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Incubus Makes Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 9

by Tiffany Dawn

  Shari couldn’t stop her fingers from drifting down between her legs. She stroked her still glistening wet lips with her fingers. Dorian glanced over at her, his eyes glowing with heat. With a loud pop, he released Gabriel’s cock and pushed him back down onto the bed next to her. It was main event time and she couldn’t wait.

  Dorian shook his dark hair out of his face and gave her a devilish smile. “Do you have any condoms?” he asked while dropping kisses up Gabriel’s body.

  “Umm, yeah, in my nightstand.” She rolled over to pull the drawer open and extracted the unopened box, handing them to Dorian.

  “Perfect.” He tore into the box and ripped the foil, neatly slipping the ring down Gabriel’s still-hard shaft. “Baby, you’re going to ride him and I will be right behind you. I can’t wait to feel you come with both of us inside of you.”

  “Oh shit,” Gabriel murmured, echoing Shari’s thoughts exactly. Dorian must have understood her rigid silence.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take it nice and slow. You are going to feel pleasure you’ve never dreamed of,” he assured her, rubbing her thigh and helping her straddle Gabriel. He carefully lowered her onto his erection, spreading her lips and gasping as if it was his cock she was dropping onto. She slid down every scrumptious inch, reveling in the stretching fullness of his thick shaft. Dorian eased himself behind her. She heard him squirt some lube onto his fingers. She could feel his hands fondling Gabriel’s heavy testicles under her bouncing rump. Gabriel’s jaw clenched, and he let out a stream of profanities. “Oh fuck me, oh shit, that’s gonna make me come too fast.” He clutched at her hips to slow her gyrations. Dorian laughed and began rubbing his lubed fingers against her rosebud, slowly stretching her tightened hole. She fought to keep her rhythm on Gabriel steady but kept dropping her ass back a bit to take in more of Dorian’s sinful finger play. Her nails scored Gabriel’s thick chest, ripping across his nipples and sending a hissed out curse from his lips. She couldn’t help herself. Dorian was pushing the crown of his thick cock into her from behind, and the strain of accepting him while already stretched wide with Gabriel’s thrusting member felt like too much. She let out a small shriek and tried to wiggle away from the second intrusion. It would be too much; these guys would tear her in two. Dorian reached around her and began stroking her clit, matching the thrusts of Gabriel. Suddenly, she wasn’t sure if she could hold on long enough for Dorian to enter her. He pushed against her tight bud, forcing himself in and letting the slick lube spread around. The sting of her tight muscles stretching was pain and pleasure combined. He inched his way in, and his balls slapped against her ass cheeks. She could feel both men’s cocks rubbing inside her and knew that they could also feel each other through her thin perineum walls.

  Gabriel was the first to admit to the phenomenon. “I feel you. It’s like I am fucking you both at the same time. Oh shit, I’m not gonna last much longer.” He thrust more forcefully into Shari, dragging a moan out of both her and Dorian. Dorian picked up his pace, matching Gabriel’s rhythm and pinched at her nipples. She felt her body climbing, desperate to come again. The whole encounter was beyond even her darkest fantasies.

  Dorian’s husky voice was scripting the scene. “Come for us, Shari, let yourself fall.” Gabriel bucked in her, his warm cum spurting inside the condom, setting both her and Dorian off on their own release. Dorian pulled out of her, spraying warm semen onto her back as she arched up, calling out, “I’m coming on both of you. I can’t stop. Oh God!” She dropped onto Gabriel’s chest, enjoying the way his arm wrapped around her. Dorian stretched out beside them, tracing his fingers up and down her back.

  Each was lost in their own postcoital glow, catching their breath. Shari dropped a kiss to Gabriel’s chest, enjoying the way he squeezed her into a tighter embrace.

  Dorian leaned up on his elbow. “So what’s next?”

  Shari picked her face up enough to look at him incredulously. “You want more, now? I can barely move.” Her whole body was sore in a magically tingly way that she would cherish for the rest of her life. If this were the only time she ever got to feel the passions of two sexy men determined to please her, then she would hold onto every precious moment of it.

  “I meant, what’s next for us? Do you two want to choose or do I get to keep you both?” Dorian’s voice had dropped to a whisper as if he feared their answer. He darted his eyes back and forth, and he clenched his fist at his side. Could this mean there was a chance they could go on together, all of them? Perhaps she wouldn’t have to choose. Is that what she wanted? Hell yes!

  “I still need to get my shit together, but if you and Shari can be patient with me while I figure stuff out…” Gabriel left the rest unspoken, poking at Shari’s side. “What about you, baby? How would you feel being with a ne’er-do-well and a somewhat reformed incubus?”

  “Hmm. There would have to be some rules and you need to go totally legit, about everything.” She considered rolling off of Gabriel’s chest so she could look at both of their expectant faces. They looked like two kids denied a promised ice-cream treat.

  “What sort of rules?” Dorian inquired, raising one of his beautiful brows.

  “Well, you couldn’t feed off of any more souls for one.” She paused, not sure how to word or even what she truly wanted to say next. “And we need to decide if we are only allowed to be all together or if pairs of us could, you know…” Her face heated. How could she be embarrassed to talk about what they had all just done? What were some words compared to the intimacies they’d shared? Gabriel laughed at her sudden shyness, but Dorian’s expression hardened. Uh Oh. Happy humans, cranky incubus.

  Dorian climbed off the bed, wrapping himself in the sheet. “I don’t know if I can promise what you want. I am an incubus, and I owe the masters one more dark soul.” He ran his hand through his thick hair and left the room without another word.

  Chapter 17

  He had only traveled to the dimension of demons to deliver the darkness, never to beg for an audience. He was beyond unsure of his reception. He waited in the vacuous hall, pacing up and down. As he reached the end, he would stop to note some fine detail on the marble sculptures that peopled the room’s border and then resume his pacing. This last stop afforded him the chance to discern the snakes slithering out of a lifeless gray apple that the statue held. The demons enjoyed irony. After what seemed hours, a minion opened the heavy steel doors and bid him to enter the chamber. Several masters sat at the imposing table, their forms menacingly covered in dark robes. It seemed a bit melodramatic, but he supposed that after existing on the darkness of the human psyche for so many eons, that they deserved their eccentricities.

  “Dorian Black, what brings you to our humble hall? You still have one more mortal to feed from so you cannot expect payment,” the old master spoke, the sound echoing around and blasting into Dorian’s mind.

  “I need to plead for the soul of a mortal. He is not the dark being I had thought and feeding from him would be an atrocity. He is just a misguided young man who is loved by a pure-hearted woman. I must beg for mercy and to bargain for a soul earned through another,” Dorian spoke clearly but was trembling inside. He’d never asked the demon masters for anything. He had always delivered the dark souls they’d assigned him and bided his time until freedom came. Despite his fear, he had to at least try. These last days had shown him how much he cared for Shari and Gabriel. He had been born of a mortal woman so he knew a soul could be earned. He just didn’t realize how long it would take and at what price. Was he really willing to give up something he’d worked so long for? Hell yes.

  “If you had to feed us one of their souls, who would you choose to sacrifice?” a lower level but still high-ranking demon asked, dropping his hood and cocking his head to the side in interest.

  “I would offer the soul I have been trying to earn in exchange. I love them both and can’t bear hurting either of them.” He bowed, dropping his arms wide in submission.

  “So after nearly a th
ousand years of slavery to us, you would give up the one thing you have coveted? For the lives of two mortals, lives that you know could end in an unexpected instant? You would risk making this sacrifice to spend your days with humans—a span of time that is but a second in our immortality!” the elder spoke, his words laced with shock. He slapped the massive table with a bony gray hand. “Now this is worth being pulled from our respite.” A few of the others chuckled dryly.

  “Please, my lord demons. I have never sensed the soul of someone so pure or felt love for another to the point of wanting to spare them any and all pain. I love this woman. I lust for the man she loves and know that we could all be happy together. I would care for them and believe they will care for me in turn. Is that not the gift of a soul? To be capable of true love, self-sacrifice, to have a special light in this whole dark universe?” He dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

  “Bravo, Dorian Black.” The elder master clapped his claw like hands together mockingly. “You have provided us with high entertainment on this day. But you are a fool. Not for wanting to sacrifice for humanity but for not realizing that you already have that what you seek. No being can be given a soul; it must be nurtured and grown over time. It takes experience, thoughts, and deeds to develop. You have had your own soul from the day you were born half incubus and half human. It was small and insignificant, but over the years as you lived, learned, and strived, it grew. It shines so bright now that it almost blinds us. We will never have a soul but yours is ever enlarging. Its once faint flickering light went supernova once you let love, compassion, and mercy into your heart. Enjoy your time with the humans. We will plague you no more but mark this, time on earth is brief, so make yours count and cherish every day of your mortality.” The elder stood from his chair and bowed his head in dismissal.

  Dorian backed his way out of the chamber, afraid to spoil the moment. He was free. Free to love and live, and he would gladly take the pittance of time Shari and Gabriel would have with him. He would push his fears of losing them to their human frailties out of his consciousness. At long last, he had a soul to share.

  Chapter 18

  She woke to a softly snoring Gabriel and no Dorian. Without getting up to look around, she knew he had left the house. Where was Dorian? He’d practically ran out of her house the other night only to then frantically call insisting that she and Gabriel come over to his beach house. She hadn’t been sure if he was going paranormal crazy or was just weirded out over what they had all done. Once they arrived, though, Dorian was all grace and smoldering sensuality. They’d made love again before falling to sleep in Dorian’s king-size bed.

  She stuck her foot out from under the sheets, glad that the comforter had been thrown off the bed during their activities. She’d certainly been cozy sleeping between the two men, even with Dorian’s glacial-like air conditioning blowing through the room. She clenched her thighs together and ignored the very tempting hard-on Gabriel was cuddling against her. They still hadn’t sat down to have a talk about how this whole “arrangement” might work. Dorian and Gabriel had diverted all her attempts to talk things out with their super sexpertise.

  Gabriel nuzzled against her fully awake. “I can’t believe I’m ready again. After last night, I should be incapable of sex for a week.” He kissed her shoulder, his hands already roaming down her hip.

  “Hmmm. That feels good but maybe we should wait for Dorian.”

  “Then I hope he gets back from his meeting soon,” Gabriel said with a pout.

  “What meeting? Do you know where he went?” she asked.

  “He left at dawn, saying he wanted to renegotiate a contract and that we were to rest up for him.” Gabriel winked in amusement.

  “So what about us? I mean, what do you think we should do?” She rolled over to look fully into his sexy face.

  “I’ve been thinking about that and here it is straight up. I’m in love with you; I have been for years. I’m at the very least in lust with Dorian and I love what we have together. I want this to work but all of us have to agree.”

  “I think I feel the same way. I know I’m in love with you and I think I love Dorian, too. What a mess. What if he doesn’t feel the same way about us?” She worried her bottom lip.

  “But he does. He very much does,” Dorian spoke from the open doorway, his deep tone startling them both. “I can’t picture my new mortal life without both of you in it.” He strode toward the bed, his gray suit and tie so at odds with his carnal intent. With a flick of his wrist, he pulled the sheet off of them and drank in the sight of Shari and Gabriel’s tangled limbs. “Who wants to play?”


  Six Months Later

  Gabriel clicked the chart button on his Excel spreadsheet and shook his head. The projections just weren’t looking right. He needed Dorian to take another look at his numbers. Something was off. He glanced out the office door, smiling at the sight of Shari playing with the boxer puppy in the great room. She rolled a plastic ball toward Dempsey only to have him pounce on it and nudge it back her way. Dorian looked on with a whimsical expression. He hated to interrupt their play but was lost in the task Dorian had set him to.

  “Dor, could you come double-check this—I can’t see why you think this is a good investment,” he called out the open door. He watched Dorian rise and couldn’t help the smile of appreciation that crossed his lips. Dorian was masculine grace personified and Shari’s beauty just fueled his passions. He loved them both, wanted them both, and couldn’t imagine his life without either in it. They’d been living at Dorian’s beach house for months now. Shari was sending out applications for veterinary colleges, and he was putting his former con artist skills to use in the legitimate business world under Dorian’s tutelage.

  “What’s the problem? I think Cantrek Industries works out to a solid investment,” Dorian spoke over his shoulder, looking down at the monitor.

  “The P and L statements aren’t adding up and I am worried they have leveraged too much of their assets,” Gabriel explained.

  “That had been what made them vulnerable, but I see what you mean. Good catch, Gabriel. We need to do some more research on Cantrek before investing.” Dorian squeezed his shoulder. “Enough work for now. We have a beautiful woman who is on edge waiting to hear back from schools, and we should be doing everything in our combined powers to distract her anxious mind.” He smiled sensually at him.

  “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.” Gabriel closed the file and rose. Thoughts of the three of them intimately together again already had him hard. He pulled his shirt off, enjoying the look of hunger that crossed Dorian’s face. He loved how much his body turned both his partners on.

  The best thing about being in a three-way with an incubus was his incredible ability to read body language. Dorian could sense what they each wanted, and he never failed to deliver, whether it was a particular phrase or an act that one of them hungered for. Oh, they had a lot to still work out. He knew Dorian would never age and someday Shari might want a more traditional relationship with children of her own. But for now, what they had was indescribable.




  Tiffany Dawn grew up reading the romance greats—Jackie Collins, Julie Garwood, and Judith McNaught. She was certain that life should be like a romance novel, with lots of passion, some incredible adventures, and a guaranteed happily ever after. She attended college in New England, earning a B.A. in History and an M.S. in Clinical Psychology before changing her mind again and studying education. Currently Ms. Dawn lives in Connecticut with her very patient husband and two young children. Her rambunctious family shares their home with three crazy cats and a darling golden retriever named Delilah. Her eccentric relatives and their quest to make her feel like the only normal nut in the family tree inspire her writing.

  Visit her at She loves to hear from readers!

nbsp; For all titles by Tiffany Dawn, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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