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Prophecy's Quest

Page 32

by A. S. Hamilton

  Nisari sent forth a line of cavalry while drawing any soldier on foot out of Brynn's reach. Rather than face the new attack, Brynn withdrew behind Riqu's barrier, bringing Sershja back at the same time. Leaning forward in the saddle, he rubbed the side of Sershja's muzzle, reassuring the charger that everything was all right. He had positioned Sershja just behind the front line. From here, he could see Abbarane's forces had shifted, bringing their eastern divisions over to shore up the weakened western side. At least something was going according to plan.

  Lightning struck again, smacking into the shield above the group. The refugees screamed, causing Brynn to curse under his breath. A moment later, Riqu's shields failed.

  The problem was getting to the mages who fought from the physical safety of Sal-Cirus via the planes. Brynn grimaced. Strategically, it was a good move, although Sariah would call them the worst of cowards. A mage, here, was still in danger of physical attack despite their ability to apply personal barriers. The screaming, the blood, the closeness of battle, were all deadly distractions. A moment of weakness or the wavering of a barrier at the wrong moment could mean a sword completed its fatal arc or an arrow caused a mortal wound. But just because the battlefield could not touch them did not mean those mages were out of Brynn's reach. Colnba had proved that by aiming that lightning strike at him. Brynn decided it was time to give the Abbarane's mages a real taste of battle.

  Day 20 – Morning


  It was a cloudless day in Sal-Cirus, the city unaffected by the mage-born storm wreaking chaos in the little valley hundreds of kilometres to the south. Ko-rayen steeled his concentration and prepared to direct the next lightning strike. That cursed mage would deeply regret sending that terror through him. With their shields down, Ko-rayen was not prepared to target the children, but then, he never wanted to target them in the first place, merely convince the rebels that he would so they wasted a lot of energy protecting them. It had worked and Riqumorgia's shields were now down. It was time to render the remaining mages helpless so they could take them into custody.

  This time, the Ko-renti mage aimed for the barriers put up by the Debanikay brothers. They were exhausted, and it would only take one more strike before the fight was over. Colnba had already told him that he would report both Debanikay brothers dead and send the brothers to the secret prison in Denas. Riqumorgia would also go to Denas. Unlike Malithorn, Colnba would not torture them. In fact, by keeping the mages imprisoned in Denas he kept them safe from Malithorn. It also meant they could not aid the rebels, either. There was also a small chance that by monitoring them they could glean information from their minds without the mages realising it. That was why they took control of the lightning, any witnesses on the field would swear a lightning strike had obliterated the mages. As soon as the rebel mages failed, Nisari would cloak them in illusion and hold them captive on the planes until the trusted mage waiting near the battlefield could take them into physical custody.

  As he released the lightning bolt, a terrible feeling of dread hit Ko-rayen hard as he realised that somehow he had aimed the lightning strike at himself.

  The city of Sal-Cirus froze in fear as a searing bolt of lightning exploded through the palace.

  By the cursed hand of Fate! Colnba thought as he felt his shields strain under the force of the lightning strike just centimetres from him. His first shield shattered entirely, which was why the first rule of talented-combat was to always — always — have several shields protecting the physical body as well as the spirit. He had been in the midst of following the mysterious silver-haired elvan and was abruptly yanked back into his body. Without the spirit, the vessel was twice as vulnerable, so, as soon as his outer barrier shattered, his body had automatically drawn his spirit back within the protective shields.

  Ko-rayen had been sitting next to him, but he could no longer feel the Ko-renti mage.

  'Ena-ra, what just happened?' Nisari wanted to know, using an elvan term of affection.

  Because they were linked spiritually, Nisari would have felt the concussion, too.

  'Lightning. Ko-rayen lost control of it to the Saviour. I am shaken, but unharmed. I am not sure what happened to Ko-rayen…'

  Colnba could feel his rahn's rage and fear. 'The Saviour will regret such boldness when we show him we are far from being meek opponents. I will scatter the group, you guide the charge.'

  Day 20 – Morning

  Serenvale Plains

  Riqu threw a glance at Akileena. 'Did you see that?'

  'No, been on other planes.'

  'Brynn pulled off a snatch and strike on Ko-rayen with the lightning,' Andarin informed him.

  'That will not go down well,' Akileena said.

  'He almost hit Colnba,' Riqu added.

  Akileena drew in a sharp breath. 'We better brace, then. Nisari does not react well when the mages fighting back target her rahn directly. She will launch an aggressive attack. Take over the new shields, Riqu. Andarin, can you assist with shields as well as monitoring the elements?'

  Andarin sent an affirmative.

  Before the mages could finish the task, the atmosphere changed.

  A tearing, screeching sound filled the air.

  The sound was so deafening, all three mages found themselves overwhelmed. Riqu clapped his hands over his ears in a futile attempt to ease his pain. In his peripheral, he could see Akileena and Andarin were similarly affected.

  Looking forward, Riqu's expression filled with dread. Malithorn's men were not only immune — they were charging. The shields! With his concentration broken, Nisari had taken them down. Riqu struggled to concentrate and reform the barrier, but the high-pitched shrieking made it impossible to focus.

  Then Akileena created an empathic link with him and Andarin. Riqu found it disorienting as Akileena seemed to move energy both from without and within. Then, a moment later, a wave erupted out from the three mages, taking down Abbarane's front line.

  Blessed silence washed over them.

  Riqu looked over to see blood leaking from Akileena's ears. The younger mage turned exhausted eyes to him. 'I learned that from Brynn. But it cost me, can you get the shields back up?'

  Riqu did not answer, instead, shifting to the planes to rebuild the shields.

  Even as the elder mage worked, spears of ice were forming overhead.

  'Andarin…' Akileena rasped, his mouth and throat dry. The effort of manipulating the environment for the last strike had left him feeling drained.

  'I'm onto it, seeca,' Andarin assured him, worried by how frail his brother felt.

  As the icy spears descended on the prone group, everybody scattered.

  Again, Abbarane's soldiers surged forth, this time succeeding in engaging the rebels.

  Day 20 – Morning


  Colnba was on the astral plane using it to better coordinate the soldiers. From here he could access the minds of all the soldiers and all their horses. Nisari was concentrating on planes of the environment and Riqumorgia's shields as she searched for weaknesses. And together, they were linked to the planes of all the Abbarane mages.

  It had taken them just over three hundred turns to attain the level of skill required to influence so many planes at the same time. They had worked tirelessly and jointly for half of those turns. In them was the shared ambition to be leaders and role models to their people. Before the war, at least.

  They had been young, too young, when they had undertaken the shaen-duura binding ritual. Full of the confidence and arrogance of being almost a century ahead of their peers in skill, they had not perceived the fall before them. A series of falls, actually. Yet, it was not in their nature to suffer defeat. They had seen a path where their future was peaceful and prosperous. Turns of research had revealed that the war would happen, the defeat of their people was an event Fate had set. If they sided with Keldon, though, they gave their people time. Instead of annihilating the race, Keldon enslaved them. All they needed to follow their
path was to close down the Saviour's path. The loss of two could result in the prosperity of many. But they had to get to him before he linked with his rahn, for once he did, they would be near impossible to stop.

  Just then Colnba saw something that made him freeze in disbelief. Certain that he was mistaken, Colnba shifted to the spirit plane. He had spotted an unusual and familiar aura on the valley floor. The view from the spirit plane confirmed it.

  It was her!

  It was the mystery spirit. He remembered when he first encountered her, he had originally thought she was a ghost experiencing a past trauma. But it was clear to him now what she was — who she was.

  Colnba caught Nisari's attention. 'This is an unlooked-for opportunity,' he sent, indicating the spirit he had discovered.

  'Is that the other spoken of in The Prophecy?'

  'I am positive that it is. I will separate her from the group and send a division of soldiers to capture her. You conceal the soldiers and the spirit until we have her away.'

  Day 20 – Morning

  Serenvale Plains

  The rebels threw up packs and blankets, anything to soften the blows from the spears of ice raining down on them.

  'Try to keep together,' someone yelled.

  'Form a defence,' called another voice.

  Keysjhon had activated his armour long ago. He only wished all of their group had full armour, but it was beyond their limited resources. Abbarane's soldiers, fully protected, not only outnumbered them, but were proving harder to take down. They needed to get out of here — and fast. By Fate's mercy, if the attack from above was not thwarted soon, all possibilities of escape would close.

  Just then, Keysjhon felt his son's spirit press against his in a gesture of reassurance. A moment later, a shield of ice started to form above them.

  'Andarin will shield us, and you will soon have the retreat you hope for,' Brynn sent, 'make sure all rebels are within Andarin's ice dome before the walls form.'

  This warning was followed by one from Andarin. 'Be wary of who gets trapped in with you.'

  At Keysjhon's direction, Sariah and Kassan each led a small group of rebels in alternate directions around the still-forming dome, killing any soldiers unfortunate enough to be in their path. As Sariah reached the back of the group she was horrified to see several of their people were caught too far out, harried by a group of soldiers. Charging out an instant before the dome closed over, she sent to Keysjhon, 'There is a group that have been separated, I will need help getting them back to safety.'

  Brynn cursed as Sariah slipped out of the dome. Then he noted what had drawn her — a group of rebels had become separated. At the same time, Keysjhon sent to him, explaining that Sariah had gone after a stray group.

  Shifting his focus to the physical plane, Brynn looked over to his father, 'I need you, seda,' then, raising his voice, 'Kassan, with me!'

  Keysjhon sent to Daniel, placing him in charge as he broke off to follow Brynn with Kassan close behind them.

  Several rebel fighters were trying to keep themselves between the refugees and their attackers. Sariah charged towards the closest soldiers, Treya neighing shrilly as she barrelled into them, tossing the lead rider to the ground with her horns. The warrior did not pause for breath, and, wielding both swords, decimated what little coordination the soldiers had.

  By the time Brynn, Keysjhon and Kassan reached the group, though, Sariah had come off Treya and was being set upon from all sides. Kassan yelled her well-known battle cry and slashed through to her. The warrior nodded her thanks as she swung herself back up in the saddle. She joined Keysjhon, who was working to push back soldiers while Kassan and Brynn attacked either flank. Gradually, they started to retreat to the main group.

  In response, the soldiers made a more forceful attack with a contingent from the eastern ranks joining in to reinforce their compatriots. Driving a wedge through Keysjhon's defence, they divided into three groups, one heading for the retreating refugees and the other two attempting to cut off Keysjhon's and Sariah's divided lines of defence.

  Sariah turned in time to impede an attempt by soldiers to get behind her and to the refugees. But, despite her efforts, the soldiers still managed to ram some of the rebel horses causing the inexperienced riders to topple to the ground. One was trampled on, his leg breaking, and another barely missed having her head crushed as she pulled him out of the way. Soldiers snatched at them, one grabbing the flailing arm of the injured man and dragging him behind his horse, another hooking the woman under the arm and about the throat.

  Treya pursued the soldier holding the woman and speared him through the chest as she forced his horse to the ground. The charger placed her hooves carefully on either side of the fallen woman as Sariah fended off another attacker. Meanwhile, Kassan's charger performed a similar move to free the man being dragged by the other soldier. Larger and heavier than Abbarane's cavalry horses, the dwarven chargers were very effective in such manoeuvres. Kassan's charger's horns, missed the soldier, but the warrior speared his throat with her infamous sword, Ghi-nuura — Death-wielder. Made by the warrior's own hand using ore from the Drakon Forge Ranges, the blade took on an unholy blood-red glow in battle. Hauling the beleaguered man up behind her, Kassan pulled her charger around to block those soldiers still pursuing the refugees.

  In the meantime, a fiery glow lit up the dome protecting the main group as mage-fire engulfed it, distracting Brynn as he drew more energy from the environment to form a small wall of fire to push back Abbarane's soldiers. Suddenly, the front line of soldiers facing Brynn's group fell limply from their horses. Akileena had employed his darker gift. The mage repeated the move on the soldiers closest to the refugees Brynn was helping before returning his focus to protecting the main group. The act of taking lives by talent was incredibly draining and Akileena felt exhaustion dragging at his spirit. He was very close to unconsciousness. The mage-fire destroyed the ice shield keeping Abbarane's main force at bay and Daniel, having taken over from Keysjhon, led the first division's defence as soldiers plunged into the front line.

  Still more soldiers were racing to intercept the refugees increasing pressure on the rebels trying to get them to safety. Sariah leaned down to retrieve the woman cowering under Treya, but almost came off her horse as she was rammed. Desperately, she swung her sword out, managing to block the soldier's strike even as she pulled herself upright. Treya swung about, using her greater weight to knock the other horse to the ground. Another blade whispered by Sariah's arm, but when she turned, Brynn was there, his tainted sword buried in her attacker's chest. Having taken two severe hits to her armour when she had come off Treya earlier, the warrior was aware her reactions were slower. Again, she found herself nodding her thanks to another warrior. And a mage, at that.

  Spotting another fallen refugee, Sariah nodded to the woman once under Treya. 'Get that one,' she said, somewhat breathlessly. 'I will get the child.'

  As Brynn reached down for the fallen woman, he tried to keep an eye on the soldiers. Riqu had managed to erect a barrier to shield the separated group, but warned it could fail at any moment. The arm Brynn was reaching for was not there. It would help if he was looking, Brynn thought. As he did, he realised that she was shying from him. He followed her gaze to the gloved hand he offered, which was covered in blood, as was the sword he wielded in the other hand. His eyes travelled up to meet silver-grey eyes and he froze. 'Key sa!' Hidden one, he whispered.

  She further recoiled from him, and he realised what a fearsome sight he made. 'Please, do not fear me, I mean to protect you,' he tried to explain.

  'Brynn!' It was Riqu. He could not keep the shields up much longer.

  'Their death is my sorrow, not my regret,' he told her. 'This is no place to explain, let me take you to safety.' He realised, then, that it was not the bloodied clothing she feared as much as him, for she was the one who suffered most when he used their empath talent as a weapon. He wanted to explain that he never meant to put her through that, and
if he could put up barriers for her, she would no longer have to go through it. But there was no time and he needed to convince her cooperate. 'There are children I must also protect. Regardless of their value, I will not leave you. Not under any circumstances.' His tone held a harshness he did not intend, but he could not help that, he was tired and he still had to get them out of here.

  Finally, she raised her hand and, as gently as possible, Brynn grasped her wrist...

  And felt lightning fire through him.

  Their spirits linked, the torn connections intuitively seeking each other out and reconnecting. His mind felt so sensitised it burned. For a breathless instant he thought he was going to die. His heart seemed to stop, his blood felt like it ceased to flow, everything seemed to come to a dead halt as he reunited with the other half of his spirit. Planes he never realised existed opened up, including planes exclusive to human mages. The world shifted, becoming clearer, sharper, more vibrant, and then he was back in the valley looking into those stormy, silver eyes. She knew, she felt it too…

  …and she was terrified!

  He took a deep breath, mostly just to assure himself he could still breathe. Renewing his grasp, he lifted her in front of him and signalled Sershja forward. 'Come, seeca. Time to leave.'

  An urgency filled Brynn, he could not afford any subtly or feints, now, he had to get Her to safety. As Sershja navigated the battlefield, Brynn sped through the newly-available human planes, locating Abbarane's human mages, before also marking Abbarane's elvan mages. Then, using a manoeuvre the may-en-ghi had taught him, he amplified terror from their memories with fear from the empath before him and reinserted into their conscious minds, rendering them ineffectual. Next, he targeted Nisari, not the mage herself, but the air around her, replacing the oxygen with carbon dioxide — essentially suffocating her. The move instantly drew Colnba, just as Brynn intended, because with Colnba distracted, the other mages had no support in recovering from Brynn's attacks.


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