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A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

Page 5

by Charmanie Saquea

  “You know curiosity killed the cat?”

  “Oh word? So that's what you want me to do, huh? Kill your cat? Shit, we can worry about my hair later and get to the shit if that's what you want.”

  “Noooo!” she yelled through laughter. “I'm not about to play with you Ry, sit down while I finish getting the stuff.”

  “Damn, you sure because my dic—”

  “Ryan!” she cut me off.

  “Alright, alright,” I sighed as I took a seat on the couch.

  A few minutes later, she came back in the room with everything she needed and told me to sit on the floor so she could get started.

  “So this is something I have to ask anyone I see with dreads. How long have you been growing them?” Candace asked as she ran her hands through my dreads.

  “Five years,”

  “They're so long and pretty,” she gushed.

  I just let out a small chuckle because I heard that all the time from females. They were always telling me how pretty and long my dreads were or asking if they could run their fingers through my hair. Just like a woman, I was funny acting when it came to my shit. Not just anybody was able to get ahold to my head, I didn't play that shit. I had put some years into growing my shit and I'll be damned if I let somebody come in and fuck up my trademark.

  “Now let me ask you something,” I said as I shifted to get comfortable between her thick thighs.

  “As long as it's PG, you can ask me anything.”

  “Funny,” I laughed. “But you do hair on the side or something for you to know how to twist dreads?”

  “No, doing hair ain't really my thing, but my boyfriend had dreads so I used to have to re-twist his for him all the time. He basically forced me to learn how to do it,” she said.

  “Oh, so you do have a nigga,” I stated, not sure if I should be feeling some type of way or not.

  “Wait, what? No, I'm single. I told you that,” she said with confusion etched in her voice.

  “But you just said your boyfriend got dreads so I assumed…you know,” I shrugged.

  “Oh no, I meant my ex-boyfriend. Sorry.”

  “Damn, what nigga was crazy enough to let you go?”

  “He didn't do it by choice, I'll tell you that,” Candace said as she worked her magic.

  “What happened, he got locked up?” I inquired.

  “He was killed about two years ago,” she said like it pained her to let it out.

  Damn, I said feeling bad now. Everything went from a joking and cool atmosphere to a sad one, all because I wanted to press her and be nosey as hell.

  “Damn Candy, I'm sorry, ma. You should've told my nosey ass to chill on the questions. Now I feel like an asshole and shit,” I told her.

  “No, it's okay, you didn't know. It's easier for me to talk about it now than it used to be.”

  Since I fucked up the mood, I spent the duration of the time making Candace smile and laugh to lift her spirits. I honestly didn’t mean to make her relive some bad memories and had I known, I never would’ve brought the shit up.

  “Okay handsome, you can go to the bathroom and check it out. First door when you get to the hall,” Candace said when she was done.

  Getting up, I went to the bathroom and was really impressed. Not only did Candy get me right, but she even braided the shit back for me. I now found somebody new to do my hair that I had no problem throwing money at, because I knew for a fact she was going to get me right.

  “You like?” she asked as she stood in the doorway and landed against the frame.

  “You did that shit,” I said as I went into my pocket to pay her. “Just be ready the next time I need you.”

  “Gotcha,” Candy said as she took the money and walked out of the bathroom with me following behind her.

  As were walking, I noticed a picture in the hallway that I didn’t notice before. I stopped in my tracks to observe it. It was a picture of Candace and who I’m assuming was her ex that she was talking about earlier. She was smiling from ear to ear in the picture and looking at him with nothing but love in her eyes. When my eyes traveled to him, immediately recognition set in and I realized I was fucked. Oh shit, I thought as I continued to stared at the picture. Shit was definitely about to get real.

  Nine – Omar

  “Omar! Omar! Look,” my little sister said as she bounced into the room.

  “What, Kayle? Why are you yelling?” I asked annoyed.

  I had a long night last night and was suffering from a major hangover. The last thing I needed or wanted was a damn hyped up ass preteen making my throbbing headache worse than it already was.

  “It's Lady,” she said.

  Hearing that instantly made me perk up a little. That name hadn't been spoken within these walls or in my presence in months, so to hear her name coming from my sister’s lips instantly garnered a reaction from me.

  “I thought you didn't know where she was at,” my mama said as she came in the room with a glass of water and some medicine for me.

  “I don't,” I replied. “Let me see, Kayle,” I told her as I held out my hand for her phone.

  She handed me her phone and sure enough, there was Lady’s ass posted up in a picture all smiles and shit like she wasn't at the top of a muthufucka’s most wanted list. Shit was crazy how I looked high and low for her ass for months, now all of a sudden her ass was appearing out of thin air.

  “Who this in the picture with her?” I asked my sister like she knew it all, when she was just as dumb as to what was going on as I was.

  “I don't know, her friend I guess. It's her page that the picture is on and she didn't tag Lady or anything, so I don't think she has a page. On Instagram there's a discover page where all types of pictures pop up, and that just so happened to be one of them. I thought one of the girls in the picture looked familiar and when I clicked on it, I almost flipped out when I realized it was Lady,” Kayle explained.

  “Well, her ass could've called, sent a postcard, or wrote a letter or something to let us know that she was alright. She just up and disappeared one day. We thought somebody had killed her or some shit,” my mama fussed.

  Somebody gonna kill her ass alright, I thought to myself as I searched through ole girl’s page searching for clues that might lead me to where Lady’s ass was at. I vowed that if I ever saw Lady again that I was going to wring her fucking neck after I got what was owed to me from her. That bitch had me so fucked up that it was crazy.

  I had done everything in my power to make that bitch better, but she turned around and shitted on me in the worst way possible. I never would've imagined that Lady would play a part in my downfall. I used to swear that she was the most loyal and thorough bitch walking around until she crossed me.

  She thought she was slick but not that slick. She must have forgot that she was fucking with a certified goon. I didn't give a fuck what I had to do to get my point across or send a message, and she knew that from years of fucking with me. I had spared her ass the last time but the next time I got my hands on her ass, I was going to make her suffer.

  “Aye, follow ole girl’s page and let me know if she posts anymore pictures of Lady or something about where she lives,” I told Kayle.

  I didn't do that social media shit so I was going to have to keep track of this shit through my little sister. She acted like she needed this shit like the air she breathed.

  “Omar I can't just—”

  "Just do what the fuck I said Kayle, damn!” I stressed, with my headache coming back.

  “Okay, dang.”

  Now that I had that under control, I could just taste the revenge already and boy did it taste good.

  Ten – Lexus

  I rolled off of his bare chest with the sheet wrapped around my naked body, and stretched my muscles. Cuddling with him was something that always seemed so foreign, no matter how many times I tried to do it. The shit just didn't feel right.

  “Where you going?”

  “I gotta go,” I said as I m
ade my way to the shower.

  “There you go, running back to that nigga. Yo’ ass ain't learned shit yet, huh?” Anton spat.

  I opened my mouth to say something to him but instead, I was hit was a sudden wave of nausea. I rushed into the bathroom, shut and locked the door before turning on the shower and spilling my guts into the toilet. I was so over this morning sickness shit and it had just begun. I would never understand why this had to be a thing with pregnancy.

  After making sure I was done, I flushed the toilet and put the top down before sitting on it. I put my head in my heads and evaluated this fucked up situation I was in. I still hadn't been to the doctors to see how far along I was, or to get on them vitamins they give you, because Sire was still being an asshole about this situation like he was with everything else.

  I thought maybe me finding out I was pregnant would be what we needed to help get our relationship in a better place, but yet his black ass acts as if he don't even want the baby. Then on top of that, there's the nagging question that I keep pushing to the back of my head of who fathered my unborn child.

  I know it's wrong on so many levels for me to be sleeping with Anton, but Sire pushed me to this point. I'm not even this type of woman but this is the woman he turned me into. Sire’s never around, never shows me any attention anymore, and acts as if I'm the last thing on his mind, and what was supposed to be a one-time thing with Anton got out of hand.

  This thing between us is completely out of my control and it's so bad now that I'm carrying baby and I'm scared as hell because I don't know who the fuck the father could be. I know who I want it to be and whose it's going to be regardless, but shit is still fucked up. There is no way Anton is in any position to take care of me let alone a baby, so for that reason alone I could never see myself leaving Sire for him.

  No matter how bad things between Sire and I get, it would never be Anton. He's far from being on Sire’s level, money and swag wise. What I have with him is just fun and games and never to be taken serious.

  Finally getting my life together, I got up and got in the shower. I had done enough thinking for the moment because the shit was starting to drive me crazy. I had just lathered up my body with the soap when I heard the bathroom door swing open. What the hell? I could’ve sworn I locked that door? I thought as I poked my head out to see what was going on.

  “Fuck is you in here doing? A nigga gotta piss and you taking all day and shit,” Anton complained while standing over the toilet as naked as the day he came into this world.

  I didn’t even bother responding to him, I just rolled my eyes and rinsed off so I could get out. Before I could even fully step out the shower, Anton was getting in. I knew now that he was just doing shit to fuck with me, but I wasn’t going to let him get a rise out of me.

  After getting dressed, I was ready to go. Fun time with Anton was over now; it was time to snap back into reality. Anton and I left out of the hotel that I had to pay for of course. It was shit like this that reminded me that the nigga was only good for bomb ass dick and nothing else. He didn’t have enough money to appease me, but as long as he fucked me good when my nigga didn’t, I would keep his ass around.

  Before I could get all the way to my car, Anton grabbed me by my arm and stopped me.

  “So you wasn’t gonna tell me, huh?” he asked.

  “Tell you what Anton?” I asked.

  “Don’t fuck with me Lexus, alright? You’re not the first pregnant bitch I ever fucked, I know what the fuck pregnant pussy feels like. So like I said, you weren’t gonna tell me?”

  This was the last thing I needed, Anton finding out about me being pregnant. I didn’t need him speculating or questioning the paternity of my child because as far as anyone knew, this was Sire’s baby. I didn’t need Anton coming in and fucking up the program.

  “It’s not yours,” I told him, in hopes that he would just leave it alone and dead the issue.

  “Fuck outta here, I been in that pussy just as much as that nigga Sire. Fuck that, I been fucking you more than him lately so either you let his bitch ass know or I—”

  ”What’s up y’all?” we heard, cutting Anton off.

  It was in that moment that I could’ve died. Walking towards us with a bitch under his arm was none other than Antoine, the last person I needed to see right now. Especially since I was with his fucking brother. My ass is busted, I thought to myself.

  Anton didn’t even acknowledge his brother nor did he look in his direction. I was too scared to do anything so I just kept my eyes straight ahead with a knot in my throat.

  “Y’all know this some shit right? I expect some shit like this from you, nigga, because you always been a hating ass nigga but you,” Antoine pointed at me with a smile, “you, I expected more from you. My nigga ain’t been nothing but good to your trifling ass.”

  “Fuck you, bitch,” Anton spat at his brother.

  “I gotta go,” I mumbled as I quickly moved to my car.

  I didn’t have time to get in the middle of their brotherly bullshit. I had just got caught with my side nigga by his brother, which is my main nigga’s best friend. This was definitely some shit, like Antoine said. I was just hoping that Antoine wasn’t on no bitch shit and could keep his mouth closed because this wasn’t his business to tell.

  It seemed as soon as I pulled up to my house, I got exhausted all of a sudden. I sluggishly walked in the house and went straight to my bedroom, where I was shocked as hell to see Sire chilling on the phone, all smiles. Instantly, I got nervous because Sire was never home, but he picked today out of all days to be home instead of out in the streets ignoring me.

  “I’mma call you back,” Sire said into the phone before hanging up.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to hide my nervousness.

  “I thought I fucking lived here,” he said with his face scrunched up. “Where you been though? Ain’t no bags in ya hand so I know you wasn’t out spending my money.”

  “Spending your money?” I asked indignantly.

  “Yes, my fucking money. You don’t do shit but sit on yo’ ass all day, what you need to do is get a job or something.”

  Everything that Sire was saying was definitely going over my head because I know it was a bunch of bullshit. There was no way in hell that I was getting a job, for him or anyone else for that matter. When we first got together, Sire told me to quit my job and that he was going to take care of me, so that’s exactly what I did. I’m not about to switch up the program now just because he wanna be in his feelings and shit.

  I’d had enough of arguing with niggas today, so I was going to let him have this one just based off the fact that I was too drained to keep arguing with him. At least he wasn’t focused on where I had been and what I was doing anymore. If his homeboy wasn’t going to open his mouth to say shit, then I wasn’t either.

  Eleven – Lady

  I had just come in from going grocery shopping, and usually I would hate doing two trips, but I was being extra lazy today so after putting the first handful of bags up, I went to grab the second handful. As I was coming back from my second trip, I had a chill come over me. I shrugged it off thinking it was just in the air or something, and proceeded my way in the house. Before I could completely shut my door, it was being kicked open, damn near knocking me on my ass.

  “What the fuck!” I yelled in shock.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch!” one of the men said as he hit me in the face.

  Instantly, I tasted blood in my mouth. I looked up at the two intruding niggas with as much hate as I could muster up, before I spit the blood along with my saliva out onto his face. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on but I knew these nigga had the wrong bitch.

  “Dumb hoe!” he yelled before he hit me again and grabbed me by my hair, dragging me towards the back.

  I just knew this nigga whose face I couldn’t see, was about to take advantage of my ass. Even though he was stronger than me, I kicked, screamed and fought all along the wa
y until we reached the bedroom and he threw me on the bed.

  “Aye, chill out with all that shit!” the other masked man yelled. “We didn’t come here for that shit.”

  “But this bitch just—”

  “I don’t give a fuck what she did! Just do what the fuck we came to do and let’s get the fuck out of here, nigga,” he continued to yell.

  It was in that moment I thought my past had come back to bite me in the ass. I was sure that seven months ago I had left Detroit without a trace, so that I would never be able to be found again. I wasn’t on social media, not even snapchat, so nobody from my past could get in contact with me. Now, I was sure it was over for me.

  I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard things falling and breaking throughout the house. While I had zoned out, one of the intruders had left out while the other stayed in the room with his gun out, visibly sending me a silent message.

  “Who sent you?” I asked with my lip that was now swollen.

  He ignored me and just stared at me with coal black eyes through his black mask. We just had an intense stare battle for a few until his comrade came back into the room. He whispered something into his ear and they talked quietly amongst each other, before the one who had attacked me before walked back over to me.

  “Tell that fuck nigga Ry he not as invincible as he thinks he is,” he said menacingly.

  “Fuck you, pussy! Stop hiding behind a mask and tell him yourself,” I spat.

  I didn’t know what type of shit Ryan was into. I could easily take a wild guess, but what he did didn’t have shit to do with me. I wasn’t his girl and he wasn’t my nigga, so coming at me like this was really pointless.

  This bitch boy let out a laugh before he lifted his hand and hit me over the head with his gun. That was the last thing I remembered before everything went black.

  I don’t know how much later I woke up with a throbbing headache. I’m talking the room was literally spinning and I had to hold my head in my hands just for it to stop. I looked around and noticed I was still in my bedroom but it was trashed.


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