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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 44

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Dad, I’m glad you are home, but I’m tired and will put Ananna to sleep.”

  “Really, Kiddo? You never go to sleep this early.”

  Meeka said “She hasn’t slept since Daku told us you were alive… Do you need some help with your sister?”

  Rena lifted her messy sister and held her tightly. “No, Meeka Mother. We’ll take a bath together and go to bed. Good night, Mothers.” They said their goodnights as Rena walked to the head of the table and kissed Cage’s cheek. “Good night, Dad.”

  “Sweet dreams, Kiddo.” He tussled both girls heads. Ananna shyly buried her sticky face in her sister’s neck and the room chuckled. Rena went upstairs.

  Afterwards, Cage put his sword and robe away to then collect all the dishes and wash them by hand. Any leftovers were put back in the freezer box.

  “Ready to finish what we started, My Loves?” Brooke asked as they stood together in the doorway, admiring the view of their man’s backside.

  “I’ll draw us a hot bath and let my parents know the good news.” Meeka said as she walked away and picked up the crystal and said “Phone call.” She spent a few minutes talking and Cillian and Tiffa were greatly relieved. By the time the tub was nice and hot she had ended the long distance conversation. She then looked up to find Brooke locked intimately in Cage’s embrace. If it were anyone else, he would haven’t the skill to thrust while walk into the water and not slip.

  They exchanged each other for the rest of the night. After five hours in the tub they retired to the furs in front of the fire, forgoing the bed altogether. Only when the physical endurance of the three beauties dwindled did he relax. He didn’t want to break his playmates so he gathered them together and watched as they slept in a tight embrace. He knew he was by far the luckiest man in all of Raliea. The crackling fire and the view it cast on their curvy bodies only made him smile more. Eventually his new mental faculties allowed him to consciously and intentionally force sleep.

  An hour and a half later his eyes opened and he felt completely refreshed. By the window’s lack of glow, dawn still hadn’t arrived, but his loves remained woven together. Meeka closest to the fire, Brooke sandwiched up between Tohka’s breasts while her firm backside was snugly content in his belly. Cage still felt full of energy, like a child on a sugar bender, only with more control. He opened the draw rate to his diamonds to at least take the edge off, which only marginally helped. He sighed and carefully kissed the cheek of all three women before slipping away. As one they all made a barely audible groan, sensing his departure though he made no sound. Still, they didn’t wake. He smiled, never knowing just how much they were linked or how he could truly possibly love them, but he did and was finally content.

  He left the room and headed downstairs to find Daku wide awake and alert as he stared at the burning flames. “How do you feel? After the short sleep?”

  “Like I slept ten hours actually. I feel like a kid again. I cannot settle down, even when I’m draining myself into the diamonds.”

  “And it will be the same after a million years. I too feel as you. It is good to know that I have a human that can now keep up with me. If you want to release some of that excess energy, might I suggest to get started on your warlock battle magics…”

  “After for sure, but before all that I need to work on the island’s wards, mainly take that big diamond Gralla fixed and make it my primary central control or at least add its superior ability to store tons more magic than crystal ever could. I’ll be back soon enough. But just incase, give me a nudge mentally if you hear my women rise. I’ll get back here and they will never know I left.”

  “That would be best. Your new strength will make the wards much stronger. Likely as physically powerful as Twilight’s if not more. I will continue to relax and help you in your training upon returning.”

  “See you soon.” Cage said as he pulled the sphere off his desk and teleported to the heart of the mountain and began working. He placed the diamond sphere between the three large control crystals that regulated the network and found he only needed to shift all the imbued spells from one object to another so long as they touched. Soon the diamond became the primary regulator, but just in the event of failure the three crystals became a secondary backup. He spent ten minutes layering new spells he thought up in his time in The Deep, placing them almost one a second and his new mind was able to devise some remarkable ideas and figured them into a spell the gems could store. Soon he had one main diamond that controlled everything and the crystals sat at the ready for any failures. He even finally figured out how to create a way for the island’s spells to deliver a warning no matter the distance in event of a breach or attack, it was a variant of the calling spell he made between gems, but no words would pass and be so subtle as to be undetectable.

  After ten minutes of work he sent a spell in search of Ulon and a sight mirror appeared. A phrase later the newly full grown reptile stared at a black ball and reversed the spell so they could see and speak together. “Hello Ulon.”

  The pink dragon’s eyes widened. “You speak Draconian! How, and so fluently, Cage?”

  Cage explained and then said “I know I’m speaking Draconian as my throat feels like it’s hissing and growling, but in my head it sounds like a language from Earth. I chose it because it is very complicated and so is the written language, just like Draconian. It’s strange, in this language you made complete sense and not Cage Two-legs. I can now feel why, your vocal cords need to vibrate much more slowly in the human way and in this one you don’t require to roll your tongue as much… interesting.” He admitted now that he could feel how the words oddly came from his throat. “But I’ll get right down to business. I’m changing all the keywords and access into the island. I’ve got mine all changed, but as per our agreement as neighbors, what would you like yours and Poli’s to be?”

  In the ancient dragon language the pink behemoth said “Under the falling star shall my heart shine brightest as the pink and silver horizon blend as one.” Only to anyone not familiar to the reptilian language it sounded like ‘Shakkak brasss boorr ankq allor vellem merr netti rouk.’

  “All done.” Cage said a half second later. “See you two in six days. How goes your training?”

  If there was any way for a dragon to blush, Ulon did as his pink scales seemed to redden. Still, there was no need to lie. “We have not begun. Poli rests after fierce lovemaking. We could not help ourselves.”

  “No shit. That is one hell of a love bite on your neck and shoulder.” Cage pointed out as there were large stains of blood that looked recently dry on the dense but supple scales.

  Ulon grinned, as is the dragon way. They embodied fierce love and she wouldn’t get aroused without being overpowered by her mate and Ulon obviously succeeded and was proud of himself. “I imagine your dark side of the solar rotation was met with similar results.”

  “You’d win that bet… Hey I got to go. Daku is warning me someone’s up. Enjoy your week.”

  “So I shall. You do similar.” Ulon said just before the spells ended.

  Cage popped back into the living room and sat down on the sofa and Daku shrunk down some to perch himself on a shoulder not five seconds before Rena poked her little head out from the stairs. “Morning, Kiddo.”

  Rena yawned and came over, her little dagger already strapped to her right thigh. “Fair morning, Dad. I thought I would get a fresh start to the village.”

  “You mean to get started with your new pet colt?”

  “Yes, Dad.” She admitted. “I already told my mothers’ I’m leaving and Ananna still sleeps after I change her cloth. She is almost completely trained, Dad.”

  “I’m glad you take such good care of your sister. She is better off that way.”

  Rena pulled her dagger out and pointed it threateningly. Cage gave her a smug grin at her fierce expression. “I love my new sister, Dad. I want more brothers and sisters. Many more. Make my mothers give me siblings. I want a big family. A priestess ne
eds this. I need this, Dad. All the other children have six or more siblings, all I have are Sean Brother and Ananna Sister…”

  “Understood, Priestess.” Cage said formally. “By your command I will not rest till you have more brothers and sisters than you can handle.”

  Rena beamed and put her little dagger away before throwing her spindly arms around his neck. “Thank you, Dad! I will be going now.”

  “One moment.” He quickly added a few spells to her concealed crystal in her dagger. “All done, go ahead, Kiddo.”

  She left and as she did Cage let his awareness spread over and encompass the entire island. Every blade of grass, grain of sand, animal and human could be saw in his mind’s eye thanks to magic. He wanted to make sure his daughter would find it safe to walk alone. Only one wolf pack survived the winter, but the other had eleven new puppies being nursed to the western shore. Six mountain lions and two with cubs were spread out. Unfortunately one mother and cub were hunting near the trail Rena was about to take alone. He knew Rena’s natural physical talent against a person was advanced, but against a hungry mother mountain lion would find no way to live, if Rena sensed it stalking and thought well enough to activate her knife’s protective spells. So instead he simply found one of the many rabbits infesting the island, killed it painlessly and left a bloody trail the mother couldn’t miss or pass up, all from the comforts of sitting in the living room. Rabbits were more plentiful than the six herds of native deer.

  Cage did all this all while carrying a conversation on what he did deep in the mountain behind the waterfall.

  Then Ananna began to cry and he went up to tend to her. At first she was frightened of him, but Daku was well known and loved. The moment he crawled up into her chubby grasp she settled and allowed her male parental figure to carry her down and make her a breakfast of milk, mashed fruit and a dozen peas. He gave off a calming presence the child picked up on and began to open up slowly. Playing around with her food really made her squeal in delight. She was still too young to talk, but she acted as if she initiated and carried on a whole conversation.

  “How long are the three of you going to stand there?” he asked as his back was turned the whole time at the table, trying to get to know Ananna so she was used to his presence.

  “Loves, I’m going to speak with Megdline and see if there is a way to conceive.” Brooke said.

  “Patience is a virtue.” Cage quipped.

  “Not in our tribe.” Brooke said over her shoulder and wiggled her backside tantalizingly. “I want to give you a son, now if I’m able, seeing how good you are with our daughter. Tohka Love, can you make breakfast? I will invite Megdline so we can discuss how to make our man into a proper father. Make a child from his lance.”

  “I will make a fine breakfast.” Tohka promised as she headed into the kitchen.

  Meeka sat beside Ananna and said “I can take over, Cage. Go wake up Sean and spend some time with him.”

  “I’m aaah… already here.” Sean corrected as he spoke in a deep yawn. Clutched in his left hand was his new short spear. “Dad, can we…?”

  “Sure, Bud. Best to build up an appetite by having a little fun.” Cage stood and walked into his office. He lifted and freed Ghosts Bane from its ancient sheathe. It gave off a pale glow as light from the window peered in. It and the wooden book in hand, he returned to the living room to find Meeka bouncing Ananna on her lap, singing a song that warmed the heart.

  Outside, Sean walked around to the back of the house and Cage glanced to the left and followed as his enhanced hearing picked up Brooke and Megdline’s early greetings and the invitation for breakfast and private conversations. Megdline agreed to it but as soon as Frill noticed father and son walking behind their home he padded in their direction, wanting to be there rather than with a room full of women. Daku landed and tucked his wings beside Frill, matching sizes and greeted one another on a lifting log Cage uses often enough.

  The warlock sat the thick book down and Daku sat beside it when Frill asked “What is that?”

  “A secret you are not privileged to speak of, My Friend. You will see soon enough.” Came the white griffin’s response.

  The crystal set in the spear’s hollow began to twinkle as it absorbed some power while wards were laid and erected while Cage laid his sword down and said “Sean, show me what you have learned in your overnight practice.”

  The young man lifted the glinting spear up and leveled it at his dad who took a calm, casual stance. Sean knew he didn’t need to say anything as his dad wanted results so he ran, but just before Cage went to knock it aside Sean twirled it around his back to slap the round butt of the staff at his ribs and would have easily cracked one. Instead, Cage dropped his elbow and took the impact. It didn’t hurt. “That had some power behind it. I see your time with the warriors has been well dedicated.” He said while easily avoiding a cutting motion the long spearhead had. Then Sean got overconfident as he went for an obvious two handed thrust which Cage kicked.

  “Ow!” Sean yelped as his hands stung from the jarring vibration that sent his weapon ten feet in the air and was snatched as it dropped back down between two fingers.

  “Sean, that was a foolish move.” Cage commented as he twirled the weapon between his fingers as easily as a baton. “You know it well enough by now to never go for the obvious. I stole your weapon and now your fingers are too numb to pull your knife from your forearm. Right now you would be dead. Tell me why you would do exactly what I taught you not to?”

  “I have no excuse, Dad.” Is all he said as he watched his weapon’s rotation come to a sturdy halt in his father’s grasp.

  “For a kid your age, that was a good answer, but until one of you mothers calls for breakfast you will spin this between your hands as fast as you are able and if you mess up you will need to spin it in the other direction. And don’t worry, I’ve put on a spell that won’t allow the blade to cut you to pieces, but it will still hurt. Guaranteed.” Cage flicked the spear over and Sean instinctively reached out and plucked it before slapping him square in the face.

  Sean began spinning and when his dad raised an eyebrow he sped up to a speed that was impossible to maintain, but only then did the eyebrow lower. After twenty seconds did his hands begin hurting and sent the lance flying a dozen yards. He immediately ran after it and began spinning it. Cage approved.

  The warlock turned his back and lifted the book and opened the cover to find a naked, unisex individual carved over a hundred times on one side. It showed a progressive move that looked like a kata close to what could be compared as a cross between karate and kenpo, but as the move started from the upper left and moved right, etched into the grains were thin silver lines that swirled around the character’s body. Cage could not see his own mana without clear activation. The humming sound of Sean’s spear didn’t distract as he stared at the book and held it five feet in front of himself with a spell of locked levitation that moved the tome as his head did. From the corner of his eye he noticed Daku nod in approval.

  The first page seemed to be a dummy’s guide to mana manipulation through a series of movements. Cage stood as straight as a statue with his arm held straight and saw the circular pattern wrap around his shoulder, an inch away from the arm so he imagined just power doing the same thing and his mana suddenly appeared as a translucent ring which seeped from his skin and condensed into the imagined rope. The next picture was of the arms connecting by pressing a fist together and spiraling the mana into a simple ring that flowed to the next arm, which condensed to a tiny point and was proven to be no simple task.

  At the tenth attempt Daku said “Look at the picture’s chest, Cage. It has risen. You must breathe in as you transfer your power in such a way. The slightest error will make your moves void of any impact.”

  “What are you talking about? Can you actually see mana? It isn’t a boast? All I can do is feel it.” Frill spoke and he flicked his fluffy tail in irritation.

  “Yes I can see it and th
anks for the advice, Daku.” Cage said as he tried again and he breathed in just before the energy crossed and this time it passed from one fist to the next. The next picture showed the transfer must be punched while exhaling and as his arm snapped straight there came a blast of air from his fist that threatened to topple trees for just a second. The energy had slammed out like a cannon’s blast, without the concussive sound or an effect on the air. It reacted to more solid matter though. Seeing the power of the move, Cage said “Uh, Sean, you better practice over behind Daku. If that had hit it would have shot you out over the cliff… Don’t be afraid, your wards would have kept you safe, but just as a precaution, do as I say.”

  “Yes, Dad.” The boy huffed tiredly and moved over, far out of his dad’s path.

  Cage completed the first step, but this time studied the next sequence closely, paying careful attention to the person’s chest, angle of their joints and began to realize the first three moves must be included to do them all. He suspected that if the first page couldn’t be completed he had no right proceeding to anything advanced.

  Ten minutes later he stood still when Tohka’s voice called “Sean, time to eat.”

  The boy dropped to his knees as he had a fair sheen of sweat and went to leave, but before he got out of range his dad said “Tell your mothers not to come back here for a few hours. This might be quite dangerous and I don’t want anyone hurt.” And Sean replied with a courteous “Yes, Dad.”

  “Alright I think I got it.” He said and sat the book down.

  The ring again appeared around his right shoulder and it began traveling down the arm as it pulled in and fists connected. He inhaled sharply and the power transferred by shrinking down, basically focusing all the power to the size of a wedding ring that was fired when the fist extended and shot it out over the cliff where the power would safely dissipate about five hundred feet away. From the now extended left fist, Cage created another ring of power around his wrist and separated his legs while making the energy expand and travel up to his shoulder before rolling the joint into a downward punch while jumping forward. The energy’s new momentum made impact with the ground at the precise moment Cage appeared to be about to do a one armed handstand. The power propelled his body straight up ten feet and he calmly breathed out while bringing his fists together. It appeared like he was going to be diving into the hard ground with his fists, but just before connecting his fists opened and strong pressure blasted from each palm, sending him fifteen feet up. He rotated his hips and breathed in a full breath while power traveled from his scalp down to the bottoms of his feet just as they touched the ground which dispersed all the momentum into the ground.


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