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Past Forgiven

Page 7

by Jesse Lorenzo

  A snort slipped out with her added comment. This man would be just as heart-stopping as a dumpster diving hobo who hadn’t shaved in a decade. He came out of the womb breathtaking. Gulping around the dry knot that’d formed in her throat, Adelle wrapped her arms around his neck like she’d always done and placed a careful kiss on his stubbly cheek. When he reached out to embrace her, Adelle took a swift step back, creating a painful distance.

  A moment of awkwardness passed between the anxious pair as they stood staring, not sure what to do next. Seeing her this uncomfortable actually made Gavin more at ease. She felt their powerful connection, too. Years had passed since that one night when Adelle had cast aside all her doubts and insecurities. She had been bold, daring, sexy, and alluring.

  Gavin would stop at nothing until that girl was back in his arms. Tilting his head to the side, he gave her a suggestive wink. Adelle averted her gaze, trying to find a new subject to switch to. Pointing to his bags, she went with it.

  “What you brought is perfectly fine, Gav. You didnae have to bring anything ’t all.”

  “Aye, but I wanted to, lass. Shall we go then?” Grabbing hold of Adelle’s elbow, Gavin led her out of the room, down the rickety old stairs, and around the front of the bar.

  The pair were greeted with a roomful of curious eyes. Adelle met Ellora’s immediately as her wide smile and excited expression pulled her gaze to the other end of the bar. Ellora wiggling her brows and made kissy fish lips while Behr winked.

  Ugh, I hate them so much right now.

  Patrick grabbed his mug and lumbered over to the pair, traveling his serious eyes up and down the couple.

  “Aye, lad it’s ‘bout time you grab ‘hold yer balls n’ take ‘er out. Treat ‘er good, Gavin. There’s most likely a long line ‘o lads waitin’ in the wings for ya to screw this up.”

  Lifting the rather large frosted mug to his lips, Patrick pulled in the brew, still eyeballing Gavin in silent warning. Adelle smiled at the crass old man and nodded in approval of his fatherly warning.

  “Get outta m’ way, ya ‘ol goat. Your stench is masking the perfume of m’ date ‘ere.”

  Lachlan could be heard giving his sound advice a few stools down. “Treat ‘er like a lady. No matter the situation, treat ‘er as if she were precious treasure in your hands.”

  Adelle mouthed ‘thank you’ to her second family as Gavin guided her toward the exit, grumbling the whole way at all the unwanted attention. Ellora scooted off the stool she’d occupied, made her way around Behr’s large frame, and dashed over to her best friend.

  Wrapping her arms around her neck, Ellora whispered low in Adelle’s ear, “Just let go, Ellie. Give him a chance. Gavin’s been with no one else, waiting for a chance to be with you. Don’t fight the pull.” Ellora kissed her blushing cheek then placed one on Gavin’s.

  “Have fun, guys. Bring me back some ribs.”

  Adelle laughed as Ellora licked her chops, making a rather unladylike slurping noise. The bell chimed on the Pub door as it closed behind them. Now met with the quiet hum of the harbor lamp posts and the tranquil rolling of the tide waves as it gently splashed against the pier, Adelle felt incredibly nervous. Being with Gavin like this, without the comfort of her loud and rowdy friends around her, made this moment feel all too intimate.

  Her heart raced inside her chest, and her stomach was filled with fluttering butterflies. Adelle pulled in a deep cleansing breath, blowing it all out along with her nerves, fears, and doubts.

  Stop being such a neurotic ninny, El. It’s just Gavin. Get yourself together and have fun like you always do.

  Gavin opened up the passenger door and helped Adelle into his Land Rover, shutting the door carefully. Adelle watched in the side mirror as Gavin jogged around the back to the driver’s side.

  Just make it to the BBQ El. Everything will be okay.

  Gavin hopped into his seat, glanced his heart-stopping sky blue eyes over at her, and she could’ve sworn her heart stuttered right there. The look he’d hit her with stole away her breath. Gavin had a lot of power behind them… his secret weapon when wooing the ladies.

  “Ready to go, Ellie?” His deep scratchy voice did funny things to her. Averting her eyes out the windshield, she tried her best to sound unaffected and carefree—two things she most definitely was not.

  “Aye, aye, captain. Onward and upward.”

  Ugh, please shut up, El.

  Gavin chuckled dryly at her goofy statement.

  “Do you even know how cute you are, lass?”

  Adelle sat silently as heat filled her cheeks.

  “A’right, Casanova, take me to m’ Daddy’s.”

  Reaching across the center console, Gavin wrapped his strong hands around hers and placed a genuine kiss on the back of her hand. “You got it, lass.”

  He lowered their entwined hands on the armrest.

  “How is your da’ doin’? With you gone, I’ve lost touch with your family. How’re your brothers?”

  Thankful for the topic that meant so much to her, Adelle dove into the men who she loved the most in this world.

  “My da’ has become a bit of a shut-in, keeping mostly to himself. He stays busy with the day-to-day chores and housework that helps to fill the long hours.”

  Adelle paused for a moment; the thought of her father in that small house all alone brought a wave of guilt and sadness to her heart.

  “He never remarried. I guess he couldnae get over Ma’ leavin’ like she did.” If Adelle ever came face-to-face with that woman, she wouldn’t hold back from slapping the wits out of her.

  “My oldest brother, Bryson, is married with kids of his own. Tyson is ever the happy bachelor, charming women all over Scotland. Lindon is finishing his residency at St. George’s University, and we expect he’ll be working alongside Lachlan when he’s ready. He is engaged last I heard. Then there’s the youngest of my older brothers, Trenton. Aye, he’s of a moody temper just like Behr used to be. You’re gonna have t’ watch your arse around him. He’s very overprotective of his lil’ sis. In fact, they’re all goin’ to probably give you a hard time. I’ve nae brought a man home before. I hope you’re up for the challenge.”

  Adele shot a naughty wink at him, scrunched up her nose, and stuck her tongue out teasingly.

  “Oh, Ellie, you donnae know this man t’all do ya? I’ll take on the world for you. You’re worth it.”

  Gavin’s gaze smoldered, holding her captive with the strength of his desire for her. He didn’t even try to hold it back. The temperature rose inside the cabin to a stifling degree, making it hard for either of them to breathe.

  Adelle lowered her window and sighed when the fresh harbor scent flooded the car, cooling down her elevated passion for the man responsible, sitting only six inches from her. Gavin watched as the breeze blew her strawberry locks around her like an exotic dance, tempting him to reach out and touch the silky strands.

  She fanned her face with her hands, turning her decadent chocolate eyes on him. This man was turning her to jelly.

  “Why, Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?” Gavin hardly got the sentence out before Adelle slapped him a few times.

  “Mrs. Robinson was a great deal older, hardly the correct analogy ya ass.”

  This was easy for both of them… their banter and teasing back and forth is what they were good at. It’s what they’d always done. The Land Rover pulled up the unpaved driveway to a one-story homely looking house. Their banter had put them both at ease.

  Gavin exited the driver’s side and approached Adelle with a skip in his step. He helped her down, catching her off guard when he grasped hold of her hand and laced his fingers through hers like it was something he’d always done… like they were an established couple. They walked around the house to the aging faded white fence guarding the backyard.

  The charred aroma of grilled meat filled the air around them. Unhooking the latch with her free hand, Adelle’s stomach growled, signaling to anyone within earshot
that she was hungry. Her dad cooked the best BBQ and she was salivating already.

  The collective laughter from the rowdy men out back grew louder as they rounded the house. Once in plain view, her brothers couldn’t get to their baby sister fast enough. Tyson flew at her first.

  “There she is! ‘Bout time you show that pretty face of yours ‘round ‘ere.” With exuberant energy, he plowed into Adelle, lifting her off the ground and flinging her around in circles.

  “Aye! Tyson, put me down. ‘Ave you lost your mind?”

  Tyson put her down on solid ground carefully and pressed a loving kiss on her forehead. “It’s good to see you, Ellie.”

  Gavin felt invisible standing in the background watching their loving, sibling display. Adelle glanced over her shoulder as if she could hear his thoughts, took two steps back, and then laid claim to his waiting hand once again. The usually cocky Scott sucked in a breath as she pulled him to her.

  “Tye, I brought Gavin Graham. You remember him, don’t ya? We used to live next door to his family on the pier.”

  Gulping down the growing knot that formed in his throat, Gavin looked on as her much larger older brother finally noticed his presence. A loud whistle escaped Tye’s lips, signaling his oblivious brothers.

  “Lads, your baby sister is ‘ere… with another man.”

  Gavin paled as the rest of her burly older brothers narrowed their murderous gazes on their target, dropped what they were doing, and stalked over to where they stood on the patio. Sidling up on either side of Tyson was Lindon to his left and Trenton to his right. Like soldiers in an army gearing up for battle, they stood tall, united in brotherly concern, with arms crossed over their chests in an intimidating fashion.

  Lindon cleared his voice and addressed his little sister. “Adelle? What sort of man is it that you brought to Da’s family BBQ?”

  Tyson spoke up to confirm what he’d already learned.

  “Why, brother, this is little Gavin Graham, all grown up.”

  Trenton, youngest of the brothers and the most hot-headed of the brood, gritted his teeth when he spotted their united hands.

  “Gavin Graham, the Portree Playboy? Nae, not that Gavin. He’d know better than to show up at this house holdin’ my baby sister’s hand.”

  Adelle’s face burned bright with embarrassment as they strategically encroached in their personal space like a pack of snarling dogs. Rolling her eyes dramatically, she stood to her full height with her head held high and came to Gavin’s defense.

  “Bloody hell, guys, back off. Yes, I brought him ‘ere… with me. If you donnae like it, then we’ll just leave… together.” Lifting a challenging brow, she stared them all down, each and every menacing brother that glared back at her. She had thrown down the gauntlet, and they all knew their feisty little sister wasn’t one to bluff.

  That’s when her father made his way through the testosterone-fueled mob, parting them like the Red Sea, to get to his only daughter. That was the only time Adelle dropped Gavin’s hand, and he totally understood. The giggling girl ran into her da’s open arms and hugged him tightly.

  “Oh, daddy. I’ve missed you so much. I’m so sorry I didnae come sooner. I’m the worst daughter in Skye.”

  She nuzzled into his shoulder, enjoying the comfort he always offered.

  “Shh, darlin’, you’re a busy woman now, that I am sure. I’m just glad you’re ‘ere with us now.” He gently rocked her back and forth like he had always done, kissing the top of her head.

  “Daddy, I brought a guest. Gavin Graham. I hope that’s a’right.”

  Shifting his gaze over to where Gavin stood, stock still, he smirked and nodded his greeting. “Hey, son. You’re runnin’ your da’s terminal these days, yeah?”

  “Yes, sir. The boat terminal has really grown these last few years. I’m proud to take over the family business.”

  “Aye, it has. Good for you, lad.” His salt and pepper brows knit together in blatant curiosity as he studied Gavin. Whatever was on his mind, he’d refrained from expressing, which put off his brothers. They expected their dad to disapprove of their sister’s choice in men. Especially this man… known for breaking the hearts of women all over Skye. But, instead, he turned on his heel and lumbered over to the impressive outdoor grill.

  “Who’s hungry for some beef kabobs, ribs, and patties?”

  Trenton stalked over to Gavin, pointed an accusing finger at his chest, and threatened, like any good brother would, “Listen ‘ere, lad, ya hurt my baby sis and I’ll paint the town red with your spilt blood. Treat her right. You break ‘er heart, I break your neck. Understand?” Without waiting for an answer, he turned and aimed for the chip tray.

  Adelle whipped her head around and glanced up at Gavin. Their eyes locked and spoke a language all their own. Drawing in a collective breath, the pair blew it out in a huff of relief.

  “Well, that went down better than I expected.”

  Gavin belted out a long and loud laugh that shook his lean frame. “You expected worse than that, lass?”

  Adelle winked at the handsome man standing beside her. “Aye, I thought they’d kill ya altogether an’ hide the body in our backyard.”

  “I’m relieved they didn’t follow through with that plan. I know how much you like this temple. It’d be of no use to you damaged, now would it?” Adelle slapped him playfully, happy that her overbearing brothers hadn’t scared him off.

  “What say you, lass…?” Gavin glanced at a tray of appetizers suggestively, then dragged his gaze back over to her, wiggling his eyebrows. “How ‘bout I feed m’ Queen.”

  Adelle smirked devilishly at her irresistible escort and nodded. “Aye, that sounds like exactly what this Queen needs… special attention from her King.”

  A dark shadow cast down on the day-dreaming couple, blocking out the sun as her brothers circled around the pair, breaking their spell. “Come ‘ere, sis.” Lindon pulled her into a headlock and proceeded to mess up her hair with a series of embarrassing and unstoppable noogies.

  Ugh. Brothers.

  “Where’s Bryson?” Adelle questioned, looking for her calm older brother in the backyard and failing to see him around.

  “Ah, he had to stay home, lil sis. The little ones caught the bug. He’s elbow deep in vomit n’ messy nappies.” He couldn’t help but laugh, imagining his household as a tornado of sickness. “Said he’d come next weekend, so you’d better make an appearance.”

  “Aye, I will. I’m ‘ere to stay.”

  Adelle was giving her eyeballs a pretty good work out today. This had to be the hundredth time she’d rolled them since arriving at this BBQ. Gavin was getting assaulted by three sets of death glares that her brothers were throwing at him every chance they got, even as their mouths were stuffed with food. The tension and testosterone overload were undeniable as they surrounded her on all sides.

  Snickering, Adelle leaned over to her left, whispering to her oblivious father, “Ugh! Why couldn’t you have made at least one of them a girl? Ode t’ Man is an overpowering stench when they’re like this. The testosterone overload is choking the air out o’ my lungs. I’m not a little girl anymore.”

  Lowering his hand to hers, Adelle’s father patted it tenderly. “No matter how old ya’ get, you’ll always be their baby sister.” Grasping hold of her hand, he raised it to his beard-lined lips and placed a precious kiss on the back of her palm. “You’ll always be my baby girl, Ellie. No matter what. I love ya.”

  Adelle’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she gazed into his kind eyes. Her heart ached as his loneliness stared back at her. She cursed herself for being away so long. Choking on the burn of sadness that coated the back of her throat, she professed her vow.

  “Daddy, I’m goin’ to be ‘ere a lot more now. I transferred to the primary school in town. It’s a permanent position. I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’m sorry I didnae come to visit ya’ for some time. I…”

  “Don’t ya’ be apologizing t’ me, young lady. I�
��m a grown man, nae a handicapped, decrepit ol’ fool. I’m proud o’ ya’, lass. So proud. Aye, but it will brighten my days to see ya ’round ‘ere more.”

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  “So what’s the deal with you n’ the Graham boy? Is it serious?”

  Adelle sputtered at the speed in which he’d changed the subject, catching her off guard. “Behr and Gavin have always been my friends. Aye, they’re some o’ the only ones I had growing up.”

  His salt and peppered brow lifted at her avoidance of the second half of his question.

  “No, Da’, it’s nae serious. We’re just hangin’ out. That’s all.” She was totally lying, and like always, her dad saw right through her performance.

  “Does he want to be more serious with ya’?”

  Deciding to be honest, Adelle confessed, “Yes, I think he does. But, he’s been nothin’ but a gentleman despite my apprehensive and often stand-offish attitude toward taking things to the next level. I think I’m scared of changing things… I like how we are right now.”

  Kissing her forehead, her dad hit the feisty redhead with a youthful smirk. “Aye. But, if you donnae take the leap, you’ll nae know if you’ve missed somethin’ that could’ve possibly been your destiny. If you let it pass ya by without a fightin’ chance, you’ll regret it for the rest o’ your life. Jump in, Ellie. Take that leap.”

  Loud voices pulled them out of their private father/daughter bubble. Her brothers were in a heated battle, with Gavin defending himself from the Faulkner Clan.

  “One game, pretty boy, that’s all we ask,” Lindon taunted.

  “Yeah, c’mon, Graham… Show your little girlfriend what you’re made of.” Tyson shoved Gavin’s shoulder as he backed away toward the open expanse, motioning for him to follow.

  Adelle placed her hands on her hips. “Now, boys, we came to eat BBQ, nae t’ beat up on ma’ date.” She decided to teach them all a lesson and give them a taste of their own medicine. The feisty girl stole a glance at Gavin and winked suggestively, silently queuing him to play along. She faltered when his eyes smoldered at the promise in her action. A triumphant smile snaked its way across his face, his eyes dilating when he caught her blushing.


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