Book Read Free


Page 166

by E. K. Blair

  “Well, remind me never to watch movies here.” I fake a scoff. “I mean, how would I see it on that teeny tiny thing?”

  He gives me a smirk but doesn’t shoot back a retort.

  The long hall holds several doors he doesn’t open and leads to an open foyer with marble flooring. There stands the largest floating staircase I’ve ever seen, and to the left, a dining area hosting an enormous mahogany table with about twenty chairs. To the right is a sunken den that houses a beautiful grand piano, which makes me wonder if Dane plays.

  In the corner is a set of French doors that I’m sure lead to the backyard. While it’s all beautiful and immaculate, it feels cold. Sterile. I didn’t see a single picture. There’re no worn out recliners where dads watch the game, no throws on the couch, and no catch-all spot with papers and’s not a home; the word mausoleum comes to mind.

  Dane leads us up the stairs and to the left to show me a full gym, like ‘please fill out this application for your membership’ full gym. There’s at least one of any piece of equipment you could name, most of which I can’t, and that’s saying something, since I’m a freaking athlete. The walls are solid mirrors with speakers along the ceiling intermittently and oh, of course, a small bar in the corner...why, sure. It’s the sleekest gym I’ve ever seen, but it would intimidate the hell out of me with all those mirrors.

  “Wow” is all I can think to say.

  He just laughs and pulls me out and further down the the place I’d like to be buried. It’s the biggest and best home theater in the whole wide world! I can’t help the gasp that escapes me; it’s fabulous. There are four rows of seats, which are big and fluffy, not hard-backed and stiff, with headphones and cup holders. The screen itself is massive and oh my God, the room is the perfect temperature- I can feel my toes! The whole right wall is shelves lined with movies, and I can’t decide whether to cry or get down on my knees and pay homage. I guess he sees the look in my eyes.

  “I figured you’d like this. Just imagine Disney in here.” He smirks at me. He read my mind. He starts to pull me by the hand to continue the tour and I dig in my heels and beg to stay in here, to which he laughs, “come on, you can come back any time you want.”

  I am so holding him to that. I’m kinda in a daze now and after some twists and turns, I see a number of bedrooms that I barely register. They’re all luxurious if not plain with their own bathrooms and huge tubs, but that’s all I remember. Until we finally arrive in the one he tells me is his.

  His room isn’t representative of how I think of him at all. It’s barren and bleak with lots of black, white and gray. The only noteworthy thing about it is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in my life, with large posts in dark wood, facing a fireplace. There’s a balcony that he takes me out to, and from it, you can look down into his backyard paradise...which belongs on MTV. There’s a waterfall, a cave, a rock slide and an in-pool bar with a TV above it. Now, how the hell does that happen in water? And how is the water a deep sapphire blue rather than normal pool blue?

  “And there you have it,” I say and he laughs under his breath.

  “To the left over there, you can’t see right now, are basketball and tennis courts. No softball field though...yet.” He bumps my shoulder with his playfully.

  “Dane, this place is, well, it’s overwhelming. I can’t believe you l-live here,” I stutter shamelessly. This is the part where I’m supposed to act all composed and unimpressed I’m sure, but he had me at the home theater. This place is paradise and I’m flabbergasted.

  “I sleep here sometimes, yeah, not a lot of living goes on here, though. It’s just a lot of space.” He answers me with sadness; a sorrow that reminds me I’m not the only one with issues in my life. “So you want me to show you to a room? I know you have school tomorrow, you should probably get to bed.” He turns to lead me back in the house.

  “Seriously, Dane, you can just take me back. I’m sure Tate’s gone by now, I’ll be fine. I just lost it for a minute. I’m not going postal or anything, I promise.” I offer him a sheepish smile. “As embarrassed as I am, it actually felt pretty good to get it out for once.”

  “I get it, Laney, I promise. Everyone hits their breaking point once in a while. Don’t you dare be embarrassed, okay?” He lifts my chin and catches my eyes with is. “How about this? If you’re not too tired, let’s grab a glass of wine and chill in the grotto; we can talk some more. Sound good?”

  I know I can’t fall asleep right now, and talking to Dane somehow puts me at ease. He’s got this soothing effect about him, like he could solve anything that came his way, effortlessly.

  “Yeah, that sounds real good right about now.” I take a deep breath and feel even more of the tension leave my body.

  He leads me back down the stairs and through the doors that do in fact lead to the backyard. Walking down the cutest little pathway, with in-ground lights and a beautiful floral border, we come to a pool house that could easily be someone’s apartment.

  “In that room,” he says, pointing, “should be plenty of bathing suit options. Pick whatever you like, there’s a bathroom to change in. I’ll meet you in the pool.” And with that, he turns to leave.

  With a moment to myself, I stop to make sense of my thoughts. Dane is lonely, and comforting, and rich...I mean rich. So why does Tate live in a dorm? How far is this place from school? Why am I selecting from bikinis on a school night? Why is Dane so nice to me? Why do I trust a guy who keeps a bikini selection on hand for his guests?

  I don’t know the answer to a single one of those things, and at the moment, I don’t care. The soft sounds of music drift from somewhere as I slip on the beautiful green bikini I’ve selected, praising myself for not being behind on lady upkeep. I try to ignore the price tag I remove, but fail; the price is obscene. I feel strange but alive as I walk out towards the pool, like I’m in an alternate universe. Laney Jo Walker doesn’t do late night swims with sexy, soothing young millionaires—I am sooo out of my element right now.

  Chapter Twenty-Four



  “There you are, I thought I was gonna have to come look for you,” I say as I hand her a glass of wine and take a drink of my own. “I see you found something that fits; looks good.”

  I take her in from head to toe, suppressing the growl trying to escape. Laney stands shyly before me; arms wrapped low around her stomach, in a bikini. Her stance and the trepidation in her eyes floor me. How in the hell is this girl so unaware of her affect? The moonlight and slight glow from the pool give me just enough light to brazenly look my fill. She is without a doubt the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen.

  Her dark blonde hair will no doubt look brown when she gets it wet. Her kind eyes are almost hazel in the daylight, but at night, or when she’s hiding a feeling from me, they turn a deep, rich brown. Her lips are plump and she wets them when she’s nervous or stalling before speaking; just a quick little dart of her tongue.

  Gawking lower, I can’t help but smile as I see what will forever be my favorite part of her, one little freckle on her chest, perfectly in the middle, right above her new North Star. Barely covered now by green material, I see her breasts are ample and perfect. My fingertips itch to graze across them.

  She knows I’m looking, her nipples harden and poke against her suit and she moves her sculpted arms higher to cover her tell. I love her modesty. Once she’s mine, I know she’ll never let anyone else see or touch what belongs to me. I’ll bet anything she’s a virgin and as caveman as it may be, it brings out every territorial feeling possible within me.

  Her stomach is flat, but has a womanly curve to it, along with her hips; she has the perfect mix of athletic tone and downiness. Those legs, they seem to go on forever, and they, too, show she plays some ball. I lift my eyes to hers and twirl one finger in the air, telling her to turn around for me, and she does.

  “Slowly,” I grunt. Fuck me, I knew her ass was nice, clothes don’t hide that, b
ut my dick didn’t go hard looking at it until now. It’s high and tight, perfection. I’ve always been an ass man, but now I’m a Laney Man; damn she’s hot. I have to admit to myself, though; I honestly like her just as much in her princess jammies. Absolutely adorable.

  I walk up to her back and place one hand softly on her shoulder, enjoying the feel of her tremble at my touch. You’ll learn that touch, Laney. You and I will one day speak with no words. “Come on, Disney, let’s get in. The hot tub will do you good.” I breathe onto her neck and watch the goosebumps appear over her arms.

  “Okay,” she whispers.

  Slowly, I guide her into the water, my hand at the small of her back. Her skin is like silk, I have to reign in the temptation to pummel her to the ground and ravage her. Once we’re settled in the warm water, I see her visibly relax some; she’s always wound so tight. She always has a guard up, her eyes always hold just a tinge of fright. Earning her trust will be my greatest accomplishment; I already know this on a molecular level.

  “Dane, why are you so nice to me?” she mutters, not looking at me.

  Oh, this sweet woman before me. Are people not usually nice to her? How can that possibly be? She’s amazing. “I told you, Disney, there’s something about you I like, a lot.”

  “Even after my hysterics tonight?”

  She’s so worried about that, I actually thought it was pretty cute. Her cheeks were all red, barefoot, wet hair, spitting mad...ya, she’s something to behold. I love that part of her anger was jealousy. Even though she may not fully understand it yet and feels guilty about it; she’s jealous and I like it.

  “Especially after your hysterics tonight. You let go. I liked seeing it. I knew you had a fire in you the moment I met you, and tonight it came out—I’m glad.” Oh yeah, little fireball had threatened to take a bat to Whitley the first night I met her, classic.

  I could’ve killed Whitley for falling all over me tonight, again. That girl needs to lay off. I don’t want Laney to think I’m in any way unavailable to her or that I would ever give Whitley the time of day. I’m every bit as picky as Laney is...and I pick Laney.

  Laney was so upset tonight that she’d revealed a lot more than I’m guessing she normally would. Laney and Evan haven’t been talking, and she’d seemed more upset that he hasn’t called than at the possibility of him sleeping with other girls. In our close knit group, people talk, so I know he’s not her boyfriend, yet she hadn’t corrected me tonight when I referred to him as such.

  There’s something off about it all, but one thing I’m sure of now—I have a window. The instant, overwhelming obsession I’ve developed for this girl now doesn’t seem so farfetched. For the first time, I can dare to let myself see the real possibility of having this girl for my own. But I have to tread lightly. I already know her well enough to know she won’t pursue “us” seriously while anything with him is unsettled; she won’t hurt’s this very character I adore. Laney’s a good person, she’s loyal and she’s honest.

  She takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. “I told you a lot tonight; things I don’t talk about, ever. I feel exposed now, vulnerable. Just when you were convinced I’m all cool anti-drama girl, I spew pretty much everything wrong in my life, all at once.”

  Her chuckle is insincere, she doesn’t really think this is funny and she’s horrified that I might suspect she’s crazy; I don’t. I think she’s radiant and mesmerizing; and all alone for the first time, a bit scared.

  “Don’t. I will never use your weaknesses against you. Besides, I have plenty of other weapons in my arsenal.” I wink at her to lighten the mood, but inside I know it’s a monumental step—she already opened up to me so she trusts me on some level; and I her. “Would you like some more wine?” I’m not trying to get her drunk; I truly just want to see her relax. I want to hear anything she needs to unload. I want to see her smile.

  “I better not; I’m not really a drinker.”

  “Laney, you’re safe here. I’m not trying to seduce you, I promise. If one more glass would make you feel better, have one.”

  It only takes her a few seconds to think about it. “Okay. One more, please. It really is helping me relax.”

  I go get her another glass of wine, and when I return, she asks me what time it is. I know she needs her rest because of school in the morning. “Just after one, what time’s your first class tomorrow?”

  “I’m not going,” she gushes.

  “Well, while one day of missing won’t ruin you, I’m more interested in why you’re not going. Won’t you get in trouble with your coach?’

  “No, not over one absence, as long as I’m at practice; or I could say I’m sick. I don’t know. I don’t even know if I’m staying. I was serious before. I could just say to hell with it and go home, right?”

  I’m not sure if she’s asking me or asking herself out loud, but I can see she’s getting herself worked up again, and I definitely don’t want that, nor do I want her to leave. I want her in my house, in my care. I never bring girls here and yet this girl...I’d give her a key right now if I thought she’d take it. I’d give Laney the key to a lot of things.

  “Ya, Laney, you could quit, but you don’t strike me as a quitter. You could also stay and be great. It’s up to you though. What do you want?”

  “Maybe that’s my problem. I’m not 100% on anything. You know what I mean?”

  “Not yet, keep talking.”

  She proceeds to tell me about ball, how she’s not sure if she plays for herself or her dad, how she’s not sure if it really feels like a chore or she’s just telling herself that. But then, the more she talks, the more her eyes sparkle and I can see she loves it. She loves coming out on top of the pitcher, she loves how she feels when she knows she’s got it on point, sending it over the fence. So I tell her what I see when she speaks, and she agrees she needs to give ball just a little more time.

  That means I have to take her to practice tomorrow late afternoon, but until then, she’s here with me and I can’t even comprehend what that does to me inside. One thing she said earlier really bothered me, though, and I have to know, the thought of this exquisite creature being unsafe makes me ill. I knew she was guarded the minute I met her, and I want to know why.

  “Laney, can you tell me what you meant earlier about a stalker and a head in a box?”

  Her expression completely changes to cold and hesitant. “It’s nothing; I was being a drama queen when I said it.”

  “Explain it to me anyway.” The sternness in my voice lets her know I’m serious. I’m not conceding on this.

  “Just every once in a while I get a card or a note or gift from like a secret admirer. They never say anything mean or threatening, they’re actually always complimentary. And the arrivals are sporadic, have been for years. Evan knows about it, but that’s it. I got a card when I first started at Southern, that was the last thing.”

  “I’m not sure that’s something to take lightly, Laney. I’m glad I know now, and I’m really glad I took you to a self-defense class.” Wow—what are the odds? The anger I feel that Evan knows about it shocks me. Of course I’m glad he knows and has undoubtedly looked out for her. But why do I feel like it’s now my job and I don’t need his help?

  “I know, I thought the same thing. You should take up gambling.”

  Oh, I guess I said the odds part out loud. I have to admit, as uneasy as this whole discovery makes me, I feel a small twinge of something. I read her correctly and gave her something meaningful.

  “Anyway, let’s talk about something else.” She waves her glass in the air to dismiss the topic, and I’ll let her think we’re moving on, for now. I don’t want to pressure her into shutting down on me, but I’m not done with the issue.

  And then I go for it; I ask her to tell me more about Evan. I’m not sure I can hear her talk about him, but I have to know precisely what I’m up against.

  When she talks of him, there’s such love and respect in her eyes. She truly car
es about this guy. She honestly shudders at the thought of hurting him; he’s one lucky son of a bitch. But then a tear rolls down her face when she tells me again about not talking to him and she’s afraid they even lost the friendship, and I want to hurt him now—he made her cry. I wonder if she’s not in love with him, but rather simply loves him. I’m sad she’s hurting, but this gives me another flash of hope.

  The next thing she says makes me happy to be alive. “And then there’s, well....”

  “What else, Laney?”

  “I barely know you, but I enjoy being around you and I’m not sure it’s as innocent as I tell myself it is, or if that’s okay. I almost feel guilty, like I’m doing something wrong to Evan, but I’m not really. Do you understand at all?”

  I’ve never even close to loved anyone other than family, but God knows I like hearing her say she’s feeling something about me, whatever it is.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” she whispers, looking down. “I should have corrected you before; I’m not a liar.”

  “I know you’re not, Laney, and I already knew.” Her head comes up, eyes wide. “You did?”

  I nod. She doesn’t realize she’s been honest with me all along really. I’d asked her about Evan while we danced, and she’d answered that he was her best friend before even thinking. Her omission tonight had been about self-preservation, not deceit. “How did you feel about other breakups? Was it this bad?” I ask her.

  “I’ve never had any other breakups. Evan’s the only boyfriend I’ve ever had, and I didn’t have him very long.”

  I can’t stop my jaw from dropping open. Where is this town she comes from that’s obviously filled with the dumbest bastards on the planet? How do you not scoop up Laney? “Laney, how old are you?”

  “I’ll be 19 on the 23rd, why?”

  I file her birthday in my mental cabinet; the 23rd of this month? That doesn’t give me very long to orchestrate something spectacular, which is exactly what I plan to do. “I’m just trying to figure out how a breathtaking, funny, witty, kind 19 year old has only had one boyfriend.”


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