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All or Nothing

Page 3

by Jessica Jarman

  He met her gaze. “If you say no, I’d be fine with it. Would I be disappointed? Yeah, but I love you, Shannon. You’re my wife, and I’ll be damned if you are pushed into anything you don’t want to do.”

  Shannon believed him. He’d always been honest with her…about everything. She just didn’t know what to do. Going to bed with another man, even if her husband was involved, went against everything she knew, but she couldn’t deny the temptation to say yes and see where it all went.

  “I don’t know, Nate. I just don’t think I can do that. I’ll admit a part of me wants to.” She licked her lips and nearly groaned at the image flashing through her mind—heat and tangled limbs. “But I—”

  “Shhh. You don’t need to say anything. Just think about it.”

  Oh, she’d think about it. She’d thought of nothing else that day.

  “If you decide it’s something you want, we’ll go from there. If not, nothing changes.”

  She let out a short laugh. “Tell that to Zac.”

  “I’ll talk to him again. He’ll back off.”

  Yeah, she’d believe that one when she saw it. If she’d learned anything about Zac Malloy in the past couple of weeks, it was that he was one determined son of a bitch. She sighed. And he could make her wet and aching with a look. Damn it.

  * * * *

  Shannon flopped onto her stomach and punched the pillow. She couldn’t sleep. Again. She played her conversations with Nate over and over again in her head. Zac’s whispered descriptions crept in all too often. She pictured both men naked sprawled on the large bed, beckoning her to join them. That was the crux of it, really. Could she? Could she accept this threesome? More questions followed though. What was expected of her? Was she there to scratch either of their ‘itches’ whenever they wanted? Was this a one time thing—they’d be together once and then Zac would be on his merry way out of their marriage, sliding back into the role of best bud?

  Despite the seriousness of her thoughts and questions, the things she imagined them doing had her squirming between the sheets. She was hardly a prude. In fact, her and Nate’s sex life was more adventurous than anything she’d previously experienced. He’d introduced her to many new pleasures already. What would being with both men bring? She’d had anal sex before, but what would it feel like to have one man in her pussy and another in her ass? Imagine how full, how cherished a woman would feel with two men loving her. Her pussy clenched and her folds swelled. She pressed her thighs together and moaned softly.

  Giving up on the prospect of sleep, she rolled over and kicked the covers off. Fantasising about Nate and Zac wasn’t going to resolve anything. Maybe a cup of tea and a bit of reading would relax her enough to sleep. She stood and left the bedroom. The light in the hall bathroom cast a dim glow through the hallway, and Shannon easily made her way towards the stairs. A low sound made her freeze just outside the guestroom. There it was again. It sounded like a moan, and not of the sensual variety.

  Shannon stepped closer to the door, which was open slightly. She rested her palm against the wood and hesitated, not wanting to invade Zac’s privacy. The moans and mumblings grew louder and more frequent. She shoved aside the doubt and pushed the door open.

  Zac tossed around on the bed, the sheets twisted around his lower body. He groaned as though in pain and mumbled incoherently. Shannon crossed the room to his side. She laid a hand on his arm, finding it cold and sweaty, and gave a little nudge.

  “Zac.” She kept her voice low but firm. “Zac, wake up.” She shook him again, hoping to wake him up from what was obviously a terrifying, or at least painful, dream.

  It took some more prodding and coaxing, but finally he opened his eyes. In the dim light, Shannon noted the wild, confused look in his gaze.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. You were having a bad dream,” she crooned to him as she would a child. “Are you okay? Do you want something to drink? Some water?”

  He sat up and looked around until focusing his gaze back on her.

  “Zac?” Concerned, she pushed the sweat-damp hair from his forehead. He trembled beneath her touch. The poor thing was really shaken up. She smiled reassuringly at him. “It’s okay.”

  Without a word, he reached out, grasped her waist and pulled. She landed firmly in his lap, too surprised to react. His warm breath whispered across her lips, and she stared into his dark eyes as his mouth covered hers.

  Shannon put her hands on his shoulders to push away, but when his tongue slid past her lips and delved inside to dance with hers, instead of pushing, she found herself leaning into the kiss. Even as her mind screamed What are you doing, she moaned into Zac’s mouth and shuddered as he cupped her breasts.

  His touch awakened every cell in her body. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and her pussy flooded with hot pleasure. As he tweaked, pulled and pinched the tight crowns, his hard cock pressed against her ass, and all Shannon could think was more, more, more.

  Zac closed his eyes and focused on the feel of Shannon’s soft lips beneath his. Threads from the hellish nightmare still clung to his mind and he struggled to shake them free. The last thing he wanted to do was analyse the dreams that had plagued him since he’d been discharged. And with Shannon’s sweet body against his, he had more enjoyable things to focus on. She slid her tongue forward to dance with his and all other thought vanished.

  He’d waited so long to touch her, kiss her, be inside her. Hell, since he’d first laid eyes on her at her and Nate’s wedding, he’d fantasised about nothing else, and he’d walked around with a fucking hard-on since he’d been staying at their house. After talking to his friend, he knew this shy woman would hesitate to invite him into their bed, but the heated glances she didn’t know he saw told him the hesitation wasn’t deep-rooted.

  Shannon wrenched her mouth away, her breath ragged. “Zac…”

  “Shhh, just enjoy, darlin’.” He licked along her bottom lip and trailed his lips across her jaw.

  “We can’t. I just came in to make sure you were okay, not for this.” She clenched her fingers in his hair, holding him to her, contradicting her protests.

  “I’m okay. More than okay.” He sucked the delicate skin below her ear, tasting the sweet saltiness and pulling a strangled moan from deep inside her. He moved lower and kissed along the neckline of the thin tank she wore. Even in the darkened room, he could see the shadows of her puckered nipples beneath the fabric.

  “You taste so damned good.” He took one of the tight nubs between his teeth.

  With a quiet cry, she shifted to straddle him. Her heat nestled against his erection, the tiny shorts she wore and the sheet around him not much of a barrier between them. She squirmed against his length, and pleasure slithered though his cock and tightened his balls. Fuck, it’d been so long since he’d been with a woman—since he’d first seen her—he was on the edge already.

  Zac slid his hands down her sides to her hips and held her still, but tightly, against him. He returned to her mouth, kissing her thoroughly. She fought his hold and tried to rock against him, her movements jerky, almost desperate. His cock twitched as she made a low, keening sound.

  “Hold on, darlin’,” he whispered, “just hold on a sec. You keep moving like that, I’ll be undone. And I want this to last, want to be inside you when I come.”

  His words seem to flip a switch inside her. She stilled and leaned away from him. The frown on her lips made him curse inwardly.

  “Shannon,” he said in a low voice.

  “Oh my God.” She brought her fingers to her mouth and stared at him.

  After a tense moment of silence, she tried to move off him, but Zac tightened his grip and held her fast against him.

  “Zac, please let me go. I can’t do this to Nate. Please.”

  The tears in her eyes nearly undid him and made it impossible to be angry at her denial.

  “Shannon,” he repeated. “Listen to me. You aren’t doing anything to Nate. You can do this for him, with him.”

  She shook her head, but didn’t make a move to get off him again. Zac could practically see the gears turning in her head. He tried to be understanding. After all, it wasn’t the most conventional situation he and Nate were proposing.

  “Did you talk to Nate?” he asked softly.

  She nodded. A movement behind her caught Zac’s attention. He shifted his gaze slightly and saw his friend leaning against the doorjamb. How the hell long had Nate been standing there? The other man gave him a slight nod of encouragement, and Zac turned his attention back to the woman in his arms.

  “And? You still think he would be upset that you’re in here with me?”

  “Yes…no. Damn it, I know he wants the three of us to be together, but I didn’t give him an answer. I can’t go to bed with you without even talking to him, without him knowing.”

  Relief filled Zac. She wasn’t refusing him, or the possibility of their threesome. She just wanted Nate to be in on everything—every move, every decision, and that was fine with him.

  “Answer this—do you want me?” He released her hips and pushed the hair back from her face.

  Shannon closed her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, then met his gaze. “Yes.”

  He smiled and cupped her cheek. “Do you want to be with Nate and me? Feel us both loving you? Both inside you, surrounding you?”

  A shudder wracked her body. “God, yes.”

  “Then he has your answer.” He leaned forward and caught her lips in a brief kiss. He heard Nate cross the room, and at her gasp, knew the moment Shannon heard as well. He withdrew and waited.

  Nate crouched beside the bed and reached for Shannon’s hand. “Baby, it’s okay.”

  “How long have you been here?” she demanded, though she didn’t sound angry, just confused.

  “Long enough.” He smiled gently, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand.

  “I didn’t come in here to fuck him, Nate. I heard him having a nightmare, and—”

  “Stop,” he interrupted. “It wouldn’t matter to me if you did come in here to fuck him, Shannon. Get that in your head.” He shifted slightly and pressed a kiss to her lips.

  Shannon moaned and wrapped her arms around Nate’s neck. As the kiss deepened, she rocked her hips, grinding down against Zac’s cock. Zac leaned back, supporting his weight on his elbows. The sight of their duelling tongues and the feel of Shannon’s pussy rubbing against him pushed him closer to orgasm. He struggled to control himself, damned if he was going to come all over the sheets and not in her tight pussy.

  “Are you wet, baby?” Nate licked her lips. “Are you imagining Zac’s cock inside you right now? He is, I guarantee it. Show him what it’s like to fuck you. Show him that little slice of heaven.”

  Shannon lifted off of him, and for a moment, Zac felt a stab of fear that she would leave. She stood next to the bed and looked down at her husband, then over to Zac. She caught her lip between her teeth, and her chest rose and fell with her rapid breaths. Then she grasped the hem of her shirt and lifted it up and over her head.

  Zac’s cock twitched as her breasts were revealed. The pale globes weren’t overly large, but she could hardly be described as flat. They were perfect, rose-tipped, and he ached to touch them. His hands itched to cup them, to feel their weight in his palms, but Zac remained still and waited.

  Shannon slid her thumbs beneath the waistband of the tiny shorts she wore, but before she could push them down, Nate covered her hands with his. He worked the shorts over her hips, exposing her to both men’s stares. Once the garment was off and thrown to the side, Nate leaned forward and pressed a kiss above the dark tuft of hair shielding her sex. He ran his hands up and down her legs and nuzzled her stomach. When he pulled away, he placed his palm against the small of her back and gave her a slight push towards Zac.

  She knelt on the bed next to Zac and, with a trembling hand, drew the sheet down. She gave a slight gasp when she realised he was naked beneath, and when her gaze landed on his erect cock, she licked her lips. Zac’s patience evaporated. He reached out, grabbed her wrist and pulled. She tumbled on top of him with a startled cry. She braced herself with a hand on either side of his head. She seemed to search his face—for what he had no clue. She turned her head to look at Nate, who moved forward and kissed her.

  “I love you,” she murmured.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He slid a hand down her back and up again before standing and stepping back.

  Zac’s chest tightened at their declarations. Never in his life had he felt the urge to say those words, or hear them returned. Who knew hearing them exchanged would ignite a jealous spark deep inside him? Fuck it all.

  Shannon turned back to him and, without hesitation, lowered her head to take his mouth. She slid a hand between them and encircled Zac’s hard cock. Pushing her tongue past his lips, she glided it in and out his mouth in time with the strokes of her hand.

  Good God, how was he supposed to hold off, make it last, when she’d suddenly become the aggressor?

  Nate stepped back and, without taking his eyes off the two on the bed, used one hand to drag the only chair in the room closer. Before sitting, he pushed his boxers down his legs and kicked them aside. Leaning back in the chair, he wrapped his hand around his cock and lazily stroked..

  The sight of his wife stretched out over Zac turned him on more than he’d imagined. He’d watched Zac with other women, had fantasised about Zac with Shannon, but nothing had come close to the real thing—seeing her paleness against Zac’s tanned skin, smelling the sweetness of her rose-scented soap mixed with the smell of her arousal, knowing her pussy would soon be stretched by his friend’s cock…

  He chuckled inwardly as Shannon became more aggressive. He knew it was her way of pushing past the doubts she still had. Her small hand wrapped around Zac’s cock and she began to pump, slow at first, then faster. Nate timed his own strokes to match hers.

  She broke the kiss and straddled Zac’s hips. Positioning the head of his penis at her entrance, she turned her head and met Nate’s gaze as she sank down.

  Both men groaned.

  “Fuck, she’s tight, Nate,” Zac said through clenched teeth.

  Shannon rose up above him and began moving on his cock. Little cries escaped her lips as she fucked him, grinding her clit against him on each downward stroke. Zac cupped her bouncing breasts and plucked at her nipples.

  Pre-cum oozed out the slit of Nate’s cock. With his thumb, he rubbed it into his skin, imagining the feel of Shannon’s sheath surrounding him. He watched Shannon cover Zac’s hands on her breasts, grasping wildly.

  “Harder, Zac,” Nate gasped out. “Pinch her nipples harder. Drives her fucking crazy.”

  “Ohhhh,” Shannon exhaled as he obeyed. “Oh God, that’s good.”

  Nate’s balls drew up close to his body and, with a curse, he gave them a swift pull, bound and determined not to come until they did.

  Zac jerked upwards, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Shannon’s waist. He teased her nipples with his lips, tongue and teeth before kissing her mouth. He moved his hands lower until they rested on her ass.

  “Imagine,” he said so quietly Nate had to strain to hear, “the next time one of us fucks your delectable pussy, the other will be so deep in your ass. Can you imagine that, Shannon? Both of us fucking you?”

  He pulled her cheeks apart, and even though Nate couldn’t see, he knew when Zac found her tight back entrance. Shannon let out a harsh cry and pushed back against Zac’s hand.

  “You can, can’t you? You want both of us taking you, to be so full you don’t know if you can take any more.”

  A sob caught in Shannon’s throat, and Nate knew she was close to coming. Her head fell back, and as Zac pushed his finger farther inside her ass, she came with a scream. She grabbed at his shoulders, her nails digging into the flesh as she rose and fell on his cock. Zac buried his face in her neck, and Nate closed his eyes as his friend’s muffled cry reached his ears, knowing his f
riend was shooting inside his wife’s pussy.

  He tightened his hand around his own cock and quickened his strokes, ready to find his own release. His eyes flew open when a small hand stopped his movements. And there she was, kneeling between his knees. Sweat glistened on her pale skin, and she smiled up at him.

  “Let me,” she insisted before taking him in her hot, wet mouth.

  Nate cursed when his legs shook from the sensations she pulled from him. Even after all this time, she could drive him crazy. He glanced over her towards the bed. Zac lay back against the pillows and watched Shannon swallowing Nate’s cock. The heat in his gaze showed how much the sight turned him on.

  As Shannon pulled up, she ran her tongue along the underside of his cock. She cupped his balls, squeezing and rolling them in her palm. Humming with pleasure, she sped up.

  Nate ran his fingers through her hair and lifted his hips to meet her strokes. After watching the two of them fucking, he wasn’t going to last long. And Shannon had a wickedly talented mouth made for sucking cock.

  “I’m gonna come, baby,” he groaned.

  With what he though was a chuckle, she swallowed around his cock, and that was it. He came, and came hard. She took every bit, swallowing and licking until his cock was clean and glistening.

  He pulled slightly on her hair, and she slid her body up until she lay over him. Kissing her, he tasted himself on her lips and tongue, and his spent cock twitched.

  “Love you,” she murmured sleepily.

  He nipped her lower lip and, with her in his arms, got to his feet. “I love you too, baby.”

  He led her to the bed, where Zac moved to the far side. After laying her next to his friend, Nate stretched out on her other side. Zac pulled the sheet up over them, and with a contented sigh, Nate wrapped an arm around his wife. Zac draped his arm over her hip, just under where Nate’s rested. Shannon’s lips curved into a small smile and her eyes drifted closed. Soon, her even breathing told them she was sleeping soundly.


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