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A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

Page 6

by Charmanie Saquea

  “Oh my God,” I groaned.

  I felt around until I found my phone. I didn’t know what all this bullshit was about but I knew exactly who to call to get some answers from. Unlocking my phone, I called up Ryan Lewis, not giving a fuck what time it was.

  “Lady? What’s up?” he answered.

  “Ry, some dudes ran up in my house and—”

  “What! I’m on my way!” he yelled before I could even finish what I was saying, then hung up.

  “Well, that went well,” I mumbled.

  My head was hurting like hell so I just laid back down, ignoring this mess in my room and too afraid to see what the rest of my house looked like until Ryan got here.


  Ryan paced in front of me like a mad bull, with his hands shoved in his pockets. He showed up at my house with the whole goon squad that consisted of him, Montana, Toine and Sire. Now we were all sitting at Candace’s house, where Ryan had previously been since he didn’t trust me being in my house any longer.

  “Ry, calm down. I’m alright,” I told him as Candace came in the room with some ice for my lip and a first aid kit for the gash on my head.

  “Alright? You’re not fucking alright, Lady, look at your fucking face!” he growled. “Niggas really think shit is sweet. And you think I’m supposed to just sit on my ass? Fuck outta here!” he told Sire.

  Since they had showed up to my house, Sire hadn’t said a word. In fact, he was eerily quiet than he had ever been when I was around him. Once again, that cold look was back in his eyes and all he did was sit in the corner of the room.

  “You need to go to the hospital, Lady. I can only do so much but I don’t want it to get infected and you need to get checked for a concussion or something,” Candace said as she tended to my wound.

  “No, I’m not going to the hospital.”

  “You going somewhere! What that hell is wrong with you? Some niggas ran up in your shit and knocked you the fuck out!” Ryan ranted.

  “That’s true, but they wanted your ass so if anybody in this room has the right to be mad it’s me, and I shouldn’t even be mad, I should be pissed off that I’m being dragged into some bullshit that don’t have shit to do with me!” I snapped, causing my head to hurt once again.

  Everyone in the room was quiet and looked at me with surprise written all over their face. I really wasn’t mad but the fact that I had only been here for seven months and was being put into some shit that wasn’t even my shit, wasn’t right. I know that Ryan didn’t know that people were going to come after me and he would never purposely put my life in danger, so I really couldn’t be mad at him.

  “What you talking about, Lady?” Montana asked.

  I knew by me saying that would cause him to speak up. He and Ryan were the best of friends but exact opposites. Ryan was loud, the center of attention, a jokester, and always talking shit whereas Montana, or Monty as they called him, was quiet, laid back, modest, and observant. Whenever you saw one friend, the other one wasn’t too far behind. They were like two peas in a pod.

  “One of them said to let Ry know that he’s not invincible like he thinks he is, and I told him to stop being a pussy and to tell you himself. That’s when he hit me to knock me out and I woke up and immediately called you.” I explained.

  Ryan and Montana exchanged looks before Montana jumped up and pulled his phone out.

  “I’m already two steps ahead of you,” Montana told him before leaving the room.

  It was getting late and I was getting tired. I still had to go back to my house and clean up everything that has been fucked up in the process of them niggas using me to try and send a message to Ryan. I was starting to get sore now and all I wanted to do was take a relaxing bath and lay down.

  “Can I go home now? I’m really tired and achy and just ready to lay down,” I announced.

  They really didn’t need me to do whatever they were going to do. Ryan opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by his brother’s voice.

  “You’re not going back so you can dead that shit. If you’re ready to go we can go, but you’re not going back there.” Sire said.

  I wanted to object but the look in his eyes and something in his tone let me know that I would be better if I just went along with the flow. Bowing out gracefully, I just nodded my head and we were on our way, with no questions asked.

  Twelve – Sire

  Waking into the house I grew up in, I was immediately hit with an aroma that instantly made my stomach growl and my mouth water. I don’t know how long it’s been since the last time I’ve had some of my mama’s good ole home cooking, but I damn sure missed it.

  “What you cooking old lady?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that was my oldest son but it couldn’t be because he never comes to see me. I even see Ryan’s busy body self more than I see Kasire,” she said with her back to me.

  “Don’t be like that Ma, you know I love you,” I said as I kissed her cheek.

  “Mm, sure you do,” she grilled me as she cut her eyes at me.

  I just laughed as I reached in my pocket and pulled out a wad of cash and slid it in her pocket. I tried to back up but she got on my ass for that.

  “Oh no you don’t! I told you about that, Sire, take it back,” she demanded.

  “And I told you about that, I’m not taking it back. You took care of me for years when you didn’t have to and now it’s my job to take of you. Whether you want me to or not, it’s going to happen regardless Ma, so you might as well just sit back and let it happen,” I told her.

  She sighed, stopped cooking and turned to me with a serious but loving look on her face.

  “Sire, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this, baby. I did what I did out of love, so therefore I don’t expect, need, or want you to pay me back because it would make it seem like I’m looking for some type of payment when that’s not even the case. I love you regardless of the circumstances,” she said with teary eyes.

  Nisa Lewis isn’t my biological mother. In fact, she’s actually my auntie, my mother’s baby sister and Ryan is really my little cousin. I haven’t seen my birth mother since I was about four years old and the last memory I have of her is her kissing me goodbye to go to work, but she never came home. Let the bitch ass nigga who she helped reproduce with tell it, she went out to be a hoe and decided she didn’t want to be a mother anymore.

  I don’t know why, but for some reason I honestly believe that he had something to do with her disappearance. After she left, that’s when that nigga decided to turn into fucking daddy dearest. When Nisa found out he was over there beating my ass like it was going out of style, she showed up with her Smith and Wesson and let that nigga know what time it was. Then she took the shit to the courthouse and did everything she had to do to make me legally hers, which meant my birth mother had to legally be declared dead and my sperm donor signed his rights over.

  Ever since that day, she had become really the only parent that I had ever known. Anything I did for her was because I honestly felt like she deserved it. She took me in when she didn’t have to. She could have easily turned a blind eye to the bullshit that was going on over there with me but instead, she removed me from that dangerous environment and put me in a loving one.

  “Don’t you go getting all soft on me,” I joked to lighten the mood as I pulled her into my arms and kissed the top of her head.

  She let out a laugh before hitting me in my chest and went back to cooking.

  “Anyway, how are you and Lexus doing? I mean, it’s only been months since I’ve seen the girl.”

  “We something, I don’t know what we is but we something. Last time I heard she was pregnant,” I shrugged.

  “Last time you…wait, so I’m going to be a grandma?” my ma asked with just a little bit more excitement than I needed for her to.

  “I don’t want it but she can’t seem to grasp the concept.”

asire, no you did not tell that girl to get an abortion,” she chastised me.

  I would never understand why it would be okay for a woman to scream from the mountain top about how she’s not ready to be a mother, although she’s been popping her pussy like popcorn, but God forbid a nigga say he’s not ready to be a dad. The shit was backwards and crazy. If a bitch was free to throw the abortion word around whenever she wanted, then a nigga should be able to, too.

  “In not so many words, yes. Look Ma, you don’t stay in that house with us so you don’t know what it’s like. Lexus knows I’m out here constantly busting my ass to make a living. Yea, it may not be an honest one but her ass don’t want for shit. When I’m there she complains about me being there but when I’m not there, she nags about that. Nothing I do makes her ass happy unless it comes in the form of plastic or printed green. I can’t keep living like that, and bringing a baby into that shit ain’t gonna do nothing but make it even more complicated and miserable.”

  “Well baby, if you feel like that then why keep putting yourself through all that? Why stay somewhere you’re not happy? Just leave,” my ma said.

  “I’m already gone, just not physically. But mentally and emotionally, I think I been gone,” I stated, not denying it anymore.

  This was the first time I was speaking my feelings to anyone. I didn’t do that often and was always known as cold to the streets, but my mama always had a way of getting to me. I wasn’t Sire to her; to her, I was just her son Kasire and whenever I was in her presence, I felt as such. None of that street shit mattered when I walked through the doors of her house.

  “Well, you two just need to sit down and talk about it and figure out what you’re going to do. When I say talk I mean talk Sire, don’t force that girl to do anything she doesn’t want to do,” she said, giving me the side eye.

  I just smiled because she knew me all too well. I had just been too busy doing other shit to be thinking about Lexus lately, but that damn sure didn’t mean I was down with her having this baby.


  Using my key, I let myself into the house and went on my search to find her. I didn’t see her downstairs so I jogged up the stairs to continue my search. When I opened the door to the bedroom, she was bent over looking in one of the bottom drawers, butt ass naked. I rubbed my hands together like Birdman and quietly walked towards the bed to get a better view.

  “Damn,” I let slip out before I could catch myself.

  I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh knowing that I was caught and that the show would be over.

  “AHHHH!” Lady screamed when she realized she wasn’t alone anymore.

  She tried to use her hands to cover her body and the shit was comical as hell to me. There was no way in hell she was hiding all that body with them little ass hands.

  “The fuck you doing, man? I can still see your titties, them chocolate ass nipples…” I licked my lips.

  “Sire, get out!” she yelled.

  “For what? You’re not the first woman I’ve ever seen naked. You ain’t got shit I ain’t never seen before. You might as well dance for me,” I told her as I sat on the bed.

  “Get outttt!” she whined.

  “Girl, go ahead and get dressed. I brought you some food from my momma house,” I said before slapping her on her bare ass and getting off the bed.

  “Ouch, you asshole!”

  I laughed at her and went downstairs so she could finish getting dressed in peace. While I was downstairs, I went to the den, kicked my feet up on the ottoman and tried to find me something to watch on TV. This house out in Western Henrico had basically been my home away from home. I bought this house shortly after I bought the house I’m living in now, but no one knew about it but my mama and Toine. Ry’s little nosey ass didn’t even know about it.

  I came out here whenever I needed to think or whenever I needed a little break from the bullshit. I would kick it out here for a few days, get my mind right, then head back to the city. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Lady walked in the room with the plate I brought her from my mama’s house, with a pair of my basketball shorts on.

  “We’re going to have to set some boundaries around here Sire, because I don’t think you know what privacy means.”

  “How you want privacy in my house? That shit’s crazy.”

  “It may be your house but I’m the one staying here and been locked up in here like a damn prisoner for over a week. So as long as I’m here, we need to get an understanding,” she said.

  “Understand these nuts!” I told her ass. “Shut up talking to me and eat man. Just don’t say shit else,” I said turning the volume up on the TV.

  Lady rolled her eyes at me before she dug into the plate before her. I knew if nothing else would shut her ass up, a big plate of some good food would do the trick. I had to look at her upside her head because her ass was scarfing down that food like she hadn’t eaten in months.

  “Damn girl, slow yo’ greedy ass down! The food not gonna jump off the plate and run, what the fuck.”

  She paused and looked at me before bursting into laughter. “Shut the hell up, Sire! You always got something to say,” she said as she got up.

  “Aye, bring me something to drink.”

  “Hell no! Ain’t shit wrong with your legs, get up and get it yourself.” Lady’s ole smart mouthed ass said before leaving the den.

  I sat there for a minute to help talk myself out of strangling her little ass. Everybody thought she was so nice and sweet, but she low key had a smart ass mouth and a lot of attitude. I was going to end up fucking her up.

  When I finally decided to get up and go to the kitchen, her ass had the nerve to be in there standing by the sink, drinking a bottle of water as if I didn’t just ask her to bring me something to drink. I walked over to her and she had this little slick smirk on her face so I slapped the water bottle out of her hand in mid swallow, not giving a fuck.

  She was shocked and tried to say something, but I lightly grabbed her by her throat and brought my mouth to her ear. I was so close that my lips brushed up against her skin.

  “Keep this little slick shit up and you gonna find yourself in a situation you won’t know how to get out of. Unless you want that shit. If so, all you have to do is speak up instead of throwing hints, because closed mouths don’t get fed. Closed legs don’t either, ma,” I said, licking her earlobe for emphasis causing her body to shudder.

  I removed my hands from her neck and backed up while staring her in her eyes. It was only a matter of time, she and I both knew it. We could try to fight it as much as we wanted to but it would do no good, because sooner or later I was going to have her ass bent over somewhere, fucking the dog shit out of her.

  Thirteen – Toine

  Tonight, everyone wanted to take at least one night to put the bullshit aside and enjoy ourselves, so we decided to hit the scene. Everyone linked up at my place and we all trailed each other to the club. I was surprised to see that Sire let Lady’s ass out the house for the occasion. He had been holding her ass like a hostage and wouldn’t let nobody have contact with her ass. I would say he was playing a dangerous game but knowing what I know about his bitch and my dog ass brother, I’m happy for his ass. I still gotta pull my man to the side and talk to him about it because I can’t let him go out like that.

  I even had this little chick I had been kicking it with for the past month with me tonight.

  “Nigga, what you about to do? Make her your next baby mama?” Sire asked over the music.

  I looked at this nigga like I wanted to punch his ass. He loved having a laugh at my expense when it came to me and my four baby mamas. Every time he seen me with someone new, he automatically assumed I was going to get her ass pregnant.

  “Man, fuck you! She just a friend and I ain’t thinking about no more kids right now,” I told his ass.

  “That don’t mean shit! You—”

  “Shut the fuck up, Sire, here she come,” I said through gritted teeth.

; “You sure you don’t want nothing to drink?” Alisha asked.

  “Nah, I’m good,” I shook my head.

  Nothing between Alisha and I was serious nor did I feel like it could ever be. Right now I was just having fun and playing the field since the one that I had previously wanted didn’t give a damn about me. I was tired of going through the same bullshit with Lala just for her to constantly let me know that she didn’t want my ass.

  She wanted me to leave her ass alone and that’s exactly what I had done. I didn’t talk to her, call her up, or stop by her house unless it had something to do with our son. The shit seemed awkward as hell at first, but I ain’t never been a sucka ass nigga so I wasn’t going to start being one now. It didn’t mean that I didn’t still love Lala, it just meant that the shit didn’t matter to me anymore since it didn’t matter to her.

  “Yo Toine, ain’t that baby mama down there?” Monty asked.

  “Y’all better stop fucking with me with this bull—”

  “Nigga, look! That’s Lala!” he cut me off.

  I literally just stood here and thought her ass up. I looked down to where he had pointed and sure enough, there was Lala in a white dress, tight and short as hell. I stood there and tried not to give a fuck because I had to keep reminding myself that she wasn’t my girl, she was just my child’s mother. But even that alone was causing me to feel some type of way.

  I knew that if she looked good as hell to me, then every other nigga in the building thought so too. The fact that she had a dress on showing off every curve she was blessed with, didn’t make the shit no better.

  “Which one is your baby mama?” Alisha asked but I just ignored her ass and kept my eyes on Lala.

  She was really trying to get some niggas killed tonight. Niggas these days were so disrespectful that they didn’t care how they went about shit, as long as you caught the hint that they were trying to fuck.

  “Breathe nigga, we need to take a walk or something?” Sire asked as he came and stood next to me again.


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