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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 43

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  Brooke came over and kissed Moril’s cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Daku, will you take the children home? I want to take my time and walk.”

  “Of course, Cage. Come, Cubs.” The griffin laid down and Meeka handed over Ananna to Sean who took a spot in front with Rena behind. They waved, but before Daku flew off, Cage handed over his robe and sword which would be safely delivered to the study. Then they flew off.

  Birdcalls began to fill the air and Cage said “I missed quite a bit. I really wanted to see how our island changed seasons after the giant hurricane washed away all the snow and ice. But the island is becoming beautiful once again.” Brooke and Tohka held both of his hands while Meeka clasped Tohka’s and all hands were woven in an intimate embrace. When the beach could no longer be seen or heard is when he broke their silence. Up to that point they were all content to be silent and get comfortable, that they were together.

  “The great storm scared us.” Brooke said. “When it was fully upon us and the rain melted the ice, the waterfall broke apart too loudly. We all thought we were under attack. Ananna cried for almost an hour till Tohka was able to get warm milk in her through that bottle. The loudness frightened Megdline too. We saw her come outside, her staff glowing. When she saw the waterfall simply flowed again she went back inside. But that night the three of us found visitors in our bed. Sean, Rena and Ananna slept with us because they were scared. The next night they were all better.”

  “But Spring has come at last and life in the forest is returning. All the flowers are back around our home and the lake beneath the waterfall.” Meeka added.

  “Tohka?” He asked as he felt her hand shaking. “What’s the matter?”

  She remained shy, unable to meet his gaze as they all stopped. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. They were silent, giving her time to take as much as needed. She licked her lips and bit her bottom in nervous habit till she managed to squeak out “I love you, Cage Love.”

  Brooke kindly unthreaded her fingers to give him his hand so he could tilt her face up with a gentle knuckle under the chin. “I know you found that hard to say, but I love you too. Just as much as I can see Brooke and Meeka do. Just because we had sex for maybe two days, love goes deeper than that. I know you need to hear I love you, but I have proof in reality.” Her wide, doe eyes brimmed with emotion. “On my back, I know you saw the four roses. I can tell you that they mean the four most people I love more than any other. I can see mana and the color of a person’s unique quality. The white one is Daku, not because of his snowy coat, but because of his actual color of Mana. Meek’s blue doesn’t match her dark blue eyes. It’s lighter because of her power. Brooke’s is dark green, but yours…” He touched the topaz laying content between her bare breasts. “is like your gem. It is proof you are every much part of me as your sister-mates. It is the visible proof that I do love you.”

  Tohka fought the tears back as she looked at the special gift he had given and then to her sisters. “I’m so happy, but I can wait no longer.”

  “For what?” He asked.

  “Here, Tohka Love?” Brooke asked.

  “No one is near and I cannot wait any longer either.” Meeka said. “It was too hard walking this distance and I doubt I can hold on any further, especially to reach home.”

  “Will someone pl…” He couldn’t speak as suddenly Brooke’s mouth engulfed his lance. The move was so fast and powerful he could only intake a breath. Meeka and Tohka pushed him off the stone path and into the grass where suddenly Tohka threw a leg over his head and she began sharing his lance with Brooke as Meeka knelt and physically lifted Brooke’s legs up and around her neck while her mouth went right to work. A grin grew as Cage followed Meeka’s example on Tohka. Both native Utala women found it impossible to work his lance while their lovers licked and teased their flower. Tohka was the first to quiver and shake before she rolled off and kissed him fully for doing such a wondrous deed. Brooke though rolled over and began showing Meeka the same treatment. Tohka took that opportunity to position herself over and take him to the hilt and scream to the spirits. He matched her move for move and when he saw Meeka and Brooke roll away from each other, panting and giggling did he sit up and lay Tohka between them. Before either woman could realize his intentions, his fingers entered them, hooking as he quickly moved up and down in a visual blur, his long, thick fingers making a different kind of magic. His new mind was able to properly multitask as he satisfied three women all at the same time. He was so good he got all them to orgasm at exactly the same time and kept them in that state for five full minutes before they made themselves crawl away and look at him and each other with lazy surprise. “What? You didn’t think I had such abilities to please all three of you?”

  Panting, Brooke said “Oh, how we missed you.” and crawled over and filled herself with him.

  “I do not ever wish to get used to that.” Tohka panted as she still had tremors.

  Meeka laid a hand over her racing heart. “He clearly proved he could take on all three of us at the same time… I do not think he will let us get used to anything he can do… Let’s try to make him spill his seed more times than our flower milks him. Clearly we are losing.”

  Instead of separating from then on, the three finally made him their sole focus and succeeded in making him match their orgasms by overwhelming him with their superior allure and natural feminine talents.

  By that time darkness took over and the cool air turned downright cold. As Meeka felt him explode inside her for the tenth time she crooned “Cage, we need to rest and eat. Let’s go home to finish this long neglected need.”

  “Yes, you’ve yet to tire and we do not know why, but the breeze is freezing the sweat off my skin.” Brooke said as she rubbed her sore belly though that wasn’t what hurt and felt wondrous at the same time.

  “Well I’m not hungry and won’t be for awhile and I can already tell I will require far less sleep than normal… finally I can keep up with all your needs. But you’re right. Let’s go home. All I need is a drink.” Meeka unwrapped her legs from around his waist and he pulled away to stand up strong and powerful, while the last moments of sunlight gave his three beauties an otherworldly allure. Their bright eyes held him as he offered his hands and helped them stand. He picked up Brooke’s hatchets, Meeka’s knives and bracelet and Tohka’s thinner dagger to return them to their owners.

  They didn’t bother strapping anything on as they came over meaningfully and he didn’t disappoint as he created his trusty black board and almost silently flew up and out of the forest. As they gradually moved Meeka said “Tohka, your hair!”

  “What?” She gasped and embarrassingly began tugging at the loose and long, thick mane.

  “Meeka, you’re not in any better condition.” Brooke observed as Meeka began pulling grass and twigs from Tohka’s untamed curls. The former priestess began also pulling strands from her lover’s golden threads.

  “It means I just did my job.” He boasted.

  “Your task is far from over.” Tohka warned in a purr as she took hold of his relaxed lance. Under her touch it jumped and made her grin. “Until you give us all babies and satisfy our never ending need for you, you will not rest.”

  “Oh it feels good knowing I can create a new life from the man I love and share all the experiences it will make with you, My Loves.” Brooke said as she pulled the last blade of grass from Meeka’s hair. “Though my conception with Rena wasn’t beautiful with the last chieftain, her father, you two will know a true mother’s love when you learn you made new life from the man who joined of one body with love and beauty. Without an accident happening, my heart is soaring now that I know I can give Rena another brother or sister.”

  “How many do you and she want?” Their man asked as he located the waterfall flowing once again from about five miles away, but he intentionally flew slowly and take time.

  “Rena has only known me and a few women I brought to the furs and has only seen large families.
Her other brothers and sisters from her father’s loins had all died protecting the tribe from invasion and trespassers and she never knew him in any real way as I did kill him because I would not let his cruelness grow in her… But she wants a big family like Elder Metak and his six mates who he made nineteen children through. Rena wants no less than that. And she once told me, before you and Meeka entered our lives, that when she came of age she would make me a grandmother as soon as possible and make many babies from the strongest man in the tribe. She may be young in the dream of being the big sister to many siblings, but I know she will make a fine mother when her time comes. And I agree, I too want a larger family. I miss the feeling I got when Rena suckled from my breasts and want that feeling again.” Her gaze turned to her sisters. “You will understand how must more gratifying it is to learn you made new life, bring it into the world and nurture it with your breasts and watch it grow. And what I truly want is to be pregnant with the two of you and wake each morning and all our bellies full of pride and walk around to show everyone what our man has gifted onto us.”

  “We truly wish the same.” Tohka said. “Meeka and I are jealous that we are not mothers by now when other mothers had a babe by no later than their nineteenth year while she is twenty one and I, a year older. I want to bare no less than five.”

  “I’m glad we can no longer consider this talk a fantasy.” Meeka said with a content sigh. “We were all afraid to live an eternity without making life with you, Cage, but I hope this isn’t offsetting to speak. Some men find talk of babies frightening. But for women like Tohka and me, not having a babe of our own is heartbreaking. It makes us jealous that other women can have them so easily.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” He grinned as they glide ever closer and they could all now see their giant tree as a tiny glowing dot in the distance. “I want the world to know who the mothers of my children will be and that just means I am the happiest man alive because you three are the only ones who aren’t downright terrified of me and still want to be the mothers of baby warlocks. And that means I get the honor of making love to three strong women with more beauty than any woman to have ever or will ever exist.”

  “That, and” Meeka stroked his lance with a single finger. “you get to use this on us any time you want and we won’t ever tell you ‘No’ because it is irresistible, just like kissing you.” The other two women agreed if their smiles were any indication.

  It didn’t feel long enough, but they flew over the trees till below was the faint visual of the island’s greatest paradise. The waterfall flowed heavily once again into the lake which was framed by a pathway others could walk along so as to not trample the new green shoots sprouting from the now snowless area. Cage found two flowers already in a vibrant bloom. Two hundred or so feet from the paradise and next to the waterfall was the modified great oak. The three thick supports now held lines used to dry clothes while the one in the back held up his training equipment. Around the front grew more grass and a few reawakening flowers that hadn’t bloomed quite yet. Off to the left, Cage noticed Meeka no longer covered her medicinal herbs with sheets and blankets, now that she knew there would be no further snow. But that didn’t mean the Spring temperature didn’t plummet as soon as the sun dropped. As it is, the air chilled their naked bodies.

  Cage touched down and they all walked quickly to the front door. The windows made of transparent wood, that lived very much like the rest of the tree, gave off light from inside. Tohka reached the door first, placed her hand on the knot of the door and watched it slide aside and went right in and immediately to the fireplace. Brooke and Meeka were right behind.

  The door automatically shut behind Cage as he closed his eyes and took a whiff of the nostalgic scent of his home. “Man is it good to come back.” As his eyes opened, Rena came in for a hug saying “Don’t leave us again, Dad.” He didn’t respond as he rubbed her head and smiled. Afterwards she went back to a table full of food. Sean sat beside Ananna who had covered herself in more food than she actually ate and it made him laugh. Sean said “Dad, I made dinner, but Daku said you wouldn’t be hungry.”

  “He’s right.” Cage said as Daku lay comfortably on his bedding by the fire, looking at them all and smiling, especially at Ananna’s adorable eating habits. I probably won’t need to feel I have to eat for about three or four weeks. But I do need a glass of water.” He said and poured a glass from the pitcher.

  As he gulped down the refreshing drink Meeka said “How can you say that? You will waste away and die if you do not eat every day. Without food by the tenth day you will die.”

  “He will not.” Daku spoke up and clearly at that. “Cage needs very little nutrition for his body now. Unless he is truly hurt and must replace lost nutrients through consumption. He will not be able to eat more than the equivalent of a single meal each month, unless he wishes to become intentionally sick and retch it back up. Brooke, you were there when Megdline first had him eat a small piece of meat. He will have the same reaction if he tries eating before he feels the need.”

  Brooke grimaced, remembering that time in the cave very well.

  “Yes, the reaction will be that severe. He needs little food, like dragons, but he does need a constant intake of liquid. That hasn’t changed. He lives off his new mana now. Right now he is surging with energy, quite like I do. And as by how you three females look, you’ve seen a difference in his stamina. He does not tire as he once had. And to ease your worry later, when you notice his lack of sleeping habits, he requires very little. Maybe two hours.”

  Still, Cage moved to the head of the large dining room table and sat. His lack of hunger didn’t diminish the atmosphere of family togetherness as he asked “So with all the dragons lately, how badly have our hunters and animal caretakers taken it by how the game react?”

  Rena piped “Dad, that subject surprised our people. Our hunters have found nothing has frightened the animals as we expected. It is as if the animals do not fear the dragons. I asked Poli why that is and she said that they use magic to keep the animals from fleeing and do a few things to keep all the game docile. Even our horses aren’t frightened while they fly, but as soon as a horse sees a dragon on the ground they flee if not under the command of their rider…”

  “Spit it out, Kiddo. I see you want to ask me something.” He said as he noticed her expression change.

  “A colt was born last week and I was wondering if I could have it. Elder Shania said I should ask you when you returned to us. As my dad, she said it is your decision to let me raise one.”

  “Sure, go right ahead.” Rena beamed and so did his three women. “I know this goes without saying, but the baby horse will be your responsibility to take full care of. When I get some time away from your mothers and my training, I will make you a fence that will keep wolves and mountain lions from eating your new horse. For now, you will need to keep the colt with its mother.”

  “Mothers, may I stay with the children so I can stay close to my new horse?”

  “Rena, what about helping me with my wolf pelt?” Sean voiced.

  “Oh, sorry Sean Brother.” Rena was conflicted.

  “Don’t worry Sean, I’ll give you a hand.” Cage said as she sipped on the crisp water. “Besides, I got you a lance, now that you are considered a man and a hunter now. It’s a warlock’s lance Daku let me take.” He snapped his fingers and his wrapped up robe came floating out from his study, the door opened and closed as it passed. Cage sat his blade aside and put a hand in a pocket while saying “Sean’s lance.” and pulled out a rather simple looking, but effective and beautiful single handed lance in a man’s hands, but would be a double in Sean’s as they were of equal height. The long blade looked shaped like a leaf and deadly sharp, two feet rim tip to where the three foot shaft of some magically dense hard wood was lodged. At the other end was a round counterbalance, like the pommel of a sword. In the center of the highly polished silvery blade was an oval crystal set inside. One so clear it looked like glass a
nd could be seen through.

  Sean’s eye lit with wonder as the weapon was passed over. “For me?”

  “Yes, but I haven’t put any spells into it so be careful and do not stab yourself. When you are done eating you can go up to your room and practice with it.”

  “Did I get a present too?” Rena asked as only a child would. Brooke, Meeka and Tohka gave him a smug look as if expecting nothing less.

  “Yes, but you will have to wait till your tenth birthday for it. It is a woman’s sword, but your hands are too little to hold the grip. And do not sulk, Little Lady. I’m not letting Sean have a horse. So you each get something and if I hear one word that you didn’t get anything I’ll go to Shania and tell her right now you can’t have the colt and you are being punished for being greedy. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Dad.” Rena mumbled and ate a strawberry.

  “Excellent fathering.” Brooke approved. “Sean, set your spear down and finish eating and before you play with it, bring down your pelt to show your dad.”

  “Yes, Brooke Mother.” Sean said as he immediately wolfed his meal faster than ever before and then immediately picked up his new weapon, ran upstairs and flew down with a wooden frame stretching the pelt of the alpha wolf out on strings from every edge. “See, Dad?”

  “Beautifully done. What are your plans for it?”

  “A blanket. Tohka Mother said that the fur would be best used and would be seen as a sign of manhood when I feel the need to take on a challenge to get me a woman. She said women like a man with a predators pelt they defeated.”

  “I’m not wrong.” Tohka said as she sipped on her water too.

  “Well don’t expect me to go out and kill an animal for its coat. I have other ways to keep you warm at night.” She beamed at her man. “Tomorrow morning I’ll help you out, Sean.”

  The boy lifted the rack with a smile. “Thank you, Dad. I will be waiting.” He left with it and went straight to his room to practice.


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