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Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

Page 5

by Raven K. Asher

  Rowan sits on my other side snatching the rest of my sandwich from my hands before literally inhaling it all down in just a few bites.

  I huff as I look between the two. “You couldn’t have at least left me a few small bites?”

  “No, we couldn’t let you eat that silly little sandwich, not when we got you something better.” Rowan mutters around another bite of Ariel’s lunch.

  Looking to Gage I raise my brow. “What did you guys bring me?”

  He shrugs before looking away from me towards London, Brock, and Dillon who were carrying a huge cake towards me.

  “How did you know?” I ask softly.

  I thought no one but my father had known when my birthday was.

  It wasn’t something I enjoyed celebrating since my birthday was also the day my mother had died.

  The memory was too much for me to want to celebrate.

  When I closed my eyes I could still hear her voice singing the lullaby as she lay down next to me in my little bed.

  She took her last breath as I fell asleep that night.

  “Your father told me, and I figured I would give you a birthday that would bring good memories instead of the bad.” Gage answers as the others place the cake down in front of me.

  Searching Gage’s eyes for a moment I silently thank him.

  The last few days he had gone above and beyond.

  He hadn’t at all been the cruel and harsh person I had come to know. This side of him was thoughtful and tender.

  This side was what had my inner wolf clawing to fall in love with him.

  I just couldn’t completely fall all the way though.

  Not yet.

  There was something more I needed to see out of him, I needed to know him a little better before I could just let my heart go like that.

  “Thank you, Gage.” I whisper with a kiss to his cheek.

  “You’re welcome, Parker.” He grins.

  “Alight, Darling, make a wish and blow out the candles.” Brock states beside me, where Rowan had been, bringing my attention back to the now lit candles in front of me.

  Glancing towards Gage, I grin and close my eyes before blowing out the tiny flames.

  Everyone around claps and begins talking amongst their selves as Rowan and Dillon begin the task of cutting the cake, handing it out to our close group first and then to the few students who were brave enough to join us.

  Gage leans in to whisper into my ear. “What did you wish for?”

  I grin as I turn my face to look directly at him. “I can’t tell you that, but you may find out later what I wished for.”

  His brow scrunches in confusion as I chuckle lightly.

  My answer leaves him baffled just as I had wanted.

  I grin widely taking a slice of cake from Rowan’s outstretched hand.

  Across the table Harley raises her brow to me nodding slightly towards Gage before mouthing ‘what was that about’ to me.

  Shrugging I place a bite of cake into my mouth so she couldn’t have the chance to question me further.

  I didn’t honestly know what the flirting was about.

  I mean, I guess I was beginning to warm up to Gage, but I still didn’t like him, sometimes.

  Later on in art class, Ariel and Harley corner me before the guys could join us.

  “What’s going on between you and Gage?” Harley questions.

  I shrug. “There’s nothing really going on.”

  Taking a step to my right, Harley does the same blocking me. “He likes you, you know that, right?”

  “I don’t think he does, he’s just been trying to make up for all the problems he’s caused.” I argue.

  Ariel shakes her head. “No, he likes you, as in likes you likes you, Parker. Anyone with two eyes can see that.”

  Nodding over my shoulder we all watch as Gage, Rowan, Dillon, and Brock all funnel into the class room.

  Gage’s eyes meet mine in question.

  “See, he likes you.” Ariel whispers softly as Gage grins and sits down in the seat next to mine.

  “Yeah, but so does Brock, and Rowan.” Harley adds motioning towards the other two who were staring at me in question.

  Groaning softly I roll my eyes. “It doesn’t matter, I’m staying single forever.”

  “Uh huh, that’s what they all say until you find yourself falling head over heels for the tall dark and handsome boy over there.” Harley giggles as she walks away from me to join Dillon at her table.

  Glancing to Ariel I beg her with my eyes to say something else but she doesn’t. “No one would blame you for at least having a little fun with him, Parker.”

  With that she walks away, leaving me alone with a deep warm blush on my cheeks as Gage stares at me with heated eyes.

  I knew he had to have heard what she had said, and the look in his eyes alone cemented the words that Harley had said.

  He did like me.

  And, oh god, maybe I did like him back.

  Moving slowly over to my table, I quietly sit in my seat and begin taking out my pens and sketch pad.

  I had no idea what to say to Gage.

  His eyes were glued to me even as I ignored him, the heated tension between us was almost too much to handle.

  All I wanted to do right now was kiss him.

  And at the same time I wanted to run away from those feelings.

  Just as Mrs. Martin walks in I stand up from my seat and rush out of the room without a word.

  Every bone in my body had just reacted on its own.

  I just kept asking myself what was I doing as I practically run down the empty halls and into the janitor’s closet behind the stair way.

  Closing myself in the dark room I take in deep heavy breaths.

  I was quickly becoming overwhelmed with need for him.

  Instead, of calming me, they only heightened my feelings.

  Closing my eyes I could practically smell him next to me, feel his thick hair between my fingers.

  Opening my eyes wide I shake my head roughly trying, and failing, to rid my mind of those images.

  But I was lost in a fog of desire.

  Holding my head in my hands I begin to pace the small dark area.

  What was I going to do? How would I face him? All questions I couldn’t answer.

  I stop abruptly with my back to the door as it squeaks open and I brace myself for the trouble I would be in by whatever teacher had caught me.

  Instead the door shuts again locking me and another presence inside the room together.

  Turning slowly I focus my eyes to see who was in here with me.

  It was Gage.

  Realizing it was him and that we were completely alone my heart picks up speed.

  He moves closer, so close that I could feel his warm breath fanning across my face, his boots just barely touching mine.

  His proximity sends a shiver up my spine.

  Again, his eyes heat and before I know what I’m doing my fingers find their way into his thick hair as my lips crash against his in a passionate kiss.

  Losing myself in him, we don’t hear the door open or the tapping of my best friends shoe against the concrete floor.

  But we do hear her clear her throat.

  “It’s about time you two came up for air.” Harley laughs before becoming serious. “You need to take this somewhere else. Brock is on a warpath to find you two, he’s pissed about something.”

  Gage curses softly before looking towards me. “Do you want to skip?” He grins.

  I nod and he begins pulling me from the closet and out the door.

  Harley giggles and waves to me as I follow along helplessly. “Don’t worry, Parker, I’ll cover for you.”

  “Thanks, Harley. I owe you.” I yell back.

  She waves me on. “No, you don’t, this is what best friends are for after all.”

  Turning back forward Gage tugs me through the main school doors and out to the parking lot and towards his sleek red car.

around as he searches for his keys, I groan noticing my father’s guards closing in.

  They would catch us for sure.

  As they near, Harley suddenly comes screaming from the school taking off at a full run past the guards drawing their attention off of Gage and me.

  Running past us she gives me a quick wink before leading them away in the opposite direction.

  Gage laughs beside me as he opens his door. “Best friends like that are hard to come by.”

  I nod in agreement as I slide into the car. “I know, and that’s why I never want to lose her.”


  “Are we ever going to let anyone else in on our little secret?” Gage questions as he climbs from my bed before slipping on his jeans.

  “We will, I just want to wait until the time is right.” I sigh as I lay on my side to watch him slip on his shirt over his taught muscles.

  We had been sleeping together for the past several nights but it hadn’t gone any farther than making out and sleeping all night in each other’s arms.

  At this point I couldn’t imagine going to sleep without him.

  “You need to just tell your father that you want to be with me.” He argues sitting down on the edge of the bed.

  “Fine, I’ll make the announcement today at dinner.” I reply with a grin.

  He smiles widely. “That’s all I’m asking. I want to make this official so we won’t have to sneak around behind anyone’s backs anymore.”

  I nod in agreement. “Brock has gotten pretty bad with stalking me. He knows something is going on, we’ve been lucky to keep this from him for this long.”

  “That’s exactly why you need to say something so he has to go back home where he won’t bother us anymore.” Gage states as he stands back to his feet.

  “Then after dinner we won’t have to worry anymore.” I reassure him as I get out of bed and stretch my arms above my head as he watches.

  “You’re making it very hard not to just take you here and now and say to hell with tradition.” Gage growls sexually as he moves back over to me while placing his hands on my hips just above the waistline of my dark grey pajama shorts.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean up and give him a quick kiss. “I don’t know how you did it, Mr. Massey.”

  “Did what?” He questions with a smirk.

  “Make me fall hard for you in such a short time.” I reply.

  His eyes twinkle as he looks down at me. “You made me fall first. I was a lost cause the moment my eyes locked onto yours in that art class.”

  “Then why were you such a jerk to me after that?” I question curiously.

  I just had to know.

  He sighs roughly while running his hand through his hair as he pulls away. “I didn’t want to feel this way again. But seeing you, being around you made my heart speed up and just seeing you with that human made me see red. I didn’t think, I just reacted, and I regret hurting you.”

  I raise my brow for a moment.

  He had answered me but yet at the same time he had pretty much avoided my question.

  There had to be something he wasn’t telling me.

  There had to be more to him being so reluctant to come clean.

  Instead of making a big deal out of it I choose to shrug it all off, I had him now and that was what really mattered.

  The rest would come out eventually.

  “I’m glad we made up.” I smile as I tug him back into my arms.

  “I’m glad we did too.” He adds with another long passionate kiss.

  “We need to get ready for school.” I state between more of his kisses.

  He nods with a pout. “Yeah, we do, don’t we.”

  I nod and he pulls me in for one last kiss before making his way over to my door, before slipping out hopefully unnoticed.

  A few minutes later I get a knock on my door just as I’m slipping my light gray tee shirt over my head.

  “Come in.” I call out as I search my drawers for some socks.

  “I’m glad I caught you before you left.” My father states as he enters.

  Sitting down on the edge of the bed I slip on my socks while waiting for him to talk.

  He sniffs the air for a moment before shaking his head lightly. “I have an announcement to make later at dinner.”

  I nod for him to go on but he doesn’t say another word.

  “What’s it about?” I coax him on.

  “You’ll find out later, Sweetie. For now I need you to take London to school with you, he needs to introduce himself into your routine here.” He states instead.

  “I can do that, I guess, but what exactly is he going to do about his eyes?” I ask referring to London’s unusual yellow eyes.

  “He’s gotten contacts to take care of that issue, but he’s still going to need a little guidance.” He answers.

  Standing up I move over to the pile of shoes I had.

  Digging out my favorite pair of boots I begin slipping them on.

  “What do you think of him?” My dad suddenly asks drawing my attention back to him.

  I raise my brow. “Are you talking about London?” I ask and he nods. “I guess I like him. He’s been rather quiet since I met him but he was sweet when we did talk, why?”

  “Good.” He nods to himself before moving towards the door.

  He hadn’t even answered my question.

  Stopping with his back to me he lets out a heavy sigh before leaving me alone and completely confused.

  What the hell.

  Outside near my bike London and Dillon are waiting for me.

  “I’m not going to be able to take both of you on my bike.” I state as I move closer.

  London grins as he steps forward. “We were hoping that you wouldn’t mind coming along with us in my truck.” He then motions towards the big black truck I had seen the first day they had arrived.

  I nod glancing up at London’s now blue eyes.

  It was a little unnerving to see him without his normal yellow eyes.

  “Is something wrong?” He asks.

  Shaking my head I laugh lightly. “No, nothing’s wrong, it’s just weird seeing your eyes like that.”

  Nodding in agreement he laughs along with me. “It is weird to see myself like this as well, but this is the only way I can really fit in around here.”

  Pausing for a moment he holds his arm out to me. “My truck is just over there.”

  Taking his arm I allow him to lead me over to the passenger side door where he lifts me up and into the seat by my waist.

  Sliding over to the middle, Dillon slips in beside me while London heads back around to the driver’s side.

  Glancing around out the front windshield I notice no other cars in the driveway other than my father’s.

  “Did everyone else leave already?” I inquire curiously looking to London for an answer.

  He shares a quickly look with Dillon before he answers. “Yeah, they had already left before we even came out to wait for you.”

  Starting the truck the engine roars, efficiently cutting off our conversation and making it nearly impossible to think.

  I don’t know why his answer bothered me so much.

  Something felt off about Gage not at least waiting for me, he was always nearby waiting to follow my bike to school just to ensure I got there safely.

  Then again maybe he just didn’t want to raise suspicion when London and Dillon were going to be tagging along with me today.

  Still, things just felt odd.

  Thankfully, the trip to school goes by quickly and somewhat quietly other than the loud roar of the truck’s engine.

  Parking the truck Dillon jumps out without a word leaving London and I alone.

  “Do you need to go into the front office?” I ask.

  He shakes his head while pulling out a slip of paper. “No, Rixon took care of everything for me. He said that all I would have to do is follow you around.”

  Taking the paper from his hand I stu
dy the list of classes he would have.

  I shouldn’t have been surprised to see he had every one of my classes, but it struck me as odd considering Gage, Rowan, and even Brock hadn’t shared all of my classes like this.

  Shrugging the odd feeling off once again I hand his paper back. “Alright then, let’s get inside before the first bell rings and we’re considered late.”

  He nods opening his door and jumping out before motioning me to slip out his side. “I’ll catch you.”

  Sliding over I reluctantly allow him to place his hands on my hips as I jump down from his truck.

  His hands linger just a few moments longer than I would have liked as he grins down at me. “I’m sorry we haven’t really gotten to know each other much, Parker, but I’m hoping this will help.”

  Letting me go he runs his hand nervously through his hair before continuing on. “I really hope we can get to know each other better, I want you to feel comfortable around me.”

  “I am comfortable around you, London.” I reassure. “You did save my life after all, that gives you an extra star in my book.”

  He grins widely as we make our way into the school. “That’s good to know, I’ll have to make it more of a routine to save pretty girls like yourself.”

  “Well. I hope you don’t make that too much of a habit.” I tease.

  Smirking he wraps his arm around my shoulder. “How about I just continue to save just one girl then?”

  I nod a bit uneasy as he glances down at me.

  Pulling away from his arm I walk us over to my locker and then to our first class.

  This day was going to crawl by, I could already tell.

  It was going to be filled with more awkward moments and me pushing him away.

  Gage had been right by wanting me to come clean sooner rather than later about our secret relationship, but at least after dinner I wouldn’t have to deal with this kind of attention anymore.

  It would just be me and him.

  9-Father Knows Best

  After a long day of school and leading around London like a lost puppy we were finally on our way home.

  I couldn’t wait to get home so I could figure out why none of the others had gone to school at all.


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