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My Lady Valentine (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 4)

Page 5

by Lindsay Downs

  As the meal of multiple courses progressed, Matt was happy to see Jessica was sampling all of the choices presented. What she’d not realized, or wasn’t letting on, many of the selections were her favorites. This, the Winsome cook had learned from the Banworth cook.

  Slicing off a piece of beef Matt was about to eat it when from across and toward the head of the table he heard his name mentioned. Without even having to see who the speaker was, Jessica, he stilled turned his attention to her.

  “Your Grace, even though the rules of etiquette state a gentleman may only partner with the same lady in two dances, how many do you believe Lord Matthew will insist on having with me?” He heard her say.

  Matt didn’t need to answer as he knew, every waltz played. He, however, wasn’t about to announce his intention at this time, but he did have a question for the good lady.

  “Lady Jessica, I do pray you were able to rest after I left this afternoon. I can assure you with Lords Nash, Anthony, and Justin being in attendance at the ball, six dances have already been spoken for,” he declared.

  “I did. Thank you for inquiring, at least once the intruder was captured and hauled off to Bow Street,” Jessica calmly said, peering over to him.

  It took all of Matt’s willpower not to bolt up from his seat and start ranting and raving about only learning of the event now. Of course, the firm hand on his forearm from the duchess helped to control his anger.

  “Lord Carson, do you know why this person invaded your house?” Matt said.

  “Not yet, but it seemed he was more interested in kidnapping Lady Jessica than stealing from us,” the earl answered.

  Now, Matt turned his focus on his betrothed. “Why would someone wish to do you harm? Do you have any idea who it could have been?”

  “Yes, I do, m’ lord. This is why we held off on telling you until now. The person had a faint French accent so I can only suppose the man had been dispatched by Richard Macey.”

  “Your Grace, m’ lords, and ladies, due to the invasion of our house I’ve set extra guards about both inside and out. Also, we arrived here with several well-armed grooms for added protection,” Carson declared.

  “I know I speak for myself and Her Grace, but we are appalled at this occurrence while pleased to hear of the extra precautions taken,” the duke stated.

  Now, Matt wondered if they shouldn’t stay in tonight and leave for the country tomorrow not the next day. He wondered what the reaction would be when he made the suggestion.

  With great care Matt worded his recommendation to the group.

  “No, I will not hide from Macey. We will attend the ball and leave for the estate as planned. As you mentioned a few moments ago, with our friends in attendance there will be more than enough people to watch over me,” Jessica firmly stated.

  “I agree with Lady Jessica. From what I understand, the man has spent time in England so he would know what events we would be attending. Also, when we retreat to hold the annual Valentine Eve Ball. Any change on our part could send Macey a warning, not that it already hasn’t been done when the culprit failed to return,” Mercy added.

  “And Lord Matthew, before you think of being overly protective, domineering, and demanding, don’t,” Jessica announced.

  “Well said, Lady Jessica. Now, shall we finish eating then depart for the ball? I can’t wait to see the reaction of many of the ladies when they see the Winsome Countess Ring on your finger,” the duchess uttered.

  Matt already knew many of the young ladies would be highly disappointed he’d selected Jessica to be his wife. As for the matrons they would be pleased the same ladies would be safe from his advances. Now, if he could only get Justin to be more comfortable at events such as this evening, the same young women he’d gone after could be fair game for the new earl.

  If Macey wanted to make another attempt on Jessica, or even himself, then the Chandler Ball would be the perfect venue. Would she do as he requested.

  “Lady Jessica, I have a favor to request of you.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  “When not on the dance floor would you please be with the countess’ or the duchess if not with me.”

  “M’ lord, I had already decided on that. We have no idea who or when the next attempt will be,” Jessica said.

  When Lady Laura stood, bringing an end to the meal, Matt assisted the duchess to her feet then switched partners with the duke. Now, with Jessica on his arm he led her to the front door then helped her on with her cape.

  Chapter Seven

  When he lifted the heavy cape from Jessica’s shoulders and passed it to a maid, Matt wasn’t surprised at the gasps from several nearby ladies. This was going to be the beginning of an interesting evening. He knew once the rakes caught sight of her in the burgundy gown, every rogue in the room would be begging for an introduction, betrothed or not. After all, in his past, a family ring on a lady’s finger had never stopped him.

  Offering Jessica his arm, Matt smiled down at her when she intertwined her fingers with his. Yes, a very interesting ball. Stepping up to the Chandler butler, Matt handed over the invitation to which he’d added an addendum.

  “Your Graces, m’ lords, and ladies. Lord Matthew Howe escorting his betrothed, Lady Jessica Roper,” the man called out.

  Almost immediately the din of talking from those below turned to a partial silence as Matt noticed several featherheaded young ladies continued to speak.

  “I do hope you’re ready to face the crush of well-wishers,” Matt whispered, as he led her down the marble grand stairs to the dance floor.

  “As long as you’re at my side the entire time, m’ lord.”

  “Lady Jessica, considering the stares and glares from many of the ladies and leers from the gentlemen, I wouldn’t dare leave you for a moment.”

  Just then the musicians started playing a waltz bringing a grin to Matt’s lips.

  “It would be a pleasure to partner with you,” Jessica whispered.

  “And that will only leave one more dance for the evening, children, so pick the second one carefully,” the duchess stated.

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Matt replied, knowing full and well that was one order he’d not heed.

  Matt watched the duchess glide away toward where both mothers had ensconced themselves on a settee. A tap on Matt’s shoulder brought his head around to be met by a smiling duke.

  “Your Grace.”

  “M’ lord and Lady Jessica. It’s about time to set the ton on their collective ear. You have my permission to partner in every waltz if you desire. As for the duchess and the mothers, leave them to me. Now, off you go,” the duke declared.

  Never one to argue with a senior peer, especially when the person was his betrothed godfather, Matt steered Jessica onto the floor. Collecting her in his arms, he started to guide her around the room.

  “M’ lord, if you feel the need to bring me close to you when we go around a corner, I shan’t complain. If you don’t, then I might,” she teased in a low voice.

  At a loss for words, between the directive from the duke and now Jessica, Matt drew her closer to him as they swirled through a turn. Glancing over her head, he saw several matrons scowl at him, which he ignored.

  When the music ended Matt escorted Jessica over to where her mother and the duchess awaited them. Once she was settled on the settee Matt stepped around behind her. This way he could look over the other guests and see anyone who approached them.

  His attention was diverted to a newly-arrived guest about to be announced to the assembly. Matt knew, if the young man had gained the necessary confidence, no single lady would be safe.

  Leaning forward he whispered in Jessica’s ear, “Justin has arrived.” Matt straightened.

  Returning his attention to the others, dancing or along the sides of the ballroom, Matt saw Lord Nash and Lady Amelia talking to someone. He then realized it was Hathaway and his lovely wife Lady Bianca. Matt was intrigued neither had made their way over to offer either their cong
ratulations or condolences on his impending marriage.

  “Fear not, Matt. They are arguing about who should congratulate you and Lady Jessica first. My money is on Nash and Amelia.” A familiar voice said from behind him.

  Turning, Matt came face to face with Lord Anthony, Tony to his friends, and his bride Lady Chelsea.

  “It would seem you both will be the first.”

  With a wave of his hand Matt directed Tony and Chelsea forward to where Jessica sat, conversing with the duchess and his mother.

  “Your Grace, m’ ladies, this reprobate and his lovely wife wish to address Lady Jessica. I should warn you, believe nothing he says and everything she does,” Matt pronounced.

  “All we wish to do is congratulate Lady Jessica on finally making the balls and drawing rooms of London safe from Lord Matthew,” Chelsea announced.

  “Thank you, m’ lord and lady. Today has been long in coming, and I’m more than pleased to remove one more rakehell from the ton,” Jessica quipped.

  From her tone, Matt wasn’t sure if his Jessica was jesting with him, but she’d forgotten about Justin, who Matt now saw approaching. Wondering what happened to Nash and Hathaway along with their wives, Matt glanced around and saw them crossing the ballroom in front of the French doors.

  Turning back, he gave Justin a bow then said, “M’ lord, have you been introduced to The Duchess of Fenwick?”

  “Not formally, m’ lord. At least not as an earl. The duchess and I are acquainted from when I was a groom on the ducal estate before joining the marquis at his.”

  This was the cue for Matt to step up, which needed to be done for propriety’s sake.

  “Duchess of Fenwick, I present Justin, Earl of Rosewood,” Matt announced.

  “Your Grace, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Justin said giving her a deep bow.

  “And you, Lord Justin,” she replied, then added, “I believe you’ve formally met Lady’s Mercy, Laura, and Jessica?”

  “Yes, and I wish to congratulate Lady Jessica on finally dragging Lord Matthew to the altar.”

  Laughter and giggles broke out, and between Jessica’s comment and now Justin’s, Matt knew he would be the butt of humor all evening. Of course, he deserved everything thrown his way. Matt knew he’d waited too long before offering for Jessica, but he’d had to insure her safety. Unfortunately, from what he’d heard over dinner that appeared to be a moot point now.

  Hearing the opening strains of a waltz, Matt turned to Jessica and bowed.

  “M’ lady, would you care to dance?”

  “Yes, m’ lord, I would love to. This way, as I see Lord Nash and Lord Rainer with their wives approaching, you might be spared a few jabs from those gentlemen,” Jessica goaded him.

  Offering her his hand, Matt led Jessica to the floor and easily swirled her around the room. As she’d instructed him earlier, when they swept through a corner he brought her closer, this time making sure her breasts brushed against his chest.

  By the third time Matt could feel a certain portion of his body stiffen. Glancing down to Jessica, he saw her smile up to him, a faint hint of pink on her cheeks. Not sure if he should say anything, he decided not to as he thought she would become more embarrassed.

  When the music ended Matt started to return Jessica to the safety of the mothers and duchess. Glancing toward them, he saw two faces scowling at him and it wasn’t from Lady Laura or Lady Mercy.

  “M’ lady, it would seem La Contessa and Lady Amelia aren’t pleased with me,” Matt whispered.

  “Yes, and I’m sure you are aware of the reason. They came to commend me on accepting you. However, from the wide grins their husbands are sending us they seem happy you have joined their ranks.”

  “So it would seem, and as the primary gentlemen and ladies are surrounding you, upon your return I’ll take the men aside and tell them what happened earlier. While I do that you inform the ladies. This way a wider safety net will be established around us both,” Matt recommended.

  “I agree, but might I suggest we borrow a side room and together tell them. This way if anyone has a question or concern it will be heard by all,” Jessica stated.

  “Yes, and as I see the duke is with the party he should be overly familiar with a nearby parlor,” Matt said.

  He accepted her nod, and together they reentered the group. While the new ladies spoke with Jessica and how lucky she was, Matt stepped up to the duke.

  “Your Grace, as the principles are now with us, Lady Jessica and I thought this would be an opportune time to inform every one of the event of earlier. As you’re more familiar with the Chandler townhouse would you suggest a parlor we might use?”

  “While not causing a stir if we all disappeared then suddenly reappeared.”

  Matt nodded.

  “In a few minutes a country dance will start up and as I know none would care to participate, that would be the perfect time to slip away. If you look over my left shoulder you will see a door. It leads to the countess’ painting room. We can use it,” Thomas declared.

  As promised, once the dance began Matt, with the duke’s assistance guided everyone to the room.

  Once they were all inside, Matt briefly explained why the secrecy then let Jessica explain what had happened earlier. Not surprised by the gasps of shock from the ladies and murmurs of anger from the gentlemen, Matt knew asking for their aid would be easily forthcoming.

  “Both families, along with the duke and duchess will be departing for our estate in two days. I hope what I’m about to suggest won’t be an inconvenience. Would you all be ready to depart at the same time also. This way we will be able to set up a better ring around the estate,” Matt asked.

  “As I believe, not including Her Grace, I’m senior it is not only possible, but I insist on accompanying you, Your Grace, and m’ lords. Might I suggest though, we all depart from our individual houses. We can then meet up for luncheon on the first day,” Amelia said.

  “Agreed. If we do as you suggest then if anyone is watching us they won’t think anything of it. Just peers retiring to the country for the rest of the winter,” Bianca added.

  “Good. Tomorrow I’ll send a post to the owner of the Horse and Hound Tavern of our need for their largest private dining room. Also one to the Galloping Stallion our requirements for suites for everyone. I know they will have enough rooms as it’s one of the largest, matching several in size to traveler inns here in London,” Richard declared.

  “Winsome, firmly mention Her Grace and I will be accompanying the group. That should help make everything easier,” Thomas uttered.

  “Yes, Your Grace. Now, I would suggest we slip back in and enjoy the rest of the ball,” Richard spoke.

  “And remember, Lord Matthew and Lady Jessica, you have danced together twice,” Laura told them.

  Matt found the urge to roll his eyes, but a nod from the duke was all he needed. Offering Jessica his arm Matt, with everyone following, returned to the ballroom and the settees occupied by the ladies.

  When another waltz was introduced, Matt was about to offer Jessica when Nash stepped up.

  “M’ lady, might I partner with you. I also promise to behave in the corners, unlike a certain gentleman who shall remain unnamed,” Nash announced.

  “Only if I may share the waltz with Lady Amelia,” Matt demanded.

  With a nod from Nash, Matt offered Nash’s wife his hand and guided her onto the dance floor.

  During the remainder of the evening whenever a waltz played Matt tried to dance with Jessica but was thwarted at every turn. Even Justin partnered with her. That only left, besides the countess’ and duchess who shook their heads, the wives of his friends. Each time, their husband warned him to behave, which produced titters from the ladies.

  Later, after the midnight buffet, Matt finally got his last chance to waltz with Jessica. As the music came to an end, he bowed to her curtsey then guided her back to the settee. By now, claiming fatigue, the duke and duchess had departed with a promise to stop o
ver for tea the next afternoon.

  “Perfect, now that you’ve upset the Grand Dames and matrons of the ton, I believe we need to return home,” Laura declared.

  “Yes, as I’m getting weary, and the next few days will be long and interesting,” Jessica said.

  Chapter Eight

  Jessica glanced out the window of her father’s traveling carriage on noticing the sun had started to disappear behind the horizon as they passed through the gates of the Winsome estate. Having made the long two-day journey before, Jessica was well prepared. She had several romance novels to read while traveling in the carriage.

  Looking back, she observed her mother had started to awaken. Beside her, Matthew closed the book he’d been reading during most of the trip. Although partially blocked by the ducal carriage, she saw the mansion slowly come into view as she leaned out the window.

  In the past, when Jessica visited, she had been set up in the blue suite which she loved as it overlooked the gardens. Many times, but not this visit due to the weather, Jessica had spent time in the gazebo either reading or writing. On occasion, she had painted landscapes which now hung in the mansion. Jessica had given them as gifts to the countess.

  Entering into the courtyard, Jessica waited until her coach rolled up to the front steps. She smiled on seeing Mrs. Shelton speak with the duchess, then the housekeeper turned the grand lady and duke over to a senior footman. Anxious to be free of the confines of the carriage, Jessica turned her attention to Matthew.

  “M’ lady, you need not say a thing, as your impatience is easily seen in your eyes. And fear not, I have it on excellent authority you will be in your favorite suite.”

  She watched Matt open the coach door and climb out then he assisted her mother then her down. Almost immediately Mrs. Shelton descended upon them.

  “M’ ladies, welcome back. As in the past, Lady Jessica, I have you in the blue suite. Lady Laura, you are next door in the green room.”


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