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Deadwood: A Vampire Series (The Darker Side of Deb Book 2)

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by Caroline Gebbie

  “Okay,” Nova said. “Why don’t I do the search and then you can look over the data while I have a bath?”

  “Really?” Deb asked. “You would let me do that?”

  “For the chance of hot water I would do anything.”

  Deb felt a tug of guilt. “Is your aunt’s place really that bad?”

  “It’s pretty crappy. There’s no hot water, it’s drafty, noisy and to be honest it smells a lot of cat pee.”

  Deb fought back the giggles that threatened to engulf her. “Cat pee? Does your aunt have a cat?”

  “No.” Nova started to giggle and the two girls fell about enjoying each other’s company in a way they hadn’t done since before Deb’s accident.

  After the giggles Nova quickly found the information Deb needed. She had the address of the therapist, Jonathan Meeks and a small amount of information about people with marks on their neck. While she had been working, Deb had managed to work out what she was doing and as soon as she left, Deb started a new search. Starting with Rookby she searched for animal attacks. She found about a half dozen of those, then proceeded to slip into the police and coroner’s database and pulled up the relevant files. Each case showed a bite mark similar to the one on Angela’s neck. Often the bodies were badly torn up but they all had this one particular mark. Deb smiled; today everything was going well for her. She had a free day tomorrow and she would start with the therapist but it looked like Brett’s girlfriend had been murdered. Should she tell him? Her first instinct was to rush to his bedroom, to apologize and say that she believed him. The problem with that was it might get her brother killed. If he started to look into this which he would, then he would probably stumble across one of the vampires. No, she would keep this to herself. No matter what she found, Brett must be protected.

  She decided it was best to talk to Alix about this. Nova was still in the bath so she pulled out her phone and scrolled to his number. At the last moment, she hesitated and swiped down until she got to Vincent’s number. It did not make sense, but it was the older vampire who she wanted to discuss these things with, even though she knew he would be angry.

  The phone rang only once before he answered. “Is there a problem?” he asked.

  Typical, Deb thought. Not, ‘how you doing? Nice to hear from you or even a simple hello.’ “If my brother’s girlfriend being killed by a vampire is a problem? Then yes, there is.”

  She could almost hear his frustration with her, could see the way he would narrow his eyes and his brow would protrude over his face. Tight lips would be ready to send back some snarky comment but for a second he was quiet.

  “Are you sure?” he asked at last.

  “Well, she’s in the morgue with two holes in her neck and it says suicide on her death certificate.” Deb was not sure why she was so calm? Maybe it was because he rubbed her the wrong way? Maybe it was because she expected him to be angry? Whatever. She just hoped that this was not the new her. She had always been caring, worried about what other people felt and thought. But you haven’t, not since the accident; all you have been worried about is yourself.

  “Are you still there?” Vincent asked.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “I think we should meet. I will be at the edge of the woods in less than a minute, be there.”

  Deb hung up the phone and wheeled to the door. Nova pushed through just as she got there.

  “That was wonderful. Are you up for some more?”

  What could she say? It would take her at least five minutes to meet Vincent and first she had to get rid of Nova. Full of guilt she put her hand to her head. “I’m feeling a little tired. I thought maybe I would have a lie down. Just for an hour or so. Do you want to go watch a film?”

  Nova’s eyes crinkled with sympathy. “Can I help you?”

  Deb shook her head a little too emphatically and stopped herself. “I just want to be alone for a while. Sorry, I don’t want to be a bad friend but I just need a breather.” That had sounded so rude, but luckily Nova nodded and stepped to one side.

  “I’m gonna stay here for a while and use the internet if that’s okay?”

  Deb smiled and turned toward her room. “Just an hour or so. Then we can have hot chocolate and marshmallows.”

  Nova grinned her big girly smile and Deb felt better as she turned her chair and headed for her bedroom. Now she had to work out how to get out of the house without being noticed. She could not use the lift as it was directly opposite from where Nova sat. Shutting herself in her bedroom, she had an idea. Quickly she put the Do Not Disturb sign on her door. So far, everyone had understood her need for privacy and no one had come in. To be doubly sure, she bolted the door. It would hurt Mace and her brother if they thought she was locking the door, but it was better that way instead of having them find her missing from the room.

  It took only a thought for her to change into her vampire form and she stepped from the wheelchair and walked toward the window. The reflection in the glass showed her new form, a bulked up forehead, pure black eyes, true black hair and engorged veins in her neck. Grimacing she showed a pair of fangs.

  Opening the window, she had the urge to jump. But would her new form cope? Could she jump and land without injuring herself? A soft breeze caressed her face lifting her hair and she let go. Fear clasped her heart but then she was on the ground. Shakily she stood up but she was fine. With a smile, she set off to find Vincent and see how much danger they were in.

  Chapter Eleven

  It had been a long time since Isaac had last felt panic, but seeing Summer so close to death filled him with it. If The Guild were to get involved, they would want no one to know they were here and he had become careless. Feeding indiscriminately and leaving bodies behind was never smart, but so far he had been allowed his indulgences. They let him get away with it because he was efficient and they were known for their competence. If there was a difficult client or someone so hard to kill that all else had failed, they sent in Isaac and the job was done. Usually, he was hired to kill vampires and though one himself, he hated his kind. He loathed the very ground they stood on and because of that, he enjoyed his work. So how had he become one of the worst of his kind? He killed without thought and without regret and now wondering if the prophecy were real, he started to question his very existence.

  Quickly he bit into his wrist then grabbing hold of Summer’s long brown locks he forced it to her mouth.

  Blood ran from him and trickled across pale pink lips that looked almost white against the ebony of her skin. She was much paler than earlier and he needed to refill her with some blood before it was too late. If she were to die or turn then his fate was sealed, but he feared he was too late. It had been a few seconds since her heart last beat and he cradled her in his arms willing her body to take in his essence and to fight. Stroking a lock of hair off of her skin he held her to his wrist. Now all he could do was wait. She was a beautiful girl with high cheekbones and a face that could have graced the movies. He had even found her fun. She had a strong spirit and was at times difficult to compel. She loved her friends despite her brashness and he had discovered it came from a lack of self-confidence. No one would have believed that, for she seemed to exude it from every pore of her body.

  The seconds ticked on and his wrist healed. It did not matter she had taken enough of his blood. Now one of three things would happen. One, he was too late and she would die. Two, she would change and become the very thing he despised. At that point, he would need to decide between letting her turn or killing her and running for his life. The third option being she would survive and his blood would heal her. Of course, if either option two or three happened he would have another problem. She would remember everything he had done to her. Of course, if she remained human, he could keep her here a few more days and once his blood had left her system, he could compel her. Now, he just needed to remember when she said her parents were coming back?


  Vincent melted from th
e shadows and nearly gave Deb a heart attack. “Damn it, there’s no need to skulk around,” she said.

  “Actually there is every need. If you are in danger then both of us need to keep a low profile. Perhaps the disabled girl jumping from her bedroom window is not the best way to do that?”

  Deb felt her joy crushed but as she looked up at him, he was smiling.

  “Still I guess it was fun,” he said.

  Deb returned his grin. “It was the only way to get out of the house. Now, all I need to do is get back in.”

  “That’s simple, sweet Deborah, just jump.”

  Deb’s mouth flew open and she was about to ask, but he had moved on.

  “Maybe now you understand why I don’t want you to have friends around. There is a danger to them as there is to you, but most of all if they find out what you are, they will abandon you. They will revile you and make it almost impossible for us to keep your change quiet.”

  “No,” Deb said but he just kept talking. Inside she knew that her friends would accept her, may even be glad for her. They would, wouldn’t they?

  “You said that Brett’s girlfriend was killed by a vampire?”

  Deb pulled the photo from beneath her jumper and showed it to him. The way his brow drew down was all the confirmation she needed. “It is a vampire kill isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” he said but all he did was continue to stare at the print.

  “What do I do?” Suddenly the joy was gone. She had been so caught up in investigating and the excitement of finding out something … It had been so exciting that she had forgotten her brother’s friend was dead. What’s more, if she were dead then Brett could be next. “How can I protect him?”

  “There are questions more important than that.”

  “No, there aren’t. He’s my brother.”

  Vincent took her chin in his hand and looked into her eyes. “I will do my best to keep him safe, but my main concern is you. You are important and I would die to keep you alive but you have to help me.”

  Warmth enveloped Deb as she stared into his haunting gray eyes. They were strong and powerful and he would do anything for her but her brother had to come first. “I can look after myself, we need to protect Brett.”

  Letting go of her cheeks, he stepped back and laughed. It was like a slap to her face, like cold water; he believed she was weak.

  “You may be a vampire, a young vampire, but in your human form you are human which means you are weak. The other one who is here is so strong that even I have not felt him yet. He or she could be anyone or anywhere. They meld with the shadows and move faster than I can see. They are trained killers honed to perfection and they are utterly ruthless. Even with Alix and I looking after you, it is doubtful we will prevail which is why we need to take you away from here.”

  “No,” was all Deb could manage. “I will not leave unless we can take everyone I love and that would be impossible. We need to work out a way to keep my friends and family safe.” She sunk to the ground as despair overwhelmed her. It was an emotion she was used to, yet it still took her strength and sapped her very soul. What if she were wrong? What if it was safer for her friends if she left?

  Vincent pulled her to him. He was cold yet strangely comforting. “I only care about you and your safety and for that, it is best if we leave. We should go now, don’t even tell Alix, we should just disappear.”

  “And my family, my friends?” Deb looked up at him and she wanted to trust him, she wanted to be safe. Since her change, she had everything she had ever wanted and she wanted to live for the first time in two years. She could see a battle going on inside Vincent. He wanted to rush her away, but he wanted to be truthful “Tell me the truth,” she insisted.

  He turned away from her. “You are right. If we leave then most likely your friends and family will be tortured and killed. The assassin will believe they know where you have gone.”

  “No, oh God, no.” Deb stood and turned him to face her. “I will never do that. If I die then, it’s okay but not them. If you don’t promise me that you will help them then I will never speak to you again.” After she had said the words, Deb realized how childish they sounded, but the effect they had on Vince was unexpected. He dropped to his knees before her.

  “You must let me save you or at least try. If my existence is to mean anything then let me save you.”

  Deb kept her face neutral. “My family, my friends come first, do you understand?”

  “Yes,” he said but he dropped his head into his hands and for a second she thought he was crying.

  Deb felt awkward seeing the arrogant vampire brought to his knees. Why was she so important to him or maybe he was just mad? Maybe he was obsessed with her and it was him who killed Ange. That seemed more reasonable than some crazy reason that he refused to tell her and suddenly she was uncomfortable being near him. “I should get back before I’m missed.”

  Vincent was on his feet instantly and she had to blink to believe she had seen it.

  “I will be watching, sweet Deborah, both you and your family.”

  Deb turned and raced back to the house. That was either a really touching sentiment or it was dead creepy. Maybe she should do some research into Vincent Fox.

  As she approached the house, she could hear Mace knocking on her door. Shit.

  Chapter Twelve

  Isaac lay with Summer’s head in his lap. The first breath she took was like a spring morning and he knew she was either alive or turned. Only the next few days would tell which. When a vampire turns, they are still human. The change takes place gradually after a day maybe two, they would start to feel sensitivity to light and then they would develop an all consuming thirst. At that point, many young vampires slaughter their family. They are afraid and partly animal and the blood lust takes over. If this girl had changed, he decided as he stroked her hair that he would help her. He would teach her their ways and see that she never ended up suffering the centuries of guilt that he had suffered.

  She stirred in his arms, breathing in deeply, languishing in that time before sleep gave way to daylight. Cautiously he tightened his grip, knowing that when she woke the memory of all he had done would flood through her and she would be terrified. Earlier he had fed on that terror but now he wanted to alleviate it. The problem was he had to question her, there was more he needed to know and right now, the hatred he felt towards himself was crushing.

  As she woke, she flapped in his arms like a broken bird and he held her tight. Crushing her against his chest, he whispered into her ear, “Be still, Summer. You are safe, you are alive and you will get through this.” While she slept or died he had covered her nakedness, dressing her in a long fluffy pink robe. It felt sensuous, even luxurious against his skin and it added to his guilt. Now that he had allowed his humanity in, the monster he had been started to repulse him. How he hated vampires. All that they were and all that they did.

  The bird stilled in his arms. Whether it was because she believed him or whether she was saving her strength, he did not know. Quicker than she could see, feel or imagine he placed her in a chair and secured her wrists behind her and her ankles to the chair’s legs. Squatting down before her, he held a finger to his lips. She understood the symbol for quiet and sat still, her eyes wide and a slight shake to her lips. They had filled with color and now had a nice plum blush to them that in other circumstances he would enjoy tasting. But for now he needed to be quick.

  “Do you know what I am?” he asked.

  If it was possible, her eyes opened even wider, like white plates on a brown table with a dash of chocolate sauce at their center. It was intoxicating, but he had damaged her enough and guilt was now his primary emotion. Guilt and the need to survive.

  She nodded, but her glazed look told him she did not want to believe it.

  “Your friend Deborah Marshall is a vampire. She is probably something special and I need to know everything about her.”

  Summer was shaking her head as tears poured dow
n her face. She did not want to believe this, could not believe this.

  “Yes, I’m sorry but she is,” he said, waiting for her hysterics to stop. At last they did and she looked up at him. There was a look of defiance in her eyes now and he hated himself because he would have to crush it. “You have two choices. You can tell me what I want to know or I can hurt you over and over again. I can stab you in the eye and then feed you my blood and you will heal. Over and over again I will torture you just to revive you. Eventually, you will tell me everything.”

  She would talk, of that he was certain, but time could be short. Dagmar would be requesting an update and he needed to decide how to handle this. One must die. Only the fate knew whether it would be Deborah or Dagmar. Maybe there was an easier way. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he scrolled to the photos. Then he showed her a picture of her parents, sunning themselves on a beach in Mexico. A thin keening wail escaped from between her lips and she dropped her eyes. He grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her up showing her a picture of Nova, of Brett, of Luke. “Do you understand me?” When she failed to nod, he scrolled to a photo of Angela. The girl Brett thought he was dating and he showed Summer a picture of the blonde girl with her throat ripped out. Two puncture wounds were surrounded by a savage bite. “Now do you understand me?”

  Summer nodded.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Deb ran to the house and stopped before the window. If she concentrated, she could see where everyone was and they were all outside her door. This was trouble, either they would be concerned or they would be angry. Her confidence flagged and her legs started to give beneath her. Before she could crumple to the ground, Vincent was there. He put a hand under her elbow and held her up.

  “You can do this, concentrate. Ignore those people.”

  Deb tried but anxiety over her family made her legs weak and her stomach feel sick. She was tired and hungry and she slumped to the floor. As she sat there the anxiety in Mace’s voice rose a level, soon he would get something and knock down the door. Then they would find her missing and there was no way she could explain.


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