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Past Forgiven

Page 8

by Jesse Lorenzo

  Feeling emboldened, Adelle strutted over to the stunning man who looked as though he would devour her right then and there, not caring who was around. Leaning into him, she caught his intoxicating scent that always drove her crazy, as his cologne wrapped around her like an intimate embrace. The masculine aroma invaded her senses and her ability to think clearly. With every deep breath in, her head spun at a dizzying pace.

  “Go get ‘em, Gav. Give ‘em hell. They’re big, but you’re quick on your feet.” Laying her soft hands over his chest, Adelle stood on tiptoes and kissed him. She meant to kiss his cheek for good luck, but with the heady pull from his cologne and irresistible eyes that bore into her, she ended up pressing her lips to his. Gavin groaned quietly, clenching her sides in a tight hold, trying his best to hold back.

  “You’re killing me, lass. Your father n’ brothers are watching.”

  A deep growl caught their attention. Turning their heads, they saw her hot-headed brother Trenton. His face reddened with each passing second that they hadn’t let go. His hands clenched in tight fists at his rigid side.

  “Take your bloody hands of m’ sister or I’ll ‘ave ya’ swallowin’ your teeth, ya bastard.”

  Adelle turned to try to pacify her overprotective brother. “Lighten up, T. Go an’ play with your balls.” Sticking out her tongue, she turned to make sure Gavin wasn’t hightailing it outta there.

  Geez, m’ brothers are going to ruin any chance I ’ave at having a decent social life.

  There was no hint of malice, anger, or apprehensive awkwardness coming from him. Instead, the beautiful man standing before her looked at her with calm adoration. Her high-spirited brother, Tyson, slapped Gavin on the back. “C’mon, let’s see what ya got. I promise we’ll go easy on him, baby sis.”

  “Aye, speak for yourself, Tye,” Trenton gritted out. Lindon stretched behind the group, readying for their backyard rugby match.

  Gavin glanced back to the owner of his beating heart and struck her with an irresistible smirk. Still thinking about the unexpected kiss she’d surprised him with, his eyes flashed with hope. She was letting go, letting her guard down. She was letting him in.

  Adelle watched in awe as he brought his arms up over his head; every muscle corded and flexed as if dancing to the rhythm of her pounding heart. He reached behind him, fisting a handful of fabric, and pulled his t-shirt over his head. Gavin Graham was fit to be a model, he was so beautiful.

  The feisty redhead stubbornly tried to keep her wandering eyes on anything other than his bare chest… and failed miserably. Gavin had an athletic, flawlessly toned physique, which made every woman who was lucky enough to get an eye full, drool and fawn over.

  Adelle snapped out of her lustful trance when Gavin’s deep husky voice reached her. “Hold this for me, lass. I’ve got a game t’ win.” The man she was ogling tossed his shirt at her and winked.

  “Um, oh… okay.”

  Ugh. Great response, Ellie. How very eloquent of you.

  Adelle took charge of his discarded shirt, risking another quick glance at Gavin’s chest. As if reading her mind, he winked playfully. The strawberry-haired girl had to resist wiping her mouth. This was the Gavin who’d had her drooling all over his feet in high school.

  “Kick their asses, and I’ll have a celebratory kiss waiting for my handsome victor.”

  Holy shit! Where the hell did that come from? For the love of God, Ellie, keep your fool’s mouth shut.’

  Gavin’s grin widened into a full-blown devilish smile that showed his perfectly straight, white teeth and gave one sound nod. Without a word, the statuesque man back-stepped to the area where her brothers waited to throw him a vicious beating. Once his back was turned, Adelle brought the crisp, clean white t-shirt up and inhaled his lingering scent.

  Ellie, this man has you acting like a crazy groupie.

  One thing was for sure, she was going to have to do a better job of keeping her wits about her if she was going to be hanging around him so much.


  Upstate New York

  The awkward tension between Susan and Dominick was so thick you could’ve cut it with a knife. Her sleep, or lack thereof, was restless as she tossed and turned, unable to get the things he’d said the night before out of her mind. To say she was a little bitter about it would be an understatement. Susan was pissed. Pissed at Dominick, and pissed at herself for showing him how much she truly wanted him.

  They did their best, dodging each other in the tight space of the eat-in kitchen. But the caretaker in her blurted out before she could stop herself, “Would you like a cup of coffee, Dominick?” She pinched her eyes closed, mentally cursing herself for being the first one to talk. After all, she’d vowed never to speak to him again after last night’s embarrassing encounter.

  Risking a sideways glance in his direction, she couldn’t help but smirk. He looked to be in even more of a rough state this morning than she did. Good. Serves him right.

  Still bare-chested, he ran both hands over his face and through his out of control hair. “Oh, yes, I’d kill for some of your coffee, Susan. Thanks.” She handed him a large mug filled to the brim, and they had a brief moment where their eyes locked.

  “You’re welcome, Detective.” Dominick cringed at her formal tone. He’d really fucked up. He sank down into his chair and savored the hot coffee, willing it to wake him up. Alex came into the room with his otherworldly eyes cast down, clutching a red ball in his hands.

  “Hey, buddy. Good morning.” Susan kissed the top of his head and pointed at his chair at the table. “Eat your breakfast first, then we can go out and play, okay?” Alex began grunting angrily, shaking his head and raising the ball. “I know you want to play, but you have to eat something first. Sit down and I’ll get your Cocoa Pebbles.” Alex shook his head frantically, making it clear that he didn’t want to eat.

  The weary look that passed over Susan’s already tired expression pulled at Dominick’s heart. She had so much on her plate, and never since the time he’d arrived had she ever complained. Not once.

  Deciding to try to help, he addressed the boy. “You’ve got Cocoa Pebbles here? That is my all-time favorite. We better eat our cereal. I want to go outside, too.” Susan whipped her head around and watched as Dominick successfully captured Alex’s attention.

  He remembered seeing the superhero bowls in the cabinet the day before, and he continued trying to get the boy to sit down. “Hey, Susan, do you have any Batman or Spiderman Bowls? I can’t eat cereal without them.”

  Alex squealed with delight, clapping his hands.

  Susan winked at Dominick. “Sure do.” She brought over two bowls and the cereal.

  Alex inched his way over to the table with curiosity, trying to get a glimpse of the bowls. “Hmm, which one should I choose, buddy?” Dominick held up both superhero bowls in front of Alex and waited patiently. Alex jumped up and down with excitement and quickly snatched the Spiderman bowl, his favorite, and sat down next to Dominick.

  Susan clutched her mug close and watched with a full heart as Dominick poured the Pebbles into Alex’s bowl and then his own. The kind way he interacted with her little brother melted away any anger she harbored toward the man.

  Dominick raised his spoon. “Let’s see who can eat the fastest. I bet I’ll be able to go outside first.”

  Alex imitated him, giggling uncontrollably at the new game.

  “Ready, set, GO!”

  Susan peered over her hot coffee, stifling a giggle as she watched them demolish their cereal, splashing milk all over the table. It warmed her heart to see Alex interacting with Dominick in this way. He had a way with her little brother unlike anyone else in his life ever had. In that moment, Susan fell in love with Dominick all over again.

  Susan walked Alex out the door and into the backyard after they finished breakfast and cleaned up. His bright red kickball was tucked securely under one arm. Dominick followed close behind the pair. The detective was extremely frustrated wi
th the precautions, or lack thereof, being done by the FBI agents in charge.

  They’d picked up Susan’s mother early this morning to transport her to a secure location. Susan was upset that they’d be separated, but Denarius assured her it would be for the best… for now. They still hadn’t lined up a secure location for Susan and Alex yet, and that pissed him off. They were dragging their feet, and it was only a matter of time before Dalton made his move.

  There was no way he was going to stand by and watch while something happened to this girl by the hands of a deranged asshole like Dalton. Not like he’d done to Vicky, the nurse at the hospital who’d helped him out with Ellora two years ago. She lay in a coma, all because she was trying to help… just as Susan had tried to do in order to break free from his prison.

  No fucking way. Over his dead body would he let that happen again. From now on, wherever Susan went… he would be by her side. No exceptions.

  Dominick stood back, taking in the pleasant sight of Susan kicking around the ball with Alex, laughing. She never once let on around him that she was anything but happy. This girl was something else. Her selfless, brave nature called out to Dominick’s protective instincts. He couldn’t help but think of how different life would be if Susan was his. His to hold, his to love, his forever.

  He’d feel better about moving forward with her if he was positive that she was safe, free to move forward with her life, free from running, and free from hiding. That thought brought a small smile to his brooding expression.

  Dominick decided right then and there that he wasn’t going to sit around and wait for someone else’s plan to protect them. Unsatisfied with all their half-assed attempts and last minute decisions, the headstrong detective would take matters into his own hands. Again.

  Strolling up beside Susan, Dominick couldn’t help but notice that she seemed to feel his approach. Ever so slightly, she shifted her body, leaning into him. Hungry eyes roved over her curvaceous body from behind.

  He cleared his throat from the knot that’d formed, lusting after the woman he couldn’t have… yet.

  “Listen, sweetheart. Starting tomorrow, I’m going to teach you the ins and outs on handling a firearm. If something should happen, I’d feel a lot more confident knowing you could protect yourself and your little brother.”

  Susan’s waves bounced over her shoulder as her head whipped back to search Dominick’s eyes. Her terrified expression left a guilty ache inside his chest.

  “Are… are you leaving me… us?” The broken sound of her voice as it cracked on the last word tore at him from the inside out, twisting his gut. But, in an odd way, it left a glimmer of hope in its wake. She wanted him to stay. Even if her reasons were out of fear, at least that was a start. Perhaps someday soon she would want him.

  “No, Suzie Q, I’m not leaving, but I’d be a little less crazy and anxious if you knew how to shoot.”

  The look of apprehension in handling a dangerous weapon for the first time, and unsure nervousness at the thought of possibly having to use it in real life, was made obvious by her trembling body and frantic expression.

  Dominick skimmed his knuckles across her paling cheeks, attempting to reassure her. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be able to take my Glock apart and put it back together again with your eyes closed.”

  The mischievous and flirty glint was back in her crystal eyes as she searched his face, her eyes landing on his mouth. The path her heated gaze took left a burning sensation behind, arousing a deep-seated need inside of him.

  Susan’s close study stirred something carnal within him. He was moments away from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her inside to show her exactly what that look did to him.

  He had to stay in control here. Get your shit together, Dom. He mentally shook himself from those thoughts. Not only was he much older than her, but his job was supposed to be protecting Susan and her brother, not lusting after her like a sex-crazed teenager.

  Tamping down his overwhelming desire for her, the detective lifted a serious brow, keeping his mouth shut for fear of saying something that would spark her interest even further.

  Unable to stop herself, Susan turned into him, stepped forward, and didn’t stop until they were standing chest to chest. With challenging boldness behind her eyes, she lowered her gaze to the holster attached to his thick leather belt. It hung precariously low on his narrow waist, reminding her of how his boxer briefs hung low the night before.

  Dominick’s head warred with his overwhelming need for this girl. On one hand, he felt as though this flirtation between them was headed to heartbreak, since no relationship had ever lasted with him, and it would be wise to take a step back—to put a stop to it. But on the other hand, Susan was everything he’d ever desired in a woman, and he wanted nothing more than to explore their mutual affection to see where it took them.

  She was so close. Her arousing scent wafted all around him, invading his senses. He nearly gave in to his need to grab hold of Susan and taste her lips.

  His heart won this time. Refusing to step back, Dominick’s feet remained firmly planted on the mossy ground. Desperately clinging to his dwindling self-control, the detective followed her hungry gaze to his belt. Tilting her head to the side, curious fingers ran along the intimidating weapon on his side with a feather light touch.

  Her vulnerability brought out the dominant inside of him. Clenching his fists tight, Dominick’s eyes dilated with the overwhelming need that grew the longer her body stood pressed against his. This girl was killing him. An ice-cold shower was going to be next on his agenda.

  Susan studied the metal object hanging on his hip. Guns had always scared her. But the thought of Dominick close by her side, instructing her every step of the way, felt oddly erotic. God, it really had been a long time since she’d had been with a man. This detective had her acting like a sex-crazed teenager.

  It didn’t escape Susan’s attention when Dominick stiffened, holding his breath as her fingertips wandered across his duty belt. The thought that her touch might possibly affect him in the same way he always managed to affect her was empowering.

  “I’m ready and eager for your extensive instruction on my technique, Detective Antonelli.” Where in the hell did that voice come from? Holy shit, she sounded like one of those sex kittens from the late-night 1-800 numbers.

  An unbelievably sexy smirk curled up the side of his irritable mouth. No longer standing like a guard on duty, his cocky confidence was back in full force and he was now fully relaxed.

  “You think you’re ready to handle what I’m going to throw at you, Susie Q?

  Loving this side of his personality, Susan raised her head from his weapon, switching her attention to meet his eyes. The look Susan struck him with knocked him sideways.

  “Oh, Dominick…” Running her hands up his torso, she laid them to rest on his solid chest. “I promise I can handle anything you have for me.”

  Chills ran down the man’s spine. His heart stopped dead in his chest, right below the place her hands rested. The compulsion to prove her wrong was powerful. Dominick wanted her so badly in this moment, and the more he practiced restraint, the more powerful the urge was to pull her body to his and take her… in every way he’d dreamed of.

  Grasping her chin, Dominick lowered his heated gaze only inches from her face. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, sweetheart.”

  Alex gave it one last try and kicked the ball as hard as he could, sending it flying into the air. The boy was proud of himself, jumping up and down as it soared high into the sky. It landed way out into the back field toward a row of overgrown bushes.

  Proud of his kick, Alex sprinted over to where it landed and dropped down on his knees to retrieve it. With small hands on either side, he reached into the dense brush and tugged, confused when the toy wouldn’t budge. A cold chill ran down the boy’s spine when he heard a twig snap behind the ball. Alex froze in his crouching position once he realized that another pair
of hands gripped the ball.

  “You really shouldn’t run off like that…” The eerie voice left the frozen boy trembling, too afraid to move. Maybe if I stay perfectly still I won’t be seen. The stranger suddenly relinquished his tight grip on the ball, causing the boy to fall backward. Shocked, Alex lifted his head, wanting to glance at who had his ball. Once his hesitant eyes landed on the owner of the eerie voice, Alex regretted the decision.

  The thing that crouched inside the thick, dense brush, hidden by their shadows, was worse than any nightmare he’d ever had. Alex’s mouth dropped open to scream, but nothing came out. He just stared with wide, terrified eyes at the real-life boogeyman.

  The boy was face-to-face with a deep, black hole where an eye should’ve been. Two deep slashes crisscrossed over the monster’s face. The skin was haphazardly stitched, puckering the red, angry looking flesh together. The other was badly marred with healing scars.

  This couldn’t be real. He was in his bed, having a nightmare. Alex pinched his eyes shut tight, hoping the boogeyman would disappear when he opened them again.

  “Someone could snatch you from your safe home, and something terrible could happen to you.” The sneering voice was hissing right by his ear.

  Alex jumped up, startled by the boogeyman’s close proximity, and ran as fast as his clumsy legs could carry him. Screaming at the top of his lungs, tears streamed down his pale face.

  Dalton watched as the boy ran back to his oblivious sister while screaming incoherently. He’d been watching them from a distance for a while. The time for revenge was drawing near; he would get his hands on the backstabbing bitch soon enough. At first, Dalton was discouraged when the detective showed up at her doorstep, but thankfully, they seemed to be a big distraction to one another.

  That would work to his benefit. Dominick would make a mistake, and Dalton would be there waiting when it happened. Just one fuck-up, that’s all he needed.


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