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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  Rock's answer was a growl, his Blue rolling them so that he was on top. “Yes."

  He reached for the oil, slicking his hands before running them over Rock's belly and hips, around to circle that heavy prick and pump. “Beautiful fucking stud."

  "You know it,” growled Rock, muscles rippling, flexing.

  He nodded. He did and he fucking adored it. Loved every square inch of his Blue. He let his hands and his lips and his eyes tell Rock all those things, let his sexy lover know. Rock's solid hands slid over his head, along his shoulders and down his arms, that growling purr sounding again.

  It made him moan, made him move to take that hard prick and slide it against his hole, lowering himself on heated fucking steel. “Blue..."

  "Oh fuck, Rig...” Rock groaned, eyes all but closing, hand coming to rest on his thighs.

  "Yeah. Yeah, Blue. So fucking good.” He leaned forward, licking and moaning against Rock's lips.

  Rock groaned, one hand cupping the back of his neck and pulling him in for a deep kiss. He started moving, riding slow and easy, feeling every inch of that fat cock buried inside him. Rock moved with him, hands and hips guiding his movements, pulling him down onto Rock's cock. Whimpers and moans and low sighs were pushed from him, his cock rubbed against Rock's belly. Rock offered him groans and moans in return, legs spreading, feet digging into the mattress to push up harder into him.

  "So fucking good, Blue. Fucking made for your cock."

  "It's made for you.” Rock's voice was gruff, one of those big hands wrapping around his prick.

  "Yes.” He met those eyes, nodding. Needing. “Yes, Blue."

  Rock purred, hand moving faster, eyes hot. He stopped worrying about anything but them, together, loving and fucking and moving and needing. Over and over again, Rock pushed up into him, their bodies joined intimately.

  "Soon.” He licked Rock's lips. “Soon, Blue."

  Rock nodded, tongue tangling with his. “Come for me, Rabbit. Wanna feel you on my cock."

  He moaned, body rippling, sinking into those blue-blue beautiful fucking eyes and shooting, ass clenching around his Blue. Rock roared for him, hips jerking as heat filled him. Rock's chest was hot and perfect, the sound of that steady heart more familiar than breathing.

  Strong arms wrapped around him, Rock purring, stroking his back.

  "So good, Blue.” He stroked Rock's belly, cuddling. “Needed that."

  "Anytime, Rabbit."

  Rig smiled, nuzzling. “Gonna let me rub your back? I warmed the oil up."

  Rock chuckled. “I thought you were warming me up."

  He was given a hard kiss and then Rock turned onto his belly with a soft groan. He cleaned up a little, then oiled his hands, straddling that fine ass and starting to work those beautiful muscles.

  Rock groaned, muscles rippling beneath his hands.

  "Mmm ... feel so good to me.” He massaged deep, working out one knot after another. Rock grunted, melting into the mattress. Oh, yeah. There you go. Let me give you what you need.

  The groans and moans slowly faded into long, deep breaths. He kept going until his hands were sore, then pulled the covers over his sleeping lover. Every so often, he did something just right.

  Chapter Seven

  "No, I do not have Alzheimer's, ma'am, I just got busy and I forgot."

  Rock glared at the phone. “I have already apologized for missing the appointment. I have told you to send the missed appointment bill to me; that's just going to have to be enough."

  "Well I suppose you want to reschedule. Again."

  "No, ma'am, I don't have my appointment book here. I'll call later.” Rock put down the phone with a growl. Stupid receptionist. Alzheimer's. As if.

  He'd just forgotten about it until he was in the middle of his workout and by then ... well he was in the middle of his workout and would have had to shower and whatnot and by then he would have been late anyway, so he'd just blown the check up off. It was only a check-up and Rig didn't know, no harm, no foul.

  "I've got your calendar right here, jackass. Call her back.” Rig was leaning against the doorframe, eyes dead-on serious.


  "She's doing call outs; I'll call in the morning.” He straightened his shoulders and headed past Rig to the kitchen for a beer, giving Rig a smile as he went by him. Never let him see you sweat. And it was just a fucking check up.

  "It's important, Rock. Linda in the office just lost her husband to cancer because he's ... he was a stubborn cuss and wouldn't go in for his checkup.” Rig followed him, grabbing a beer of his own.

  "I know it's important. I'll go. It's not like I forgot on purpose. Besides, it's not like I don't have you checking my prostate on a regular basis."

  "I know. I know.” Rig nodded, gave him a sympathetic look. “Call tomorrow and make an appointment on a day I'm not on call. I'll go with."

  He snorted. “You just want to make sure I show up."

  Rig nodded. “Yep. Not losing you, Jim. Not for anything."

  "I'm not going anywhere, Rig.” He grabbed hold of Rig around the arm and pulled him in close. “Not going anywhere."

  Rig pushed close, his hold almost panicked. “Good. Good."

  "Hey, take it easy now. I'm in fucking amazing shape, Rig.” He pet Rig's back awkwardly.

  Rig took a deep breath, gave him a chuckle, a nod. “I know. I'm just old and sentimental. You want chicken or pork chops for dinner?"

  "You're offering me meat? I'll take the chops. With mashed potatoes.” He gave Rig the eyes, the ones every dammed pup they had used to get their way with his Rabbit.

  Rig grinned, hand sliding down his belly and petting. “Green beans or salad? You peel potatoes; I'll make a peach cobbler..."

  He made a face and went for salad—the lesser of two evils and Rig had some dressings that actually gave it some flavor besides grass. “Salad. We got ice cream to go with the cobbler?"

  "We do. Homemade. Liz sent it home with me yesterday."

  He bit back his sigh. Homemade. Fucking low-fat, no-sugar, no fucking taste, Goddamned natural ice cream. Still it was better than greens.

  Rig arched an eyebrow. “She made it as a birthday gift for you, picky. I bet there's cream and sugar and maybe even no fruit."

  "I didn't say a thing.” And how come Rig could read his mind, but he couldn't read Rig's?

  "You didn't have to. I know you.” Smug bastard.

  "Yeah? What am I thinking now?"

  "You're thinking I'm too big for my britches and you want to fuck me through the floor."

  "Damn you're good.” He tugged Rig in close again. “You deserve a reward for that."

  "The amazing psychic slut?” Rig wrapped those long arms around his neck.

  "You think we could sell it on Jerry Springer?” He slid his hands down to grab that fine, fine ass.

  "I'm way too fucking classy for that. Montel Williams, minimum.” Oh, yeah. There was that look, hot and wanting and warm.

  "Too bad for them I'm not sharing.” He growled and took Rig's mouth, kissing hard. Rig moaned, one leg hooking around his hip, holding on tight, lips opening right up as they kissed. That was his slut. Time passed, but this never changed.

  He massaged that sweet ass, tongue working Rig's mouth, fucking it. Rig pushed into the kiss, one long taste after another, hands sliding over his body. He purred, just rumbling as he started to pull Rig's clothes off.

  "Mmm ... horny bastard.” Rig was humming, rubbing. Slut.

  He snorted. “Takes on to know one."

  Rig laughed, nodding. “Fuck, yeah. Know what I need, Blue."

  "Me.” He growled and pushed Rig up against a wall, fingers finding the ringed nipple and tugging at the metal.

  "Oh ... Fuck. Fuck, yes. Please.” Rig nodded, hips rubbing against him.

  He twisted the ring, mouth on Rig's as his other hand dug for Rig's cock. Rig groaned, eyes wide, needy, still wanting him. After all this time, he still had it.

  With a growl, he dropp
ed to his knees, holding Rig's eyes as he opened the tight jeans. Rig's mouth was open, tongue sliding along the swollen upper lip. “Oh, Blue..."

  "I've got what you need.” He slid his hand over Rig's prick as it pushed out of his open jeans. “Smell good, Rabbit."

  "You've always been who I needed. Oh. Want you."

  He purred, taking the head of Rig's cock into his mouth and sucking hard. Rig lifted up onto his toes, hands sliding over his cheeks, petting. He just kept sucking, planning to make his Rabbit scream. Rig kept watching him, moaning, eyes hot and fastened on him like he was a fucking god. He took more of Rig in, bobbing on Rig's cock, giving back as good as he always, always got from his Rabbit.

  "Oh! Oh, Blue! Gonna ... Oh...” Rig cried out, hips moving faster and faster. Yeah, yeah, Rig, give it to me. He kept sucking, hands on that tight ass, encouraging the movements. Rig cried out, jerking, cock pulsing as spunk filled his mouth.

  He slowly pulled off Rig's prick, leaning back to look up into his Rabbit's face, licking his lips.

  Rig's hands trailed over his face, petting. “Oh. Blue. Damn."

  Oh yeah, he was still a stud.

  He turned his face and nipped playfully at Rig's fingers. Rig whimpered—fucking whimpered—for him, grey eyes warm and happy. Hell, for that look he didn't even need to come himself.

  "Come to bed, Blue. Want to return the favor. I'll take you out for supper after."

  It was his turn to purr and he stood, taking Rig's mouth. “It's a deal."

  "Good.” Rig rubbed, pressing close. “Mmm ... my Blue."

  "Yeah, Rig. Yours."

  And if it made his Rabbit happy, he'd go to the fucking doctor's every day.

  Chapter Eight

  The phone rang, waking Rock from his half-doze on the deck.

  It rang again and he took a mouthful from his beer bottle, making a face when it proved to be warm. Damn, he'd been napping awhile. Another ring had him grunting, and he hauled himself out of his chair, muttering. He knew he wasn't the only one home. “'lo?"

  "Hey Rock. How are you doing, old man?"

  "Sissy. Good, I'm good. How're things in Texas?” He strode through the house, looking for Rig to hand off the phone before she could really get going.

  He found his target in the office and he shoved the phone at Rig after a quick “Here's your brother."

  Rig took the phone, blinking for a second. Shit, he hadn't been the only one napping. The room was a damn mess, too—weirdly enough—Rig's paperwork and files and shit everywhere. His plan to thump back down the hall and grab another beer on his way to his chair on the deck was forestalled, and he settled into the couch, watching Rig talk to his sister instead. He'd figured Rig was just being stubborn about answering the house phone while he was working on paperwork and shit, not napping.

  Rig pulled two bottles of water out of the tiny fridge under his desk, handing one over to him along with a tired-assed smile. He accepted it with a grunt, wishing he'd fobbed Sissy off now instead of making Rig take the call—the man worked too fucking hard.

  His Rabbit drank a few sips of his own water, then put the bottle down, wandering. “No, Sissy. Not this year. Dick's taking a few classes. I'm real busy working and working on the extra room and just life. Honest. Tell the girls we'll come out in the fall maybe."

  "Tell her if she doesn't stop hassling you every week we'll stop taking her calls.” Damn it, Rig needed a vacation. Maybe he could call someone to work on the upstairs, just help Rig out a little on the QT.

  Rig grinned over, looking down at his lap, wanting to sit. “Rock says he's sorry y'all can't make it, but things are busy as hell."

  He smiled back and patted his legs, spreading them a little.

  That skinny ass settled close, Rig curling right in, relaxing against him. “Mmhmm. I hear you. Kiss the babies for me."

  He slid his hands around Rig's back, rubbing, fingers digging in a little on Rig's shoulders, wondering idly if Sissy would actually go kiss the kids and tell them it was from Rig.

  "Mmm. Huh? Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Bye Sissy. Love you.” The phone clicked off, fell to the floor with a clunk.

  "That was short.” He was impressed—she usually kept Rig on the phone for ages.

  "I'm tired and she's all strident and shit. Wants me to volunteer to take the girls for two weeks."

  "Fuck that shit. We barely survived that the last time.” Ever since Charlene had died, Sissy'd been trying to get Rig more and more involved—her way of getting free beaches and babysitting. He shuddered and worked on Rig's shoulders some more.

  "Mmhmm. And Dick'd have a stroke.” Come on, Rabbit, loosen up.

  He leaned in and licked at Rig's throat. “Two strokes."

  "Mmm ... Two...” Rig tilted his head, letting him have all that skin. Groaning, he wrapped his lips over Rig's vein and sucked hard, his hand sliding down to grab Rig's ass and tug him closer.

  "Gonna ... gonna leave a hickey.” Yeah. Yeah, he was. His mark. His Rabbit. He kept sucking, hands rolling Rig, sliding their cocks together. Mmm. Rig wasn't hard, wasn't even close, but it felt fine, just rubbing and touching and feeling.

  He checked out the mark he'd let and decided it wasn't big enough. So he liked it, traced it with his tongue and then wrapped his lips back around the area. Fuck, Rig tasted good.

  "Blue...” Rig's cock jerked, starting to fill up for him. “More."

  "Mmm ... you like that? You want more?” He nipped at Rig's Adam's apple.

  "Yeah. Yeah, Rock. Want.” Mmm. That felt good, felt right. He slid one hand back up along Rig's spine to cup his head, tilt it. Then he took that mouth, tongue sweeping in. Rig groaned into his lips, hands holding him close, his rabbit just diving in.

  Rock sank into the kiss, tasting Rig's mouth, tasting the heat and need that was always there, just below the surface. It was fucking good.

  "Blue.” Those eyes just fucking begged for him, fucking needed him.

  "Right fucking here—and I've got what you need.” He had it in spades. He pulled Rig tight against him, grinding their crotches together.

  "Yeah.” Rig nodded, spread right out for him. Tugging at the bottom of Rig's t-shirt, he pulled it out of the tight jeans and slowly worked it up and off, fingers dragging over the warm skin.

  That little gold ring caught his attention, his fingers, Rig's moan as he tugged it enough to make his cock throb. He bent Rig back, his rabbit's back arching, trust that he wouldn't drop Rig automatic. Leaning in, he took that ring into his mouth, tugging it, playing with it.

  He loved those sounds, the way Rig jerked and arched for him. He kept one hand planted in the middle of Rig's back, the other slid down along Rig's belly, teasing and playing and touching.

  "Don't stop.” His hand slid into Rig's waistband, toward that heavy cock.

  "Have I ever?” he asked, fingers skating across the tip of Rig's prick before wrapping around it, the heat of it burning against his palm.

  "No. Thank god. Never.” Rig's smile was all for him, made him feel like a god.

  He grinned right back, moving his hand along heat. “You wanna come before I fuck you?"

  "You think I'm too old to come twice."

  He snorted. “You feeling my age, Rig?” He jacked a little harder, letting is fingers drag along Rig's prick.

  "Uh. I. What?"

  Chuckling, he bent back to Rig's nipple. He'd show Rig who wasn't old.

  "Mmm.” He could smell Rig—male and sorta warm and musky with a hint of cologne. That little bit of flesh went tight, wrinkling around the metal ring.

  Rock tugged Rig a little closer, got that ass sitting on his prick as he jacked Rig. Oh yeah, now he could rub off as he did this. They started slow and easy, Rig relaxing, rolling up against him, head thrown back.

  He stopped long enough to pop open the button on Rig's pants and tug down the zipper, giving him more room to work that sweet cock. The near-white curls over Rig's cock just hid the black ink, Rig's prick curved up, the tip leaving
wet kisses on Rig's flat belly. He could smell Rig, too, the heat, the sex, the pure maleness of him.

  Groaning, he bit at the unringed nipple, gnawing on Rig's flesh. Each nibble got him a whimper, a groan, a deep noise. Hell, yeah, he knew how to make his rabbit sing. He worked that prick hard, thumb sliding across the tip, playing with it.

  Rig just bucked and rubbed, giving it right up for him, cock leaking.

  "Come on now, show me what you've got.” He growled against Rig's skin.

  "Fuck, yeah.” Rig nodded and shot, the scent of his rabbit strong and sudden.

  He groaned, rubbing up against Rig's ass, his hand slowing but not stopping, drawing out Rig's pleasure.

  "Yeah. Yeah, Blue. Just like that."

  "Yeah, I know what you like.” He chuckled suddenly. “And it usually involves more naked."

  Rig stopped a little, grinning at him, the look a little wild. “Well, that's Dick's job."

  Rock put back his head and laughed. “Well he's at the damn library again, so I guess we're going to have to figure it out without him."

  "Man, I'll give it a try...” Rig's fingers started working his belt open.

  Rock was still laughing as he worked on tugging Rig's jeans down. The man was going to have to move though, unless he tore them ... He wrapped his hands around the sides and gave Rig a measuring look—his cowboy could get ornery when it came to having his clothes torn. Of course, they must be old ones, they were too damned big to be Rig's.

  He went ahead and tore them off, the denim trying to resist him. There wasn't much that could stop him from getting to Rig's ass though, and these jeans were no exception, and he tore them with a grunt.

  "Bastard.” Uh-huh. That was him. Bastard through and through.

  "Yep.” He grinned and nipped at Rig's lower lip. “They needed to go so I could get to this.” He wrapped his hands around Rig's ass, fingers sliding along that hot little crack.

  Rig snorted at him, but one leg hooked over his hip, spreading that tight little ass wide.

  He teased Rig's hole, fingers passing over it again and again, making no attempt to press in. “Come on, Rabbit. I'm still mostly dressed—let the beast out."


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