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My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4)

Page 4

by Lindsay Downs

  “Come, let’s go up to my sitting room. I wish you to start relaxing, for this eve will be very important to you.”

  “I know, and I’m looking forward to seeing Lord Matthew’s expression when I enter the countess’ parlor. Last eve I thought he would be speechless but he wasn’t. Tonight, I’m determined to prove I can do it,” Jessica stated.

  Turning with her mother, they reentered the townhouse and were met by Goodman, which came as no surprise.

  “Have two glasses of sherry brought to my parlor at once,” Laura ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lady. I’ll see to it personally.”

  With her mother at her side, Jessica made her way to the parlor. No sooner had she settled than the butler entered with the requested beverage.

  Once Goodman left, Jessica reached forward, picked up her glass, and took a sip. She smiled as the sweet drink slipped delicately down her throat and she felt it start to relax her. Then she had a thought, which caused her shoulders to tense.

  “What is it, my dear?”

  “I just realized that Richard Macey spent enough time here to know the Countess of Winsome puts on a Valentine Eve Ball every year. Could it be he has left London and is making his way to their estate.”

  “That is possible, and I have a solution to your dilemma,” Carson said from the doorway.

  Jessica waited while her father came in and took a seat across from her.

  “And what might that be?” Jessica asked.

  “Tonight during the Chandler ball, your mother can inform the countess of what you suspect. Between the earl and I, we marshal up enough suitable gentlemen and ladies to set a ring of protection around you and Lord Matthew. We can then insinuate them into our party for the evening,” her father explained.

  “I would ask that you wait until Lord Matthew and I are on the dance floor. There I will let him know of the plan,” Jessica directed to her parents.

  Much to her amazement, they both nodded in agreement. With that resolved for now, she excused herself and made her way to her suite, there to be met by Sally.

  “Help me out of my dress. I want to rest for the next two hours then start preparing for this evening,” Jessica snapped at her maid, then immediately regretted her harsh tone.

  “Yes, m’ lady, and I can understand why you are so upset in not being able to find Macey. Even my friends at some of the other houses have no idea where he disappeared to. However, if it does make you feel better the rumor is, he was in town but only for a short time.”

  On hearing her maid had people helping with the search came as a surprise to Jessica. Then again, the woman being one of the senior staff in the household, she would have contacts Jessica and Matthew didn’t know about.

  “I’m not even going to ask how you knew we were searching for him.”

  “Certainly, m’ lady, and don’t worry, for from tonight on until Macey is captured my people will be watching over you and Lord Matthew. No matter how long it takes.”

  From not only Sally’s words but the determination with which she said them, Jessica knew the woman would make sure it happened. It was even more comforting to her than what her father, a short while ago, had suggested.

  Once free of the dress and wrapped in her thick robe, Jessica took a seat in a high-backed comfortable chair near the fireplace. Picking up the book she’d started the other day, she opened it to the ribbon used to mark the page. Then she had a thought.

  “Sally, can you go to the kitchen and get me a tea tray along with several biscuits, shortbread if Cook has any.”

  “Certainly, m’ lady. I shan’t be but a few minutes. And as I see the fire is nicely set I won’t bring the footman to add a log to it,” Sally replied.

  Jessica glanced over to the fire cove and nodded her agreement. With a head bob to her maid she returned to her book, not even looking up when Sally slipped from the room. As Jessica turned the page in the romance novel, she heard the door open which puzzled her as no one had knocked. Not even her parents would enter without first announcing themselves, and Sally never did, she just barged in.

  Lifting her head, she watched as a footman, at least from his uniform, walked in.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, m’ lady, your maid sent me to add a log to the fire,” the man said.

  Studying his face, she didn’t recognize him as one permitted in the family wing of the townhouse. Then there was the fact Sally had mentioned not needing another billet. Also, no footman would enter a lady’s room without a maid to act as a chaperone. This even included a parlor with only her or the countess in it. But, it was the ever-so-slight hint of a French accent which alerted her.

  “That’s quite all right. She must have been wrong as I’m comfortable,” Jessica replied, wondering what the imposter would do.

  She waited as he stepped further in, and when his eyes turned away Jessica looked for some form of weapon. The closest item available was the poker for the fireplace which was within easy reach.

  “I wouldn’t as it will only make things worse for you. Now come along quietly as my employer wishes to have words with you,” the man demanded.

  Jessica was amazed because whoever this person was he must have entered a peer’s home in broad daylight before, as he showed no trepidation. She could feel her stomach roil in fear. She knew who the man worked for, Richard Macey. Somehow, she had to keep the man in her room until Sally returned. Granted, in the past while working for the Crown she’d been in difficult situations but always properly attired, not only wearing her undergarments and bathrobe.

  “And if I don’t, what will you do?”

  It was in Jessica’s favor the person had left the door open, and he could be easily observed by anyone passing her suite.

  On seeing Sally, carrying a tray, slip into the room with two footmen whom Jessica recognized, she forced herself to keep her attention on the intruder.

  “Well, I’m waiting,” Jessica demanded.

  “So am I,” Sally called out.

  That simple action made the man turned and Jessica watched Sally’s tray meet the man’s face squarely. Even before the person had fully collapsed to the floor the footmen were on him. Remaining in her chair, as she didn’t believe her legs would hold her up, Jessica saw her parents rush in with her mother coming directly to her.

  “Are you hurt, my dear?”

  “No, only a little shaken,” Jessica replied, then added. “I’ve been through worse.”

  Distracted by the sound of feet being dragged over the wooden floor, Jessica watched as the footmen took the man out.

  “Then here, have a sip of this,” Carson ordered, handing over a glass.

  From what Jessica could tell it was diluted whiskey. Doing as directed, she took a sip then another. The sharp burn as the liquid slid down her throat assisted in helping to calm her.

  She raised her eyes and met both parents’. “Don’t inform Lord Matthew of this incident. It will only make him worry even more than he already is, especially since he will be offering for me later. And before either of you argue, this little event changes nothing about our plans for tonight.”

  “I disagree daughter. He needs to be made aware of this attempt,” her father stated firmly.

  “Then, I will, over dinner when the poor man is relaxed. This way his parents along with the duke and duchess will learn of the failed attack,” Jessica explained.

  “Thank you,” her father said, patting Jessica on the hand.

  “Now, as this has slightly upset me and the drink is making me sleepy, I need to lie down for a little while,” Jessica declared.

  With her parents gone and the intruder enroute to Bow Street, Jessica crawled under the bed covers and in minutes, with Sally sitting guard, dozed off.

  Awaking without the need of her shoulder being shaken, with her hands Jessica scrubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked around her suite. She smiled. Sitting in the chair she’d earlier occupied was her mother.

  “Where’s Sally?” Jessica
asked, before she threw the covers off and slipped her feet into warm house shoes.

  “I sent her down to make sure your bath water is ready. Your father and I have decided until we retreat to the Winsome estate you won’t be left alone in your suite. I know it will be a great inconvenience to which I’m sorry. We’re only thinking of your safety, and I’m sure Lord Matthew would agree,” Laura stated.

  “Thank you, Mother. I do appreciate the thought and will abide by your decision.”

  A knock announced someone wished an audience.

  “Come in,” Jessica called out and was surprised to see Sally with three footmen carrying water buckets enter.

  “M’ ladies.”

  “Since when do you knock?” Jessica teased her maid.

  “As of now and until we know Macey is in custody thus making it safe for you. This was my recommendation and approved by Her Ladyship,” Sally declared.

  “Yes, my dear. Again, I’m sorry for the disruption it will cause. Now, let me go and get ready for this evening. Once you’re dressed come down to my parlor,” Laura said.

  Dressed in the red ball gown and hair done to past perfection, which included the three roses matching the color of the dress woven into her tresses, Jessica took one last glance in the mirror and smiled. Collecting her shawl from the bed she started for the door then stopped.

  “Sally, without a doubt you have outdone yourself.”

  “Thank you, m’ lady. I wanted to make sure once Lord Matthew hears of the event of earlier he won’t take back his offer,” her maid replied.

  With a head bob, Jessica turned and made her way to the parlor. Stepping into the room, she smiled. Settled on the settee beside her mother Jessica accepted a glass of the promised drink.

  “Thank you. Even though I’ve recovered from this afternoon, I still worry about tonight.”

  “Which daughter, the official offering, even though your mother and I know you and he have casually discussed it, or informing Lord Matthew of the intrusion,” Carson stated, strolling in to the parlor.

  “The last, father. Meaning no disrespect, but you gentlemen do have a tendency to be over protective at times. I fear Lord Matthew might burden me with restrictions, and you know how well I take to them,” Jessica told him.

  “Yes. You dig your heels in, pout, and then when you think no one is watching go about what you planned all along,” her mother teased.

  Even though what her mother had said was in jest, or at least partially, Jessica knew she was correct. Many times, growing up she’d done exactly that which had been one of the reasons she had been recruited to work for the Crown. Not only loyalty but the tendency to be strong when needed, weak other times.

  “Excuse me, ladies. Shall we finish our drinks, collect our coats and capes, then be off. Wouldn’t do to keep Lord Matthew waiting.”

  Jessica gave her father a head bob, set her glass down, stood, and glided to the door, her parents following. Making her way to the front door, she was met by Sally holding a heavy cape of green wool and a hand muff. Helped into her outer wear, Jessica led her parents to the town carriage and was assisted in.

  As the coach rolled into the Winsome courtyard Jessica saw a large carriage carrying the ducal seal of her godfather.

  Following her parents up the front steps, Jessica suddenly felt a swarm of butterflies invading her stomach. It made her wonder if Matthew was experiencing the same.

  Chapter Six

  In the distance he heard a carriage roll into the courtyard. With the duke and duchess already in attendance, Matt knew it was Lady Jessica and her parents.

  Then, with no warning, a nervousness overtook him. For Matt this was something he’d never experienced before, not even in the heat of a charge against the French or hunting down a traitor to the Crown.

  Again, he took up pacing about the parlor, in the process earning a scowl from his mother and the duchess. Matt’s father and the duke smiled.

  “Son, would you please stop that infernal stomping around my parlor. You’ll wear the carpet out,” Mercy told him.

  “Lady Winsome, leave the boy alone. After all, it’s not every day a gentleman asks the goddaughter of a duke for her hand,” Thomas, The Duke of Fenwick, declared.

  “Thank you, Your Grace, for coming to my defense. Trust me though, your being Lady Jessica’s godfather does play a small part in my anxiety. My biggest worry is that she might not accept me,” Matt replied.

  “Fear not, Son, for I know she will consent, and as I hear them coming up the stairs you will have your answer soon. Now, here, take a sip of this to steady your nerves,” Richard uttered, handing over a glass containing whiskey.

  Doing as instructed, Matt took several then returned the glass as Cork stepped into the doorway.

  “Your Graces, m’ lords, and lady it is my privilege to present the Earl and Countess of Banworth,” the butler announced.

  Matt braced himself as the earl and countess entered and paid their respects to the duke and duchess then his parents. Looking past them, he wondered if for some reason Jessica had changed her mind at the last minute. Then-

  “Your Graces, lords, and ladies, Lady Jessica,” Cork called out.

  Holding his breath, Matt waited as his love, where did that thought come from, stepped into the doorway only to have the air ripped from his lungs. Standing before him was, without a doubt, the most beautiful lady in all of England and possibly the known world.

  He didn’t know where to focus his undivided attention to first. Her hair piled high with three deep red roses woven into it with one placed over her left ear. Several tendrils of hair dangled down to almost touch her bare shoulders. Shoulders he couldn’t wait to kiss.

  Lowering his head, he couldn’t help but notice the ball gown, a burgundy which came close to matching the color of the ring in his pocket. Matt loved how the bodice sculptured her while showing barely the top of her creamy white breasts. Breasts only he would see.

  “Son, don’t just stand there looking like an idiot, escort Lady Jessica in,” his father whispered.

  Giving his brain a mental shake, as it seemed to have left him on seeing Jessica, Matt stepped up and offered his arm but not before saying, “Please forgive me for staring. I’ve never seen you so beautiful,” he stammered out.

  “That was my plan, to make you speechless, and I do believe I achieved my goal.”

  “Trust me, Lady Jessica, you certainly did. Don’t be surprised if my son doesn’t let you out of his close sight all evening while at the ball,” Mercy declared.

  “And if for some reason he does, then I will watch over you,” Her Grace stated.

  Now that he was truly flustered, it was all Matt could do to guide Jessica to the settee where his mother awaited her. Once he knew she was settled, Matt glanced over his shoulder to his father. Accepting the nod as the approval to continue, Matt dropped to one knee after slipping the ring from his trouser pocket. Taking her left, delicately-gloved hand in his, he gazed into her eyes which glistened with excitement.

  “Lady Jessica, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Banworth, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?” Matt pronounced.

  Silence filled the parlor, especially from Jessica which started to worry Matt. He was about to ask again when she gently squeezed his hand and smiled.

  “Yes, I would be honored to become your wife.”

  Hearing her words, Matt slipped the ring on her finger and was rewarded by a gasp from her on seeing it.

  “It’s beautiful, and I love how the smaller rubies form the shape of a heart,” she declared.

  Standing, Matt backed away as her mother and the duchess swept up to Jessica to admire the ring. Stepping back, he was met by the duke and both fathers who clapped him on the back and congratulated him on a job well done.

  “And I expect you to protect Lady Jessica and keep her safe from harm,” the duke declared.

  “I will, Your Grace. Even though we haven’t learned Richard Macey’s dir
ection, I feel confident he will be soon found and brought to heel,” Matt declared.

  From behind Matt he heard Cork step in.

  “Pardon this untimely, albeit appropriate, interruption. I do believe to make this truly a proper celebration then you need to toast Lady Jessica.”

  “Your timing is perfect as always, which is annoying but acceptable. Set the tray on the table in front of the ladies, and I’ll take it from there,” Richard instructed.

  With the butler gone, Matt assisted his father in pouring and passing the champagne coupes, starting with the duke and duchess. Once everyone had a glass, Matt raised his.

  “To Lady Jessica Roper, soon to be Lady Jessica Howe.”

  Once the toast was given, the conversation next turned to the wedding date, which Matt already knew.

  Letting the ladies lead the discussion, Matt joined the men by the fireplace.

  “Your Grace, were you able to obtain the requested document?”

  “Yes, Lord Matthew. When Her Grace and I join you at the estate I’ll have it with me.”

  “Excuse me, Your Grace, m’ lord, would you mind explaining what you’re talking about?” Carson said.

  Matt glanced over to the duke, who nodded.

  “Not at all, but this must stay with us, and the ladies aren’t to learn otherwise. I fear for my hide. As you know the fourteenth of February is on a Wednesday this year. With us arriving mid-week, the banns will be read starting the next Sunday and continue on until after Valentine Day. His Grace spoke with the archbishop and will be obtaining a special license. This is so Lady Jessica and I may marry on the day dedicated to lovers,” Matt told them, in a low voice.

  “That is so perfect. It reminds me of when Lord and Lady Sinclair married, on Christmas Eve,” Richard added.

  “Yes, it was I who had made the suggestion to my son. I wholeheartedly agree with Lord Matthew’s choice of the day,” the duke stated.

  All further discussion on the topic stopped when Matt heard the dinner gong sound out. With the duke leading, he was surprised when His Grace offered Jessica his arm. This meant Matt would be escorting Her Grace and would be her dinner partner. To mix the seating, Carson was with Mercy and Richard had Laura. If nothing else, Matt knew it would make for lively dinner conversation.


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