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Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1)

Page 15

by Janae Keyes

  “You’re my lucky charm today,” Nate mused as we flew across the finish lane.

  As we came to a stop, I was in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. I’d never experienced such speed in my life, our ride felt as if we were flying and the urge to do it again struck me. The nerves I’d previously had, melted away. I knew why Nate enjoyed it, there was an all-encompassing freedom that took you over limb by limb as you took each corner and each bend.

  Nate rolled his window down as Langston pulled alongside us. “I won, but your raise was in order already,” he called out to his driver. I smiled at Nate’s kindness.

  “Can we go again?” I asked him, itching to have those sensations once more. Racing was like sex, it didn’t last long, but the high was something to remember. Nate gave me a nod with a smile before we were off again.


  THE STARS WERE beginning to appear as I sat in the middle of my bed with my laptop. My body was still buzzing with the feeling of speed. We spent the afternoon doing laps at the track before returning to the house where urgent messages were awaiting Nate. He’d once again buried himself in his work, but that gave me time to work on the special painting I was doing for him. His birthday was the coming weekend, and I wanted to give him something that came from my heart. I’d been working on a painting in secret and while he worked, and tonight I’d finally finished it.

  Typing a Facebook message to Maci, I noticed the time. It was late, I wondered if Nate was still hard at work or had he gone to bed. Disappointment stung me as I realized if he’d gone to bed, I would be sleeping alone in my own bed and I hadn’t done that in two weeks. I allowed a sigh to escape when something popped up on my screen, and a jingle exited my speakers. My sister was Skyping me.

  Accepting the call, I smiled as my sister’s face appeared on my screen. Katie was five years older than me and unlike me, who looked like our mom, she took after our dad. Her skin was a soft shade of toffee, her eyes almond-shaped, and her face narrow with a determined chin. Katie was all work and no play, very much like our dad.

  “There’s my star artist baby sister,” Katie cooed sweetly to me. “The dress shop said they got your measurements last week, and your dress will be done in no time. Thank you for finally getting on that.”

  “No problem,” I said to my older sister who was getting married in under two months. I’d had Anne take my measurements and Nate insisted on paying for my dress. “What time is it there?”

  “After 7 AM, I’m heading to my office in a few minutes, but I wanted to say hi and see how England was. I’m so happy that your career is taking off. Mom and Dad were worried, but I kept insisting that you were a smart girl and would make it work,” she revealed to me. I couldn’t help but smile. If anyone had believed in my dreams, it was my big sister. She was the one who kept pushing me through when I was ready to fall into my parent’s demands. I think in ways Katie saw what she could never do in me. Katie never said no to my parents and always went along being the perfect daughter, while I pushed the envelope and tried my damnedest to stay true to myself and my aspirations.

  “You’ve always been my cheerleader,” I gushed to my big sister.

  “I will always be,” she reminded me. I saw her eyes studying something, I wasn’t quite sure what had caught her eye, maybe it was something in her own house. I glanced behind myself for a moment out of curiosity. “Come closer,” she instructed. I inched myself closer to the camera and the screen. “Is that a hickey?”

  I gasped and quickly used my robe to cover the love bite Nate had left on me this morning. Who knew my cocoa skin could bruise so easily?

  “Oh my God, you are getting it in with someone. Tell me about him!” Katie insisted cheerfully. My cheeks were burning hot, if only Nate could see me, he would instantly make fun of the plum color that overtook my face.

  “Not now, later,” I offered. Katie’s face went long with concern. “Don’t worry, he is a great guy, and I’m happy. I’m considering a move to England after your wedding.” Katie’s long face turned to an instant glowing grin.

  “As long as you are happy, that is all that matters. I hate to cut things short, but I need to get to my office. I love you, sis,” Katie mused.

  “I love you too,” I resounded before the call ended and Katie’s face was no longer on my screen.

  I went back to typing my message to Maci when the door to my room opened moments later. Nate stood in the threshold, he looked tired. Closing my laptop, I gave him a soft smile as he entered my room and closed the door behind him. I placed my laptop on the bedside table before I slipped to the edge of the bed. He came to me with no words. The moment he reached me, he spread my legs and stood between them, looking down at me he smiled.

  “Got all your work done?” I asked him as my hands went to work at the button on his jeans. He twirled his fingers through my curls as he looked down at me.

  “I got everything in order, for now,” he answered, I could hear the frustration in his voice. Things weren’t exactly going to his plans, but at the moment there wasn’t anything he could do about it. I hated when he was tangled up in his own dissatisfaction in matters he couldn’t control. I aimed to take those feelings away and only fill his cup with pleasure and contentment.

  Once his button and zipper were undone, I yanked his pants down his legs and allowed him to step out of them. I planted soft kisses on his belly and at the band of his boxers before hooking my fingers under the elastic and slowly starting the process of bringing them down. I kept the pace lazy and in a single moment his glory sprung free already stiff and waiting.

  Nate took no time before he kicked his boxers off and stood before me hard and eager. I quickly circled his length with my hand, giving it a grip and a gentle rub, eliciting a gurgling moan from Nate’s mouth. I brought my tongue to his tip, licking gently before bringing him into my mouth at a delicate pace, inch by wondrous inch.

  His hand gripped at the back of my head as I took in the last bit. It took a tremendous amount of strength to not gag before I brought my mouth back off and on again. The moans and groans that exited Nate were really a thing of fascination. He’s surrendered his control to me as I worked to give him the same type of pleasure he’d presented to me on many occasions.

  As I sucked away, I allowed my hand to keep a grip at his base, giving him long strokes to add to the sensations my mouth was giving. Nate jerked his hips to push himself deep into my mouth. I fluttered my eyes up toward his, that were looking down at me glazed over in lust. I kept our eyes from parting as I worked to bring him bliss and delight.

  Nate muttered words that I couldn’t make out, but I knew with each sound that slipped from his lips, I was working him closer to that delicious edge. I worked him with all my might, I burned inside to force him off the cliff and at once, his length was swollen, ready for release.

  “Shit, Taylor. Fuck, I’m going to ... Fuck!” he practically yelled his head flying back before his hot seed burst forth into my mouth. I continued my actions as I pulled everything I could from him, swallowing his release down before I released him from my grip.

  “Feeling better?” I asked him innocently with a smirk on the edge of my lips.

  “Never better my darling, thank you,” he muttered to me as he joined me on my bed. He pulled me into his arms as we lay together on top of my blankets. His breathing was still hard, and as my head settled on his chest, I could both hear and feel the pounding of his heart. He kissed the top of my head as he squeezed me hard. I worked to force away the tears that were burning the brims of my eyes. I didn’t know how to express it yet and therefore I wouldn’t, but I knew. I was in love with Lord Nathaniel Branagan.

  I MOVED TO find Nate, but my eyes shot open to find I was alone in my bed. He must have gotten up early to go for a run or to start work. I slipped from my bed and tightened my robe around myself before leaving my room.

  I rushed into the East Wing and to Nate’s room. Opening the door, I found his room empty and his bed
made. I padded through the room to his bathroom, it also remained empty. I let out a sigh of disappointment before I started to make my way downstairs. There was a possibility he was having breakfast.

  I entered the dining room to find the table was unusually empty, no food on the table at all, which was odd as Anne made sure breakfast was waiting every morning without fail. This had to be some kind of joke or maybe Nate wanted us to go out for breakfast. I walked down into the ballroom where I found Anne with a cart of clean linens.

  “Good morning,” I called out to the sweet Scottish woman who kept the house running. She jumped at my voice and turned to me, she seemed confused.

  “Why are you still here?” she asked me instantly.

  “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be?” I asked.

  “Yes, weren’t you going down to London with Nathaniel?” she questioned. I had no clue what she was talking about. Nate hadn’t mentioned going to London for any reason. I shook my head. “I assumed you would be going with him. Langston was taking him to the airport at 6 this morning. I saw him and assumed you were coming down after.”

  “Why was he going to London?” I inquired.

  “His birthday, his parents throw something every year, but as this year he is turning 30, they were having a much bigger celebration. I just knew you’d be going with him,” she explained to me. A lump grew in my throat. Nate had never mentioned anything special about his birthday. I’d made the assumption that we would be celebrating together, but now he’d gone without me.

  “He ... umm … he hadn’t mentioned ... anything,” I choked out my final word. I glanced away from Anne as I tried my hardest to not allow my tears to burst forth.

  Anne took a deep breath, and as my eyes landed on her, she looked saddened and didn’t seem to have words for me, I had no words for myself. He’d gone off to celebrate his birthday with his family, he never offered me the chance to come. Was I some dirty secret? I’d allowed myself to give him all that I could, my body and soul. I let him do as he pleased with me only to be treated as if I wasn’t worthy of being his publicly.

  “Okay, well … Guess I’m going to paint. It is what I’m here being paid to do,” I said before rushing out of the room and upstairs.

  Instead of going to my studio, I went to my room, I curled into a ball on my bed and cried. Nate treated me as if I was worthy of being on his arm and being his when in the end, II was a secret that he wasn’t willing to take home. I’d sacrificed myself again for a man that didn’t care enough. I’d allowed myself to repeat a mistake I’d thought was in the past, but had become my present.

  THE NEXT TWO days were hard. I tried to paint, but my line of inspiration had been broken. Nate had called my cell phone a few times and even Skyped me, but I refused to answer his calls. Even Anne was repeatedly called by him to speak to me. I continued to refuse contact. I wasn’t going to be anyone’s dirty little secret.

  Waking up, I instantly felt his presence. I avoided opening my eyes for a few minutes, butt gave in to find Nate sitting at the edge of my bed. He appeared pained, but I knew the hurt I had was worse than anything he felt.

  “What do you want?” I asked him as I attempted to keep any emotion from lacing my words.

  “Taylor, my darling,” he started.

  “Don’t call me that,” I spat angrily as I sat up. “I’m not your darling. Let’s get that straight.”

  “I know I shouldn’t have left without telling you. I should have said something. I know I should have, it was my mistake,” he said, his eyes begging for my reverence. I flat out refused to give into him.

  “You think it’s that. You think I’m mad that you left without me?”

  “Yes,” he answered confusion blanketing his face. I shook my head and laughed. For someone who was such a successful businessman, he was being incredibly daft.

  “It wasn’t just that you left. You went away to some birthday bash with your family and didn’t even consider bringing your girlfriend who wanted to celebrate with you. She’d love to meet your family, but you treated her like some dirty secret, keeping her locked away at your secluded manor. Thank you for showing me how you really feel about our relationship, it obviously has no value to you.” I was angry, and there was no hiding that. I slipped off the bed and walked to my closet where I found myself clothes for the day.

  “I have a few more paintings to finish, and once I finish them, I will be out of your house and on my way home. That’s it, that’s all. Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to take my shower so I can get to work. You know doing what I’m here being paid to do.” With that, I pulled something else from my wardrobe. A large flat square wrapped parcel. I walked to Nate and shoved it at him. “Happy fucking birthday,” I growled before I turned away and I walked into my en suite bathroom, not giving Nate another look.

  Standing in the bathroom, I sniffed back tears and held them inside. I’d cried too much over the past couple days, and I wasn’t going to allow them anymore, I’d reached my tear limit on him. It was time to move on, that was clear to me. It was a fun fling while it lasted.

  As much as I fought to stay strong, inside I knew it was a losing battle. I was crumbling at the seams with each passing second. I’d fallen for him hard, and I thought there was a possibility of a future with him, I’d thought wrong. Mending my broken heart was going to be a difficult task, but maybe if I kept pretending I was alright, I would be, eventually.

  The door to the bathroom flew open. Nate stood in the doorway with his hand extended for me to take. I shook my head in defiance. I wasn’t going anywhere with him, we were done.

  “Taylor, please. I want to explain a few things to you. I don’t think you are a dirty secret. Please, I just want to talk for a minute. If you aren’t satisfied with what I have to say, you can walk away, and I won’t bother you as you finish your work, but please give me a minute,” he was begging me. He was giving up all of his control and allowing me in the driver’s seat. I nodded and took his hand.

  Nate led the way back toward my bed. He sat down on the edge, and I followed suit. He took a breath, he was working on his words, his hand was shaking. There was something slightly pleasing about this fearless no-nonsense man showing his fear and vulnerability with me.

  “I couldn’t take you to the party. You have to understand, I’m not just any guy. My family has royal blood, not much, but enough that we have a hierarchy. There is a specific way that things are done. I could not just show up with you and say hey this is my girlfriend. There is a process and out of respect for my family’s traditions, I couldn’t bring you as much as I wanted to. God, I wanted to show you off to everyone. I wanted my girl on my arm for everyone to see how lucky I am. There are some hurdles I have to jump through, and I’m working on them, can you allow me to work on them?” I listened to him and heard him out. I took a deep breath.

  I knew that Nate lived a different life than most. He had a title, and I wasn’t in my own country, but his. There were traditions here that went back centuries. I saw in his olive eyes that he never meant to hurt me with his decision.

  “I’m so sorry for leaving you in the way I did. All I can ever want is your forgiveness, can I have it?” He was sincere, I knew it in my heart.

  “Don’t do that to me again,” I insisted. He gave me a wide grin as he knew I’d forgiven him. How could I not?

  “I won’t my darling, I promise. I missed you so much. I never want to go without you. I’m coming to San Francisco with you for your sister’s wedding. I can’t just let you go. I want to be with you if you are willing to allow me to come.” I threw my arms around him in excitement. I’d been dreading going home only because he wouldn’t be there, but now I’d have him with me as my date, and the man I loved.

  “Oh, I’m so excited!” I squealed in delight before he pressed his mouth to mine. Opening my mouth, his tongue boldly caressed mine in want and fervor.

  Nate nudged me down toward the mattress, I complied without thought. I was allow
ing myself to be his once more. I was letting him back into the driver’s seat, taking control of my pleasure, it was all for him, for us, it was mutual.

  Our clothes practically flew off our bodies before we were tangled in a web of heat and lust. Nate brought me to the mountaintop in a continuous cycle. He showed his absolute need and respect for me, my body, and my heart. He made love to me in a way he’d never done before. I’d never felt such a surge of beauty and assurance before until my moments with him.

  As we lay together, Nate held me close. I glanced up to see him looking directly at me. My cheeks flushed over instantly. Nate chuckled as he always did when I blushed. I tried to hide my face in his chest, but he wouldn’t allow me to. He planted a delicate kiss on my lips for just a moment before he pulled back and just looked at me, running his finger down the length of my face.

  “Was your birthday good, at least?” I asked him as he ran the tip of his finger along my lips.

  “It was okay. It was a party and you know I’m not the most social person. I think I survived well, though. My family …” He paused, not finishing his thought.

  “What?” I asked right away, concerned.

  “Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it,” he urged, his demeanor changing, becoming stiff and complacent.

  “Why?” I asked, determined to get real answers.

  “Drop it, now!” he growled keeping his foul mood. I hated him like this, he reminded me of how he was when we met, brash and rude. I wasn’t going to back down.

  “No, Nate. We promised honesty. Be honest with me,” I insisted forcefully, holding my ground with him. “You know that you can tell me absolutely anything. I love you too much to allow you to keep those feelings in,” I said, feeling myself becoming emotional as I allowed those three little words to slip. Nate’s face changed right away with my words. I knew he felt it all along, but I’d finally said it out loud.


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