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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 214

by Multiple Authors

  “Oh, my God, Thor...cut it out. Get your head out of there. Geez. You’re like a four-year-old.”

  Thor utters a throaty gruff. He whines his complaint then follows her to the bathroom door. His massive body wedges between her and the wooden structure. Standing at attention against her legs, he ushers a low, throaty growl.

  Footsteps drum on the other side of the door.

  Sophia scratches behind Thor’s ears.

  “What is it, boy?” The hair on the back of her neck stands on end. What if they’re back?

  She cracks the door open with a shaky hand and comes face to face with Aden.

  Cocking his head to the side, Aden peers down at Thor, who is producing a low grumble with an intermittent growl.

  Aden pulls Sophia into his arms and motions to Thor, who sits and whines. Drawing her into his arms, Aden cradles her in a firm embrace. She wraps her arms around him, and her tense muscles relax.

  “You okay?” he asks. “Your heart is racing.”

  “I am now.” Sophia laces her fingers through the curly hair at the nape of his neck, which makes him groan.

  Tilting her chin back, he lightly kisses her lips.

  Thor utters a half growl, half whine and tries to wiggle his large frame between their bodies.

  Sophia stifles a laugh then looks down into his big, lofty copper-colored eyes. “What’s wrong, boy?”

  “I don’t think he wants to share you with anyone.”

  “And what, you do?”

  Aden narrows his eyes then strokes his chin. “No. I don’t, but that’s a conversation for later.”

  She furrows her brows. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Perhaps, if you’re good, I’ll tell you.”

  “Hey, I took your advice earlier and rested when you suggested it, didn’t I? Geez, I didn’t even argue with you.” She places a hand on her hips and pouts.

  “You’re right. You didn’t argue, which was nice and rather amiable of you. However, I think you were too tired to mount a verbal attack.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s because pain medication makes me sleepy. But, you know if you’re feeling neglected, I’m sure I can find something to argue about.” A mischievous grin washes across her face. “After all, I am rather rested now.”

  “Well, it is true. I am feeling somewhat neglected. But arguing isn’t the activity I had in mind.” Aden locks gazes with her. He has a devilish glint in his eyes. “As I said, if you’re good, I’ll reward you later.”

  “Hmm...tempting offer—” Sophia stands on the tips of toes and kisses his lips. “You’ve piqued my curiosity. What would I have to do? You know...for this grand mystery reward?”

  “Whatever I say.”

  “Ha,” she says with a chuckle. “Like what?”

  Aden cups her bottom in his hands then pulls her to his lean frame. “Do you know what a submissive is?” His erection presses against her abdomen.

  Her mouth drops open. “As in a Dom and his sub?”

  The corners of his lips curl upward. “Yes. Exactly like that.”

  Her eyes widen, and a small gasp passes her lips. “Are you telling me that you’re—”

  “A dominant. Yes. I am.” A ghoulish grin spreads across his face. “Now, tell me, what do you know about the lifestyle?”

  “Well, only what my friend, Tara Thomas, and her brother, Travis have told me.” Her face flushes a crimson shade of red.

  How the hell did I miss that? Especially, after everything Tara told me. Crap. I bet Logan is too. God. Tara would’ve picked up on both Aden’s and Logan’s dominant behaviors a mile away.

  “I’m waiting.” He takes her hand in his.

  “She, um...well, Tara’s into a lot of different things—from what she’s said.”

  “So, what did she tell you? I want to know.”

  “I’d rather not say.” Sophia casts her eyes downward.

  Aden tips her chin back then peers into her eyes. “Why? Did it scare you?”

  “No.” She shakes her head.

  “Then why?”

  “Well, because what Tara does with her personal life is her business, and it has nothing to do with you or me, for that matter.”

  “With what little you’ve been told, do you find the lifestyle distasteful or unattractive?”

  She draws in a deep breath then exhales slowly. “No. Not really. I guess?” She shakes her head. “Honestly, parts of it sounded interesting.” She manages to squeak out the words. “But, I do understand that it’s not for everyone.”

  “You’re right, it’s not.”

  “What if it’s not for me?” She swallows hard. “What if I don’t like the things you do?”

  “I am open to discussing likes and dislikes, as well as setting hard and soft limits. And if you find it’s not for you then we will adjust to something that is comfortable for both of us. Sound fair enough?”

  “Uh. Yes. But I’m not, I don’t want to be tied up or punished,” she stammers and looks up at him. “I mean, Tara’s had marks on her body before. I’ve seen them.” She pauses. “I think one of her partners uses a whip—or a flogger thing—and sometimes, he leaves bruises and marks that look painful. But she keeps going back to him.” She clears her throat. “I don’t want any part of that.”

  “Then, she’s into sadomasochism.”

  “Maybe. I think.” She nods. “But I’m not.”

  “Sophia, relax,” Aden kisses her forehead. “I’m not into that scene. It’s a hard limit for me.”

  “A hard limit? You said that before.”

  “Yes. Do you know what that is?”

  Sophia shakes her head. “No.”

  “When two people discuss the terms and conditions of BDSM play, they set hard and soft limits of the things they will and will not do.”

  Her brows furrow. “Well. Then I know that I’m not into that.

  “Both sadism and masochism are hard limits for me.”

  “And soft limits,” she asks. “What are those, exactly?”

  “I’m into dominance and submission, but only with controlled and mutually agreed upon bondage and discipline play—never sadomasochism.”

  Sophia takes a step back, shaking her head. “I don’t want to be restrained or punished.” Her voice cracks. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

  “Breathe, Sophia,” Aden commands, softly. He cups her face and peers into her eyes. “Did you enjoy our sexual encounter in my office?”

  She chews on the inside of her bottom lip.

  “Answer the question.”

  Stress lines form between her brows. “Yes.”

  “Did I hurt you when I restrained your hands with my tie or the leather book straps in the bedroom?”

  “No.” She shakes her head.

  “What about when I spanked you?” A wolfish grin spreads across his lips. “Did you like it or not?”

  Her cheeks warm at the memory, and she blushes from head to toe. “Actually...” She licks her lips. “I like that—a lot.”

  “Sophia. Communication is at the top of my list. You must learn to express your feelings more freely. Now, talk to me. Tell me what you liked and what you didn’t like. That’s the only way we can ease into different play scenes.”

  “I enjoyed the encounter in the office and upstairs, too.” She gazes into his eyes.

  “I’m skilled at what I do. I would never hurt you intentionally or push you beyond your physical limits. If you explore this lifestyle with me, I’ll take things slow, very slow because of your sexual inexperience.”

  Chapter Eight

  Aden Clarkson

  “ADEN. WHAT HAPPENS if I don’t like it? I mean, what you want to do to me?”

  “Then, we can explore the vanilla side of a sexual relationship.”

  “What if that’s not enough for you?” She bites down on her lower lip to still the quiver.

  “Sophia.” Aden lightly runs his thumb over her lower lip. “As I said, I’m willing to do whate
ver is needed to have a relationship with you. I told you this before.” He kisses her forehead. “I’m willing to explore other alternatives that make you happy and comfortable.”

  “I just don’t want to disappoint you.” She frowns. “All of this is new to me.”

  “I understand that. But, you won’t disappoint me just because you don’t like something.” He pauses. “Look at me.”

  She peers up at him. “We can explore your sexual likes and dislikes together by taking in each moment and sensation as it comes. If you don’t like something, tell me. We don’t have to do it—it’s as simple as that. Keep in mind, you have the power to tell me to stop, and I will listen to you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I think so.”

  “I only ask one thing—that you’re honest with me regarding your feelings. Can you do that? Can you be honest about how you feel?”

  She nods.

  “Okay. Then this is a good start.” Aden’s lips curl upward into a smile that brightens his eyes. “Are you hungry?”

  “I am.”

  “Do you feel up to going out to a restaurant, or would you rather eat takeout?”

  She takes in a deep breath. “Is Logan like you?”

  “You mean a Dom?”

  She nods.

  “Yes. He is.” He kisses her cheek. “Now, do you want to go out or stay in for dinner?”

  “It would be nice to get out. Nowhere special, just somewhere we can eat and relax. You know, in public but just not overly crowded.”

  “Hmm. I think I’ve given you more than enough to think about in that busy mind of yours.” Aden lightly kisses her lips. “Come; let me feed you because I’m famished.”

  He takes Sophia by the hand then leads her to the sitting area in front of the entry. As they approach the couch, Logan stands.

  “So, are we eating in?” Logan asks. “Or out?”

  “Out,” Sophia blurts out the word before Aden has a chance to respond. “I want to go somewhere we can sit and talk because I have some questions about stuff.”

  Aden raises a brow. “What kind of stuff?”

  Thor waddles up. “Magic.” Sophia pats his massive brindle head. “I want to know more about the different clans and covens, but I especially want to know more about the Book of Light and Shadows that the Doccioner clan is looking for. Maybe, if I knew more about it, it would help us find it.”

  “I think we can arrange that.” Logan grins. “Do you like pizza?”

  “Um. Yeah. I love pizza.” she says with a nervous hitch. “Especially, with extra cheese, meat, and tomato sauce.”

  Aden wraps an arm around her waist, drawing her against him. “Then, we’ll have pizza with all the trimmings.” His inner gargouille listens to the rapid beats of her heart. She’s nervous, and at this point, all he wants to do is help ease her fears and concerns. So if giving her a bit of space in a public place for a few hours will help ease her discomfort and lower her stress level, it’ll be worth the time spent.

  Sophia follows Aden to the Lexus parked in front of the bookstore. He opens the back door then motions for her to slide into the backseat. Aden reluctantly closes the door, leaving her alone in the back. He wants to give her space, some time to think, so he slips into the front passenger side then waits for Logan.

  Aden keeps the conversation in the car light and on the topic of the new security system, as well as inquiries about the other measures underway to secure the bookstore. He tries to concentrate on the conversation, but he can’t seem to focus. All Aden can think about is how Sophia’s mind must be racing. Even her scent is etched with more nervous energy than usual. Now, he just hopes what he said to her earlier didn’t scare her off.

  Logan clears his throat, which makes Sophia jump.

  Aden catches a glimpse of her gazing into the rearview mirror, and her eyes widen.

  The corners of Logan’s lips curl upward into a grin. “You’re really quiet tonight, Sophia, and a bit jumpy. You feeling okay?”

  “Um. Yeah. I’m fine.”

  She leans back and shuts her eyes. When the car stops, she sits up and looks around. The Lexus is in a dimly lit parking garage.

  “It’s dark?” Her voice breaks the stillness inside the car.

  “Yeah.” Aden opens the door. “It smells like we’re in for some rain.” He takes her hand, lacing his fingers with hers.

  “You can smell rain?” she asks.

  “Yeah. Among other things.”

  He walks, hand in hand, with her for about a block before Lasso’s comes into view. Once inside, Aden guides her to the far corner of the restaurant.

  Sophia starts to sit then blurts out, “I’m going to the ladies’ room.” She scans the area then points at the sign for the bathrooms.

  “What do you want to drink?” Aden listens to her erratic heartbeat speed up.

  “I’d like some ice tea, no sugar.” Turning on the balls of her feet, she doesn’t wait for either of them to respond. She just saunters away.

  Chapter Nine

  Sophia Mahoney

  IN THE BATHROOM, Sophia grabs a paper towel off the roll then runs cold water over it. She pats down her face then takes a deep breath.

  Get a grip, Sophia. She stares at her pale reflection in the mirror. Finding out, they’re Doms doesn’t change who they are. She sighs then huffs a piece of hair out of her eyes. They’re only people. People who put on their pants one leg at a time like everyone else. They’re the same two guys she met on the jogging trail. The same guys who have been there for her when she needed them most. So, they can’t be all that bad, right?

  Sophia dries her hands, tosses the paper napkin in the trash, and then she heads for the door. She makes her way down the hallway. A cool gust of wind blows across her skin and goose bumps erupt over her goose-pimpled flesh.

  Eyes. She feels them on her, but she hasn’t passed anyone. And no one entered the bathroom while she was in there. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, but she can’t shake the feeling that she’s being watched.

  She closes her eyes for a few seconds then sucks in a breath of air. A pungent smell fills her nose. And the hair on her neck and arms stand on end.

  “I’m surprised your gargouilles let you venture out alone.” A female’s voice booms behind her.

  Sophia spins around and comes eye to eye with Scarlet. “I’m not alone.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Scarlet grabs Sophia’s arm.

  The tiled floor under her feet begins to tremble.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Sophia stares into Scarlet’s eyes. They’re glowing. Her eyes, they have a red hue to them.

  “What I should have done the night your uncle died.” Her voice drips with venom. “It is now time for you join the coven.”

  The interior walls of the building fade in and out of view.

  Sophia’s stomach flip-flops. A swirl of colors cloud her vision, and the tips of her fingers warm. Placing a hand on Scarlet’s chest, Sophia shoves her backward with a bolt of white light.

  “You dare to use white magic on me, you fledgling?” Her words cut through the whooshing wind blowing around them.

  Sparks of light flicker on Sophia’s fingertips. “Don’t touch me.” Looking around, she doesn’t know where she is because she’s no longer in the pizza restaurant.

  A single thought enters her mind, Brackenridge Park in the heart of San Antonio. A bright light flashes. In the blink of an eye, she’s on the grounds at the park, alone. Her head is swimming and the trees around her spin in and out of her field of vision.

  Bile rises in the back of her throat, and she swallows hard. Sophia claws through the grass on her hands and knees, making her way up to a tree, and then she curls up in the fetal position. Hugging her knees to her chest, Sophia wills the nausea wracking her body to go away.

  Everything looks hazy, distorted. Indistinct sounds fill her ears, and her surroundings spin in and out of view. Traces of the Sunken Tea Gardens whirl past her. The strings of
sleep tug at the back of her mind, and she struggles to stay away. When she’s finally able to sit up and focus, she realizes the sun is setting. She at the base of the Tea Gardens, but she doesn’t know how she got there, or how long she’s been gone. It seems as if she just left, but already, the evening is rolling in.

  Rising, Sophia holds onto a trunk of a tree for support. Her knees sway, and she falls to the ground next to the water. Thoughts of Aden come to mind. I wish you were here. Her eyes fill with tears.

  ‘Sophia.’ Aden’s voice creeps into her thoughts. It’s distant, barely audible. ‘Where are you?’

  Is it him? Or am I losing my mind? “I’m at Brackenridge Park next to the train station,” she says, barely above a whisper.

  ‘Don’t move. We’re coming to you.’

  A whooshing noise fills the air. The tree limbs above her head sway under the early evening light. Looking up, Sophia sees movement. Frozen by fear, she doesn’t move a muscle. The images, they draw closer. Her chest constricts, making it harder to suck in a breath.

  Overhead, a low-pitched who-hoot resonates, drowning out the steady chirp of crickets. Sophia flinches. Her nails dig into her palms. Glowing eyes come into view. Her heart picks up speed, pounding in her chest. Wings flapping draws her attention to the left. She not alone, not anymore.

  A great horned owl lands on a tree limb less than two feet from her face. Sophia’s shoulders roll forward. Fear chills her body. A nervous laugh escapes her parted lips. Staring at the winged predator, she backs up, slowly.

  Her eyes take in every twitch and flicker the bird makes. The owl ushers a blood-curdling cry that pierces the night. Jumping back, Sophia slams into something solid, and the owl takes flight. Spinning on the balls of her feet, she turns around.

  “Hello, Cara. Did you miss me?” Arms wrap around Sophia’s body, holding her tight.

  Sophia’s mouth goes dry. It’s the man she hit with the bat in the restoration room. He’s shirtless and his skin is an odd texture, rough. The blow she dished out should’ve left a nice blue-black bruise on his side, but there’s nothing there in the moonlight. Twisting in his arms, she struggles to free herself.


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