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Past Forgiven

Page 9

by Jesse Lorenzo

  CNY maximum security Psychiatric Center:

  Mental Health correctional facility

  Eva paced the bland concrete holding room, waiting anxiously for Giddeon to arrive. The days they spent away from each other were agonizing. In a few days, he would go before the review board to discuss the possibility of early release. Eva prayed every day for that. She wanted to be at liberty to hold him in her arms, kiss his lips, and wrap herself around him whenever she felt like it without the prying eyes of others holding them back.

  This sentence was a test to see how strong their relationship was, and after all this time, they’d definitely passed with flying colors. Now, she was more than ready to take the next step with him… outside of the correctional walls that separated them.

  Giddeon was escorted inside the opened door to the holding room, and there stood his Angel, deep in thought. Her teeth abused the nail beds on her beautiful hands as she bit them absentmindedly. His approach was stealthy in his silent trek toward the unsuspecting woman he loved. His angel was so cute when she thought no one was looking.

  Snaking his arms around her waist, Giddeon pulled her to him, as close as their bodies would allow. “Mmm, that looks delicious. Mind if I have a taste?” he ground out with that irresistibly raspy voice that Eva loved so much. It vibrated against her neck as he nuzzled into her. Eva reveled in the coarse prickles of his overgrown stubble as it abraded the sensitive skin along her neck. She smiled broadly, presenting her hand to her mighty destroyer, calling his bluff.

  Giddeon growled with need for his Angel. Without pause, he took the proffered digit into his mouth and sucked hungrily, like a starving man’s last meal. He moved on to each and every fingertip, giving each one his attention. A breathless laugh escaped her parted lips.

  “Oh, Giddeon, I want you so bad… but, but…”

  Her tormentor laughed softly. His wanton angel had forgotten what it was she was saying once his tongue began teasing the finger inside his mouth.

  Deciding to be a good boy, he released her from his tight hold. They had a lot to go over today. Unwilling to completely let her go, Giddeon kept his arms wrapped around her waist. Her back remained pressed firmly against his front as he guided them over to the table.

  “What’s on the agenda today, counselor?”

  Eva reached for the paper left out for their meeting, fanning herself as she spoke. “Um, woo, give me a sec.” She giggled softly as Giddeon sat next to her, staring at his favorite prey and enjoying her struggle to get serious… and stay that way. His marked-up hand swept her golden locks away from her face and over her shoulder, the rough pad of his thumb skimming over the growing flush painted across her cheeks.

  “If they are going to grant you early release, the board will only do so if you have a place to live that they approve of, a job lined up, and transportation to get you there. Your probation will still stand, requiring you to continue your therapy and anger management counseling. If you convince them, they’ll grant your release.”

  Giddeon nibbled on the skin just below her ear, and as he breathed her scent deep into his lungs, murmured, “Mmm, I love the way your lips pucker as you say release.

  Eva’s melodic laugh was music to his ears. She awoke in him the need to become a better man—a worthy man, deserving of such an Angel. “I gave Dominick a call to see if he had any recommendations on a decent apartment or halfway house, but he insisted that I stay there with him until I get myself on my feet.”

  Eva perked up at this news. “Oh, that’s great news. They will surely think favorably of that arrangement. It’s not easy to get into trouble while living with a law enforcement officer. I’ll send him the agreement papers to sign so you’ll have them to present at the hearing.”

  “Yeah, but I haven't a fucking clue what I’ll do for work. I’ve never had a job before… well, not a legal one anyway.” He flashed a devious grin at his beautiful Angel as she lifted a disapproving brow at his attempt at humor.

  “You’re adorable when you’re annoyed. Your nose scrunches up and your eyes get all squinty.” Eva laughed, slapping him hard on the chest, and Giddeon’s smile widened with each strike.

  “Lucky for you, I’ve been searching the want ads and circled a dozen or so that I think you might like.”

  Giddeon scanned over the brightly circled ads scattered over the paper. One, in particular, caught his eye.


  Coaches for the local Power Fitness and youth MMA program.

  Helping underprivileged kids get off the street, learn respect,

  discipline, and the ins and outs of Boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai,

  and Jiu-Jitsu. Applicants must have a basic knowledge (former

  training a plus). Will teach proper techniques on site. Decent wage and

  the bonus of knowing you’re making a difference in the lives of

  these kids. Call (511) 121-9411 and ask for Ethan.

  Giddeon thought back on how much he’d loved going to the gym with his father when he was still alive. There was no other job in this world that fit him more than this one. He couldn’t change what happened to him, but he could try to be there for these kids, just as his father would’ve been there for him. Maybe he could help steer them on a different path. Maybe their lives would be different than his had turned out.

  He could be their mentor, their guiding hand, and the strength a young kid could look up to. Most importantly, he could stand in their corner and have their backs when no one else would. Looking up at Eva, Giddeon saw her bright, hopeful smile and shimmering eyes with evidence of unshed tears glistening back at him.

  “I love you, Eva. I wish I had a way with words so that I could explain how much you mean to me. You came into my darkest nightmare… pulled me up out of the dark to walk in the light with you. You breathed life back into my dead heart and found something inside me to love that I didn’t even know existed anymore. Thank you for loving me, Angel.”

  Eva wiped a stray tear, cradled his face in her hands, and pressed her lips to his, whispering in between kisses, “It sounds better coming from your own mouth with your own words. I love you, Giddeon, and I’ll always be here for you. I told you once before… You’re stuck with me now. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Giddeon enveloped her curvy frame with his strong arms. “I think you know me better than I do, counselor.”

  Eva nipped at his lower lip, teasing him. “I’m a very good listener. And, you’re kinda hot so I can’t help but pay attention to what comes out of those irresistible lips of yours. I’ve hung on your every word for the last year.”

  Giddeon growled at her teasing tone, loving how her body vibrated against his as her laughter tremored through her.

  “I’ll call this number as soon as we’ve finished our session, Angel.” Running his hands through his hair once again, Giddeon peered up at her through his thick curtain of eyelashes. “I’m actually looking forward to this. It’s something I would've already been doing if my father was still alive. It’s strange… Never mind.” Giddeon broke his eye contact, casting his eyes downward.

  Eva wagged her finger at him. “Oh, no you don’t. What were you thinking just then? What were you about to say?” Knowing full well that this feisty woman would never let the subject drop and had her own way of getting whatever information she wanted out of him, he relented.

  “It’s strange. I feel like this position is already mine. That this is all lining up for me, like it’s all supposed to happen. I haven’t felt my father’s presence around me or inside here…” Giddeon pointed at his heart and Eva’s heart constricted, “…since before his death. But I feel him there now and I won’t screw up this time. I won't let them down, Eva. I won't let you down.”

  Eva wrapped her arms around his neck, silencing him with her soft caressing kisses before he had a chance to let his sorrow pull him under… again. “I know they are as proud of you as I am, Giddeon.”

  Deciding to change the subject, Eva smirked flirt
atiously. “So do I get to see you in a tight pair of shorts, shirtless, and dripping with sweat while working the bag?”

  Giddeon roared out, his laugh vibrating through his chest. Pulling Eva onto his lap, he caught her off guard. “I’ll work you over, little tease.” Dipping his head down, he attacked her neck, nipping at it playfully.

  “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, Giddeon.” Cupping his chin, Eva lifted it so she could see his eyes. “And I look forward to spending every moment exploring it with you.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Angel. Let’s get me out of this shithole first, okay.”

  Eva grinned at him. “You better behave yourself until then. You hear me? Don’t make me kick your ass all over this hospital because I will.”

  “I might enjoy that, Counselor.”

  Adelle and Gavin:

  “Ouch! Damn it, woman! Go easy on me, will ya?”

  Adelle took great care in removing the bits of grass and dirt that’d embedded themselves in the deep scrapes and open cuts all over his body. Evidence of his sound ass kicking. After forty-five minutes of intense abuse by her overprotective brothers, she’d thankfully called it quits. Gavin would never admit it, but he’d silently thanked God for her intervention, even though his lips voiced mock-disappointment right alongside her protesting brothers. Now, Gavin sat at her father’s kitchen table, wincing at every drag of the gauze and sting of the antiseptic as Adelle swiped it across the angry wounds.

  Adelle couldn’t stop snickering at Gavin’s expense. Her brothers put him through the ringer. She had to admit she was surprised that they seemed to hold back… a little… and only gave her date a good beating instead of killing him outright.

  “Hold still, ya wee baby. I ‘ave to clean out your cuts or you’ll get a nasty infection. You shouldnae ‘ave done this. You had t’ ’ave known that they’d throw you a vicious beating.”

  Gavin peered down at her and hit her with the powerful force of his gaze. His expressive eyes effectively shut her up; she couldn’t speak… couldn’t breathe when he was this close, giving her that look. His unspoken devotion to her was hard to ignore. Lifting his bruised and dirt-encrusted arm, Gavin cradled her face with his hands in the most intimate way, skimming his thumb along her cheek. He looked over every blessed inch of her face with longing.

  “Oh, my sweet lil’ Ellie, I will always fight for you. Don’t you know that by now?”

  Adelle felt the inevitable blush stain her cheeks. Struck dumb, she had absolutely nothing to say after his genuine declaration. Her heart skipped a beat at his words. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad giving him a chance. Focusing on her task, Adelle went to work once again on his cuts, leaving his weighty proclamation unanswered. It echoed in her ears over and over.

  She sat nestled in between his grass-stained pants, concentrating on her task while avoiding his bare chest that was on proud display.

  “Hold still. The peroxide will sting a bit.”

  Gavin hissed as the disinfectant grazed his open cuts, thankful for the sting. It kept his mind off of the Siren he was madly in love with who sat between his legs, almost taunting him. She always seemed so close, yet just out of his grasp. Instead, he focused on the sting. Gavin knew taking part in the Rugby challenge was incredibly stupid and a guaranteed loss, but knew that it would gain their respect… If only by a small fraction. It was worth it. Adelle was worth it.

  “There now, that should do it. Aye, I think you’ll live. We should get you back to your house and get you out of these muddy, ripped clothes…” Adelle stopped short at Gavin’s rough-throated cackle, then realized how her suggestion sounded.

  Ugh, he’s such a guy.

  “Shut your trap, ya ass. You know what I meant. Don’t make me call my brothers back in ‘ere.”

  Gavin nearly choked on his laugh, frantically shaking his head and waving his arms in defeat. “No! Truce. I surrender. Have mercy on me. Yes, we better be off before they come up with another brilliant plan to better destroy this body.”

  “Aye, pretty boy, let’s spare your temple any more damage. It’d be a travesty on all of humanity.” Without thinking twice about the consequences, Adelle leaned into Gavin’s body and brushed her lips tenderly against his for an intimate kiss, before rising from her seat.

  Gavin clenched his teeth and counted to twenty before releasing his tightened grip. Her kiss nearly brought him to his knees. It was all he could do not to pull her into his bare arms and take her, right there in her father’s kitchen. To hell with everyone else. If only she knew how much her touch affected him. Since her return, he had become a master at tamping down the powerful arousal he felt whenever she was near. What he wouldn’t give to be able to let go of all the restraints keeping his desire at bay, to let go of his control and allow himself to be completely consumed by Adelle. No regrets.

  He longed for that day to come to pass. That thought brought on a new wave of eagerness to get them back to his place, to be alone with her. Gavin rose with new purpose, grasping hold of her delicate hand and lacing his fingers through hers. “Aye, lass, I’m ready. Come with me. Let’s go.”

  “Let me say my goodbyes before we’re off,” Adelle stuttered, clearly feeling the sudden mood change and the weighty shift in the simmering sexual tension as it escalated between them. She felt awkward, getting Gavin’s meaning and very clear intent. His closeness and bare-chested physique only magnified her nerves. He had been around the block… and then some. She had no idea how to please a man like Gavin Graham. After all, he was her first and only kiss. Adelle was inexperienced and way out of his league.

  “I’ll come with ya’ n’ say my thanks for the BBQ… and the fantastic beating.” His lame attempt at a joke brought that beautiful smile back on her gorgeous face, easing her obvious discomfort. He had made her nervous. Hell, for the first time in his life, he was nervous, too. Gavin sure as hell didn’t want to fuck anything up with her.

  Adelle gave each brother a hug and kiss, each passing her along to the next male in line like an assembly line at a factory.

  Once Gavin was within earshot, but still far enough from Adelle, Trenton, the more serious of her brothers, growled, “If you hurt my baby sister… in any way… I will tear you apart and scatter you along Lach Leathan for the gulls to feast on. Do we have an understanding, Graham?”

  Gavin nodded stiffly, gulping the threat down his dry throat and bristling at the hostile tone. With his signature cocky arrogance, Gavin did his best to cover his irritation and winked at her brother. “Hurt feelings equals gull food… gotcha, boss.” Gavin smirked as Trenton sneered at him, then turned his back on him to address Adelle’s father.

  “Thank you for the barbecue and great company, Mr. Faulkner. I appreciate the invite.”

  The two men shook hands respectively. Leaning in, Adelle’s father offered up his advice, “It was the lass ‘ere who did the invitin’. Aye, she may not show it, but she really likes you, Graham… always has. Even if she won’t admit it to herself, she wants to be with you just as much as you do her, I’d wager. Donnae let her fool ya, lad. She’s but a stubborn mule. A bit of gentle coaxing should do the job. Be patient with her, and she’ll come to her senses soon enough. Mark my words, boy.”

  That confirmation and, in a sense, permission from her father brought life back into his spirit, renewing his vow to win her over. “Thank you, sir. I will wait for her… Whenever she’s ready, I’ll be there waiting.”

  Nodding, her father clapped him on the back. “There’s a good lad!”

  Now in a rush to get out of there, Gavin jogged down the path to his Land Rover, craving some time alone with his crimson beauty. Adelle followed his lead, clutching his arm and giggling playfully.

  “C’mon, lass, let’s go n’ take my clothes off.” Laughing, as Adelle slapped him in rapid succession, she groaned in exacerbation. Soon enough, he’d have her locked in his arms, and nothing would take her away from him this time.

  Adelle felt nerv
ous the entire trip back to Gavin’s. It didn’t help that he drove shirtless after refusing to put on his shirt, not willing to soil it with the dirt that coated his skin. One arm rested on the top of the steering wheel, while the other took claim of her tightly clenched hand. His thumb rubbed back and forth across her shaking hand.

  “Do I make you nervous, lass?”

  Adelle abandoned her view from the passenger window and found Gavin gazing at her with a mischievous smirk plastered across his face.


  “No. Why’d ya ask?”

  Lifting up a challenging brow, Gavin cast a skeptical glance at his trembling goddess. He brought her hand to his lips and pressed them tenderly to her soft skin. Adelle’s heart skipped a beat when his mouth skimmed across her palm then continued his seduction with several more open-mouthed kisses down her arm.

  A soft moan escaped her lips and she clamped her mouth shut at hearing the betraying sound. Yanking her hand away from Gavin’s pleasurable torture, she fisted them in her lap.

  “I know ya feel this…” Gavin motioned between the two of them. “Just as strongly as I do. I’ve felt it ever since that night several years back and every moment since. Why’re ya fightin’ this so hard, lass?”

  Adelle couldn’t look him in the eyes. If she did, she knew her resolve would melt away. He’s the only man she’d ever dreamed of having. But she still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that he wanted her. Really wanted her. Gavin could have any girl he chose… and did. He’d never given Adelle the time of day in high school, when she was teased and ridiculed about her frizzy, Ronald McDonald cotton ball, out of control hair.

  She was too smart for her own good, and her feisty, stubborn persona didn’t win her any friends. It didn't help that she was raised by a house full of rowdy boys because her flighty mother had left. On the last night Adelle was in Portree before she headed off to college, she was gifted a head to toe show-stopping makeover. It truly had been an astonishing transformation.


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