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Page 167

by E. K. Blair

  She looks down; my compliment embarrasses her and that little tongue pops out to skim her lips. “Thank you, Dane, that’s so sweet. And, well, your question...can we do that another night? I don’t have any more big sharing sessions left in me tonight.” She gives me a sweet smile, her eyes begging me to drop it.

  It dawns on me that Laney is literally starting over. Her be-all permanent fixtures are gone. No Evan, no Dad, new ball team, co-ed dorm; she’s as brave as she is beautiful. Part of her wants it, the new experiences; I can see it in her eyes. But the other part is terrified; and this fierce loyalty to Evan and what she believes to be the behavior that most honors him is a constant torment for her.

  She breaks my thoughts when she asks me, barely audibly, “are you scared off yet?”

  If she only knew all the demons I haven’t even begun to hint at, she wouldn’t even ask.

  I pull her in for a hug and place a gentle kiss on her head before I know I’m doing it. I want to take care of this girl, hold her, and make everything better. I want to be the reason she laughs, smiles, gasps; what is she doing to me? “You don’t scare me, Laney. You amaze me, you intrigue me.” I let my lips graze her temple. “You captivate me.” I land soft kiss closer to her ear. “You entice me, you excite me...but you don’t scare me, and I hope I never scare you.”

  Her eyes grow wide, her breathing speeds...and then she deflects. “Oh, please,” she scoffs, brushing off the gravity of the moment, right before the she-devil splashes me! This, of course, launches a full blown water war that keeps us laughing and touching for a while.

  At around 4am, I wrap her in a towel and lead the way to the guest room, getting some of my clothes for her to sleep in. The thought of her in my clothes makes me feel, well, happy. I understand her so much better after all our talk tonight. She’s going through a lot, dealing with many new feelings...but she’d admitted right out loud, she’s 100% single.

  It’s been the best night of my life. Game on, Evan.

  Chapter Twenty-Five



  I manage to not drop out or run home and finally enjoyed a lunch with Zach in The Rotunda, the school cafeteria/lounge, for the first time on Friday. Bennett and I still plan to attend his game and we make plans to do something after, but not too late since I have that clinic at the ass crack of dawn on Sunday. I still haven’t talked to communication blackout. No, I haven’t reached out to him either and yes, it was textbook stubborn Laney, but waiting for him to reach out just feels like something I have to do.

  On Saturday, The Eagles win 34-17 and a hyped-up Zach, Bennett, and I head off campus for pizza. Tate shows up to sweep Bennett away so Zach and I opt to grab a movie and head back to his room. Drew is there when we get there, with some girl, but they head out to a frat party; an invitation we both decline immediately. While Zach takes a shower, I run back to my room to grab my phone charger.

  “Laney! Come be on my team!” Bennett squeals as I walk in, my glare taking in the scene of beer pong. In our room? It’s like a 4x4 space and they’re spilling beer everywhere. That’s not what I care about most though— the fact that Whitley is sitting on my bed in my room watching is what has me ready to kill someone.

  “Laney, you want winners? You can be my partner,” Sawyer asks me as I dig through drawers. I don’t dare to look up and answer him for fear I might catch Dane in my line of vision. If I do, it won’t be pretty.

  “No, I’m good, Saw, just grabbing my charger real quick.” I keep my head down. Where is the damn thing? I’m about to give up and just get out of here. “You kick their asses though, buddy.”

  “Where are you going?” I don’t need to look up to know who’s asking.

  “Back to Zach’s room, we grabbed a movie.” I finally look up despite myself and catch Dane’s eyes staring into me.

  “Go tell him to get his pretty ass in here, Laney! Ya’ll play me and Bennett!” Sawyer yells from the game.

  Whitley snickers. “I’ll play you guys, Sawyer. Dane, come on sweetie, let’s play them.”

  Sitting on my bed—I probably could’ve let it go. But dismissing me in my own room—so not gonna fly. Calling Dane “sweetie” to purposely drag him away and antagonize me—challenge accepted, girlfriend.

  I give Bennett a look across the room. She tries like hell to hide her smirk; she knows what’s up.

  “Set it up, I’ll be right back with Zach.” I run down the hall like I’m on fire, adrenaline coursing through me.

  I bust into the room, out of breath, and Zach looks at me quizzically, pulling on his shirt. “Where’d you go? And why are you out of breath?” I dart my eyes away quickly while he gets the shirt completely in place. Nice abs there, Zachary.

  “Change of plans, big boy. You good at beer pong?”

  “I’m in college and I’m good at everything.” He grins. “Need you ask?”

  “Zach, I’ll do your laundry for a month if you help me win this game, okay? Come on.” I drag him through the door.

  “Well, hold up there, hot rod, do I need shoes? Keys?”

  “No, nothing, you’re great, just come on,” I plead, pulling him even faster now.

  I don’t make eye contact with Dane when I walk back in my room. I do however, stare directly at Whitley. “Me and Zach versus you and ‘sweetie,’” I challenge, the last word acidic. “Let’s go.”

  Bennett snickers as she, Tate, and Sawyer settle in for a good view of the show. Bad news, Whit—I am a hollaback girl.

  “You don’t have to do my laundry, girl. This is gonna be fun. Let’s get ‘em,” Zach whispers in my ear, giving me a fist bump.

  “Oh, hells yeah! Kick their asses, Laney!” I love Sawyer.

  Dane is trying everything he can to avoid Whitley’s roaming hands. He’s standing so far away from her he may as well be in another room. Zach and Sawyer start throwing out the smack talk, but when Bennett cranks up her phone for Jock Jams “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble,” we all burst into mad laughter.

  “Ladies first,” Zach says, handing me a ping pong ball.

  “I’m a lady, too,” Whitley pouts, “how come she gets to go first?”

  “Good point, Whitley. I think you and Laney should arm wrestle to see who goes first.” Bennett says it with the most serious face she can muster.

  I cock an eyebrow at Whitley, telling her I am so down with that plan.

  “N-no, that’s okay,” she sputters nervously, “she can go ahead.”

  All the guys in the room are hanging on each and every word. What guy doesn’t like good ole cat fight foreplay?

  I sink my first ball and stare holes through Whitley as she downs the beer in the cup. Zach steps up and makes it. We do a chest bump and Sawyer slaps my butt. I jump a bit, almost shocked, but in a millisecond it changes to an aura of comfort. I belong here! I’m just one of the guys!

  “Nice shot,” Dane mumbles as he hands me the ball.

  Why is he handing me back the ball? I scrunch my brows in confusion.

  “Your team goes again since you both made it,” he explains.


  We’re down to four cups and just as I’m about to throw again, Zach grabs my arm. “Hold up, you like the cups like that?”

  Again—first time I’ve played. “I don’t know what you’re asking me, Zach. I’ve never played.”

  “We can re-rack if we want. They have to rearrange the cups like we want, but we can only do it once. I like a square, or we can wait and do a straight line at three cups, your call.”

  Well obviously there’s only one person to answer such a difficult question for me, I consult the expert. Sawyer’s already holding up three fingers when I look to him. He knew I’d seek his infinite wisdom in all that is college party games. “Wait for three cups?” I ask him.

  “Yup,” he says with a nod.

  “Uh, no fair,” Whitley’s whine is barely worse than her regular voice. “You’re not in the game, Sawyer, you can’t help her

  I roll my eyes and turn my head, Bennett snaring my attention. Covertly, she acts out her evil little plan. I finally figure out what the hell she’s trying to tell me and shake my head no at her with a laugh. Pegging Whitley in the head with my ping pong ball is probably a bit much. Love the way your mind works though, Bennett!

  “It’s no big deal, Whitley, she’s never played before,” Dane tells her with an exasperated look on his face.

  Now that all that’s settled, I step up to throw and swoosh it right in the cup again. This time I look at Dane and he’s beaming. I give him a smirk in return; how ya like that, mister? He winks.

  “You got this,” I encourage my partner.

  Zach misses his shot and drops his head on my shoulder in defeat.

  I giggle and pat his back. “Next time, killer.”

  Whitley steps up, her ball sailing over all the cups and I instinctively reach out and catch it.

  “Atta girl, Lanester! Fucking drink up, Whit!” Sawyer hoots, throwing mad Jersey Shore fists in the air.

  I turn to Zach and shrug my shoulders causing him to laugh. “Catch in the air means we get to pick one of our cups for them to remove. Doesn’t really matter since we have a re-rack coming, so tell her which to drink, superstar.”

  I randomly point to one of the cups on their end and smile over at Bennett while Whitley has to chug a lug again, putting my team at two cups left!

  Dane steps up to throw and all of a sudden I feel bad. We’re whipping their asses, he’s noticeably uncomfortable, and I’m antagonizing the hell out of him. So I decide to throw him a bone...I raise my arms above my head and lean back, like I’m yawning and stretching at the same time. The coolness hits my tummy as my shirt rises ever so slightly and I pop back up, pulling it down in mock shyness. “Oh my, sorry about that.” I bat my eyelashes at him then quickly look to Bennett for telepathic moral support.

  Tate looks up at me and mouths, “you are terrible,” but his smile confirms he loves watching me torture his brother. I guess Dane made his shot because Zach is drinking when I turn my attention back to the game.

  I miss on my next turn, still a little flustered from my sudden brazenness, but am rewarded nonetheless when I finally dare a peek at Dane. He’s staring at me, as though just waiting for when I’d look, and the light in his eyes makes me feel beautiful, brave, and tonight is okay.

  The game is over in just a few more throws and as much as I don’t really want to, I begrudgingly ask everyone to leave since I have an early morning. Zach gives me a big hug and makes me promise we’re set partners anytime there’s pong to be played and I eagerly agree while Tate and Bennett sneak away to sleep in his room so they don’t keep me up. Whitley awkwardly hangs out a few minutes longer than she should before finally asking Dane to walk her out.

  When they’re gone, Sawyer turns me by my shoulder to face him. “He’ll never just be blatantly rude to her, Laney. He can’t, and he doesn’t have it in him, anyway. But don’t get it twisted; he’s never looked at her, or anyone, like he looks at you. Try and remember that, okay?” His eyes seek mine for acceptance of what he’s just revealed.

  Shocked into a silent stupor I simply nod.

  “Night then, kick ass tomorrow, sweetie,” he playfully throws over his shoulder on his way out.

  I swat his butt at his sarcastic attempt at humor, cause we swat each other’s butts now, right?

  Just as I make my way out of the bathroom, teeth brushed and jammies donned, I hear a light knock at the door. A peephole isn’t even an option, but I’m not too worried about it, probably just one of them forgot something.

  He’s looking at the ground when I crack open the door, but slowly his head lifts and his soulful brown eyes move to mine. “Dane, did you forget something?”

  “No, but can I come in for a sec?”

  I pull the door open further to allow him entry and then close it behind him, taking a moment for a deep breath before turning to face him. His presence usually puts every sense I have on high alert, but I feel the spark of something even more intoxicating in the air right now.

  He reaches out and takes one of my hands, giving it a light squeeze. “You were on fire tonight. Did you have fun?”

  “I did, a lot. Did you?” Our joined hands hang between us and his thumb rubs across my wrist, so faint it’s almost as though I’m imagining it.

  “I did once I realized you weren’t too mad.” He lets out a sigh, running those long fingers through his dark hair. “I’m sorry Whitley was here, on your bed. She followed Sawyer from their room, looking for me. That’s it.”

  “It’s okay. Pretty sure I got her back.” I shrug, laughing. It was way more fun to slaughter her mercilessly in pong than get catty.

  “That you did, that you did,” he chuckles. “You’re amazing when you loosen up a bit.” One eyebrow touches his hairline. “Did I see Sawyer grab your butt?” A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, though he’s fighting it.

  “No!” I swat his chest with the back of my hand playfully. “There’s a big difference between grabbing my butt and giving me an ‘atta girl’ slap.”

  “So you’re good? We’re good?” His worried brow is unnecessary so I boldly reach up a finger to smooth it.

  “We’re fine, Dane, I promise.”

  “Can I spend some time with you when you get back?” He runs one finger along my jawline tenderly.

  Do not shiver, Laney. “Okay,” I say, taking a deep breath in hopes my next words come out in a normal octave. “I’ll text you.”

  “Good night, Disney.” His voice is sultry as he leans over to kiss my cheek. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Climbing in to bed, the glow to my cheeks and upturn of my lips can’t be helped. Sleep comes easily and I wake to board the bus just hours later. If I had known what awaited me on the other end of that ride, I would have never gotten on.

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  Laney will be here, on my campus, in just a little while. I don’t care if I have to drive her home for missing the bus, we’re going to talk. We agreed making some changes was best for our friendship—what friendship? She hasn’t returned my calls or texts in way too long and I’m going to find out why today. This is unacceptable.

  I pull into the parking lot right behind the bus and wait as girl after girl unloads until finally she comes into view. She’s everything to me. My Laney Jo is ten feet away. She’s even more beautiful than the last time I saw her, if that’s possible. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she’s in ball sexy.

  Time to figure out just what the hell is going on with her. I jump out of my truck and call, “Laney!”

  She turns to look at me and a gorgeous smile lights up her face. She throws down her bags and runs into my arms. I catch her mid-jump and twirl her around, planting kisses all over her face. There she is—my girl.

  I set her down on her feet, already missing the feel of her in my arms. Once she’s over the initial shock of being near me again after so long, I see her smile fade and she suddenly looks angry. “Evan, why are you here? How did you know?”

  “Kaitlyn doesn’t hold her alcohol very well. She let it slip the other night when she was drunk at a party. I texted you right when she said it, why didn’t you answer? In fact, why didn’t you answer any of my texts, or my calls?” I grip her shoulders and the mere touch helps calm me immediately. “You said you were fine with our decision, Laney, but how does ignoring me protect our friendship? How does it make me feel any better to not talk to you at all?” I’m kinda rambling, and my voice could be kinder, but damnit—it hurts to be ignored by your whole world.

  “Evan, what are you talking about? I haven’t gotten a call or text from you in forever...NOT ONE.” She pokes me in the chest and reduces me to nothing with her glare. “I thought you hated me, or had moved on, or needed time. I would never ignore you, ever, you know that.”

; She holds my eyes as her words linger and the look in them begins to slowly soften. Glancing over her shoulder and back to me she sighs. “Listen, I gotta get into this clinic; we can talk more after.”

  The look in her eyes tells me she’s not lying. She really didn’t get any of my messages? What does that even mean? “Laney, do you have your phone on you?”

  She hands it to me. “Why?”

  “While you’re in there working, I’m going to take a look and figure out what’s going on, why you didn’t get any of my calls or texts.” I look down, taking a deep breath, not wanting to scare her with the intensity of my frustration. “That’s just crazy, and it killed me.”

  “Oh, ok, I’ll see you after then; maybe you can explain this to me.” She picks up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. “Cause right now I’m hurt, too...and a bit skeptical.” She runs to join her team. Her ponytail bounces and she looks back over her shoulder at me once, gracing me with a small smile. I could stand here, in this one spot, for the rest of my life, just waiting for her to give me that exact look again.

  She’ll be in there a while, so I decide to go grab something to eat and figure out this phone thing. I stop at Joe’s, a mom and pop burger joint, and grab a booth in the back. I don’t need anyone bothering me, so I sit with my back to the door. I’ve got to crack this phone and figure out exactly how my life was shattered the last few weeks.

  Obvious step one, I call my phone from Laney’s. I got in on my first guess, my birthday was her code. I smile at that because hers is mine and it just reminds me how we share the same brain. It also reminds me how close it really is to her birthday and I need to get her something special. Something that says “I miss you like oxygen and I’m sorry I left you. Oh, and by the way, girls wake up in my room but I swear I don’t touch them and please don’t leave me or I’ll die.” Something tells me a teddy bear and card won’t cut it. I won’t be able to see her on the day, but I can still let her know how much I love her.

  It rings, but rather than coming up as “My Girl,” or the sound of “Ho Hey” instantly lighting up my day, it comes up as just her number. So I text, same thing. What? Ok, so I call her from my phone, it doesn’t ring. I text from my phone, it doesn’t pop up. I scroll through her contacts, I’m in there. It’s the right number and I smile when I see I’m in as “Babe.” My contact picture is one her dad took of us; I’m giving her a piggy back ride out by the pond.


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