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Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1)

Page 16

by Janae Keyes

  “Darling,” he whispered.

  “It’s true. Baby, I love you, and I don’t like when you lock your feelings away like that. Be honest with me. That’s what I’m here for,” I insisted.

  Nate took a deep breath before he began, “My family expects certain things from me, and it can be hard. There are things I don’t want to do. I’m trying to fight them on them, but they aren’t hearing me out. I hope they can soon. Until then, I will try and fight it though it appears to be a losing battle.”

  “I’m sorry,” I murmured.

  “It’s fine. At least for now, it is fine,” he informed me before kissing me gently. Keeping his lips connected with mine, he whispered, “And Taylor, my darling... I love you too.”


  STROKING THE BRUSH across the canvas in front of me. I was at ease and felt everything I should have at this moment. Painting was my salvation from everything. My emotions and heart went into every stroke as I worked to create a piece of art. The final piece I’d been contracted for. It was bittersweet, but my contract was nearly over, and I would no longer be employed by Lord Nathaniel Branagan.

  Instead of being his employee, I would only continue to be his woman. Every time I thought of my life with Nate, a smile always found its way onto my face. I’d never experienced a happiness like this one. It was pure and honest, and sometimes I was scared of it. Nate had his duties.

  I tried to inquire about meeting his family and what would be the proper way of doing it, but every single time, he pushed me away. This was the one subject he’d never go into detail with, he only continued to tell me that, in due time, things would work out. I’d gotten angry with him on several occasions because he flat out refused to elaborate on it. We’d gotten into fight after fight over it, this subject was the only thing we fought about. Our last fight even evolved into a screaming match that resulted in me not speaking to him for two days.

  I resented the way he shut down on me and wouldn’t open the gates of honesty that he insisted upon with this one subject. I knew there were things I wouldn’t understand and that there was a protocol. I’d come to a resolution to allow Nate to tell me when he was finally comfortable. I’d continue to be his secret, but he wouldn’t be mine as he was coming with me to my sister’s wedding. My entire family would be meeting him, they would know the man I was head over heels in love with and wanted to spend my life with.

  A knock came at the door to my studio before it opened. Langston stood in the door giving me a kind smile. I’d learned that Nate’s staff was like his family. Langston was like a brother he never had and Anne in many ways was like a mother. Nate respected both of them so much, and he made sure they were cared for at all times.

  “If you’d still like to go into town, the car is ready,” Langston informed me. I set my brush to the side and took a last look at my painting, it was nearly finished.

  “All ready, let me grab my purse from my room,” I told the driver who nodded in response.

  “I will meet you down at the car,” he said before he disappeared from the doorway.

  I stood from my spot at my easel and started out of the studio and across the hall to my bedroom. I walked into the room that I’d now occupied for the last few days since Nate was away on business.

  It was the longest we’d been apart since we became an item. Nate was off to visit a branch office of his company in The Netherlands. He’d been gone for five days, but would be returning tonight. I wanted to do something special for when he returned and tonight I was going to treat him. Langston was going to take me into town as it was market day. Tonight, I was going to cook for Nate and welcome him home and in a manner in which he’d never been welcomed before.

  I’d taken possession of my purse in my room and was ready to go into the small village. Jogging down the staircase, I’d stopped for a moment and admired one of my paintings that had been hung. The chandelier painting looked perfect in the chosen spot, and the lighting hit it just right as I suspected. I’d given both Anne and Chef Julian the evening off to spend it getting prepared for Nate’s arrival.

  Outside, the car was parked in front of the house, and Langston was waiting for me. He spotted me and opened the back door. I slid into the backseat and thanked the man who was truthfully the first friend I made when I arrived in England.

  “Everything alright with Nathaniel?” Langston asked me. I was taken aback by his question as if things shouldn’t be alright.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Oh,” he simply said in response while he drove. I glanced at the man in the front seat. Langston’s eyes were on me in the rearview mirror.

  “Is there a reason things should not be good?” I questioned out of curiosity.

  “No, no reason. I know you must miss him with him being gone for such an extended period of time,” Langston informed me. I gave him a soft smile.

  “I miss him a lot. I cannot wait to see him tonight,” I mused happily. Tonight was going to be perfect as I’d be in Nate’s arms once more.

  I still loved every single time I went into the village. On several occasions, Nate and I ate at the small restaurant that was there and even came to a small music festival that was held a week ago. I enjoyed the area, and I understood why Nate did as well. The people were incredibly kind and the community welcoming.

  The roads were still wet from the early morning rainfall, but the sun was beginning the peek from behind the clouds. I watched the rolling hills covered in lush vegetation as we drove through toward the village. This place was nothing like where I grew up. I was used to the hustle of the city and buildings made of concrete and steel.

  Langston parked the car and allowed me out at the entrance to the small market. I bought up everything I needed for our dinner and even went in a few shops to buy a few more things. I hoped tonight would be special for both Nate and I. Somewhere inside I knew that tonight was going to be one of our most special.

  I bit my lip as I sat in the backseat of the car heading back to the house. The unsolicited desire I had to please and pleasure Nate rose in me. I adored being his, I adored the way he treated my body as a gift and worked to give it every bit of love and pleasure he could. I ached between my legs as I looked forward to all the night would bring us.

  SLIPPING ON MY silky robe. I examined myself in the mirror. Nate was to be home in only moments, and I knew I’d shock him upon arrival. My hair was bone straight and like silk, it flowed over my shoulders. I took a look at the lingerie I’d purchased to go under my robe. I wore a ballet slipper pink lace chemise along with matching boy short cut lace panties. The light shade of pink looked great in contrast to my chocolate skin. I knew once Nate got a peek, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off me.

  The sound of the front door opening excited me as I closed my robe and slipped into the black heels Nate had gotten me for our first date, he always mentioned loving how long my legs looked in the heels.

  I teetered on my high heels up the hall and to the entrance way where I spotted Nate at the bottom of the stairs. He looked tired from his travels, but the moment his eyes met mine, his face lit up. I couldn’t help but jog down the marble staircase, and to my man. Right away, he took me in by the waist and forced his lips onto mine in a passionate heat.

  Feathery strokes of his tongue caused me to part my lips for him. We were caught in our moment, the two of us, finally back together after days apart. I was instantly flooded with the love I had for him.

  Nate slipped a hand under my short robe and took my backside into his hand, he gave it a squeeze as he continued to hold me firmly, showing the strength of his need for me. I broke away knowing where the kiss could lead, and I wasn’t ready to go there yet. I had an entire night planned.

  “No, at least not yet. I’ve got dinner prepped. You can go shower while I finish cooking,” I instructed him as I took hold of his tie. Nate pulled my face to his and gave my lip a playful nip. “Baby, go clean up. I worked all day to make you dinner.” />
  “You know you didn’t have to do that, my darling,” he informed me. I leaned my head into his hand that lovingly stroked my cheek.

  “I know,” I whispered.

  “I love you for this very reason, you take me by surprise and keep me feeling the most love through small things. I’ve never had a woman cook for me before, that wasn’t hired to do so. You make it so easy to love you, Taylor.” I fought to keep from tearing up with Nate’s words. What we shared was so dramatically different for both of us, and I never wanted to let go.

  “Now, go shower. I want to show my love for you by making you a delicious dinner, and later I’m all yours, my Lord,” I said to him sensually. I ached for him to carry me upstairs that very moment and give me everything he could, but I fought with my own control. I wanted our night to go as planned. Nate took my hand into his and brought it toward his crotch. Right away, I was presented with the hard bulge in his pants.

  “You do this to me, my darling,” he hissed in my ear. I bit down on my lip, I could easily give in now and allow him to whisk me away into his bedroom. “But you have insisted on making an evening for us, and I appreciate it. Off you go.” Nate released my hand and gave me a playful swat on my backside. I giggled as I jogged down the rest of the stairs and headed toward the direction of the kitchen.

  CANDLES ILLUMINATED THE room, and our places were set. I was proud of what I’d done to make our evening together. I plated our food and left them under the warmer knowing Nate would be down any minute. As I tightened the strap on my robe, I heard the door to the dining room open. A flush of excitement came over me.

  I picked up our plates and strolled from the kitchen into the dining room where I found my handsome Nate. I sat our plates down in our respective spots, and he eyed the food with amazement. I’d cooked us a beautiful meal of herb crusted rack of lamb, rosemary baked potatoes, and grilled asparagus.

  “My darling, where did you learn to cook like this?” Nate asked, his eyes huge.

  “A mix of my grandma and my old roommate who went to culinary school,” I informed him proudly. It was strange being in a kitchen again and cooking after not having to cook for myself in the last couple months. I was reminded how much I missed it. I knew this was something I would be doing more often for Nate and myself.

  Nate and I sat and ate our meal. As we finished our main course, I looked at him. He hadn’t realized I was watching him until he finished taking a sip of his wine and saw me. A smile came to his lips. I couldn’t be happier like this, just us, Taylor and Nate. I wouldn’t want anything to change between us besides our love growing stronger, as it did every day.

  “What are you looking at beautiful?” he questioned as he placed his stemmed glass back to the table.

  “The man I’m in love with,” I told him with all of my truth. Nate instantly took my hand into his, he squeezed it tight, and I saw tears glistening in his eyes. I stood from my chair and pulled him up with me. “I want to dance.”

  “You know I’m bad at it,” he reminded me of our first night together when I taught him to dance, and we ended up falling, that fall led to us. Just thinking of it made me want to dance even more.

  I walked hand in hand with Nate to the spot where it all started for us. His hands slid down to my hips and held me firmly while I wrapped my arms around his neck. Just like that night his olive eyes stared into mine and being so close his scent of pine and myrrh kept me intoxicated. I could stand there all night with him, unmoving, just the two of us and our love.

  Nate took the lead right away, he began to move, and my feet followed his steps. He’d certainly improved since our last dance. I allowed him to dip me and as he pulled me back up I watched the way his eyes took me in, all of me.

  “I want to be with you, loving you, caring for you, only you always,” Nate whispered to me as he slipped his hand around to my ass, rubbing his hand over before gripping on tight and yanking me closer to him. “You’re always mine.” He planted kisses along my neck to my ear. Nibbling at the lobe of my ear I allowed a sigh free.

  “Nate,” I started, unsure if I could continue what I wanted to ask him. I took a deep breath as he pulled me and looked at me, waiting for my question. “Are you allowed to marry girls like me?”

  “What kind of question is that?” he asked as he ran the delicate tips of his fingers along my plump lips.

  “I mean, I’m not royal or British. I’m some American painter. Clearly, there has to be some kind of rule against that,” I stated as feelings of inadequacy filled me. There was always the chance that I wasn’t the right person for him in the context of his position. I’d heard stories told about relationships like ours being forbidden.

  “You don’t have to be royal or British, but my family is strict on who they want their children with. I know you could win them over. You are beautiful, smart, talented, and mine,” he cooed as he held me close to his chest. I smiled to myself. “You are mine for the taking,” he growled as he pressed my body against a wall.

  “What about dessert?” I asked him as I thought of the cake I’d baked for the two of us to enjoy.

  “Dessert awaits upstairs,” he growled hungrily.

  His mouth captured mine in a kiss filled with hunger and need. He’d been aching for me, and I for him. An onslaught of raw physical desire took me as I gripped hard at him, grinding my body on his, wanting to feel every piece of him.

  “Slow down there, my darling. I want to take my time with you tonight,” Nate murmured on my lips as he grabbed my legs up and I wrapped them around him.

  I held on tight as we left the dining room behind. Nate kissed me hard as he began the journey toward his bedroom. It was difficult to have layers of material, keeping us separated when all I wanted was his skin creating sensual friction with my own. The hardness in his pants pressed against my wet center that burned for his attention.

  I perceived the journey to his room to take longer than normal. I was on fire for what he had in store for me. He practically kicked his door open as we reached his bedroom that was only lit by the light of the moon.

  “Stand up and take your robe off,” he instructed as he loosened his grip on my body, I responded with my legs relieving their grip on him and stepping my heels to the floor with distinctive clicks.

  “Yes, Lord Branagan,” I answered as I knew we were in that zone, the zone where Nate led the charge and was the master of the purest pleasure.

  I took my fingers to the tie of my robe and pulled until the bow collapsed on itself. I dropped the string and opened my robe to reveal the surprise for Nate that was held below. He was getting his first look at the lingerie I’d bought just for him. Lace was all he needed to see before he pulled me to him and snaked his hand under the short chemise.

  Removing the robe, I folded it in the way that Nate liked. I took it to the bedside table and placed it there gently before returning to my proper spot for him.

  “As much as I like red, pink looks delightful on you, my darling,” he practically hummed. “But I need it off you.” He pulled at the hem of the short lace gown and yanked it over my head in one swift motion. I stood clad in only the little lace panties and soon those were gone as he took them into his hand and shred them off me. I hissed at the burn of the lace ripping at my skin.

  “That’s better,” he insisted. “Now my darling, go lie down. You know how I like you.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” I dutifully answered before I followed his explicit instructions and went to his bed, my heels clicking on the floor as I walked.

  Climbing onto the bed, I lay down the way Nate liked. My arms were above my head as I waited. I glanced to see him undressing. I bit my lip as he worked at his buttons before his shirt was removed. My wetness was growing as I watched him, piece by piece, his delectable body was revealed to me. I ached for the simplest touch.

  Finally, he’d stopped with his underwear still on, disappointment flooded me until he bent next to the bed and began to pull his trunk of tools from
under the bed. Excitement flew through me as I knew whatever he decided, in moments I was going to be writhing in intense pleasure all given by him, my love.

  Nate came up from the side of the bed with what he’d decided to use tonight. I spotted the fur lined cuffs in his hands. For my wrists and ankles. At the bottom of the bed, Nate took my leg and secured the cuff to my leg and the hook that was placed specifically for the purpose. He did the same with my other leg before he came atop the bed. His body straddled mine as he worked at my hands. By the time he finished, I was spread for him, just the way he liked. I knew he was satisfied by the smirk that came across his lips.

  Starting at one of my ankles, Nate lazily kissed up my leg and toward my throbbing core. I gasped as his hot breath came in contact with my soaking entrance, but he moved over it and began his descent of kisses down my opposite leg. I whimpered out of my pure desire to have him.

  “Not yet my darling, I told you that I’m taking my sweet time with every bit of you,” he warned. Nate’s lips were on my neck, they sucked along as they went like a vacuum. Continuing, he hit the spot that made me moan in delight and yearning. I held my breath the moment he reached my nipple, I was already prepared to fall apart at his will.

  “Mmm, yes,” I murmured as he swirled his tongue over the swollen bud. He slipped his fingers, leaving a trail down my stomach and belly button. The lower his fingers traveled, the more eager I became.

  The moment they slipped over my sopping slit I sucked in air and held my breath. Nate brought his face up and looked into my eyes, there was no denying that he loved to see me this way, all hinged on what he could and would give me. He slipped his finger inside just enough, barely enough. Again, deeper and once more deeper. He pulled out his finger before sticking into his mouth and sucking off my juices.

  “Mmm, dessert awaits,” he mentioned coyly before he kissed along between my breasts, down my stomach, and to my awaiting sex.


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