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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 215

by Multiple Authors

  “Where is it?” His voice is deep, rough. “Where is the Book of Light and Shadows?”

  Swallowing hard, she looks up at him. “I don’t know. Now, let me go.”

  “And why would I do that, white witch?” He grins. “You’re worth more than your weight in gold.”

  Sophia’s fingers tingle. Concentrating on the energy flowing through her body, she directs a current of magic to one spot. Light sparks from her fingertips and she shoves him back with a burst of light.

  A fiendish smirk tugs at his mouth. “So, you want to play, again—is that it, pet?”

  Within seconds, he’s on her. He slams her to the ground and pins her down under the weight of his body.

  “No. Please.”

  Cupping her chin, he holds her head in place. His fingers dig into her flesh. He sends a current of magic coursing through her, but how? He’s a gargoyle, not a warlock.

  A piercing pain shoots up to her head, and her vision blurs. Magic flows from his body into hers. It leaves a hot, searing pain in its wake.

  Gasping for air, she squirms under the weight of his frame.

  “Well now, that’s interesting.” He stills her movement. “I can smell him on you, but you haven’t fully linked with your familiar, yet.” A predatory smile washes across his face. “That means, anyone may claim you—light or dark—while you’re weak and unprotected to fight back, fledgling...even me.”

  Opening her mouth, she screams.

  A surge of magic shoots from her hand. The impact knocks him off her body. Sophia rolls onto her side and crawls on all four.

  Her vision is fuzzy. She can’t see. “What did you do to me?” Bile rises in the back of her raw, burning throat.

  He groans, holding his chest. “I gave you your first taste of black magic.”

  Sophia stands, but she’s tackled to the ground.

  “Are you ready for your next dose?”

  Her head swims and her surroundings fade in and out.

  “Sophia,” Aden’s rich, baritone voice fills the night air.

  The weight of her captor’s body is lifted, and she gasps for air.

  A struggle breaks out to her left. Opening her eyes, Logan comes into view. He’s grappling with the gargoyle that attacked her with black magic.

  Arms wrap around her, pulling Sophia to her feet.

  Aden cradles her to his chest. “I’ve got you.”

  Sophia rubs her eyes then takes in the fight scene unfolding in front of her.

  Logan and the dark gargoyle are on the ground. The blade of a jeweled-encrusted tanto gleams under the moonlight. With a raised hand, Logan slams the weapon into the man’s chest. A shrill cry reverberates and a blinding spark of light arcs up into the night sky. Logan rises, holding the hilt of the crimson-stained blade in his hand. The other gargoyle’s body bursts into flames, leaving only ash in the wake of a hot blue fire.

  “What the hell just happened?” Sophia’s surroundings spin. They swirl around her in shades of black, yellow, red, and orange.

  “Open your eyes,” Aden’s voice is commanding. The tone makes her stomach muscles clench.

  Sophia’s eyes snap open, but she can’t focus. “What’s wrong with me?” She sways in his arms. “I don’t feel right.”

  “Fuck,” Aden says, barely above a whisper. “You’ve been tainted with dark magic.”

  Her knees buckle and tears fill Sophia’s eyes. “It hurts. My chest, it’s on fire.”

  “Why did you leave the safety of the restaurant?” Aden places a hand on her chest, and a warmth encases her body. “Why did you teleport, and how?”

  She feels a draw on her body, which is then replaces by a surge of magic, her magic. “I um...Scarlet was there.” Another round of nausea grips her, and a heaviness weighs her body down, but, at least, she can breathe a bit easier than before.

  Approaching footsteps crunch the grass and leaves behind her. Glancing up, she comes eye to eye with Logan, who shakes his head. He’s still in gargoyle form. His wings, outstretched span out around him.

  “You should go, Aden.” Logan’s rich, tenor voice is soft. It’s barely above a whisper. “I’ll stay behind and make sure there aren’t others who try to follow.”

  Aden tightens his hold on her waist. Wings fan out around him, and he takes flight. Our eyes lock.

  A small cry escapes Sophia’s lips, and she tightens her hold on his bare shoulders. Aden isn’t wearing a shirt. His exposed gray-colored skin glistens in the moonlight.

  “Relax.” Aden’s breath is warm on the side of her face. “You’re safe, for the moment. But we must rid your body of the black magic.”

  Looking down, the park moves further out of sight.

  “How did you find me?”

  “We’re bound together. When you woke, I heard your cry for help.” Tension etches the detailed features of his face. “But once we’re truly linked, I’ll always be able to find you—no matter where you go or what you’re doing—I’ll find you.”

  Sophia lays her head against his chest and digests his words. Taking a deep breath, she breathes in his familiar scent. It’s comforting, calming.

  Clinging to him, images of the city fade in out of view.

  Aden’s wings glide through the air. They have a silvery shine to them, almost iridescent. Keeping to the shadows, he flies through dark allies. He takes a sharp right and scales up a building, which makes her stomach churn. Landing on the balcony of his apartment, he sets her feet down on the ground. But he continues to hold her up until she regains her walking legs.

  “Well. Are you going to tell me why you left the safety of the restaurant?”

  “When I walked out of the bathroom, I thought I was alone in the hallway.” Her voice cracks. “But I wasn’t.” Sucking in a deep breath, she fights to regain her composure. “Scarlet. She came out of nowhere.”

  “Fuck.” He shakes his head. “Sophia, make no mistake. Wiccan and gargouilles, alike, or a host of other supernatural beings, can come for you during the day or at night.” He takes hold of her arm. “And you must understand, a gargoyle’s powers are stronger at night, especially under the light of a full moon. But like a Wiccan, they can come for you at any time.”

  He draws her into a warm embrace. “What did Scarlet want? Did she say?”

  “She told me; it was time I joined the coven.”

  Aden releases her. Placing a hand on the small of her back, he guides her to the back door.

  “If she approached you in the hallway of the restaurant, how did you end up at the park?”

  “I used magic on her, and she let me go.”

  “You used magic against a dark, red witch?” His eyes hold her spellbound. “Tell me what you did and how you ended up at the park.”

  “I don’t know what I did. I just thought about making her let go of me and a stream of light shot from my hand.” Bile rises in the back of her throat, and she swallows hard. “I was scared and wanted to get away. So I thought about the one place my uncle used to take me. The one place that used to make me feel safe.” She pauses. “I closed my eyes and imagined the park, the gardens—and in a blink of an eye—I went from standing in the hallway of the restaurant to the grounds of the park and Tea Gardens.”

  “You teleported.” His eyebrows shoot up. “You’re lucky the park is a natural energy source for white magic.” Aden tenderly kisses her lips.

  “Why didn’t she follow me there?” She shivers.

  “It’s sacred ground. She couldn’t follow because she chose to use only black magic long ago. She’s part of a dark coven. She’s not of the light. The only way she could’ve followed you was if she had the help of a gargoyle.”

  Escorting her inside, Aden motions for her to sit down in the living room. “Are you physically injured?” His eyes skim up and down her body.

  “No. My head still hurts, but not any more than before.”

  Aden sits next to Sophia, placing an arm around her. “You mustn’t leave the safety of my prote
ction or Logan’s until you are stronger. Do not leave my apartment.”

  Anger churns in the pit of her belly. She pushes away from him. “I’m not a prisoner, Aden. I don’t need your permission if I want to leave.” A current of the dark magic, which the vanquished gargoyle transferred into her body, settles at the center of her chest. It burrows deep, making her bones ache.

  “That isn’t what I meant.” He ushers a low, throaty growl. “It isn’t safe for you to travel alone. You’re no longer cloaked, so you’re unprotected. And you can’t protect yourself. And you sure as hell shouldn’t teleport until you know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m not defenseless. I got away from Scarlet, didn’t I?”

  “Yes. You did.” Aden clenches his jaws. “But you were lucky. She’s a seasoned witch, and you’re only a fledgling coming into power. ” He tips Sophia’s head back then peers into her eyes. “Are you in pain?”

  “I’m fine.” Sophia struggles to control the tremor in her voice. “Why do they want me so bad? It’s not all just because of the book, is it?”

  “No. I don’t think so. But if you are the chosen one, the hidden, then they’re not the only ones who’ll try to get their hands on you.” He caresses her cheek. “But when Master Felix returns, he’ll have answers.

  The tainted black magic rips through Sophia’s body. She curls into a ball on the couch. “Fuck. That hurts.” She gasps for air, clutching her chest. Her body, it feels as if it’s burning from the inside out.

  Aden cradles Sophia in his arms, studying her with keen eyes. He places a hand on her chest. Magic surges through her body. A small amount of black magic surfaces and flows from her body to his. Once the transference passes, he release her. But he keeps her at arm’s length.

  “That will help the pain, for now.”

  “Aden. You said you could help me learn magic—to harness it.”

  “Yes. I did.”

  “How?” Sitting up, she draws in a deep breath that sends another shockwave of pain radiating through her chest. “And why did it hurt when he sent magic into my body? When you’ve done it, it’s never hurt before.”

  “Because he forced dark magic on you.” He sighs. “The only magic that has passed from my body to yours, is the magic you’ve freely given during transference.” He kisses her cheek. “I promise, when you’re ready, really ready, I’ll show you how to harness more of your power.” He eases her down onto the couch. “But first, we must slowly rid your body of the dark magic tainting your blood.”

  “Why?” She rubs her chest, which now feels tight, but isn’t hurting anymore.

  “Because it makes you visible to others. It’s like a light beacon in a dark abyss. And as a fledgling witch, it makes you highly susceptible to corruption by the dark arts.”

  “How?” Her teeth chatter. “How is the dark magic vanquish?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  She nods. “Yes.” If I’m being honest, he’s the only person I can trust right now.

  “I can only cleanse your body through transference. It’ll be more intense than what you’ve experienced, thus far, during intimacy.” He caresses the side of her face. “But it will end the pain you now feel and will make you stronger. However, it will take time.”

  “Will linking do the same thing and prevent others—dark familiars—from trying to claim me.”

  “Yes. It will. But how do you know about that?”

  “The other gargoyle, the one that Logan killed.”


  “Yes. That one.” She nods. “When he transferred some of his magic, he said anyone could claim me while I was weak—before my powers emerged—because I wasn’t fully linked to you, he said he could smell it.”

  “That’s true. But I’ll protect until you’re stronger and can defend yourself.” Taking hold of her arms, he lays them over her head. “But until then, let me cleanse the dark magic through transference. It will make the pain more bearable and cloak you.” He shifts his weight and rolls Sophia onto her side. “Try not to move. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Wait.” She presses her palms against his chest. “You said transference is stronger when a witch and familiar are linked, right?”

  “Yes. It is.”

  Sophia swallows hard and holds his gaze. “Does the same apply to cleansing the dark magic? If we’re linked, will it be easier?”

  “Yes. But—”

  “Then do it. Link us together.”

  Aden’s astute eyes study her face. “Are you sure because once we’re linked, that bond can’t be broken.”

  She nods her head. “Yes. I’m ready.”

  Chapter Ten

  Aden Clarkson

  ADEN TILTS HER HEAD BACK. He claims her lips in a firm, but gentle kiss, and then he gazes down at her. His inner gargouille seeks release. He wants to do more than link with Sophia as a familiar—he wants to claim her as a mate.

  Sophia’s heartbeat quickens. It taps a steady cadence in his ears. She takes several gulps of air.

  The fragrant smell of Jasmin wafts in the air. The floral scent is coming from a clear glass, fluted bowl sitting on top of the foyer table next to the entry, which means Sally has been here. He draws in a deep breath, but only picks up residual traces of Sally’s scent, which means, he and Sophia are alone.

  Aden takes hold of her hand and backs her up against the far wall. He presses his body to hers then nuzzles the nook of her neck. “Relax,” Aden says, softly. He tucks some hair behind her ear then coaxes to move forward. Slowly, he leads her into the living room and down the hall.

  “Do you want to soak in the hot tub in my room?” Aden draws her into his arms. “Or go for a swim before we link?”

  “No.” She chews on her lower lip. “Maybe.”

  “You’re nervous, aren’t you?” Aden brushes his index finger over her mouth, freeing her lower lip from her teeth.

  Sophia takes a deep breath and nods. “How many women have you linked with before?”

  “None,” Aden replies.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ve known many Wiccans, who transferred their magic to me. But I’ve never linked with any of them.”


  “Simply put...because I never had a desire to do so.”

  “And now?”

  “With you, it’s different. It’s all I think about. But I didn’t want to pressure you then—and I still don’t, now.” He caresses her cheek. “I can see your brain is working overtime. What questions do you have for me?”

  “You said that you never linked with any of your other partners before, but you did transfer magic, right?” She pauses. “So, how is linking any different than what you’ve done before with your other partners—with other witches through transference? Or with me, for that matter. I mean, if we transfer magic, isn’t that the same thing as linking?”

  “No. It’s not the same. And let me clarify something, not all my partners were witches, and those who were, didn’t all transfer magic. And Sophia, I don’t consider you a casual sex partner because I want more from you. I thought I made that perfectly clear in past discussions.”

  “Then, what exactly am I to you? And after we link, what will I be then?”

  “I’ll be your familiar. We’ll be bound together by magic.” He coaxes her forward. “And in time, perhaps, you’ll become my mate.”

  Sophia cradles her head in her hands and shut her eyes.

  “Do you need to lie down?”

  “No. It’s just that everything is moving fast.” She rubs her eyes then places her hands on her thighs. “A couple of weeks ago, I was taking finals. And now, my uncle is dead. People have threatened me, trashed my home because they want something—a book that I don’t have—and then there’s the whole witch thing, and then there’s you.”

  “Are you having second thoughts about linking? If you are, it’s okay.”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “It’s just a lot to have to think about

  “Then let me help simplify things.” Aden takes her hand in his.

  “How do you propose to do that?”

  He lightly kisses the tips of her fingers. “Allow Logan and me to handle the issues at the bookstore with the break-ins and repairs, as well as security measures. And Sophia, trust me to take care of you—to protect you. It’s what I want to do. Can you do that?”

  Sophia takes in a deep breath and gazes into his eyes. “I’ll try.” Her voice has an underline quiver to it.

  “Good. Now that that’s resolved, will you join me for an evening swim?” She’s tense. He needs to find a way to help her destress because he doesn’t want to scare her or make her run.

  “Are you serious? Are you really going for a swim before we, you know, link?”

  “Yes. I am. You should join me. It will help you relax, which you need to do before linking.”

  Aden removes his boots. “Come. You don’t have to swim if you don’t want to.” He leads her across the room.

  Tentatively, she follows Aden to the double French doors. A mixture of both curiosity and arousal swirls around her. The scent is sweet and alluring. He wants her more than he’s ever wanted any woman before. And tonight, he plans on linking with her, which will further bind them together.

  Aden grins. He lifts her off the floor and hoists her partially over his shoulder.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m carrying you outside since you’re indecisive this evening,” Aden replies with the hint of a smile in his voice. “You’re thinking way too much in that pretty head of yours.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sophia Mahoney

  “WHAT? OH, MY GOD, I can walk, you know.” A nervous chuckle passes her lips. “After all, I’m not the one who was winded climbing the stairs the other day.”

  “Are we going to have this conversation again?”

  “Granted, you’re not climbing stairs, but, well, you’re not getting any younger. I’m just saying—”

  “After linking and sex, well see who needs to rest.” Aden playfully smacks her bottom, and she yelps.

  Raising her head, she looks into a mirror and locks gazes with Aden, who grins mischievously.


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