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Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

Page 6

by Raven K. Asher

  Gage, Rowan, and Brock were nowhere to be found.

  London had played clueless the whole time but I knew deep down he was just avoiding the issue, he was enjoying his time alone with me.

  When his truck stops in the driveway I nearly jump over Dillon’s lap in my mad dash to get out.

  “Slow down a little, Parker.” He laughs as I run towards the front door.

  As soon as I’m though the front door I become alarmed at the number of unfamiliar wolves inside.

  Moving around my home I search for my father.

  Suddenly I’m pulled into a dark room and pushed against a wall as someone places their hand over my mouth, cutting off my scream for help.

  “Shhhh, Parker. It’s me, Brock.” Brock states in a tense whisper before pulling his hand away.

  “What are you doing, and why weren’t you at school?” I question quickly.

  If anyone had the answers I needed it would be him.

  “They’ve all lied, and this has gotten way out of hand.” He answers while backing away from me.

  Taking a step forward I place my hand on his arm. “What do you mean, Brock?”

  “I mean that your father lied, or at least I think he did. Either way we had no chance at getting you, none of us did with London being here.” He answers confusing me even further.

  “Where is everyone else?” I ask next.

  “They’re gone. I’m the only one who’s gotten away from the guards this long. I promised Gage that I’d warn you.” He replies nervously.

  “Warn me of what, Brock?” I push.

  It was like pulling teeth with him.

  “Your father either lied about letting you choose one of us or his hands became tied. London isn’t the wolf you think he is, he’s dangerous and from a rich family. Whatever you do don’t trust any of them, Parker.” Moving closer to me he pins me with a look. “Promise me you won’t trust any of them, Parker.”

  I nod. “I promise, Brock, but what’s going to happen to you now, what happened to Gage and Rowan?”

  “They were hopefully taken back to their families. If not, they’ve been taken to the Island.” He answers honestly.

  We all knew what the Island was.

  It wasn’t any place that any of us wanted to go.

  It was more of a jail for the wolves who committed crimes against our kind.

  Bad things happened there.

  “If they were taken there I’ll find out.” I promise him as we hear loud shouts come from just outside the door we were hiding behind.

  “Please, don’t let them take me, Parker.” Brock suddenly pleads. “I’ll be your second if you get me out of this.”

  I step back in shock.

  This situation had to be bad if he was willing to become a second in order to save himself.

  It was completely unlike him.

  “If that’s what you want then I will, Brock, but only if you help me.” I reply.

  He nods just as the door flies open.

  My father and the unfamiliar guards march in.

  Ignoring them I command Brock. “Change, now.”

  “What are you doing, Parker?” My father questions while taking a step forward.

  “I’m taking him as my second. He’s agreed to follow under me.” I answer quickly before changing into wolf form with Brock.

  Brock’s wolf lies down on the floor turning to his side as I stand over him.

  Chanting the words into our minds I cement the new bond we would share between us as I bite his neck.

  “Submit.” I order in his mind.

  In an instant his body falls limp beneath my teeth and the bond of him becoming a second is over.

  Letting him go I return to my human form before turning towards my father.

  “You shouldn’t have done that, Parker.” He sighs roughly.

  “Well, I did.” I reply shortly.

  “London isn’t going to be happy about his.” He then mutters as he turns and leaves the room with the guards following close behind.

  Turning to Brock as he changes into his human form I groan. “We have a lot to talk about, and I want to know everything that’s going on around here.”

  He nods. “Let’s go to your room where it’s quiet and I’ll tell you everything I know.”

  Nodding I begin walking out of the room with him following behind me.

  Halfway down the hall we run into London who lets out a loud snarl as he sees Brock behind me. “Why are you even around him?”

  I smile sweetly as I move to shield Brock with my body. “He’s my second now. He gave up his title of Alpha.”

  London snarls again. “Why would he do that?”

  “Don’t tell him the truth.” Brock whispers into my mind.

  “I asked him to be as penance for almost killing me.” I lie easily.

  London narrows his eyes for a moment as he studies us.

  Without another word he walks past us taking the cloud of tension that had been nearly choking us with him.

  Silently Brock and I continue our way up the stairs to my room.

  Shutting the door behind us I turn the face him. “Tell me everything you know.”

  He nods sitting down on the edge of my bed.

  “For starters I knew about you and Gage.” He starts with a raised brow. “I found out pretty quickly that he’s been sleeping in your room with you, in fact I can still smell his scent in here.”

  “What does that have to do with anything? I knew you of all people were at least close to finding that out.” I sigh roughly.

  “I wasn’t the only one who figured it out, Parker. London was being just as sneaky, using Dillon to spy on your best friends. One of them slipped and said something. I only know this because I heard the two of them talking in the hallway.” He explains.

  “So, what happened after he found out?” I ask.

  “He was mad, so mad that he actually punched Dillon just for telling him.” He sighs before continuing. “Soon after I heard him talking on the phone with someone and the next thing I knew he was talking with your father.”

  “Why was he talking to him and why didn’t my father say anything?” I question absently.

  “He probably didn’t because he was being pressured into something. Like I said before London’s family is a very powerful pack. They are dangerous even though their members can fool you into thinking they are sweet and cuddly.” Brock replies.

  Sitting down on my bed next to Brock I place my head into my hands. “What’s going to happen now?”

  “Your father is more than likely going to announce that he has chosen a mate for you. Then you’re going to be stuck following through with a bonding whether you like it or not.” Brock sighs sadly.

  I groan. “This just sucks. I was going to come clean and tell my father that I wanted to become Gage’s mate at dinner tonight.”

  Placing his arm around my shoulders Brock pulls me close. “I know it sucks but at least you have me by your side.”

  I glance up at him. “But can I even trust you after what happened before?”

  “You can, I may have been a complete jerk then but now I’m your second and I’m not going to screw that up.” He grins widely. “I’m loyal to a fault, you know.”

  I grin. “Good because we have to plan a way to get out of this.”

  He nods in agreement. “We can but you’re going to have to go through the mating ceremony. We can break your bond afterwards and then run away to find Gage and Rowan.”

  Groaning again I fall back on my bed.

  How did things get so messed up?

  “Dinner’s ready, Parker.” My father calls out with a loud knock on my door.

  Reluctantly, I smooth out the long silver dress that had been sent up earlier, and that I had been ordered to wear down to dinner.

  I knew then what my father had planned with his announcement.

  Tonight was going to be the night I would no longer be innocent.

  And I hated it.

  I hated this life right in this moment even more than I ever thought possible.

  But my heart did long for Gage, my wolf wanted him back and so did I.

  “Are you ready?” Brock knocks next.

  Sighing roughly I move towards the door and walk out. “For the record, I hate this dress.”

  Brock chuckles as he walks by my side down the steps. “I kind of like it, but I do hate the meaning behind it. If it’s and help I think Gage would have loved to see you in it.”

  “He should be the one seeing me in it.” I agree solemnly.

  Brock nods in agreement as we continue our walk to the dining room in silence.

  “This is going to be tense.” He mutters in my mind as we open the door and walk into the room where London and his entire pack were sitting with my father’s pack.

  “You have no idea.” I mumble in his mind.

  Standing to his feet my father clears his throat bringing everyone’s attention to him, before he motions towards Brock and me. “My daughter, Parker, and her second, Brock, have arrived.” He spits out Brock’s name like a curse.

  He was angry with my choice of making Brock my second but I wasn’t about to change that now.

  Not when Brock was the only one I could trust.

  Walking over to the table London stands before quickly pulling out a chair next to him for me.

  I sit next to him as Brock sits down in the seat directly beside the seat next to me.

  Oddly it was comforting to have him so close.

  Nothing else is said as dinner is served and we all eat in a silence that had my inner wolf tense and ready to run out of the room at a moment’s notice.

  When everyone is finished eating my father stands to his feet again commanding everyone’s attention towards him.

  “Crap, here it comes.” I whimper into Brock’s mind.

  He nods beside me as he pats my knee under the table.

  “Don’t forget, I’m here. You can make it through this.” He reassures me in my mind.

  I nod even though I wasn’t sure if I could make it through this whole ordeal even with him by my side.

  Sooner or later I was going to have to face this alone.

  My hands shake and my stomach tosses and turns as my father clears his throat.

  Everyone goes silent.

  “I have an announcement to make.” He then motions for me to stand up. “My daughter will be joining the Redwood pack this night. I have chosen a mate for her.” He then motions towards London and he stands with a smug grin.

  “Thank you, Rixon.” London begins as he wraps his arm possessively around my waist. “I am proud to take your daughter as my mate and I am thankful for your generosity to have my family here for the ceremony.”

  Pulling out of London’s grip I pin my father with a glare. “I won’t mate with him, father.”

  His eyes narrow on me as he stands to his feet. “You will, Parker.”

  “No, I won’t.” I shake my head. “I want Gage. I was going to tell you that tonight.”

  Slamming his fist on the table my father’s wolf begins to show as he lets out a loud snarl. “Forget about the pup, you will mate with London, he is the best wolf and Alpha for you.”

  I go to open my mouth to argue some more, but his fist comes down against the table once more in a thundering crack putting an abrupt end to my argument.

  “You will do what I say, Parker. That is final.” He growls out.

  Bowing my head I surrender and sit back down in my seat.

  Brock slips his hand into mine under the table for support as London places his hand roughly on my thigh.

  The wolf inside of me was crying.

  And I was dying on the outside.

  10-Barely There

  “I can’t do this with him, Brock, I just can’t.” I state as I pace back-and-forth in my room while he sits on my bed. “Maybe I could have done this before when I thought he was nice and all but I can’t, not now that I’ve fallen for Gage.”

  “How will we get away when the whole place is crawling with his pack just waiting for you to try something?” Brock questions with a raised brow.

  Sadly, I didn’t have the answer to that.

  “Where would we even go, Parker?” He questions next.

  I did have an answer for that question though.

  “We would run to Derek. He would protect us.” I answer in his mind.

  “But still how do we get away…” Brock trails off as a loud knock on my door interrupts our conversation.

  He gives me a worried look before walking over to the door, opening it allowing whoever was on the other side in.

  No surprise that it just so happens to be London.

  He motions towards Brock. “Tell him to leave. I need a moment alone with you, Parker.”

  Looking to Brock I speak in his mind. “Just go, Brock, but stay close.”

  He nods before reluctantly walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

  “Do you really think that you’re going to just run away on me, Parker?” London questions as he moves towards me much like a predator would his prey.

  “I don’t want to be with you, London.” I reply easily.

  Clucking his tongue he smiles. “What happened to liking me?”

  I snort. “I didn’t know what a jerk you really were.”

  He moves closer and I back up right into the wall.

  I curse softly at my mistake.

  “Shhhh, Sweetheart, this won’t be so bad.” He whispers as his hand wraps around the back of my neck and he buries his face into my neck. “You might even like being controlled by me.”

  “That will never happen, London, I will never like you.” I growl out just before his claws dig deep into my neck.

  His yellow eyes pin mine as he smirks. “Yes, you will and you’ll moan for me just like you did with Gage. I own you now, Parker.”

  Even though I wanted nothing more than to scream and claw at his face I was completely under his control just like I had been when Gage had done this very thing to me.

  This time though I was afraid.

  Afraid of what London would do to me or what he would order me to do.

  If he wanted he could even invoke emotions within me that would last hours if not days after he retracted his claws.

  It was even possible for me to forget everything he commanded.

  I was hoping that wouldn’t be a priority for him but judging from the sparkle in his eyes this wasn’t going to be my lucky day.

  “I don’t want you to hate me, Parker. I was trying to give you that chance before but you had to go and fall for that idiot, Gage. He wasn’t right for you, you know. Not like I am. I can protect you. I can give you anything your heart desires.” London states calmly.

  “But I love him, London. My wolf loves him.” I confess in a mere whisper.

  Instantly his eyes heat with anger. “You do not love him, you love me.”

  His words pour over me like a thick blanket.

  I couldn’t escape them even if I wanted to.

  Even as I struggled to hold onto my emotions and thoughts I just couldn’t.

  I felt them slip right through my fingers.

  “I love you, London.” I whisper softly as he searches my eyes.

  “Do you?” He smiles wickedly.

  I nod. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then kiss me.” He whispers as his claws retract and he cups my cheek tenderly with his hand.

  I pause a moment before pressing my lips against his.

  Pulling back London grins as he strokes his knuckles over my cheek. “I knew you’d come around, now let’s get this ceremony over with so I can finally have you.”

  Grinning excitedly I take his hand allowing him to lead me from my room and down the stairway to the front door where my father and a group of wolves were waiting for us.

  Stopping in my tracks I look around for Brock.

  When I don’t see him I turn to my father in
question. “Where’s Brock?”

  “I sent him off to do a few things for me.” He answers easily.

  I nod even though I was certain he wouldn’t have just left me, especially when I was just about to go through a mating ceremony with who was going to be our leader.

  “He will join us later, Sweetheart.” London reassures.

  I nod again as he again leads me along with the others out of the house and into the trees where there was a platform where the mating ceremonies were done.

  I was in awe of how it had been decorated.

  Wisps of white flowers were strewn over the rocks and long black strips of fabric were cascading down from poles surrounding the platform creating a canopy.

  The whole thing was a stunning sight.

  My heart begins beating wildly as we move closer to it.

  I knew what was about to happen and being it was my first time I was growing nervous.

  “Everything will be alright, Sweetheart.” London whispers, reading my mind.

  Tugging me close he gives me a small amount of comfort.

  Standing with London on the platform my father’s words breeze by me as I stare deep into his yellow eyes, I was transfixed by him.

  Not a single word was heard that my father spoke, not until he took my hand in his and handed it over to London signifying him giving me over.

  I now belonged to London, I was his.

  After that all I could see was London, as he picked me up, and as he laid me down on the soft cushions while kissing my lips gently.

  “I’m scared.” I whisper for his ears only.

  Grinning sweetly he kisses my neck. “Don’t be scared, I would never hurt you.”

  I shiver as his hands pull my dress up past my knees, his rough hands skimming across my bare legs as they travel higher.

  “I love you, Parker.” London whispers into my ear as he undoes his pants and positions himself closer to me.

  “I…I…” I stutter as my whole body revolts his closeness.

  This wasn’t right.

  My wolf was screaming for me to get up and run away but before I can London quickly places his hand behind my neck.

  I flinch at the quick sting of his claws entering my skin.

  As London looks deep into my eyes I feel myself fall under his spell again. “I love you, London.”


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