him.

  Chapter 16

  Sunlight streamed through the open curtains, pulling Shari from her slumber. She stretched languidly, her body no longer sore from making love with Gabriel so many times. She had dropped him off at his place after that last time—they both needed time to think. Unfortun
ately, a couple of nights of thinking had not gotten her any closer to a decision. She threw off the covers and padded to the bathroom.

  Shari took the longest shower of her life, carefully scrubbing every millimeter of her skin and trying not to think about how tingly her whole body felt. Dorian and Gabriel were both incredible as lovers, both caring, smart, and near perfect. She’d spent the other day with Gabriel yet was still thinking about Dorian. He made her body hum and her mind whirl, but he was right, she’d harbored feelings for Gabriel for too many years. Ugh.

  She slapped the water off and dried herself with her worn towel. She pulled her light robe on and slipped into a pair of light pink panties. She needed to feed her rescue kitten and check on Rocky. He wasn’t used to her not paying tons of attention to him and was giving her a bit of the cold kitty shoulder to demonstrate his angst.

  She crooned to the cats, ignoring her ringing cell phone for the fifth time. She just didn’t know what to say to either of them. Was she supposed to choose or was the plan for them to hash it out on her behalf? What if in the end they decided they wanted each other and she was totally out of the running? At each call, she was tempted to pick up and just cling to any acceptance from either one. Except she’d been a doormat before. Never again. Her heart was good, and she wasn’t going to be a plaything without a voice in all of this. There was so much to ponder it made her headache. Funny that she was more keyed up over which man to be with than their confessions of deviant behavior. Dorian was an incubus. Holy shit! Or could she even use that phrase? Was he just psychotic or could such things exist? There was something ethereal about the man and then some. And how did he know her most secret thoughts? WTF?

  Gabriel had been seduced by him—of course, so had she—but was it truly coincidental? Now that she thought about it again, it got her hot. Who cared if Dorian set it all in motion? It was something she’d longed for and then some. She was certifiable. Okay, she knew Gabriel had been up to stupid con games forever—heck, she’d had to bail him out of a few messes that he’d claimed were business deals! But what about Dorian? It sounded like crazy talk but…Oh fudge. There had just been something so intense the other day that she knew in her bones that all she had comfortably believed had been swept away. Dorian was immortal, her stepbrother wanted her and was trying to change, and she didn’t care how nuts it all seemed. She scooped cat food into a bowl, smiling like a loon over images of Dorian and Gabriel loving each other. My, how her life had turned upside down over the last weeks.

  Her doorbell rang. Which one of them had come calling? She opened her door to both men standing with fists at their sides and locked jaws.

  Dorian was the first to speak. “You haven’t been answering our calls. We were worried about you.”

  “Shari, we need to talk. We can’t just ignore all this,” Gabriel stated, opening his arms to the side as if this was the whole world.

  “I am fine—as you can both plainly see. I just need some time.” She pulled her robe tighter around her body.

  “At least let us in for a few minutes,” Dorian requested even while marching through her front door.

  Both men entered her tiny cottage, their large frames exaggerating the petite nature of her living room. Shari stood there, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip, her thoughts scattered.

  Dorian looked over to her and smiled ever so softly, emotion radiating from his beautiful silver-gray eyes. She moved toward him, all grace and lean muscle, and waited patiently for him to say something. She needed him to make sense out of this whole mess. “Shari, I think you want us both.” Her jaw dropped open. She’d expected some sort of speech about her choosing or a request for a time out. Not the bizarre statement he’d made. He further shocked her by bending his head to her and kissing her still-open mouth. She responded to his plundering tongue despite Gabriel’s presence a few feet away. She moaned into his mouth and sucked on his lip. What was wrong with her? She was no prude but making out in front of another man was a bit over the top. Especially a man she’d been intimate with a few days ago.

  He slid her robe off her shoulders and let it pool on the faded carpet. She pulled back, feeling self-conscious standing only in her underwear knowing two men were eyeing her every curve. She crossed her arms over her bared breasts.

  Gabriel walked toward her and slid a long finger down her bared belly. He tickled his fingers over her sensitive skin. He hooked his index finger into her panties, flipping them down to her ankles. He didn’t speak, but the hunger was plain in his eyes. He licked his thick lips and she squirmed. Could she really do this? She would be lying to herself if she didn’t acknowledge it had been a fantasy of hers to watch Gabriel and Dorian. She knew sex with each of them was mind-blowing.

  They seemed to be communicating wordlessly. Dorian tossed her discarded bathrobe onto the couch, and Gabriel assisted her in stepping out of her underwear. Each took one of her hands and walked her wordlessly to her bedroom, Gabriel guiding the way in the lead. Her heart rate picked up, and she obediently followed, anxious to know where all this would lead.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Dorian said, his husky voice calming her. “This is going to be incredible for all of us. We’ll be together. Gabriel kissing you, me sucking him, and you fucking us both.” Shari shivered, need already coursing through her body, moisture pooling between her legs. Just the coarse words Dorian had used to describe what they would do had her aching. She nodded her head. Once in the room, they quickly stripped with little ceremony. Her greedy eyes took in both of their bodies. They were of similar height and build. Dorian’s skin was a bit darker, a complexion that went well with his dark hair. Gabriel was paler and blond, his chest hair sprinkled lightly across slabs of muscle. His tattoos practically asked to be licked.

  “You’ll catch flies if you don’t close your mouth,” Gabriel teased her, reminding her that she’d been staring at two naked men, her mouth agape. “Then again… Parted lips could be quite helpful.” He stepped forward, gently tracing the line of her jaw before leaning in and taking her mouth in a deep kiss. He was very thorough; he licked around her lips and then massaged her tongue with his own before pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it suggestively. Her clit pulsed in response.

  Dorian came up behind her, touching his erection against her ass cheek, and wrapped his hands around her full breasts. As Gabriel kissed her, Dorian pinched and rolled her hard nipples and licked gently along her neck and shoulder. It was an incredible feeling. Two gorgeous men she had feelings for both rubbing their hard, thick cocks against her warm naked body. She longed to join with them both in her mouth at the same time but knew she wasn’t the one leading this scene.

  Dorian tilted her head aside, breaking the kiss with Gabriel. The men kept her in the middle of their bodies and kissed each other. It should be weird to watch her lovers make out with one another, but it was anything but. Shari was fascinated. Gabriel grabbed Dorian’s shoulders, tightening their bodies together, and kissed him again and again, letting out petite groans of pleasure. Shari angled herself just a little bit over, so that she could take hold of both men’s cocks. She took one in each hand cupping them up and down. A feeling of power emanated through her. Gabriel bucked his hips, pushing his dick against her palm and groaned.

  “I need to taste both of you,” Dorian demanded, his rippled physique easily moving the threesome over to her bed. He directed Shari to lie down on her back and spread her thighs apart as if he was arranging a tableau.

  “Gabriel, I want to see your cock between her succulent lips and I need you to be able to see me licking her beautiful pussy.” Gabriel did as he was bid, adjusting his knees on the bed to the side of Shari’s head. His cock dropped just a hair away from her parted lips his beautiful face facing her toes. She extended her tongue and licked a drop of pre-cum from his crown. One taste was all the encouragement Gabriel needed to push his cock into her mouth and thrust. It was big and tasty, and she was thrilled. After she traced her tongue around his enti
re shaft, he sucked in a breath and pushed himself to the back of her throat. She heard the two men kissing and felt Dorian slide down her body. He began to lick and nibble between her thighs. Gabriel supported his weight with one hand on her upper thigh, the other bracing her left shoulder. Dorian held her other thigh up, pulling her wider than she’d ever been.

  “Look at how wet her slit already is. Watch how quickly I can make her come just with my tongue.” Dorian’s voice was low with excitement. “Just hold her legs nice and wide for me. I want her to know she has to take every drop of pleasure we give her.” Dorian slid one long finger into her dripping pussy and resumed laving her clit. She couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her lips. Gabriel pumped faster into her mouth. Dorian added another finger stretching her and sucking at her swollen clit faster and faster. She tilted her head a bit to see past Gabriel’s hip and his cock sliding in and out of her mouth. She wanted to buck her hips, but Gabriel was keeping her thighs forced apart. She was spread wide and pinned heavily to the mattress. It was the sweetest of tortures.

  Dorian paused his licking to speak. “Bend down and finish her off with your tongue. I want to watch her juices dripping from your mouth.” Shari ached for the loss of Dorian’s tongue on her and wanted to cry out in disappointment. Before she could utter her complaints, Gabriel adjusted his position and took over licking her slit with long downward strokes. Oh my. She wouldn’t be able to take much more of their attention without screaming out her release. Dorian continued his finger play stretching and teasing her cunt. “Isn’t she the sweetest puss you’ve ever tasted?”

  “Take your fingers out. I need to tongue her hole,” Gabriel commanded roughly. Dorian slid his hand from her, and she felt Gabriel’s tongue pushing into her, thrusting, and then sliding back out to lave at her nub again. He repeated the thrusts and long strokes over her clit, her body forced open and the mental imagery too much for her to take. Her orgasm built quickly before rushing through her in pounding waves that shattered her. A high keening noise emanated from her like the sounds of a wild animal. Gabriel kept up his attentions until every last shuddering vibration shook through her. She was ready to beg for him to stop the pleasure; it was too much for her body to take. Gabriel pulled his mouth away from her at the same time he removed his cock from between her trembling lips. She whimpered over the loss of such a delicious dick but was quickly rewarded by the sight of two men kissing. She glowed knowing her flavor was on both their tongues. She used her elbows to prop herself up, so she could better watch their passion. Her eyes widened as Dorian trailed kisses down Gabriel’s jaw and neck before licking his brown nipples. Gabriel groaned, grabbing for Dorian’s hair and pushing his head down even farther. In a second, Dorian was on his knees taking Gabriel’s cock deep into his mouth.


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