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Prophecy's Quest

Page 33

by A. S. Hamilton

  Abbarane's soldiers had completely broken the rebel formation and the soldiers were not differentiating between rebel fighters and children or refugees, killing all in their path. Again, Brynn used the newly-available human planes to target all soldiers engaged with the rebels and employed the same move Akileena used to kill them. Brynn then tore at the land, drawing it in to form a solid segment underneath their position and raising it to create a plateau. He created a bridge to connect it with the apex of the valley. Drawing from the river connected to the creek running through the valley, Brynn pulled a flood towards them.

  'Stop! Do not use me this way.'

  Brynn paused. 'As you will,' he relented, releasing her spirit. She could not break their link, but she withdrew from him on the planes, essentially severing the newly-formed connection.

  Riqu grabbed hold of his saddle as the ground gave an enormous shudder. 'Akileena?'

  The Debanikay mage looked over at the rebel leader as Herjan stumbled beneath him. The horse almost fell, but steadied herself, partly by leaning against Riqu's horse.

  'Is it me, or are we obtaining a better view without an effort?' Riqu asked, sounding disconcerted.

  'Not you…' Akileena frowned. 'I think we are rising, or more precisely, the ground is rising.'

  A furious rushing noise caused both mages to look up.

  'Is that rain?' Riqu wanted to know.

  Akileena paused. The sound reminded him of river rapids. A quick review of the elemental planes revealed the source. 'No, not rain. More like a flood.'

  Brynn felt disoriented, but forced himself to focus. It was too late to stop the water, so he raised segments of land with Abbarane soldiers on them to create islands of safety. He also slowed the water so it did not slam into the valley, but flowed, like a rising tide. As he refocused on the physical plane Brynn realised that the girl in front of him was not just unconscious, she was dying!

  She had just warned him, in the vision that was not a vision, that unless the balance was restored, one would eventually suffer irrevocable harm. In attempting to get her to safety, had he inadvertently drained her beyond recovery through their empathic link? Or had her efforts severing their connection taken all that remained of her energy?

  Her heartbeat was slowing beneath his hand, her breaths falling further and further apart. Brynn dragged more energy out of the environment, but the excessive use of talent left the land around him with almost nothing to give. Brynn gave her what energy he could spare. She must live. Was this what Toormeena meant when she said he was not the Saviour? That he should give his life to preserve hers? After all, his role from the start seemed to be to protect her. Why would they describe him so vividly in The Prophecy if not so he could draw off anyone who might hunt her? Mayhap it was just as he had first thought and his whole purpose in this was to protect her.

  Day 20 – Morning


  Colnba became very still.

  He was certain that, just now, the Saviour had connected with his rahn. But with his attention divided so widely, he was not certain of everything that was happening on the planes at the moment. Moving as close as he could to the Saviour's barriers, Colnba examined his spirit.

  Relief surged through him as he discovered that they were together but not connected…

  But, it was only a matter of time until they found themselves facing the united pair and all would be lost, everything — everyone they had tried to save.

  Nisari sensed his intention. 'Colnba, such a move carries grave risk...'

  'We cannot let them connect, which they will surely do once they are safe. At the very least we must grievously injure one to delay their connecting. Neither of us have been able to pin him down on the planes, and you can no longer perform the feat. But if you will it, I will not continue.'

  Nisari deliberated. She had seen the vision — extinguish just two lives and not only could their lands and people be redeemed, but their own sacrifices be made whole. Yes, The Prophecy saw one path to peace, but that did not mean there were not alternate paths. '"There is never only one path to achieve a goal." Toorimus opened our first class with those words.'

  'I remember. "Our decisions may change paths, but never Fate. We all have a destiny to follow and a place within Fate's journey", he told us,' Colnba said.

  'Take your place within Fate's journey, ena-ra, but be careful,' she implored him.

  Day 20 – Morning

  Serenvale Plains

  Brynn's mage-formed plinth resembled a mountain, the sheer cliffs he'd created prevented Abbarane soldiers from climbing up to them, only his mage-formed bridge provided access, but those soldiers on the opposite ridge of the valley showed no intention of approaching. Kaydyr flew over Brynn's head and then moments later Sariah and Keysjhon were at his side. Keysjhon laid a relieved hand on Brynn's forearm, his expression conveying the depth of his care for his son.

  Brynn returned the gesture, placing his hand over his father's. 'It will take more than a lightning bolt to finish me, seda. Can you lead them out?' he asked, gesturing towards the bridge.

  'Indeed, I can,' Keysjhon replied, turning Del-era about. 'To the Jagrery base, I presume?'

  Brynn did not respond, but Keysjhon recognised that his son was exhausted and led on, calling out instructions to various helpers as he did.

  Sershja and Treya fell into step behind Keysjhon.

  'You look utterly done in,' Sariah observed.

  Brynn heaved out a sigh. He was exceedingly weary. 'Could you please lead Sershja while I tend to our mages. Andarin is still recovering from his previous injuries, as well as new ones, and your father took the brunt of several brutal attacks. Akileena may have done himself permanent harm by forcing himself beyond his limits. My mother will coordinate the physical healing, but I need to ensure their safety on the planes.'

  'Consider me your personal guide,' Sariah replied, taking up Sershja's reins. The horse was barely able to keep his head up. It was little wonder Brynn wanted someone to lead him. While Keysjhon organised the group into a column, Sariah looked for Riqu and Sentary through Kaydyr's sharp vision. The hawk was gliding above now that the weather had settled. Below Abbarane soldiers stood on their islands. Many were gathering on one bank of the lake Brynn had created, but they looked too bedraggled and weary to give a care as to the rebel's activities. When she finally spotted her father and brother, they turned out to be just a few horses behind her, but closer to the edge of the group. Sentary rode with Riqu seated in front of him. Akileena was next to them and Sentary was helping him to move Andarin to his horse. Next to them, Akileena's daughter sat alone on Andarin's charger, she looked like a toy doll, so dainty and fragile in comparison to the sturdy horse.

  Sariah was about to work her way over to them when Sentary saw her and started over. She gave him a smile that was a mix of welcome and relief. Her worst injuries felt like searing welts and her whole left side ached terribly, but seeing her brother safe made her injuries seem like mere inconveniences. She hoped they could reach the rebel refuge in the Jagrery without further incident.

  Keysjhon came to such an abrupt halt that Sershja grunted as he bumped into Del-era.

  Brynn's head shot up, his eyes narrowing.

  'What is it?' Sariah asked, but received no direct answer.

  Instead Brynn shifted the small woman in front of him. 'Take her,' he instructed gruffly.

  Sariah helped him transfer the unconscious woman to Treya, very aware of how thin and fragile she was. An extensive tousled mane of gold hair concealed most of her face, but before she could brush it aside and settle her more comfortably, Brynn's grim tone drew her gaze. His young face showed just how fatigued he was, but the intense blue eyes were almost glowing.

  'If it comes to another confrontation,' he said, 'do not engage, Sariah. Get her away.'

  Sariah frowned, such an instruction made her reconsider the form huddled before her. Was this the other mentioned in The Prophecy? That was the only person Sari
ah could think of that would warrant such a command, and it was definitely a command, she had no doubt of that.

  They had stopped just before the bridge and Brynn now moved up next to Keysjhon. Sariah cast about for Akileena, hoping he might enlighten her, but he was already moving to Keysjhon's other side. Sentary shifted restlessly beside her, and Riqu, though still tired-looking now sat alertly upright.

  'Seda, what is happening?'

  Riqu reached out a hand to her arm. 'Colnba seeks to prevent us from leaving,' Riqu explained. 'He has placed a barrier between us and our route of escape.'

  'Brynn can deconstruct it though, can he not?'

  Riqu gave a vague shake of his head, his attention now on the front of the group.

  The feeling that descended on Sariah set her nerves on edge. The warrior frowned deeply, she had a suspicion it was more than just a mage-formed barrier they were about to face.

  Riqu had not felt such warping of the planes in a long time. Someone was twisting them, working their way through them. The air at the far end of the bridge parted — there was no other way to describe it — and a shadowed form 'appeared'. Only a handful of mages could perform such a feat and Riqu was not surprised when he found himself meeting eyes he had not seen directly for many turns. He knew the mage that emerged, knew him very well... once.

  'Colnba...' Keysjhon and Riqu whispered at the same time.

  Riqu moved forward to the front of the group, next to Keysjhon, Akileena shifting his horse sideways to make room. Sariah followed, and the elder mage realised it was because she was unwilling to let her father and brother get too far from her.

  Aside from his hair and eyes Colnba could easily be mistaken for Brynn's older brother. His hair held several shades of blue, but when the wind swept it aside it revealed shades of gold. Like the rebels, he was dressed in black, but in garb far finer than any rebel possessed. It was much more practical than Riqu expected. Colnba was actually dressed for a fight. The ankle-length cloak was stiff between the ankle and mid-thigh, suggesting an armour-weave. The knee-high boots were armoured as well, and Riqu noted a twin set of daggers with inchanu worked into the hilts strapped to each one. From the way the pale-blue tunic hung, it was heavy with chainmail, too. Riqu guessed Colnba did not want to look like he had prepared for a physical confrontation, most likely because he did not want that fool who called himself a great lord to realise that Colnba could move through planes and was also capable of physical combat. But Riqu was not fooled, not even by the fact that Colnba did not wear a sword belt. The blade of the sword in his hand was naked, the dark-grey, dark-blue of the metal declaring it was a dragon-forged weapon — old and powerful. Looking into Colnba's pale-blue eyes filled Riqu with a deep sadness and an ominous foreboding.

  Colnba's pale-blue eyes moved from Riqumorgia's face to Keysjhon's and then Brynn's. 'This is something I never expected to see,' he said, his voice filled with sincere amazement. 'Grandfather, father and son. Three generations of the direct line of the House of Brynn-a-kai...' Colnba looked back to Riqumorgia. 'Despite our differences, I am honoured, torahn.' He gave a little half-bow, his demeanour one of genuine respect. 'Oh, I know you go by Riqumorgia now, but despite whatever they did to save you, your altered appearance, I know you, Caradon, for who you are.'

  Riqu gave a slight nod, acknowledging that he was Caradon.

  'And you are still Crown, until...' Colnba moved his gaze back to Brynn. 'Until you or I overcome Malithorn Abbarane and... settle our differences,' he said. 'I was hoping you would get to Abbarane first, but Fate, however, has another path in mind.'

  Colnba raised his sword, and, as he did, a large diamond-shaped sapphire of deep blue flashed at the junction of the hand-guard and blade. The centre of the sword had a dragon's head, the horns on either side of the sapphire. The arms of the hand-guard were shaped into stalking may-en-ghi, and a second, paler, blue gem was set vertically into the pommel. A talent-imbued sword, just like Eirra-ghi.

  'Brynn, no—' Riqu reached towards the young elvan but Brynn had shifted through the planes to the other side of the barrier Colnba had put in place.

  Drawing Eirra-ghi, Brynn swung the blade in a slow, wide arc. For a long moment it seemed like neither opponent would make the first move. Then, as if deciding simultaneously, the blades crashed together. Brynn's suspicion about Colnba's sword were confirmed when it abruptly halted Eirra-ghi's descent. In training, the sword seemed to 'know' not to inflict damage, but in combat, any sword that met Eirra-ghi shattered or simply 'parted', separating as easily as cloth. Brynn knew now, that he had to assume Colnba's sword was just as dangerous as Eirra-ghi.

  Colnba, his face only centimetres from Brynn, smiled. 'Yours is not the only blade forged by dragons,' he murmured smugly.

  Brynn stepped to the side and disengaged, the blade sliding off with a sharp ring.

  'Harder to kill, does not mean impossible,' the younger elvan growled.

  'It works both ways,' Colnba retorted.

  Again they closed and as much as it looked like a well-coordinated dance, it was a deadly one. The seeming rhythm was evidence of thorough training, because when one moved unexpectedly, the other reacted instantly giving the illusion and flow of a dance. Colnba feinted and, adding a talented burst of speed, slipped around behind Brynn.

  The younger elvan managed to turn and block just in time.

  Colnba flashed a grin at Brynn. 'Do not feel inadequate, your tutor would never reduce himself to using talent in combat,' he said, having deduced that Brynn had learned from his father, as Keysjhon was considered a blade-master of exceptional skill. 'And even if Keysjhon intended you master more than just blades, you are still too young to learn such skills as those that combine talent with weapons. Only full mages are qualified to undertake that level of tuition.'

  Brynn realised the goading was meant to provoke him, so he answered evenly, but with detachment. 'There may be gaps in my training, but not all is in your favour.'

  As they circled, Colnba kept asking questions, knowing it would distract his younger opponent. 'Tell me, did you always know Riqumorgia was Caradon?'

  'I knew he was my grandfather, the rest did not need to be said. There did come a day, when I knew that the two names belonged to the same person, but why does it intrigue you?'

  Colnba arched one brow. 'Because you were surprised to discover you are the one spoken of in The Prophecy.'

  Brynn's expression hardened, but he remained silent.

  Colnba used talent to throw Brynn off-balance, his blade catching Brynn's upper arm. Flinching, Brynn shifted out of reach, but it gave him a piece of valuable information — Colnba's blade may be imbued with talent, but it was not exactly like Eirra-ghi. He had to feint several times before finally catching Colnba off guard and creating an opening to strike the mage's undefended side. But Colnba spun at the last second, avoiding Eirra-ghi's point. Anger sparked in the older mage's pale-blue eyes, but Colnba was more annoyed at himself for letting the younger elvan get so close.

  Using a series of quick strikes, Colnba was able to distract the less-experienced mage enough for him to use his talent to cause Brynn to release Eirra-ghi and propel the blade out of reach. Colnba allowed himself a small smile at Brynn's bewilderment, but his smile vanished when Brynn recovered Eirra-ghi through talent in time to stop Colnba's strike towards his neck.

  At the start, they seemed on even par. But Riqu could see that Brynn was not as confident as Colnba in combining talent with weapons. It was only Brynn's innate gift with talent that allowed him to keep up with his opponent. Colnba was driving Brynn to the edge of the mage-made bridge that connected Brynn's newly-formed plateau with the valley ridge and suddenly, the ground underneath Brynn became a sheet of ice extending beyond the edge. Brynn shifted to parry a strike and found himself sliding. When he came to a stop, there was only air beneath the ice. Thinking fast, Brynn summoned a wedge of rock underneath him and melted the ice. Ducking Colnba's next strike, Brynn lunged forward and struck Co
lnba's knee-joint with his free fist. Colnba cursed, but recovered, spinning to bring his blade down and trap Brynn's sword against the ground.

  Sariah shifted nervously, and Riqu squeezed her arm sympathetically. He knew her well enough to know it was agonising for her to have to watch without being able to help. He had always wanted to tell her... about being Caradon, but secrecy was his best protection. If Keldon had ever discovered he had survived or if Malithorn discovered how he survived... Very few mages could use talent to 'travel' through planes. Even fewer could draw an actual thing through them and it was quite a rare skill to move a living being through them. No one knew the identity of the mage that had pulled Caradon through the planes and out of Sal-Cirus that night. One moment he had been caressing Diannra's petal-soft cheek, his own wounds bleeding so severely he knew he would soon join her — and the next the world had warped and he was in front of Linuk and Belon on the other side of the country.

  Riqu looked to Akileena and Andarin, both mages were trying to take down the invisible barrier that isolated Brynn from the group. If they managed to get it down, Riqu had no doubt Sariah would be the first one to charge. Riqu examined the barrier again... Andarin was not really up to it, he was too weak, but Akileena's determination just might give him the strength to do it. Like Colnba and Nisari, Akileena was a mage before he was anything else, and he had trained under his father, Akiryn, who had also trained Colnba. There was a good chance, if any of them could get through Colnba's barrier, Akileena would be the one.


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