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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  Dick just whimpered. Rig nodded, whispering ‘yours’ against his cock before those lips opened and took both of them in, tongue sliding over them.

  "Oh, fuck.” He groaned and met Dick's eyes, the kid's glazed, a big, happy goofy smile on his face. Smiling, he leaned forward and took the kid's mouth. Oh, yeah. There was nothing like this. The suction kept his cock snugged right next to Dick's, Rig's head bobbing slower and less smoothly than normal. Rig's hand was wrapped around the base of his cock, pumping in time with that sweet fucking mouth.

  "Fuck, Rig, that's good,” muttered Dick. Rock growled agreement, words fucking gone, sucked out of his cock by Rig.

  Rigger hummed around their cocks, mouth pulling harder, tongue dragging along the underside, sparking sensitive nerves. Dick jerked and gasped and reached for his mouth, kissing him sloppily. They started moving, slow and easy, one pushing in as the other backed away, slick cocks sliding together.

  He had to make an effort to brace his knees as his bones turned to jelly. So fucking good. One day this was going to kill him and he couldn't think of a better way to go. Rig was moaning and humming, lips pulling fucking hard, keeping them deep. They moved together with an ease born of familiarity, practice. He could feel the pleasure settling in his balls, in the base of his spine, could feel it sparking high every time he sunk into Rig's mouth.

  Rock reached out to stroke through those white-blond curls, his hand meeting Dick's, Rig fucking vibrating around their cocks, tongue sliding over the tip of his prick.

  Fucking perfection.

  It wasn't going to last, but for a few moments, it was forever. With a groan, he came, shooting into Rig's mouth. Rig was swallowing hard, pulling hard, tugging the kid over with him, the heat of Dick's spunk splashing on his cock. It made him shudder, sent sparks shooting up his spine. Rig panted, spunk sliding from the corners of that amazing fucking mouth.

  He wiped it away with his thumb, tilting Rig's face up as he and Dick slid out. “You're something else, Rabbit."

  Rig's lips wrapped around his thumb, sucking gently, grey eyes hot.

  "Yeah. Something else.” He pulled gently, wanting Rig up against him, now.

  The thin body pressed close, Rig's lips brushing the underside of his jaw, cock hot as a brand against his hip.

  "What do you want, Rig?” He chuckled. “You can set the dial to any station you want."

  Rigger whimpered, reaching for them. “Touch me. Please."

  He let his hand slide down from Rig's shoulders to his buttocks, finding Dick's hand already there, the two of them pulling Rig tight against him. Soft, hungry groans sounded, Rig's face buried against his throat.

  "Bed,” he rumbled, nudging Dick that way. They settled on the mattress, Dick pressed up against Rig's back, Rig held close and hot against his chest. He touched Rig everywhere he could reach, stroking the soft, warm skin as he brought their mouths together. Dick was kissing the skin of Rig's neck, finding those spots that made his rabbit shake.

  Rig was melted and hot, feeding little needy sounds into his mouth, cock painting his belly.

  "Fuck but you're sexy, Rig. You were the sexiest fucking thing I'd ever seen in that bar and you still are."

  Dick made a little noise and pressed them closer together. “You two make me so hot."

  "Just know what I need.” Rig licked at his lips, reaching back for Dick's hand. Dick's hand slipped into Rig's as Rock chased down Rig's tongue. Heat spread over his stomach, Rig just giving it up as their mouths locked together.

  If he hadn't just come twice himself, he probably would have come again. As it was his cock twitched. Dick moaned and suddenly there was another mouth in their kiss and he turned just enough to pull Dick's tongue in.

  Rig made a soft, happy noise and just relaxed into the kiss. Rock could taste Rig and Dick and himself in their mouths. Fucking A. Who needed fucking tomatoes and potatoes when you could have this? He didn't even care what music was playing either.

  As long as the song they sang was their own.

  Chapter Five

  Dick dragged his ass out of the car and up the stairs, staring at the piles of lumber that someone had stacked beside the workshop. Looked like Rig was really going to build an upstairs rec room. Jesus, the man had too much energy. It was his night to do supper and he'd spent too much time in the library doing research to even to that, much less go to work and then build a whole room.

  He wasn't sure about this whole going back to school thing. He thought maybe he was too old to be doing this. Hell, he wasn't sure he hadn't been born too old. What had he been thinking? Going to school, taking fifteen hours. With math. Jesus.

  He was good at marine stuff, good at running a gym stuff. The studying was not falling into the good category.

  He tossed his bag down by the front door and headed for the kitchen, wondering how grumpy Rock would be if he just made hot dogs.

  The smell of syrup and bacon hit him before he got to the kitchen, Brad Paisley's music just blaring, Rig singing along. Oh, someone was home early and in a good mood.

  "Hey,” he called out, smiling as he hit the kitchen and found Rig boogying to the music, Rock working the frying pan, flipping pancakes. Fuck, they looked good. And they were making supper for him. He was the luckiest ex-marine in the world.

  "Hey, Pretty.” Rig grinned from the griddle where the bacon and eggs were bubbling away. “I wanted breakfast for supper, figured you wouldn't mind."

  "He conscripted me to do my world famous Sunday morning pancakes."

  Dick grinned at Rock and rubbed his hand over the muscled back. Weren't they good to him? “Yeah, I don't mind at all."

  Rock turned long enough for a quick kiss and then Dick turned to give one to Rig as well. Rig tasted like coffee and maple syrup and Rock, all together. Man, they'd been having a good time. He should've been here for it.

  "Thanks,” he murmured, setting his hip on the counter between them, hoping there'd be loads more fun to be had. “Is there anything I can do?"

  "You want to make orange juice? There's a can of frozen left.” Rig went back to whistling, turning the bacon as that tight little ass swayed.

  "Sure.” He grabbed a pitcher from the cupboard and got the can out of the freezer, swaying along to the music, noting that Rock was doing it, too, muscled ass moving just a little, though he'd lay dollar to doughnuts that the man would deny it.

  "The library have what you were looking for?” It was fascinating watching Rig—the man could cook and clean and set the table like a whirling dervish.

  "Uh-huh. It was more a matter of narrowing it down from like a bazillion books to two or three. I tried to find some that weren't too textbook-y but it's all pretty heavy reading.” Even thinking about it made his head hurt. Ethics. Socrates. Jesus fucking Christ. “Those kids were running circles around me..."

  "You'll figure it. You're a smart boy.” Rig patted his ass, gave him a sympathetic look.

  "I guess."

  "Suck it up, kid. You're younger than anyone in this room.” He chuckled at Rock's unsympathetic growl.

  "Yep. He's got two old men in his hip pocket.” Rig swatted Rock's ass. “Give me a break, neither of you are that old.” He gave both their asses a swat, and then came back to rub and caress them. Shit, that was nice.

  "Mmm.” Rig pushed back into his hands, pulling the eggs off the griddle. “Soup's on."

  "Yep, these are finished, too. You're just going to have to wait to have your wicked way with us until after the dishes are done.” Rock gave him a wink.

  They got settled, started eating, poking and laughing and bullshitting like always. Rig was trying to plan an Easter cookout. Rock was doing his best to interfere with the plan. Rig fucking had a million friends, and each and every one of them—from the nurses at the clinic to the guys at the club to the little old couple that lived next door—all of them wanted to be invited to Rig's parties.

  That didn't even include the guys from the gym.

  The food
and his lovers improved his mood greatly and by the time they were done, Dick didn't even mind that he had a shitload of dishes to do—Rock somehow always managed to use every dish in the place whenever he cooked anything.

  "We all home tonight?"

  "I am. I'm not on late call for another two weeks."

  "We're all home.” Rock looked very pleased about that. “And I better not hear that you've got more studying to do."

  "I don't. I'm free and clear, too.” Grinning, he started to clear up as the sink ran.

  "Excellent. Y'all want to play Parcheesi?” Oh, butter wouldn't melt in Rig's mouth.

  One of Rock's eyebrows went up. “Is that what we're calling it now, Rig? Because I think we should pick something easier to say."

  Rig started laughing, eyes lit up. “Rocketman, you already had a blowjob today. You think you need more?"

  "Alexander Jeremy Roberts, you'd better not be saying you're gonna start rationing me.” Look at those eyes flare.

  Dick bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing.

  "Oh, Jim. You know it turns me on when you call me by name...” Oh, man. Rig was gonna get pounced.

  Turning off the water, Dick settled his ass against the counter; he had a prime seat for watching said pouncing.

  Rock kind of looked like a fish, his mouth open like that. “You ... I..."

  Rig grinned, eyes just lit up like Christmas. “I think he's broke, Pretty."

  He chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. Broke-dick."

  "There's nothing wrong with my dick, kid. I'm just trying to decide which of your asses I'm going to kick first."

  "Like you can catch me.” Shit, Rig was begging for it.

  "You're not that fast, Rabbit.” That was Rock's version of a warning and damn, if he didn't he move fast when he wanted to. Rig tried to feint, but those huge hands landing on Rig's hips. Oh, fuck. That was hot.

  He licked his lips, watching intently. He didn't want to miss a second of this.

  "You've been asking for it,” growled Rock, tugging Rig in close, up against that hard chest.

  "You think so? You going to give it to me?” Rig almost vibrated, the sudden heat in the air making Dick's cock ache as he watched.

  "You know it. Right here. Right now.” Rock turned them, pushing Rig back onto the table, the syrup bottle and butter dish falling onto the floor.

  Dick moaned, spreading his legs a little.

  Rig went easy, trusting Rock implicitly, knowing the big man wouldn't let him fall.

  Their mouths met, the kiss hot and wet, and Dick pushed his hand into his jeans. This was still one of his favorite things in the world, watching his lovers love each other. Rig's hand curled around Rock's nape, one leg curling around one strong hip. Rock's hips moved, that big body rubbing against Rig as the kisses continued.

  Look at that. Look at the way Rock fucking touched Rig. Jesus. It was something else.

  Rock turned suddenly, lazer-blue eyes looking right at him. “What are you doing way over there?” he asked, voice all growl and heat.

  "Watching the best fucking thing ever."

  "Looks better from close-up, kid."

  "Mmmhmm.” One of Rig's hands reached out, begging for him, just calling for him—like he could resist that.

  He tugged off his t-shirt, and then unzipped his pants, shucking them onto the tile as he went over to them. Rock smiled and nodded. “Good man."

  "You just need someone to get rid of your clothes."

  "Not someone. You.” Oh, that growl made his prick jerk.

  "Yeah.” Rig met his eyes, the look serious, sure, enough to make him weak at the knees.

  He nodded, grabbing Rig's hand and squeezing tight. “Wouldn't let anyone else do it."

  Their mouths all met, tongues tangling and sliding together and, fuck, it was good. Rig held them together, all three of them. Of course, his hip was pushing into the table, Rig was sliding on the wood.

  "We need to move into the living room. Or the bedroom,” he suggested, tugging Rock's shirt out of his jeans.

  "Shower. We haven't fucked in the shower in days.” Rig's words made Rock grin.

  "The man wants to get fucked in the shower, the man's gonna get fucked in the shower.” Rock planted a hard kiss on Rig and stood, bringing Rig up along with him. Rig wrapped around Rock, letting the big man bear his weight.

  They made the trip down the hall with frequent stops for kissing and touching, Dick slowly working off t-shirts and undoing jeans. Familiar as breathing, he'd been doing this for so long, and it still felt so good, so right.

  They got to the bathroom and he broke off to start the shower, wriggling his ass as he bent over to turn on the taps. Right on cue, Rig's hands landed on his hips, mouth hot and wet on his lower back, tongue working the nerves and making him scream. He spread his legs, pushing back like the slut he was when it came to these men.

  "More,” he begged.

  Rock's chuckle was deep, sliding right up his back, following the same path, the big hand sliding along his spine.

  Rig nibbled and licked, knowing just where to touch him, where to taste him. His fingers wrapped around the edge of the tub, his eyes closing as he began to move into the touches.

  The room began to warm, steam filling it. “In the shower, Pretty. Need y'all. So bad."

  "Want,” he agreed, and stumbled into the shower, Rock's hand steadying him. Rig followed along, hard and lean behind him, cock poking his ass. Oh, he wanted some of that. He just leaned against the blue tiles and spread his legs, pushing his ass back in offer.

  "Mmm, he begs so pretty,” muttered Rock.

  "He does.” Rig pressed close, hips rocking. “Jesus, Pretty, you're so fucking fine."

  "Oh, fuck. In me. Please, Rig.” He bent a little harder and felt Rock's hands spreading his cheeks for Rig.

  Rig didn't make him wait too long, slick fingers pushing in once, twice, then it was Rig's cock, those hands getting him to bend into it, take Rig in. The stretch was so good, the heat of Rig's cock filling him. Groaning, he let Rig's hands guide him, pushing back and then rocking forward.

  "Just like that. So good.” Rig's forehead was on his back, the water pouring around them from that fancy rain showerhead Rock'd given Rig for Christmas. Man, they'd had some fun with that thing.

  They moved together for a bit, Rock's hands sliding over his chest, over Rig's. And then Rock settled behind Rig, making Rig jerk. Rig's cock swelled inside him and Rig stopped, just in him up to the hilt. He squeezed around that long prick, tightening and releasing slowly as they waited for Rock to push into Rig.

  "Pretty. Pretty, Goddamn.” Rig started sucking up a mark, moaning against his skin.

  He shuddered. It still thrilled him to the bone to get marked, to wear a dark spot made by one of his lovers, made by both of them. His fingers curled against the tiles and he tightened his body around Rig's prick again. “Please. Come on, Rock."

  A grunt and Rock pushing into Rig hard enough to rock all three of them were his answer, one big hand settling over Rig's on his hip as they found themselves a rhythm.

  It took them a minute, rocking and shifting and moving until they got it, but they did and damn, it was good. Back and forth, in and out. He lived for this, for all three of them loving, moving together.

  "Pretty.” Rig was starting to rock, pushing into him, rocking hard, cock brushing his gland over and over.

  "Rig. Oh, fuck. Oh.” He pushed back. “Right fucking there."

  Then Rock's hand wrapped around his prick and he whimpered, his mouth dropping open as he gasped. They came in sequence—one, two, three. All of them groaning and rocking together, all of them smelling of sex.

  He melted against the tiles, cheek on the slickness, breathing hard and loving the weight of Rig and Rock against him. One of Rock's hands rested by his head and he turned to kiss Rock's wrist. He could feel Rig's smile against his shoulder, feel Rig stroke his hip.

  Dick figured he could handle the coursework if he had this to
come home to. Or, if nothing else, he had one hell of an incentive.

  Chapter Six

  He warmed up the oil and put the soft sheets on the bed. Rig had seen Rock wince at the dinner table, had seen the frown lines in that forehead and the frustration in those blue-blue eyes. Rock worked himself too hard, didn't allow for getting older, and Rig knew that sometimes having a lover twenty years younger wore on him.

  There was only one thing to do about it, too.

  He stripped down to nothing and went hunting Rock. Rig found his Blue in the front room, flipping channels with that grumpy look on his face. The look changed when Rock caught sight of him. “Well now, what's the occasion?"

  "I'm needing my man.” He moved closer, letting his need show. “Want to touch you."

  Rock purred for him. “I've got what you need. Bed?"

  He nodded, cock bobbing, one hand held out. He didn't have to fake this, not at all. “Bed."

  Rock got up, that wince back for a fleeting moment before it disappeared beneath a smoldering look as Rock took his hand.

  "Mmm...” He teased them both with a soft, light kiss, just breathing into Rock's lips before backing away towards the bedroom.

  Eyes hot, Rock followed where he led an almost sub-vocal growl sounding, letting him know his Blue was wanting, too. It gave him goose bumps, made him move faster, made a hot flush start at the base of his spine.

  "Sexy motherfucker."

  "Yours.” He was never going to make it to the oil and the massage.

  "I know it and you know it. The bed might need proof.” He got a smile from Rock and then he was pushed down onto his back, that hard body following him down.

  He arched up under Rock, toes curling as their mouths crashed together, his happy cry filling Rock's lips. Rock moved against him, prick hard and hot through the sweats his Blue wore. He pushed the sweats down, hands curling around Rock's hard ass. So fucking hot. Rock growled for him. Ass pushing back into his hands before Rock thrust against him, sliding their cocks together.

  "So fucking hot, Blue. Need you so fucking bad.” He raised his chin, tongue sliding along Rock's ear. “Want to ride your cock."


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