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Always (With Bonus Material) (Always & Forever Book 1)

Page 26

by Kindle Alexander

  "You two pass. Now, remember your manners all day. Do everything you learned. We need to represent today, and today more than ever—ignore the hate. It's their problem, not ours," Kane said, turning off the bedroom lamps. This was their last day in this house for the next few years. All their furniture was being stored as they moved into the vice president's residence. "Get your things. We need to be on time this morning."

  "Yes, sir," Robert said, turning immediately to do what was asked of him.

  "Daddy, are you going to stand with us today?" Autumn asked, lingering at the bedroom door.

  "I guess so, if that's what Avery wants," Kane said, moving to stand in front of her. "Go get your things, honey."

  "I think you should. Dad likes to hold your hand when he gets nervous and he's really nervous today. I'm not supposed to say anything," Autumn confided.

  "Is he nervous?" Kane asked, smiling now. Of course Autumn would tune in to that.

  "Yes, he told me last night when he told me the school's going to approve this absence today even though we aren't sick." Kane's smile grew. Autumn would be worried about missing school today to stand beside her father.

  "Don't worry anymore about it. I'll be there with him whenever he wants. Now, go get your things. The cars are waiting out front for us." Kane smiled again, watching Autumn's retreating back as she dashed away with the same flair with which she'd arrived.

  Chapter 28

  June, 1999 Washington D.C.

  Avery left the closed-door meeting in the president's office with a deep scowl on his face. The president's top advisors flanked Avery, none of them speaking to him. He didn't bother speaking to them either. They were at odds, yet again. He shouldn't be surprised, their primary differences as people played a big part in their inability to come to any kind of workable agreement. Avery also suspected their disagreements really had more to do with personal agendas. If any of them had the heart of a true statesman, there wouldn't be such discord every time they met for these private advising sessions.

  Why didn't the president speak directly to him? They were so in sync. They shared fundamental beliefs and both kept the American people's true interests at heart. As Avery let the thought linger, he also conceded the president needed outside opinions. Besides, Avery's strengths were sadly also his weaknesses. The people he tried to protect against government bureaucracy were the very people that set up daily pickets outside the vice presidential residence, damning him to hell for all eternity. The president needed a broad cabinet to help direct him, and Avery understood that, so he would just have to let what happened at these sessions roll off his back.

  Janice stood off to the side. Her ever-present clipboard rested in her arms, along with a cordless phone ready in her hand. Avery concentrated on her, instead of the men surrounding him, and made a beeline to where she stood. He rarely liked whatever made her stand waiting for him, but in this case, he was certain he'd prefer whoever might be waiting on the phone to those senior cabinet members he was growing to hate.

  "I have Kane waiting to speak with you," she said, handing Avery the phone. That confused him. Kane never interrupted his day, even when Avery begged him to do just that. Then Avery's eyes connected to Janice's as panic gripped his heart, and he brought the phone to his ear.

  "They're fine, everyone's fine," Janice said, then mumbled something he didn't quite catch.

  "Kane?" Avery asked, turning away from Janice. The phone's reception surprisingly held as he headed back to his office on the White House grounds. First, the irritation of the last hour, then the panic of the last thirty seconds, caused the beat of his heart to accelerate, and the constant indigestion that had plagued him since the day he took office made its presence known once again. Avery absently rubbed his belly, before sliding a hand across his heart. He'd left his packet of Rolaids at his desk. Dumb move since he lived on those things.

  "Avery, why are you ignoring your physician?" Kane asked. Janice's hand appeared out of nowhere, producing his antacids. He snatched them from her and shot her a disapproving look. Why had she shared that with his overprotective husband?

  "Babe,'' Avery said, lowering his voice as he passed a throng of interns heading the opposite direction down the long hall to his office.

  "Do not babe me. I've scheduled you a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. They'll come to your office here. I'm having Janice cancel your weekly conference call with the secretary of state. You two don't discuss anything important anyway. "

  "I'll see to it when I—" Avery started but Kane cut him off.

  "When you get back from Asia? In ten days? No. And I'll be here with you this afternoon when you talk to the doctor. You shouldn't have kept this from me. I have half a mind not to go with you tomorrow. I can't believe you wouldn't handle something so important as your health, Avery Adams!"

  Avery didn't say another word until he entered his office, closed the door, and lowered the internal blinds that faced Janice's office. He'd deal with her later. Once he was in the privacy of his office, he took the seat closest to the door and dropped down on the soft leather sofa, letting his head fall back as he closed his eyes.

  "Don't be angry. I hate when you're mad at me. I honestly just kept forgetting," Avery said.

  "I don't believe that's possible. Janice would have said something to you before she called me," Kane shot back.

  "Honey, how can I possibly listen to everything she has to say? She's like an overbearing warden with her schedules and appointments." Avery loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt, waiting for the Rolaids to begin working.

  "We're meeting here at your home office at two," Kane instructed, not giving Avery any sort of break.

  "All right, that's fine. Now, tell me you love me," Avery coaxed, smiling as the pain in his chest began to ease.

  "I love you, but stop being an ass where your health is concerned," Kane fired back.

  "Was that an obscenity? Did you just use your first bad word with me?" Avery laughed. Kane always eased his stress, even as he heard the other end of the phone disconnect. He was slower to end the call, a smile on his face at the love he felt from Kane.

  "Heart disease isn't the death sentence it once was. With some lifestyle changes, new medication, and regular check-ups we're encouraged, even with your family history," Dr. Lee said, sitting across from Kane and Avery. All Avery's medical records and recent tests were spread out across the coffee table separating the two of them.

  Kane felt adrift and scared, gripping on to Avery's hand like he held the only golden life preserver available on a sinking ship full of thieves.

  "So this isn't just indigestion?" Kane asked, even though the doctor had just painstakingly answered that question in great detail.

  "No, sir, but I don't believe surgery is needed at this time. That's very encouraging for a man of his age, with his family history." Kane looked over at Avery and mouthed the word surgery.

  "This isn't a surprise to either of us, Kane. We knew the very real possibility was here," Avery said as though trying for reason.

  "And clearly we should have been seeing a doctor regularly like I've asked you, over and over, for years!" Kane said, eyeing Avery before he turned to focus on the doctor. Kane released the hand-lock and leaned forward, speaking directly to the physician as if Avery weren't even in the room. "This won't be left to him any longer. I want to be involved in every step of his care from this day forward."

  "Of course, as long as Mr. Vice President agrees," the physician acknowledged, gathering the paperwork and tests back into the file folder. Kane cut his gaze to Avery, who was still lounging back against the sofa like he didn't have a care in the world. Kane narrowed his brow, waiting the heartbeat or two until Avery answered.

  "Of course," Avery said, grinning at Kane who immediately turned back to the physician.

  "What kinds of medications does he need?" Kane asked.

  "We'll begin with something to help lower his cholesterol and th
en a combination to help slow the progression of coronary artery disease. Mr. Vice President, we have a packet of information; it would be in your best interest to re-evaluate your diet and begin a fitness program," the doctor advised, looking over at Avery, but Kane situated himself directly in the man's line of vision to bring the doctor's focus back to him.

  "I can have the kitchen prepare low-cholesterol, low-fat meals," Kane added, and Avery gave a groan. Kane just lifted his hand shushing his husband. The physician smiled, but Kane was all business. If Avery didn't take his health seriously, then Kane would have to do it for him. "And we have a workout facility here in the house. We can start that today," Kane stated.

  "Good. It sounds like he's in good hands," the doctor said, rising.

  Avery's chart was tucked under his arm as handshakes were given.

  "Thank you for taking the time to come here," Avery said.

  "This is very common, and really no problem for me to come to you. I'll have the pharmacy deliver the prescriptions to you within the next few hours," Dr. Lee assured. Kane stayed silent as he shook the doctor's hand and watched as Avery opened his office door, ushering the man out. He tried to control his fear, not letting it turn into the rolling anger he felt sliding over his body.

  "Now, that's taken care of…" Avery started as he closed the door, but Kane cut him off.

  "No! You've known about this for a while, haven't you?" Kane accused, rounding on Avery.

  "I've only had suspicions. I didn't know anything for certain," Avery defended himself.

  "And you still put this off? Is that all I mean to you?" Kane's anger turned quickly to hurt. Avery was too young, they were both too young. If something happened to Avery… The thought was too much. Tears filled his vision, threatening to spill down his cheeks, so he turned away grinding the palms of his hands into his eyes. Avery was there at his side, turning him around, forcing his face up. Avery didn't allow him the moment he needed to gather himself, to rein in his overflowing concern.

  "We're changing things up, Avery. You're starting a solid exercise program that you can take with you on the road, and your diet's changing completely. No more sweets. You have to trim up, get healthy. Promise me," Kane said, gripping onto Avery's upper arms. He didn't wait for answer. "I want to meet with your staff myself. And I want a family meeting the first chance Autumn and Robert have, and everyone has to get on board with this."

  "Honey, I don't need to give up all sweets." For some reason Avery's words grated on Kane's last nerve and something snapped.

  "Is that seriously your only response? Of course there are no sweets! No more fatty foods, Avery. You have to play a part in this. You're already to the point of needing medicine. Did you not hear him say surgery? That was his word. Surgery. So yes, you will give up all sweets." Kane tried to pull away, but Avery anchored an arm around him, drawing him closer.

  "I love how concerned you are, I really do. But have I told you how deliciously sweet you look in this suit." Avery's lips were only inches from his as he spoke. "I don't want to give you up. Maybe you'll be enough of a sweet treat for me that I won't need the others. Now, kiss me before I have to go to my next meeting," Avery said as warm lips descended down on his. Kane wouldn't participate in the kiss. Instead, he held himself as stiff as a board, keeping his own lips pressed tightly together. No amount of Avery's persuasive tongue could get him to open up. Just as Kane's willpower began to waver, Janice knocked on the door and stuck her head inside.

  "Ambassador Ezekwesili is on line one, and your translator is here to sit in on the call," she said. Avery gave a dejected sigh and Kane pulled away.

  "Janice, his blood pressure is too high, and they're worried about his heart. He's having prescriptions delivered in the next hour. Make sure this hard-headed man takes the medicine immediately, or call me. I also have to schedule time with the kitchen, the sooner the better. His diet needs to be altered. We're heading to Asia tomorrow, and I need to get started on his menu. Avery's life is about to dramatically change." Kane tossed the last bit in for effect before he stepped out of Avery's office, not bothering to look back. Janice appeared as concerned about Avery's health status as Kane was, and she followed him out. How could Avery allow himself to get in this condition?

  Chapter 29

  "A treadmill in the bedroom? Seriously?" Avery tugged at the knot in his tie. They'd just arrived home from their ten day tour of Asia. He was exhausted, maybe a little irritable, and actually pretty damn hungry. On top of it all, Kane blatantly ignored his mood and continued putting out all those happy vibes when clearly he was indignant about every part of the health regime his mister forced on him.

  "So you don't have to dress and go downstairs." Kane had the nerve to smile at him, after he thanked one of their staffers for bringing the piece of equipment up to their bedroom.

  "I think it's so you can keep a better eye on me and you don't have to get dressed to go downstairs and make sure I'm working out." Avery lifted his hands in a very clear what the hell motion at his head of security who stood on call outside his bedroom door. The guy just shrugged and gave him an apologetic look. They would definitely be having a talk about this in the very near future.

  "Avery, it's ten o'clock. You're exhausted, I'm exhausted. Can we talk about this later or preferably never again, because it's not leaving this room," Kane declared.

  "I get a bedtime snack, Kane, and I want my snack! You're starving me to death." Avery sat on the end of the bed, staring at the newest piece of what he considered torture equipment that had been added to their bedroom, as Kane disappeared in his closet.

  "You should have asked for a snack when we got in. It's really a little late to be eating now, honey. You've lost nine pounds, you only have seven more to go, so stay focused and get ready for bed," Kane yelled back. His eyes shot to the closet door as he finally pulled the knot free and stood. He dropped the silk tie on the dresser and unbuttoned his dress shirt as he stalked across the room to Kane's closet.

  "I have a better idea since you're being a hard ass about it all. I'm in the mood for something more satisfying than carrots or an apple anyway." Avery bumped into Kane as he exited his closet, pulling a Tshirt over his head. His mister's nightly wardrobe always consisted of a soft cotton shirt and pajama bottoms, which he promptly removed before he crawled into their bed. Avery slid his hands up Kane's chest, keeping Kane from pulling the cotton material down the rest of the way, and leaned in, swiping his tongue across the exposed nipple.

  "Avery," Kane began, but Avery wasn't interested in listening to anything else his husband had to say on the matter. He grabbed Kane's face between his palms and silenced him with a demanding kiss. Kane responded immediately, melting against him and returning the kiss with such ferocity that he swore he tasted the coppery tang of blood on his tongue. Kane had always been responsive to his advances and that always turned him on, but just knowing Kane still craved his touch after all these years made his dick twitch and swell painfully against the binding material of his trousers. Avery broke from the sweet taste of Kane's mouth long enough to draw the shirt up over Kane's head and toss it to the floor.

  "You're still such an unbelievably good-looking man. I need you, Kane." Avery watched lust darken his husband's eyes.

  "You sure changed your tune mighty fast." Kane's hands were busily tugging his dress shirt from his slacks. His knuckles accidently brushed against Avery's throbbing hard-on causing him to screw his eyes shut as an all-consuming need coursed through his veins. He couldn't help but let out a groan as those same knuckles skated up and down his length again; this time, no doubt, with deliberate intent. Kane knew exactly how to push his buttons and bring his body to life. In a matter of seconds, his husband managed to get him out of his shirt, undo his pants, had his slacks pushed partway down his thighs, and had a hand down the front of his silk boxers.

  "Is this what you had in mind?" Kane's mouth settled on his, and that familiar warm hand curled around his cock, stroking him
as he was pushed backward from the closet door and across their room. Oh, yeah, it was exactly what he had in mind. He wanted Kane to take control, tease him, suck him, stretch him, and then pound into his ass till neither of them could move. His needy ass clenched tight at the decadent thought.

  "Oh, God… Fuck." His hips bucked forward into Kane's warm palm, seeking the friction. Kane complied and tightened his grip. Kane smiled against his lips. The man knew exactly what he was doing. Kane licked a trail along the seam of his lips, drawing him closer. He pressed their bodies firmly together as Kane's wet tongue dipped into his mouth. Avery instinctively opened wider, deepening the kiss. His tongue brushing and curling around Kane's as they fought for dominance. He moaned at the heat and pressure of Kane's body crowding against his, and he moved him across the large space. Avery tilted his head, finding a better angle, and submitted to the kiss, allowing Kane to devour his mouth.

  God, he loved this man, always had. Avery's world had been tilted on its axis the day he laid eyes on Kane. His soul had found its other half; he'd been told 'when kindred souls meet, they were destined to be together, always.' And there was no doubt he'd met his kindred soul in Kane. He let his husband continue guiding him toward the bed, careful not to trip over the dress slacks that were now pooled around his ankles. The edge of the bed stopped his backward motion, and he finally took the time to rid himself of the annoying pants, kicking them across the floor. "Make love to me, Kane. I need you."

  Without a word, Kane sank to his knees in front of him and dipped his head, swallowing his length in one smooth motion. The gesture forced the air from Avery's lungs. He sank his fingers in Kane's thick dark hair and thrust forward, driving himself deeper into the hot, wet tightness of Kane's throat. Avery watched, mesmerized, as Kane's head bobbed up and down on him, sucking then licking across his swollen tip before taking him deep into his throat, over and over again. Kane's blue eyes lifted to meet his and held him there with that intense gaze. Kane's large hand slid up the inside of his thigh and cupped his balls. His husband tugged his sac away from his body and rolled it gently in his palm as he sucked Avery's cock between his lips.


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