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Always (With Bonus Material) (Always & Forever Book 1)

Page 18

by Kindle Alexander

  Thomas jogged the few steps to the gurney, and Kane walked immediately to Avery. "Her blood pressure's too high. They have to take the babies."

  "What happened? She's been doing well this whole time?" Avery questioned, watching Thomas stand at the other set of swinging double doors his wife had just been pushed through.

  "It was high when she got here and spiked higher while we were in there."

  "What's happening?" Kennedy asked Avery while she watched Thomas as he stood looking lost, staring at the closed doors.

  "It's her blood pressure," Avery replied. He left his family and made his way straight to Thomas. He'd promised to take care of Thomas while Kane handled Sophia. It was the only thing Sophia asked of him, and he wasn't going to let her down.

  "She'll be fine, come back to the waiting room with us," Avery said, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as he took in Thomas's clearly worried face.

  "She never had this problem before," Thomas said and let Avery slowly turn him.

  "She's got the best possible care. You know that," Avery offered, now guiding him back to the waiting room.

  "She said it's normal," Thomas added, his worried eyes now searching Avery's.

  "She would know, wouldn't she?" Avery calmly stated, trying to hide his own concern. Thomas only gave him a nod. Paulie, God love his soul, took over, because that was all that Avery could muster in the way of encouragement. Avery was worried too. They had come so far with such smooth sailing. How could this be happening now?

  The small waiting room was packed with their family and friends. Time seemed to slow to a snail's pace, with each sound of the clock's ticking filling the silent room. Kane stood by a window, his eyes stayed focused on something unseen. After a while, Avery left his seat next to his mom and went to his Kane. For one of the first times ever, Avery felt the need to respect Kane's public displays rules—probably because of the worry rolling off him in waves.

  "It's been too much time," Kane said. He never looked back at Avery. Avery stood there, taking in Kane's stance, his arms tightly crossed and his head bent down.

  "Baby, it's only been thirty minutes," Avery said quietly back.

  "Avery, it doesn't take this long," Kane stated. Avery could see his husband's reflection through the windowpane and knew he'd closed his eyes.

  "Don't bring worry into this yet. We don't know anything," Avery advised. He broke the restraint he been showing and reached for Kane, but before he could turn him, Kane flipped around, railing at him.

  "Exactly! How come we don't know anything, Avery?" This was a first. Had his partner really just raised his voice at him in the middle of the crowded waiting room? For the first time ever, something had finally broken through Kane's well-placed calm façade. And Avery realized it was the fear that something might happen to their babies, his papa bear was protective over his unborn cubs.

  Kane's frantic eyes slid away from Avery's, and he stepped forward, leaving Avery to do nothing more than try and catch up with all the moods Kane was tossing his way. Dr. Palmer had come inside the waiting room, pulling his surgical cap off his head. Stress showed on his face, but Avery couldn't read anything more. Thomas was there, standing next to Kane, with Avery right on their heels.

  "How is she?" Thomas didn't wait for the physician to begin.

  "She's made it through and is in recovery now—" Dr. Palmer started.

  "How are the babies?" Kane asked, interrupting the doctor. Apparently Kane's behavior was a surprise to them all, because every eye in the small waiting area was on him. Paulie had even made his way over to Kane, worry on his face.

  That few seconds, waiting for the confirmation, had Avery's heart dropping to his feet. He didn't think he could take much more as he balanced on pins and needles for the doctor's answer. He released a shaky breath, in hopes of calming himself, not wanting Kane to pick up on his distress; his nerves were getting to him. He reached out for Kane and wrapped an arm around his husband's waist for comfort. The feel of Kane's body pressed next to his seemed to have a calming effect he so desperately needed at that moment. After the initial confusion faded, Dr. Palmer gave a weary smile.

  "They're doing well. They're premature, but a nice size. They were bigger than we originally thought and that's a plus for them. Both are in neonatal now, being checked out, they weren't too happy with us and were voicing their opinion loudly when I left them."

  "When can we see them?" Kane fired right back while Avery, along with everyone else in the room, gave a deep sigh of relief at the initial good news. Of course, his wound-up honey had to see those little ones for himself before he'd believe anything.

  "We'll get you in as soon as possible. The doctor's with them now. Let them get through their assessment and fully checked out. Thomas, if you'll come back with me, you can be there when she wakes up." Kane nodded, somewhat resigned, and turned, pressing fully into Avery's waiting arms.

  "We have our babies," Kane said, wrapping his arms around Avery, tucking his face in the crook of his neck.

  "We do," Avery whispered, before lifting his head to the doctor and catching a glimpse of his retreating back as he called out, "Tell Sophia we're here and thank you!" Avery got a thumbs up from the doctor. Thomas looked relieved, but completely exhausted. Everyone was drained and the room filled with so many emotions. Avery tugged Kane tighter to him. They stayed just like that for several long moments until Paulie spoke up.

  "If you can tear yourselves apart, I think we have some congratulations for you!" Paulie said in his typical rough-edged way. Kane was the first to release their embrace, only to tilt back and greet Avery with the biggest smile ever. He got a quick kiss before his mom was there with tear-filled eyes, hugging them both tightly.

  Chapter 19

  The twins' names came easy after Kane sat with each baby the first day. They named their daughter Autumn Kennedy and their son, Robert Paul. For some reason, those weren't names on the endlessly long list they had made over the last several months, but were the most fitting nonetheless. And Autumn and Robert were perfect. Both had thick, full caps of blond hair and perfectly shaped lips. They were absolutely adorable.

  Kane couldn't actually touch either baby, but he stayed right there with them every day they were kept in the neonatal unit. After the first twenty-four hours of Avery trying to get him to eat or leave for sleep, he arranged for them to have a private family room where they both stayed for the entire length of time their children were in the hospital. Paulie ran the restaurant and Avery went back and forth between his practice, the restaurant, and the hospital, making sure everything kept running as smoothly as possible, leaving Kane the sole task of staying vigilant over their babies care.

  Almost a month to the day of their birth, the four of them were able to leave the hospital. Most of the media hype from their birth had died down. Kane's adamancy about staying at the hospital had allowed him a certain amount of immunity from the mass frenzy of news reporters stationed out front. Early on, Avery gave a press release on the children's birth and their health. He even broke one of his longstanding rules and addressed the media directly, but it still took weeks of speculation on every aspect of their children's lives before reporters found something new to fill the hours between the morning and six o'clock news.

  Sophia stopped by regularly, checking on everyone's progress, but she allowed them the time they needed to connect as a family as well. For Kane, the parental bonds formed immediately. He couldn't believe how much he already loved both babies, yet somehow every day that love grew to new and boundless proportions. Avery had been so right to do this for them, and Kane tried hard to show his appreciation.

  He never held himself back anymore. No matter where they were, he invited Avery's touches and small caresses. For the first time in their long relationship, he even initiated some of them. Kane held a level of love for his newfound little family that he could barely contain. He'd never dreamed he would ever have any of this or be so completely fulfilled.

>   "Robert's asleep," Avery whispered. He sat rocking Robert while Kane sat next to him rocking Autumn. They had been home for a few hours and hadn't put either baby down since they'd arrived.

  "So's Autumn," Kane whispered back, looking between both the babies and Avery. His whole world was right here inside this nursery.

  "We should put them down," Avery whispered. He never took his eyes off Robert.

  "I'm glad they're home." Neither made a moved to rise.

  "Me too," Avery said, still rocking.

  "They look like you, to me," Kane stated, now fully focused on Avery.

  "You can't tell that," Avery replied.

  "I can. Thank you for doing this for us," Kane confessed. Avery looked him straight in the eyes and slowly brought the rocker to a stop. There was such love in his eyes that Kane slowly rose from the rocking chair, carefully holding Autumn in his arms, and bent over to kiss Avery's upturned face.

  "You're my always. I love you so much. I'd do anything to see you this happy," Avery whispered, and the warmth of Avery's words touched Kane's heart, making his smile grow sweeter.

  "I'm glad I found you," Kane said quietly, stepping back as Avery stood.

  "I think it was more like me finding you, handsome." For Kane, the sentimental memories were so strong; all he could do was stand there as they held their babies, thinking about their lives, their future, and his love for Avery.

  "I can't imagine my life without you," Kane proclaimed sweetly.

  "Good. I don't want you to. Come on, we need sleep. They'll be awake in a few hours to eat." Avery was the first to turn away. He carefully placed Robert in his crib and went to Autumn's baby bed to whisper a silent goodnight to her. Kane felt strong hands gently pulling him away. Avery wrapped an arm around Kane's waist and guided him from the room. They didn't shut the door. The nursery was right across the hall from their bedroom and Kane had made sure the monitors were on as they quietly made their way out.

  "Now that they're home, you need to sleep when they sleep. I've been worried about you," Avery said as he began to disrobe.

  "I can sleep later. They're only little once," Kane stated as he undressed quickly. His suitcase was on his side of the closet, still packed, and he ignored it as a yawn slipped out. He tossed his robe on the end of the bed and set the alarm for the feeding before he slid between the sheets.

  "Did you check the monitor to see if it's on?" Kane asked, flipping off the light of the lamp on his nightstand. Avery met Kane in the center of the bed. The spot they normally shared. Kane had on his pajama bottoms, Avery wore nothing, and Kane's eyes connected with his.

  They had made love every single night until the babies were born. How had he already forgotten their routine? They really hadn't had alone time while they stayed in the hospital. Kane had followed the same schedule as the babies, back down in the nursery every two hours for their feedings. Too many people were in and out, and he knew Avery didn't count quickies or blow jobs as proper alone time.

  "It's on. You checked it a hundred times already, remember? And I checked it too. Have you thought any more about a nanny?" Avery asked. Kane saw him look up to check the monitor, so did Kane. The red flashing light gave him all the reassurance he needed. He leaned in and kissed his husband on the lips and wrapped him tighter in his arms.

  "Not yet. I know we'll need one soon. The restaurant won't keep running itself, but not yet. Let's take care of them by ourselves a little while longer," Kane said, pushing his pajama bottoms down.

  "We should still start accepting applications. If I know you, it'll take us interviewing about two hundred people before you decide on one." Kane didn't deny it, Avery was probably right. He felt sure Paulie would be in on the interviewing too. He had a keen sense and could pick up a fake with just a glance. Kane kicked his pants down to the end of the bed and spread his legs in a blatant invitation. Avery never missed much, thank heaven. Kane smiled to himself, relishing the feel of Avery's weight as he settled in on top of him. "What are they going to call us?"

  "Dad?" Kane questioned. They'd had this conversation before, never really deciding anything for certain.

  "We both can't be dad." Avery chuckled. Kane pressed against his warm firm lips, but when he tried to deepen the kiss, Avery pulled back. "Father's too formal for either of us, don't you think? How about Dad and Daddy?" Avery asked, anchoring his elbows under Kane's shoulder, keeping distance between them.

  "Will it confuse them?" Kane asked

  "I don't think so. I want you to be their Daddy." Avery smiled at him and he nodded. For some reason, this was an emotional decision. He'd called his father Daddy when he was a child and always envisioned his children using that word with him.

  "Then it's settled. I'm truly happier than I've ever been in my entire life. I need you to make love to me tonight, Avery." He held Avery's gaze with his, fighting the emotion running through him.

  "I want to make love to you, but I'm also content to hold you and let you fall asleep in my arms. You need sleep. I've been worried about you," Avery said, his weight shifting as he rolled himself beside Kane, until their heads shared a pillow.

  "I'm fine," Kane started, but Avery placed two fingers across his lips, silencing him.

  "Good night. I love you."

  "I love you too, Avery." Kane ran his hands down Avery's back. God, he wanted this man inside him tonight. He needed the feel of Avery's skin sliding against his. It had been way too long. And Kane could feel the evidence of Avery's desire pressed against his thigh. Like always, Avery sacrificed his own needs for Kane's or in this case what he thought were Kane's needs. He loved that about Avery, always making sure he was well taken care of, always worrying about him. Kane turned his head on the pillow, looking at Avery's closed eyes, and he listened to him breathe.

  "I'm not tired. I need you to make love to me, Avery, please. I've missed being with you." He slid his hand along Avery's hip and around to grip the thickening cock at his thigh. Avery pushed into his fist, and he couldn't help but smile when he heard Avery's low groan and mumbled protest.

  "Shit! How can I say no with you touching me like that?" Avery's mouth was on his before he could complete the second stroke. He loved the way Avery took control, sweetly kissing him, pressing him into the mattress as he settled back between Kane's thighs. Avery's lips worked against his. His husband's probing tongue pushed inside his mouth and his senses were flooded with the sweet taste of Avery. He kissed Avery back with desperation. His hands now fisted in Avery's hair as he tried to convey his feelings through his kiss. Kane lifted his hips grinding his erection against his lover's. His dick plumped and ass tightened at the feel of Avery's hand sliding between their bodies and wrapping around his aching cock.

  "Yes, this…I missed this." Avery knew just how to undo him, make him lose all control. He widened his legs, giving Avery's fingers room to explore. "Get the lube. I need you inside me, now."

  "Hold on, let me open you. I don't want to hurt you," Avery warned, his fingers continuing their pursuit.

  "I don't want to wait! Make love to me, Avery. I need to feel you stretching me, moving inside me." He bucked his hips as he pleaded against Avery's ear, sucking the lobe between his lips. He grinned to himself as his mister's weight suddenly lifted from him.

  Kane watched eagerly as his husband pushed back, sitting on his heels, and reached over to the nightstand. Avery opened the drawer, grabbed the bottle, and settled back in between his thighs. He poured a generous amount of lubrication on his fingers, and then gave his hard length a few tugs. Kane's ass clenched and his cock jerked in anticipation at the sight of Avery's palm wrapped around his own leaking cock, his well-defined abs flexing with each breath.

  "You're so beautiful, Avery. I'm so lucky…"

  Avery shushed him as his warm palm slid down the inside of his thigh. He pressed back, opening Kane wider. Avery looked down at him, his amber eyes darkening with lust. He felt his face flush as Avery watched him like a hungry predator, waiting
to devour his prey. Just seeing that lust-filled glint bore into his soul proved Avery needed him as much as he needed Avery. Warm strong fingers circled and pressed against his hole, and he lifted his hips, wanting the feel of them inside him as Avery drove him insane with all the teasing.

  "Babe, please…Ahhh!" Avery surprised him and shoved two thick fingers deep into him, and he just about came from the delicious sting the action created. Avery always identified what he craved, knew his body so well. He played him like an old guitar. Avery worked him, slowly pumping those long fingers in and out of him. His knuckle brushed against his prostate sending zings of toe-curling electricity coursing through Kane's veins. His blood boiled hot, his eyes slammed shut, and only his panting and the wet sound of Avery's fist now working his cock filled the silence. God, it felt good, so good.

  "Now, please…Avery, I want to come with you in me," Kane begged as he concentrated on not shooting his load. He was already skating a fine line.

  "I love when you beg, Kane. Sounds so sweet." Avery's grip tightened, but the rhythm on his dick slowed to long deliberate strokes. "Just like your ass. You want me in your ass, don't you, Kane?" Avery teased, sliding his thick cock head down Kane's crevice and up again before pressing against his rim. Kane whimpered at the sensation.

  "God, please…yes! Avery, I need to come…" He opened his eyes and stared up at Avery. His needy ass clenched, wanting to be filled by his lover. Kane gripped the back of his thighs, pulling them toward his chest, opening himself for Avery. Waiting.

  "And I want to give you exactly what you need, babe." Avery took his time positioning himself; Kane knew the man did it to drive him insane. Avery did everything with purpose. The stroking suddenly stopped, and he looked up at Avery who gave him a wicked grin.


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