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Deadwood: A Vampire Series (The Darker Side of Deb Book 2)

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by Caroline Gebbie

  “You are hungry,” Vincent said. “I should have envisioned this. Get up and get into that room now.”

  His words stirred her on and she stood beneath his icy gaze. Taking a deep breath she changed and felt the power surge through her.

  “Bend your knees and then explode upwards,” he said.

  Deb looked at him, smiled weakly and then did as he bid. It was amazing as she let herself go. She seemed to fly and sailed up to her window and nearly overshot. She grabbed onto the sill and hauled herself inside.

  “Just a minute,” she shouted. Leaping across to the chair, she felt her face. It appeared normal and she wheeled herself to the door, praying that she looked tired as if she had just woken. Mussing up her hair she pulled the door, of course, it was locked. She reached down and pulled back the bolt and then she rolled backward. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Is there a fire?”

  Mace, Brett and Nova surged into the room. “Are you alright?” Mace asked.

  “I fell asleep. I’ve been so tired with the nightmares and all. Is something wrong?” Deb was trying to hide the elation she felt from leaping to her window and the fear she felt for her family and her friends. She had to make them feel she was just tired and confused.

  “Why was the door locked?” Mace asked.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was.”

  Mace sat on the bed and a smile came over his face. At the same time, Brett turned and left while Nova smiled and sat next to her. “We were worried,” Mace said. “Oh Deb, don’t do that to me again my heart can’t stand it.” With that, he stood, kissed her cheek and limped out of the room.

  “Sorry,” Nova said. “I knocked on the door and when you didn’t answer, I should have known you were asleep but Mace caught me and he worried.”

  Deb looked at her friend despite having so many problems of her own she was always ready to help and she felt a little selfish. “No, it was my fault. I don’t know why I locked the door but sometimes it feels a little stifling in this house. Are you still up for some work?”

  Nova nodded. “But Deb, have you eaten today?”

  It was a question she had been dreading and she knew that she had to try. Mace always had a pot of bone broth on the stove, it was probably the closest thing to blood that she would get and there was beef in the fridge. “No. you?”

  “Yeah, but I could manage a sandwich,” Nova said.

  The two girls made their way to the kitchen and Deb found herself being clumsy and awkward in her chair. Each time she walked, ran or jumped in her vampire form, the chair felt so cumbersome. She longed to tell her friends and be herself at least at home. Yet, Vincent had told her they would not accept her and she believed he was probably right, for now at least.

  Having eaten some beef and with a cup of bone broth, Deb returned to the office. Her stomach had protested a little, but she managed to keep the meal down. As she ate she could feel her energy returning, maybe she could cope without blood, well, she hoped so.

  In the bedroom Deb talked to Nova about the suicides going over what they had already discussed but while she did, she typed into the computer.

  I believe someone is watching me and that I may be in danger.

  Nova’s eyes opened wide and she nodded.

  I need to research a man named Vincent Fox.

  Her fingers paused over the keyboard. If she was not honest, then Nova had less chance of finding out the truth but if she was, she put herself and her friend in more danger. That was, of course, if Nova believed her. It was no good; she had to get some help. Slowly she typed the words.

  I think he is very old and I think he is watching me.

  Nova read the words and looked at Deb as if she was mad. Deb felt a touch of sadness, but she gave her friend an earnest look. A look that said ‘please believe me I need your help.’ Nova read the words again and then she nodded.

  “Let’s get started,” Nova said and she took control of the keyboard.

  It was nearly an hour later, but she had found out some bits. There were many Vincent Fox’s, but Deb thought they had found the right one. A derivative of him as an officer in the Great War caught her attention. He looked exactly the same as he did now. Well, the hair was a different style being longer at the back and in one image, he wore a wig. But even in the monochrome photos his eyes were piercing and they seemed to admonish her for doing this.

  Deb decided it was time to stop looking. If Nova spotted the resemblance then, they would be in trouble and it would be impossible for her to keep her secret. Yet, how could she stop this? An idea came to her mind but she would have to be sneaky. If Vincent found out she was researching him what would he do? She knew he could see through walls and hear them from his hiding place but she had to do this. A deep seeded guilt started in her stomach, and she waited until Nova looked around.. Concentrating very hard, she looked deep into Nova’s pale blue eyes and watched as her pupils dilated. “You will find me everything you can on this,” she said pointing at the picture of Vincent. “It could be in any era and I need to know everything. As soon as you have exhausted all the research, you will forget that you did it and will go to bed. You will be tired and only remember that we were looking into the suicides of businesswomen. Nod if you understand.”

  Deb watched as her friend nodded and then she grabbed the keyboard and her fingers flew across the keys. It was over an hour later when her friend pushed away from the computer and yawned. “I’m really tired,” Nova said. “I think I’m gonna get to bed.”

  Deb felt conflicting emotions as her friend left the room. She was partly elated as it had worked, she had the information and Nova remained safe. There was another part of her that wondered if she would keep the broth down if this went on much longer.

  Grabbing the papers, she retired to her room. It looked like Vincent had been a busy boy. In one report, he was a wealthy millionaire who did a lot for charity but vanished suddenly in another he was linked with a spate of brutal killings. Deb’s head was spinning her stomach churning, could she trust him?

  As if in answer to her thoughts, there was a tap at her window and she walked to the curtains. As she pulled them back, the window opened and she was handed a stainless steel flask.

  “I said I would come. This is a mixture of blood and cherry liquor. It is the easiest thing for a newborn like yourself to stomach. Try and drink it all by tomorrow night and I will replenish it for you.”

  The cold steel felt like a brick in her hand and she wanted to sling it from the window. But she was weakening and struggling to eat.

  “You need to do this,” Vincent said. “If you don’t, one day your friend’s neck will be too tempting.”

  Deb nodded and closed the window. Drawing the curtains, she walked back to her bed and took a small sip of the mixture. It was sweet and delicious and she cried as she drank it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Summer woke in terror and opened her eyes to see the icy blue eyes ones of Isaac inches above her face. Was he smelling her? She scuttled back into the headboard and tried to scream. But her throat was raw and parched and all she could think about was drinking.

  “It is all right. You are safe now,” Isaac said and his voice was strangely comforting.

  “Drink,” was all Summer could manage and she smiled as he handed her a glass. The water was like liquid silk as it slipped down her throat easing the soreness and replenishing her. Why was she so thirsty and how come she was alive? All the horrible things he had done streamed into her consciousness at once and it felt like she had been hit by a bus. With wild eyes, she looked up at him but he no longer looked terrifying but rather a little sad. “Why?” she asked.

  Isaac moved away from her and sat in a chair next to the bed. “It is who I am, but you are safe now. I will not hurt you again and I will not kill you.”

  Summer leaped from the bed and raced for the door, but he was there instantly and wagged a finger at her. “You cannot leave until one of two things happen. Sit down.

  As she stumbled back to the bed, she wondered how she had allowed him to do those things to her and as if he read her mind he spoke.

  “You did not let me, I forced you. I compelled you to do as I commanded and if I am lucky, once my blood has left your system I will compel you to forget.”

  If I’m lucky. Those words were like daggers that stabbed into her brain. “What… what if you’re not lucky?”

  In a flash, he was back in the chair. “Do you know what I am, Summer?”

  The question caused a pain in her head that felt like she had been stabbed in the brain. Every inch of her wanted to say no, but she found herself nodding. Yes, she knew what he was. He was a vampire and he had fed on her, hurt her, made her do his will and all the time she had smiled at her friends and behaved like a ditz. “Is, is that what you have done to me?” It was so hard to say those words, they clung to her throat and left a vacuum inside her that seemed to suck the breath from her chest and collapse her lungs. The seconds ticked by and he failed to answer while fear clawed away at her brain.

  “I hope not,” he said. “I would not inflict my curse on my worst enemy and I intended to kill you.”

  “What?” How could someone be so cold, so utterly ruthless and so uncaring to another human being? Yet, she had done similar things. She had engaged her mouth without engaging her brain on more than one occasion and for that, she felt a deep and abiding sorrow.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I have to keep you here until I’m sure. If you are still human, then I will compel you to forget and you will remain my cover.

  “Then you are not sorry. You are using me and you are a creep. My friends will see through you…” The steam ran out of her as Summer remembered he had not told her what would happen if he had turned her.

  “You are right. I’m only sorry because it caused me inconvenience.”

  “What if…” Summer could not ask. She knew he would kill her if she were turned and the very thought was crazy. This had to be crazy maybe he was on PCP or something.

  “If I have turned you then I will care for you and see that you don’t make the same mistakes as me. That is the only promise I can make you, but if you get in my way, I will kill you.”


  Nova pulled out her phone as it notified a text message. “Guess who’s not coming?” she said.

  Deb laughed as she turned the Charger into the grill car park. “Don’t tell me Summer has gone for a romantic getaway with her beau?”

  “You got it. Still want coffee?” Nova asked.

  “We may as well. You’ve got forty minutes before classes and I’m off today.”

  The girls made their way to the booth and settled down with two coffees. Since she had consumed the blood, Deb had been feeling tremendous, even if the guilt of whose blood she drank was like a lead lump in her stomach. Yesterday she had slept through the night, much to the relief of Brett and Mace. It made Deb laugh when Nova believed it was the research she had done. But Deb didn’t mind. This morning she could eat, drink a cappuccino and was feeling better than she had in a long time. There was a power coursing through her and she had a purpose. First thing, she had booked an appointment with the therapist Jonathan Meeks and she had an hour or two to kill until she met him. So far, she could not decide what to do, but she would figure it out.

  “Earth to Deborah,” Nova said as she gently shook Deb’s arm.

  “I’m sorry. I was thinking about those poor women and what to do about it.”

  “Are you still seeing that hunk, Alix?” Nova asked.

  Deb felt a flush of warmth rise up her body and it seemed to settle in her ears making them feel like they were glowing. Nova laughed and Deb dropped her head to hide her embarrassment.

  “I’m not sure,” Deb said. “He keeps saying life’s complicated and to be honest, it is.”

  “Why not call him? Get him to come with you? At least that way I would think you were safe.”

  Deb looked up into her friend’s face so full of concern and she felt guilty. Nova had so many problems of her own and yet she worried about her and it made her feel so warm and loved. “I might,” she said, “but he can’t come in with me because I have to be single.”

  “Then maybe I should miss Uni today and come with you. I can stay outside but at least you will have back up?”

  “Alright, I will ring him. I promise.”

  “That’s good because he was too hot to let go,” Nova said. “Now, I have to go… can I come over again tonight?”

  Deb smiled and nodded. It was so good to have her friend staying; it made her feel almost normal.

  Deb sent a text. It was plain and to the point. All it did was ask if he would meet her. Now all she had to do was sit and wait.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It had seemed like forever but was, in fact, only fifteen minutes until Alix walked into the grill. When he entered, Deb could see a slight haze rising from his face and he quickly pulled off his glasses, hat and gloves.

  Looking pale, he joined her at the booth. “It’s so good to see you,” he said. “But Vincent won’t like it.”

  “Is he watching?” Deb was fed up with the trouble between them and she wanted something about her life to be normal.

  “No. I’m taking the day shift…”

  Deb could see there was more he wanted to say and anger flared through her. Why were they treating her like a child? “Go on,” she prompted.

  Alix dropped his eyes and stared at the table and she felt a tinge of pity, but if she were to move on with her life, she needed honesty. She waited and eventually he lifted his eyes.

  “Vincent is much better adapted to the sunlight than me. This is my punishment for saying too much.”

  “Oh,” was all Deb could manage.

  “I don’t mind. I love to watch you,” he said and then started to laugh.

  Deb found his mirth catching and she laughed too. “Yeah, that sounded really creepy, but I do sleep easier knowing that you two are there. Of course, I would be even more comfortable if I knew why I had to be afraid.” It felt good to laugh, but she may as well push home any advantage.

  Alix looked across at her. His face was open and earnest. It was hard to imagine him ever lying, but she knew he had. At last he sighed. “I’m sorry. After speaking to Vincent I think he is right; it is best if you don’t know.”

  Anger surged through Deb and she felt herself starting to change. Her hair turned black as did her eyes and blood surged through the veins in her neck.

  “Deb, get in control,” Alix whispered and he pushed her down into the wheelchair.

  His voice stopped her. What was she doing? She must be more careful and if she was to let her friends know what she was then this was not the place. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “It’s just so frustrating and I don’t know who to trust.”

  “You can trust me but let’s talk about something else. What have you been working on all night?”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “I thought you had the day shift?”

  “Yeah well, Mr. Fox was actually a little talkative this morning. I think you keep him on his toes.”

  The thought of the arrogant Vincent Fox being put out by her brought a smile to Deb’s face and soon she was talking about the case. Excitement had her telling him everything and they discussed what she was to do but she had one problem. “How do I prove this? How do I find out exactly what he is doing?”

  Alix laughed and the sound was light and fun and so normal, Deb felt giddy.

  “You are kidding me?” he asked.

  “No. I can’t go look in his files. I can ask questions, but he won’t answer… I’m just stuck.”

  A waitress placed another coffee and a whiskey on their table and then returned to the bar with their empties. Alix took a sip of his drink and Deb watched as a tinge of heat and color hit his cheeks. “Why don’t I look so pale? Or have problems with the sun?”

  “I don’t know, maybe you will in time
but I think it’s because you are something different, something new, but you still have have our gifts. When you go for your interview why not use them?”

  Of course, it was so simple. She knew exactly what she would do and she would be safe. The world felt so normal and she was feeling so happy she almost got up out of her wheelchair and walked over for a game of pool. Alix spotted what she was about to do and grabbed her hand, forcing her down into her chair.

  “Easy girl, let’s not draw attention to ourselves.”

  Deb sunk back down and felt heat hit her cheeks. “I’m sorry but it is so… frustrating.”

  “I can imagine and as soon as this problem is cleared up you can be more open, but for now let’s just keep you safe.”

  For another hour they talked and laughed until it was time for Deb to leave. “Walk me to my car?” she asked.

  “My pleasure.”

  Once inside her Dodge, Deb locked her wheelchair in place, closed the door and wound down the window. Alix brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek with his gloved hand. It felt so good on her cheek and she desperately wanted to reach out and touch him. Wanting to pull off his glasses and drown in his eyes, instead she smiled and turned back. His gloved hand stopped her and gently turned her head back to face him.

  Tenderly he kissed her forehead, his lips cold and yet they left behind a fire. They traced down her cheek and across to her lips. Deb opened her mouth to taste him and passion filled her with a fire that had her reaching for more. But he was gone, the car park was empty and once again she was alone.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Deb could still feel the cold imprint of Alix’s lips when she pulled up outside the office of Jonathan Meeks. It was a small square building that reminded her of a library despite the fact that there were no books. As she wheeled herself up to the entrance, she entered a waiting room that had half a dozen chairs, a small table and a selection of fashion magazines. There wasn’t a receptionist present but a sign on one of the walls announced that the doctor was aware she was there.


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